Need Help with EFILE making

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Aries No Mu
Posts: 102
Joined: 2021-01-29 22:12, Friday

Need Help with EFILE making

Post by Aries No Mu » 2021-02-15 22:09, Monday

I'm making a modified AK EFILE to test a BS movement table.
(btw... BS stands for BetterSimulation and not for BlitzStoper) :)

But I must have done something stupid... :uzi :uzi :uzi :uzi :uzi @ Aries
...although Wheeled movement clearly says that it can use roads - in reality Wheeled units refuse to enter a bridge ( a inf can only enter a bridge with the transport left behind)... :whine :whine :whine :whine :whine

These are the problematic files


Code: Select all

* OPENTXT_SAMPLE\TerrainEx.txt created by OpenSuite
* Terrain type, base-entrenchment, initiative-cap, supply-factor, allow-bridge
* supply factor is a ratio (2 mean half): can be empty or 0 for full supply
* allow-bridge can be empty or zero to be default (no bridge); set to 1 to allow bridge 
* avoid_mech-landing restrict units using Mech Movement from landing
* First 3 parameters (type/entrench/inititiative) must be defined,
* while supply-factor and allow-bridge take default values if omitted (4 for SAND, zero for rest).
*Terrain= base-entrench, 	initiative-cap, 	supply-factor, 	allow-bridge, Avoid-Mech-Landing
 0=clear,            0, 		99,		%100,			0,		0
 1=town,             3,  		1,		%100,			0,		0
 2=airfield,         1, 		99,		%100,			0,		0
 3=forest,           3,  		3, 		%100,			0,		0
 4=bocage,           3,  		3, 		%100,			0,		0
 5=hill,             1, 		5,		%100,			0,		0
 6=mountain,         2,  		1, 		%90,			0,		0
 7=sand,             0, 		99, 		%70, 			0,		0
 8=swamp,            0,  		2, 		%50, 			1,		0
 9=ocean,            0, 		99, 		%50, 			0,		0
10=river,            0, 		99, 		%60,			1,		0
11=fortification,    4,  		3,		%100,			0,		0
12=port,             2,  		5,		%100,			0,		0
13=stream,           0, 		99, 		%70, 			1,		0
14=escarpment,       2, 		99, 		%50, 			0,		0
15=impassable river, 0, 		99, 		%50, 			1,		0
16=rough,            1,  		3, 		%90, 			0,		0
17=custom,           0,  		1,		%100,			0,		0
18=shallow waters,   0, 		99, 		%50, 			1,		0		

* Supply modifiers: will be added to terrain supply percentage
* replace 0 (default with proper values
[frozen-supply= -10]
[mud-supply= -30]

* Cost to enter terrain, each movement method and ground condition (dry/frozen/mud)
* (254=all movement factors 255=not allowed)
* #X			* movement method
* @0 dry   = value for each terrain comma delimited		
* @1 frozen= value for each terrain comma delimited		
* @2 mud   = value for each terrain comma delimited		
#0			*Tracked
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 005, 004, 007, 006, 005, 254, 004, 007, 255, 254, 004, 004, 007, 255, 255, 006, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 005, 006, 004, 008, 007, 006, 254, 004, 005, 255, 006, 004, 004, 005, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 007, 005, 004, 008, 010, 008, 254, 006, 012, 255, 254, 005, 004, 009, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 

#1			*Half Tracked
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 005, 004, 008, 006, 006, 254, 004, 008, 255, 254, 004, 004, 008, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 005, 005, 004, 010, 007, 007, 254, 004, 006, 255, 010, 004, 004, 006, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 007, 005, 004, 012, 012, 009, 254, 006, 014, 255, 254, 006, 004, 010, 255, 255, 009, 255, 255  

#2			*Wheeled
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 005, 004, 004, 010, 012, 012, 254, 007, 015, 255, 255, 005, 004, 011, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 010, 006, 005, 013, 016, 018, 254, 006, 012, 255, 014, 007, 006, 009, 255, 255, 012, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 012, 004, 005, 015, 254, 254, 254, 010, 254, 255, 255, 009, 004, 254, 255, 255, 015, 255, 255 

#3			*Leg
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 006, 004, 008, 254, 006, 008, 255, 254, 004, 004, 007, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 006, 005, 004, 007, 005, 254, 254, 005, 006, 255, 006, 004, 004, 006, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 007, 004, 004, 009, 008, 254, 254, 008, 009, 255, 254, 005, 004, 010, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255 

#4			*Towed
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 005, 004, 004, 007, 007, 008, 254, 006, 254, 255, 255, 004, 004, 008, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 007, 005, 004, 009, 009, 012, 015, 006, 254, 255, 008, 005, 004, 007, 255, 255, 009, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 008, 005, 004, 011, 015, 015, 018, 010, 254, 255, 255, 006, 004, 012, 255, 255, 012, 255, 255

#5			*Air
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004
@1 frozen= 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004
@2 mud   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004

#6			*Deep Naval
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255, 254
@1 frozen= 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255, 255
@2 mud   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255, 254

#7			*Coastal
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 006, 004, 255, 004, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 004
@1 frozen= 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 008, 007, 255, 004, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255, 004
@2 mud   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 006, 004, 255, 004, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 004

#8			*All Terrain
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 008, 008, 006, 254, 005, 010, 255, 254, 004, 004, 009, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 007, 005, 004, 011, 010, 009, 254, 004, 007, 255, 012, 005, 004, 007, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 008, 004, 004, 013, 015, 012, 254, 007, 016, 255, 254, 007, 004, 012, 255, 255, 012, 255, 255

#9			*Amphibious (Tracked)
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 005, 004, 008, 006, 006, 254, 004, 004, 006, 004, 004, 004, 004, 255, 004, 007, 255, 004
@1 frozen= 005, 005, 004, 010, 007, 007, 254, 004, 005, 008, 008, 004, 004, 005, 255, 005, 008, 255, 008
@2 mud   = 007, 005, 004, 012, 012, 009, 254, 006, 004, 006, 004, 006, 004, 004, 255, 004, 009, 255, 004

#10			*Naval
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 005, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255, 004
@1 frozen= 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 005, 255, 255, 009, 255, 255, 004
@2 mud   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 004, 255, 255, 005, 255, 255, 007, 255, 255, 004

#11			*Mountain (Leg)
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 008, 255, 254, 004, 004, 005, 254, 255, 004, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 005, 005, 004, 006, 005, 006, 006, 005, 006, 255, 006, 004, 004, 006, 254, 255, 005, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 006, 004, 004, 009, 007, 008, 008, 008, 009, 255, 254, 004, 004, 008, 254, 255, 007, 255, 255 

#12			*Rail
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
@1 frozen= 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
@2 mud   = 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 

#13			*Helicopter
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 004, 004, 005, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 004, 004, 004, 004
@1 frozen= 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 005, 008, 004, 004, 005, 004, 004, 004, 004, 008, 004, 004, 004, 004
@2 mud   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 004, 004, 005, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 004, 004, 004, 004

#14			*Ranger
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 006, 008, 005, 006, 255, 254, 004, 004, 004, 255, 255, 005, 255, 255 
@1 frozen= 005, 005, 004, 006, 005, 008, 010, 004, 005, 255, 005, 004, 004, 005, 255, 255, 006, 255, 255 
@2 mud   = 006, 004, 004, 008, 006, 010, 012, 006, 007, 255, 254, 004, 004, 007, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255 

#15			*Amphibious (Wheeled)
*          Clr,City,  AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry   = 004, 004, 004, 008, 008, 006, 254, 005, 004, 254, 004, 004, 004, 004, 255, 004, 008, 255, 004
@1 frozen= 007, 005, 004, 011, 010, 009, 254, 004, 007, 254, 010, 005, 004, 006, 255, 005, 010, 255, 010
@2 mud   = 008, 004, 004, 013, 015, 012, 254, 007, 004, 254, 004, 007, 004, 004, 255, 004, 012, 255, 004

* Roads/Rails modifiers to enter terrain, each movement method and ground condition (dry/frozen/mud)
* (254=all movement factors 255=not allowed)
* @0 dry = value for each movement method, comma delimited		
* @1 froz= value for each movement method, comma delimited		
* @2 mud = value for each movement method, comma delimited		
*         Track, Half,Wheel,  Leg,Towed,  Air, Deep,Coast,  4wd,Amp-t,Naval,M.leg, Rail, Helo, Rang,Amp-w
@0 dry   =  004,  004,  004,  004,  004,  004,  255,  255,  004,  004,  255,  004,  255,  004,  004,  004
@1 frozen=  004,  004,  005,  005,  005,  004,  255,  255,  005,  004,  255,  005,  255,  004,  005,  005
@2 mud   =  004,  005,  007,  006,  006,  004,  255,  255,  005,  004,  255,  005,  255,  004,  005,  005

*         Track, Half,Wheel,  Leg,Towed,  Air, Deep,Coast,  4wd,Amp-t,Naval,M.leg, Rail, Helo, Rang,Amp-w
@0 dry   =  004,  005,  006,  004,  005,  004,  255,  255,  005,  004,  255,  004,  004,  004,  004,  005
@1 frozen=  004,  005,  007,  005,  006,  004,  255,  255,  005,  004,  255,  005,  004,  004,  005,  005
@2 mud   =  004,  005,  007,  006,  007,  004,  255,  255,  006,  004,  255,  005,  004,  004,  005,  006

and strings_efile

Code: Select all

** This file is only intended for those designers wanting to
** customize some texts.
* Each section must be identified by a header section
* enclosed by square brackets, i.e: [sides]
* watch out header section spelling!
* You can omit one or more sections if you don't need different
* (insert an asterisk at start of line including section header)
* but any section you include, must include all items
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Warning:
* If you include a [sides] section here, it will overwrite sides denominations 
* defined in Nations.txt for this Efile
*_ [sides]
*_ Axis
*_ Allied

* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* All sections are commented out for this template
* uncomment only those sections you need to redefine

*Brilliant Victory
*Tactical Victory

*Soft target
*Hard target
*Air target
*Naval target


Half Tracked
Deep Naval
All Terrain
Amphibious (Tracked)
Mountain (Leg)

*  to customize CUSTOM movement method...
*  add [movement2] section (uncommented)

*  to customize HOVERCRAFT movement method...
*  add [movement3] section (uncommented)
Amphibious (Wheeled)

*Cannot be transported

*Ground Transport
*Rail Transport
*Air Defense
*Tactical Bomber
*Level Bomber
*Air Transport
*Helo Transport
*Naval Transport
*Battle Cruiser
*Light Cruiser

*Switch Ground+Air / Naval units menu
*Select Air defense
*Select FlaK
*Select Fortification
*Select Anti Tank
*Select Artillery
*Select Infantry
*Select Recon
*Select Tanks
*Select Fighters
*Select Tactical Bombers
*Select Level Bombers
*Select Submarine
*Select Destroyer
*Select Battleship
*Select Carrier
*Select Battle Cruiser
*Select Cruiser
*Select Light Cruiser
*Name unit
*Reassign Unit



*Experience level
*Hard Attack
*Soft Attack
*Air Attack
*Naval Attack
*Ground defense
*Air defense
*Close defense
*Range defense

*This will be loaded only by Suite
*S-Europe (USA)
*C-Europe (Continental)
*W-Europe (Atlantic)
Both my modified EFILE and the OpenAH worh well without the files and have the problem as soon as i put the files in

Any help from a experienced efile maker will be appreciated

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Re: Need Help with EFILE making

Post by Golothin » 2021-02-16 14:12, Tuesday

:huh I think if terrain is set to 255=not allowed, then you have to activate the scenario option “Allow roads on any terrain”, but not sure. Try it out! :ihope

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Re: Need Help with EFILE making

Post by Parabellum » 2021-02-16 14:39, Tuesday

Aries No Mu wrote:
2021-02-15 22:09, Monday
#2 *Wheeled
* Clr,City, AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry = 005, 004, 004, 010, 012, 012, 254, 007, 015, 255, 255, 005, 004, 011, 255, 255, 010, 255, 255
@1 frozen= 010, 006, 005, 013, 016, 018, 254, 006, 012, 255, 014, 007, 006, 009, 255, 255, 012, 255, 255
@2 mud = 012, 004, 005, 015, 254, 254, 254, 010, 254, 255, 255, 009, 004, 254, 255, 255, 015, 255, 255


#4 *Towed
* Clr,City, AP,Wood, Boc,Hill, Mtn,Sand,Swmp,Ocen, Riv,Fort,Port,Strm,Esca,ImRi,Rogh, Cus,Shal
@0 dry = 005, 004, 004, 007, 007, 008, 254, 006, 254, 255, 255, 004, 004, 008, 255, 255, 008, 255, 255
@1 frozen= 007, 005, 004, 009, 009, 012, 015, 006, 254, 255, 008, 005, 004, 007, 255, 255, 009, 255, 255
@2 mud = 008, 005, 004, 011, 015, 015, 018, 010, 254, 255, 255, 006, 004, 012, 255, 255, 012, 255, 255

:notsure Not sure, but I think the red numbers need to be changed to 254.
255 is impassable - 254 can be passed, but only in several individual steps.
Leg (INF) has 254 - Wheeled has 255 -> it is logical that the INF and the vehicle must separate before entering the river.
Towed will have the same problem.
Try the combination of INF and Hafttracked -> do you have a problem when crossing rivers?
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: Need Help with EFILE making

Post by randowe » 2021-02-16 14:48, Tuesday

It is okay to use the setting 255. It just means you have to use bridges or bridging units to cross rivers.
Depends on the level of realism you want to use.
My guess would be “Allow roads on any terrain” at scenario settings, what Golothin mentioned :yes
Image Slava Ukraini!

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Aries No Mu
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Re: Need Help with EFILE making

Post by Aries No Mu » 2021-02-17 00:42, Wednesday

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
Golothin wrote:
2021-02-16 14:12, Tuesday
:huh I think if terrain is set to 255=not allowed, then you have to activate the scenario option “Allow roads on any terrain”, but not sure. Try it out! :ihope
:clap :clap :clap
It worked like a charm :banana :banana :banana

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