Non-evading submarines?

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Non-evading submarines?

Post by none » 2022-02-22 17:09, Tuesday

Is there a way to make non-evading submarines? The "Evade" special doesn't seem to be a toggle (like "ASW"), at least a cursory test didn't seem to change anything.

Here is what I'm trying to do;
My sea mines are "submarine"-class (makes sense), but what doesn't make sense is them evading attempts to neutralize them... :lol
Mines are chained to the bottom of the sea, once you've found them they are sitting ducks, they can't evade you...

Obviously I need to keep them in the "submarine" class to prevent them from being visible from afar (else they are not dangerous, just annoying), but of course I can't remove evasion for the whole "submarine" class, my real submarines need to be able to evade if they are to survive more than a couple turns...

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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by LuisGuzman » 2022-02-22 19:27, Tuesday

Have you tried to configure

Code: Select all

class_evade = 60,20,70,20,50,0,20,0,10,50,65,65,55,30,30,100,50,20,10,10,0,0,55
* Can define a specific basic evade probability for each class.
* Must define 23 values delimited by commas
* Can define all basic probabilities the same prefixing value with exclamation mark: "!"  
* 60 Inf,20 Tank,70 Recon,20 AT,50 Flak,0 Fort,10 GT,0 RT,10 Arty,50 AD,65 Fighter,65 DBomber,55 LBomber,30 ATP,30 HTP,100 Sub,50 Destr,20 CShip,10 Carrier,10 NTP,0 Spare,0 Install,55 Special
setting zero instead of 100 for submarine class units ?
I mean like:
class_evade = 60,20,70,20,50,0,20,0,10,50,65,65,55,30,30, 0 ,50,20,10,10,0,0,55
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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by none » 2022-02-22 20:13, Tuesday

LuisGuzman wrote:
2022-02-22 19:27, Tuesday
setting zero instead of 100 for submarine class units ?
Thanks, but as I said I don't want to sabotage the real submarines, I just want the sea mines to be easier to catch than a real sub. That's why I need some way to set different, customized evade settings to some members of the class, but not all.
It would had been a breeze if "Evade" had been a toggle... :)

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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by none » 2022-02-23 20:08, Wednesday

For the record, I solved my problem by giving the player 3 auxiliary minesweepers with a "no evasion" leader. It was possible since it's just the third scenario and there are still leader slots open. Since there are no submarines in this scenario it doesn't break anything, and those "super-minesweepers" will be gone by the next scenario.
It was either that, give up using sea mines, or condemn the poor player to play a dozen boring rounds of whack-a-mole with slippery mines which won't take no for an answer... :lol

That been said, and the real reason I'm posting this, would it be possible (pretty pretty please!) to make "evade" a toggle?...
I know it's pretty late and the features are more or less frozen, but still, it's the only way to make working sea mines...
(Pretty pretty please?)

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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by LuisGuzman » 2022-02-24 11:50, Thursday

none wrote:
2022-02-23 20:08, Wednesday
That been said, and the real reason I'm posting this, would it be possible (pretty pretty please!) to make "evade" a toggle?...
I know it's pretty late and the features are more or less frozen, but still, it's the only way to make working sea mines...
(Pretty pretty please?)
Well, the easiest way to do that, would be to add a new option (32) in $evade_special making the efile's special "Evade" to avoid subs to evade if ticked. :huh

This is almost the same than making the special to work as a toggle but limited to submarines. Evade has a lot of code (different behavior) associated when unit is not a sub.
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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by none » 2022-02-24 12:44, Thursday

LuisGuzman wrote:
2022-02-24 11:50, Thursday
This is almost the same than making the special to work as a toggle but limited to submarines.
That would be great! Thanks!!! :clap :cool :notworthy

Other classes don't automatically evade, it only needs to work for submarines...

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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by LuisGuzman » 2022-02-24 18:32, Thursday

none wrote:
2022-02-24 12:44, Thursday
That would be great! Thanks!!! :clap :cool :notworthy
Can download new OpenGen 0.93.4.RC5 (Release Candidate) from my site, adding the possibility to add 32 to $evade_special making subs having the efile's special "Evade" ticked to avoid evading

Please test a bit this new option so I could promote this RC to be the Official one, included in installer, and then the issue with ground carriers will be over everywhere.
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Re: Non-evading submarines?

Post by none » 2022-02-25 06:44, Friday

Great, got it; thanks!
That was fast! Unfortunately it happens I'm leaving for a short week (my first vacation till 2019), so I can't test it thoroughly immediately; But the second half of next week I'll be definitely on it and put it through the paces, this has been a big issue since the beginning, there are many "submarine"-class units which shouldn't evade, sea mines obviously, but also wrecks (sunk to block German submarines from infiltrating Scapa Flow) and other stuff like that.

Thanks again! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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