CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100 - COMPLETED! *

Hungarian Royal Army 1939-45 by Csaba Zsadányi-Nagy (lvjtn) for LXF Efile.

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CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100 - COMPLETED! *

Post by panzerdarek »

I decided to join Doug in his CC71 attempt. That will be my first CC played with OG, as well as first try of Hungarian equipment (with exception of some pieces used in CC#11), so I choose standard 100% level. I'm not sure if I will be able keep a good pace due time limitations, but at least try not to stay far behind Doug.

CC progress status:
01. HRA Kárpátalja (Subcarpathia) , Brilliant Victory
02. HRA Nagyszeben (Sibiu) , Brilliant Victory
03. HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad) , Brilliant Victory
04. HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil) , Brilliant Victory
05. HRA Battle of Uman , Victory
06. HRA Battle of Voronezh , Victory
07. HRA Battle at Don River , Tactical Victory
08. HRA Kovel , Brilliant Victory
09. HRA Galícia (Halichina) , Brilliant Victory
10. HRA Arad , Brilliant Victory
11. HRA Nagykároly (Carei) , Brilliant Victory
12. HRA Cegléd (Attila-line) , Brilliant Victory
13. HRA Operation Konrad III , Victory
14. HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen, Tactical Victory

Results summary: BV-9 / V-3 / TV-2 / L-0
Last edited by panzerdarek on 2023-03-11 19:41, Saturday, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

1. HRA Kárpátalja (Subcarpathia)

Rather easy and small scale warm-up battle. I don't like huge & time demanding battles, so that was well fitted to my preferences.
I called the battle easy due to simplicity of battle plan, but still some units were reduced to single strength point. My recon was surprised at the beginning, when crossing a river, by combined attack of Slovak tank and recon, so I have repaired it to full strength (from 1 sp) afterwards. My fighter was very ineffective against its opponent, luckily small AD gun helped to deal with it.
The central VH was taken first, then the second on western flank. The last VH at NE was secured in turn 10, then I fought two remaining rounds till the end.

I have many units seriously damaged, so now have to decide which way to go - repair everything and stay with approx. 230 pp spared for upgrades/purchases or do repairs for most damaged units only, saving more pp for army development. :huh

Result: BV

My army before the next battle:
OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile version: CC71-Hungarian Royal Army 1939-45 for LXF 0.66 [21.03.2017]
Campaign: 1939-45 HUNGARIAN ROYAL ARMY, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 HRA Kárpátalja (Subcarpathia) , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:52

Current scenario: HRA Nagyszeben (Sibiu), VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 640
Army cost: 0 , Current prestige is 1100
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 451
if BV: +800, HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad) , cap 1400, 12 turns prestige: 176
if V : +750, HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad) , cap 1400, 14 turns prestige: 192
if TV: +725, HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad) , cap 1400, 16 turns prestige: 200
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 200

* Regular Cavalry , , 0 bars , 74 exp , 1/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+57 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , , 1 bars , 100 exp , 6/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+84 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , , 1 bars , 144 exp , 6/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+122 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , , 0 bars , 45 exp , 4/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+31 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , , 0 bars , 85 exp , 1/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+67 exp]
* Regular Infantry , , 0 bars , 24 exp , 9/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+15 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , , 0 bars , 83 exp , 6/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+77 exp]
* Garrison , , 0 bars , 27 exp , 5/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+10 exp]

* 39M Csaba , , 0 bars , 85 exp , 7/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+71 exp]

* 37mm 36M , Light Horse , , 0 bars , 83 exp , 7/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+67 exp]

* 20mm 38M , Light Horse , , 0 bars , 20 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+10 exp]

* 75mm 15M , Mule , , 0 bars , 52 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* 84mm 18M , Light Horse , , 1 bars , 100 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+75 exp]
* 100mm 14M , Light Horse , , 0 bars , 10 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* CR.32bis , , 0 bars , 86 exp , 2/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+62 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ca.101 , , 0 bars , 76 exp , 6/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+56 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary
Killed: INF:6 TNK:1 RCN:1 AT:1 FLAK:1 ATY:2 FTR:1 Total: 13
Lost : Total: 0
Last edited by panzerdarek on 2022-02-12 22:22, Saturday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

2. HRA Nagyszeben (Sibiu)

Before the battle fully repaired all damaged units with green replacements (risk-off: I can't afford to lose free core units with such a tight budget). For remaining prestige I have added a truck for regular infantry and upgraded transport to truck for 84mm gun. Small amount of pp was still available afterwards, so bought temporarily Fast Speed attachment for small flak.

Deployed recon, two motorized infantries, AT and AD guns in 5 available hexes in the mid-eastern area, together with already deployed 100mm gun (provided extra to my free core) and auxiliaries (tank and engineer units). The rest of my forces have to be placed further to the north, where more space was available.
The middle group directed straight to the central VH. The fight around it was very hard. Romanian R-2 tank turned out to be a real beast when compared to Hungarian Toldi. I have to spend some prestige on repairs to keep initiative. My crappy air force didn't help much, weakened quickly by Romanian AD and fighter. Reinforcement group sent from the north was stopped by single R-35 tank on the river and didn't help at all. Anyway, that central VH was taken just in time for BV.
The northern group was split on two parts. Two mountain infantries with cavalry and mountain gun directed north – crossing the river with a help of bridging unit. They attacked later the northern VH from the E/NE direction. That task was not easy, but they managed to complete it in the last turn of BV limit, scoring two leaders by the way. In the meantime remaining part of that group crossed the bridge after small fight with defenders, then directed along a railroad to the south aiming to help with central VH capturing. As was mentioned they failed to reach their objective due to stubborn defense of brave R-35.

Result: BV (LT)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad), VH prestige is 480 , All map prestige is: 680
Army cost: 0 , Current prestige is 1200
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 267
if BV: +1000, HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil) , cap 1700, 14 turns prestige: 264
if V : +925, HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil) , cap 1700, 15 turns prestige: 272
if TV: +900, HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil) , cap 1700, 16 turns prestige: 280
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 280

* Regular Cavalry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 118 exp , 7/10 , Ferocious Defense , 1 kill , 0 pp [+68 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 100 exp , 3/10 , Superior Maneuver , 2 kill , 0 pp [+14 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 134 exp , 10/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+11 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 0 bars , 83 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 0 bars , 89 exp , 2/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+31 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 153 exp , 3/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+130 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 101 exp , 5/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+30 exp]
* Garrison , , 0 bars , 45 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]

* 40M Turán I , , 0 bars , 0 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 135 exp , 7/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+59 exp]

* 37mm 36M , Light Horse , AT/-/HRA , 1 bars , 119 exp , 6/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+45 exp]

* 20mm 38M , Light Horse , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 38 exp , 6/10 , Fast Speed , 1 kill , 0 pp [+18 exp]

* 75mm 15M , Mule , A/2Mtn/HRA , 0 bars , 52 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp
* 84mm 18M , 36M Lo-2000 , A/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 119 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+19 exp]
* 100mm 14M , Light Horse , A/-/HRA , 0 bars , 58 exp , 9/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]

* CR.32bis , , 1 bars , 154 exp , 3/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+93 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ca.101 , , 1 bars , 107 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+42 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:12 TNK:2 RCN:1 AT:1 FLAK:1 FORT:1 ATY:3 FTR:1 Total: 22
Lost : Total: 0
Last edited by panzerdarek on 2022-02-12 22:23, Saturday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by DougHone »

Great to see I have a friend to play along with :)
There seems to be more pp on offer in the following battles where I was ale to use elite replacements and an upgrade here and there. I have only just purchased a new Tac Bomber as I've been using the logic of experienced units at 10/10 rather than having the maximum amount of units deployable, it's worked ok so far but now I'm up against the Russians so thought a new Bomber would help against all the nasty tanks.
CCs completed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9b, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76.
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

It's good to have you Doug doing the recon job for me. :) I'm afraid that due too aggressive approach I lost some valuable prestige. I didn't play much without automatic refit of units, so have to learn a lot in the prestige management area surely. We will see how long it takes... :huh

3. HRA Újvidék (Novi Sad)

Before the battle fully repaired only most damaged units (with green replacements), some others with couple of SP only to have them at 5 SP at least (they have to be refitted later during the battle with available prestige). For remaining cash I have purchased new (recon) bomber and upgraded Garrison to Light Infantry.

Deployed motorized units together with two tanks (including my new core Turan) in the NE area. They formed main battle group with important task to attack along eastern side of map, trying to capture the three VH placed in line there (and maybe the southernmost VH, if possible).
Two mountain infantries with their 75mm gun started in the middle, with the rest of my army placed in NW deployment area. That group had to fight for nearby airfield and then direct to VH on the western edge of map.
The German reinforcements, which appeared early (in T3?) on the western side of map, was sent straight to the central VH on the south. They had to capture it, possibly joining the main battle group in that area.

The battle went pretty well, according to initial plan (I tried to be patient and acted much slower than usually). The main (fast) battle group captured all three VHs on the east – the last one just in the BV limit (last turn). The slow group with mountaineers captured airfield and the western VH with some turns in spare. The German contingent won the battle for southern VH one or two turns before BV limit, then helped a little disturbing defenders of the last VH.

The air battle was won thanks to auxiliary Me-110, which always attacked first softening enemy planes. In such situation even my crappy fighter was able to finish the job, shooting down both fighters and SM.79 bomber.

Result: BV (LT)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil), VH prestige is 240 , All map prestige is: 600
Army cost: 122 , Current prestige is 1434
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 12
if BV: +1100, HRA Battle of Uman , cap 2300, 12 turns prestige: 312
if V : +1000, HRA Battle of Uman , cap 2300, 13 turns prestige: 328
if TV: +950, HRA Battle of Uman , cap 2300, 15 turns prestige: 340
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 340

* Regular Cavalry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 133 exp , 6/10 , Ferocious Defense , 3 kill , 0 pp [+28 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 151 exp , 6/10 , Superior Maneuver , 4 kill , 0 pp [+76 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 195 exp , 10/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+61 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 140 exp , 1/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+57 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 0 bars , 89 exp , 5/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 213 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+98 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 195 exp , 7/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+112 exp]
* Light Infantry , , 1 bars , 114 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+71 exp]

* 40M Turán I , , 0 bars , 82 exp , 6/10 , 7 kill , 0 pp [+82 exp]

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 159 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+39 exp]

* 37mm 36M , Light Horse , AT/-/HRA , 1 bars , 149 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+47 exp]

* 20mm 38M , Light Horse , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 53 exp , 7/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+21 exp]

* 75mm 15M , Mule , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 151 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+99 exp]
* 84mm 18M , 36M Lo-2000 , A/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 155 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+36 exp]
* 100mm 14M , Light Horse , A/-/HRA , 1 bars , 112 exp , 8/10 , Combat Support , 2 kill , 0 pp [+54 exp]

* CR.32bis , , 2 bars , 223 exp , 9/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+107 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ca.101 , , 1 bars , 155 exp , 4/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+71 exp]
Ca.310 , , 0 bars , 96 exp , 2/10 , Recon, 1 kill , 122 pp [+61 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:24 TNK:3 RCN:2 AT:4 FLAK:4 FORT:1 ATY:9 AD:1 FTR:3 TB:1 Total: 52
Lost : TNK:1 Total: 1
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

4. HRA Tarnopol (Ternopil)

Before the battle sold temporary purchased bomber and upgraded whole artillery contingent (to 105mm gun with truck). Added trucks for remaining foot infantries. For the rest of prestige did as many repairs as was possible (using green replacements). Afterwards only part of my units was at full strength, when many of them started at 7 to 9 sp. This tactic was risky, but after initial repairs possibility for upgrades could be seriously limited.

The battle went easy. I have added one of my 105mm arties to the German contingent deployed in NW area, when the rest of my forces started from main deployment zone on the west.
Auxiliaries travelled along northern edge of map, capturing VH placed in NE corner, then turned south. They attacked later mid-eastern VH together with part of my Hungarian army capturing it in turn 8.
HRA attacked Tarnopol city with full strength, then was split on two parts. Main forces captured an airfield on the east from Tarnopol, then directed to VH on the east (that approached by German forces as well). As mentioned above it was captured after short fight in turn 8. Smaller part of my army, consisting of best arty, cavalry and three regular infantries, left Tarnopol directing straight to the south (my typical 'Ciechanow blitz' maneuver), then turned east and attacked southeastern VH from SW. This objective was captured last, in turn 9. I didn't extend the battle to gain more pp and experience, as there were still many strong Russian units around of my forces. I didn't do any refits during this battle and tried to avoid unnecessary loses which had to be replaced later at HQ.

Result: BV (-3T)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Battle of Uman, VH prestige is 400 , All map prestige is: 680
Army cost: 0 , Current prestige is 1876
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 684
if BV: +1500, HRA Battle of Voronezh , cap 3000, 12 turns prestige: 336
if V : +1250, HRA Battle of Voronezh , cap 3000, 14 turns prestige: 376
if TV: +1150, HRA Battle of Voronezh , cap 3000, 18 turns prestige: 416
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 416

* Regular Cavalry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 134 exp , 6/10 , Ferocious Defense , 3 kill , 0 pp [+8 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 164 exp , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 4 kill , 0 pp [+13 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 273 exp , 4/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 3 kill , 0 pp [+78 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 130 exp , 4/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+32 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 0 bars , 80 exp , 7/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 183 exp , 3/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+15 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 206 exp , 6/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+11 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , , 1 bars , 126 exp , 6/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+12 exp]

* 40M Turán I , , 1 bars , 125 exp , 7/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp [+55 exp]

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 189 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+30 exp]

* 37mm 36M , Light Horse , AT/-/HRA , 1 bars , 118 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+1 exp]

* 20mm 38M , Light Horse , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 53 exp , 7/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp

* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 139 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+20 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 161 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+6 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/-/HRA , 1 bars , 124 exp , 8/10 , Combat Support , 2 kill , 0 pp [+12 exp]

* CR.32bis , , 3 bars , 305 exp , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 7 kill , 0 pp [+90 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ca.101 , , 1 bars , 192 exp , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+70 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany, Romania
Killed: INF:36 TNK:5 RCN:3 AT:5 FLAK:4 FORT:2 ATY:11 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:1 Total: 74
Lost : TNK:1 Total: 1
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

5. HRA Battle of Uman

OK, it's finally done, in 3rd attempt. I have managed to keep all my core units alive, but missed BV by one turn. That cost me some prestige due to lowered post-battle reward, in addition got worse unit as reinforcements – Flak truck instead of Nimrod. Anyway, I'm too exhausted to play this battle once again.

Before the battle purchased new 105 mm gun and extra bomber. The rest of prestige was spent on repairs.
I played carefully, after previous lessons, trying to avoid core loses. That cost me BV, which was missed by single turn. I wasn't able to gather enough forces around last southeastern VH to repel its defender (single infantry unit) on time.

I have a hard time with this campaign and I don't know if I will be able to complete it. Lack of experience with similar setup cost me a lot of wasted prestige. In addition, when you can not fight intensively, experience grows very slowly (not to mention the fact that it is regularly wasted by “green” replacements). It's hard to change in a short time the style of playing developed over 20 years :dunno

Result: V (BV+1)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Battle of Voronezh, VH prestige is 320 , All map prestige is: 560
Army cost: 672 , Current prestige is 2005
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 157
if BV: +1200, HRA Battle at Don River , cap 3200, 12 turns prestige: 408
if V : +1100, HRA Battle at Don River , cap 3200, 15 turns prestige: 480
if TV: +1000, HRA Battle at Don River , cap 3200, 21 turns prestige: 588
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 588

* Regular Cavalry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 198 exp , 3/10 , Ferocious Defense , 5 kill , 0 pp [+83 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 169 exp , 2/10 , Superior Maneuver , 5 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 259 exp , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 4 kill , 0 pp [+44 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 126 exp , 5/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+24 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 0 bars , 80 exp , 7/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 152 exp , 3/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+14 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 229 exp , 3/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+52 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 4/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 152 exp , 8/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+44 exp]

* 40M Turán I , , 1 bars , 166 exp , 3/10 , 13 kill , 0 pp [+55 exp]

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 168 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [-1 exp]

* 37mm 36M , Light Horse , AT/-/HRA , 1 bars , 146 exp , 6/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+28 exp]

* 20mm 38M , Light Horse , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 58 exp , 4/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+8 exp]
* 3.7cm FlaK Truck , , 0 bars , 40 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 146 exp , 7/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+37 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 187 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+32 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/-/HRA , 1 bars , 184 exp , 8/10 , Combat Support , 2 kill , 0 pp [+69 exp]
105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , , 0 bars , 99 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 396 pp [+54 exp]

* CR.32bis , , 3 bars , 365 exp , 5/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp [+60 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ca.101 , , 2 bars , 274 exp , 7/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+82 exp]
Ca.135bis , , 1 bars , 107 exp , 5/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 0 kill , 276 pp [+62 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:44 TNK:10 RCN:5 AT:7 FLAK:7 FORT:2 ATY:15 AD:3 FTR:8 TB:2 LB:1 Total: 104
Lost : TNK:1 AT:1 FLAK:1 Total: 3
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

6. HRA Battle of Voronezh

Before the battle tried to upgrade to new German equipment as much as possible. Rebuilt whole air force: fighter to Bf 109, old free Ca.101 bomber to Ju 88 and Ca.135 to He 111 (for free). Small flak upgraded to Nimrod and small AT to bigger 75mm gun. My single tank upgraded to Pz IVF1 (for free). And specially for this battle, following Csaba's advice, changed Cavalry to Paratrooper. Afterwards I was not able to repair all units and some of them started with low strength (I spent some collected prestige on repairs during battle).

I copied idea described in Csaba's AAR and captured eastern VH (inaccessible directly) using Paratrooper unit, which was sent in assistance of fighter and bomber. The task was easy and that VH was secured first.
My forces together with German reinforcements, which appeared couple of turns later, directed central VH and fought heavily for it. Advance was slow, as I tried to act carefully without unnecessary risk. When job was done, they travelled further north directing the last VH placed there in front of river.
In the meantime, right from the beginning of the battle, both groups of German auxiliaries went to NW, directing the VH behind the river. When infantries with arties crossed the river and started battle for that VH, armored forced turned east trying to take mentioned earlier central north VH (Chochol?). There were still several turns in spare for BV, so I was hoping for a nice result. Unfortunately very soon turned out, that the last VH perimeter is heavily crowded by Russians, including KV-1 and T-34 tanks and some heavy artillery. The German group was not able to complete their task, taking serious losses. They had to wait till my core units arrived from the south and only then final assault was possible. Missed BV probably by 2 turns, but got 2 new leaders as compensation.

Result: V (T14)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Battle at Don River, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 400
Army cost: 506 , Current prestige is 1652
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 70
if BV: +1400, HRA Kovel , cap 3000, 12 turns prestige: 120
if V : +1250, HRA Kovel , cap 3000, 12 turns prestige: 120
if TV: +1200, HRA Kovel , cap 3000, 12 turns prestige: 120
if Ls: +1175, HRA Kovel , cap 3000, 12 turns prestige: 120

* Parachute Infantry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 192 exp , 9/10 , Ferocious Defense , 6 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 117 exp , 4/10 , Superior Maneuver , 5 kill , 0 pp [-52 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 282 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 4 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 238 exp , 6/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+112 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 114 exp , 5/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 135 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+21 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 256 exp , 5/10 , Aggressive Attack , 7 kill , 0 pp [+81 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 4/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 209 exp , 5/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+57 exp]

* Pz IVF1 , , 2 bars , 263 exp , 5/10 , 26 kill , 0 pp [+138 exp]

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 205 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+37 exp]

* 75mm 40M , 38M Ford Marmon , AT/-/HRA , 2 bars , 214 exp , 5/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+68 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 80 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+22 exp]
* 3.7cm FlaK Truck , , 0 bars , 63 exp , 6/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 194 exp , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 206 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp [+19 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/-/HRA , 2 bars , 249 exp , 8/10 , Combat Support , 2 kill , 0 pp [+65 exp]
105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , , 1 bars , 133 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 396 pp [+34 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , , 3 bars , 306 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp [+5 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , , 3 bars , 367 exp , 6/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 4 kill , 0 pp [+93 exp]
He 111P-2 , , 1 bars , 156 exp , 2/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 1 kill , 110 pp [+49 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:67 TNK:12 RCN:6 AT:10 FLAK:11 FORT:8 ATY:21 AD:5 FTR:9 TB:2 LB:1 Total: 152
Lost : INF:5 TNK:2 RCN:3 AT:3 FLAK:2 Total: 15
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

7. HRA Battle at Don River

Knowing that will be retreat scenario where the speed is essential, in difficult snowy conditions, I planned to side-grade for free all Ford truck transports to half-tracks, which were the same price. Unfortunately I was unpleasantly surprised at HQ, where I saw that mentioned half-tracks disappeared. In addition repairs could be done only to 8 sp.
As I didn't plan any fighting here, just run to the southwestern VH as fast as possible, I decided to deploy both tracked units (Pz IVF and Nimrod) and all 8 infantries (+fighter). All units below 8 sp. have been repaired to that level, then they got Fast Speed attachment to minimize impact of snowy conditions. From the beginning of the battle I just directed all my deployed units towards SW VH and ran there as fast as possible. Soon occurred, that infantry with FF attachment has better mobility on the snow when going on foot, than in trucks. They could keep the pace similar to my tracked units.
I didn't move single Italian auxiliary unit (excepting Italian fighter). They were well entrenched in initial positions, so I thought they may last longer there and stop Russian offensive for a while. Despite heavy losses couple of them were still alive at the end of scenario.
When I reached SW VH perimeter I planned to form defensive position till retreat will be possible. Accidentally one of my units discovered EH and exit the map (in turn 5). I followed it with several units in neighborhood. In the next turn Russian saboteur occurred at the same spot blocking EH. It was easily killed and I retreated then required amount of units ending the “battle”.

Result: TV (T6)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Kovel, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 480
Army cost: 506 , Current prestige is 1364
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 386
if BV: +1500, HRA Galícia (Halichina) , cap 3400, 10 turns prestige: 128
if V : +1300, HRA Galícia (Halichina) , cap 3400, 12 turns prestige: 144
if TV: +1200, HRA Galícia (Halichina) , cap 3400, 14 turns prestige: 152
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 152

* Parachute Infantry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 192 exp , 9/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed , 6 kill , 0 pp
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 117 exp , 8/10 , Superior Maneuver , Fast Speed , 5 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 282 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , Fast Speed , 4 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 217 exp , 8/10 , Fast Speed , 4 kill , 0 pp
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 114 exp , 8/10 , Fast Speed , 0 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 129 exp , 8/10 , Fast Speed , 2 kill , 0 pp
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 222 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Attack , Fast Speed , 7 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 4/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 209 exp , 8/10 , Fast Speed , 3 kill , 0 pp

* Pz IVF1 , , 2 bars , 228 exp , 8/10 , Fast Speed , 26 kill , 0 pp

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 205 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp

* 75mm 40M , 38M Ford Marmon , AT/-/HRA , 2 bars , 214 exp , 5/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp

* 40M Nimród , AD/-/HRA , 0 bars , 80 exp , 10/10 , Fast Speed , 1 kill , 0 pp
* 3.7cm FlaK Truck , , 0 bars , 63 exp , 6/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 194 exp , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 206 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/-/HRA , 2 bars , 249 exp , 8/10 , Combat Support , 2 kill , 0 pp
105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , , 1 bars , 133 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 396 pp

* Bf 109F-4 , , 3 bars , 306 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , , 3 bars , 367 exp , 6/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 4 kill , 0 pp
He 111P-2 , , 1 bars , 156 exp , 2/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 1 kill , 110 pp

Player 1 : Hungary, Poland
Killed: INF:68 TNK:12 RCN:6 AT:10 FLAK:11 FORT:8 ATY:21 AD:5 FTR:9 TB:2 LB:1 Total: 153
Lost : INF:19 TNK:2 RCN:3 AT:6 FLAK:2 ATY:5 AD:1 Total: 38
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

8. HRA Kovel

Small and easy scenario for a change. Before the battle there is not many options at HQ, so I upgraded Flak Truck to Nimrod, repaired all worn units and added several attachment to allocate prestige temporarily.
Deployed tank, recon and 3 arties. The rest of available DHs were occupied by infantries. Obviously my planes participated as well, with two important tasks – find MSU and kill.
The battle went well without bigger surprises. The only one bad moment was unexpected attack of Russian fighter which badly damaged my He 111 bomber in T6. In next turn the last enemy MSU was killed.

Result: BV (T7)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Galícia (Halichina), VH prestige is 240 , All map prestige is: 560
Army cost: 559 , Current prestige is 1934
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 221
if BV: +1100, HRA Arad , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 320
if V : +900, HRA Arad , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 320
if TV: +800, HRA Arad , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

* Parachute Infantry , C/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 219 exp , 4/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 7 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 108 exp , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 5 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 282 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 4 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 201 exp , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 185 exp , 6/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+79 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 184 exp , 5/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+65 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mtn/HRA , 2 bars , 206 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Attack , 7 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 4/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 194 exp , 10/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp

* Pz IVF1 , , 2 bars , 265 exp , 8/10 , AntiTank, 29 kill , 0 pp [+53 exp]

* 39M Csaba , R/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 231 exp , 3/10 , Recon, 2 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]

* 75mm 40M , 38M Ford Marmon , AT/-/HRA , 1 bars , 176 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 125 exp , 5/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+45 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mtn/HRA , 0 bars , 54 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/2Mtn/HRA , 1 bars , 199 exp , 10/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 0 pp [+5 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 206 exp , 10/10 , Special Munition, 0 kill , 0 pp
* 105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , A/-/HRA , 2 bars , 261 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , Special Munition, 3 kill , 0 pp [+30 exp]
105mm 37M , 38M Ford Marmon , , 1 bars , 167 exp , 5/10 , Special Munition, 0 kill , 307 pp [+34 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , , 3 bars , 363 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , Recon, 10 kill , 0 pp [+57 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , , 3 bars , 348 exp , 10/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , Recon, Special Munition, 7 kill , 0 pp [+33 exp]
He 111P-2 , , 1 bars , 198 exp , 1/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , Recon, Special Munition, 2 kill , 252 pp [+86 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:76 TNK:12 RCN:6 AT:14 FLAK:11 FORT:8 ATY:24 AD:5 FTR:9 TB:2 LB:1 Total: 168
Lost : INF:19 TNK:2 RCN:3 AT:6 FLAK:2 ATY:5 AD:1 Total: 38
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

9. HRA Galícia (Halichina)

Before the battle I repaired all units to full strength (with green reinforcements) and finally extended my army buying new StuG IIIG. In addition upgraded tank to Pz IVH and towed AT to StuG IIIG. Changed arties transports to half-tracks for free.

Battle was intense and lasted to the last 14th turn. I formed two groups: 1Mot with extra recon, tank and arty directed central VH, when 2Mot with extra arty went to the western VH. BE unit followed first group and built airfield closer to map centre. AB unit was dropped from its plane next to southern VH to reinforce defenders.
Auxiliaries in the middle (tank, SPAT and Engineer) were withdrawn to southern VH area with the task to defend it. Aux group on the right flank slightly approached the eastern VH. Northern auxiliary group were massed around northwestern VH, leaving initial positions. Only single towed AT was re-positioned to closest dirt airfield to secure it.
Plan worked well – 2Mot secured western VH and waited there to the end of battle, when 1Mot took central VH and formed defensive position facing enemy SH placed in NE corner. Most difficult situation was around NW VH, which was heavily attacked, but German defenders supported by my and auxiliary air forces were able to keep it till till Russian waves stopped. The southern VH was attacked by couple of enemy units, but never in real danger. The right flank forces prevailed as well and took remaining eastern VH in turn 8. Since then I focused on defending all my possessions against chaotic enemy counterattacks till 14th turn passed. Got BV, couple of new leaders and new tank as “proto” reward.

Result: BV

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Arad, VH prestige is 200 , All map prestige is: 960
Army cost: 1216 , Current prestige is 1808
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 492
if BV: +1600, HRA Nagykároly (Carei) , cap 3700, 16 turns prestige: 544
if V : +1200, HRA Nagykároly (Carei) , cap 3700, 16 turns prestige: 544
if TV: +1000, HRA Nagykároly (Carei) , cap 3700, 16 turns prestige: 544
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 544

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 2 bars , 219 exp , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , 8 kill , 0 pp [+46 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 150 exp , 6/10 , Superior Maneuver , 6 kill , 0 pp [+42 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 301 exp , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 6 kill , 0 pp [+19 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 203 exp , 9/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+2 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 159 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 161 exp , 5/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+10 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 264 exp , 5/10 , Aggressive Attack , 7 kill , 0 pp [+58 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 262 exp , 7/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+68 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 3 bars , 329 exp , 10/10 , 34 kill , 0 pp [+83 exp]
* 43M Turán III , , 0 bars , 90 exp , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 39M Csaba , R/-/HRA , 2 bars , 209 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Attack , Recon, 3 kill , 0 pp [+35 exp]

* StuG IIIG , AT/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 267 exp , 4/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 3 kill , 0 pp [+91 exp]
StuG IIIG , AT/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 146 exp , 4/10 , 0 kill , 268 pp [+66 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 127 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+24 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 104 exp , 6/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 0 kill , 0 pp [+50 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , AR/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 242 exp , 10/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , AR/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 229 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A/-/HRA , 2 bars , 274 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 4 kill , 0 pp [+13 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , , 1 bars , 159 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 396 pp [+22 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 4 bars , 440 exp , 5/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 10 kill , 0 pp [+77 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 4 bars , 448 exp , 1/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 9 kill , 0 pp [+100 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 2 bars , 209 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 3 kill , 552 pp [+74 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:105 TNK:19 RCN:11 AT:19 FLAK:15 FORT:8 ATY:30 AD:6 FTR:13 TB:3 LB:1 Total: 230
Lost : INF:20 TNK:2 RCN:4 AT:7 FLAK:2 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 42
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

10. HRA Arad

Before the battle I repaired all worn units with green replacements. Remaining small amount of prestige was just enough to upgrade my old recon to slightly better Italian type.

I split my forces on two groups of similar strength. One went through northern side of map directing both VH on the east. The second group directed south to capture southwestern VH and airfield, then turned east approaching both Arad VH in the middle south. They were taken after hard fighting. That group was supported intensively by air force and my Paratrooper. The first group had not easy task as well and was able to capture the easternmost VH perhaps 2 rounds later - in turn 13. Serious amount of pp was spent on repairs during the battle to avoid losses.
Announced enemy counterattack was stopped on Ujarad city perimeter by 3 leadered infantries entrenched in city hexes. They were supported by 2 arties (including the CS one) placed at opposite bank of the river and my planes. StuG and Pz IVH helped as well shooting across the river and making some short trips by the bridge when was necessary to finish the job.

Result: BV

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Nagykároly (Carei), VH prestige is 400 , All map prestige is: 800
Army cost: 1169 , Current prestige is 2335
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 761
if BV: +1500, HRA Cegléd (Attila-line) , cap 3800, 15 turns prestige: 516
if V : +1250, HRA Cegléd (Attila-line) , cap 3800, 15 turns prestige: 516
if TV: +1100, HRA Cegléd (Attila-line) , cap 3800, 15 turns prestige: 516
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 516

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 348 exp , 8/10 , Ferocious Defense , 9 kill , 0 pp [+129 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 176 exp , 3/10 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 0 pp [+47 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 355 exp , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp [+65 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 350 exp , 5/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+155 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 159 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 126 exp , 5/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [-6 exp]
* Mountain Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 241 exp , 6/10 , Aggressive Attack , 9 kill , 0 pp [+24 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 297 exp , 5/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+63 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 4 bars , 480 exp , 6/10 , 44 kill , 0 pp [+151 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 2 bars , 226 exp , 6/10 , Extended Front , 4 kill , 0 pp [+136 exp]

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 2 bars , 214 exp , 3/10 , Aggressive Attack , 5 kill , 0 pp [+20 exp]

* StuG IIIG , AT/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 354 exp , 8/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 7 kill , 0 pp [+144 exp]
StuG IIIG , AT/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 216 exp , 8/10 , 5 kill , 537 pp [+101 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 244 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+117 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 149 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 1 kill , 0 pp [+60 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 290 exp , 10/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 317 exp , 8/10 , Influence , 3 kill , 0 pp [+88 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 399 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 5 kill , 0 pp [+125 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 231 exp , 9/10 , 1 kill , 356 pp [+72 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 4 bars , 446 exp , 7/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 12 kill , 0 pp [+83 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 3 bars , 375 exp , 4/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 9 kill , 0 pp [+69 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 3 bars , 329 exp , 5/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 4 kill , 276 pp [+120 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:122 TNK:23 RCN:14 AT:27 FLAK:19 FORT:10 ATY:37 AD:6 FTR:15 TB:4 LB:1 Total: 278
Lost : INF:20 TNK:2 RCN:4 AT:7 FLAK:2 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 42
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

11. HRA Nagykároly (Carei)

Before the battle upgraded two regular infantries and downgraded two mountaineers to 44 Regulars. Afterwards repaired all units, mainly with green replacements (Pz IV and recon only to 8 pp).

Definitely one of easiest battles so far, as everything went fluently according the plan.
I deployed my forces around western VH forming defensive position under cover of artillery, with armored units in the front row. German auxiliaries placed around of northern VH were removed to better positions at northern side of the river. From the beginning I played safely, waiting for enemy attacks and defending both objectives which I had under control.
More complicated situation was on the north, where I had only single arty for support against waves of Russian armored units and infantries. Initial group of defenders was not able to keep its VH and it was taken temporarily by enemy forces, however I didn't allow a bigger number of units to cross the river. In such situation I could re-capture this objective very soon, when group of reinforcements appeared in this area. Later situation was under control and I could prepare counterattack, crossing the river and directing south to the air field and then Russian VH.
On the western side my core forces had only one scaring moment, when one of StuGs was reduced to 1 sp after attack of two T-34/85, despite artillery support fire. It was retired immediately and spent rest of the battle hidden on the rear. When couple waves of attackers were repealed, especially when King Tiger arrived to help finish pair of IS-2, I could start my advance to the east. Everything went fine, as German auxiliary units sent as reinforcements were very good quality. All enemy units on my way were smashed and VH defender killed in turn 12, allowing to take the flag. I suppose that was the last Russian unit alive, as nothing happened afterwards. I was pushing end of turn button couple of times without any opponent actions, till the end of scenario.

Result: BV

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Cegléd (Attila-line), VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 840
Army cost: 935 , Current prestige is 2759
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 498
if BV: +1300, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
if V : +1100, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
if TV: +1000, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 468

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 323 exp , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , 9 kill , 0 pp
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 144 exp , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 10 kill , 0 pp [+12 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 374 exp , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp [+32 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 290 exp , 9/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [+2 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 159 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 126 exp , 6/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 242 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Attack , 10 kill , 0 pp [+35 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 299 exp , 9/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+2 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 4 bars , 493 exp , 7/10 , 49 kill , 0 pp [+55 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 2 bars , 293 exp , 5/10 , Extended Front , 9 kill , 0 pp [+91 exp]

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 1 bars , 169 exp , 3/10 , Aggressive Attack , 7 kill , 0 pp [-7 exp]

* StuG IIIG , AT/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 381 exp , 4/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 0 pp [+52 exp]
StuG IIIG , AT/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 233 exp , 1/10 , 5 kill , 67 pp [+33 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 218 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 183 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 2 kill , 0 pp [+45 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 358 exp , 10/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp [+68 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 374 exp , 10/10 , Influence , 3 kill , 0 pp [+69 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 517 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 5 kill , 0 pp [+118 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 277 exp , 8/10 , 1 kill , 316 pp [+55 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 4 bars , 467 exp , 6/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 14 kill , 0 pp [+53 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 4 bars , 402 exp , 10/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 10 kill , 0 pp [+93 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 3 bars , 363 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 4 kill , 552 pp [+58 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:150 TNK:34 RCN:20 AT:34 FLAK:29 FORT:10 ATY:49 AD:6 FTR:19 TB:7 LB:1 Total: 359
Lost : INF:22 TNK:2 RCN:5 AT:8 FLAK:2 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 46
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

12. HRA Cegléd (Attila-line)

Unpleasant surprise at HQ – you cannot repair your units in full. I had some prestige to spent at the end of previous battle, so I don't see a reason not to use it. I reloaded the last Autosave and repaired all infantries and some other units as far as was possible at the moment, then finished the battle once again. Updated starting setup is listed below.

Current scenario: HRA Cegléd (Attila-line), VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 840
Army cost: 1620 , Current prestige is 1510
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 498
if BV: +1300, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
if V : +1100, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
if TV: +1000, HRA Operation Konrad III. , cap 3600, 14 turns prestige: 468
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 468

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 323 exp , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , 9 kill , 0 pp
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 128 exp , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 10 kill , 0 pp [-4 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 360 exp , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 0 pp [+18 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 279 exp , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [-9 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 159 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 108 exp , 10/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+5 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 225 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Attack , 10 kill , 0 pp [+18 exp]
* Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 288 exp , 10/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [-9 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 4 bars , 441 exp , 10/10 , 49 kill , 0 pp [+3 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 2 bars , 293 exp , 5/10 , Extended Front , 9 kill , 0 pp [+91 exp]

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 1 bars , 127 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Attack , 7 kill , 0 pp [-49 exp]

* StuG IIIG , AT/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 381 exp , 5/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 0 pp [+52 exp]
StuG IIIG , AT/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 233 exp , 10/10 , 5 kill , 672 pp [+33 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 218 exp , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 183 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 2 kill , 0 pp [+45 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 358 exp , 10/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp [+68 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 374 exp , 10/10 , Influence , 3 kill , 0 pp [+69 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 517 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 5 kill , 0 pp [+118 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 257 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 396 pp [+35 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 4 bars , 467 exp , 6/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 14 kill , 0 pp [+53 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 4 bars , 402 exp , 10/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 10 kill , 0 pp [+93 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 3 bars , 363 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 4 kill , 552 pp [+58 exp]

I played this battle in parts by couple of days. It's hard to focus on the game considering dramatic situation outside our eastern border. I'm glad I was able to stop Russian hordes, in the game at least. :noway

Before the battle repaired some units, purchased recon bomber and upgraded last regulars to better 44 version. For remaining prestige bought some attachments.
I don't remember many details because of the intermittent game-play that was stretched over time, so the report will be short.
I deployed all units in two groups according to DH setup, but retreated my forces with aux German units from Cegled to build defensive line below my central VH and further east to the hills.
Russians arrived very fast and intensive battle started. Easiest job had units placed on the right (eastern) flank, due to less aggressive enemy attack with smaller amount of units. From the beginning my units placed around central VH found under heaviest pressure, as many tanks attacked there in group. Some core defenders had to be withdrawn due to heavy losses and spent the rest of battle behind the lines, just guarding VH in the rear against accidental visitors. Later the course of the battle changed, as unexpectedly very strong group of tanks and SPATs (6 units) supported by infantries appeared on perimeter of western VH defended by German auxiliary units with Panther tank. I was afraid that VH will be lost, but luckily they prevailed with massive support of all my planes.
Capturing of southern Russian VH wasn't easy, due to massive appearance of artillery crowded around (about 6 units, including 3 SPATY)., but finally I captured it in turn 12 and waited remaining 2 turns till battle ended. Got new tank as reward.

Result: BV

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Operation Konrad III., VH prestige is 640 , All map prestige is: 2120
Army cost: 1795 , Current prestige is 1805
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 496
if BV: +1100, HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen , cap 3400, 12 turns prestige: 232
if V : +900, HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen , cap 3400, 14 turns prestige: 248
if TV: +850, HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen , cap 3400, 16 turns prestige: 256
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 256

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 390 exp , 5/10 , Ferocious Defense , 10 kill , 0 pp [+67 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 123 exp , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 10 kill , 0 pp [-5 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 372 exp , 6/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 9 kill , 0 pp [+12 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 322 exp , 10/10 , FastEntrench, 4 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 173 exp , 3/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp [+14 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 142 exp , 7/10 , FastEntrench, 5 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 273 exp , 9/10 , Aggressive Attack , 11 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 355 exp , 5/10 , FastEntrench, 6 kill , 0 pp [+67 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 5 bars , 632 exp , 9/10 , 58 kill , 0 pp [+191 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 3 bars , 322 exp , 2/10 , Extended Front , 13 kill , 0 pp [+75 exp]
* 44M Tas , , 1 bars , 190 exp , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 1 bars , 150 exp , 10/10 , Aggressive Attack , 8 kill , 0 pp [+23 exp]

* StuG IIIG , AT/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 316 exp , 5/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 10 kill , 0 pp [-5 exp]
StuG IIIG , AT/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 374 exp , 5/10 , Overwhelming Attack , FastEntrench, 10 kill , 399 pp [+141 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 331 exp , 9/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+113 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 218 exp , 7/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 0 pp [+35 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 380 exp , 8/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp [+22 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 474 exp , 10/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 0 pp [+100 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 572 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 7 kill , 0 pp [+55 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 369 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 396 pp [+112 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 4 bars , 488 exp , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 16 kill , 0 pp [+76 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 5 bars , 536 exp , 10/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 12 kill , 0 pp [+134 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 3 bars , 399 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 5 kill , 552 pp [+36 exp]
Ju 88D-1 , , 1 bars , 150 exp , 9/9 , Recon, 0 kill , 448 pp

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:181 TNK:45 RCN:25 AT:41 FLAK:32 FORT:10 ATY:63 AD:8 FTR:23 TB:9 LB:1 Total: 438
Lost : INF:23 TNK:2 RCN:5 AT:8 FLAK:2 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 47
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

13. HRA Operation Konrad III

Before the battle I sold recon bomber and all attachments. Upgraded both StuGs to newest SPAT type Tas and repaired all units as far as possible (repairs limited up to 8 sp). Remaining prestige was spent on reinforcements, which allowed to go above 8 strength points, but was more expensive (use of green not possible).

Deployed similar groups in north and south area. Northern task force directed central VH, when southern approached western VH (big city) together with German auxiliaries going from opposite side. Soon more auxiliaries appeared, which made the task rather easy. Turned out that forces attacking VH on the west were too strong (due to solid German reinforcements), when the second group (half of my core) cannot prevail in the middle of the map. Finally they waited till some units of second group joined. Later the plan was simple, just advance along the railroad toward both VHs in NE direction. They were captured without any problem with enemy, but due to snowy ground conditions and big traffic created by all my army advancing in narrow corridor along the railroad, that was just enough to score regular victory (missed BV by 2 turns). All leader slots are filled now.

Result: V (LT)

My army before the next battle:
Current scenario: HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen, VH prestige is 280 , All map prestige is: 1400
Army cost: 1218 , Current prestige is 1597
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 493
BV: Win , turn prestige: 420
V : Win , turn prestige: 420
TV: Win , turn prestige: 420
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 420

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 341 exp , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , 11 kill , 0 pp [+3 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 117 exp , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 10 kill , 0 pp
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 387 exp , 7/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 9 kill , 0 pp [+48 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 304 exp , 6/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp [-18 exp]
* Construction , 38M Ford Marmon , BE/-/HRA , 1 bars , 135 exp , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/1Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 169 exp , 8/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 2/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 309 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Attack , 12 kill , 0 pp [+36 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 3/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 269 exp , 8/10 , 7 kill , 0 pp [-39 exp]

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 5 bars , 709 exp , 7/10 , 64 kill , 0 pp [+77 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 2 bars , 257 exp , 2/10 , Extended Front , 17 kill , 0 pp [+20 exp]
* 44M Tas , , 2 bars , 271 exp , 7/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp [+81 exp]

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 1 bars , 184 exp , 6/10 , Aggressive Attack , 8 kill , 0 pp [+34 exp]

* 44M Tas , AT/1Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 376 exp , 8/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 12 kill , 0 pp [+102 exp]
44M Tas , AT/2Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 429 exp , 3/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 12 kill , 270 pp [+105 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 432 exp , 6/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp [+101 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 2 bars , 251 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 419 exp , 9/10 , 7 kill , 0 pp [+39 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 507 exp , 10/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 0 pp [+33 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 653 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 7 kill , 0 pp [+81 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 413 exp , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 3 kill , 396 pp [+44 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 5 bars , 531 exp , 7/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 18 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Ju 88A-4 , 1B/HRA , 4 bars , 459 exp , 8/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 13 kill , 0 pp [-77 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 4 bars , 455 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 6 kill , 552 pp [+56 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:195 TNK:52 RCN:28 AT:47 FLAK:35 FORT:11 ATY:72 AD:9 FTR:25 TB:10 LB:1 Total: 485
Lost : INF:24 TNK:3 RCN:5 AT:8 FLAK:3 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 50
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by Parabellum »

Hello Darek, I am very sorry that I overlooked the completion of your campaign :doh .
Belatedly congratulations and thank you for participating in this challenge :clap . It would be nice to greet you again soon at the start of another CC :yes .
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100 *

Post by panzerdarek »

Hi Para, it's not completed yet. :no
I still have the last battle to play. I started it long time ago, but went too aggressive and have to replay it with more cautious approach. It's rather long, as full 22 turns are needed, so I have waited for some bigger window of free time. Unfortunately, that took whole month and I'm still at the same place. :doh
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by Parabellum »

panzerdarek wrote: 2022-04-02 18:25, Saturday Hi Para, it's not completed yet. :no
:doh , oh yes, i see it. I was too quick and didn't realize that your AAR was before the final battle. I'll correct my entries in the forum.
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

OK, I see whole year passed since I have started this CC :doh , so it's highest time to finish it. I don't want to wait till this thread will be archived in uncompleted state. The last unfinished battle really put me off the CC, but it is passable for sure, so I will go through at any cost. :ihope

I the meantime I finished some other campaigns for LXF efile, like German Fleet at War or Deutsches Marine Corps. I have bought with great discount Panzer Corps 1 & 2 on Steam as well, so tried it for a change, to compare with well known PG2/OG playing mechanics.
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

This last battle is a real nightmare for me. After previous unsuccessful runs I tried to play it safe this time, aiming for TV only. I decided to leave all three eastern VHs unattended and directed the 3 enemy objectives in the central area of map. I assigned my single Para infantry to defense my initial VH in the south.
Unfortunately I failed again. :doh However I was able to capture these 3 enemy VHs as planned, perhaps 8 turns before the limit, but after massive counterattacks I lost the one close to the river, as well as wasn't able to keep my initial VH. My deeply entrenched Para infantry with good defensive leader was surrounded by unexpected attack of massive enemy units which appeared from nowhere. That was too much and my defender didn't survive.
My forerunners like Doug or Dimitris got BVs here, so looks like I'm just not skilled enough to pass it. At the moment I'm not sure if will try it once again, or will give up and leave this CC unfinished for the first time.
Now I'm going on short vacation, so maybe I will accumulate enough energy for another try... :ihope
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100

Post by panzerdarek »

I'm still fighting. :yes Another approach in slow defensive style. Currently on turn 16 of 22, with one more VH needed for TV (obviously, I don't want anything better) :no . Looks like I have to withstand the last Russian offensive and try to prepare final jump - just before the end of time limit.


14. HRA Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen

Before the battle I sold Construction and 2 Regular Infantry. Upgraded one bomber to FW fighter/bomber, as there is big Russian air contingent. During the battle for accumulated prestige I purchased extra Ju88 night fighter for support (usable in snowy or rain weather).

After previous lessons I decided to play very slowly, waiting rather for Russian attacks (they are aggressive) instead of pushing forward (that wasn't profitable in the past). All my units started from the south, when German aux group from the northwestern area did the job on their own. They captured northernmost of central objectives and defended it to the very end, with some help of units which arrived from the south later.
Battle on the south was defensive at the beginning, but when couple of attacks were repealed I decided to pass the river. The first SW objective was captured without bigger problems, but then again defensive battle was necessary. As I wrote above, just couple of turns before the limit I organized final advance approaching central VH close to the river from the south and captured it in the last 22nd turn. That way with 4 Vhs I was able to score TV and finish the campaign with Win.

Result: TV (LT-4VHs)

My army at the end of war:

* Parachute Infantry , AB/-/HRA , 3 bars , 341 exp , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , 11 kill , 0 pp
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/2Mot/HRA , 1 bars , 138 exp , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 10 kill , 0 pp [+21 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , 1/1Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 422 exp , 7/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 9 kill , 0 pp [+35 exp]
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , :rip
* 44 Regular Infantry , 38M Ford Marmon , :rip

* Pz IVH , T1/-/HRA , 5 bars , 752 exp , 3/10 , 68 kill , 0 pp [+43 exp]
* 43M Turán III , T2/-/HRA , 2 bars , 296 exp , 4/10 , Extended Front , 22 kill , 0 pp [+104 exp]
* 44M Tas , :rip

* 41M Ansaldo , R/-/HRA , 2 bars , 203 exp , 4/10 , Aggressive Attack , 9 kill , 0 pp [+29 exp]

* 44M Tas , AT/1Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 465 exp , 3/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 17 kill , 0 pp [+89 exp]
44M Tas , AT/2Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 481 exp , 5/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 16 kill , 900 pp [+138 exp]

* 40M Nimród , AD/1Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 430 exp , 3/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp [+20 exp]
* 40M Nimród , AD/2Mot/HRA , 3 bars , 327 exp , 8/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 4 kill , 0 pp [+76 exp]

* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/2Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 508 exp , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 8 kill , 0 pp [+89 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A1/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 621 exp , 10/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 0 pp [+114 exp]
* 105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/1Mot/HRA , 5 bars , 730 exp , 10/10 , Combat Support , 7 kill , 0 pp [+77 exp]
105mm 37M , 37M Hansa-Lloyd , A2/2Mot/HRA , 4 bars , 485 exp , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 3 kill , 396 pp [+72 exp]

* Bf 109F-4 , 1F/HRA , 5 bars , 697 exp , 5/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 21 kill , 0 pp [+166 exp]
Ju 88C-6 , , 2 bars , 221 exp , 6/7 , 0 kill , 487 pp [+41 exp]

Tactical Bomber
* Fw 190F-8 , 1B/HRA , 5 bars , 539 exp , 4/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 14 kill , 0 pp [+80 exp]
He 111P-2 , 2B/HRA , 5 bars , 571 exp , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 7 kill , 552 pp [+116 exp]

Player 1 : Hungary, Germany
Killed: INF:232 TNK:63 RCN:33 AT:60 FLAK:35 FORT:11 ATY:82 AD:9 FTR:29 TB:13 LB:2 Total: 569
Lost : INF:31 TNK:4 RCN:6 AT:9 FLAK:4 ATY:6 AD:1 Total: 61

BV 9
V 3
TV 2
L 0

Campaign summary:
Definitely this is interesting campaign with equipment I have never use in the past (didn't play Hungarian army, maybe used some of their stuff playing Sapper's Axis Campaign). The main problem was lack of experience with no-auto-repair setup and improper prestige management. I frequently played under-strengthen and was not able to gain experience for my units in decent rate. Comparing to Doug or Dimitris I found my units 2 or 3 bars down. :doh Obviously that made the difference in the last most difficult battle, which was real nightmare for me. That discouraged me of this CC for a year :shock
I'm glad I finally managed to go through and may add another badge to my CC list. :yes
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100 - COMPLETED!

Post by Parabellum »

:clap Congratulations on completing this challenge. It's been a long road, but you've shown perseverance.

When I look at your reports, I think you made life difficult for yourself. The campaign is "No-Autorefit" - right? My advice: you need to watch and play with the prestige cap better. That is, units should be repaired during the scenario, not at HQ - otherwise you'll always miss out on the full or pro-rated BV bonus because you're too close to the cap at the end of each scenario.
I also recommend overstrengthening to ATY and upgrading to better units as early as possible. No-autorefit campaigns by Csaba and Golothin work best if you don't save your prestige, but use it wisely.
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Re: CC#71 - HRA - Darek @100 - COMPLETED! *

Post by panzerdarek »

Thank you Para for your advice. :yes
This confirms my suspicion that I made a basic mistake here with prestige management. I paid for lack of experience with such setup.
Anyway, I have my first CC in OG finally completed, so it's time to :bear Now I have to look for some nice and easy CC for a change, to rebuild my self-confidence. :)
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
CC PG2/OG: 02/03/04/05/06/07/09/10/11/13/14/16/18/21/22/24/25/27/32/33/34/35/41/43/45/46/47/52/53/71
CC PG3D(A/SE): 08/09/12