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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Parabellum »

A highlight from the NBA: EVERY SINGLE POINT From Donovan Mitchell's 71 Point Performance
Especially the free throw variation at 130:130 is worth seeing - it was also the only solution to reach OT :cool
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Parabellum »

Parabellum wrote: 2023-01-04 07:05, Wednesday Update Darts World Cup 2023:
Michael "Bully Boy" Smith beats Michael Van Gerwen in a high class final and becomes new World Champion for the first time :iwin . Absolute highlight of the match and in the history of darts was Leg 3 in the second set - but see for yourself and marvel at the perfect throws: :hurrah

"This spectacle was too much even for an experienced dart player like Wayne Mardle. The former pro had shouted so loudly during the World Championship final between new champion Michael Smith (England) and Dutchman Michael van Gerwen that he was replaced during Tuesday night's final - because he no longer had a voice.

A "Sky Sports" employee frantically ran through Alexandra Palace to summon John Part as a last-minute replacement. "I literally can't speak anymore!!!!!!!! What a final!" wrote Mardle later on Twitter.

During the final (7:4) arguably the best leg in darts history had occurred. Van Gerwen threw eight perfect darts, but then narrowly missed double 12. In turn, Smith managed the nine-darter as a perfect game, which had not yet succeeded in this World Cup and in World Cup finals for twelve years no player.

Smith wrote via Twitter later that night that he had watched the nine-darter "a million times." "He would never have been so good if Wayne Mardle had not commented on him," Smith wrote."

(Original article from T-Online Germany)
Translated with (free version)
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale » indeed all wins since that moment, not to say i was "right" ; ...but of course title still far away :) but pleases when you see foreign players, even blacks, singing and enjoying with fans that "are not liked very much globally" and even considered as "troublemakers" or having fun playing for our club :yes

anyway, not the point and know that (except me) nobody really cares :) but we are getting better... point is else, i came to after watching a bit of "elite European club basket" lately now since own club is there. Already i think i talked about how it is strange that basket never gained some popularity in northern/western Europe, considering tallness of people and dynamics sport undoubtedly has etc. Only exception being we as tallest on earth etc. (but part of southern continent, where it is a bit more popular together with Spain, Italy, France etc. We and partly Lithuania... but now else - strange how even elite club basket in Europe did not "run away so far" from even poorer clubs like mine, from less developed/richer parts of continent - so in theory it is possible, even if remotely, for club like mine or from Serbia for example to indeed grab EL title if it runs into good series of results, there is good chemistry in team, solid coach and a bit of luck.... such things are (free to say) impossible even to imagine in "elite football club competition" i.e. CL today, while we are only EE capital with 2 finalist there, but once long time ago... hard to imagine today. In basket it is not so hard to imagine and possible... generally as conclusion, no super teams when you look at them among best basket clubs now, and not to mention pure fact that EL called our second club that there is no much going on in rest of continent... yes generally and theoretically it is doable in this sport yet, even due to "financial disparity" and all. In football it really has to be "super team" or even close to it... but yeah, even thing that all foreigners play now compared to first title 30 years ago is some change, but not "uncatchable" like football and shows that basket is far from that popularity or level, since clun from Belgrade (black-white one) is gonna be champion this year :lol

to add to strange things about "unpopularity" of basket also fact that it is not only for "tall men" but also is Anglo-Sexon sport, yet it didn't let some roots there (except America) and they like "their sports" but somehow abandoned this one, which is fun - did I tell that king Peter (the mason) recognized its potential at start of XX c and was popular here steadily... anyway, just observations - no videos from me, but i have fun to watch club among "best"... if you want some good video, look for Asano mix or now actuel "French center from Martinique" or Israeli guy singing with "gravediggers" :) have fun, admit observations about basket are true
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale »

...funny detail and current internal joke is - considering elite Euro club competition, pardon - is that city (and country... and continental) rival is currently stacking Argentinians in their team probably for same goal as we, just we are doing properly with Americans, French (from Martinique!), Israelis, Australians etc ; we joke with them: ee-hey it is not football to sign Argentinians! :)

...but must admit, 2 they brought are very good (and of course Argentina is not nobody in basket too)... they recently brought Campazzo right from NBA (very young, but already good). Probably most famous name in our clubs now (after Dante)... so in that sense we joke that maybe we should look for Luis Scola to counter them :lol or even better, their next signing ; ...all 3 solid players, no joke.... anyway, just for EL basket lovers and who knows them, generally will not follow all events but we making in top 4 would be really great story not to mention 10th title in circumstances ;)

...also addition, like sport history... basket inventor was in fact Scot by parents... but we all usually say "Anglo Sexons" for Brits even when know difference ; ... even better, we perfected in "Scottish sport" in Europe in one period and today could probably teach Scits the game... they had physicalities as well, nonetheless albeit maybe a bit "smaller" then Balto-Germo-Slavo-Scyths etc. have fun, put some money in us freely ; ... and welcome if you like some combine with historical details or current events in sport (do look at Asano video i posted, first song is superbly mixed)) - thought to add some internal jokes here and now (but respect to Arg players again, hope Campazzo change colors to black-white when he gains some experience) but we are very serious opponent ;
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale »

...Scotland is btw and in lack of better subjects while on subjects - although maybe invisible or forgotten today, and for history lovers - in that historical perspective again for us important country, more indirectly than directly... some say that also some other sports we have trophies with originate from there. Could be said that their inventions "fit us" ; ...but not only in sport, even in political sense we had some similarities so not big surprise that one Scot made it even to general rank here (not surprise he was that by origin) other cultivated today (quasi) "elite" part of town and donated money, third helped on this way or that, but also some girls from there risked their lives early in other war etc. - but not even "recently" I'd say that even in medieval history, while we lacked diplomatic touch, we shared some similarities like (in our case possible but undocumented) sheltering of templars, disagreement with Avignon etc (more English thing then but just based on legends and history of Scottish "protestantism" and lodges, our medieval dudes liked clans and lodges), or maybe some possible "hommage" to their tribes by us in our ritual/battle wearing of horns on helmets etc etc etc. (just hypothetical) So - summa summarum - let not forget that country when need be, as we had some touch or kept their sporting inventions alive, so my repay for long-time ago sacrifice or even financial support from there... today i'm afraid we can't help much but count on us (still some weapons here... just joking hehe, but English know very well that it is not against them but pro-Scotland)

back to Argentina - also joke is that since Che Guevara many Argentinians have appetence towards "red star" so recent migration in that direction is not surprising :lol (but on the other hand "red star" today sounds more as cosmology term and we are dirty capitalists even part of EL elite, pardon)) ...talking about Argentina always wandered how it is not only LatinA country speaking Italian, considering so many last names of that origin ; (Che excluded, Peron as well)) ...but yes, interesting detail indeed, esp. among sport figures, indeed when you count them all it is true when you look.... again, since Che is not available - i admit Campazzo is good move and respect his decision to strengthen our league (wrong when it comes to colors and club basket tradition though)

in most serious way and sporting one to finish this block - often there is that word or talk, by domestic or foreign personalities, how we are a bit "greedy" or unrelaistic fans, how we must face fact that we are poor, small, how everything is bad... no not that at all i.e. not greed, wrong ambition or lack of realism. It is simply "when you are already there why not beating them all and take the trophy" ;) ...esp. when it is even remotely possible and players are aware that they play for big club... in football as said Sheriff is serious opponent for example and i would never say we have clear chance... in the same way i support also every Moldovan who says that they can beat such sporting giant of "confederate league", not to say first club that faced "super" Real from whole this continent part and club with so many titles in other sports even Real Madrid can only dream about ; have fun... next time maybe after some good game with video... do join us from Argentina. we play EL and aiming final 4 :)
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale »

also to add, after getting some new data today... must say if it was last year I'd notice because we were there, but didn't even check once this season Eurocup (second tier of club basket) being elite etc. But while being so its not point only to look down at others and raise the nose to the sky (we have one similarity, greatest football success was in '66 - for us club wise, did i ever tell?)... (and beating Newcastle with Bobby as head in newer history, of course, will be "huge club" again it seems....but for us doable anytime) but to also notice those below and less successful in basket world

so yes where i'm aiming? got that info about English club - i really don't know but lets say it is true as i understood it as first time ever - making historical run in such high tier of continental club basket, even some first wins and something like historical win away against (mediocre) Greek club etc etc. "London lions" so it is, checked even domestic standings and they are force in England :) Trully congratulate on "records" and promotions, so something did change there and i missed it. But it is not only about that country

cute "news" i.e. story considering place and all, taken with sympathy and not "nose high in sky" from supporters of - sadly can't say that in result in EL titles sense - among best supported clubs from stands, hope for some games in London as well soon. no trouble at all, English is our first language in team - so change there, change here only constant after so many years are that we are elite, hehe... no special joke nor anything sarcastic about the "news" i posted but just cute - trully hope "lions" come to "arena" sooner or later, how appropriate. congrats on promotion... tried to look for some video archives on official site to see how London supporters and home ground looks like (seen something, small thing... and some blondes)) but instead looked at video of our win against Efes with some Anglo-Sexon guy (offical EL) commentary (maybe he was English but somehow i think maybe not as lacked accent and i didn't really listen carefully... maybe American) anyway it touched me as guy was "screaming" at the end of game ..."wow great win, welcome back Partizan, EL missed you" and was nice thing to say, touched me :lol so i made this post from "kurtoazija" but is nice story ;
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale » new subjects - we are on our march to F4 ; but wanted to add this data, (quasi) official here for eventual readers from places like Argentina, Japan or anywhere else really (including US but never heard/cared about EL) ... so yes, even this season, after almost 10 years of absence it is now "official" that we are not "among best supports" but the higest one on whole continent... yes, one positive thing (maybe unexpeceted) from our city globally etc.

now i said that basket is maybe not as popular as football or some others (locally) but is among more popular team sports so your club and city having "most tickets" among many such big centers is oddity/nice thing... nonetheless, sadly things are moving in TV rights and other financial directions so - despite support from stands which makes it iconic - we are not stable EL team etc... trick is - if you wonder from some place and considering difference - that local rival plays season games in smaller hall, while we in "arena" ; ...but, we had records before... only some 7-8 games home and already 150000 people seen it, just imagine 40 games like in NBA... nice stats, from any angle if you like some sporting stats.

also remembered how I had "harsh words" for EL few years ago - but now as elite and leading member of it - all forgoten tomporarily EL :lol (let us win as well)) see you with next story, unless we really win it... Campazzo? doing good in our league all double-triple digits recently, you really need such player to score wins in Skopje or Čačak (Cha-chak) :) (but finished as joke as he was not licensed for EL yet officially in time of jokes, but like him and respect as well as Argentina our pal...Batistuta is also daily on our sport TV talking Serbian hehe in one commercial, so Argentinos everywhere - not against them but poking rivals and they have similar humor sense) ...anyway, do join & share some odd story you know

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Re: Sports Thread

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wow, 4th time in a row Dante brings (some small, rather symbolic but that's me) money on points game :yes So certainly bookies will start "noticing" him and raise his limit, so time to stop forcing him ; ...whatever happens - hope we win the trophy :) - but certainly congrats to guys (with more luck we could have been much higher) and Dante already has "numbers of his career" here, good luck in future... really haven't expected we to be now offically 3rd best attack in league (although total basket is style)... think was worth and "wildcard" paid off but of course ambition is f4 ; ...many good players haven't much chance to play (but are young) but bravo Dante, instantly noticed potential in him :yes
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Parabellum »

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Re: Sports Thread

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2 of our team moves in last EL round top 10 :yes Madar's (Israeli talent) pass was very nice...(since i used a lot of words but no videos, so here is one))

really disregarded any club (in any sport) chances when it comes to continental proportions, but this gives some hope or better said entertainment satisfaction, refreshing... 3rd attack, 2 in top 10 :) and even most tickets on continent, what else could you want? Maybe title? And i was ready to say that EL is dead after 10 years... tonight is Žalgiris, in "hot" arena, people really like basket there, maybe even more than all others, because they don't have some mentionable clubs in other sports... and F4 will be in Lithuania, that arena. hopefully good game, i'm saying for some time that february must be "our month" as March will be tough start with twice in Italy (not because they are good this year, just because they have solid coaches and need wins) and tough Efes away... then, finish of the league with pleasure of "big" Olympiakos, Real, Barcelona all at home to seal spot number 4 :)

anyway, nice game last night, Valencia-Maccabi, didn't watch but expected it to be "main game" og the evening... funny detail is that I had doubts will there be more than 165 points and there was 187, well done both teams ; Valencia, also "wild-card", run is stopped ; ...looking at all, really unfortunatelly as we could have at least 2 wins more by now and be placed as high as 4-5 on table, been better whole game and lost in last minutes or overtime... but generally, except game in Athens, no shame, on the contrary revitalised club after "almost death", and obvious spirit by players even without Obradović slapping their faces :)

since he mentioned handball, watched some after long time, Karabataque playing still? didn't expect to see him there, is he colouring his beard? :) ...not some power anymore but when you look at it really had "super team" in the 90s as well but only few bronzes... we lack some Škrbić now, maybe best pivot of the era as i remember... welc if you know something about elite basket... for some "ticket" .... :lol
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Re: Sports Thread

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...not only win but we managed to score most points in Žalgirio-Kaunas arena by any visiting team whole season :banana

...those are those numbers that i talked about and that flatter, sign of strong attack or maybe unexpected - 40 in Madrid for
quart (albeit loss) most points in Kaunas, almost 30+ versus "trigger happy" Baskonia etc etc. Hope we finish season as first
to score 120 against Oly and destabilize them before play-off :)

anyway, do not want to go tough on Lithuanian team - they love this sport there as said and are "hot", do join - but really nice and dominant win, you'll admit ; ...what's next? Bayern? ...will be tough, luckily Lewandowski left ;) have fun (such money maker our team, but will be tough))
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Re: Sports Thread

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hehe, interesting detail me & someone noticed considering ABA (domestic, quasi) and Euroleague rotation (players use) and our team - all in trying to "enter" into Željko Obradović head and matrix :) Namely, few domestic league games before "many" minutes and solid scoring for Dante in on paper unimportant game and on next EL game Dante best scorer and maybe player... further next domestic game and "huge minutage" and scoring for our Greek "Jani" Papapetrou and he has important role and top scorer in Kaunas... today "many minutes" and top score in domestic league for our Yam Madar - conclude yourself who could do something against Bayern :) ...maybe Obradović trains them intentionally prior to EL games ;) ...of course joke and interesting detail but if turns out, would be "matrix broken" :) ...simply Madar is not main option for EL this year, but we noticed that every other game different foreigner gets over 20 mins etc. not gonna happen, but would like as Yam is nice and likes club...

anyway, for fun small build-up for the game, game in Minchen aka Munchy (in English)). Bayern is club without any remarkable continental tradition and is even called FC Bayern officially, but they play basket do not be fooled ; of recent they have some ambitions and is club led by former Partizan coach Italian A. Trinchieri, man without maybe some "sporting stature" :) but is good coach and left in positive memory in our club when we had best season in years and were main favs to win Eurocup and enter EL, which was common ambition then for coach and team... but sadly season was interrupted and abandoned due to coronavirus pandemic. Andrea left in haste, "since Gemans pay better" but things turned out alright for both as we got the elite after all and even greater coaching name ;) That is first detail, and word is that Andrea still likes the club and would like it to win if Bayern lose ; ...second and third detail is that we are entering the game in few days as team with officially best form of whole EL in last 10 games 8-2, while Bayern is on 5-5 form. But while we cannot talk about some great away record, Bayern "significantly" upped its form and looks like competitive team recently... worst thing is that until now we could reach mentioned best form as we came "out of nowhere" but now - after we grabbed one of desired spots for play-off "the hunter becomes the prey" and reason more to beat us :) ... hope for good game, will be tough and do as you wish knowing the details, i have fun and pleasure to jerk about "expertises" )
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Re: Sports Thread

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Re: Sports Thread

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It would be great a poll about GOAT of NBA.....
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Re: Sports Thread

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...worst thing is that it is not even "tough" not even interesting lately :) ...while small surprise of the eveneing was rival's win against Maccabi - not because they are so good but because of Tel Aviv arena being hard to win at & noisy place - despite Baldwin's 38 points and he even almost scored half-court 3 pointer in last second for almost overtime ; ...videos later ; ...not to be malicious i wish the rivals 8th place and "derby" with Olyimpiakos all to be red :) we, if momentum continues look like being even able to fight for 4th place and home game advantage, but really have to fight for that spot as 3 mentioned we'll entertain at home look like most serious teams in league...

anyway, see you around playoffs, could to my intros for every game but no need, just small rounding i.e. recapitulation now. since moment i named as "season turnaround" (Efes) really moneymakers we were as all games were won except 2, 11 in El and many domestic. if you know right and limit yourself on right teams you can really even profit, which i don't do :) see you in may, unless something really impress me... can't believe how weak is this Euroleague, only 4 teams above the rest....... :p have fun, was really strong run and incredible table position rise so i had to comment, but now pause... next is Fener-baki & Alba (uh) home.
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Re: Sports Thread

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people say, when you are such smart-a$$ about your team give us some football recommend too... well, alright since there is no EL basket this week, here is one expertise - you can put your house on Sheriff (quasi) pride of Moldova this week :) ...funny part is because during weekend our club (first to reach final with Real from whole EE, did I say?) had one of the worst domestic defeats in history, even home, against some team called Mladost GAT - GAT stands for "goals away team" btw :) and it finished 0:4 so we are very sure that Sheriff is risk worth taking and return good by bookies :)

anyway, football not really my expertise and i like good joke and fun, so in that sense this i noticed while checking my site for all sport results (was a good, realistic weekend i'd say and results o-la-la, guessed all right where most important)... so joke. Noticed first this:


and way below, separated also this result .... :lol


i mean maybe not funny at all, but it is in a way... really young people, esp. girls in those countries you are above this and is like "all kids play except us..." and you are embarrassing yourselves honestly, but not my subject. my subject is that we qualified ; scoring very many points for female basket :lol bested only by Slovakia against Luxemburg after all... and Bulgaria is not exactly Luxemburg, with all due respect to all "Lilliput nations" outhere... Ivon Anderson, indigenous Serb girl, the best in that with almost 30 pints - haven't mentioned her for long :) ...anyway, as well maybe I could support and understand foreigners in our clubs (actually they make us great in our expedition on El trophy) but in national teams is funny and maybe totally needless, but as said many times now accepted by all as UN has resolution and rule all European teams to have obligationary American in their team :) nothing against Ivon, but is funny as rule, not sure what the point exactly, but it is there.... strangest thing is that we even began to hugely recruit foreigners to represent us in individual sports too... have fun, do not miss great Sheriff chance by bookies if into those things :) ...must say have no idea how this team managed to beat FC Keln (Cologne) twice and not to lose to Nice from France, but i properly said that football is not our field... do post something funny sometimes ;
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Re: Sports Thread

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The world's largest single sporting event: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Philadelphia Eagles | 2023 Super Bowl Game Highlights
It was a very entertaining and exciting match. KCC won 38:35. Patrick Mahomes was elected MVP :clap .
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Re: Sports Thread

Post by Ale »

Para, i kill you fo mention..... :)

hehe and uh-oh well, since this game (totally unexpected must say) even recently (in news today) got some "political dimension" must add few lines, as mature and serious person...

first i hope Moldovan officials will give eventual excuses in case that they made some claims based on paranoia and baselessly deported and refused eneterance to our fans - in one, every continental football expert will agree, unimportant game... but since it has deeper consequences to our club "renome" i.e. reputation and considering that we also have strong run in basket elite at this moment etc. I'll note few things to every official, temporar "apartachik" or punny dictator who thinks he holds the world and lives of others in his hands.... so, this club is one of the few on continent (along Real, Barca etc) which can claim that it is true "sporting collective" (as we say) and strong presence and titles/F4 etc. in basket, one final in (quasi) "CL", many titles in other sports (watrpolo in top) and so on, one of the most remarkable youth academies once (along Ajax for example). And is much more eternal than any president-dictator, just like states and nations are more eternal than names and punny leaders... so if idiots, even ladies, try to connect it with some daily politics and turn it into some tool of someone it simply deserves apology ;

also for any idiots thinking that sport and club reputation is stage for political idiotism, they are very wrong... yes, maybe not privately owned (one could argue are gulf-state owned clubs trully "private") but is one of the greater clubs on continent.

here is one song by our fans predating even all "Russia-Ukraine-cold war" events, very funny... i don't want to raise any "tensions" but we all laugh about it. namely, song from stands goes like "(our) president, Russians, state support doesn't help you, we are champs again" :lol

so someone said (Aristotel?)) that everything is politics in life, but honestly hope not... so as conclusion again - and in times when we have "position" and "name" in EL - everyone thinking that club is political stage and someone's tool is idiot, being president of Moldova or else ; ...also, for doemstic rulers and fans - always remember that also this country existed (and was even empire) much, much before you were even born, and other's people kids and destinies are not your toys, idiots :lol
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Re: Sports Thread

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Takuma Asano is btw symbol of that "greatness" which is not fictional or something imaginative ; i'm sure in Bochum everything is on order, pat good, league better, even city nicer for eye or life (never visited Bochum, must say and from head it is somewhere near Neverlands but sure it has nice architecture compared to this big ruin etc). It went gone during "great wars" of 1690s, my Takuma :) BUT some Japanese guy, when he gets very old can say he played against Manchester Utd in his career, in our club, nice example... so yes, those things are important and club "institution" not becuse of me, but some 12-13 year old i mentioned, i remember how i wanted to buy ticket to watch "freaky" (but with respect) Dundee Utd :) from Scotland in friendly when some 14-15 etc.... when it comes to situation in some country - if it is dangerous, unstable or whatever - games do not play and UEFA makes those calls isn't it... or we just advance next round ; ...for foreigners, everyone is welcome if really likes club or want to support - troublemakers and those looking it to be sanctioned or worse are enmey of the club - as simple...

anyway, these days are we celebrate national holiday... no idea what's it in your countries but here combo of first uprising (led by many masons so if you dislike them he-he...)) and some laws later, but not history lesson. 100% sure that even if you are mildly educated on global history you know the name "Black George" and his uprising... he was - by origin in today sense ; - from Montenegro. Milo (Mtn president) congratulated :) not because it is unusual or "shock" but becuse we noticed last year that he wasn't mentioned in the news or maybe we didn't read properly so it was short subject last year ; ...this year he is mentioned and all correct, so not subject nor joke, Milo is old pal :) .... king Charles (almost wrote prince), Japanese emperor, all presidents etc etc - "old friendship and partnership" so nice and idylic on paper and (automatically made) congrats, in reality not so :lol .... so i've noticed other thing unrelated to us some Swiss president word on crisis and he said "Switz. is country of peace and we do not engage in war regions... etc". So it made me think what are we through history and what to keep... surely not "country of peace" :) and we always resisited and there was "blood to the knees" ; ...things i like are very solid (at least at times) political life, free press (even king Peter didn't care for critics), diplomacy from XIX c that even Brits called sometimes "Serb school of diplomacy" and skillful "cylinder wearing folks" mantion Brits as they were traditionally conservative and not for change but gave credits even then occasionally ; And we changed rulers often since that "Black George", disregard violent changes but rulers came and go... those are facts and that we were among few contries that even existed back then, those who often talked about others and not those talked about etc. etc. yes, freedoms as apostrophe.

sorry Para, no special sport event - could comment eventual Bayern win which was so "in the air" - but this was important moment and how people talk in pub :) and very sport subject as well... about interests non-stop - club not in crisis and happy kids is one of mine ; see you with some event to comment...
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Re: Sports Thread

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...for the record - in case it wasn't in your news :) - this game with some political background finished in Moldavian capital, not home ground of Sheriff, behind "closed gates" (no spectactors) and we won after all ;) which is normal not because very good, but by tradition only.... if you are from Moldova do join and tell us how it's going in country, our first modern "queen" (consort) was from around there, although technically Russian i.e. from Kijevan Rus' nobility family origin... but generally we are more closer related to Anjou and king Charles and king Felipe of Spain - forgot to mention him, not some maniac or something but really sympathise his family :) video again when it comes to Sheriff-Partizan but believe me it wasn't some game :) just "good" result

while reading previous post - and being always inspired and for joke - remembered now one of first successes by Bernard Shaw, Irish author, his drama/play "Arms and the man" (name inspired by Vergilius, becuse he knew we founded Rome via Tullius) in later years transformed into comedy or play "Chocolate soldier"... it even, in adaptations, included names like L. Olivier, Vanessa Redgrave, Marlon Brando (his final stage act) all to John Malkovich (aka Maljković probably) around it, among others... even MGM was interested in film, but Shaw declined... yeah i was looking for info around it on net :) ...but, despite pompous surrounding - must say in historical sense play is not so important for us and me in historical sense i'm interested as Serbo-Bulgar war is just for plot, there are even no valuable mentions... but main character is Swiss merc in Serbia army, for plot.

and there - i talk too much :) - we come to main joke, Swiss yes Swiss... some would say that Shaw taken that nationality intentionally as symbol, but not really... English and US historians found (i presume as they wrote it) sources that even our medieval rulers at prime had Swiss troops ; ...not to mention world-wide famous "papal dogs of war and thugs" :) You can sell that "country of peace" dogma to someone else, it is all your fault and were involved to the neck ;) ...have fun, most interesting part, unknown to me from wiki was that (quasi) "chocolate soldier" became even term in Israeli forces, as far as Australia and maybe else ; but wanted to make this joke about Swiss... in sport sense - except football where some recent "complex" arises :) - we beat Swiss in every other team sport, but no video ;
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RIP John Motson....
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Re: Sports Thread

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aaahhh, what a game, not beautiful but efficient as expected when we play... 44-97 to Fener ( and real battle as expected. Congrats to Itudis, really "outflanked" his godfather Obradović, but what hurts is that best player was ex-R.Star player for Fener, almost caused incidents :lol ...we even gave black clothes players always wear at home to Fener, because of earthquake etc... somehow expected as Fener rested for 3 weeks or more. because of games like these it is worth to be in EL :yes

wanted to post video, but it is in the making as it just recently finished...

I'm laughing because it was again "successful" day money-wise as I expected tough game and played over 165 points :) but of course bad taste and we expected this win... but players did best in situation, one of worse games but battle goes on... somehow i fear this could "cut us" or destabilize... anyway, thanks also to Roma and Union Berlin (tried because they have season of their history) for "successful" day :) but dark day for club... loosers in football were kicked out by Sheriff (somehow expected if you followed my posts so no tragedy and would never be on "ticket")... but basket game really disturbing so i share emotion... good game and great strategy by Itudis he skillfully used some Canadian player which wasn't in our plans and rarelly plays in top level :yes
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Re: Sports Thread

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*94-97, pardon... 19, 661 fans (by some source) in arena
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Re: Sports Thread

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...while "Sheriff affair" was "interesting" and is far from "nothing" even farer from "clear" - let's add more humor to it... sadly episode will (for me) remain as just another in "mind rape" of already abused enough populations of various places, our above all...

so for humor another caption from 2013-14 season - Partizan fans (known as one bringing down governments around the world) in one small town is Serbia (on football match) waving extremist symbols and glorifying totalitarian figures from the past - marked with arrows... in this case two characters from Italian humoristical-satirical cartoon from past, Jeremija and Bob Rock :lol ... and so on. ..."Alcatraz" is also writen, as is known that Partizan fans supported and took part in rise of mafia in America.... look, hope you all are able to understand satire and are able to understand that it was very "unclear episode" while of course all sort of people support any bigger club (esp. as big as ours) but some media coverage was hilarious and forgets some facts about all clubs, or twists them... anyway. Poor people.... but really - as said - club and fans above figures and daily events, as conclusion again.

unrelated to us and domestic fun, also seen that people here (maybe some others who heard the story) do not know much about Sheriff, which is name given due to alleged nickname of its president, not some love of American folklore or English history :) really don't know anything nor about the man nor his views, never even looked into club before, except knowing that it has "some results" recently... in short it is club from "separatist region" of Moldova btw, many people twisted that also in their mind etc etc. and many people do not even know that basic facts for example, let alone trying to "parlare" about global, geopolitcal events :) said, was "important" so i mentioned, but added more satire for the end... feel sorry for us, but not unique... do join, as always with some story of sport emotion/story and interest (like EL is currently mine)

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Re: Sports Thread

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Ale wrote: 2023-02-27 14:35, Monday club from "separatist region" of Moldova btw, many people twisted that also in their mind etc etc. and many people do not even know that basic facts for example, let alone trying to "parlare" about global, geopolitcal events :)
We have to be very careful these days with all these people telling all these twisted stories.
Like one we have here in Portuguese TV who came up, at least twice last week, with the imbecile stunt of blaring that western tanks for Ukraine will be completely useless because Lula da Silva in Brazil denied supplying ammo to Scholz in Germany.
As if all the ammo for Abrams, Challenger and Leopard came from Brazil and Brazil only.
Really, these propaganda agents are hiding in full view... ... ara-marcar
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Re: Sports Thread

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thanks for story, Bombast :yes our case it was something like we are always suspicious that someone inside try to do something to make club look bad internationally :) but really can't say without proof... we also doubt politicians, ours as well

anyway EL - most interesting is that "fight" for most efficient/best scoring team of the EL... we'll be that only for one night, while Olympiakos will certainly pass us tomorrow, Baskonia has interesting homework of 83 points, Real as well :)

of all things expected or no (like most spectactors in league and that we will be in front of rival)) really surprising thing considering players we have compared to many, but it works :yes week double fun in Italy, will be tough and expect Virtus to give some headache already... but anything extra i.e. win from to and congrats to guys in advance for maximum.

in anyway, also nice, profitable day - Efes win, we with big difference, Monaco win and Bayern over points, that simple, but i'm just excursionists in that field :) but really almost every evening when we played basket was successful evening (and i only try then and during weekends now and then) far from expected, but also nice moment
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Re: Sports Thread

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...anecdote from today, before noon somwhere, talking with someone passionate about those things i.e. betting on sport and he says "you have some big number (odd) from basket today?" and i say jokingly "of course i have Cibona (some Croat team from quasi domestic league) beating Red (aka Dead) Star" and we laugh... however it did beat them :lol and with his "puttings" he would have to eat for a month if he listened :lol ... it is funny and point is as Parti and Star are in advance seen as class above all in (quasi) domestic league and every win for opponents is big surprise, but it happens like today ; ...even we passed yesterday with only half point win against another Croats etc etc... interesting how "Estella" is losing 3-4th game in a row after entering last quarter with point advantage, but their problem. Campazzo started to play EL, btw as last news ;

anyway, except that joke turned truth nothing new today... Baskonia (sympathic team but we had blown them away at home and overtime in Baskland, also surprisingly) is good at "homeworks" and did it again with scoring NBA style in EL game, big 114 they had 116 and like - deservedly top scoring team i'd say, we never did something similar, they few times :yes properly called them "trigger happy team".... idk for the end (hope EL will pay me for reklamas)) Virtus looks solid and tough for us but somehow old team, but Milano crushing Olympaikos before us is worrying thing even if they probably "relaxed a bit" being sure... hope for fun week, really would be surprised with something positive, but think both Scariolo and Messina want to beat us with pleasure... anything with normal difference is acceptable guys and for win (EL win as well) you all are sold in better countries (but not clubs) in the end of the season, of course :)
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Re: Sports Thread

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Party-man and Stella de Rossa (or Estella del Rose) - looking for alternative names for us once totalitarianism falls and we are forced to recognize capital democracy in Euro-competitions... although for rival "Red Riding Hood (or Red Cap) & Big Wolf" is also alright, considering our president last name :lol ...we can be also (all) Party-ban.... :) but political fun and alt names aside - in that sense it is important to warn our eventual fans before visit to Italy that Giorgia Meloni stays! as well as signor Mattarella aka Matorela (joke due to his age, but fine signor) and that it is not reason to visit Italy :) ...considering previous story, good joke and of course Italians at least understand political humor with which they poisoned us via their comics for decades ;

anyway, since it is know that i like historical notes and also talked a bit about sporting (not Lisboan) history i.e. Agnelli's gifts that determined much etc, something in that line to say now, in right moment... not using any source and talking from head so sorry for some eventual mistakes, but unimportant for story... so, while Party and Stella are not continuity of any previous clubs in strickt sense, before them in some way clubs in Belgrade of fame were called Bask (better said Bsk, lets say for joke before Partizan) and Greater Serbia and Yugosarmatia (for Stella)... so probably that would be the names you'll know instead if Croats did not bring the other symbols in Belgrade :) and there was continuity... so we would have Bask and Baskonia, sister clubs in the playoffs, would be liked in northern Spain, lets say for joke...

have fun, do join us with some story from Argentina, Thailand or else, good luck to team in Italy...
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Re: Sports Thread

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Braga 2 v Rio Ave 0
Braga's scorpio lacks no ammo...
Casa Pia 2 v Paços de Ferreira
Paços' long range artillery was not enough...
Gil Vicente 2 v Marítimo 0
But Gil's was...
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Re: Sports Thread

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football in shadow personally, Braga sympathic ;

well dear Emilio-Romagnese maybe we played Bologna in your territory, but Dante is with us :) ...bravo Dante, bravo team. Not a single "trica" but he had some daring and saucy "slams", so he above all not only because of region of game and his name ) ...btw, nice to see him and Madar together on field for few minutes and that it works :yes

somehow "expected" as Virtus is our traditional "customer" lately and we even overran them almost 30+ at home, so logic says win, with all due respect to Scariolo and great, historic Virtus, nice fans and all but this time returned "Kinder" by us :) ... but last try for me :) ...simply Milano reached some obvious form and have maybe best in league. bravo team, nice moments and even if game was not good again 88 points without even much 3s :yes Also congrats to sister Baskonia, nothing against Real of course but played Baskonia going under 6 points handicap. Bravo to them as well, think now we both deserved that playoffs if not final 4, both. have fun all.
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Re: Sports Thread

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Stella is nice girl, kicking down dangeorous Efes from our back :yes ...still consider Efes, Maccabi, Žalgiris maybe the 3 that want playoffs the most, behind us so any gap widening and help from other teams is welcome :) and maybe Milano if it reaches some super form, tonight true "showdown" but do not take it tragically as we have really "spectacular" finish of season afterwards... thanks Stella :) i told you Campazzo is good - 3/3 3s, over 70% 2s and nice ball movement, gotta respect him and passion for game he has...

btw, you know me, refreshing some memory on Basks, sisters, just refreshing of course because our ties are long and we know much, just refreshing ) ...interesting is that moment from DNA that "our" (nobody knows what our true "our" is due to migrations) I2 is most present in northern Spain and Sardinia as mentioned... more interestings is that i found some totally unexpected pronouncements of words and locations (albeit few) that look like more as ours than wider. also some theories is that one of "determinans" of old-Basks was "tall ones" (also mentioned in "giants of Sardinia") and our med elite is famous, further some connection is also made to "border" or "frontier" or "mark" just like possible proposition of early Serbs being "protectors" or "border patrol" etc etc etc... so definitely indeed some ties and interestings and of course you can be our sister - let me see how many girls in Baskland...mmhmmm, too few we are bigger, need bigger sister :) just joking, of course sister. we also share "V" and "B" confusion in tribe name from old times, btw. Not only Clemente jumped right away with pride to lead Serbia (unsuccessfully, but we stink)) with pride after hearing it is independent again after almost century, but also many our footballers played in "Bask" clubs since 90s... nice subject.

good luck in Milano to team, now sure that team (with many Americans, even Dante is by parents) is giving max... interestingly that bookies gave us limit of 80 points and that we passed it in many, many EL games in a row ; ...but of course there is logic and they properly expect Milano to set the pace and put us down but nonetheless lets see how it goes... no tragedy but after - Efes away, Monaco, 3 first at home, really incredible "derbies".... see you later maybe, maybe not. In any way, as seen EL was real refreshment and it is obvious that we lacked it after decade, real infusion of positive tones and similar... hats of to players for their approach, must say totally different story compared to times when i called them "harlem globetrotters" :) now it looks serious.... do join us from Basqueland with some story )
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Re: Sports Thread

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...well this wasn't even close to 80 points, wasn't :) 76-62 to Milano, Olimpia. Dislike to use sponsorship names btw and somehow always say it as it was "most traditional" as club is old. of course great form, congrats to them and Messina without any negative pressure on referees, signorly :yes and big team even though we had good results historically. better result than Oly recently :) just they can do it we not in such luxury ; ... of course kids unhappy, there was one boy, some 10 years sitting among Italians with our scarf, jumping through first half and so on... well, kid if your parents brought you from Belgrade then nothing, if you are born in Italy or parents moved there - just continue to jump and be happy kid .... :lol

nothing, nothing. Probably the least efficient game, almost sure of whole season but Milano set the pace, they are "manekens" after all and dislike fast basket :) Milano-arena rarelly had chance to give standing ovation this season and not as "hot" as Bolognese, so some moment of happiness for them... 50% in country 10x bigger and richest regions of that country... the rest will be very tough but in "arena" they fall.... I want to finish this Italian tour with one domestic joke, maybe even it is continental because it is predictable... so as i mentioned in previous posts them, we say here "Kinder-eggs are really nice just yellow part inside is not so tasty as part outside" :lol ... do come from sis Baskonia, dying for your interesting story - i'm out for a week, hope i commented EL season nicely....
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Re: Sports Thread

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so yeah, this confused me before and i didn't look to the end of page ; understood and said eventual standings among leveled teams is taken into consideration only after the end of season i.e "When all teams have played each other twice" as they said below... so this is temporar standings based on point difference and why sis Baskonia overtook us despite loss... will ask tomorrow but think it is that... of all tied currently we are weaker only to Maccabi in "head to head" if we disregard eventual "circles" and all, fortunate moment as is now, but of course it is gonna change........ :p but little confusing anyway ... standings/

have fun, just as interesting table movements if you follow.... or maybe i missed point, but it was decade ; ...for fun today our commnetator says "mr. Ataman (Efes coach) said players on own initiative had meeting before game and decided to approach seriously and give their best..." - and they go out and lose 20+ at home ;) ...but no tragedy esp. when you are above :) good luck to them but was funny as news piece....
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Re: Sports Thread

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Mikaela Shiffrin is the GOAT.
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Re: Sports Thread

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not time nor place for offending lady... do not know her and what she done to deserve such epithet but be gentleman :lol ....must say, while on subject that since i was kid can't remember individual sportists f or m that i really liked or idolized and similar, somehow always about team sports and some ball moving... even prefer 4x100 running in teams and similar, but just my preference, team sports and untouched by even tenis players - albeit admiting it is very tough sport, guess skiing as well etc

anyway since i showed, today my addition - Schalke is team in greatest form in Europe if not world, unbeatable :lol fighting like lions for that CL spot (maybe title?)... mention since it was main target of my tries today Schalke not to lose + many goals, though i've seen only this report not game... but honestly failed to make usual 50 euros out of 5 due to very unfortunate equalizing goal Las Palmas recieved by the end and through goalman's legs :( ....btw, nice acrobation over that metal thing by first goal scorer for them... really people, where are you pushing those TV things, almost hurt himself ;)
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Re: Sports Thread

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...Mourinho on bench 3 weeks ago, game finishes 1-0. Mourinho on bench two weeks ago, game is 1-0, but Mourinho gets a red card after halftime and game is 2-1 finish. He comes back a week ago and game is 1-0. They decide he should be banned after all, he not on bench, and game finishes 3-4... next week is Roman derby, he won't be on the bench - conclude yourself ;

like Jose, he is our pal and was dear guest here first time almost 20 years ago, but it is almost easy to notice such goal disparity as almost supernatural :) and maybe extending that "touchline ban" for him is not so bad for football fans :) ....watched it having guest with one eye, but nice game. That volley and strike at 1:35 in reportage etc. was really unexpected by us and surely unexpected by Roma goalkeeper, but tricky strike and volley :) comment, but it ruined my hopes :)

all that in 3 & half min highlights, while in contrast our game highlights take almost 7 & half mins :) (too unimportant to show but really wish another Mladost - translated as Juventus, we have few of them in league - to host Barcelona soon) Cut it mr. director, cut it more ; longer reportage doesn't mean more interesting game.... a spectacle in front of 700 fans stories are just to fill intermezzo, but definitely not my field and won't comment much.... maybe if you make continental super-league and give us some wild-card then we do something, leaving Bayern far below... Mladost i.e. Juve of Dragačevo fans should not feel bad, even we do not bother watching team against stronger opponents (like Sheriff) and not about you, dear "ultras of Lučani" like you, just disliked 7 mins to see those spectacular goals :) and wasn't against your potent club or our super league which gives us many troubles ) just contrast Roma 3+, we 7+ mins reportage.... until thursday.
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Re: Sports Thread

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randowe wrote: 2023-03-11 13:49, Saturday Mikaela Shiffrin is the GOAT.
:twink ... and :bday
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Re: Sports Thread

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Real is greatest... most titles in football, most in basket, what a club ; on Real :) ...tonight Efes-Real play pponed match and if Real the greatest doesn't win Efes can de facto take us over in 3+ win on thursday. That of course not gonna happen but after that to remind that both Maccabi and Efes have "easier" opponents and we are left with Baskonia to keep that last spot, even they have 2-3 games they can win and on paper we only Panata...

you can talk whatever you want - this is most interesting EL finish in decade :) do not forget the deal Real, you beat them and let us win home ;) let's see if Efes form is dubious or we and Real pay the price ; is only one house i have many of them on most exotic places of planet....
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Re: Sports Thread

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btw, i will use this chance to turn to some things that are not pure sport, but have a lot to do with it and our traditional leagues.... most funny part for me is plan to expand EL to "Dubai teams" and later even Suadi, Qatar, why not Brunei ; ...while targeting London and Paris (by force) even if unpopular still is "OK" i don't know about this, but capital over other things, fans and tradition :yes

in "good-old (very) Europe" many things are controversial and future uncertain... so as our man is on some position in EL at this moment, remains as question. would like to hear from Dubai and Saudi (we like Arab girls here) and is your future in the EU, so join freely ..... :lol but you'll admit that it is a bit funny. one thing i'm glad - after decade, we lead in tickets and clearly gave EL some record, so nobody could doubt our worth and participation... well done to our fans, top 8 would be great... this is just to mention not to consider it without any critique, while i keep it mostly on sporting field from now on awaiting our results.... i'm fan of internalisation of sport and super-leagues if wild one is there :lol have fun and do join and speak freely
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Re: Sports Thread

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...sadly 90-89, Efes. Solid comeback by almost the greatest and it looked like it will be, but not... Real was 17 points down and taken the lead by the end btw, but failed. nice fight, could be said that Efes had rarely possible/seen serie of 3s almost 10 in 3rd quart - without it would be Real win.... do not worry about :) I've played over 165 and since City is already firmly up with very many goals and Joventut basket (we call it Juventud) in lead/win - it will be successful evening :) but cheered Real with whole heart... video is not ready...

since mentioned, i know you like historical stories - there is some history between our club, only "EL" title and both Juventud and Madrid... so in that season we have beaten Juve in the final by last second 3 by Đorđević aka Georgewhich :) in almost legendary moment of club basket... Madrid was our host due to sanctions before seson end and Madrid-Fuenlabrada citizens supported our team solidly and even good :yes before f4 ; we have some ties in case you wasn't born then or never heard story... even in football anecdote is that Real won CL after 30+ years by goal of our ex-player, after waiting that much after our mutual game in 1966. so surely ties with Madrid, Juventud etc. but today Baskonia is our sis :)

now, what to expect in 2 days - don't know but we'll have to do it hard way, by beating both Efes and Real ; ...just joking, Efes will win this time but not more than 3(..0) ; ... awaiting you from Bay of Baskay here
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Re: Sports Thread

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...actually - i like details and precision after all - not "due to sanctions" as i said but due to war i.e. even if not in country in ex-country... i forgot the details nor looking at them now, but of course sanctions came de jure later, during the summer of that year or we would be kicked out, so some not to understand that we were allowed to play "under sanctions", actually we were not later... saying as even today we have examples and countries under sanctions :p though i would not compare country in desintegration and attacking neighbour ;) ... :) and somebody not to think we were privileged, as de jure it was later as UN decision

anyway history is history and for change - for our fans and sisters in Fuenlabrada and wider - "worst incident" of our season did not came from fans or similar at all but sadly from player, even for us important Lessort (French like French, emotional))... namely, we played Stella on monday in domestic league, won in arena fairly but sadly something happened and Lessort physically assaulted some younger Stella player and our potential representation player... really do not know anything nor why, Stella player doesn't look like incidental man (but have no idea just looks passive) etc. nor Lessor had anything similar. But it might be longer suspension even if unrelated to EL. Just to mention, private action, penalty law is also mentioned etc. Might also add to Mathias' mental readiness and our form, dear fans in Fuenlabrada. So not fans this time and bravo :) with hope Lessort make something out of his season and makes contract even abroad :yes and that it wasn't too serious... of course Stella's authorities instantly attacked club with all howitzers :) and imagine even our irregular win in Croatia (they defend Cratian teams, quasi)) ;) call mister Big Obradović names and quasi like he is president of something and not name of own etc etc. Really, guess Stella is needed and such rivalries and "dislake" exists even in better countries, but must admit we were bigger "misters" through years in domestic sport, our basket club current president reaction was really enough and "like with a cylinder" ; ... nobody cares and details unimportant but just to share mentality... of course healthy concurention is alright and it would be "abnormal" other way, and of course many Stella fans secretly cheer us :) ...however, info for our fans on eventual problems "first center" could have in form for the rest of EL and eventual playoffs, maybe not in his head..... actaually both are sport stories our "gravediggers" in Fuenlabrada care :) ...listening to your story.
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Re: Sports Thread

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woohoo 84-97, the greatest. almost feel sorry for Efes, champs, this is after all almost 100 in Stambol... we don't have any special rivalry so not some triuphalism - but could be said that after 650 years we defeated back drunk Turks, for Maritsa :) (Efes is beer producer etc, hence joke) sport sense, of course unexpected even by hard-core of us but great one and there was so much hate around us lately - so only answer to hate is love :) ...again, sorry for Efes, but Turks are funny and understand joke... video after midnight, but started strongly by Efes and looked like we are done, but after that only one team on court, best win of season outside of arena, maybe :yes video not ready, but really unexpectedly crushed them in last quart... Olyimpiakos next and maybe video, if i comment later ;

anyway, today noticed this so i'll comment jokingly... Italian secret service where i have good ties published today "alliances" of their most organized fans with other in Europe so i noticed... just joking Italian sport tabloid "Gazzetta", but must correct them that table is far from complete and there are more dangerous. Must say do not follow such subjects, do not know even what kind of "alliances" and "pacts" are those in question, maybe drug-dealing :) in that case Milano is big city, lot of rich and fashinable people, big market, good choice :) ...jokes aside what i noticed - not following that again and care about only our loyal fans - is that. Never seen Milan as some "friendly club" nor "pact" one, but that is how they published ; always imagined Juve to be closest in Italy, but it seems Juve doesn't even have fans by that list ; ...with humor and seriousness, interesting data and unexpected (on the other hand Stella and Napoli are like tweens))... might be interesting far all readers and you in case kids find themselves in wrong place in wrong time, I surely will avoid people from Napoli, to quote one old forum member :) seriously, interesting find if true

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Moj Milanee, moje lanee, sa granee...

nothing nasty just singing for our allies, practicing supporting chants ;) today Milanče, the ally, is playing but not gonna try ; Instead more interested in Schalke, can't imaging they losing... :) ...but great subject - Milan with Juve there, those new kids, eh. Club that gave us colors and Agnelli's money - but priorities are different today i guess for fans. so, it is Milan then... starting to suspect that we also found Milan(o) which is our word, not only Rome via Servius... in any way we are also Celtic foundation, while Stella's part of the city is founded by others, like Napoli, hence those ties between clubs * Italy is, btw, eternal source of inspiration, my fav country outside, could joke with them and satirize them till death... now, is that only due to proximity, their comic books or something deeper, genetical I don't know but simply can do them like no other nation... of course some of their "specialities", mentalities and internal divisions are fertile material for that... since they are younger nation/tribe than we, maybe some oversized rogue kids, not mama :) but we like them esp. Napolitanke ) do join us and tell what is actual in your city, maybe you even play some TBS & would you punch me in the nose if i wear black-white :)

go Schalke, it is after all 3 euros i invest :)

* of course not, for readers liking history... we and Stella don't have such divisions, nor any class thing, workers etc. Historically only difference is that we were founded by Partizans, they by Chetniks :) ...anyway, today only difference - lovely, feminine colors versus dark aside and awful fans versus all academic citizens and greenpeace, rights activists there aside - is that we are club and fans that can take the title but lose it as well without trouble, they are club and fans who take the throne and imagine never to give it up in any sport ;) I so hope Surdulica is next year on throne and in CL :yes
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Re: Sports Thread

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typical "derby of Italy" :) ....bravo Juve, btw :yes played Juve, but also Real not to lose, but they lost in shocking minutes ; not because of Real preference just risked hoping Spanish champio to stay more interesting... but too much risk doesn't pay off, Juve was enough... since mentioned, did you know Italian sisters, that 30 years ago only league that could be played here as some "lotto" was Italian and our... old joke from our fathers is that speaker was reading Italian results every sunday evening, or monday with sad voice like this "team X vs team Y - 0:0" and like that 10 times, every week :lol ...but today your league is great, of course ;

interesting is moment at the end, Mkhitaryan started it with Vlahović, little hand in stomach (and later even he points a finger)) but later other players got red cards after throat grabs, probably for other reasons :) no need for any situations Dule you are in great form and scored almost 3-4 goals in whole season :yes ...he is our kid and hope he stays in right colors...

...talking about colors, for the end of this polemic between us and Napoli and little fun here i add sympathic photo i have by Napoli fans as response to our jokes etc. It is like - with possible multi-reads - something like "Napoli is 1000 colors, you white-black" ... so sad and true (( touche! :) ...hope you liked my fun intermezzo, of course Napoli is our sis. but was fun due to alliances and "gazzetta" talking too much ; and so good as joke if you get it all... do join us from there, admit it was appropriate and good jokes, finished with you mostly and will look into EL till end and then off ;

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there is also other indirect tie with us and whole story, if forgotten or you never knew... namely, just few days earlier our team was also beaten by Argentina on penalties (however Maradona intentionally missed, knowing he can't do that to us) and many of us cheered or to put it this way hoped - at least me and in family though personally was kid - that Italy could avenge us against Argentina and later (possibly, but turned out that way) against W. Germany.... but Napoli..... :) so yes, double interesting as story and iconic thing, gaining some renewed fun moment in alliances ;) ....btw, again while Rome is our sis (there is saying "only Belgrado is worthy of Rome and v.v.") and northern Italian renaissance comics ) influenced us more, Dante our man using dinars ) Venice daughter, Trieste old center etc etc. in northern direction many more ties - again Napoli is also sis tied with our first "capital" from xix c & we will never forget that under Vesuvio first map with our tribe were made during those famous days :) (again by north Italians) but now you know whole story & how fun it was for us in football... that WC and one in 1998 were probably last ones i watched with some passion and interest and had interesting moments for our teams. so like to hear from you, sisters - what are you playing... )

anyway, while "wiki" is great to catch some facts or links even on various languages, it is also fun and full of dubious claims, intentional "trolling" or just unintentional errors - like this one was certainly... found it in "FIFA WC 2006" article, English of course. I added red lines for fun and all correct, ready to sign this considering results :) said this was unintentional, but fun and do boast about freely :)

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eh, my sis Baskonia, awful one... 6/25 for 3 against ones having 9/32, spectacle of crap :) and main "sniper" 1/10 3s ; ...with all due sympathy and they were even on top in one period, top scoring, small club with heart, sis etc. all taken into consideration too, too many bad games and awful percents during season so top 8 would be almost undeserved, if we look at it, pardon to say... i mean, just look at as - except game against Oly, maybe game in Milano, not a single "meltdown" and loss over 15... but good result for us in any way, talk whatever you want about Stella but she does her duty of beating our rivals for top 8 - Efes, Baskonia, even Maccabi ;) which finished infront after all... but what to say for ex-champs, Efes, just watching - looks like Alba is gonna feast with them ; far from "best team in Europe" at the moment...

anyway, i always say bookies offers is partly sociology... noticed that first time in maybe last 10 games Oly is not considered as favourite by bookies, they played many stronger home in last copule of months... and that is not good, we gained respect even though it is more like Efes no good :) nontheless, hope for fun game to watch and surely Olympiakos is not in any need... anyway, not much till the end od season and then I'm off, expecting/collecting deserved EL cheque ;

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on the sand of Arena our sons of a wolf faced Hellenes led by MVG (most-valuable-gladiator) Sasha the Thracian (Vezenkov)... He fell fast and our men triumphed led by Australian Dantus Maximus... like in the film, 100% i mean like history... bravo Dante :) ...not some game not enjoyment, constant lead, uninspired opponent etc but for drama ) & 90 points to them, but expected - all 5 EL games as expected infact and 6-7x gain today, congrats to all big teams that won today :)

alright, playoffs mostly sealed, now only question against who - will it be Real or Barcelona or Monaco... ironically before that we will have to play all 3, but now much more relaxed... too bad again, with some better decissions in first half of season that Arena advantage could be ours (being in top 4)... but who ever against some refreshment in at least 5 games... next week double against Spanish classics, but they also won't push hard ;

running out of ideas, so i find more fun in critique of Baskonia (sis) or similar then our games which were (except Fener) mostly boring finishes and first 5-6 minutes of games the best :) join with some story before i go, but season extended for us ;

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watching Lakers-Chicago, not with some interest doing other things (i'm like Napoleon)... don't have even some financial interest, but would be alright Davis to score many :) but sadly James is back and he will waste a lot of balls - maybe time for pension or contract with Stella, they are rich club full of stars :yes..... :) did not know he will play, never would even try Davis, but unimportant now and just recreative try... Chicago is killing them in home but nobody cares there, just eating their hot-dogs and home, no support to any team :) Even Chicago fans do not have "Alcatraz" banners, imagine ;... strange country. Anyway, the point, two ex-big teams, far from some top today - so i naturally wonder if we, the top team in Europe ) play today against them, even in 20000 full Arena, would we have any chance to beat even such mediocritetes as LA & Chicago are, if not now when then... of course tell me what you think, it is interesting question considering that we are bigger, richer and older than US :)

do join with some story, videos coming during playoffs...
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...our president - must give him a world due to respect that we finally after almost 10 years have strong leader again :yes - recently repeated that (FC & BC) Partyman owes the state i.e. citizens (state that's me, fiction as citizens make state not aparatchiks) almost 3x as much money as Stella, so world must know... i think it is fair to say mr. president. Of course, Stella is both foot and basket champ almost constantly since he is top one and playing Euro-elite, but doesn't matter ; ...i agree with him that best clubs are privately owned ones and support that - but to remind that Stella will also be without presidents and functionaries loyal to anyone if privatised :yes Like the president he is man to lead us into future of "golden forks and rusted spoons" :yes :) ...just idea for him (while i support privatization 100%, i hope for financier from Chicago for us, btw) that also some state companies - big burden for citizens - should be privatised, maybe even army, big burden, we have such examples of private armies today - a la "Čajkovski group" :) etc etc etc. We have president that likes to listen to ideas and is open- minded...

anyway, sorry for this which is local thing, but like satire and is alright, very sport one as subject... on continental level, we are most able to comment it as we created it, and when it comes to basket per se, there are many ideas recently and what to do with elite competition... some are pro Brunie clubs, some for Argentinian, some even for (funniest) Russian clubs in it. America is mentioned now and then and their league... well, if any conference system is to be implemented - i hope we won't make East-West division like US. Instead I'm for southern and northern conderence :yes In that case we and Stella would play with Greeks, Turks, Spanish and Italian clubs (even Monaco) in one conference - while London Lions, German clubs, Scandinavian etc. etc. in northern conference :lol Just idea...

have fun - since we are playing Barča (sorry best letter i have now to mimic famous name) next, we have internal joke how 2 their players, Kalinić is gonna score 20+ points while Vesely 2 points or less (Stella's and our ex-players)... let's see how close to truth joke turns out... again sorry for some intermezzos, ut we are talkative, humorous (and we like president) ;...of course awaiting true story & ideas about improving continent from you.
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Re: Sports Thread

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aaahhh, this hurts so much, very much.... perfect evening in results sense all ruined by Party having to score 82 - and "only" scored 80! ...potential 10X puttings return gone with the bookies guess they are happy now :) (as well as Stella fans)... Vesely, childhood hero (I was only 30 when i watched him)) is, well, traitor after all, no comment ;) ...Dante hero as many times, maximusistic 24 points but wasn't enough - bravo Dante, comadante :yes

Barcelona win doesn't hurt that much but such shock fall (i'm just recreative, but any small win is good) does for 2 points - only second games in over 10 in EL where under 82 were scored by team... but nothing shocking and with 1 win more (even Pao) should be enough Efes to never reach us - bravo team :yes I personally expect Real to fall in few days also, Dante reaching playoffs form :yes ...Barcelona is simply team among all top ones which is on first sight not so devastating in attack, but for me personally very serious. Much better percents, much better defense than some there and much harder to crush and dezorganize... if they reach top 4, maybe even over us but hopefully not in that case ; i value them over maybe even Oly and Real, and in Lithuania Šarunas (Barca coach) will probably be spectators fav :yes ...but circumstances hurt, could really be profitable evening :) ...nothing serious, Real falls, Dnate rises etc - we are on course and satisfied...

song for pals Efes - can't touch us :lol (if one of 3 falls)...anyway, star of the night in "arena" - freu Anna Panther, few of fem referees in men's game... some totally wrong blows freu Panther! (we also have player read "Panter" so arena was full of wild cats tonight) Just joking she was alright and likes to judge us very much and gives us al ot of free throws usually, generally bad judging was by 2 males ; but main culprit Jan Vesely :) ...only 3 to go (plus playoffs) friday is Real so join finally while you have chance - maybe you are some German freu who watches basket and my posts secretly .... :) despite setback, all as planned.

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