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by Parabellum
2024-07-25 15:16, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

With the publication of the AAR about Staraya Russa, we have now returned to the status quo before the server crash. In the future I will give comments on the fights again. What some of you out there always wanted to know, but never dared to ask: Why did some of my core units gain negative experienc...
by Parabellum
2024-07-25 05:09, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Eastern Front The Staraya-Russa Offensive Staraya Russa 18 September 1941 The High Command thinks it is neccessary to cut communications between Leningrad and Moscow before the cities can be taken - an idiotic waste of time, but what can we do? You must make a thrust through Staraya R...
by Parabellum
2024-07-24 16:06, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Eastern Front The Kiev Encirclement Kiev 20 August 1941 Thanks to your victory at Mogilev we are now in position to encircle the city of Kiev, an important city both strategically as well as politically. The Soviets have several large armies gathered near the city. You cannot hope to ...
by Parabellum
2024-07-23 18:09, Tuesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Eastern Front Operation Barbarossa Mogilev Mogilev is one of the largest cities on the upper reaches of the Dnepr. We absolutely have to cross the Dnepr to continue our advance on Moscow. Your task is to secure bridgeheads across the river, then expand them eastwards! Current scenario...
by Parabellum
2024-07-22 17:46, Monday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Eastern Front Operation Barbarossa Barbarossa 22 June 1941 Because of your heroic actions in Western and Southern Europe you've been chosen to lead the assault in Operation Barbarossa. Your objective is the city of Brest. Current scenario: Barbarossa, VH prestige is 400 , All map pres...
by Parabellum
2024-07-22 13:14, Monday
Forum: Open General
Topic: OpenGen Questions & Bugs - Latest exe:0.93.5.RC6 ( 28-May-2024 )
Replies: 563
Views: 481375

Re: OpenGen Questions & Bugs - Latest exe:0.93.5.RC6 ( 28-May-2024 )

Hi, I have an issue with one of my paratroopers units. I am playing BASEKORP Blitz (not the latest OG release though). I have a Fallschirm 40 and a Fallschirm 43 unit. The 40 one works just fine, but the 43 one refuses to lift off using air transport. I don't get the 'A' option like the 40 one does...
by Parabellum
2024-07-21 14:03, Sunday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - The Balkans Theatre The Invasion of Greece Athens 30 April 1941 The conquest of Greece would not be complete without capturing their capitol of Athens. The last of the Greek reserves and their allies are now trying desperately to hold the city, long enough for their armies to evacuate...
by Parabellum
2024-07-20 22:19, Saturday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - The Balkans Theatre Invasion of Greece Unternehmen Marita 24 April 1941 Italy invaded Greece late last year without informing us beforehand. The Italians only managed to penetrate about 20km into the country, and were then thrown back by the Greeks! For a while, Albania was in danger ...
by Parabellum
2024-07-20 05:32, Saturday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - The Balkans Theatre Operation 25 - Invasion of Yugoslavia Belgrade 6 April 1941 A week ago, Yugoslavia was close to signing the Dreimaechtepakt - and become one of our allies, and yesterday they actually signed the agreement. However, rumour has it that there has been a coup d'etat by...
by Parabellum
2024-07-18 20:17, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Western Front The Boulogne Evacuation Calais 29 May 1940 Unfortunately, some British and French units managed to escape from your encirclement at Duenkirchen and you will have to try to eliminate them at Calais and Boulogne before the British High Command manages to evacuate them. Cur...
by Parabellum
2024-07-18 20:13, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Western Front The Dunkirk Evacuation Dunkirk 21 May 1940 I think you already know the outline of the plan - all you need to do is take Duenkirchen and you will have cut off the British and French from resupply and cut their only escape route. The importance of this victory cannot be e...
by Parabellum
2024-07-18 20:10, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Western Front Low Countries Offensive Antwerp 15 May 1940 Thanks to your rapid drive through Holland we are excellently positioned to take Belgium by coup de main as well. Even though the Belgian army is mobilised, you should be able to break through and make a thrust along the coast ...
by Parabellum
2024-07-18 20:03, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

OK, here is the point from which all written AARs were lost due to the server crash. I'll fill the gap again, but I won't add any personal comments. The time gap of more than three months is too big for that and my memories of my game are too sketchy. World War 2 - Western Front Low Countries Offen...
by Parabellum
2024-07-17 14:15, Wednesday
Forum: Open General
Topic: New Wish List for OpenGen / OpenSuite 2023-2024
Replies: 94
Views: 10505

Re: New Wish List for OpenGen / OpenSuite 2023-2024

My wish relates to your personal website on the OG leaders. I noticed that the class leaders for all ship classes are missing there. Would you be able to make an addition?
by Parabellum
2024-03-06 17:16, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Invasion of Norway The Advance to Trondheim Lillehammer 22 April 1940 Even though our initial invasion of Norway was largely successful, the Norwegians are attempting to stop us at Hamar and Lillehammer so that we can't enter the Gudbrandsdal further north to capture Trondheim. This i...
by Parabellum
2024-03-06 14:53, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!

I finished my "fun" campaign at the beginning of February 2024. It was not intended for inclusion in the obligatory "Scroll of Honor", because I massively tweaked the settings for the individual units per suite. The main differences to the standard game were that I allowed myself...
by Parabellum
2024-03-05 18:15, Tuesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - Invasion of Norway The Capture of Oslo Operation Weserübung 9 April 1940 General, first of all, don't ask me why your unit has been assigned to this task, but I think you'll be transferred further north later on. The objective of the day is to secure Oslo. The Norwegian army is totall...
by Parabellum
2024-03-01 21:14, Friday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - The Invasion of Poland The Siege of Warsaw Warsaw 23 September 1939 Ahead of us lies Warsaw, the capitol of Poland. You see, the battle for Poland is by no means decided yet. If they withdraw to the Narew-Weichsel-San line, they will hold us off until the British and French intervene ...
by Parabellum
2024-03-01 21:13, Friday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

World War 2 - The Invasion of Poland Fall Weiss Krakau 1 September 1939 More than a year ago, we reclaimed parts of Germany then designated as "Czechoslovakia". Now it is time to undo one of the greatest injustices ever - the Polish Corridor. In the past week, as we all know, tensions bet...
by Parabellum
2024-02-28 19:41, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

Spanish Civil War The Barcelona Offensive Barcelona 23 December 1938 Good news, General! We have recieved a squadron of Stukas from Germany. They will come in handy when you advance on Barcelona. This is your next task. Having cut them off from the rest of the country, taking the city should be rat...
by Parabellum
2024-02-27 21:25, Tuesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

Spanish Civil War The Guadalajara Offensive Almadrones 23 July 1938 Welcome to Spain, General! You've already been briefed on the situation. Franco wants us to help him take Madrid. The Italians have been detained and his own troops have recently suffered a number of setbacks. Your goal is to cut t...
by Parabellum
2024-02-26 18:14, Monday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

Sudetenland Crisis Operation Fall Grün Budweis 1 June 1938 You know what he's talking about of course - the Sudetendeutschen. About three million Germans live in Czechoslovakia and Hitler thinks now is the time to invade. He's a lunatic - the Wehrmacht is not ready. We can only hope to win if we ac...
by Parabellum
2024-02-26 17:56, Monday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

Re: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: Default (0.91) Efile folder: C:\Open General\efile_ccc8\ * Efile version: OpenAdlerkorps 0.318 [2016-03-28] Campaign: GERMAN WORLD CAMPAIGN (1938-1946), * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100% Played Scenarios: 1 Budweis , #0 , Brillia...
by Parabellum
2024-02-25 17:12, Sunday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties
Replies: 21
Views: 502

CCC Number 8 - In memory of Team Pzkitties

In the summer of 2016, the last Cooperative Campaign Challenge (CCC) was initiated by the remaining active players of the JPs Forum. A total of 12 players took part, divided into three teams. I was part of the "Pzkitties" team. Csaba took on the role of team leader. The other players were ...
by Parabellum
2024-02-12 21:41, Monday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

47 The Soviets Strike Back ltbv The Soviets have decommissioned their T-34 standard tanks and only assembled the best tanks from IS-3 and newer. I'm also facing German Wehrmacht units with Tiger II, Tiger III, Panther II, Maus, E-100 etc. and I don't feel comfortable in my Panther A. Nevertheless, ...
by Parabellum
2024-02-10 08:43, Saturday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

46 The Fuhrer Legacy ltbv OK, I thought I could make it to the end of the campaign without further upgrading my air force. But the American Figther P-80 Shooting Star threw a spanner in the works. With two or three attacks, they send my Fw-190D-9 to the ground without taking any significant damage ...
by Parabellum
2024-02-07 18:49, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

45 The Last Stand ltbv In the present prestige constellation, this scenario is also relatively easy to play. The Red air fleet poses no threat and is eliminated after a few turns. The Soviet ground troops storm Berlin, but are confronted on the western edge of the city and completely destroyed afte...
by Parabellum
2024-02-06 20:29, Tuesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

44 Battle For The Ruhr ltbv (bv-6 was possible) With my strong units, combat is easy. The Allies only manage to get a few units across the Rhine. Many landing craft are destroyed by the Italian battleships and my air force. I don't need my entire army for victory. Everything happens so quickly that...
by Parabellum
2024-02-06 20:17, Tuesday
Forum: Development Board
Topic: SPAM-Invasion
Replies: 5
Views: 1564


I call on the administrators to take immediate action against the spam activities of the last few days. I have made suggestions in the moderators' corner.
We don't want this forum to end up like JP's a few years ago! :spam
by Parabellum
2024-02-06 06:21, Tuesday
Forum: Open General
Topic: Maps
Replies: 25
Views: 13138

Re: Maps

:howdy Norm,
Version 5.08:
Third download button from above, date May 01, 2022
by Parabellum
2024-02-04 07:19, Sunday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

43 The Vistula Front ltbv Thanks to the enormous superior strength of my units, the battle was easy. After half the turns, the Soviet tank hordes were completely crushed and I could calmly approach the remaining VHs on the east bank of the Vistula and eliminate the reinforcements arriving there. Ne...
by Parabellum
2024-02-03 08:12, Saturday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

42 Wacht Am Rhein Part II bv-5 I don't like the two "Wacht am Rhein" scenarios - the terrain is confusing, no clear front line (a bit like guerrilla warfare) and the weather is always a disaster. But now it's over ... It snowed all 8 turns, which is why I ended the scenario at the first o...
by Parabellum
2024-02-02 19:00, Friday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

41 Wacht Am Rhein Part I ltbv The terrain is unsuitable for the heavy and slow King's Tigers and I have great difficulty leading them towards the enemy. The weather is miserable, as it snows at least 80% of the turns. A large number of American units, including numerous reinforcements, have gathere...
by Parabellum
2024-02-01 12:16, Thursday
Forum: Steel & Lace – The Pub
Topic: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans
Replies: 15
Views: 823

Re: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans

Ultimately, I think the question of visibility is overrated, because the decisive factor is: What can the opponent, the AI, do with the information from the visibility of the human units? If the AI is set to defensive, there will probably be no reaction. If the AI is set to aggressive, it will proba...
by Parabellum
2024-02-01 12:05, Thursday
Forum: Steel & Lace – The Pub
Topic: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans
Replies: 15
Views: 823

Re: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans

Initially I ignored it too, but it's so powerful - staying out of the enemy visibility makes you invisible (especially for artillery and planes). ... You will not be able to avoid attacks by long-range artillery if the enemy has it. You can avoid air attacks by protecting vulnerable units with AD. ...
by Parabellum
2024-02-01 10:06, Thursday
Forum: Steel & Lace – The Pub
Topic: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans
Replies: 15
Views: 823

Re: Question for Panzer General 2 veterans

In the good old days, I didn't attach any importance to visibility information. Most units looked at one or two hexes - done. Under OpenGeneral I have not changed my behavior. I don't care about red or black binoculars, they are hidden. FoW is always on. As Sympatyc wrote, you know the enemy formati...
by Parabellum
2024-01-31 11:01, Wednesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

Parabellum wrote: 2024-01-30 06:07, Tuesday 40 Battle For The Meuse ltbv

No activities in the HQ.
That was false information for the enemy intelligence services ... I actually upgraded all the fighters to Fw-190D-9. That cost about 14,000 pp :thud
by Parabellum
2024-01-30 06:07, Tuesday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

40 Battle For The Meuse ltbv No activities in the HQ. BV-5 was possible. The terrain is complicated and it is not possible to deploy all units. But that's not a problem because not all of them are needed. Arnhem can be kept enemy-free by immediate deployment of the air force and the aux units from ...
by Parabellum
2024-01-27 13:20, Saturday
Forum: Steel & Lace – The Pub
Topic: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic
Replies: 808
Views: 509104

Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
SABATON - The Final Solution
by Parabellum
2024-01-25 21:29, Thursday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

39 Defending Provence ltbv HQ: Upgrade complete AT to Jagdpanther. I left the initiative to the enemy and only placed my units in the north and west. Meanwhile the eastern coast was completely occupied by the USMC and the US Army and all aux units were destroyed. Meanwhile I destroyed the American ...
by Parabellum
2024-01-25 06:55, Thursday
Forum: Steel & Lace – The Pub
Topic: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic
Replies: 808
Views: 509104

Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk (* 3. Februar 1947 † 23. Januar 2024)
Ruby Tuesday
by Parabellum
2024-01-21 18:54, Sunday
Forum: Campaign Challenges
Topic: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules / done!
Replies: 51
Views: 7606

Re: CC 56 - Para's Waffen SS campaign as a blitzkrieg with its own rules

38 Defending Normandy Part II ltbv At HQ I upgraded Sturmtruppen 43 to Tiger II. The RAF has strong fighters. An Fw-190A-8 with strength 30/30 was shot down by three Tempest fighters in the first turn without being seriously damaged - restart. Current scenario: Defending Normandy Part II, VH presti...