RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *Done!*

2nd Sino-Japanese War 1937-45 by Björn (Golothin) for LXF Efile.

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RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *Done!*

Post by reloadmaster »

OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: Default (0.91)
Efile folder: C:\OG\efile_cc63\ * Efile version: CC63-2nd Sino-Japanese War 1937-45 with LXF 0.16 [25.04.2013]
Campaign: SECOND SINO-JAPANESE WAR 1936-45, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios
1 SJW Bandits War -> Tactical Victory
2 SJW Landing at Taku -> Brilliant Victory
3 SJW Chenpiecheng -> Brilliant Victory
4 SJW Raid on Tatung -> Brilliant Victory
5 SJW Battle of Taierchuang -> Tactical Victory
6 SJW Tienchiachen Fortress -> Victory
7 SJW Nanchang Counter -> Brilliant Victory
8 SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol -> Brilliant Victory
9 SJW Attack on Nanning -> Brilliant Victory
10 SJW Battle of Tsaoyang -> Brilliant Victory
11 SJW Shouyang Railway -> Brilliant Victory
12 SJW Sui Hsien Front -> Brilliant Victory
13 SJW Yangtze River -> Brilliant Victory
14 SJW 2d Battle of Changsha -> Brilliant Victory
15 SJW Hongkong -> Brilliant Victory
16 SJW Changsha III -> Brilliant Victory
17 SJW Burma Road -> Brilliant Victory
18 SJW Shennong Mountains -> Brilliant Victory
19 SJW Taoyang -> Brilliant Victory
20 SJW Hengyang -> Victory
21 SJW Road to Liuchow -> Brilliant Victory
22 SJW Kuanghua -> Brilliant Victory
23 SJW August Storm -> Brilliant Victory
24 SJW Bandar-e-Abba -> Victory

SJW Bandits War -> Aggressive Attack on inf
SJW Tienchiachen Fortress -> Aggressive Attack on ftr
SJW Tienchiachen Fortress -> Fire Discipline on tk
SJW Tienchiachen Fortress -> Combat Support on TB
SJW Nanchang Counter -> Devastating Fire on inf
SJW Nanchang Counter -> Combat Support on inf
SJW Attack on Nanning -> Determined Defense on TB
SJW Attack on Nanning -> Resilience on TB
SJW Battle of Tsaoyang -> Devastating Fire on ftr
SJW Shouyang Railway -> Resilience on inf
SJW Shouyang Railway -> Reconnaissance Movement on ftr
SJW Sui Hsien Front -> Determined Defense on SPAD
SJW Yangtze River -> Street Fighter on aty
SJW Yangtze River -> Aggressive Attack on tk
SJW Yangtze River -> Devastating Fire on aty

SJW Landing at Taku -> Ki-30
SJW Raid on Tatung -> Ki-32
SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol -> Ki-49 Donryu
SJW Battle of Tsaoyang -> Ki-43-I Hayabusa
SJW Sui Hsien Front -> Ki-43-I Hayabusa
SJW Changsha III -> 43 Mountain , Type 97
SJW Shennong Mountains -> N1K2-J Shiden
SJW Kuanghua -> Kikka

Core losses
SJW Attack on Nanning -> Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse
SJW Battle of Tsaoyang -> Garrison

BV 19
V 3
TV 2
L 0
Last edited by reloadmaster on 2023-11-20 19:30, Monday, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Bandits War

The good thing is the AggrAtt-leader on my HQ-Detail. Most other things went not to my taste. Lost two auxes while in transports on the railroad, and I bought an aty that couldn't fight in the north as it needs a station to disembark.

However, cleared the area around the southern home-VH and in the end also recaptured the northern one. Nothing else matters. TV with some turns spare.

Wanted to play this CC at 75%, but realized after Chenpiecheng that I played with 100%. This is life.

SJW Landing at Taku

Guards , Type 97
Type 95 Ha-Go
Ki-27 Setsu
Type 93 Sumida

Type 91 10cm H -> Type 91 10cm H , Type 92 I-Ke

Deployed the new inf and the patrol-boat. On GT 1 the inf disembarked onto the airport, and I deployed the ftr. It attacked the defender, followed by the patrol-boat and a destroyer and at last the inf. The defenders vanished. The second destroyer moved in to the port-V/SH and blew the river-blocking wreck.

From the port I deployed everything (except the recon) in boats and sent 'em up the river. Detected and deleted the one or other enemy on my way towards the town. Recon and the single inf moved over land - it looks like swamp but seems to be just plain ground.

Some of my units disembarked just south of the town and started to attack, after initial softening from ftr and the destroyers. They easily dislodged the VH-defenders in western direction, an my inf was there in time to kill it. Then the recon sneaked in for a surprising BV-2.

SJW Chenpiecheng

Guards , Type 94

Ki-30 -> Ki-21
HQ Detail -> HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane

Deployed two inf on the western side of the river, the rest on the eastern side.

Soon overran the initial defenses on the eastern side and arrvied at the first VH in no time, but in low strength. From here and there and everywhere enemies appeared, and I hurried my units without tp into the battle. The battle raged until right of the end of the scen, but at one point I could sent the recon and an inf with tp further south. They captured the southernmost VH with some help from my ftr.

The two inf I had send west also arrived at their objective in time, and took it with help from my TB. For the safety of my home-VH I had bought a garrison in-scen, but it saw no action. LTBV.

Current scenario: SJW Chenpiecheng, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 200
Army cost: 2242 , Current prestige is 267
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 897
if BV: +450, SJW Raid on Tatung , cap 3750, 13 turns prestige: 100
if V : +450, SJW Raid on Tatung , cap 3750, 16 turns prestige: 140
if TV: +550, SJW Raid on Tatung , cap 3750, 22 turns prestige: 220
if Ls: +700, SJW Raid on Tatung , cap 3750, 22 turns prestige: 220

Guards , 2/Inf/B01 , 0 bars , 63 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 3 kill , 201 pp - U:001
* HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 1/Inf/C , 1 bars , 145 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:003
Guards , 3/Inf/B01 , 0 bars , 36 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 3 kill , 201 pp - U:005
Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 , 0 bars , 48 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 3 kill , 278 pp - U:007
Garrison , , 0 bars , 0 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 0 kill , 48 pp - U:025
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 0 bars , 82 exp , Japan , 1/8 , 1 kill , 124 pp - U:046
Guards , Type 94 , 6/Inf/B03 , 0 bars , 24 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 1 kill , 268 pp - U:047

Type 95 Ha-Go , 1/Tk/B02 , 0 bars , 69 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 4 kill , 268 pp - U:008

Type 93 Sumida , 1/Rec/B02 , 0 bars , 71 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 3 kill , 192 pp - U:009

Type 91 10cm H , Type 92 I-Ke , 1/Aty/B01 , 0 bars , 71 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 278 pp - U:002

Ki-27 Setsu , 1/Ftr/B02 , 1 bars , 117 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 2 kill , 384 pp - U:006

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 , 0 bars , 67 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:010

* Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 0 bars , 90 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:34 RCN:2 FORT:2 ATY:3 FTR:1 DD:1 Total: 43
Lost : INF:2 ATY:1 Total: 3
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Raid on Tatung

Type 91 10cm H , Type 92 I-Ke
Type 93 Sumida
Garrison (during scen).

Mechanized my inf.

Placed the new recon, an inf and the Cavalry in the far west. They moved south through dense bocage.

The rest came from the east. Moved west at first, and at the railroad I sent a small pincer to the northeastern VH. The other part of the core was busy to weather counterattacking coal-lorries. Northeast was cleared without too much trouble, and the other group had meanwhile reached the VH in the middle.

Then it became a little crowded all over the map. I received reinfs in the east, but they had to fight reinfs of the AI first. Lost my airport to another counter (coal-lorries and an inf), soon regained it and placed a second Garrison on the airport. The fight around the VH in the middle raged up and down, my western group had to fight with allied cavalry.

After a couple of GT the group in the middle had killed most enemies and moved further west. Exhausted units refuelled at the middle-VH, and got once again attacked by reinforcements. Sent my planes and some auxes in, which cleared the situation. In the west the original western group reached the VHs at the same time as the group from the east (-> better place everything in the east!). The first VH was easily taken. The defense of the more southern one was better, but not enough to hold my advancing units. LTBV.

SJW Battle of Taierchuang


Type 97A Chi-Ha
Type 98 2cm
Engineer , Type 94

After overcoming the initial defenses on GT 2 I split my forces into two more or less equal groups, one going south and the other going west. The western one was the first to reach a VH. Captured it in no time, but afterwards a vast load of Chinese reinforcements blocked the further progress. My group defended the VH until BV-time was there. TB and ftr gave vital support.

The southgoing group met the first resistance after about two third of the way to the VH. They were busy for about three GT until the situation was solved. Taking the VH was done about 4 GT later. Moved all incoming reinforcements down there. OK, the boats had of course to stay up in the north, were they fought a minesweeper and almost lost this sea-battle.

The reinfs defended the southeastern VH against some Chinese that came dripping by, while the core moved east to another VH. Easy win, but BV-time had ticked out now. Both groups met during the battle for the town and the peninsula. V-time passed while I was still on the mainland. But the TV was secured 3 GT early.

SJW Tienchiachen Fortress

Type 97A Chi-Ha
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi
MG-Infantry , Type 94

Type 91 10cm H , Type 92 I-Ke -> Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi
Type 91 10cm H , Type 92 I-Ke -> Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi
Type 98 2cm -> Type 98 2cm , Type 94
Ki-32 -> Ki-21

Strengthened the auxes in the northeast with a tk, set two pretty strong groups in the south up, and still the majority came from the deployment-zone in the east. Initial defenses got overrun fast. After that I took too much time to encircle and conquer the great number of flagged hexes in the south.

The group from the east made good progress towards the southwestern area, and in the north not much resistance was met. Reinforcements in the southwest came by ship, and I used them to invade the peninsula. Although they met stiff defensive lines, the IJN pulled them through. At around GT 10 I had taken most VH in the middle and the southwest, but had way too much power in that area. In the north, where there was the main city I had to take, only the meager five units from the northeast fought.

Pulling numerous units from the south up to the northwest took too long, and BV-time ticked out. On the other hand, I won three leaders while playing the scen down safely. With still a lot units in the south I took even more flags. Made the same in the north, after all VH were empty but not yet taken. Regular vic.

SJW Nanchang Counter

Type 99 10cm M , Mules
Type 99 10cm M , Mules
Type 99 10cm M , Mules

Southwest: went from the SH with all auxes in the area and a couple of cores towards the western V/SH. No problems on the way, only a few defenders had to be fought. Lost my own VH, which was undefended. Easily retook it - only one defender was present, as all other units had marched towards my VH in the middle of the map.

Far north: only one aux, but it was an engineer. When some Guerilla appeared, I sent a plane for help. Not needed in the end, as also reinfs arrived. The Guerilla stood no chance. Afterwards all auxes moved south to contain an attack on my VH in the middle.

Northeast: Had underestimated the number of attackers. Sent all reserves from the city up there, and all planes. Saved the VH by a margin. When I thought everything was secure, a few reinforcing Chinese made a second attack. This was easier to solve.

East: only a couple of attackers, but they came in more than only two waves. The defending inf won a nice Combat-Support-leader. As an airport was near, my planes could lend a helping - hm, wing.

Southeast: Had my new aty and only one inf here. Hopelessly outnumbered, I retreated a bit, lost the VH and waited for a tank to reach the area. Once again I needed help from the airforce to recapture it.

Middle: the aux-inf had went west, and the VH was undefended. From the southwest a couple of Chinese marched up to the river, but here they met the patrol boats. They blocked the river-crossing and took quite a toll from the attackers. Towards the end the reinforcements from the far north arrived and stomped the Chinese into the ground.

West: this was the most critical area. Had a recon and the Engineers here, together with an aux-inf and an aux-aty. Enough to block the attackers, but not enough to gain ground towards the VH. A tank from the northeast arrived after a couple of GT, and for the last three GT a TB also helped. With more than just a little luck I could dislodge the VH-defender and made a LTBV.

Current scenario: SJW Nanchang Counter, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 80
Army cost: 5052 , Current prestige is 1091
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 907
if BV: +450, SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol , cap 7250, 10 turns prestige: 420
if V : +450, SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol , cap 7250, 13 turns prestige: 460
if TV: +550, SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol , cap 7250, 19 turns prestige: 540
if Ls: +750, SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol , cap 7250, 19 turns prestige: 540

Guards , Type 94 , 2/Inf/B01 , 2 bars , 215 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 14 kill , 268 pp - U:001
* HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 3 bars , 311 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Aggressive Attack , 18 kill , 0 pp - U:003
Guards , Type 94 , 3/Inf/B01 , 2 bars , 226 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Combat Support , 12 kill , 268 pp - U:005
Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 , 2 bars , 235 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Devastating Fire , 12 kill , 278 pp - U:007
Garrison , 7/Inf/B03 , 0 bars , 14 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 48 pp - U:011
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 2 bars , 260 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 13 kill , 124 pp - U:012
Guards , Type 94 , 6/Inf/B03 , 1 bars , 180 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 7 kill , 268 pp - U:013
Engineer , Type 94 , 8/Inf/B05 , 1 bars , 194 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 4 kill , 460 pp - U:018

Type 95 Ha-Go , 1/Tk/B02 , 4 bars , 445 exp , Japan , 10/8 , 42 kill , 336 pp - U:008
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 1 bars , 154 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Fire Discipline , 15 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 3/Tk/B06 , 1 bars , 109 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 13 kill , 288 pp - U:020

Type 93 Sumida , 1/Rec/B02 , 2 bars , 299 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 10 kill , 192 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 2 bars , 248 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 4 kill , 192 pp - U:016

MG-Infantry , Type 94 , 1/AT/B06 , 0 bars , 78 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 4 kill , 163 pp - U:022

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 2 bars , 204 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 3 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 1 bars , 101 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 288 pp - U:015
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 0 bars , 79 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 288 pp - U:021
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , , 0 bars , 58 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 153 pp - U:100
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , , 0 bars , 80 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 1 kill , 153 pp - U:101
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , , 0 bars , 56 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 1 kill , 153 pp - U:102

Air Defense
Type 98 2cm , Type 94 , 1/AD/B05 , 0 bars , 44 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:019

Ki-27 Setsu , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 4 bars , 426 exp , Japan , 9/8 , Aggressive Attack , 13 kill , 432 pp - U:006

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 3 bars , 359 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Combat Support , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-21 , 2/TB/P04 , 1 bars , 133 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 3 kill , 0 pp - U:017

* Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 3 bars , 365 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:166 TNK:4 RCN:9 AT:8 FORT:20 ATY:22 AD:9 FTR:3 TB:2 DD:5 Total: 248
Lost : INF:3 ATY:1 DD:1 Total: 5
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Battle of Khalkhin Gol

Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse
Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse
Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse
Ki-27 Setsu

Had most inf in the south, together with four aty, two AD, a recon and the MG-unit. The rest had to be splattered all over the area around the VHs.

Three northern aux-cavalrys moved out of the line of sight, everything else moved into the vicinity of the VHs and waited for the Russian attack. The AI was busy in the northwest at first, where it had major problems to eliminate a defensive position of three bunkers and an AT. In the south they marched up in strength and with backing-up aty. For the next couple of GT I tumbled from crisis to crisis here, but the AI made no progress. I used a lot pp to refit shattered units, and lost one of the new AD to aty-fire.

The rather thin line in the north was also violently attacked, but held to my amazement. Russian airforce was not as strong as expected - and the aux-AD (tiny 2cm-guns at 3str) was better in real life than on paper. However, except for two or three successful raids on my southern positions they reached exactly nothing.

At GT 8 the enemy ran out of units in the south, and two GT later the same happened in the north. Refueled, reloaded, refitted and headed towards the VHs. In the north I used the saved aux-cavalry as recons and detected a couple of crossfiring aty in front of the VH. Due to the terrain and my bad transports it took an age to close in on the VHs. The aty in the north was proven to be hardly a problem for the airforce. The other defensive setups around the VHs also couldn't stop me. I took them all in time for a BV-1.

SJW Attack on Nanning

Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse

20mm AA Truck
Type SS Ki-Bo

Type 11 7.5cm , Heavy Horse -> Type 11 7.5cm , Type 92 Ni-Ku

Couldn't place everything and left the inexperienced units home. In the east I had cavalry, HQ Detail, a tk, an inf and the three small aty. This, and two GT with supporting airforce, was enough to take the eastern VH while fending off some reinforcing overstrengthed but weak inf.

In the middle I took the airport on GT 1 and the VH on GT 2. Two units (inf and aty) were battered and had to be refitted - just perfect to detect some backstabbers. Called the SPAD and a tk back. This group weathered the attack within three GT - with a lot help from airforce. My own (useless!) VH came under attack, and all the reinforcing units down there did their best to keep it in my hands. It got lost, and later recaptured. Maybe this happening is only there to distract the player? By the way, the chinese airforce is indeed strong in this scen...

The small but successful VH-defending group (except the SPAD) headed west towards the two VHs there. Meanwhile the others had already taken half of the town, which was not too good fortified. Still I lost a lot sp during the fight, none of the inf was able to move further west and assist during the fight for the western VH. I attacked that VH for three GT only from the air, and it poured out quite a load of inf with 5str. Those were overrun by the single tk I had there. On the last GT a recon and an inf could finally dislodge the VH-defending inf and marched in.

SJW Battle of Tsaoyang

HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane -> Engineer , Type 97

Engineer , Type 97 -> HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane

Placed something in the southeast, something in the northwest, and the most came from the north. First couple of GT were easy, I took the northwestern and the southeastern VH while moving south in strength. Then everywhere fresh Chinese troops were beamed in, and the map became crowded.

I held VH in the southeast, as some units from the north could be scrambled in after capturing two other VH in the middle first. Northwestern VH came not in danger, had some cores and some aux reinfs there. But I lost the home-VH and the defending Garrison on it. TB hammered the attackers to pieces afterwards, and an aux-inf later retook the VH.

This left the southwest as single target-area. From there even largers groups of reinfs poured out, and I had some problems with a bunker nearby. Just in time I could drag a couple of units out of the fight around the northwestern area, and some more crossed the map from the middle. This gave enough punch to bog the Chinese down for a LTBV.

Current scenario: SJW Battle of Tsaoyang, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 360
Army cost: 5837 , Current prestige is 1265
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 11
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 205
if BV: +300, SJW Shouyang Railway , cap 9000, 11 turns prestige: 60
if V : +300, SJW Shouyang Railway , cap 9000, 15 turns prestige: 140
if TV: +400, SJW Shouyang Railway , cap 9000, 21 turns prestige: 220
if Ls: +500, SJW Shouyang Railway , cap 9000, 21 turns prestige: 220

Guards , Type 94 , 2/Inf/B01 , 2 bars , 284 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 16 kill , 268 pp - U:001
* Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 4 bars , 410 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Aggressive Attack , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:003
Guards , Type 94 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 3 bars , 351 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Combat Support , 16 kill , 268 pp - U:005
Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 4 bars , 403 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Devastating Fire , 21 kill , 278 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 4 bars , 406 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 19 kill , 124 pp - U:012
Guards , Type 94 , 6/Inf/B03 , 3 bars , 304 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 12 kill , 268 pp - U:013
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 3 bars , 341 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 8 kill , 240 pp - U:018

Type 95 Ha-Go , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 726 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 92 kill , 268 pp - U:008
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 3 bars , 312 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Fire Discipline , 39 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 3/Tk/B06 , 2 bars , 261 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 30 kill , 288 pp - U:020

Type 93 Sumida , 1/Rec/B02 , 4 bars , 434 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 19 kill , 192 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 4 bars , 401 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:016

MG-Infantry , Type 94 , 1/AT/B06 , 1 bars , 156 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:022
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 1 bars , 127 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 2 kill , 316 pp - U:028

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 2 bars , 266 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 5 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 2 bars , 233 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 4 kill , 288 pp - U:015
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 1 bars , 194 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 3 kill , 288 pp - U:021
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 4/Aty/B07 , 1 bars , 152 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 2 kill , 153 pp - U:023
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 5/Aty/B07 , 1 bars , 185 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 3 kill , 153 pp - U:024
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 6/Aty/B07 , 1 bars , 124 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 3 kill , 153 pp - U:025

Air Defense
Type 98 2cm , Type 94 , 1/AD/B05 , 0 bars , 44 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:019
Type 11 7.5cm , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 2/AD/B08 , 0 bars , 60 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 0 kill , 249 pp - U:027
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 , 1 bars , 118 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 0 kill , 220 pp - U:030

Ki-27 Setsu , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 646 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 25 kill , 384 pp - U:006
Ki-27 Setsu , 2/Ftr/B08 , 2 bars , 203 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 3 kill , 384 pp - U:026

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 538 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Combat Support , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-21 , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 2 bars , 233 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Determined Defense , 9 kill , 0 pp - U:017
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 3 bars , 317 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Resilience , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:029

* Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 4 bars , 474 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:295 TNK:14 RCN:30 AT:19 FORT:33 ATY:45 AD:21 FTR:9 TB:7 DD:5 Total: 478
Lost : INF:5 AT:1 FORT:2 ATY:2 AD:1 DD:1 Total: 12
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Shouyang Railway

Only OSed two aty.

This is a very straight forwards scen - move as fast as you can from the northeast to the southwest. Only one aux in a train moved into the other direction on GT 1.

Left my AD and the smaller aty at the northeastern home-VH. The southeastern VH was defended by four units only. They were surrounded by double-lines of enemies from GT 2 on. The airforce harvested among them, and when three more ground-units arrived the crisis got easily solved.

Deleted vast loads of Guerilla and HQ-Details and took all VH in BV-time without encountering too much problems. But I had to watch my back!

SJW Sui Hsien Front

Type 99 10cm M , Mules -> Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku

From the V/SH in the southwest I sent an inf and the two small aty north for an amphibious assault, guided by both patrol-boats. They were welcomed by a large number of Guerilla and needed help from the airforce to survive. They took their objective on BV-2.

In the southwest I had a number of units. Due to the bad transport and the short way they had to take I placed my biggest aty here. It won a Street-Fighter leader when the town was taken. The group went further north and later took the next VH after a tricky fight with three entrenched units. One was a HQ, one had Combat Support as leader, and the last one an experienced aty with endless ammo.

The majority raced from the southeast to the middle and then north. While a small detachment battled around with some units at a river-crossing, the larger group easily crossed two rivers. Then they encountered a lot inf and guerilla, which delayed my advance significantly. After I finished the defenders, my worn-out units met a good defensive setup at the last VH. During a rainy turn I called the airforce up there. On the last GT for a BV the weather cleared, and despite a nasty AD the air-attack paved they way for the final assault. LTBV.

SJW Yangtze River

Type 97A Chi-Ha
Type 93 Sumida
Type 99 10cm M (in scen)
Guards (in scen)

Type 93 Sumida -> Type 95 CC

I admit to have played this scen around ten times - I lost every single time without knowing why. Until I saw, that the AI took one single flag (not a VH!). This was the reason for my losses. Played another three times just to take a look, and it didn't matter which flag I lost. Any re-captured flag left me with a loss.

So I avoided taking flags in my final run. Except for the VHs (of course!) and an airport in the south. To defend one of the ports I bought an inf and an aty - hadn't expected such vicious counterattacks.

Everything else went halfways good. Due to the sheer mass of VHs to capture and the way they are splattered all over the map I sent pincers to each and every one. But it was sufficient. I tried to move around the numerous Chinese units that roamed everywhere on the map. This worked fine, but two of my aty got badly mauled when attacked while in transport. I resurrected one, as it was needed for a crucial fight around one of the western VHs. BV-1.

Current scenario: SJW Yangtze River, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 640
Army cost: 6747 , Current prestige is 842
Prestige available on map yet is 280 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 11
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 901
if BV: +400, SJW 2d Battle of Changsha , cap 10250, 12 turns prestige: 0
if V : +400, SJW 2d Battle of Changsha , cap 10250, 16 turns prestige: 80
if TV: +500, SJW 2d Battle of Changsha , cap 10250, 24 turns prestige: 260
if Ls: +800, SJW 2d Battle of Changsha , cap 10250, 24 turns prestige: 260

Guards , Type 94 , 2/Inf/B01 (Res) , 3 bars , 364 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Resilience , 20 kill , 268 pp - U:001
* Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 4 bars , 493 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 28 kill , 0 pp - U:003
Guards , Type 94 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 4 bars , 471 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Combat Support , 22 kill , 268 pp - U:005
Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 550 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Devastating Fire , 25 kill , 278 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 574 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 27 kill , 124 pp - U:011
Guards , Type 94 , 6/Inf/B03 , 3 bars , 382 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 19 kill , 268 pp - U:012
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 4 bars , 415 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 14 kill , 240 pp - U:017
Guards , , 0 bars , 78 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 1 kill , 201 pp - U:036

Type 95 Ha-Go , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 870 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 118 kill , 268 pp - U:008
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 4 bars , 441 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Fire Discipline , 71 kill , 288 pp - U:013
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 3/Tk/B06 , 3 bars , 304 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 40 kill , 288 pp - U:019
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 4/Tk/B13 , 1 bars , 107 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 3 kill , 288 pp - U:026

Type 95 CC , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 567 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 27 kill , 278 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 4 bars , 466 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 13 kill , 192 pp - U:015
Type 93 Sumida , 3/Rec/B13 , 1 bars , 106 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 1 kill , 192 pp - U:018

MG-Infantry , Type 94 , 1/AT/B06 , 3 bars , 325 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 10 kill , 163 pp - U:021
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 2 bars , 251 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 6 kill , 316 pp - U:027

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 3 bars , 338 exp , Japan , 9/8 , 9 kill , 324 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 3 bars , 344 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 7 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 2 bars , 250 exp , Japan , 2/8 , 6 kill , 288 pp - U:020
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 4/Aty/B07 , 2 bars , 204 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 6 kill , 153 pp - U:022
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 5/Aty/B07 (SF) , 2 bars , 232 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Street Fighter , 7 kill , 489 pp - U:023
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 6/Aty/B07 , 1 bars , 159 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 4 kill , 153 pp - U:024
Type 99 10cm M , , 0 bars , 77 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 0 kill , 144 pp - U:037

Air Defense
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 (DetDef) , 2 bars , 228 exp , Japan , 2/8 , Determined Defense , 0 kill , 220 pp - U:029

Ki-27 Setsu , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 841 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 29 kill , 384 pp - U:006
Ki-27 Setsu , 2/Ftr/B08 (DevFire) , 4 bars , 405 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 8 kill , 384 pp - U:025
+ Ki-43-I Hayabusa , 3/Ftr/P10 (RM) , 2 bars , 251 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Reconnaissance Movement , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:030
+ Ki-43-I Hayabusa , 4/Ftr/P12 , 1 bars , 135 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:031

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 624 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Combat Support , 21 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-21 , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 4 bars , 429 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Determined Defense , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:016
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 4 bars , 472 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Resilience , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:028

* Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 5 bars , 595 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 3 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:431 TNK:16 RCN:34 AT:23 FORT:48 ATY:55 AD:30 FTR:11 TB:7 DD:5 Total: 660
Lost : INF:5 AT:1 FORT:5 ATY:2 AD:2 DD:1 Total: 16
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW 2d Battle of Changsha

Type 99 10cm M

MG-Infantry , Type 94 -> Type 1 Ho-Ni I
Type 99 10cm M , Mules -> Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku
Ki-27 Setsu -> Ki-43-I Hayabusa
Ki-27 Setsu -> Ki-43-I Hayabusa

The intro said: capture and protect VH's - this was very ominous. So I left quite some units back at critical points around my home VH's. And this was definately the right decision!

My best units went towards the southwestern town. Some of them turned north at a bridge, attacked and took a VH and an airport in the middle and headed straight west afterwards. The VH there was mine at BV-1. In the town I had to fight not too much and not too strong enemies. But the setup was very clever, the AI also sent some reinfs in. This was pure entertainment! Battled through in BV-time.

Southeastern VH was taken by auxes only, and as already mentioned I had to block vast loads of counterattacking inf. As they all came from an unsuitable directions (unsuitable for the AI, that is!), it wasn't all that hard.

SJW Hongkong

Type 99 10cm M

Ki-43-I Hayabusa -> Ki-45 Toryu
Ki-43-I Hayabusa -> Ki-45 Toryu

Deployed my best inf in the east and the HQ and a tk in the north. Both leadered aty stood on the mainland. My inf in the east cleared the adjacent port, a DD moved in and took it. But I could not deploy any more units as the area was cramped with british units. Instead my leadered aty could kill a defending inf on another port far in the west. Yet another aux DD captured the port.

From this port I deployed the majority of my other units, esp. aty, recons and tk. They deleted a nasty aty and an inf. The british counter was a letdown - some aty shots and an inf-attack, which was suppressed by counterfire. A small scale naval battle evolved, and I lost two patrol boats. Then my TB managed to sink the british vessels.

While my units in the east could hardly do more than looking at the beautiful landscape, the other units steamrolled from the northwest to the south. The last VH was in fact empty. Made a BV -2.

SJW Changsha III

Ki-43-I Hayabusa -> Ki-43-II Hayabusa
Patrol Boat PR -> 42 Patrol Boat PR
Engineer , Type 97 -> 42 Engineer , Type 97

Deployed only a few units and attacked the port a few hexes southwest of the deployment-zone. Took the port on GT 2. Cleared the port on the other rim, an aux-DD took it on GT 3. From there I deployed most of the core (one of my big aty later crossed the river), while the initial group headed southeast. A battered inf and a tk were left behind to have an eye on my home-VH.

In the west I left an aux-PB in the port-hex and made good progress towards the south. Another port lay behind some defensive ironworks and was soon in my hands. Then I realized some counterattackers on my right flank and behind me. Spied around, and it was in fact a large number of inf. So I sent a not so big detachement further south, while the rest tried to weather the counter. Both engagements needed help from my airforce to be successful.

On the other side of the river the small but experienced group went southeast and found an entrenchment with inf, bunker, AD and a mortar in the mountains. This was soon done, and in that very moment my home-VH was attacked by a couple of inf. To my relief a TB was just on the airstrip there and was called into the action. With this vital help the attack became a suicide-mission. The western group left the southernmost VH's on the side and headed on. Some defenders tried to block the road, but to no avail. Four units on land and the two bigger aux vessels had not much problems to capture this VH.

The eastern group had meanwhile deleted most counterattackers and also conquered the southwestern VH. Now they moved east on the very southern edge of the map. The airforce was always in advance and softened defenders, before the one or other tk overran what was left over. Soon they reached the area with the last VH's I had to take. Kamikaze-like TB-attacks followed by strafing ftr paved the way for an LTBV.

Guards , Type 94 , 2/Inf/B01 (Res) , 4 bars , 438 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Resilience , 31 kill , 268 pp - U:001
* 42 Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 619 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Aggressive Attack , 38 kill , 0 pp - U:003
Guards , Type 94 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 5 bars , 523 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Combat Support , 25 kill , 268 pp - U:005
Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 648 exp , Japan , 3/8 , Devastating Fire , 31 kill , 278 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 681 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 33 kill , 124 pp - U:011
Guards , Type 94 , 6/Inf/B03 , 4 bars , 487 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 26 kill , 268 pp - U:012
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 4 bars , 466 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 16 kill , 240 pp - U:017

Type 95 Ha-Go , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 925 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 124 kill , 268 pp - U:008
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 5 bars , 562 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Fire Discipline , 91 kill , 288 pp - U:013
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 3/Tk/B06 , 4 bars , 417 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 48 kill , 288 pp - U:019
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 4/Tk/B13 (AggrAtt) , 1 bars , 196 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 17 kill , 288 pp - U:026

Type 95 CC , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 621 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 31 kill , 278 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 5 bars , 627 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 19 kill , 192 pp - U:015
Type 93 Sumida , 3/Rec/B13 , 1 bars , 189 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 5 kill , 192 pp - U:018

Type 1 Ho-Ni I , 1/AT/B06 , 4 bars , 440 exp , Japan , 2/8 , 13 kill , 374 pp - U:021
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 3 bars , 328 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 13 kill , 316 pp - U:027

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 4 bars , 421 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 12 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 4 bars , 412 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 11 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 3 bars , 328 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 7 kill , 288 pp - U:020
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 4/Aty/B07 (DevFire) , 3 bars , 356 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 489 pp - U:022
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 5/Aty/B07 (SF) , 2 bars , 285 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Street Fighter , 9 kill , 489 pp - U:023
Type 99 10cm M , Mules , 6/Aty/B07 , 2 bars , 259 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 6 kill , 153 pp - U:024

Air Defense
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 (DetDef) , 3 bars , 302 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Determined Defense , 0 kill , 220 pp - U:029

Ki-43-II Hayabusa , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 954 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 32 kill , 556 pp - U:006
Ki-45 Toryu , 2/Ftr/B08 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 658 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 20 kill , 576 pp - U:025
+ Ki-45 Toryu , 3/Ftr/P10 (RM) , 3 bars , 376 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Reconnaissance Movement , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:030
+ Ki-43-I Hayabusa , 4/Ftr/P12 , 2 bars , 289 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 6 kill , 0 pp - U:031

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 715 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Combat Support , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-21 , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 4 bars , 493 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Determined Defense , 20 kill , 0 pp - U:016
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 5 bars , 631 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Resilience , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:028

* 42 Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 5 bars , 669 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:559 TNK:17 RCN:39 AT:27 FORT:64 ATY:67 AD:44 FTR:15 TB:9 DD:13 Total: 854
Lost : INF:5 AT:1 FORT:5 ATY:2 AD:2 DD:3 Total: 18
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Burma Road

Guards , Type 94 -> Guards , Type 97
Guards , Type 94 -> Guards , Type 97
Guards , Type 94 -> Guards , Type 97
Type 99 10cm M , Mules -> Type 99 10cm M , Type 94

Followed the advice in the intro. So the VHs in the east and the west were attacked by slower or not that experienced untis, while fast units headed north at full speed. This of course left the northgoing troops soon out of aty-support, as the guns just could not follow. The airforce had to take the duties, and did this with great success.

The other groups faced not much problems. In the east both my leadered guns frightened the defenders, and the CS-recon supported most of my actions. This left the AI at no chance, the VH and airport fell on BV-4. In the east an intial defensive line was doomed after two GT of aerial raids. The few inf around the VH were no real challenge. My small group (aty, recon, an inf) had ample time to do the job, and on BV-3 the VH was secured.

The northern group found defenders on some places, trying to establish a resistance. They stood no chance, as long as the sun was shining. But from GT 6 on it was raining, which held for three GT. This happened to my dismay at a crucial river-crossing, and I had to pay a lot sp to finally get on the other side. Afterwards the sky cleared, and now the AI sent some tough ftr in. I split the core, and while the fastest/fittest units went further north, the weakened and partly exhauted troops took care of the VH some hexes west of the river. LTBV.

SJW Shennong Mountains

Guards , Type 97 -> 43 Guards , Type 97
Type 97A Chi-Ha -> Type 2 Ho-I
Ki-43-I Hayabusa -> Ki-44 Shoki

Lost all my notes on this scen, and don't remember anything after this one year since I played the scen. Sorry for any inconveniences. The Suite says, I won a ftr-proto. OK...

SJW Taoyang

Guards , Type 97 -> 43 Guards , Type 97
Guards , Type 97 -> 43 Guards , Type 97
Type 95 Ha-Go -> Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha
Type 99 10cm M , Type 94 -> Type 1 Ho Ni II

Deployed some not that experienced units in the northeast. The group should slowly move to the west in the northern perimeter aiming for a precious airport, a VH and maybe some flags. The northwestern VH was planned to be taken by the promised paratrooping auxes. My best units should move over the river just south of my home-VH, then take the VH in the middle, move south from there, at the bottom of the map due west, and come up south of the city where I expected the hardest battle and the defenders more on the northern side than in the south.

Soon realized, that I had not seen two more VH - one in the far southeast, and one in the west. Thus I had to part some units from my main group towards the southeast, and the paras to take the western VH which was out of reach for my main group. This left me with a problem: the VH in the northwest. The few units from the east had to speed up. Airforce recieved orders to clear the VH and the area around it. This was hard due to the distance between airport and VH, plus the number of units to eliminate. As the northern airport was taken, the AI received reinforcements from the north, west, and south. They delayed and exhausted my taskforce, despite some own reinfs which had to cover a long distance and in the end only marched over the map and saw no action at all.

To take the southeastern VH was rather simple even for my few units I had detached - aux-patrolboats helped a lot. The paras dropped behind the western VH and secured it after some GT. But not all flying reinfs could be dropped - some need an airport to disembark... The main group easily overran the VH in the middle, raced south and then west with hardly any resistance. This changed when I arrived south of the VH and had taken the airport there. I was out of aty-support, as they have very slow transports. Had to defend my northern frontline against waves of inf while moving further southwest to get control of that nasty V/SH there. As rain and shiny weather now changed on every GT, the airforce had quite some opportunities to gather some exp.

In the north I could break free at some point and headed west through empty landscape. The airforce had really done a tremendous job! When they closed in on the VH, only some weakenend units tried to stop me, but in vain. A tk took the VH with the last drip of fuel. In the south on LTBV my heavy aty finally arrived in the battle-zone, and after three shots my tk cleared the path to the VH by overrunning the battered defenders. No proto.

SJW Hengyang

Type 97A Chi-Ha -> Type 2 Ho-I
Ki-43-II Hayabusa -> Ki-84 Hayate
Ki-45 Toryu -> Ki-84 Hayate

A small group with mediocre units in the northeast, main thrust came from the east. Everything headed west. Northern group came to a halt on GT 3, as an armoured counter was detected. Needed three GT under constant aerial attack to trick the strong Shermans into the woods and finish them there with inf. A high toll was payed to attacking TB, LB and ftr, until my airforce could take them on and also down. In the east I had more problems with the jungle than with enemies. This is where I had my airforce in the opening turns as the airport is relatively close. Sending my planes to help the northern group was a little bit of poker with the fuel. But all went well.

On GT 6 the northern group refueled and got partly refitted, before it progressed further west. At the same time the eastern group had reached the river and the defenses in front of a number of VH. They needed two GT to get a toehold on the other side of the river, but then immediately overran what was left of the chinese lines. Here's an airport! A real airport - how nice! Had to withdraw a ftr and two ground-units, they were not battleworthy anymore and most of my pp had went into the northern group. Immediately behind that area is another river. And there a load of chinese inf marched up, backed up by aty and with a couple of HQ-units.

This gave the airforce another chance to drop the one or other explosive device. But it still was quite a job to knock a hole into this human wall. Meanwhile the northern group hat taken the VH they had aimed for. Now they refueled once again and weathered small-scale counterattacks. Then they went with great caution towards a VH in the far northwest. When BV-time was over, the eastern group broke free. Needed the remaining GT to take the last two VH. LTV.

Current scenario: SJW Hengyang, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 640
Army cost: 8248 , Current prestige is 740
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 18
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 510
if BV: +600, SJW Road to Liuchow , cap 12750, 14 turns prestige: 380
if V : +600, SJW Road to Liuchow , cap 12750, 18 turns prestige: 460
if TV: +900, SJW Road to Liuchow , cap 12750, 24 turns prestige: 600
if Ls: +1800, SJW Road to Liuchow , cap 12750, 24 turns prestige: 600

Guards , Type 97 , 2/Inf/B01 (Res) , 5 bars , 558 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Resilience , 37 kill , 278 pp - U:001
* 42 Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 752 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Aggressive Attack , 43 kill , 0 pp - U:003
43 Guards , Type 97 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 5 bars , 660 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Combat Support , 31 kill , 307 pp - U:005
43 Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 860 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 44 kill , 307 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 927 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 43 kill , 124 pp - U:011
43 Guards , Type 97 , 6/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 665 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 36 kill , 307 pp - U:012
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 5 bars , 543 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 22 kill , 240 pp - U:017
+ 43 Mountain , Type 97 , 9/Inf/P16 , 3 bars , 371 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:032

Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 1109 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 147 kill , 326 pp - U:008
Type 2 Ho-I , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 5 bars , 764 exp , Japan , 3/8 , Fire Discipline , 118 kill , 422 pp - U:013
Type 97A Chi-Ha , 3/Tk/B06 , 5 bars , 597 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 74 kill , 288 pp - U:019
Type 2 Ho-I , 4/Tk/B13 (AggrAtt) , 4 bars , 453 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Aggressive Attack , 64 kill , 422 pp - U:026

Type 95 CC , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 863 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 35 kill , 278 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 5 bars , 811 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 27 kill , 192 pp - U:015
Type 93 Sumida , 3/Rec/B13 , 4 bars , 433 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 9 kill , 192 pp - U:018

Type 1 Ho-Ni I , 1/AT/B06 , 5 bars , 607 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 18 kill , 374 pp - U:021
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 4 bars , 441 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 18 kill , 316 pp - U:027

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 4 bars , 496 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 15 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 4 bars , 489 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 13 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 4 bars , 408 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:020
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 4/Aty/B07 (DevFire) , 4 bars , 492 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 19 kill , 489 pp - U:022
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 5/Aty/B07 (SF) , 4 bars , 406 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Street Fighter , 11 kill , 489 pp - U:023
Type 1 Ho Ni II , 6/Aty/B07 , 3 bars , 368 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 8 kill , 451 pp - U:024

Air Defense
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 509 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Determined Defense , 1 kill , 220 pp - U:029

Ki-84 Hayate , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 1104 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 39 kill , 681 pp - U:006
Ki-84 Hayate , 2/Ftr/B08 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 947 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Devastating Fire , 29 kill , 681 pp - U:025
+ Ki-45 Toryu , 3/Ftr/P10 (RM) , 5 bars , 605 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 0 pp - U:030
+ Ki-44 Shoki , 4/Ftr/P12 , 4 bars , 430 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:031
+ N1K2-J Shiden , 5/Ftr/P18 , 2 bars , 226 exp , Japan , 2/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:033

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-21 , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 883 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Combat Support , 29 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-21 , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 618 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Determined Defense , 27 kill , 0 pp - U:016
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 5 bars , 799 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Resilience , 34 kill , 0 pp - U:028

* 42 Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 5 bars , 815 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan
Killed: INF:754 TNK:24 RCN:48 AT:31 FORT:80 ATY:89 AD:58 FTR:22 TB:13 LB:3 DD:17 Total: 1139
Lost : INF:7 AT:1 FORT:5 ATY:2 AD:2 DD:3 Total: 20
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Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

SJW Road to Liuchow

Type 97A Chi-Ha -> Type 3 Chi-Nu
Ki-45 Toryu -> Ki-84 Hayate

Deployed, headed south and left one unit behind at each VH. First couple of turns nothing special happened - some enemies turned up and got deleted without losing speed. When my troopies came near to the first VH's, the resitance stiffened. No match for my core. Took every available flag and headed on. First reinfs arrived around the initial VHs. Left most of them staying there and instead sent my cores south. In the east some reinfs travelled by train into the battle-zone, though.

The west was not that easy to conquer, as numerous enemies appeared or marched up around the first VH. Only the help from airforce, aty and patrolboat kept my line intact. The crisis was done after some time, especially my tk harvested among the poor chinese inf. In the east I first took the VH, and then the Chinese and allied forces came to take a look at what was going on. They could contain me for two GT, then I moved on. Had to split my forces here to take on three GT in different directions.

The auxes in trains should take the easternmost route. Southwest and then southeast I sent a tough battle-group, and a couple of inf went northwest. This was enough as my recon-ftr had already spied around. This particular VH fell soon. The my western group broke free and went further south - and all eastern VH I possesed came under attack! My home-VH was in no real danger, but the one in the middle was threatened by a quite large group of Guerilla. Lost the airport there, and needed most of my airforce to weaken the attackers. This saved the VH, but the airport could not be retaken.

Approached the southern VH's carefully, but this was a bit in vain as they have a radar-bunker. Still my core came not under attack, but the auxes in trains were annihilated. On the other hand, this kept the most enemies on the eastern side, while the core attacked from the west and conquered both VH within two GT for an LTBV.

SJW Kuanghua

Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha -> Type 4 Chi-To
Ki-21 -> Ki-67 Hiryu
Ki-21 -> Ki-67 Hiryu

When the first army units climbed up from the beaches, the airforce had already downed all allied planes and killed six defenders on the ground. The first line of defense was alrady done when the battle began...

As own ground-units always need four GT to come from the SH to where the action is, I quit deploying at GT 5. I had send most inf, the recons and three aty. This was more than enough. While the aty paved the way to the southeast, everything else was duty of my airforce. Recons took the other VHs for an LTBV. A Kikka as proto.

SJW August Storm

Type 2 Ho-I -> Type 4 Chi-To
Type 1 Ho-Ni I -> Type 5 Ho-Ri II

In the west I had most of my armour and two aty, CC-recon and a couple of my better inf. In the east three inf and a small aty went south. What was left should secure the middle. The eastern group soon faced two ugly T-34/85 and a number of inf. I retreated them into a forest. Could delete the inf, but were helpless against the tanks. One was later killed by reinfs from the northeast.

The VH in the middle got lost on GT 4, when russian aty blew the defender into oblivion. Needed three GT to take it back - recons and two tk had taken most aty and one of the SpAty out. Then the other of the eastern T-34 threatened me from the north and russian planes dominated the skies. A rainy turn saved me. Getting rid of the T-34 cost me another turn, then I stormed south over the river and took the VH there in triumph.

Most action was in the west. Here the battle raged up and down. My planes played a critical role in softening the attackers and also downed the one or other Ilyushin. The VH got also lost because of aty, but I could retake it soon. Sent a number of units further south. They faced no problems while taking the Russian V/SH. My own VH could be held, but it wasn't easy at all.

Then I lost a VH far in the north to a tk-attack. On the last GT a reinf from the northeast, which had arrived by train, threw the occupying T-34 out and retook the VH.

Current scenario: SJW August Storm, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 200
Army cost: 9784 , Current prestige is 1439
Prestige available on map yet is 200 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 461
if BV: +1500, SJW Bandar-e-Abbas , cap 15000, 10 turns prestige: 1400
if V : +1500, SJW Bandar-e-Abbas , cap 15000, 15 turns prestige: 1600
if TV: +2250, SJW Bandar-e-Abbas , cap 15000, 25 turns prestige: 1900
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 1900

Guards , Type 97 , 2/Inf/B01 (Res) , 5 bars , 705 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Resilience , 38 kill , 278 pp - U:001
* 42 Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 868 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Aggressive Attack , 48 kill , 0 pp - U:003
43 Guards , Type 97 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 5 bars , 735 exp , Japan , 6/8 , Combat Support , 38 kill , 307 pp - U:005
43 Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 977 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 55 kill , 307 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 1015 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 44 kill , 124 pp - U:011
43 Guards , Type 97 , 6/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 673 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 37 kill , 307 pp - U:012
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 5 bars , 566 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 24 kill , 240 pp - U:017
+ 43 Mountain , Type 97 , 9/Inf/P16 , 4 bars , 440 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 4 kill , 0 pp - U:032

Type 4 Chi-To , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 1205 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 162 kill , 864 pp - U:008
Type 2 Ho-I , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 5 bars , 868 exp , Japan , 3/8 , Fire Discipline , 135 kill , 422 pp - U:013
Type 3 Chi-Nu , 3/Tk/B06 , 5 bars , 684 exp , Japan , 2/8 , 88 kill , 652 pp - U:019
Type 4 Chi-To , 4/Tk/B13 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 537 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Aggressive Attack , 80 kill , 864 pp - U:026

Type 95 CC , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 971 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 36 kill , 278 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 5 bars , 940 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 33 kill , 192 pp - U:015
Type 93 Sumida , 3/Rec/B13 , 5 bars , 529 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 14 kill , 192 pp - U:018

Type 5 Ho-Ri II , 1/AT/B06 , 5 bars , 663 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 26 kill , 566 pp - U:021
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 5 bars , 513 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 21 kill , 316 pp - U:027

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 5 bars , 532 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 16 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 5 bars , 540 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 14 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 5 bars , 518 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 10 kill , 288 pp - U:020
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 4/Aty/B07 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 615 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 26 kill , 489 pp - U:022
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 5/Aty/B07 (SF) , 4 bars , 453 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Street Fighter , 13 kill , 489 pp - U:023
Type 1 Ho Ni II , 6/Aty/B07 , 4 bars , 436 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 8 kill , 451 pp - U:024

Air Defense
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 569 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Determined Defense , 2 kill , 220 pp - U:029

Ki-84 Hayate , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 1284 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Aggressive Attack , 45 kill , 681 pp - U:006
Ki-84 Hayate , 2/Ftr/B08 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1123 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 36 kill , 681 pp - U:025
+ Ki-84 Hayate , 3/Ftr/P10 (RM) , 5 bars , 817 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:030
+ Ki-44 Shoki , 4/Ftr/P12 , 5 bars , 533 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:031
+ N1K2-J Shiden , 5/Ftr/P18 , 3 bars , 314 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 9 kill , 0 pp - U:033
+ Kikka , 6/Ftr/P22 , 2 bars , 263 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:034

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-67 Hiryu , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 1016 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Combat Support , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-67 Hiryu , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 770 exp , Japan , 3/8 , Determined Defense , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:016
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 5 bars , 1065 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Resilience , 43 kill , 0 pp - U:028

* 42 Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 5 bars , 1014 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan, Manchukuo
Killed: INF:856 TNK:35 RCN:54 AT:34 FORT:94 ATY:115 AD:67 FTR:30 TB:20 LB:4 DD:19 Total: 1328
Lost : INF:12 AT:1 FORT:5 ATY:4 AD:2 DD:3 Total: 27
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Posts: 41
Joined: 2019-11-01 11:01, Friday

Re: RM's CC63 @ 100% - WW1.9 and one step further *in progress *

Post by reloadmaster »

Well, finally...

SJW Bandar-e-Abbas

Guards , Type 97 -> 43 Guards (forgot to mark the Type 97 - well, they were left on a VH anyways)
Type 2 Ho-I -> Type 5 Chi-Ri

Type 98 120mm (during scen)

Deployed something in the north, some more things in the west, a handful in the east and kept most air-units in the pocket.

During the first two GT not much happened. I slowly approached the towns from the northeast, and grabbed through rough terrain in the east. Left some guarding units on my three VH, you never know! In the east I came to a fortified line, which I soon broke despite some LB, a jet-ftr and Captain America. I have to admit, that my units where in not so good shape when the first pincer reached the coast. They were also scattered all over the place, and it took some time to get them together and refit. Meanwhile a load of reinf had appeared by plane in the far south. I moved them to the islands.

In the northeast I was stabbed in the back by some armoured units, just when I planned to attack the town. A couple of LB also appeared, guarded by a Spit. Now I moved my air-arm in, and within three GT the allied had lost the complete airforce. The backstabbers were annihilated, and I returned to the outskirts of the town. Moving in wasn't all that easy, and the first thing I conquered was a regular airport in the east. Now things got better, the allied BB got finally sunk by the aux-sub and my TB. Took the VH on the easternmost island without any problems.

On the big Island things went a little different. Despite more and more arriving reinfs I had quite some problems with the allied armour and SPAT. Luftwaffe (!) had to lend a helping hand, and one by one I tricked the tracked units into rough terrain were inf took them out. First I took the VH in the north, then I moved with a strong force east and a with weak force west. On the mainland some inf started an attack on my northernmost VH - I was happy to have left an inf behind! Bought a mortar-unit to strengthen the defense and relied once again on my air-arm. They were successful.

On the mainland I carefully moved through the town, from both southwest and northeast. A load of VH are to be taken, and they are all well defended. The northeastern group was again backstabbed. Hastily built a defensive line and called my air-units. Tough fight for two GT, then the crisis was solved. BV-time ticked out, on the mainland about 6 VH still needed to be taken, and on the island the two outer VH. The western VH was defended by a single Chaffee, and I needed a load of time and attacks to finally delete it. The eastern VH, defended by only three units, was also beyond the capabilities of my Italian auxes. TB and IJN were needed to suppress and in the end kill them. The VH on the mainland were taken one by one for a final BV+2.

Core @ end:

Current scenario: SJW Bandar-e-Abbas, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 520
Army cost: 10340 , Current prestige is 1063
Prestige available on map yet is 240 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 812
BV: Win , turn prestige: 720
V : Win , turn prestige: 940
TV: Win , turn prestige: 1240
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 1240

43 Guards , 2/Inf/B01 (Res) , 5 bars , 705 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Resilience , 38 kill , 230 pp - U:001
* 42 Engineer , Type 97 , 1/Inf/C (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 905 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Aggressive Attack , 48 kill , 0 pp - U:003
43 Guards , Type 97 , 3/Inf/B01 (CS) , 5 bars , 749 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 307 pp - U:005
43 Guards , Type 97 , 4/Inf/B02 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1017 exp , Japan , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 58 kill , 307 pp - U:007
Cavalry , 5/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 1015 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 44 kill , 124 pp - U:011
43 Guards , Type 97 , 6/Inf/B03 , 5 bars , 698 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 39 kill , 307 pp - U:012
HQ Detail , Type 95 Kurogane , 8/Inf/B05 , 5 bars , 585 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 25 kill , 240 pp - U:017
+ 43 Mountain , Type 97 , 9/Inf/P16 , 4 bars , 464 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:032

Type 4 Chi-To , 1/Tk/B02 , 5 bars , 1293 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 173 kill , 864 pp - U:008
Type 5 Chi-Ri , 2/Tk/B05 (FireDis) , 5 bars , 968 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Fire Discipline , 144 kill , 902 pp - U:013
Type 3 Chi-Nu , 3/Tk/B06 , 5 bars , 743 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 96 kill , 652 pp - U:019
Type 4 Chi-To , 4/Tk/B13 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 611 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Aggressive Attack , 89 kill , 864 pp - U:026

Type 95 CC , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 975 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 36 kill , 278 pp - U:009
Type 93 Sumida , 2/Rec/B04 , 5 bars , 977 exp , Japan , 5/8 , 35 kill , 192 pp - U:015
Type 93 Sumida , 3/Rec/B13 , 5 bars , 553 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 15 kill , 192 pp - U:018

Type 5 Ho-Ri II , 1/AT/B06 , 5 bars , 714 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 28 kill , 566 pp - U:021
Type SS Ki-Bo , 2/AT/B09 , 5 bars , 530 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 22 kill , 316 pp - U:027

Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 1/Aty/B01 , 5 bars , 573 exp , Japan , 7/8 , 17 kill , 288 pp - U:002
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 2/Aty/B04 , 5 bars , 548 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 14 kill , 288 pp - U:014
Type 91 10cm H , Type 98 Ko-Hi , 3/Aty/B06 , 5 bars , 518 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 10 kill , 288 pp - U:020
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 4/Aty/B07 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 649 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 26 kill , 489 pp - U:022
Type 96 15cm H , Type 92 Ni-Ku , 5/Aty/B07 (SF) , 4 bars , 478 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Street Fighter , 13 kill , 489 pp - U:023
Type 1 Ho Ni II , 6/Aty/B07 , 4 bars , 479 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 8 kill , 451 pp - U:024
Type 98 120mm , , 2 bars , 258 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:050

Air Defense
20mm AA Truck , 3/AD/B09 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 600 exp , Japan , 8/8 , Determined Defense , 3 kill , 220 pp - U:029

Ki-84 Hayate , 1/Ftr/B02 (AggrAtt) , 5 bars , 1319 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Aggressive Attack , 47 kill , 681 pp - U:006
Ki-84 Hayate , 2/Ftr/B08 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1191 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Devastating Fire , 38 kill , 681 pp - U:025
+ Ki-84 Hayate , 3/Ftr/P10 (RM) , 5 bars , 860 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:030
+ Ki-44 Shoki , 4/Ftr/P12 , 5 bars , 571 exp , Japan , 4/8 , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:031
+ N1K2-J Shiden , 5/Ftr/P18 , 3 bars , 372 exp , Japan , 8/8 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:033
+ Kikka , 6/Ftr/P22 , 2 bars , 294 exp , Japan , 3/8 , 4 kill , 0 pp - U:034

Tactical Bomber
+ Ki-67 Hiryu , 1/TB/P02 (CS) , 5 bars , 1121 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Combat Support , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:010
+ Ki-67 Hiryu , 2/TB/P04 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 809 exp , Japan , 4/8 , Determined Defense , 36 kill , 0 pp - U:016
+ Ki-49 Donryu , 3/TB/P08 (Res) , 5 bars , 1147 exp , Japan , 7/8 , Resilience , 44 kill , 0 pp - U:028

* 42 Patrol Boat PR , 1/DD/C , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Japan , 6/8 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:004

Player 1 : Japan, Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:892 TNK:39 RCN:58 AT:36 FORT:104 ATY:126 AD:83 FTR:32 TB:21 LB:6 DD:19 BS:2 CRs:1 Total: 1419
Lost : INF:13 AT:2 FORT:5 ATY:4 AD:2 DD:3 Total: 29