CC VIII Announcement

Screaming Eagles and Shattered Steel by Narayan Sengupta for Waffenkammer Efile.

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CC VIII Announcement

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JP's Panzers is proud to introduce...

Screaming Eagles and Shattered Steel -- v. 2.0
with the Waffenkammer Equipment File
by Narayan Sengupta

We have decided to play the revised version of Narayan's US Extension Campaign, now called "Screaming Eagles and Shattered Steel" as our next Challenge Campaign. This new version is quite different from Narayan's original US Extension Campaign that we played for CC#7. And while that campaign is still fresh in our minds, we wanted to try this new version so we could compare the two.

Therefore, the thread entitled "Comments about Screaming Eagles campaign" is extremely important to Narayan. Please post your overall comments -- good, bad, or otherwise -- in that thread so that he can have a feel for how well the changes worked. Did the changes make the campaign more difficult? More fun? etc...

The rest of this thread is essentially the same as the introduction to CC#7. If you need help installing or downloading this campaign, read on. If you had no trouble doing so for CC#7, just repeat the process using the link to the new campaign:
Note: Old link removed.



Campaign: Old link removed.

Player Country: USA

Theater: Europe/Asia, 1939-1946

Equipment File: Waffenkammer 4.02 (included in the campaign download)

Designer: Narayan Sengupta

Additional maps: None

This is an extension of SSI’s original PG II CRUSADE IN THE WEST American Campaign. At its core are the six scenarios of the original campaign. To that I core, I have been adding more and more scenarios as time has permitted. For v.2.0 of this campaign, I have had the great pleasure of collaborating with my good friend Joel Illian.

After a few training scenarios in Georgia and Alaska against British, French and Japanese forces starting in 1939 before the real shooting war gets under way, you get to command your own units against the Germans, the Vichy French, the Soviets, Italians and the Japanese until 1946. You'll be dealing with a variety of new equipment. You'll start out with green troops, light units and no aircraft in 1939. Your best units will be lowly GMC M-3 anti-tank units and garden variety artillery. But by the time you have finished, you’ll have a vaunted force of experienced veterans who have shown the other great armies of the world how to fight. At your disposal, if you have enough prestige, will be some of the best equipment in the world including, powerful 8 inch guns which could fire 32 km (20 miles), and fleets of bombers that have the enemy abandoning their hardware on sight, and much more. But your enemy will have some interesting equipment as well even when they don’t necessarily have a preponderance in numbers. You will have to build a well-balanced core force to succeed. Just because you don’t need AA in one scenario doesn’t mean that you won’t need it in the next. You may not do well the first time, but that is what will have you playing this over and over.

This should be a lot of fun for anyone enjoying a well-researched campaign designed by a historian who is also a Panzer General buff. The campaign involves realistic scenarios along with plausible "what if" scenarios for 1946 along with training scenarios and a few surprises, such as an all-out assault of Malta, a chance to liberate Greece, and more, along the way. This campaign also has realistic force levels so that you don't find yourself fighting hundreds of units of Tiger tanks in a battle that you know had only 20. There are also different versions of several battles. You'll have the opportunity to encounter all this and much more in the CRUSADE IN THE WEST Extension Campaign for Panzer General II.


Field Marshall's Challenge (FM) -- 25% or lower
General's Challenge (Gen) -- 50%
Officers Challenge (Ofr) -- 75%
NCO's Challenge (NCO) -- 100%
Troopies Challenge (Trp) -- 150% or higher

NOTE -- When you start a New Topic for your After Action Reports, please use the abbreviation that corresponds with the level you're playing. For instance if I was playing the Field Marshal's Challenge (25% prestige), the subject line of my thread would read something like "Whoopy-Cat's CC#8 FM level". We want it to be easy for new guys to know what's going on, and we think this will help them a wee bit. So please help us by using the abbreviations in the subject line of your AAR topic. Thanks!

IMPORTANT NOTES -- Those playing at the Field Marshall or General level must not reload in the middle of a scenario. You can reload to the beginning of the campaign, or even to the beginning of the current scenario, but NEVER to simply replay the previous turn!

Please see the post below called "Are you NEW to our Challenge Campaigns??"


Training in Savannah -- BV or Victory takes you to the first Training in Anchorage scenario; TacVic or Loss takes you to Savannah, part 2.
Savannah, part 2 -- BV, Victory, or Loss takes you to the first Training in Anchorage scenario; TacVic takes you to the second Training in Anchorage scenario.
Training in Anchorage -- BV or Victory takes you to the first Rising Sun in Alaska scenario, TacVic or Loss goes to the second version of Risin Sun in Alaska.
Training in Anchorage (second version) -- BV or Victory takes you to the first Rising Sun in Alaska scenario, TacVic or Loss goes to the second version of Risin Sun in Alaska.
Rising Sun in Alaska -- Any kind of victory takes you to Torch '42; Loss goes to the second version of Salerno.
Rising Sun in Alaska (second version) -- BV takes you to Torch '42; V, TacVic, or Loss goes to the second version of Salerno.
Torch '42 -- Any kind of victory takes you to Tunisia; Loss goes to Greece.
Tunisia -- BV or Victory goes to Malta; TacVic or Loss goes to Greece.
Malta -- BV or Victory goes to Salerno; TacVic or Loss goes to the second version of Salerno.
Salerno -- BV or Victory goes to D-Day; TacVic or Loss takes you to Advance on St. Lo.
Salerno (second version) -- BV or Victory goes to D-Day; TacVic or Loss takes you to Advance on St. Lo.
Greece -- Any kind of victory goes to D-Day; Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
D-Day -- BV or Victory goes to Caen '44; TacVic takes you to Caen; Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
Advance on St. Lo -- BV takes you to Caen '44; Vic or TacVic goes to Caen; Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
Caen '44 -- BV or Victory goes to Metz Reinforced; TacVic or Loss takes you to Metz.
Caen –- BV or Victory goes to Arracourt; TacVic or Loss takes you to Metz.
Arracourt -- Any result takes to you Metz.
Metz Reinforced -- BV takes you to Erasing the Bulge; Victory takes you to Attacking the Bulge; TacVic takes you to Dessau; Loss goes to Training in London.
Metz -- BV takes you to Attacking the Bulge; Victory takes you to Erasing the Bulge; TacVic takes you to Dessau; Loss goes to Training in London.
Attacking the Bulge -- BV or Victory goes to Training in London; TacVic or Loss takes you to Erasing the Bulge.
Erasing the Bulge -- Any kind of victory goes to Dessau, Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
Training in London -- Andy kind of victory takes you to Dessau; Loss goes to Anchorage.
Dessau -- Any type of victory takes to you Reds in Dessau; a Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
Reds in Dessau -- Brilliant Victory or Tactical Victory goes to Anchorage. A normal Victory or Loss goes to Anchorage-2
Anchorage -- Any type of victory ends the campaign in a Win; a Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.
Anchorage-2 -- Any type of victory ends the campaign in a Win; a Loss ends the campaign in a Loss.

Narayan has set up this campaign so that you will always be able to see your score at the end, even if you lose. So you may see a victory message at the end of the campaign even though you have lost. Even a loss for the campaign will show up in your Best Careers screen. But to win this Campaign and to be included on the Scroll of Honor for this Challenge Campaign, you must end the campaign with a win. Any other result is considered a Loss for the campaign despite the fact that you will be able to view your score at the end.
Scenarios with a "2" suffix are similar, but harder than their non-2 counterparts. In other words, "Anchorage-2" is more difficult than "Anchorage". So if you want more of a challenge, you can deliberately go for the harder scenarios since you have the scenario path above.

Also note that Narayan has reused the same file names for multiple campaigns. So despite the fact that this is an American campaign, you may see file names starting with NS_USSR. Don’t worry. They are the correct files.

Download package for OpenGen:

Original post updated by lvjtn
:monster Image :monster
Parabellum, Urica, Wonderdoctor, lvjtn