Wish List summary for OpenGen / OpenSuite

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Wish List summary for OpenGen / OpenSuite

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-03-11 15:46, Monday

Welcome to this new Wish List topic :hi

The idea is to discuss each new suggestion / wish for a new feature, or change / enhancement of any already currently implemented, in a specific topic to have a more quietly and structured discussion allowing more people to enter different points of view, and gathering all aspects of the idea together to be easier to read.

This sticky topic will only include a post for each discussion, including a short summary and a link to the topic where the discussion takes place.
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Supply planes (aerial refueling)

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-04-20 13:12, Saturday

Raised by "none"
The discussion takes place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 41#p770605
"none" wrote:The "Supply" special only works for ground units, and you can't make a special "supply" plane (out of an ATP) to supply air units...

Yet it would be a nice feature to have, for it would allow tanker planes. In-flight refueling was already experimented in the 1920ies and became a staple of military aviation after WWII.

It would be nice if one could give the "supply" perk to Air Transports, making them resupply adjacent "air" units. It isn't even necessary to add a new checkbox: If you give the "supply" perk to a ground unit (land or naval), it only supplies ground units; If you give it to an ATP, it only supplies air units. :dunno
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Customized healer

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-04-20 13:12, Saturday

Raised by lvjtn
The discussion takes place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 39#p770528

lvjtn wrote:while the healer scenario special sounds like a feature for fantasy efiles only, imo it can be useful for ww2/cold war scenarios too, but it should be restricted :2cents

what i want?

healer special working like an army base repairing the lightly damaged vehicles in order to send them back to fight immediately. e.g. israelis fought with mostly repaired tanks in the famous "valley of tears" tank battle in golan 1973. i want to represent this in my scenarios. now the healer gives +x sp for all adjacent ground units, but i want to exclude inf, guns (basicaly everything which can have gtp), and allow the repair only for vehicles (tank, spat, sparty, spad, recon). as i see, an optional $healer_vehicle can do this :ihope

why not giving prestige to "buy" replacement?

because you can only fully refit the damaged units with this (except you use terrain, etc. restrictions), while i want to give +1 sp / turn only, and not everywhere on the map
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Improving trains? ...

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-04-20 13:13, Saturday

Raised by "none"
The discussion takes place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 32#p770395
What if units could move as soon as they debark from trains? Wouldn't it be better and more realistic?
(No, the actual "Marine" special doesn't do, because it would apply to all kind of non-organic transports, including naval landings.)
Obviously this would need to be configurable (in the .cfg I guess), so it won't break old stuff and people hating it could avoid it.
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Improve how to define Victory Conditions

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-04-20 13:13, Saturday

Raised by lvjtn
Discusion takes place here : http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... &t=52299&s
i'm just thinking about the possibilities to make the multiple conditions less confusing for the designers (maybe tabs, on the first one any of the all conditions can be activated by a radio button, then logical operator can be selected on a 2nd tab, and on a 3rd tab the possible second condition can be selected (not all, as some conditions are exclusive like "take" vs. "hold" vhs)

... in this way we can prevent winning by "kill all units" which is a "built in" condition now for most other conditions what cannot be disabled
We agreed discarding logical operators, as that is dangerous, but I keep wish this open to analyze how can be allowed to enable/disable any of the conditions, which would make setting them easier.
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Option to "paint" unpainted cities in map

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-10-06 18:26, Sunday

Raised by Aleksandr

Discussion took place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 12&start=0
Aleksandr wrote:Right now it is possible to draw airfield, port, rr station... I'd love if the engine would be able to draw a simple city on map.
hy this idea: Cities are the main victory conditions in OG.
With cities drawn on the map, it'll be much easier to use the already available maps without unnecessary modifications. While now you need a graphic program and some kind of skill if you wish to mod the map, with my idea implemented all you would need is to change the terrain in Suite and mark the "paint city" checkbox. It'll be extremely easy to "mod" the available maps, thus it would spare us of hours of photoshopping and lots of redundant maps in repository.
mythos wrote:As far as i understand, the request is about an artificial drawing/painting of a hex (respectively a hex type) on a jpg/png map - which is what tiled maps do too. Why not letting the engine draw a "tile" on the "jpg/png" ?
# the engine already knows how to draw/paint
# there is a default icon set for hex tiles
# the city tile is sitting on the same position in the hex tiles file
Teaching the engine to read the city tile and draw it on the jpg/png map shouldn't be too difficult - considering that everything else is already available :yep
The way to go should be either using tiled maps or editing the map-picture and including the edited map in the efile's MAP folder.

Changing hex_grids.png to add a simple row would not fix the problem, unless efile designers update its OPENGUI folder, and we can't ask someone else to update all efiles' OPENGUI folders in install, and "hex_tiles.png" cannot be used for this purpose, because this file is only loaded to create the tiled-map when needed and then it is discarded to save video-card memory.

Anyway I am pretty sure that using a tile for this purpose won't satisfy anybody and will turn a beatiful map into an ugly one.
But I keep open in case we can find a good solution for it, using a different simple approach.
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Air attack range for ground units

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-10-06 18:41, Sunday

Raised by Waldzios

Discussion took place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 99#p754229
Currently there is only one unit's range value, it's PG2 way, and it basically works right for WW2 campaigns...,
I understand and don't negate this...;
There is no problem for WW2 era, as basically all planes have 0 (bomber) or 1(torpedo, rocket) hex of range..., so there is no visible issue ...;

The problem starts with modern campaigns, air units often have few hexes of range and it looks really bad when howitzer (with passive AA=1) fires back from range of 3-4 hexes (or more) ...;
IMHO it's bad enough that some howitzer (with AAMG) can shot down a jet fighter, but the almost unlimited range makes it so much worse...;

My suggestions is:
- new $var called: "gnd_air_range" (or "gnd_aa_range") limiting unit's AA range;
gnd_air_range = 0 - unit's AA range limited to air units above the ground unit
gnd_air_range = 1 - unit's AA range limited to 1 hex;
gnd_air_range = 2 - unit's AA range limited to 2 hexes;
gnd_air_range = 255 - unlimited range(default);

- (optional) separate values for ground and naval units ( "gnd_air_range" and "naval_air_range") ;
Last proposals:
lguzman wrote:Default value for $gnd_air_range" (not present in CFG files) will be -1 not 255, then engine will use current rules:
  1. - ad class: no limit;
  2. - Flak class and CanAA:
    1. -air defense: limited to $flak_range;
    2. -attack and retaliation: no limit
  3. - ADS:
    1. -air defense: limited to $flak_range;
    2. -attack: no limit
    3. -retaliation: limited to $flak_range;
  4. - rest of units:
    1. -air defense: disabled;
    2. -attack : disabled;
    3. -retaliation: no limit;
Waldzios wrote:
If you are using -1 as default, then additional condition (whenever $gnd_air_range is defined) will be necessary anyway (no matter what solution used)... :2cents

Then, as well you can go like that:
  1. - ad class: no limit;
  2. - Flak class and CanAA:
    1. -air defense: limited to $flak_range;
    2. -attack and retaliation: no limit (or $flak_range whenever $gnd_air_range is defined);
  3. - ADS:
    1. -air defense: limited to $flak_range;
    2. -attack: disabled;
    3. -retaliation: limited to $flak_range;
  4. - rest of units:
    1. -air defense: disabled;
    2. -attack : disabled;
    3. -retaliation: no limit (or $gnd_air_range whenever $gnd_air_range is defined);
Will review this later ...
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What if we can add more efile special attributes?

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-10-07 11:24, Monday

I raised this :bonk

Te discussion took place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 66#p771109
What if we could add six equipment special attributes without changing the file structure :huh? .

Which ones would you like to have?
I've opened a new topic DEV: More Efile Specials

If "Night Turns" and/or "Radar" deserves a specific topic, I'll add new items to this Wish-List topic
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Extended Air Transport Rules

Post by LuisGuzman » 2019-10-07 18:46, Monday

Raised by Waldzios

Discussion takes place here: http://www.panzercentral.com/forum/view ... 93#p749746

Actually there are several questions into this topic.
  1. checking both unit and GTP weights when embarking ATP
  2. checking organic transports for 'airborne' attribute, when dropping of the plane;
  3. paying for the ATP (optional);
  4. air disembark to be treated as aggressive action, causing air defense fire;
I had not carried this wish here because because at the time it was raised (2015) I found it somehow dangerous, able to to raise too many "side-effects", but I am open to discuss again it Waldzios wants to open a new topic and copy the most meaningful info to start analyzing more quietly.
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Re: Wish List summary for OpenGen / OpenSuite 2023

Post by LuisGuzman » 2023-08-17 08:51, Thursday


I've unlocked this topic to allow adding new wishes for new features / options during 3 months.

After that time we will agree if it is worth to unlock the code to add new features or it is better to keep the code frozen. :notsure

Please keep the format of previous posts. :deal
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Re: Wish List summary for OpenGen / OpenSuite

Post by LuisGuzman » 2023-08-18 17:33, Friday

This topic is locked again

I'll use this space to set up a list of ideas discussed in the new topic Wishes 2023-2024 that - at first sight - I ponder could be implemented without serious hazard.

Ideas to check before end of 2023:
  • Is it possible to increase the unit limits in OG ?
  • More than 15 leaders ?
  • Option to decline unwanted leaders.
  • Add Hint files, similar to into files but to be launched in default windows' editor
  • Changing the name of the unit by the f2 key
  • Disable xlog files when playing PBEM
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