The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-15 22:03, Friday any way - as i talked about that very friendly but distant region much - my Japanese praise is not against China, Korea or something... our relations with China are almost proverbal now and traditional - unlike many we enter it on "green", however we do not do babies there because babies are outlawed there :) ...however we bring Chinese here and do babies to them ) Korea is also old friend from imperial days and when we sent Polo (as relative of our Venetian queen) to collect data about all of you cuties for us as we prepared to expand to there - but never happened...

people from distant lands and backgrounds often could wrongly interpretate praise of one country as dislike of others etc. so not the case... watched some (not many) Chinese about older history films and scenography, machinery, costumes even some camera angles and characters are alright, even good :yes but generally still behind acting and dark tone in western medieval films (though they are sometimes stupid and empty, i'd do it better)... would be cool to cooperate with you 3-4 on some historical film but maybe unconvincing to take Chinese/Japanese/Korean actress to play Venetian queen of ours :) or actor from there - Japanese for example - for captain-knight in our army.... or maybe not ; however, maybe good story about our knight captured by Mongols and he finishes on Japanese imperial court could have happaned if not happen, things like that....

this is just serious post to add.... without music, but important. Like some far-Asian traditional music but don't know what to post now - I like that tune from few posts above in that "Chinese uniforms" video very much, for example :yes and i like addition of drums in our song by Jap band, made it 5x more powerful :yes ....i mentioned Japan so much only because it is oldest traditional friend and we never annexed each other...... do join from any of those great countries i want you....

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-16 07:44, Saturday
Dance of the Demons ! 1 Hour of Japanese War Drums

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-17 20:06, Sunday


...people often ask "how can you be friends with CJK (3 countries I mentioned) you so small they so big, esp. China... well we can, because we are similar in many ways - for example one of main similarities with China is that we have about same GDP per capita (with PPP added) :) ....or take Japan or S Korea, so much bigger and heavily "pushed up" by western capital/support - though being naturally smart, VERY literate :) cute and capable of course. Yet, such countries so much richer and Japan so composed and low-crime (like we, btw) do give us "green pass", unconditional.... respect. With S Korea we also have similarity having northern border looking similar to their :) ...I think I'm now officially also fan of (female) "K-pop", of course I watch it with sound turned off :) Cuties... one thing I learned "hanging out" with Japanese on their news sites is that our usual myth about "high morality and transparency" of modern Jap politics/politicians is also (sadly) myth, or at least they say so and there is a lot of corruption, "behind curtain" deals and scandals... we have grown on stories like "Jap politician would rather kill himself than be dishonored or in shadows" :) and things like that... all related to recent killing of (our state order holder for different reasons) mister Abe and all. Nice read and mystery, but don't worry Asians or Japs - it is global phenomenon I call "neo-feudalism" globally we experience etc...

in any way, politics is politics, but friendship forever... I think I love you and hope you make us great again. Highly respect "visa free" regime as citizen of Serbia, from all 3 of you and all other things.... more music from there, traditional and epic but less noisy than my usual inspirations :)

...never thought that my "black knight" story with dragon around the neck (as member of dragon order) could actually go well in great CJK countries, but it is actually logical.... welcome again and last time.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-18 18:24, Monday add as well - and then I'm out for sure until some music to add - if in any way my term Jap is offensive, take it serene, calmly from me as just written simplification, no offense.... another turn on political things - Japanese, Korean or some people should never fall under hysteria or provocations like thinking that China & Chinese are "our players" in the region :) ...whole thing is based on mutual ties, friendship, common history (we both were great empires etc) and some war from last century in which we defeated NATO together in short conflict... Chinese politicians stated numerous times that "if Serbs order us to attack anyone in greater Pacific region, be sure it won't be Japan nor Taiwan (ROC)" :lol ...same apropos our eventual intention to re-arm Japan :) .........sorry again if Japs sounds bad - no intention my cuties....

most seriously and to effectively tie my previous theme with far/east-Asia.... could it be possible that "traditional Roman animal" on Branko's belt is in fact Chinese dragon ; ...think about it while our history is only in fragments like that Branko's belt... to add, we are among tribes which kept only one term for "dragon" i.e. "zmaj" and we do not use/have synonym. Indicating that our "dragon" is similar to Chinese and CJK widely - snake-bodied entity without wings and similar to your mitology by physicalities and so :yes ....while i have no doubts that our ancient (pre-Slavic) tribe is purely Asian and maybe connected to you sisters, and also no doubt that we knew a lot about you in the middle ages, possibly via Ventians and stories... but Branko's belt and something deeper about it only as fun, unscientifical detail - if creature had spread 3 claws on "arms" we would all be in "shock" historically, but sadly artist doing it for Branko made it amorphous ;) ...i'm out with posts without music, another greet to my Asian cuties and friends :yes in historical sense many things are possible, but for us Serbs now late and unproveable, as we lack good sources... kiss you, very welcome!

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-18 19:03, Monday ... Ks23BHxDR4

Xiaogang Ye - The Macau Bride Suite Opus 34 and Four Poems of Lingnan
Shi Yijie, Tenor. Macau Youth Choir. Macau Orchestra. Lü Jia, Conductor.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-19 22:04, Tuesday

also, for historical precision - mister Abe wasn't quite "ruler" :) nor even closely first Japanese high official with any order of Serbia ; ...talking about "rulers" princes Yorihito (Higashifushimi/Komatsu), Kuniyoshi (Kuni) & Nabuhito (Takamatsu) all recieved our state orders, though latest disputed, first 2 confirmed... those are relative from cadet branch, father in law and brother of Hirohito in that order and related to current rulers, imperials of Japan. Non of them was "ruler" as well, but no less than Shinzo Abe was )... Maybe some other lower ranking officers also recieved some titles, knighthoods from our kingdom... so for precision as I wasn't quite good with words, nor really "expert" on modern history.

lovely, refreshing subject - I enjoy every moment diging it, including much older history and CJK culture (mind that Polo was indeed relative of our dinasty Nemanjić-Dandolo, Venice of the days was small city, heh) so we can rightfully claim old knowledge, if not having Chinese-Korean-Japanese ambassadors on our court, if not Branko having "black belt" in karate as well :) (i'm in fear what would be if Du-san also had one))

roots of K-pop :) ... not so musically pleasing but i chose to present visually, aren't girls looking like they are flying while going circle? As for other reasons I stick to modern, evolved version of K-girls performers :) ...i could talk far-Asia forever but no sense and i finish... hope i gave some interesting historical details and corrected some own mistakes properly, at least... give them love and respect in small but glorious once imperial Serbia and love them (babies included))... thanks to Bombast for participating in "Asia fest", out for now myself...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-20 08:32, Wednesday

After going to a former Portuguese colony in China we may as well keep in a colonial register.
(Although Macau wasn't, technically, a colony)

Xiaogang Ye - Twilight in Tibet Opus 41

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-21 14:45, Thursday

...great subject. Simply deserves more, demonstrating how to use internet in very positive way ;

beside other things, read a lot about that diplomatic history and modern "relations" best refelected in (for me) visa policy... used a lot of wikipedia but also offical sites and foreign ministry of countries, trying to find some "hidden politcs" and political matrix or pattern in them... simply there is none or at worst few or no clear pattern. While S Korea is relatively "liberal" on that field (though we are among countries outside of EU which gained equal travel as EU ones, not all have it) and we have "pact of friendship" since 2006, but gaining it from "conservative" and restrictive China and Japan is great success. Arguably, among biggest in last 20 years... direct line to Chinese capital also, know few people who fly to China yearly, will be big improvement :yes Think Polo-Dandolo-Nemanjići would be proud to see that now and that we stayed true to it :) ...regarding Taiwan, well "out of spite" they give no travel reliefs to our citizens, but unimportant... success on CJK is even greater if you consider that some much poorer (and even less US-influenced) countries of SE Asia (for example) didn't give us privileges yet, not to mention that even neighbors there do not give it to each other etc. All said to implify its "strategic significance" of decisions with CJK, not against anyone...

always liked to speek honestly, truly and if so, "un-PC" but culturally... and always liked solid laugh. In that sense to add few pearls from Wiki that really have some humoristic tone (from Serb-Jap relations article). So "...during ww2 there was much hostility beetwen both" or pearl "(also during ww2) Japan and Serbia kept a negative view of each other" :) or "Japan and Y-Sarmatia had spectacular relations until 1990s" or pearl "...many Japanese today see Serbia as major ally in region" :lol ....doubt that any sentence is correct - what was official govt of Serbia during ww2, one in London, one in Belgrade, or Berlin as we were occupied? ; or sentence is based on "people opinion" well I doubt that average Serb knew that Japan is in some war and vice versa average J - small BS, but good for unimportant laugh. more thing, helmet horns were present in Japan, some of "Rashomon" film story (hence maybe traditional east-Asia legends) narrative is indirectly similar to our epic-songs (unfaithful wife of lonely knight), our wandering knights and "code of honor" similar to Japanese (and E Asian) ronins etc etc. and by coincidence "Meiji restoration" coincide with Mihajlo's "regain of cities" and our restoration almost in year... With China so much similarities and coincidence, too much to mention - for example they also "guslaju" like us :) (that instrument in link) they are all about dragons like we were once (one of Branko's ascendants from XVI c was also known as "Feiry Dragon" btw) and much more... I leave you alone but will maybe occasionally come back to subjects and mention CJK positively, my posts from this block aimed at both domestic and EAsian readers however my welcome to forum is only for Asians, i meet "domestic readers" everyday ; ...... officially finish :)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-23 08:09, Saturday

Madmess - Stargazer

This is a trio from Porto - up north from my location - with a theme from their debut album "Rebirth", released December 21.

Full album link for those with more time and patience.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-24 20:25, Sunday

....some "analysts, philosophers, thinkers etc" from US to Japan via "Euroasia" even sometimes say that all current troubles and more "militant" approach (not C) from two big on R and C countries started "after their politicians have seen what happened with Serbia and short conflict with NATO" ....quasi they decided to take different course then, narrative says... well I don't know if it is true or not, nor my problem. BUT as member and representative of such glorious tribe with such "fame and respect" and with responsibility I'll use this chance to send message to CJK allies of traditional wisdom and restraint. In our strategic plans we see you all 3 in peace and quadruple alliance with us, we don't want any blood of yours, clear as that ;) ........btw, when you look at some CJK history retrospectively now and change perspective and look them as cuties and friends, you can easily simpathyse with them in the XIX c, and even see Europeans & Americans as "bad guys" from Meiji to Qing (Ching or our Ćing even, not King or Qving)) empires and events, from wars for narco-trafficing to taking cities and "slaves"... horrible... now why our rulers after "Mi-Mi restoration" (Mihajlo & Milan) didn't make many diplomatic approaches to Qing China unlike they did to Japan, i don't know precisely especially since king Milan probably considered Chinese equally cute as Japanese :) but it is fact from history we didn't make many ties with troubled Chinese empire unlike Japan in XIX c, but we do have now and we had in the middle ages ;

anyway, back to today and lighter subjects - wiki-article (Serbo-Japan relations, again) made me familiar with that character "Irina Jelavić"... must say to J friends that Irina is not quite Serb version of name, nor very present. We use often more likely "Irena" while historically it was "Jerina" in middle ages.... other maybe even more important thing is - blondes with colorful eyes are not so numerous among Serb girls :lol nonetheless unimportant but to say ;

of all videos I posted in "Asia-fest" I regret one "Yeti song" - maybe little disrespectful to J language etc... not ours, made in other European country (i know which)) not related to us, just to know... here's good guitarist insted above... i've also learnt that most "Js" on "Japanese English language sites" are not Japanese at all :) have fun and join, we have subjects to discuss in pub about course of our alliance......... ;

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-25 06:43, Monday ... jD4qAPVJOM
Various - Chuida Wind and Percussive Instrumental Ensembles

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-07-25 07:49, Monday

Recorded live in MKC Petefi Šandor, Novi Sad, Serbia on 22.03.2019 during "The Midnight Sun: Light in the Storm" tour.
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by randowe » 2022-07-25 21:57, Monday

Parabellum wrote:
2022-07-25 07:49, Monday
Recorded live in MKC Petefi Šandor, Novi Sad, Serbia on 22.03.2019 during "The Midnight Sun: Light in the Storm" tour.
Thank you for the music :howdy Didn't know the band before but i enjoy it very much!
Image Slava Ukraini!

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-07-26 07:30, Tuesday

randowe wrote:
2022-07-25 21:57, Monday
Parabellum wrote:
2022-07-25 07:49, Monday
Recorded live in MKC Petefi Šandor, Novi Sad, Serbia on 22.03.2019 during "The Midnight Sun: Light in the Storm" tour.
Thank you for the music :howdy Didn't know the band before but i enjoy it very much!
:howdy nice to hear this. The band will play a few concerts in selected major cities in Germany in January and February 2023:
They were in Saxony (Leipzig / "Täubchenthal") for the last time on December 2, 2018. But that day I visited the Slayer farewell tour in Berlin. And so I continue to wait for my first concert with them.
For more musical information I recommend the playlist of "Season of Mist" (French independent label): ... ktWDkrfR4l
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-26 13:05, Tuesday

more shamisen... in double by Ki-Ki (i'm fan)

and in triple with guy, "samurai figure" added in center

true Japan, originating from China of course :) simply you like them or hate, no middle i think ; I like even "singing", both fem "hi" by Ki-Ki and masculine "ha" "ho" by the guy on second video, while "hand work" is spectacular & instrument combining "percussion element" when played with hits by string-jerk on wood etc ....much better videos than solo guy i posted before, very cool

regarding historical details, today "everybody hates Qing" ;) (not really but simplified statement) they are Manchu, most Chinese Hun... pardon HAN i said Han :) (kiss you cuties). But our "perčin" i.e. cued/queued/braided male hairstyle is similar to them ; ... bet you didn't know that queue male hairstales were present and spread by males in Serbia as well not in Manchu style completely though as our males never shaved or cut front of the skull ; nonetheless, was our look, in middle ages among nobility partly - even Du-san maybe sometimes wore cues in hair to show "power"... Another cute story and our tie with old-Asia and our possible Asian origin... it died out during XIX c and anecdotes are that some Serbs in some villages faced even Karageorge's army and force if they didn't want to cut hair and cues... join me.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-26 23:02, Tuesday

Great Icelandic Saga at the conquest of Serbian musical audiences...

And now for something completely different... a man with yet another version of one of the most worn out musical pieces in the history of western music...
Vivaldi - Winter (Metal Edition)

As an encore, something more funk-jazzy...
Jan Akkerman & Band - Streetwalker
Jan Akkerman, the ex Focus one.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-07-27 06:34, Wednesday

Ale wrote:
2022-07-26 13:05, Tuesday
more shamisen... in double by Ki-Ki (i'm fan)
:cool I like it, very virtuosic

matching: my favorites from Mongolia with a new song: The Hu - Black Thunder Part 1 ...
and discovered two days ago, but not as good as Ki-Ki, or better say different: Nini Music - LongMa (Taiwanese Folk Metal)
Last edited by Parabellum on 2022-07-27 14:37, Wednesday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-27 12:59, Wednesday

glad you also like it, they are very skilled aren't they...

...generally, there are some interesting alliances and pacts in the making around the globe... we with China, Japan & Korea, Russia with Turkey and Iran, Sweden with all against Switzerland, EU and Arab League :) and some old, traditional like "English speaking Commonpoor" with Australia etc etc Not to mention that there are many undecided yet and it will be interesting future (if we have any)).... weighting and counting our cards in hand, think we did well, by creating cutest one, most honestly hope it lasts forever and there is enough material and evidence in our history for annexation & you also send us to space to conquer Uranus ;

one thing I regret... we have in packages Chinese TVs, in Chinese. I watch it. There is a lot of music and nice songs and performers... regret part is - it is all written in Chinese, their names, and when i really like some singer and want to search it on youtube and internet, I can't because i don't know what to write in search... there is method to freeze picture, carefully type with Chinese keyboard on the net and then search, but too time consuming and i miss them (or record and ask Cs in the city, but equally stupid and long) ...can see many other performers on interent, but i miss some i like

i must finish eventually and i do, while being far from finished in exploring... i hope i showed a lot of love, cultural knowledge and respect. Maybe sometimes i was "waggish" with my words, but it is acceptable as we are in alliance and can tease eachother

some of Chinese old, very old proverbs are similar to ours... instantly remember "Two bads killed Miloš" (Obrenović)) and they have ancient proverb "three weaker killed one hero" (with their names in-there, can't search now).... it is because they are (generally) smaller people compared to us Yetis (if Du-san ever was able to climb some mountains in E Asia and leave footprint, just imagine what would they call it....) so in their tradition there is need for 3 persons to kill one hero. Philosophically as well ; ....there are many more proverbs similar to ours, even replicas..... The end for now, for Asians hopefully humoristic enough, my invitation always open my sisters :yes

....unimportant per se video, but to also present this channel with some old C stuff... (how is it possible to be so cute, don't ask me) ...see you, also sorry to other (non Asian like us) members here for longish posts sometimes, but that's me and done, hope this place grow & interculturalise i just tried with folks I can influence )

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-27 14:23, Wednesday

Black Bombaim - Oliva Sessions (under 9 minutes)

Black Bombaim are a rock trio from the city of Barcelos, Braga district. Or simpler said, north of Portugal.
No vocalist. Guitar playing sounds, some say, stratospheric.
Oliva was a sewing machine brand so I this probably took place on some ex sewing machine factory.
For those who think they could listen to a bit more, Black Bombaim full set at Dunajam 2014 (bit over 46 minutes):

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-07-27 14:48, Wednesday

also Moonspell make music on an extraordinary place - the Grutas de Mira D'Aire: Entitlement (Live 80 Meters Deep)
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-07-28 14:43, Thursday

a new interpretation of an old Metallica classic: Tulia - Nothing Else Matters
and something else (for me) untypical, but very entertaining: Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Get Smart :dance
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-28 17:26, Thursday

yeah, wanted to say this before but missed it in posts.... as interesting detail for quiz in history, found out during searches on previous topics that another "figure from Japanese history" recived our state order (white eagle of kingdom)... D. MacArthur :) ....not to disappoint our E Asian friends, nothing with events in that region ; he got it in lower rank (knight) for his role during ww1 by our officers, but it is interesting how his career later developed in your region... Japanese princes recieved it in highest rank of "grand cross" he just "knight" ;

think it is interesting historical detail worth noting for fun and history lovers... list of our kingdom-state orders recipients is colorful and interesting from today perspective, including founder of Scottish SNP (pro-indie party) :lol and many more today funny... regarding Americans and English, bad guys until they "open something" and do "visa-free" ;) I'm with Asians now and we are making it great pact.... come join us to discuss and plan ahead, develop "branko's belt" etc exchange something, including your nice music here

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-29 15:52, Friday

also - don't be stupid - there is one important detail and why I insisted so much.... besides East Asia being my love, ever

seen some reports in Chinese press about some riots on (glorious) Solomon islands, state. After govt switched from "pro-Taiwan" to "pro-China" policy, there were riots and attacks on Chinese, including at least 3 deaths in fire... so those people with best, "democratic" (democracy is concept non-existant anywhere in it's true form, like modern religion mostly) intentions who constantly repeat how "China is colonizing us" "China is doing us non-favors" etc etc must consider that it can (in some fiction) have consequences on Chinese here in some bad scenario... they are not stealing here, not raping, not armed, not colonizing etc. Yes, there was one Chinese who tried to "kill all Serbs" some 15 years ago, attacking people with knife randomly in city center, nobody dead iirc ; .... They came initially because their govt told them "they are going to friendly country..." not even much interested in both our women nor men, btw ; While speaking honestly and criticising is alright and welcome politically.... by all sources we do not even know how many Chinese are living here, why secrecy and often 15-20 times bigger numbers than "official" some estimates are even greater number than Ireland (for example) and many more richer countries...

hypocrisy stinks - old C proverb.... i believe in human diplomacy and contact, not that on political and elite level (business ties are alright but i couldn't care less about their world view....simplification) So why E Asia so much? Well, there is myth in recent years about our "great friendship" with China and I learn from Wiki about we being major ally by Japanese people :) and old "pact of friendship" with Korea etc. well, well... really hope C airliner will be able to keep that airline open this time, it was abandoned last time for lack of interest first time few years ago :lol and hope we will be able to export much apples there - just on first sight they look like stones but when you taste them you'll change your mind, cutiess :lol ..... all this is important also as explaination for other readers, i'm not making any pacts nor policy - though mind that we do have one with China (and will conquer Uranus with them) and i respect they wanting strongest nation outside China in alliance - trying to invite, and interested to see what people think, hopefully younger (so Japan is out)) and then we can use game, talk other things etc Most seriously hope you like my words and now understand fully all that - not against anyone, understood it is "western place" but we are all tolerant and non-conspiratory here and some even Asian like me, so i'm interested mostly in sisters far Asians and history, things in life, what you think... and how to prevent deaths and destruction.

again, explaination with seriousness, both to east and far-east (and west)... some not to think that i really care about Americans, English (i care about Scots though).... though ultimatum on travel stays, my princip on "egalite" (with more money added))... most seriously to explain, think Brits and Americans here are far more danger to us than vice-versa, learn from cute E-Asians. I wrote it all from heart to E Asians, you are very welcome here and will enjoy every right to criticize our president "Yeti-wolf" (he's big), friend Xi, Thailand, Taiwan, (unfortunately) late Shinzo Abe, K-pop or fight for Scotland :) ....and of course, "sorry" to all "musicians" here again, it was my (unsuccessful) try... i think i did it alright this time, now join already ; (hope you like TBS as well)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Radoye » 2022-07-29 16:05, Friday

Ale wrote:
2022-07-29 15:52, Friday
our president "Yeti-wolf" (he's big)
He ain't big just tall, that's all...

Jimmy Reed - Big Boss Man

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Radoye » 2022-07-29 17:24, Friday

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-29 21:31, Friday

Parabellum wrote:
2022-07-28 14:43, Thursday
and something else (for me) untypical, but very entertaining: Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Get Smart :dance
Charlie & the Bluescats used to have an alternative set made of TV themes and surf guitar hits.
Including Get Smart... but I have no idea if any of that was ever recorded let alone filmed.
I got it live once.
So. a Jimi cover it will be...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-07-30 12:58, Saturday

Back to Asia...
Get this while you can...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-07-31 22:11, Sunday


that's my country name written in traditional, very old Chinese script. Absolutely love it. It is all there from great palaces, towers, siege engines, broken bridges and railway to traditional "iron cross" (or is it tombstones, in any way true)) Very smart, geography and history in short, lovely.... btw, script is now "de-mode" in most of China, but used and can be used in whole country freely (it is not Manchu script, Han one btw)

strengthens the need of "Branko's belt" being back home, and all our findings and stolen things, irrelevant how sparce and ruined they might be... in some place/museum for Asians to visit. We lack marketing skills... for example one "dragon room" in museum with all medieval dragon related things of ours for CJK visitors etc etc would be nice first need to build back castles but more care and presentation of history could be nice (including fact that we paid Polo to go there)

...nothing to do with E Asia, but decided to go to bad with this song and to be true to thread - one of my favs and have 1000 versions :) ... never heard much this old version, prefer some bit faster and with stronger guitar though, but there are zillion around...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-08-01 09:14, Monday

One of the most recalled blues standards.
Going Down - Charlie and the Bluescats studio cover

And now something completely different dedicated to Minerva and Apolo.
Bohemian Catsody

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-08-01 11:05, Monday

African Metal.

From Kenya, Mortal Soul with Solace Playthrough.

From Angola, Neblina with WAR HEADS. (Neblina means Mist in English)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Radoye » 2022-08-02 01:28, Tuesday

A Tear for Eddie, by Ween. Dedicated to Eddie Hazel, "The Other Hendrix" as he was known.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-08-02 08:49, Tuesday

Bombast the Blue wrote:
2022-08-01 11:05, Monday
African Metal.

From Kenya, Mortal Soul with Solace Playthrough.
Pinned by Mortal Soul
Tommy Guerrero
4 years ago
This brings tears to my eyes. This is one of the best and most memorable metal moments in my life. I have been a metalhead for 32 years now and I am from the Dominican Republic. Seeing Africans shred and composing meaningful metal songs like this makes me so proud to be part of the best community in the world. Metal has oficially transcended race,religion, skin color, stereotypes... Keep it up metal brothers unite! As my idol Chuck Schuldiner always said: keep the metal faith alive
:cool :yes :clap

in memory of Anthony James Sly (November 4, 1970 – July 31, 2012): No Use For A Name - Biggest Lie
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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-02 12:34, Tuesday

...only version of "going down" world is lacking is shamisen version, by Ki-Ki for eample would be super cool :) Maybe I'll write them on that subject.... ;

亞 is I, me in Serbian, free lesson for Chinese, they learn fast btw and speak good with cutest accent... hope it will be second most popular language in E Asia once, after their native languages :yes

went to official state site this day, what I rarely do not interested in any brainwashing machineries called media, absolutely none globally... because some maliciously tried to say that we entered war last night... can confirm that even cute China TV - i'm watcher now not understanding much, that's why i like it :) - reported briefly on that. Do not worry sister, we are not in war, our army did not move and Chinese foreign office representatives said "No matter what you think and pack to 塞爾維亞 it will be first nation on Uranus" quite clearly :) .....much more interesting news I catched is that citizens of Serbia bought over 15000 (!) houses and apartments on Greek small peninsula Chalkidiki alone... well just shows how sh*tty place world is, for some mud and death, for some enjoying and orgies... so don't be dumb eternally and trust only CJK.

i haven't lied about shamisen originating from China

love you E Asia, lets annex... (who would say that Abe's faith and Bombast would start such honest eruption from me))

... i thought he also got our citizenship earlier this year (so we can call him in army)) but some around corrected me and he just recieved some order/collar/medal of our state in february, like Shinzo Abe. Fortunately he is still alive ;) ...nonetheless, interesting, though fragmented, version of song for my collection ; ... generally like original Nix/King version and words more than this Beck's "blasphemy" and even Irene is mentioned in original...

as much for now, come join me very interested in everything E Asian... i'm incapable to join your sites but learning and will be able to do so in aproax 50-60 years :p

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-08-02 21:00, Tuesday

Going down still but not any way...
Canned Heat - Going Down Slow

And going up...
Canned Heat - Going up the country

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-03 16:08, Wednesday

uh-oh, did i say "Abe's faith" ... while my posts have many, this one is serious typo needing correction - I meant Abe's fate. Saying for my E Asian readers, because some "questions of faith" various "churches i.e. cults" have something with his death allegedly, plus he visited religious objects ) not to add to some "eyebrows rising" in E Asian sisters if they read that some guy in Serbia respects "Abe's faith" :lol .... while also i do respect late m. Abe's faith, he was shinto practicioner, as i understand - but nothing to do with my post, typo ; Japan, ally, don't know much about current politics nor we interefere in such questions with friendly countries, but Abe had "positive rating" here.... i'm in bed with China, but love Korea, all 3 honestly - best thing in 21st century for us. i love satire, sarcasm and humor but all was honest about you 3... total myth that people from there do not have "western sense of humor" they always laugh at "karate" :) Learning a lot about your history, newer as well. Belive me I'm not sure that king Milan did not send some letter to Korea and China (Qing one, but also to greet Han as well) but maybe it was "lost" in transport by someone ; SE Asia as well, too many to mention, just do visa free who did not yet... old Chinese proverb is that "you can't be friend with everybody" but in your collective case with us - yes, we can and mutual annex is OK, love

(btw, i was talking J. Depp in other part of last post, think it is clear)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-08-04 11:58, Thursday

Special animal edition...

In Turkey Linda creatively uses human equipment two or three times a week. ... mar-banho/

In Australia Didga is more about radical sport.
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Jeff Beck - Black Cat Moan

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-05 14:31, Friday

lots of free time in august, will learn much in any possible moment :yes Taiwan i mentioned... tough question not similar to any other "crisis" nor to us at all, as we faced separation from recognized country, us. I see no paralels in that sense and their history is really complicated (smell of genocide)) as third party was indigineous etc. to point... we love China and expecting gladly, did i say but love Taiwan people as well, cute...

well, i am fair man, honest and independent "rough" speaking, but fair. In that sense as i mentioned it before in regard to travels and policies and i said that they "out of spite" do not give us any travel priviledge ; I really believed though that considering that they as unrecognized country initiated "bad relations", but will correct that - we are only country in Europe where Taiwan paper holders can not enter without visas, so reciprocity. Fair policy as it contains for me desired reciprocity, but correction which is fair from side... it is not becuse we do not have (unofficial or official) relations, it is becuse we are only they can't enter visa free as well... however we are only country where Chinese can enter freely, hope it will be properly recorded in history and not steal that we were first European country to "penetrate" China in 21st c, respect - you can take my footprint and place it freely on mountain to scare tourists :)

considering travels and "who considers who as second rate" (to simplify it) personally wasn't in touch with some info that from late next year travel to the EU will be harder and "little visa" introduced back for our citizens, including all otherts with visa-free now... on side what i think about some W European countries, how much crime and criminals, victims of sex and human trafficing there are really etc etc it is measure which will greately reduce poorer people ability to travel and just visit some place for few days, simplifiedly said..... some say also that it is "carrot" and we donkeys (as we have pact of candidate unlike other visa-free now) forcing us to fastly and deeply/fully re-orientate to them where they wait us gladly etc.... in any way, visa-free is not the most important thing on this planet, and rich can travel even with full visa restrictions, but for me always important as symbol. In that sense, to be clear whome we allow to enter freely and how is not other countries fault - it is our govt decision, somebody not to think that I "blame" Brits (for example) for being able to enter freely etc. we can introduce measures and restrictions always...

one live performance for interest, by Serbian rock band originating from the 70s... not so good visual recording (audio is fine) nor song per se (some of their i liked more) but I decided to post it because it mentiones cute Japan in first para saying - "can't wait for day to come to land in Japan... blah, blah... and do "calamity" with J girl" :) Cutest China wasn't mentioned much in our songs before, but from now on I hope it will :yes have fun Bombast and all (still hope for some "tourists" and view from Asia, would like some forum contacts, film, artist, fav city and more))

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-07 20:34, Sunday

...however other China related things were in fact present in ex-Serbian rock so there was punk band "Peking duck" and many more outside Serbia as well... "Beijing duck" (we still call it Peking due to our Manchu roots)) is, btw, speciality often related to Yuan dynasty, Mongolian in China history, so again not Han (but do not mix them with Manchu)) and so on

did you know my C readers that it wasn't far from your and mine country finishing in "same empire" once, almost... Mongols threatened us few times in late XIII and early XIV and near year 1300 reality of direct Mongol invasion (Golden horde) was almost iminent. By Nogai or Nogay (sounds almost Japanese in first version), one of descendants of Genghis. So our prince then and later king known as Stefan Dečanski (father of emperor Du-san) spent much of his almost childhood, early years at Nogai's court with his entourage of scary knights and wasn't treated bad, he was like "hostage" for security that Serbs and Mongols/Tatars will not take aggressive actions against eachother as they mutualy feared one another :) Could be said that much of "Mongol" actions, Nogai's, created also indirectly prelude to both our later short-lived empire and also in some way for restoration of Han Ming dynasty... That king was later overthrown by Du-san and his "Chinese faction" (as seen on Branko's "dragon" belt and Venetian influence, kung-fu and karate knowledge, among other things) and we became empire.... it also gave hope to Han about restoring their rule over China :) those were not only contacts as we also (free to say) crushed and impressed Timur or Tamerlane quasi-Mongolic empire in one battle, but talked it who says we do not have common things in even such old history, not to even mention our agent Polo again, with such far and cute people and country over 1000s of kms away. Almost finished together more than 700 years ago... hope you like my story Asians, and you like my way of presenting it in pop-fun way ) ...stories are true, facts as well just gave it a bit of flavour, various Asian fighting films were popular in my childhood, some even original and not "westernized" like those with Lee, so I am really enjoying presenting things like this...

another unimportant (and not liked by me, like harder guitars) song from same band. Called "Hiroshima" although there is not single mention of history, Japan nor city in song and is unrelated... obviously band memebrs and its frontman liked Japan much ) There is that east-Asian tune like in previous song partly while song is more "disco"... and "boring" from not so bad band :) Nice time to post such song in early august, due to ceremonies in Japan... as I said we were against it :) and, historically in given moment of august of 1945, our revoutionary-communist govt was more closer to Japan than Anglo-Americans, as there was tension over Italian city Trieste :) (while govt in London wasn't asked)) have fun do join, i'll comeback with some Asian things probably...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2022-08-07 21:03, Sunday

May Allah, praised be His name, have mercy on us all... ... E1A09F47EE

Sufi Soul (1 and 2) - Various artists

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-08 13:46, Monday

a small tribute to Nogai, nicelly made and musically not bad with famous tune in first 2 mins... he was one-eyed indeed (as well as Timur, iirc) Makes you wonder doesn't it? Serb prince on Nogai's court (hopefully not his concubine)) treated nicely and unharmed, until his death and man is attacking Byzant, Bulgaria and Hungary, our "principal enemies" and then we "finish them off" :) ...including finishing off "Dečanski" as well ; (he died in custody i think)

think it is important moment as well and to pause there and to underline, as Bombast and I pointed out before, indirectly... our (despite ruined sources and lots of guessing) liking of "wolfs i.e. dogs" (Nogai could mean dog, while our nobles as wolves in name well known and numerous), further then comes that "Serb dragon" of snake-like fish, Manchus and all...And both dogs/wolves and dragons are "positive creatures" in our beliefs, just like with Asian tribes. Are we really of some Mongol, Manchu, wider-Asian or semi one origin in reality? ; ... we can't say for sure but I think (and hope)) our nobility and kings did have some Asian lovers and maybe troops inthere once, if not once Asian themselves ) in any way, good subject for film and for imagination you can extend it all to Japan where our knight, liberated from Mongols becomes lover of shogun's sister ) ..... unrelated to us, but since we talked him, for historians I belong to faction thinking that Nogai never trully converted to islam, for what it matters... also I think that Asian tribes did know more about us in some stories maybe, also considering Timur's "gesture" and giving "pass" while he ususally treated some other Europeans "roughly" etc.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-09 14:15, Tuesday

gotta respect medieval elites/nobility to extent, violence and many maniacs there aside, oppressing the lower ranked masses etc... not only that they in time of crisis and imminent attack led their armies personally, resulting in many deaths but also (as seen) in time of need they used own kids and relatives as hostages and concubines, some sort of code of honor and responsibility image... huge contrast to today elites and those who govern, who would often rather use whole (own) nations as hostges and "concubinize or sell as cheap labor" other's kids in time of "crisis" ;) ...while they still believe in concept of "priviledges" (like miss Estonian PM indirectly confirmed today talking about travel philosophically, but forget it as unimportant)) .... anyway, I often compare (unofficially) medieval elites to some extent of today's "mafia" and indeed it seems i'd sometimes rather trust and believe in word of Japanese yakuza than Japanese politician :) not that I talked to Yakuzas much :) (while my words have nothing to do with Japan, it was btw mention...)

:lol this guy was hugely popular here some 15 years ago, think... not as singer though, but as "ninja warrior" which was show popular and watched much here, confirmed by comments by our users below his song, calling him "brother" :yes We all waited him to show and win ; Let's be honest, "sh*tty" song my friend :lol (except who likes slow ballad) but this is how our fav "ninja" sings... glad he is still alright and well.... i'm obliged to say that "ninjas" originate from China, love China :)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-10 12:56, Wednesday more, btw and unimportant, thing to Japanese, they are not some "dumb islanders" not knowing us and various cultures... our "language" and way of speaking is probably (like many things including some music with "commanding" trumpets etc) based on history and armed struggles... in war and battle, when life depends on almost every move or action, there is a lot of swearing and rough words even directed at your best friend and "action language"... so in that way about song and my attribute ;) meaning "not my style" but actually he sings very skillfully and nice, song also with soul etc. just joked about unexpected thing from our "dynamite ninja" )

as some govt themes are in J press recently - brother Nagano for PM :) ...can guarantee that, in case of visit, he would draw spontaneous and honest crowd to greet him. In Serbia at least, almost some "B. Lee version 2", incredibly close to heart ...of course, he is not mad to be politician ; sorry if you like such music, of course it is not "rock" per se, that's how we joke with brothers and pals, while we sometimes quite deliberately punch offense at people, wasn't case with him, J ballad or Kyushu culture or anything ; ...great lover, great inviter to you

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-12 17:12, Friday

I like very much subject of stereotypes, prejudices and using them in comical way... being aware of them or almost unaware (like my mistake with "Jap" word - wasn't aware that it is almost harsh "offense") and I also was reading a lot about classical stereotypes regarding E Asians, so sometimes there was playing with it in my words.... summa summarum, no effect as members are rare to non-present, but i liked it nonetheless, great subject of that big region and small "us" on our way to become China-colony :) is great "refresh" in traditional stereotypes about us as we were often (in satirical-political press) of similar fate like you, my cuties :) , and as country presented as dog, other animal ) or as baby, but always as something without own will and judgement :) except in Japanese caricature from around ww1 where our country was hedgehog or porcupine ) finish own thought, "glad" that China is now in talks about us, it is something against usual stereotypes ) ...though Japan is first in row for our "sex-annex" ;

strange is our "love" of Japan and incredible, hard to explain almost really... many of the "unknown history" could maybe put some light on it, but not to speculate about old history, let's say it is from 1882 and nice letter by emperor Meiji ) after Brits , Russians and Germans - Japanese lead in numbers of highest degree decorations by our ex-kingdom ; ...even in newer history some say that during 2011 shake & tsunami we collected (for small and relatively poor country) great number of money as help and wanted to send "best police specs" etc.... whatever reasons, interesting as is. To come back to stereotypes and things, including unavoidable physicalities - my posts are also small homage to us being among (if not the ones) tallest males on planet in average, so part of humor was in that sense... but - quite honestly and not to feel bad - if you take brother Nagano and me and mass and height difference - I finish "buć-buć" in water on first hurdle and him on top of tower :) ...unrelated anecdote few days ago from my talk about Japan - person I was talking to said: "...strange how Japan, so far north doesn't have...." :lol while J is actually south of us ; enough, while it is common misconception probably

...really do not have anything new in musical sense, mere repeat, so for younger and those never heard to have presentation in one place, small tribute to brother, but there is also song inthere, so on topic ; (he was btw originally aired on "Fox TV" here in early 2000s before it pulled out of Serbia) Will come back with some thoughts maybe, "jerk" with stereotypes maybe, but again I think it is alright to read, use it as "diplomatic channel" but also for eventual Asian readers to understand where is satire, where is truth in my words etc. Of course you are not cute at all :)

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-13 22:35, Saturday

one more thing - it is like whatever you say no good :) - regarding E Asian women... in my case it is not "fetish" (don't even know what it means exactly scientifically, but too unimportant to search now) it is not fake, it is true love so don't get me wrong... I was very young, late 90s or early 2000s, when I "fell in love to the ears" as we say, in one Chinese girl working in one of the among first their owned "fast food" stands somewhere in the city. However I was too shy to show that to her then :) (and luckily so i could forget her i.e. sadly i didn't live close to see her often, then it closed...) so no fetish and fake, not to go further in time, met them many times and had many conversations like "how much battery? how much pencils? how much this "džidža-bidža" with dragon on it? etc. :lol jokes aside, true story and love, don't get me wrong in previous post ;

in political sense, we are in "perilous situation" as you know (for last 1500 years)) so extra weight and material to my political mention, as you know being clever... can't even imagine dark day to came when we are to choose between Japan, China or Korea :) ....In some cultures (not ours) it is almost impolite to talk much about others, but to explain that as well to you ; don't mind me mentioning you so much, allowed among friends (and future annex partners)

...this film (Asians) is filmed mainly (hehe) by company from my city ; (but from "undemo" country hoho)...hadn't idea about music (including song i guess) being composed by same guy who worked on music for "Enter the dragon" with Li/Lee... another joke and I finish. since some people know that I received Sinopharm "double-fix" early last year (doesn't matter what i think now) there is joke among us - considering my latest desire to talk and give love to E Asia - that maybe whole thing is some late effect of C-vax :lol ...i try to leave it alone, always welcome here we honestly need thing like "Qing general" or "Higashifushimi Yorihito campaign" but you can say something in the pub too :yes ...sorry to others as well (game is not so serious thing after all to me but main theme of this forum existance) but simply those people deserve explain, not to think wrongly about me, we being small and without media can use only "human diplomacy"... other readers to understand as well, who would say that one tragic event (like our war together with China) would open some positive things like travel, "old colonial ties", FTA, billion women etc. while other E Asian countries are sooo old pals, hence it is important my words not to be misunderstood by them all... i finish this block, until good Asian music

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-14 21:55, Sunday

with all apologies again - this is more for other thread, which died :) - subject, but you'll understand that we are in important moment of time so i'll insist... If you really want to understand our current relations with China this ... c49c44.pdf is interesting (even downloadable) read, though not freshest, year+ progressed. We figure "dominantely" and mentioned few times so it is important, doesnt matter if you from Japan, China, other country or from our...

however, very limited study as authors pointed... firstly as exact numbers are really unknown and hard to get as stated by authors (figure 1. is interesting in that sense, where for example Chinese embassy sources give no data on that, so level of C investment in S is zero by that figure)) and second, also noted by authors, it was "study" supported by US embassy in Budapest, Hungary. Is it biased, it is anti-China, no judgement, read it yourself if interested from Japan to Honolulu, you have brain to judge yourself, but supported by US official institution...

where are interesting points for us? Yes, by study we figure as country in whole EE (though UN put Serbia in one work as "southern Europe" rather, but unimportant) with most Chinese capital in time of writting... but not as country with most "efficient" i.e. FDI (foreign direct investment) in it with Hungary and Romania maybe infront... as stated by authors level of C presence is much lower in whole EE than WE but (with small hypocrisy) EE countries are often blamed for "being under C pressure" etc.... i make no conclusions but i'll offer this study if interested - most interesting is for me figure 6. and it quasi-shows (or trully) FDI of China, US and Germany (don't know why that 3, are they important?)) in evry EE country. Considering how problematic kid are we :) i'd say we rank solidly (but small) in figures from C and G, esp. C where we are 3rd by FDI of whole EE

so instead of my satire and things i touched, for change "something serious" if you interested - mainly for my Japan readers as sooner or later (hopefully never my cuties) maybe we will need to send help again ;) enjoy, not 100% objective nor apolitcal but interesting and solid you can find in English... thought to finish with some seriousness. some C press as well, they like phrase "playing with fire" so song they might like in some of their offices :) Have a work with plenty of Chinese sayings and one I like the most is "trick me once, shame on you - trick me twice, shame on me" :yes we also have similar "folk" tales or short stories, "wisdoms" with similar saying in it, but we are like twins :) ...hope any C reader doesn't mind me presenting some serious work - for the end - but simply people talk too much so let's look at some numbers and figures... Japanese want to know ;) one thing is not secret though - China is sending most beutiful girls to us :yes as always interested in some view from CJK... have fun.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-08-15 16:24, Monday

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-08-16 06:27, Tuesday

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-16 18:47, Tuesday

for change, lets drop few lines on SE Asia, aren't they cute... geographically similar to SE Europe with peninsula going thiner southwards and then isles, just much smaller in size and population (there was also once even vulcanic activity here, now mostly in Italy "in danger")... to mention those countries it in my "fav" topic of travel rights/freedoms

mixed thing and summ of countries really in that sense, with some hidden politics or simply lack of dimplomatic activity on our side ; out of 11 we have almost equal freedoms of travel as EU countries in 5 of them - Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore & Vietnam (not same as whole EU as we have no visa-free, but same as Americans)). Very interesting. In other extreme curious is case of Thailand (some diplomatic hurdle probably) and esp. Malaysia where we are only (!) in Europe (plus Montenegro) and few in world without visa-free (but we can do e-visa)... Singapore, once related to Malay is (nothing to do with us) so "super case" and very unusual which gives visa-free to many sub-Saharan countries, many Latin American but not to many richer Asian countries.... of course, just interesting socio-political note, i'm not mad at any country nor it means that we tried much to get visa-free maybe. Merely interesting for our eventual readers (and me) on how we rate in that, "poorer" (not all), part of E Asia ; "summa summarum" even more respect to Japan & China on their decisions :yes

chose your fav :) Unusual, for some unespected sound and look from that country maybe, my respect ; we are old pals and is part of those 5 or 4+1 for us, had some nice experiences with people from there so i'll gladly look at some of these groups... of course I'll not start block about SEA, just short mention through travel, generally we must work more diplomatically there - though travel not most important thing - nor it automatically means "enemy" if no visa-free...

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Ale » 2022-08-17 14:53, Wednesday

"I don't see any problem with Yingluck getting our citizenship" - our president said - "it is in our interest" - and added - "Yingluck is my concubine now" ;

well, well - as a result of "our ineterest" (among other things) our citizens can not enter freely at least 2 SEA countries I mentioned, Bravo! ...but Yinglick is ours :yes

(she is btw ex-Thai PM with scandals and we gave her citizenship)

love that country very much :yes esp. poorer people... my apology if citizen Yingluck robbed anyone of you, cuties... open up.

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Re: The Obligatory YouTube Music Video Topic

Post by Parabellum » 2022-08-18 09:16, Thursday

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