my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Place of the offtopic, funny or interesting threads, discussions about history, politics, movies and other war games.

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my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-11 14:05, Tuesday

finally decided to open own thread for mainly humoristic stuff and photos, historical satire and similar (if any in future but if there is it will be diverse in nature) instead of ruining others people ones :).... was digging through some external discs in search of something unrelated and for start found some collages I made some years ago, for fun online and unpolitical way on subject "historical look alikes". First is former English football player Gary Neville, second is active Bosnian Serb politician Milorad Dodik - of course nothing personal, both Gary and Mile are alright men have no other ties nor similarities with historical persons other than physical similarities I see, and nicely chosen photos with fun note, 2 by my opinion most successful collages of some 6-7 i made :lol

next time something different, totally casual thread without any goal other than fun.



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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-12 16:49, Wednesday

actually, to correct own opening statement - it might not be just about humor, i for example like interesting historical photos so might just add sometimes if inspired, sadly there are not much from my fav periods, antiquity and middle ages (

to change previous subject, one photo of pure "bravity" or braveness in storms of war :lol officers posing in front of "Dental station" donated by some major (it says American but not sure in 1915, maybe Brit) Gerald Sim. Guy on the extreme left probably Austrian PoW. Tall officer in front line looks like thinking "i die but not without holfing head high" :lol ....... i'm not some Klopp teeth wise :)


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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-13 12:31, Thursday

well, photo is not interesting nor good (blame German photographer) but story is, for those not understanding that much German it's "kaiser Wilhelm II enjoying view in Belgrade fort" in early 1916, that's place where castle once stood and parade in Zemun before.... in the days his parades (in city Niš also) were mocked in (above all) British media and there was that line "promised parade in Paris, paraded in Nish" :lol

when it comes to kaiser "visit" he sat on some public bench (true) in fort for half an hour saying "still can't believe we made it" :) Seriously and historically, as many Prussian dominated elites of the time (like Mackensen) he wasn't particularly "anti-Serb" by orientation, regularly sent letters to our king Peter congratulating events and there is even story that they advised Austrian court to down-tone rethorics before ww1 (if true), but not to be mistaken for "not willing to crush you if need be" :)

.... i think i'll made 1-2 German related posts in near future, before ending this block, all for fun and newer history interesents, not my field as said...



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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-13 18:59, Thursday

here's the story before i forget and while sitting..... Para said he likes them )

seen this first picture so - in light of recent news from Lebanon - it reminded me of story. First photo, unimportant per se, Germans in 1917 in town Smederevo, last medieval capital.... One could say these, in general continental situation and especially West front, were the lucky ones although not numerous and secondary importance for German army situation, something like "railway troops" in their subtext's language.... of course Western front was tough, but in numbers (including war crimes and viruses) Serbia lost more people in that war than in all wars from circa 1100-1400 AD. btw, I notice one domestic cat committing treason on that picture, too friendly to ocupators.... :)

but the story is on other 2 photos... worst disaster of the "Lebanon type" in our history includes Smederevo and Germans, happened in 1941. One can see old fort in the begining of XX century - all towers standing, old city inside did not exist from before btw. In 1941 Germans used it as ammo, fuel and similar depot which exploded in june of that year (before 22. june btw, so only Chetniks operated against them, but it was considered accident). Fort and nearby town structures on second photo after explosion and rescue. Over 2000 people died, including German troops.... so that's the story, interestingly there are many pics of Germans in both wars with alcohol in one hand and pipes/smokes ;) but it was warm part of the year as well...




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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-14 12:27, Friday

German (again working on railroad) in Belgrade, ww2 in 1941. Genuine, i recognized some buildings in other photos. Probably singing:

Oy, Main river you cold water,
who sent me here, i fic* his mutter.
Life is tough and I might sterben,
so far away from home, I'm with Zerben."

:lol ........guess many people don't like German world wars satire, but was a nice chance to show poetic skills and for a bit of laugh :) ...."Zerb" is how they say "Serb", "sterben" is wrong form of "to die", other understandable..... it's always interesting subject as well as our relations today, lots of potential for comics so do not mind eventual future "German posts" ) .... they are our pals in this forum and productive.


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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-15 12:21, Saturday

guess many people even less like Hitler satire, but I think most of us in "western world" are or should be "taboo free" and relaxed so I'll post this joke I made also few years ago, as "photo-funnies"....

story in photos: in 1941, Yugoslavia joins the Axis, diplomatically... pic one: few days later Hitler reads the news of some "putsch" in Belgrad, Serbien. Pic two: Hitler takes map of Europe to find Serbien on it :lol and he did.... for joke used satirical map published in German speaking lands in time of WW1 outbreak representing all present countries as caricatures, maybe I'll publish it later for interest. Of course, Serbia was represented emotionally, but all countries had few lines beside map and (to me, great victims of war aside) funny part is text for Serbia i.e. "Schweinenbande!" :lol

hope joke is funny, however my few more serious lines.... some attitude and "racism" usually connected to southern German lands & Austria wasn't that much due to eyes, skin, heights etc. - it is older issue and (by me) has to do with religion and long present mistrust between orthodox and catholics, generally speaking but of course people also seen folk without elites and state for centuries, plus feared it as competitor to some Habsburg held lands.... crimes and executions were often carried in "non-systematic way" in regions with ressistance or historical significance and indeed often by people from "southern German lands", not because of those from Kragujevac (for example) being less blond or more culturally backwarded :) speaking that way.... Germans generally were pragmatic and they cooperated in times with same people and then put a bounty on their heads etc... my father line is from Kruševac from central Serbia, they've seen Germans and Nedić troops many times, but very few to none casualties from crimes.... it was all a gamble......... most "hilarious" thing of all (but not important) is that German scientists knew of ancient sources about Sarmatians and Scyths, however Serbs were brutalised intentionally in regions as explained above.... i decide to share and talk more here as I generally assume there are many history lovers around, but i think this subject is talked enough (for now)).



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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-16 19:34, Sunday

i don't know it's hard and tricky subject, Europe was "eventful", Balkans even more in the days... I somehow feel sorry for honest Chetnik patriots - they were often presented and judged in history as "maniacs, killers, bearded swines, racist, fascist and who knows what" while many were just ideological opponents and heroic, patriotic people not conquering nor terrorising anyone. There were others as well...

probably one of my favorite photos from collection of ww2 Chetniks (nickname was taken from nationalist people originally fighting mostly Osmans and pro-Bulgarian guerrillas since XIX c), i have many pics and researched some units... Idk, but young many standing and talking to their leader doesn't look too bad and evil (hope he wasn't involved in bad doings)) so i share this pic someone coloured years ago... might be just screenshoot from some filmed material in 1944 ; have many on subject but do not to put much here. for history lovers only.


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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-17 12:11, Monday

....anyway, Wikipedia and "great titled" historians aside - as I explained many times "Wiki is just a messenger, don't kill a messenger", blame sources or historians with bias (they are just humans even when "titled") - I'd like to add in lighter tone to the subject...

there is that story - to unimportant to try to find it now, but it's like this - when Hungarian diplomat visited Mussolini in Rome in late 1943 or early 1944, one of the topics was demand by Hungarians to him to boost support and supplies for (again some) Chetnik units, but Benito reportedly replied: "I'm more fan of Tito." :lol ...If even true, where is the trick: a) Italian ultra-nationalist had "clash of interest with" Serb nationalists and b) Mussolini was "joking" as he tried to explain that he is the one to be making decissions regarding Balkans, not Germans, Hungarians or anyone, so if Germans (or Hungarians in this case) said (for example) "this wall is white" he would say "no, it's green" etc.

Mussolini's political stunts and "humor" aside (there is story that "Blackshirts" tried to mine Serb medieval churches), many thanks to Italian royal army for preventing not only that, but saving and giving refugee to many Serb civilians in those days.

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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by lvjtn » 2020-08-27 17:30, Thursday

Ale wrote:
2020-08-13 18:59, Thursday
seen this first picture so
Ale, what was the guy doing inside the barrel do?
»my real name is csaba (tʃɒbɒ)«
Image Image Image Image Image


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Re: my corner (photos, fun etc.)

Post by Ale » 2020-08-29 18:24, Saturday

at first wanted this thread to "sink" as it was useless here before your post - unlike talking history where I still hang by the nails barely until i give up ) - but not to sound rude to others for not answering, while I get your question as rhetorical, i'll anyway answer.... well, resolution is problem (and that's only resolution I have) so it might be taken in various ways - German joker, domestic joker, some oppressed person and all inbetween if you mean that... somehow I own and seen many pics of (specifically) Germans as occupiers and didn't see many about any torture and such - even have pictures of Germans paying money to Gypsy (Romas) tobacco sellers somewhere in Leskovac (SE part of country in 1916/17) while they could just take it, for example one of more interesting. But might be just for photo, certainly no foreign troops are never angels, especially if they get into country by war ;

question is on place, so answer a bit longer merely for other readers. anyway, if i'm to post here I abandon idea of historical photos so i might post something medieval, monument, fortress or something, if anything at all :) but maybe it's best for it to "sink" as not place for history as you said some time ago - it's not Hungarian pub to talk history around :lol somehow I still hope to find some interest in medieval maybe some stories could be alright to share and learn, but if not well, well... anyway good question as someone might wonder.

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