ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Tips and tricks for the designers, playtests.

Moderator: Wonderdoctor

Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory

I buy my "gift" from randowe, GebrAT (with fast speed and special muntion) and another 150mm K18 ATY.
As is a new battle for me, and i don't go for BV, i ll try once to use only for recon the aux.
I also try (ok if that does not work, i ll restart), not to built airport, but capture the Nikolaev airport.
I miss 1 turn [spoiler]the bridge needs repair and i don't have fast built[spolier off] but is ok.
I move slowly, the battle was great, I attacked Mikolaev from east (my K18 ATY was great), north and west.
At south east (Kherson) had big problems (i had to send to death aux), so next time i will be not so aggresive.
Another big problem enemy airforce. I thought that enemy had not many airplanes, but i was wrong. Thankfully, i had pp and buy 1 fighter.
My plan to buy this at Karelia fail......
I liked too much to think and plan for minutes and minutes, before i make my next move.
Great Battle, great map. My new GebrAT with the help of HQ REcon and healer unit gain 179 exp

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
Campaign score: 344 * Average: 16

Current scenario: Nikolaev Pocket, VH prestige is 240 , All map prestige is: 920
Army cost: 32784 , Current prestige is 742
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1571
if BV: +500, Battle of Novgorod '41 , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of Novgorod '41 , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Battle of Novgorod '41 , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 360
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 360

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 26 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+7 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , 33 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 547 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 29 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 535 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+5 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 22 kill , 450 pp - U:024 [+1 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 24 kill , 450 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 591 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+19 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+16 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 23 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+12 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+5 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+15 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+12 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+19 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 508 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+2 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 535 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 18 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+7 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1039 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 111 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+14 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 715 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 92 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+8 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 66 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+16 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 48 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+103 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:003
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 4 bars , 469 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 7 kill , 264 pp - U:047 [+90 exp]
Gebirgsaufklärung 41 , , 2 bars , 291 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 288 pp - U:053 [+74 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 435 pp - U:022 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 13 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 3 bars , 332 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+63 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 2 bars , 259 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 0 kill , 378 pp - U:211 [+179 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 639 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 15 kill , 510 pp - U:016 [+34 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 587 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 7 kill , 345 pp - U:037 [+24 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 332 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+37 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 240 pp - U:014

105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 15 kill , 336 pp - U:007 [+18 exp]
105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 5 kill , 336 pp - U:008 [+18 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 47 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+16 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 591 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+18 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 30 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+11 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 465 pp - U:023 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 349 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 7 kill , 630 pp - U:049 [+54 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 2 bars , 296 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 2 kill , 630 pp - U:050 [+79 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 2 bars , 218 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+57 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 1 bars , 141 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 1368 pp - U:212 [+61 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 2 bars , 262 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 9 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+22 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 2 bars , 252 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 5 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+4 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 806 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , 44 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+27 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 3/10 , First Strike , 48 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+54 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 626 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 50 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+16 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 590 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 38 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+27 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 1 bars , 188 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 1 kill , 816 pp - U:062 [+108 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Recon, 18 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+31 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 16 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+41 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+24 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 34 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+27 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 11/12 , Recon, 32 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+18 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 29 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+10 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 3 bars , 377 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+29 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Hungary, Romania
Killed: INF:538 TNK:68 RCN:81 AT:101 FLAK:79 FORT:191 ATY:177 AD:84 FTR:74 TB:52 SUB:21 DD:54 BS:18 Total: 1538
Lost : INF:52 TNK:1 RCN:9 AT:4 FLAK:14 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:6 Total: 110

BV 2
V 0
TV 19
L 0

Infantry * 16 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8914 exp, 409 kill, 7768 pp Average: 557 exp, 26 kill, 486 pp
Tank * 4 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2878 exp, 317 kill, 1548 pp Average: 720 exp, 79 kill, 387 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2564 exp, 77 kill, 2757 pp Average: 513 exp, 15 kill, 551 pp
Anti-Tank * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 1695 exp, 39 kill, 2505 pp Average: 424 exp, 10 kill, 626 pp
Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1558 exp, 35 kill, 1251 pp Average: 519 exp, 12 kill, 417 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 1 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 1 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 10 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 4879 exp, 129 kill, 6801 pp Average: 488 exp, 13 kill, 680 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 514 exp, 14 kill, 1824 pp Average: 257 exp, 7 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 2954 exp, 181 kill, 3480 pp Average: 591 exp, 36 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1450 exp, 34 kill, 960 pp Average: 725 exp, 17 kill, 480 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 575 exp, 16 kill, 444 pp Average: 575 exp, 16 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1468 exp, 66 kill, 578 pp Average: 734 exp, 33 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 914 exp, 41 kill, 2628 pp Average: 457 exp, 21 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 57 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 30564 exp, 1359 kill, 32784 pp Average: 536 exp, 24 kill, 575 pp

Player 1 Germany, Hungary, Romania has 72 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 7
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 3
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 2
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 5 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 4
Air-Defence : 1
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-11-28 13:59, Monday the bridge needs repair and i don't have fast built but is ok.
I will add to the scenario intro that the Soviets destroyed all bridges :yes
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory

Sell all att and buy MOAG, the 9 range ATY.
No comments, the battle is perfect!!!! Some VH change hands from enemy, i enjoy it to the last turn, as the AI buy some aircrafts.
Is a battle that needs a lot of thinking and i can play this forever.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 357 * Average: 16

Current scenario: Battle of Novgorod '41, VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 980
Army cost: 33921 , Current prestige is 1445
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1548
if BV: +500, Invasion of Karelia , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Invasion of Karelia , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Invasion of Karelia , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 360
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 360

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 649 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , 31 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+24 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 34 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 30 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 544 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 35 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 556 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 27 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+13 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 562 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 27 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+21 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 613 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 34 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+22 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 35 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+19 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 23 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+13 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+17 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 528 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+11 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+14 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 527 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 34 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+17 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 25 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 9/12 , 21 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+18 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1093 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 116 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+54 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 100 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+36 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 78 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+71 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 64 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+120 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+1 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 696 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Combat Support , 37 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+24 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 531 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 4 bars , 499 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 264 pp - U:047 [+30 exp]
Gebirgsaufklärung 41 , , 3 bars , 366 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:053 [+75 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 14 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+24 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 4 bars , 401 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 3 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+69 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 3 bars , 335 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 3 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+76 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 16 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+32 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+34 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 359 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+27 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 16 kill , 336 pp - U:007 [+15 exp]
105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 8 kill , 336 pp - U:008 [+15 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 48 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+21 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+13 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 33 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+12 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 9 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+17 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 367 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+18 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 314 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+18 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 2 bars , 246 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+28 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 1 bars , 183 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+42 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 1 bars , 134 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 2556 pp - U:218 [+49 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 9 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+32 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 305 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 8 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+53 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 46 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+36 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 791 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , 51 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+47 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 56 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+48 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 42 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+33 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 2 bars , 298 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 6 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+110 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 775 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+34 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 762 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 17 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+53 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 34 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 32 kill , 233 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 3 bars , 377 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Player 1 : Germany
Killed: INF:613 TNK:74 RCN:89 AT:111 FLAK:84 FORT:191 ATY:197 AD:95 FTR:84 TB:56 SUB:21 DD:54 BS:18 Total: 1687
Lost : INF:57 TNK:1 RCN:10 AT:4 FLAK:14 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:6 Total: 116

BV 2
V 0
TV 20
L 0

Infantry * 16 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9159 exp, 452 kill, 7159 pp Average: 572 exp, 28 kill, 447 pp
Tank * 4 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3159 exp, 358 kill, 1548 pp Average: 790 exp, 90 kill, 387 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2699 exp, 86 kill, 2676 pp Average: 540 exp, 17 kill, 535 pp
Anti-Tank * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 1880 exp, 46 kill, 2292 pp Average: 470 exp, 12 kill, 573 pp
Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1651 exp, 40 kill, 1080 pp Average: 550 exp, 13 kill, 360 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 5212 exp, 141 kill, 9012 pp Average: 474 exp, 13 kill, 819 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 599 exp, 17 kill, 1824 pp Average: 300 exp, 9 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 3228 exp, 201 kill, 3480 pp Average: 646 exp, 40 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1537 exp, 38 kill, 960 pp Average: 769 exp, 19 kill, 480 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 575 exp, 16 kill, 444 pp Average: 575 exp, 16 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1468 exp, 66 kill, 578 pp Average: 734 exp, 33 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 914 exp, 41 kill, 2628 pp Average: 457 exp, 21 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 58 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 32282 exp, 1504 kill, 33921 pp Average: 557 exp, 26 kill, 585 pp

Player 1 Germany has 66 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 20
Tank : 4
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 5
Flak : 4
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 2
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory

I buy 1 Soviet tank (with fast speed - i want to try this), 1 Flak 7/1 and 1 AT (not SPAT just for remember the old days and for defencive battles)
Next time i ll place some of my paras to capture the west airfield and then embark. I miss 3 turns waiting the airfield traffic.
Anyway is a hard battle, but had no time problem. At the end i hunt everything (except the big forts) and train my unexp units
The Soviet tank is great :cool
OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 370 * Average: 16

Current scenario: Invasion of Karelia, VH prestige is 480 , All map prestige is: 1040
Army cost: 35799 , Current prestige is 1427
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1540
if BV: +500, Dniepr Bridgehead , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Dniepr Bridgehead , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 260
if TV: +500, Dniepr Bridgehead , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 32 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+24 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 686 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Extended Front , 35 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+20 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 33 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 26 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 37 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+11 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 29 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 29 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+6 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 40 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+17 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 40 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+9 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 26 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+20 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 21 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+14 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 26 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+12 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 583 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 27 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+14 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 548 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 39 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+21 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 27 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+23 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 23 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+19 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1116 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 120 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+23 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 105 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+26 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 81 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+24 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 696 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 70 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+51 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 2 bars , 279 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 18 kill , 990 pp - U:231 [+189 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 612 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 18 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+5 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Combat Support , 38 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+25 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 264 pp - U:047 [+38 exp]
Gebirgsaufklärung 41 , , 4 bars , 447 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:053 [+81 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 26 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 602 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 17 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+28 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 4 bars , 459 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 4 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+58 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 401 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 4 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+66 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 1 bars , 167 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 492 pp - U:232 [+77 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 697 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 16 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+26 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 383 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 16 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+24 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 1 bars , 194 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 396 pp - U:230 [+104 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 16 kill , 336 pp - U:007 [+1 exp]
105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 626 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 10 kill , 336 pp - U:008 [+27 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 49 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+9 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 626 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+22 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 35 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+12 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 388 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+21 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 361 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 3 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+47 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 3 bars , 310 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+64 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 2 bars , 268 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+85 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 1 bars , 194 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+60 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 9 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+36 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 343 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 9 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+38 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 876 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 50 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+34 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 830 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , 54 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+39 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 695 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 60 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+21 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 48 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+21 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 3 bars , 390 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+92 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 832 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 24 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+57 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 795 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Recon, 19 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+33 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+17 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 36 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+43 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 742 exp , Germany , 5/12 , Recon, 36 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+34 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+29 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 4 bars , 432 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+55 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Finland
Killed: INF:657 TNK:84 RCN:96 AT:121 FLAK:91 FORT:207 ATY:213 AD:104 FTR:89 TB:62 SUB:23 DD:62 BS:20 Total: 1829
Lost : INF:60 TNK:1 RCN:12 AT:4 FLAK:14 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:7 Total: 122

BV 2
V 0
TV 21
L 0

Infantry * 16 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9407 exp, 490 kill, 7159 pp Average: 588 exp, 31 kill, 447 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3562 exp, 394 kill, 2538 pp Average: 712 exp, 79 kill, 508 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2854 exp, 91 kill, 2676 pp Average: 571 exp, 18 kill, 535 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2211 exp, 55 kill, 2784 pp Average: 442 exp, 11 kill, 557 pp
Flak * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1909 exp, 44 kill, 1476 pp Average: 477 exp, 11 kill, 369 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 5563 exp, 153 kill, 9012 pp Average: 506 exp, 14 kill, 819 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 673 exp, 18 kill, 1824 pp Average: 337 exp, 9 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 3435 exp, 220 kill, 3480 pp Average: 687 exp, 44 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1627 exp, 43 kill, 960 pp Average: 814 exp, 22 kill, 480 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 592 exp, 18 kill, 444 pp Average: 592 exp, 18 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1545 exp, 72 kill, 578 pp Average: 773 exp, 36 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 998 exp, 46 kill, 2628 pp Average: 499 exp, 23 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 61 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 34577 exp, 1646 kill, 35799 pp Average: 567 exp, 27 kill, 587 pp

Player 1 Germany, Finland has 76 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 22
Tank : 5
Recon : 5
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 7
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 3
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 2
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 3

Player 2 USSR has 8 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 6
Artillery : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory

Upgrate 1 recon to HQ, buy 1 more Flak and 1 gebrpioniere. Also add some att.
Remember that was a great battle, but not many things from enemy. I deploy all my units to the ground and i ll see when my paras embark.
Everytime and better. I did not remember enemy tank counterattack. Brandeburgs to the east airfield and then to north, all paras to east and then help myGebirgsjäger to southeast. My main army to north and center. Epic battle!!!!!

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 383 * Average: 15

Current scenario: Dniepr Bridgehead, VH prestige is 240 , All map prestige is: 1160
Army cost: 37530 , Current prestige is 1494
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1557
if BV: +500, Battle of the Sea of Azov , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of the Sea of Azov , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 260
if TV: +500, Battle of the Sea of Azov , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 681 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 33 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+8 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , 36 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+23 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 36 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+32 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 649 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 29 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+6 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 38 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 30 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+7 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 33 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+11 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 41 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+7 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 43 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+14 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 580 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 28 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+6 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 21 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+23 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 551 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+11 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 602 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+19 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 42 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+17 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 27 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+29 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 9/12 , 26 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+27 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 40 , Tragtiere , , 2 bars , 252 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 555 pp - U:211 [+157 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1138 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 123 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+22 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 116 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+59 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 768 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 94 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+74 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 71 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+7 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 3 bars , 371 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 32 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+92 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+9 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 743 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Entrench, 38 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+22 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 542 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+8 exp]
Gebirgsaufklärung 41 , , 4 bars , 481 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:053 [+34 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+22 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 18 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+14 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 4 bars , 487 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+28 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 450 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+49 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 2 bars , 278 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+111 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 17 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+35 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 11 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 394 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 2 bars , 241 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+47 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 1 bars , 152 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 0 kill , 396 pp - U:210 [+57 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 850 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 18 kill , 336 pp - U:007 [+7 exp]
105mm leFH18 , Opel Blitz 3t , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fire Discipline , 10 kill , 336 pp - U:008 [+9 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 696 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 53 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+22 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+26 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 38 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+24 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 667 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+27 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 414 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+26 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 3 bars , 393 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+32 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 3 bars , 362 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+52 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+62 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 251 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+57 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 335 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 10 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+5 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 350 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 10 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+7 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 906 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 52 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+30 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 856 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , 56 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+26 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 63 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+19 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 656 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+12 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 4 bars , 441 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 11 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+51 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 24 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+42 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+32 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 36 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 742 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 36 kill , 233 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 4 bars , 432 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia
Killed: INF:711 TNK:98 RCN:105 AT:132 FLAK:96 FORT:207 ATY:232 AD:114 FTR:93 TB:66 SUB:23 DD:62 BS:20 Total: 1959
Lost : INF:62 TNK:1 RCN:13 AT:4 FLAK:14 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:7 Total: 125

BV 2
V 0
TV 22
L 0

Infantry * 17 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9911 exp, 528 kill, 7714 pp Average: 583 exp, 31 kill, 454 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3816 exp, 436 kill, 2538 pp Average: 763 exp, 87 kill, 508 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2932 exp, 93 kill, 3393 pp Average: 586 exp, 19 kill, 679 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2435 exp, 66 kill, 2847 pp Average: 487 exp, 13 kill, 569 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2173 exp, 48 kill, 1872 pp Average: 435 exp, 10 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 5907 exp, 165 kill, 9012 pp Average: 537 exp, 15 kill, 819 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 685 exp, 20 kill, 1824 pp Average: 343 exp, 10 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 3573 exp, 233 kill, 3480 pp Average: 715 exp, 47 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1701 exp, 45 kill, 960 pp Average: 851 exp, 23 kill, 480 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 592 exp, 18 kill, 444 pp Average: 592 exp, 18 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1545 exp, 72 kill, 578 pp Average: 773 exp, 36 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 998 exp, 46 kill, 2628 pp Average: 499 exp, 23 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 63 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 36469 exp, 1772 kill, 37530 pp Average: 579 exp, 28 kill, 596 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia has 76 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 25
Tank : 7
Recon : 5
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 2
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory

I upgrate my 2 old ATY to 150mm sFH36. The reason was that with leader the range is 6, they can move after shoot and they are cheaper than K18. I also buy ny first (real) TB but with low ammo. Ju-88 is the best but also need the K ability.
Easy battle, not need speed, but i make it hard because i wanted to train my units, so i left some enemy units with 1 or 2 sp. I have great units, 1-2 fighters would be great, also att to some units, but the way that i play, i think i need more air recon units.
Anyway, so nice battle, easy if you go slow.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserόbung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation Mόnchen , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 396 * Average: 15

Current scenario: Battle of the Sea of Azov, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 39123 , Current prestige is 301
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1532
if BV: +500, Battle of Taganrog , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 120
if V : +500, Battle of Taganrog , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 140
if TV: +500, Battle of Taganrog , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 140
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 140

Kradschόtzen 38 , , 5 bars , 692 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , 35 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+11 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 724 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 37 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjδger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 611 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmjδger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 29 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+28 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 576 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 39 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjδger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 583 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 31 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+11 exp]
Gebirgsjδger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 590 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+11 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+40 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 626 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+31 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 29 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+12 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+17 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 33 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+15 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 611 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+9 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 44 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+14 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmjδger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 614 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 27 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+15 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 40 , Tragtiere , , 3 bars , 349 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+97 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1226 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 131 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+88 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 900 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 124 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+64 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 102 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+40 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 74 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+37 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 4 bars , 491 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 48 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+120 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmaufklδrer 39 , , 5 bars , 754 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 578 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+33 exp]
Gebirgsaufklδrung 41 , , 5 bars , 508 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:053 [+27 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 608 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 32 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 22 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+4 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 506 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+19 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 470 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 6 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+20 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 3 bars , 381 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+103 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+15 exp]
Gebirgsjδger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 457 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+63 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 2 bars , 290 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 6 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+49 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 2 bars , 246 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+94 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+31 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 10 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+10 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 711 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 56 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+15 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 659 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+7 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 40 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+23 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+11 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 435 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+21 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 430 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+37 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 435 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+73 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 3 bars , 396 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 7 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+66 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+43 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 360 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+25 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 359 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+9 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 920 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 55 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+14 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 870 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , 59 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+14 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 66 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+7 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 52 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+18 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 4 bars , 478 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 14 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+37 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 24 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+10 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+17 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 2 bars , 220 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 0 kill , 696 pp - U:203 [+121 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 612 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+20 exp]

Zerstφrer 1936 , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 37 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+19 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 37 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+5 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+3 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 4 bars , 448 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+16 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania
Killed: INF:752 TNK:109 RCN:116 AT:143 FLAK:104 FORT:207 ATY:246 AD:120 FTR:98 TB:72 SUB:24 DD:64 BS:20 Total: 2075
Lost : INF:62 TNK:1 RCN:13 AT:4 FLAK:14 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:7 Total: 125

BV 2
V 0
TV 23
L 0

Infantry * 17 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10268 exp, 551 kill, 7603 pp Average: 604 exp, 32 kill, 447 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4165 exp, 479 kill, 2538 pp Average: 833 exp, 96 kill, 508 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3018 exp, 99 kill, 3312 pp Average: 604 exp, 20 kill, 662 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2585 exp, 74 kill, 2784 pp Average: 517 exp, 15 kill, 557 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2413 exp, 53 kill, 1872 pp Average: 483 exp, 11 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 6244 exp, 177 kill, 10164 pp Average: 568 exp, 16 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 719 exp, 22 kill, 1824 pp Average: 360 exp, 11 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 3663 exp, 246 kill, 3480 pp Average: 733 exp, 49 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1948 exp, 45 kill, 1656 pp Average: 649 exp, 15 kill, 552 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 612 exp, 19 kill, 444 pp Average: 612 exp, 19 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1569 exp, 74 kill, 578 pp Average: 785 exp, 37 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1017 exp, 46 kill, 2628 pp Average: 509 exp, 23 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 64 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 38422 exp, 1887 kill, 39123 pp Average: 600 exp, 29 kill, 611 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania has 75 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 22
Tank : 7
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 5
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 13
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 3
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 12 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 6
Anti-Tank : 2
Flak : 1
Fortification : 1
Air-Defence : 1
Submarine : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory

Had not enough pp tu upgrate my recon to HQ and add fast built for the airport, so i add fast built to my panzerpioniere and buy 1 more recon TB (the new one) with recon att.
I had to play this again, because i miss 1 VH (it was damaged), i don't know how i did not saw this on the map. As I play to last turn TV i had no time to capture it.
Anyway it so great battle, hard battle, harder than last time because randowe change this and make it better. (Only bad that i miss 1 day to play my favourite battle of Rostov).
Change my tactic, my paras captured Sambek first and then attack from east, my ships and my marines from south. Most of my tanks and AT to north, enemy has a lot of tanks.
So nice battle. For sure i need fast speed for my mountains and MOAG (not yet, needs a lot of pp)
Here is a foto that training unit (AT 88mm)


PS Could not found 2 inf, so i miss 1 kill at the end

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 409 * Average: 15

Current scenario: Battle of Taganrog, VH prestige is 280 , All map prestige is: 1040
Army cost: 39876 , Current prestige is 1403
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1533
if BV: +500, Battle of Rostov , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of Rostov , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 270
if TV: +500, Battle of Rostov , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 340
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 340

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 36 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+10 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 743 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 37 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+19 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 37 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 32 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 39 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+8 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 587 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+4 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 602 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+12 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 697 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 41 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+20 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+7 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+1 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 23 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+8 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+15 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 35 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+6 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 598 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 46 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+19 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 32 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 28 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+27 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 40 , Tragtiere , , 3 bars , 386 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+37 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1266 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 138 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+40 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 910 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 126 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+10 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 830 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 106 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+22 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 74 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 58 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+68 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 19 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 766 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 45 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 590 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsaufklärung 41 , , 5 bars , 508 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 288 pp - U:053

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 35 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+17 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 26 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+20 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+17 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 478 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+8 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+62 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+26 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 276 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 504 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 22 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+47 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 336 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 8 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+46 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 2 bars , 282 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 5 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+36 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 890 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+9 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 650 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+5 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 717 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 58 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+6 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 8 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+11 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 43 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+23 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+15 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 460 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+25 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 8 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+21 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 462 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+27 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 428 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+32 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 298 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+4 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 360 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 359 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 934 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 58 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+14 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 897 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , 62 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+27 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 68 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+19 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 696 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 55 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+22 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+31 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 906 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 26 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 867 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+23 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 3 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+96 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 2 bars , 219 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 0 kill , 495 pp - U:189 [+120 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 612 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 38 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+27 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 755 exp , Germany , 6/12 , Recon, 39 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+8 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 580 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+11 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:1/2), , 4 bars , 464 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+16 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Slovakia
Killed: INF:789 TNK:121 RCN:124 AT:156 FLAK:108 FORT:207 ATY:258 AD:128 FTR:102 TB:77 SUB:26 DD:67 BS:21 Total: 2184
Lost : INF:63 TNK:1 RCN:13 AT:4 FLAK:15 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:3 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:7 Total: 128

BV 2
V 0
TV 24
L 0

Infantry * 17 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10509 exp, 568 kill, 7861 pp Average: 618 exp, 33 kill, 462 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4305 exp, 502 kill, 2538 pp Average: 861 exp, 100 kill, 508 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3053 exp, 104 kill, 3312 pp Average: 611 exp, 21 kill, 662 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2709 exp, 84 kill, 2784 pp Average: 542 exp, 17 kill, 557 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2568 exp, 65 kill, 1872 pp Average: 514 exp, 13 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 6422 exp, 194 kill, 10164 pp Average: 584 exp, 18 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 719 exp, 22 kill, 1824 pp Average: 360 exp, 11 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 3776 exp, 259 kill, 3480 pp Average: 755 exp, 52 kill, 696 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2308 exp, 50 kill, 2151 pp Average: 577 exp, 13 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 612 exp, 19 kill, 444 pp Average: 612 exp, 19 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1604 exp, 77 kill, 578 pp Average: 802 exp, 39 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1044 exp, 50 kill, 2628 pp Average: 522 exp, 25 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 65 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 39830 exp, 1996 kill, 39876 pp Average: 613 exp, 31 kill, 613 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Slovakia has 74 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 20
Tank : 7
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 13
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 5
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 3 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-04 10:09, Sunday PS Could not found 2 inf, so i miss 1 kill at the end
As i have said, on every map are one or more hidden units to prevend accidental victory by killing all enemy units. Its mostly entrenched infantry in a corner of the map, mountain, forest or across the sea or river.
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory

Sell fast built and add fast speed to all my mountain units. Upgrate bicycle recon to HQ. I also buy 1 carrier fighter with AD att.
One of the best battles ever!!! Until 9 turn my canons block the huge attack. At round 10 the weather was dry, so i recon the area. At Rostov most fo the enemy was elliminated, so I release my beasts and move south and east. At north, still big enemy was near Kuteynikovo, so i send my army from north and south and kill many many units. Last 2 rurns was snowing so i could not find more enemies.
The battle as i said, it was one of the best, and was mutch mutch harder than my last playtests.
I can't wait to play this again. My respect to randowe that a great battle, make it even better.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
Campaign score: 462 * Average: 17

Current scenario: Battle of Rostov, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 41538 , Current prestige is 697
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1075
if BV: +500, Operation Isabella , cap disabled, 13 turns prestige: 600
if V : +500, Operation Isabella , cap disabled, 13 turns prestige: 600
if TV: +500, Operation Isabella , cap disabled, 13 turns prestige: 600
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 600

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 723 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 37 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+21 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 755 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 40 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 660 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 38 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+31 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 456 pp - U:011
Fallschirmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 39 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+11 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 450 pp - U:024 [+17 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 610 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 35 kill , 450 pp - U:025 [+8 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 715 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 43 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+18 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+4 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 32 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+11 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+8 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+11 exp]
Grenadiere 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+12 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 603 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+5 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 35 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 648 exp , Germany , 11/12 , 32 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+7 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 40 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 427 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+41 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1339 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 149 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+73 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 952 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 133 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+42 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 903 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 115 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+73 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 94 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+108 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 76 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+115 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+6 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 45 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 17 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+2 exp]

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 32 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+33 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+22 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 504 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+26 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+58 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 799 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+26 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 11 kill , 345 pp - U:037 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 521 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+17 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 376 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+40 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 300 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+18 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 22 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+37 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 667 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+17 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 748 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+31 exp]
105mm LG40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+15 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 46 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+41 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 15 kill , 465 pp - U:023 [+9 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 483 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+23 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+23 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+41 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+46 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+32 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 390 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+30 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 378 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+19 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 961 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 60 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+27 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 925 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 66 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+28 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 71 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+12 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 61 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+11 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 527 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+18 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 2 bars , 216 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Air Defense, 1 kill , 855 pp - U:314 [+111 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 939 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 27 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+33 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 24 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+17 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 3 bars , 350 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 6 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+34 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 2 bars , 278 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 0 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+59 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+9 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 38 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+24 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 10/12 , Recon, 39 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+31 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+13 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 500 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+36 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Italy
Killed: INF:858 TNK:152 RCN:136 AT:166 FLAK:110 FORT:220 ATY:283 AD:131 FTR:109 TB:83 SUB:28 DD:67 BS:21 Total: 2364
Lost : INF:71 TNK:3 RCN:13 AT:5 FLAK:17 FORT:7 ATY:5 AD:3 FTR:5 TB:5 DD:7 Total: 141

BV 3
V 0
TV 24
L 0

Infantry * 17 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10741 exp, 593 kill, 7894 pp Average: 632 exp, 35 kill, 464 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4716 exp, 567 kill, 2538 pp Average: 943 exp, 113 kill, 508 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3095 exp, 108 kill, 3924 pp Average: 619 exp, 22 kill, 785 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2853 exp, 95 kill, 2784 pp Average: 571 exp, 19 kill, 557 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2674 exp, 71 kill, 1941 pp Average: 535 exp, 14 kill, 388 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 6737 exp, 216 kill, 10257 pp Average: 612 exp, 20 kill, 932 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 768 exp, 23 kill, 1824 pp Average: 384 exp, 12 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 4088 exp, 279 kill, 4335 pp Average: 681 exp, 47 kill, 723 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2451 exp, 57 kill, 2151 pp Average: 613 exp, 14 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 621 exp, 21 kill, 444 pp Average: 621 exp, 21 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1659 exp, 77 kill, 578 pp Average: 830 exp, 39 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1093 exp, 54 kill, 2628 pp Average: 547 exp, 27 kill, 1314 pp
* Summary: * 66 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 41697 exp, 2163 kill, 41538 pp Average: 632 exp, 33 kill, 629 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Italy has 111 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 37
Tank : 8
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 11
Flak : 7
Fortification : 2
Artillery : 19
Air-Defence : 4
Fighter : 7
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2

Player 2 USSR has 10 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 7
Air-Defence : 3
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory

So many mew good units and only 1197 pp.
This is my 3rd attempt. At 1st i lost a new destroyer and at 2nd i didn't play well at all.
So now, i upgrate some units for free, change my TB from 87T-2 to 87T-1 (better naval attack), sell all my att and i buy 1 more carrier fighter (add att AD) and for my 1st time ever a carrier.
My plan was great (all paras and all ships NW to repair the airport). Enemy airforce is great. All enemy fighters are better and with more exp than my T-1 and the 109F-4 aux. Thankfuly my T-1 survived, so until the airport repair by my para eng, i move it back to my carrier (T-1 and my TB).
My paras hold at center of the island until my rest army comes. Then was easy but only last tutn i capture last flag.
It was a very hard battle.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
Campaign score: 510 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Operation Isabella, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 42663 , Current prestige is 472
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1479
if BV: +500, Operation Trappenjagd , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Operation Trappenjagd , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 400
if TV: +500, Operation Trappenjagd , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 400
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 400

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 39 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+17 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Extended Front , 40 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 41 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+17 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 34 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+21 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 40 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+22 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 360 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 610 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 360 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 715 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 504 pp - U:026
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 47 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+8 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 614 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 32 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+10 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 642 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 29 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+17 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 34 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+5 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 360 pp - U:031
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 52 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+17 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 39 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+33 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 34 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+30 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 438 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+11 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1402 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 155 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+63 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 952 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 133 kill , 420 pp - U:032
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 903 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 115 kill , 420 pp - U:036
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 857 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 96 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+9 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 76 kill , 792 pp - U:060

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 48 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:047
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 900 pp - U:053

FJ 37mm Pak 36 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 40 kill , 348 pp - U:022 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 676 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 32 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+3 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 547 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+2 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 507 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+3 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 507 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+6 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 22 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+24 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 276 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 521 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:048
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 376 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 300 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 22 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+5 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+4 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+1 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+18 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 46 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 484 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+1 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 504 pp - U:050
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 1368 pp - U:054
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 340 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+10 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 390 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 378 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 971 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 62 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+10 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 947 exp , Germany , 6/10 , First Strike , 68 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+22 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 73 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+12 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 729 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 64 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+22 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 23 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+13 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 2 bars , 285 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 5 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+69 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 2 bars , 224 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Air Defense, 2 kill , 855 pp - U:216 [+119 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 968 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 29 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+29 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 920 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 24 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+36 exp]
Ju 87T-1 , , 4 bars , 445 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+95 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 4 bars , 419 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+141 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 622 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+1 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 38 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+22 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 806 exp , Germany , 11/12 , Recon, 41 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+20 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+11 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+17 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 1 bars , 175 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 4 kill , 1092 pp - U:215 [+70 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Nationalist Spain, Italy
Killed: INF:894 TNK:158 RCN:142 AT:169 FLAK:115 FORT:220 ATY:290 AD:134 FTR:116 TB:88 SUB:31 DD:75 BS:27 CV:1 Total: 2460
Lost : INF:87 TNK:4 RCN:14 AT:6 FLAK:18 FORT:8 ATY:8 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:5 DD:13 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 176

BV 4
V 0
TV 24
L 0

Infantry * 17 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10967 exp, 614 kill, 7603 pp Average: 645 exp, 36 kill, 447 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4788 exp, 575 kill, 2340 pp Average: 958 exp, 115 kill, 468 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3114 exp, 111 kill, 3924 pp Average: 623 exp, 22 kill, 785 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2875 exp, 101 kill, 2784 pp Average: 575 exp, 20 kill, 557 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2698 exp, 72 kill, 1872 pp Average: 540 exp, 14 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 6779 exp, 217 kill, 10164 pp Average: 616 exp, 20 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 768 exp, 23 kill, 1824 pp Average: 384 exp, 12 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 7 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 4460 exp, 297 kill, 5019 pp Average: 637 exp, 42 kill, 717 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2752 exp, 68 kill, 2151 pp Average: 688 exp, 17 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 622 exp, 23 kill, 444 pp Average: 622 exp, 23 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1701 exp, 79 kill, 578 pp Average: 851 exp, 40 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1121 exp, 58 kill, 2628 pp Average: 561 exp, 29 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 175 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp Average: 175 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp
* Summary: * 68 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 43021 exp, 2244 kill, 42663 pp Average: 633 exp, 33 kill, 627 pp

Player 1 Germany, Nationalist Spain, Italy has 83 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 19
Tank : 5
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 7
Flak : 7
Fortification : 5
Artillery : 11
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 7
Dive Bomber : 5
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 4
Carrier : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Free French Forces has 2 units total (core+aux):
Destroyer : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory

I upgrate my para AT to range 2. I add fast built to my panzerpioniere (after hours of thinking), fast speed to my mountain pioniere and AD to my second carrier fighter and change again my TB from T-1 to T-2
I think i remember well this or randowe change somothing :D. I did not attack with my paras fast at west. I built a port for my ships and my marines. Thankfuly my sub is slow (i always forget to add fast speed). 2 enemy fast boats came very close to my marines, 1 of them damaged well. Next round, my other narine attacked by enemy sub, damaged more. WTF!!!! I had to disembark them. I did not remember that. Also enemy has great leaders (specially recon, is so good with 5 spot) and 1 of my recon TB almost kill. Also another enemy sub almost sink my Hipper.
At mainland had no problems, my ATY is amazing. Later i had problems with my paras but they did it well with a lot of damaged units. After a hard battle, i had time to train units with forts and mines, i also buy 1 PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 for training. As i had time i capture and the airports from the other side.
Another 5 star battle.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
Campaign score: 523 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Operation Trappenjagd, VH prestige is 300 , All map prestige is: 620
Army cost: 44031 , Current prestige is 423
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 22
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1292
if BV: +500, 4 Choices - cap: (0,0,0,0), 14 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, 4 Choices - cap: (0,0,0,0), 18 turns prestige: 260
if TV: +500, 4 Choices - cap: (0,0,0,0), 22 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 757 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 40 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+17 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 795 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 41 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+22 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 41 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 728 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 34 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 628 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 41 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+11 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 360 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 610 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 360 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 730 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+15 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 48 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+17 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 32 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+6 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 30 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+12 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 605 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+8 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 639 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 36 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 56 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+20 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 43 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 695 exp , Germany , 11/12 , 38 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+17 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 511 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+73 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 1 bars , 131 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 2 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+26 exp]

PzKpfw IID , , 5 bars , 1539 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 176 kill , 240 pp - U:006 [+137 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 962 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 136 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+10 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 903 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 115 kill , 420 pp - U:036
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 104 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+57 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 81 kill , 792 pp - U:060 [+29 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 650 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+5 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 788 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Combat Support , 50 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 19 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 610 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+13 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 42 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+24 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 697 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 33 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+21 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+13 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 512 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+5 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+10 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 23 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+19 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 683 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 11 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+2 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 422 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 10 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+46 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 346 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 8 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+46 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 959 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+27 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 688 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+17 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 66 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+21 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 724 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+21 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 763 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Devastating Fire , 46 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+19 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 717 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+12 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+19 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 502 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+28 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+14 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 500 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+26 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 370 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+30 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 398 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 13 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+8 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 391 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 11 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+13 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 1006 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+35 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 978 exp , Germany , 6/10 , First Strike , 73 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+31 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 75 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+23 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 745 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 65 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+16 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 25 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+20 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 3 bars , 375 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Air Defense, 6 kill , 855 pp - U:066 [+90 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 3 bars , 366 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Air Defense, 4 kill , 855 pp - U:068 [+142 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1002 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 29 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+34 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 955 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 27 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+35 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+56 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 4 bars , 456 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+37 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 646 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+24 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 925 exp , Germany , 9/12 , 40 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+30 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 42 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+21 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 42 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+13 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 532 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+15 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 2 bars , 234 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 4 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+59 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania
Killed: INF:926 TNK:162 RCN:149 AT:176 FLAK:120 FORT:243 ATY:302 AD:143 FTR:121 TB:93 SUB:34 DD:79 BS:27 CV:1 Total: 2576
Lost : INF:87 TNK:4 RCN:14 AT:6 FLAK:18 FORT:8 ATY:8 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:5 DD:13 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 176

BV 4
V 0
TV 25
L 0

Infantry * 18 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 11366 exp, 641 kill, 8620 pp Average: 631 exp, 36 kill, 479 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5021 exp, 612 kill, 2340 pp Average: 1004 exp, 122 kill, 468 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3168 exp, 116 kill, 3924 pp Average: 634 exp, 23 kill, 785 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2948 exp, 108 kill, 2964 pp Average: 590 exp, 22 kill, 593 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2816 exp, 75 kill, 1872 pp Average: 563 exp, 15 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 7013 exp, 224 kill, 10164 pp Average: 638 exp, 20 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 789 exp, 24 kill, 1824 pp Average: 395 exp, 12 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 7 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 4817 exp, 311 kill, 5190 pp Average: 688 exp, 44 kill, 741 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2914 exp, 72 kill, 2151 pp Average: 729 exp, 18 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 646 exp, 25 kill, 444 pp Average: 646 exp, 25 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1752 exp, 82 kill, 578 pp Average: 876 exp, 41 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1149 exp, 64 kill, 2628 pp Average: 575 exp, 32 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 234 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp Average: 234 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp
* Summary: * 69 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 44834 exp, 2360 kill, 44031 pp Average: 650 exp, 34 kill, 638 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania has 69 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 18
Tank : 5
Recon : 5
Anti-Tank : 5
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 11
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 7
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 1
Destroyer : 1
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-07 10:37, Wednesday I think i remember well this or randowe change somothing :D. I did not attack with my paras fast at west. I built a port for my ships and my marines. Thankfuly my sub is slow (i always forget to add fast speed). 2 enemy fast boats came very close to my marines, 1 of them damaged well. Next round, my other narine attacked by enemy sub, damaged more. WTF!!!! I had to disembark them. I did not remember that. Also enemy has great leaders (specially recon, is so good with 5 spot) and 1 of my recon TB almost kill. Also another enemy sub almost sink my Hipper.
There is one more enemy destroyer but the fast boats and submarines did not change. Sound like you did not recon at sea with a plane ;)
Most changes were at the defensive lines at land. Enemy leaders are random. Sometimes the AI get some really useful leaders like recon.
You can also use the port at Feodosiya to embark your troops! Maybe you had more units at sea because of the additional port?

I am curious to hear which proto you choose!
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

As you said, i did not recon at sea :D
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory

My choice for proto was the radar cruizer. I buy a second PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16, upgrate my tank killer to soviet PzKpfw 747(r)and during battle i buy 1 bridge recon that is great!!! Sell some att (and i could lost a fighter). I was moving really slowly, my ATY did the hard job. Is a battle that needs a lot of thinking. At the end with my healer unit i had time to train my new units with enemy mines. Also send to death a lot of rumanian aux.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
Campaign score: 533 * Average: 17

Current scenario: Siege of Sevastopol, VH prestige is 380 , All map prestige is: 900
Army cost: 46671 , Current prestige is 1063
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1561
if BV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad I , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Battle of Stalingrad I , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 480
if TV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad I , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 560
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 560

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 40 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+4 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 810 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 44 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 42 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 734 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 36 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+6 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 649 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+21 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 627 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 36 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+23 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 632 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 37 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+22 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 734 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 45 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+4 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 50 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+29 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 36 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+24 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 34 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+31 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 39 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+25 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 660 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 36 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+21 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 58 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+12 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 44 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 11/12 , 40 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+13 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+14 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 3 bars , 309 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+178 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 3 bars , 344 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 2 kill , 648 pp - U:240 [+234 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 1690 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 200 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+151 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 138 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+29 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 944 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 120 kill , 420 pp - U:036 [+41 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 106 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+29 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 724 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 83 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+21 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 51 kill , 324 pp - U:015 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 20 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 17 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+25 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 10 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 2 bars , 247 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 0 kill , 420 pp - U:071 [+137 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 681 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 44 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 33 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+15 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+24 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 535 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+23 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 531 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+14 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+6 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+22 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 25 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 454 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 11 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+32 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 3 bars , 390 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+44 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 995 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+36 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 720 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+32 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 71 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+23 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 735 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+11 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 51 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+22 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 734 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+17 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+23 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 521 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+19 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 546 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+29 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 516 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+16 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 4 bars , 437 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+67 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 413 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 14 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+15 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 3 bars , 399 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+8 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 1029 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Combat Support , 65 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+23 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1011 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , 76 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+33 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 80 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+16 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 65 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+16 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 591 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 26 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+31 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 4 bars , 473 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 10 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+98 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 6 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+77 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1023 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 29 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+21 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1004 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 30 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+49 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 529 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+28 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 4 bars , 493 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 5 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+37 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+34 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 944 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 43 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+19 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 6/12 , Recon, 44 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+25 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 636 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+19 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+13 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:1/3), , 2 bars , 256 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+22 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 1 kill , 1440 pp - U:239 [+195 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania
Killed: INF:970 TNK:169 RCN:157 AT:188 FLAK:125 FORT:267 ATY:318 AD:153 FTR:128 TB:99 SUB:37 DD:83 BS:29 CV:1 Total: 2724
Lost : INF:91 TNK:4 RCN:16 AT:6 FLAK:19 FORT:8 ATY:10 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:5 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 186

BV 4
V 0
TV 26
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 12175 exp, 677 kill, 9010 pp Average: 641 exp, 36 kill, 474 pp
Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5292 exp, 647 kill, 2898 pp Average: 1058 exp, 129 kill, 580 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3494 exp, 120 kill, 4344 pp Average: 582 exp, 20 kill, 724 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3043 exp, 115 kill, 3027 pp Average: 609 exp, 23 kill, 605 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2940 exp, 83 kill, 1872 pp Average: 588 exp, 17 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 7308 exp, 239 kill, 10164 pp Average: 664 exp, 22 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 812 exp, 26 kill, 1824 pp Average: 406 exp, 13 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 7 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5111 exp, 328 kill, 4848 pp Average: 730 exp, 47 kill, 693 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3049 exp, 77 kill, 2151 pp Average: 762 exp, 19 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 680 exp, 26 kill, 555 pp Average: 680 exp, 26 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1796 exp, 87 kill, 578 pp Average: 898 exp, 44 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1181 exp, 71 kill, 2628 pp Average: 591 exp, 36 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp Average: 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp Average: 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 72 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 47632 exp, 2503 kill, 46671 pp Average: 662 exp, 35 kill, 648 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania has 83 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 5
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 5
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 16
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 7
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 1 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 1
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory

I buy 1 tank and 1 AT and i upgrate 1 tank. Sell att from my ships and add to my para recon fast speed.
I tryed to capture the far flags (NE and SE) with my core at north and aux at south. At the center had problems, but my ATY make it not so hard. At north i just save my units before enemy counterattack, at south i had to send more of my airforce. I did it and capture all flags but it was the hardest battle so far. Now i realise that i could get it more easy. I had to buy my favourite fighter ( Me 210A-1) with AD att becouse it can attack from side hex and has support fire.
It was another epic battle, there was many moments that i could loss core units.
I have to buy tanks and AT for sure, i don't know if i have the pp.

PS all my units gain exp. My killer tank is really amazing

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
Campaign score: 581 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of Stalingrad I, VH prestige is 540 , All map prestige is: 1120
Army cost: 48956 , Current prestige is 382
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 21
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1562
if BV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad II , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of Stalingrad II , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
if TV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad II , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 200

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 772 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+11 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 840 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , 47 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 44 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 36 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 44 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+25 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 36 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+11 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 38 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+20 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 47 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+26 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 713 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 53 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+22 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 653 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 38 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+9 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 37 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+24 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 43 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+14 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 40 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+27 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 692 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 61 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+40 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 44 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+3 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 733 exp , Germany , 6/12 , 42 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+25 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 563 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 11 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+38 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 3 bars , 384 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+75 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 4 bars , 466 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 3 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+122 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 1967 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 246 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+277 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 1012 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Overwatch , 141 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+21 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1020 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 135 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+76 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 959 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 109 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+16 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 91 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+63 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 2 bars , 217 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 1 kill , 648 pp - U:312 [+107 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 53 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 634 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 656 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+21 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 10 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 3 bars , 367 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 1 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+120 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 47 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Overwatch , 33 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+29 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 14 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+32 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 558 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+23 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 557 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 11 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+26 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 2 bars , 268 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 1 kill , 480 pp - U:313 [+158 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 889 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+41 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 38 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 727 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 276 pp - U:037 [+22 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 564 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 27 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+21 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 485 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 13 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+31 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 433 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+43 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1036 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+41 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 17 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+31 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 825 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 76 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+32 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 782 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+47 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 55 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+35 exp]
GebJg 81mm Granatwerfer 34 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 372 pp - U:023 [+18 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 542 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+16 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 528 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 12 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+7 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+26 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+21 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 4 bars , 464 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+27 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+30 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 436 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+37 exp]

Bf 110B-2 , , 5 bars , 1066 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , 66 kill , 672 pp - U:013 [+37 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1065 exp , Germany , 2/10 , First Strike , 77 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+54 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 821 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 83 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+18 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 790 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 67 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+29 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 614 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 28 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+23 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 532 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 11 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+59 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 4 bars , 495 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+52 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 2 bars , 239 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Air Defense, 1 kill , 1005 pp - U:076 [+129 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 29 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+5 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1035 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 30 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+31 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+23 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+52 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 944 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 43 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 44 kill , 187 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 636 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 2 bars , 256 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 1 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria
Killed: INF:1038 TNK:188 RCN:170 AT:203 FLAK:137 FORT:285 ATY:337 AD:165 FTR:137 TB:106 SUB:37 DD:83 BS:29 CV:1 Total: 2916
Lost : INF:101 TNK:4 RCN:17 AT:8 FLAK:21 FORT:8 ATY:12 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 204

BV 5
V 0
TV 26
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 12721 exp, 716 kill, 9010 pp Average: 670 exp, 38 kill, 474 pp
Tank * 6 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5962 exp, 723 kill, 3774 pp Average: 994 exp, 121 kill, 629 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3683 exp, 126 kill, 4425 pp Average: 614 exp, 21 kill, 738 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3440 exp, 123 kill, 3507 pp Average: 573 exp, 21 kill, 585 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3098 exp, 91 kill, 1872 pp Average: 620 exp, 18 kill, 374 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 7609 exp, 254 kill, 10164 pp Average: 692 exp, 23 kill, 924 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 879 exp, 27 kill, 1824 pp Average: 440 exp, 14 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5622 exp, 341 kill, 5853 pp Average: 703 exp, 43 kill, 732 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3160 exp, 79 kill, 2151 pp Average: 790 exp, 20 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 680 exp, 26 kill, 444 pp Average: 680 exp, 26 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1796 exp, 87 kill, 532 pp Average: 898 exp, 44 kill, 266 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1181 exp, 71 kill, 2628 pp Average: 591 exp, 36 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp Average: 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp Average: 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 75 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 50582 exp, 2671 kill, 48956 pp Average: 674 exp, 36 kill, 653 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria has 98 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 27
Tank : 6
Recon : 9
Anti-Tank : 9
Flak : 8
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 15
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 9 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 4
Flak : 2
Air-Defence : 1
Fighter : 1
Dive Bomber : 1
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

:eek You did not upgrade your healer unit? :lol
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

:whine That is the less that i care now. I buy the fighter and i don't have the pp to buy Tiger :irate :irate :irate
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

BTW the Soviet PzKpfw 756(r) with fast speed is a great tank
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

I have 69 more aux dead than randowe :bonk :bonk :bonk
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory

I don't have pp to buy a Tiger.... I upgrate my CS fighter, my Gebr Mortar to range 3 and sell fast speed from my GebrAT to upgrate my GebrMG
The battle was perfect for my army. I send at north all my para units with my unexp TK and AT, at south my mountain units with a couple of tanks. My 4 big canons, MOAG and my 2 ATY/AT at center. Slowly i destroy enemy defence, the biggest problems was at north. The enemy new units was a nice training. Very hard battle, played more than 10 hours.
Another 5 star battle.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
Campaign score: 591 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of Stalingrad II, VH prestige is 340 , All map prestige is: 820
Army cost: 49217 , Current prestige is 1246
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1559
if BV: +500, Operation Blücher , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Operation Blücher , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Operation Blücher , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 380
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 380

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 791 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+19 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 862 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 47 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+22 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 730 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 44 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 776 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+29 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 683 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 47 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 38 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+14 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 664 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 39 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+12 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+11 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 55 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+25 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 38 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+16 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 729 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 39 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+20 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 660 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+16 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+23 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 63 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+13 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 44 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+27 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 753 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 43 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+20 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+16 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 504 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+120 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+39 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2292 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 301 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+325 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 1053 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Overwatch , 148 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+41 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1106 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 155 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+86 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 116 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+39 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 864 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 110 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+77 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 3 bars , 347 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 13 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+130 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+33 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 53 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 20 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+33 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+107 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 50 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+60 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwatch , 36 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+32 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 651 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 16 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+35 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 19 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+14 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+12 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 3 bars , 361 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+93 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 941 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 27 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+52 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 30 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 521 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 13 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+36 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 4 bars , 495 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 12 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+62 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1081 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+45 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+23 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 868 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 79 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+43 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 804 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+22 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 863 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 56 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+43 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+34 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+18 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+24 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 589 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+17 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 561 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+24 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+41 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+8 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 469 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+33 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1091 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 70 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+25 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1106 exp , Germany , 2/10 , First Strike , 79 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+41 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 840 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 87 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+19 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 815 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 69 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+25 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 32 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+27 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 557 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 14 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+25 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 529 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+34 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 3 bars , 383 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Air Defense, 4 kill , 1005 pp - U:073 [+144 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1078 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 29 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+50 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1079 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 31 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+44 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+27 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+32 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 944 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 43 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 44 kill , 187 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 636 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 2 bars , 256 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 1 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Hungary
Killed: INF:1133 TNK:196 RCN:180 AT:221 FLAK:150 FORT:326 ATY:355 AD:175 FTR:144 TB:112 SUB:37 DD:83 BS:29 CV:1 Total: 3142
Lost : INF:106 TNK:4 RCN:17 AT:8 FLAK:22 FORT:8 ATY:13 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 211

BV 5
V 0
TV 27
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 13188 exp, 754 kill, 9010 pp Average: 694 exp, 40 kill, 474 pp
Tank * 6 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6660 exp, 843 kill, 3774 pp Average: 1110 exp, 141 kill, 629 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3888 exp, 132 kill, 4425 pp Average: 648 exp, 22 kill, 738 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3686 exp, 135 kill, 3444 pp Average: 614 exp, 23 kill, 574 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3269 exp, 97 kill, 1896 pp Average: 654 exp, 19 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 7943 exp, 263 kill, 10224 pp Average: 722 exp, 24 kill, 929 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 920 exp, 27 kill, 1824 pp Average: 460 exp, 14 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5962 exp, 365 kill, 6093 pp Average: 745 exp, 46 kill, 762 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3313 exp, 82 kill, 2151 pp Average: 828 exp, 21 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 680 exp, 26 kill, 444 pp Average: 680 exp, 26 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1796 exp, 87 kill, 532 pp Average: 898 exp, 44 kill, 266 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1181 exp, 71 kill, 2628 pp Average: 591 exp, 36 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp Average: 256 exp, 4 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp Average: 294 exp, 1 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 75 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 53237 exp, 2889 kill, 49217 pp Average: 710 exp, 39 kill, 656 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Hungary has 92 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 28
Tank : 8
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 7
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 6 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 4
Flak : 1
Air-Defence : 1
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

You destroyed 226 enemy units in this battle :cool :cool When you play longer, enemy can buy more units :lol
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory

I buy my favourite tank, Tiger and add fast speed to sub, recon to Schnellboot and fast speed to my GebrAT
I remember that, was not so hard (as Stalingrad). The only reason that i want to end this, was for the next.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 603 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Operation Blücher, VH prestige is 340 , All map prestige is: 640
Army cost: 50937 , Current prestige is 986
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1448
if BV: +500, Operation Edelweiss , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Operation Edelweiss , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 260
if TV: +500, Operation Edelweiss , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+7 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 888 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Extended Front , 49 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+26 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 45 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 40 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+10 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 661 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 39 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 40 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+21 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 795 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 51 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+24 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 759 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 57 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+21 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+8 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 40 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+12 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 684 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 46 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+24 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 44 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+39 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 715 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 66 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 45 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 783 exp , Germany , 6/12 , 44 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+30 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 19 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+52 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 527 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 16 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+23 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 520 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 13 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+15 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2373 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 314 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+81 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 1076 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Overwatch , 152 kill , 420 pp - U:032 [+23 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1117 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 157 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+11 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1006 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 117 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+8 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 922 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 119 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+58 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 4 bars , 415 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 26 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+68 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 2 bars , 235 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 12 kill , 1500 pp - U:211 [+120 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+2 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 56 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+26 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+32 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+43 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 36 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+1 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 17 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+15 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 19 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+12 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 594 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 12 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+25 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 4 bars , 402 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+41 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 953 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 762 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 16 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+23 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 601 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 30 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+28 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 542 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 15 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+21 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 12 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+30 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1112 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 24 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+31 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fire Discipline , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+11 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 890 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 79 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+22 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 817 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+13 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 863 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 56 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 817 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+31 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+7 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 564 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+12 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+15 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+13 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+12 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 469 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1108 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , 70 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+17 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1154 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , 80 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+48 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 864 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 91 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+24 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 71 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+24 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 656 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 32 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+15 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 585 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+28 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 562 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 11 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+33 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Air Defense, 8 kill , 1005 pp - U:073 [+60 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1103 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 31 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+25 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1119 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 32 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+40 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 613 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 18 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+34 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 611 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+34 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+22 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 986 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 45 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+42 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 869 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 46 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+17 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+29 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 28 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+37 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 328 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 6 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+72 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 403 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 3 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+109 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Romania
Killed: INF:1186 TNK:203 RCN:187 AT:235 FLAK:155 FORT:330 ATY:369 AD:183 FTR:148 TB:116 SUB:41 DD:87 BS:31 CV:1 Total: 3272
Lost : INF:106 TNK:4 RCN:17 AT:8 FLAK:22 FORT:8 ATY:13 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 211

BV 5
V 0
TV 28
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 13557 exp, 783 kill, 9010 pp Average: 714 exp, 41 kill, 474 pp
Tank * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 7144 exp, 897 kill, 5274 pp Average: 1021 exp, 128 kill, 753 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4005 exp, 137 kill, 4425 pp Average: 668 exp, 23 kill, 738 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3791 exp, 137 kill, 3507 pp Average: 632 exp, 23 kill, 585 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3383 exp, 100 kill, 1896 pp Average: 677 exp, 20 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 11 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 8110 exp, 265 kill, 10224 pp Average: 737 exp, 24 kill, 929 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 920 exp, 27 kill, 1824 pp Average: 460 exp, 14 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 6211 exp, 381 kill, 6093 pp Average: 776 exp, 48 kill, 762 pp
Dive Bomber * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3446 exp, 87 kill, 2151 pp Average: 862 exp, 22 kill, 538 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 702 exp, 28 kill, 555 pp Average: 702 exp, 28 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1855 exp, 91 kill, 578 pp Average: 928 exp, 46 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1247 exp, 75 kill, 2628 pp Average: 624 exp, 38 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 328 exp, 6 kill, 1092 pp Average: 328 exp, 6 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 403 exp, 3 kill, 1440 pp Average: 403 exp, 3 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 76 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 55303 exp, 3019 kill, 50937 pp Average: 728 exp, 40 kill, 670 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania has 79 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 21
Tank : 7
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 5
Fortification : 2
Artillery : 11
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 4
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory

I buy a 2nd carrier TB and another mountain mortar with special munition. Also i add HA att to my old Tank IVD.
Last time i left many entr inf enemy alive, now i plan to kill more.
Another great battle for army, my radar cruizer helps me a lot with so many enemy subs, specially one with dev fire leader.
Helps me a lot that i remembered at that battle, enemy also had a lot of airplanes.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
Campaign score: 613 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Operation Edelweiss, VH prestige is 320 , All map prestige is: 820
Army cost: 52278 , Current prestige is 1325
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1564
if BV: +500, Battle of Baku , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of Baku , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Battle of Baku , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 360
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 360

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+14 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Extended Front , 50 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+44 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 757 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 48 kill , 456 pp - U:010 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 456 pp - U:011 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 49 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+43 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 360 pp - U:024 [+13 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 40 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 41 kill , 360 pp - U:025 [+22 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 811 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 53 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+16 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 58 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+22 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 692 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 40 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+15 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 41 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+10 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 48 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+10 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 766 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 44 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+17 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 67 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+21 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+26 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 47 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+40 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+34 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 18 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+6 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 17 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+18 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2516 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 336 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+143 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 1082 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , AntiTank, 153 kill , 525 pp - U:032 [+6 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1156 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 163 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+39 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1034 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 120 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+28 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 931 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 119 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+9 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 4 bars , 454 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+39 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 3 bars , 325 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 19 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+90 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 734 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+22 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 39 , , 5 bars , 834 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 58 kill , 405 pp - U:015 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 682 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+2 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+13 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+33 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 51 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 38 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+18 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 688 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+22 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Fast Speed, 19 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+16 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+6 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 4 bars , 464 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 4 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+62 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 996 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 28 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+43 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+25 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 614 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+13 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 531 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+6 exp]

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 240 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1156 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+44 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+23 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 919 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 81 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+29 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+19 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 896 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 56 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+33 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+25 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+6 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+8 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+14 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+8 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+9 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 2 bars , 298 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Special Munition, 2 kill , 540 pp - U:251 [+183 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 458 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+7 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 472 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+3 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1127 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 72 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+19 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1173 exp , Germany , 3/10 , First Strike , 81 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+19 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 94 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+20 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 860 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 74 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+21 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 676 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 35 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+20 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 20 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+15 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 13 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+37 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 508 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Air Defense, 9 kill , 1005 pp - U:073 [+65 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1120 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 31 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+17 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1145 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 34 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+26 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+56 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 650 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 8 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+39 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 2 bars , 265 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 1 kill , 696 pp - U:252

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 735 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+33 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , Germany , 9/12 , 45 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+23 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 7/12 , Recon, 50 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+45 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+15 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+11 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+36 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:1/1), , 4 bars , 444 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 6 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+41 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Slovakia, Romania
Killed: INF:1241 TNK:213 RCN:195 AT:248 FLAK:163 FORT:333 ATY:390 AD:189 FTR:154 TB:120 LB:1 SUB:45 DD:90 BS:32 CV:1 Total: 3415
Lost : INF:110 TNK:4 RCN:18 AT:9 FLAK:23 FORT:14 ATY:14 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 225

BV 5
V 0
TV 29
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 13953 exp, 815 kill, 9010 pp Average: 734 exp, 43 kill, 474 pp
Tank * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 7498 exp, 943 kill, 5379 pp Average: 1071 exp, 135 kill, 768 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4106 exp, 142 kill, 4425 pp Average: 684 exp, 24 kill, 738 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3929 exp, 144 kill, 3507 pp Average: 655 exp, 24 kill, 585 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3488 exp, 102 kill, 1896 pp Average: 698 exp, 20 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 240 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 8626 exp, 275 kill, 10764 pp Average: 719 exp, 23 kill, 897 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 930 exp, 27 kill, 1824 pp Average: 465 exp, 14 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 6427 exp, 398 kill, 6093 pp Average: 803 exp, 50 kill, 762 pp
Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3849 exp, 94 kill, 2847 pp Average: 770 exp, 19 kill, 569 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 735 exp, 30 kill, 555 pp Average: 735 exp, 30 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1923 exp, 95 kill, 578 pp Average: 962 exp, 48 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1273 exp, 79 kill, 2628 pp Average: 637 exp, 40 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp Average: 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 78 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 57746 exp, 3159 kill, 52278 pp Average: 740 exp, 41 kill, 670 pp

Player 1 Germany, Slovakia, Romania has 90 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 9
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 6
Fortification : 5
Artillery : 13
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 5
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 5 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory

Upgrate my Fjager and my Gebrjager, my FJrecon and....... my Healer unit :D.
I also buy another carrier Recon TB (with recon att and special munition) and i feel like i have a radar now
Another battle that was more than great. I had problems at beginning because i damaged the airfield, but i finally had no many problems.
Thanks to my recons TB enemy tanks was damaged, the same and enemy airforce. At Baku my ATY did the hard job.
At the end i had time to train my units for many turns with some enemy bunkers.
I realise that i can't move my Mountain inf by train without loose transport. Or maybe i do something wrong?
Anyway, another 5 star battle.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 625 * Average: 17

Current scenario: Battle of Baku, VH prestige is 320 , All map prestige is: 860
Army cost: 53175 , Current prestige is 1284
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 28
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1462
if BV: +500, Operation Uranus , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Operation Uranus , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Operation Uranus , cap disabled, 28 turns prestige: 360
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 360

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 43 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+8 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 955 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 51 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+23 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 772 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 49 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 818 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 46 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+20 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 52 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+13 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 372 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 372 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 816 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 54 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+5 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 800 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+19 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 40 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+11 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 42 kill , 408 pp - U:029 [+19 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 48 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+18 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 46 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+20 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 748 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 70 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+12 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 759 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 838 exp , Germany , 11/12 , 47 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+15 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+3 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+35 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 544 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+6 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2715 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 370 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+199 exp]
PzKpfw IVD , , 5 bars , 1115 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Overwatch , AntiTank, 158 kill , 525 pp - U:032 [+33 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1200 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 170 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+44 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1038 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 120 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+4 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 965 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 126 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+34 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 34 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+56 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 4 bars , 426 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 21 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+101 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+17 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 59 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+24 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 583 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 13 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+17 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 571 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 4 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+21 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 51 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+28 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 40 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+21 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+12 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 601 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 20 kill , 315 pp - U:056 [+1 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+19 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 512 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+48 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1008 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 28 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 300 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 627 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+13 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 562 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+2 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+5 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1190 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+34 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+19 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 938 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 82 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+19 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 854 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+18 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 906 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 57 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+10 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+2 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+8 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 576 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+4 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 634 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+16 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 605 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+23 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 534 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+8 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 3 bars , 382 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 3 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+84 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 466 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 15 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+8 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 493 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 12 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+21 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1166 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , 75 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+39 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1199 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 84 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+26 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 97 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+33 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 78 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+21 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 697 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 36 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+21 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 622 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 22 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+22 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+19 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Air Defense, 11 kill , 1005 pp - U:073 [+65 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1146 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 33 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+26 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1184 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+39 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+33 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 9 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+35 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 4 bars , 421 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+156 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 3 bars , 360 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, Special Munition, 0 kill , 594 pp - U:219 [+240 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 735 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 45 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 50 kill , 233 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 444 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 6 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Axis Russia
Killed: INF:1283 TNK:224 RCN:206 AT:262 FLAK:171 FORT:342 ATY:403 AD:200 FTR:161 TB:125 LB:2 SUB:45 DD:92 BS:32 CV:1 Total: 3549
Lost : INF:110 TNK:4 RCN:18 AT:9 FLAK:23 FORT:14 ATY:14 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 225

BV 5
V 0
TV 30
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 14207 exp, 839 kill, 9058 pp Average: 748 exp, 44 kill, 477 pp
Tank * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 7969 exp, 999 kill, 5379 pp Average: 1138 exp, 143 kill, 768 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4206 exp, 146 kill, 4440 pp Average: 701 exp, 24 kill, 740 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4058 exp, 149 kill, 3507 pp Average: 676 exp, 25 kill, 585 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3520 exp, 107 kill, 1896 pp Average: 704 exp, 21 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 8871 exp, 282 kill, 10764 pp Average: 739 exp, 24 kill, 897 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 959 exp, 27 kill, 1824 pp Average: 480 exp, 14 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 6673 exp, 418 kill, 6093 pp Average: 834 exp, 52 kill, 762 pp
Dive Bomber * 6 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4498 exp, 107 kill, 3441 pp Average: 750 exp, 18 kill, 574 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 735 exp, 30 kill, 555 pp Average: 735 exp, 30 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1923 exp, 95 kill, 578 pp Average: 962 exp, 48 kill, 289 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1273 exp, 79 kill, 2628 pp Average: 637 exp, 40 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp Average: 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 79 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 59901 exp, 3293 kill, 53175 pp Average: 758 exp, 42 kill, 673 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Axis Russia has 83 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 7
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 6
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 3 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Fortification : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory

After hours (really hours) i upgrate my Tiger (for free) to Ib and my old IVD to Tiger.
Then buy a new Tank IVH, sell all att (except fast speed from para recon and recon att from my 4 recon TB) and keep 693 pp.
So with my first chance (i believe 3-5 turns), i ll buy the new All Weather TB (cost 780pp)
First of all, MY RESPECT to randwe one more time. That was not only great battle, but also so well balanced and designed.
I thought i had to replay because time was not enough and the weather was bad, but i finaly make it and capture all flags and take the BV last turn.
At the battle, simply Tiger rules (17 and 28 kills). And off course, thanks to my bridge recon, i capture the center flag. Also All weather TB was great.
No more words, randowe you are the best!!!

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
Campaign score: 676 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Operation Uranus, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 400
Army cost: 54875 , Current prestige is 813
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1534
if BV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad III , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 500
if V : +500, Battle of Stalingrad III , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 500
if TV: +500, Battle of Stalingrad III , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 500

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 43 kill , 204 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 965 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 53 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 772 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 468 pp - U:010
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 46 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+3 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:024 [+19 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:025 [+14 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 56 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+6 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 815 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+15 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 41 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+6 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 408 pp - U:029
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 49 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+4 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 796 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 46 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 70 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+12 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+2 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 47 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+11 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 23 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+3 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+6 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+6 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2787 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 386 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+72 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1207 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 175 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+92 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1250 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 178 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+50 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1062 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 122 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+24 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 994 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 133 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+29 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 48 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+56 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+128 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 1 bars , 192 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 5 kill , 684 pp - U:302 [+72 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 861 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 59 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 585 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+2 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+21 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 845 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 51 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+32 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Overwatch , 42 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+15 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 701 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+1 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+17 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+14 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+11 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1020 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 28 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 801 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+9 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+15 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+19 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 955 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 82 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+17 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+21 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 59 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+26 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+14 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+14 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+5 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+9 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+13 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+3 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 432 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+50 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 485 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+19 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 499 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 13 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+6 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1185 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 76 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+19 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1216 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , 86 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+17 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 936 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 99 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+19 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 901 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 81 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+20 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+11 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 659 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 22 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+37 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 19 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+12 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 13 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+27 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1171 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+25 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1204 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+20 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 717 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+15 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 701 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 9 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+16 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+30 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 4 bars , 419 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Recon, 0 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+59 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 2 bars , 234 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 0 kill , 780 pp - U:087 [+114 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 735 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 45 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 50 kill , 187 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 444 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 6 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Italy
Killed: INF:1341 TNK:250 RCN:216 AT:271 FLAK:174 FORT:344 ATY:422 AD:209 FTR:168 TB:129 LB:2 SUB:45 DD:92 BS:32 CV:1 Total: 3696
Lost : INF:126 TNK:5 RCN:18 AT:11 FLAK:24 FORT:14 ATY:18 AD:5 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 249

BV 6
V 0
TV 30
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 14338 exp, 849 kill, 8947 pp Average: 755 exp, 45 kill, 471 pp
Tank * 8 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 8612 exp, 1096 kill, 7038 pp Average: 1077 exp, 137 kill, 880 pp
Recon * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4273 exp, 150 kill, 4440 pp Average: 712 exp, 25 kill, 740 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4148 exp, 153 kill, 3444 pp Average: 691 exp, 26 kill, 574 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3564 exp, 108 kill, 1896 pp Average: 713 exp, 22 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9077 exp, 288 kill, 10656 pp Average: 756 exp, 24 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 984 exp, 29 kill, 1824 pp Average: 492 exp, 15 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 6835 exp, 433 kill, 5892 pp Average: 854 exp, 54 kill, 737 pp
Dive Bomber * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4897 exp, 109 kill, 4122 pp Average: 700 exp, 16 kill, 589 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 735 exp, 30 kill, 444 pp Average: 735 exp, 30 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1923 exp, 95 kill, 532 pp Average: 962 exp, 48 kill, 266 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1273 exp, 79 kill, 2628 pp Average: 637 exp, 40 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp Average: 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 81 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 61668 exp, 3434 kill, 54875 pp Average: 761 exp, 42 kill, 677 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Italy has 123 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 41
Tank : 8
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 11
Flak : 9
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 23
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 7
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 9 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 9
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 25th November 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
Campaign score: 724 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Battle of Stalingrad III, VH prestige is 240 , All map prestige is: 1240
Army cost: 56176 , Current prestige is 1452
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 21
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1562
if BV: +500, Operation Herkules , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Operation Herkules , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
if TV: +500, Operation Herkules , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 200
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 200

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 43 kill , 204 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 975 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , 55 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 51 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+26 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 834 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 47 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 58 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 56 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+6 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+5 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 718 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 42 kill , 408 pp - U:028 [+9 exp]
Marineinfanterie 40 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 408 pp - U:029
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 720 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+4 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 818 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 46 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+22 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 802 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 72 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+42 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 48 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+36 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 5/12 , 51 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+36 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 444 pp - U:063
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 596 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+22 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 21 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+18 exp]
Brückenpioniere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 1 bars , 125 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 288 pp - U:333

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2949 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 412 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+162 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1296 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 189 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+89 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1346 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 198 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+96 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1062 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 122 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1063 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 138 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+69 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+3 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+5 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 1 bars , 192 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 684 pp - U:081

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 61 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 585 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 612 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 525 pp - U:070 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 2 bars , 208 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 1 kill , 525 pp - U:332 [+83 exp]

105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 54 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+39 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 865 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Overwatch , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+37 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+8 exp]
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 252 pp - U:056
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+10 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+2 exp]

FJ MG 41 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1063 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 28 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+43 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 801 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 300 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 35 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 547 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+2 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 201 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1242 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 26 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+37 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 860 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+14 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 962 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 84 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+7 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+20 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 955 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 63 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+23 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+8 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 602 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+7 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+1 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fuel Pods, 14 kill , 2939 pp - U:058 [+4 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 4 bars , 436 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+4 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 485 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 499 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 13 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1211 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 76 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+26 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1251 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , 88 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+35 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 977 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 102 kill , 660 pp - U:033 [+41 exp]
Bf 109E-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 84 kill , 660 pp - U:040 [+22 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 733 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 37 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+25 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+11 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 659 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 22 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+29 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 16 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+29 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1190 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+19 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1231 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+27 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 745 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+28 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 11 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+39 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+52 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 4 bars , 447 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 1 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+28 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 3 bars , 351 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+117 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 735 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 45 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 50 kill , 187 pp - U:002

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 444 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 6 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Croatia
Killed: INF:1407 TNK:282 RCN:231 AT:285 FLAK:183 FORT:344 ATY:443 AD:218 FTR:176 TB:134 LB:2 SUB:45 DD:92 BS:32 CV:1 Total: 3875
Lost : INF:138 TNK:6 RCN:21 AT:14 FLAK:26 FORT:14 ATY:22 AD:7 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:14 BS:1 CV:1 Total: 276

BV 7
V 0
TV 30
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 14723 exp, 871 kill, 9235 pp Average: 736 exp, 44 kill, 462 pp
Tank * 8 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 9036 exp, 1162 kill, 7038 pp Average: 1130 exp, 145 kill, 880 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4536 exp, 154 kill, 5070 pp Average: 648 exp, 22 kill, 724 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4244 exp, 162 kill, 3444 pp Average: 707 exp, 27 kill, 574 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3626 exp, 112 kill, 1896 pp Average: 725 exp, 22 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 201 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9202 exp, 298 kill, 11039 pp Average: 767 exp, 25 kill, 920 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 984 exp, 29 kill, 1824 pp Average: 492 exp, 15 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 8 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 7053 exp, 451 kill, 5892 pp Average: 882 exp, 56 kill, 737 pp
Dive Bomber * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 5207 exp, 117 kill, 4122 pp Average: 744 exp, 17 kill, 589 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 735 exp, 30 kill, 444 pp Average: 735 exp, 30 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1923 exp, 95 kill, 532 pp Average: 962 exp, 48 kill, 266 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1273 exp, 79 kill, 2628 pp Average: 637 exp, 40 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 364 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp Average: 444 exp, 6 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 83 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 63551 exp, 3575 kill, 56176 pp Average: 766 exp, 43 kill, 677 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Croatia has 126 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 37
Tank : 11
Recon : 8
Anti-Tank : 13
Flak : 11
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 18
Air-Defence : 5
Fighter : 8
Dive Bomber : 7
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 2
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory

First i sell max fuel from moag and my temp bridge inf. 2623 pp. I add recon att to my schnellboot and fast speed to my sub.
Upgrate 2 fighters to carrier fighters and my 2 marrines to Küstenjäger with Krupp L2H43 transport. Also upgrate Fj Flak (free).
Sell fast speed from my 2 bridge recons and i have 924 pp. I was thinking to buy att's but who knows, maybe i want to buy something during battle.
Finaly i buy 1 more Schnellboot with recon att and special munition because i am afraid enemy subs.

As ancient Greeks said the beginning is half of the whole.
Thanks to my carrier, i destroy at the air defence and 2 enemy aircrafts, so my paras can easy land at the right place.
I had to attack with all my recon TB to enemy AD (2 of them really hit bad) but that was my plan.
It is important my paras to clear Gozo and then go to main island without many looses.
I was aggresive at east with my big ships and the Italian, but i had to send to death the Italiens. 1 of my fighter almost shoot down by an enemy Flak.
As Gozo has a lot of bunkers and canons, when the paras kill the moving units, i send my unexp tank and my unecp recon there for training. I also send there my healer unit.
At Malta when the big canons destroyed, i move all my naval tpt units. Then was easy. My Küstenjäger are simply the best. Ibuy (and train) and 1 new fighter.
Thankfully i don't shoot the last canon at Gozo.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\EFILE_ATOMIC\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
Campaign score: 732 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Operation Herkules, VH prestige is 440 , All map prestige is: 900
Army cost: 57402 , Current prestige is 978
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1470
if BV: +500, Tunisia Counterattack , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Tunisia Counterattack , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 280
if TV: +500, Tunisia Counterattack , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 360
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 360

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 45 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+6 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 988 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Extended Front , 55 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 825 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 56 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+27 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 776 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 59 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+12 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 372 pp - U:025 [+1 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 504 pp - U:026
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+22 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 734 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+16 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+16 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+2 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 47 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+5 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 825 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 76 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+23 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 49 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+34 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 52 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+29 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 26 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+31 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+11 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+7 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 2993 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 416 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+44 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 194 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+22 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1348 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 198 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+2 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1062 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 122 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1095 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 144 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+32 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 587 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+18 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 1500 pp - U:076
PzKpfw IVH , , 3 bars , 395 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+203 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+8 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 62 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 713 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 588 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 2 bars , 297 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+89 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 903 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 57 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 879 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwatch , 47 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+14 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052
GebJg 37mm Pak 36 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 252 pp - U:056 [+20 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:075

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1082 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 29 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+19 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 802 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 396 pp - U:048
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 547 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014 [+4 exp]

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1242 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 26 kill , 912 pp - U:007
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 860 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 962 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 84 kill , 600 pp - U:009
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+32 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 957 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 63 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+2 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 871 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+5 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 602 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 586 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+4 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 646 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+3 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+12 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 2556 pp - U:058
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+73 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 487 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+2 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 14 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+2 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1239 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 77 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+28 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1275 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 94 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+24 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1008 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 104 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+31 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 950 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 89 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+27 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 39 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+28 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 31 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+20 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 684 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 26 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+25 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 664 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 19 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+35 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 3 bars , 310 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+185 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1218 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+28 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1254 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+23 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+32 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 778 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 12 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+38 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+30 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 513 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 1 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+66 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 4 bars , 459 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 3 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+108 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 768 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+33 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1043 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 49 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+34 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 934 exp , Germany , 5/12 , Recon, 52 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+20 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 3 bars , 372 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, Special Munition, 0 kill , 270 pp - U:083 [+247 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+27 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+13 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 3 bars , 395 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+31 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 494 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 7 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+50 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1436 TNK:287 RCN:236 AT:285 FLAK:187 FORT:372 ATY:450 AD:225 FTR:182 TB:137 LB:2 SUB:48 DD:98 BS:40 CV:2 Total: 3987
Lost : INF:138 TNK:6 RCN:21 AT:14 FLAK:26 FORT:14 ATY:22 AD:7 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:17 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 282

BV 7
V 0
TV 31
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 14863 exp, 899 kill, 9235 pp Average: 782 exp, 47 kill, 486 pp
Tank * 8 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 9357 exp, 1182 kill, 7038 pp Average: 1170 exp, 148 kill, 880 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4658 exp, 156 kill, 4860 pp Average: 665 exp, 22 kill, 694 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4297 exp, 168 kill, 3444 pp Average: 716 exp, 28 kill, 574 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3646 exp, 113 kill, 1896 pp Average: 729 exp, 23 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9333 exp, 298 kill, 10656 pp Average: 778 exp, 25 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 988 exp, 30 kill, 1824 pp Average: 494 exp, 15 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 9 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 7581 exp, 480 kill, 7284 pp Average: 842 exp, 53 kill, 809 pp
Dive Bomber * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 5532 exp, 128 kill, 4122 pp Average: 790 exp, 18 kill, 589 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 768 exp, 31 kill, 555 pp Average: 768 exp, 31 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2349 exp, 101 kill, 848 pp Average: 783 exp, 34 kill, 283 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1313 exp, 85 kill, 2628 pp Average: 657 exp, 43 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 395 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 395 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 494 exp, 7 kill, 1440 pp Average: 494 exp, 7 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 84 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 65779 exp, 3687 kill, 57402 pp Average: 783 exp, 44 kill, 683 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 86 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 19
Tank : 8
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 6
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 9
Dive Bomber : 7
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 4
Capitol Ship : 3
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom has 1 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory

I upgrate my GebrAt to range 2 and buy a tank killer TB.
The battle was harder than last time. Enemy had more tanks and was a battle that i really like (defend at the begin and then attack). At the end had ime to train new units.
Great choice of enemies, great map.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 744 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Tunisia Counterattack, VH prestige is 220 , All map prestige is: 500
Army cost: 58410 , Current prestige is 1434
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 22
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1057
if BV: +500, Siege of Tobruk '43 , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Siege of Tobruk '43 , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 480
if TV: +500, Siege of Tobruk '43 , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 560
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 560

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 832 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 45 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+6 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1006 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Extended Front , 57 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 832 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 468 pp - U:011
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 776 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 540 pp - U:021
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 372 pp - U:024 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 372 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 57 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+8 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 64 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+16 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+6 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 790 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+4 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+14 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 829 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 48 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+6 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 840 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 77 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+15 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 588 pp - U:042
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 52 kill , 547 pp - U:045
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 703 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+1 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 24 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+16 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 585 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 22 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+10 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3078 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 436 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+85 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1411 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 209 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+93 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1397 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 207 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+49 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1127 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 129 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+65 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1157 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 154 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+62 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 55 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+36 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+72 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+110 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 782 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+9 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 886 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 63 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 720 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 804 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 603 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 628 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 3 bars , 363 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+66 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 909 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 59 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 48 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+16 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+10 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 22 kill , 432 pp - U:056 [+14 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 660 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+17 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 544 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+19 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1082 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 408 pp - U:016
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 37 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 561 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+14 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1263 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+21 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 872 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+12 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Devastating Fire , 85 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+11 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 934 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+7 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 980 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 63 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+23 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+14 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+17 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+11 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 658 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+12 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+8 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+11 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 518 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+9 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 519 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+32 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 521 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 14 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+20 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1254 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 79 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+15 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1307 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 95 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+32 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1026 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 106 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+18 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 91 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+26 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 780 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 41 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+19 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+32 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 28 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+18 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 20 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+41 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 4 bars , 404 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 2 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+94 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1250 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 35 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+32 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1270 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+16 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 799 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-5 (CV), , 5 bars , 801 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 12 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+23 exp]
Ju 87T-2 (CV), , 5 bars , 548 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+15 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 528 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 1 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+15 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 507 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+48 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 3 bars , 300 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 828 pp - U:273 [+170 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+9 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1061 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 50 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+18 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 953 exp , Germany , 6/12 , Recon, 53 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+19 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, Special Munition, 1 kill , 270 pp - U:083 [+62 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 717 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+10 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+10 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:2/3), , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+39 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 9/12 , 9 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+31 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1482 TNK:314 RCN:246 AT:291 FLAK:190 FORT:380 ATY:468 AD:234 FTR:193 TB:140 LB:2 SUB:50 DD:102 BS:46 CV:2 Total: 4140
Lost : INF:140 TNK:7 RCN:21 AT:15 FLAK:27 FORT:14 ATY:23 AD:8 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:17 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 289

BV 7
V 0
TV 32
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 14999 exp, 909 kill, 9235 pp Average: 789 exp, 48 kill, 486 pp
Tank * 8 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 9929 exp, 1278 kill, 7038 pp Average: 1241 exp, 160 kill, 880 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4786 exp, 158 kill, 4860 pp Average: 684 exp, 23 kill, 694 pp
Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4379 exp, 172 kill, 3624 pp Average: 730 exp, 29 kill, 604 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3692 exp, 120 kill, 1896 pp Average: 738 exp, 24 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9489 exp, 301 kill, 10656 pp Average: 791 exp, 25 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1040 exp, 30 kill, 1824 pp Average: 520 exp, 15 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 9 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 7876 exp, 495 kill, 7284 pp Average: 875 exp, 55 kill, 809 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6003 exp, 135 kill, 4950 pp Average: 750 exp, 17 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 777 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp Average: 777 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2448 exp, 104 kill, 848 pp Average: 816 exp, 35 kill, 283 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1333 exp, 85 kill, 2628 pp Average: 667 exp, 43 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 434 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 434 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 525 exp, 9 kill, 1440 pp Average: 525 exp, 9 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 85 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 67915 exp, 3839 kill, 58410 pp Average: 799 exp, 45 kill, 687 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 116 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 28
Tank : 10
Recon : 8
Anti-Tank : 7
Flak : 6
Fortification : 14
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 4
Fighter : 9
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, USA, Free French Forces, New Zealand has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory

I buy 2 AT with inf (great units, they have E ability) and add some att. I had to replay this because enemy naval force kicked my ass.
I did not remember this or maybe randowe add more enemy ships. What a nice battle, i could train my forces better at the end. I also had problems with enemy airforce.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 756 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Siege of Tobruk '43, VH prestige is 280 , All map prestige is: 600
Army cost: 60330 , Current prestige is 1254
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1531
if BV: +500, Race to Sidi Barrani , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Race to Sidi Barrani , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 520
if TV: +500, Race to Sidi Barrani , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 640
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 640

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 47 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+7 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1042 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , 57 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+36 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 854 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 57 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+22 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 50 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+8 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 63 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+18 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 43 kill , 465 pp - U:024 [+14 exp]
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 44 kill , 465 pp - U:025 [+16 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 863 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 58 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+27 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 878 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 66 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+20 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 769 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 45 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+29 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 816 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+26 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+31 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 49 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+14 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 80 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+9 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+17 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 53 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+29 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+5 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 27 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+17 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+8 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3392 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 484 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+314 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1512 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 228 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+101 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1448 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 217 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+51 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1151 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 134 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+24 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1240 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 169 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+83 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 658 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 60 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+35 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 62 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+24 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 561 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 35 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+56 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 783 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+1 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 904 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 64 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 726 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+27 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+142 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 925 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 60 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 909 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+14 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 740 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+21 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 540 pp - U:056 [+20 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+10 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 563 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+19 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 3 bars , 308 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 2 kill , 720 pp - U:290 [+178 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 3 bars , 323 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 720 pp - U:291 [+193 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1101 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+19 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 18 kill , 375 pp - U:037 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 38 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 589 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+13 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1327 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+64 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+23 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 988 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 85 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+15 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 950 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+16 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+11 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 911 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+26 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+12 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 605 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+8 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+15 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+24 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+15 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+8 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+11 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+15 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1290 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , 79 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+36 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1337 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , 99 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+30 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1048 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 111 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+22 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 989 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 94 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+13 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 804 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 42 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+24 exp]
Bf 109T-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 35 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+10 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+12 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+36 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 4 bars , 494 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 2 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+90 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1266 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 36 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+16 exp]
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1288 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+18 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 817 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 33 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+18 exp]
Ar 196A-5 (CV), , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 13 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+25 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 13 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+17 exp]
Ar 196A-5 (CV), , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 3 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+22 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 524 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 5 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+17 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 4 bars , 452 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 4 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+152 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+16 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1087 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 51 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+26 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 985 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 53 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+32 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, Special Munition, 2 kill , 270 pp - U:083 [+103 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+24 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 636 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 32 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+20 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:3/3), , 4 bars , 462 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 7 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+28 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 546 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 10 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+21 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1515 TNK:319 RCN:253 AT:294 FLAK:193 FORT:479 ATY:484 AD:246 FTR:202 TB:145 LB:2 SUB:52 DD:104 BS:49 CV:2 Total: 4339
Lost : INF:140 TNK:7 RCN:21 AT:15 FLAK:27 FORT:14 ATY:23 AD:8 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:17 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 289

BV 7
V 0
TV 33
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 15352 exp, 936 kill, 9532 pp Average: 808 exp, 49 kill, 502 pp
Tank * 8 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 10617 exp, 1389 kill, 7038 pp Average: 1327 exp, 174 kill, 880 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5002 exp, 162 kill, 4860 pp Average: 715 exp, 23 kill, 694 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5110 exp, 181 kill, 5172 pp Average: 639 exp, 23 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3758 exp, 126 kill, 1971 pp Average: 752 exp, 25 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9726 exp, 304 kill, 10656 pp Average: 811 exp, 25 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1066 exp, 35 kill, 1824 pp Average: 533 exp, 18 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 9 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8149 exp, 516 kill, 7284 pp Average: 905 exp, 57 kill, 809 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6288 exp, 145 kill, 4950 pp Average: 786 exp, 18 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 793 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp Average: 793 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2609 exp, 106 kill, 848 pp Average: 870 exp, 35 kill, 283 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1377 exp, 85 kill, 2628 pp Average: 689 exp, 43 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 462 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp Average: 462 exp, 7 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 546 exp, 10 kill, 1440 pp Average: 546 exp, 10 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 87 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 71060 exp, 4038 kill, 60330 pp Average: 817 exp, 46 kill, 693 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 93 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 22
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 13
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 9
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory

Sell some att and buy 1 fighter and 1 tank, both with special munition.
By far the easiest battle so far.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 768 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Race to Sidi Barrani, VH prestige is 260 , All map prestige is: 400
Army cost: 62058 , Current prestige is 706
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1530
if BV: +500, Battle of El Alamein , cap disabled, 10 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of El Alamein , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 240
if TV: +500, Battle of Rhodes , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 280
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 280

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 47 kill , 204 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1042 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 57 kill , 516 pp - U:005
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 57 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+6 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 63 kill , 540 pp - U:021
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 372 pp - U:024
Gebirgsjäger 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 44 kill , 372 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+10 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 893 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 68 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+15 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 769 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 45 kill , 552 pp - U:028
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 816 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 44 kill , 552 pp - U:029
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 360 pp - U:031
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 864 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 82 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+15 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 855 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 51 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 953 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 55 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+10 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 28 kill , 444 pp - U:063
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 648 pp - U:069
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+4 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3489 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 504 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+97 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 235 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+24 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1456 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 217 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+8 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1151 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 134 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1240 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 169 kill , 990 pp - U:060
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 658 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 60 kill , 648 pp - U:074
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 68 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+34 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 561 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 3 bars , 305 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Special Munition, 9 kill , 855 pp - U:177 [+170 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 915 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 64 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 834 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+22 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:082

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 62 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 909 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+9 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 540 pp - U:056
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+4 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 3 bars , 385 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 2 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+77 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 4 bars , 409 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+86 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1106 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+5 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 18 kill , 375 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 39 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 596 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1336 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+9 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 905 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+10 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 988 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 85 kill , 600 pp - U:009
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 957 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+7 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 911 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 605 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+6 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:077

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1294 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 80 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+4 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1341 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , 99 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+4 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1066 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 112 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+18 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1005 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 96 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+16 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 45 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+8 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 684 pp - U:066 [+17 exp]
Bf 109T-1 , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 684 pp - U:068 [+8 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 759 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 24 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+18 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 511 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+17 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 3 bars , 370 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Special Munition, 0 kill , 1170 pp - U:176 [+235 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1275 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 36 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+9 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1310 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+22 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+14 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 845 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 13 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+19 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 571 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+6 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 558 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 3 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+8 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 535 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+11 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+57 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1091 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 52 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+4 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 985 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 53 kill , 233 pp - U:002
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, Special Munition, 2 kill , 270 pp - U:083 [+23 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 743 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 53 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+2 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+1 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 4 bars , 469 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+7 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 549 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 10 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+3 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1538 TNK:326 RCN:258 AT:299 FLAK:198 FORT:495 ATY:491 AD:252 FTR:205 TB:148 LB:2 SUB:54 DD:106 BS:50 CV:2 Total: 4424
Lost : INF:140 TNK:7 RCN:21 AT:15 FLAK:27 FORT:14 ATY:23 AD:8 FTR:6 TB:6 DD:17 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 289

BV 7
V 0
TV 34
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 15431 exp, 948 kill, 9235 pp Average: 812 exp, 50 kill, 486 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 11085 exp, 1431 kill, 7893 pp Average: 1232 exp, 159 kill, 877 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5057 exp, 164 kill, 4860 pp Average: 722 exp, 23 kill, 694 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5304 exp, 188 kill, 5172 pp Average: 663 exp, 24 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3781 exp, 129 kill, 1971 pp Average: 756 exp, 26 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9758 exp, 304 kill, 10656 pp Average: 813 exp, 25 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1066 exp, 35 kill, 1824 pp Average: 533 exp, 18 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8629 exp, 529 kill, 8454 pp Average: 863 exp, 53 kill, 845 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6434 exp, 149 kill, 4950 pp Average: 804 exp, 19 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 793 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp Average: 793 exp, 34 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2636 exp, 107 kill, 848 pp Average: 879 exp, 36 kill, 283 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1380 exp, 85 kill, 2628 pp Average: 690 exp, 43 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 469 exp, 8 kill, 1092 pp Average: 469 exp, 8 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 549 exp, 10 kill, 1440 pp Average: 549 exp, 10 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 72577 exp, 4123 kill, 62058 pp Average: 815 exp, 46 kill, 697 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 91 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 21
Tank : 9
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 10
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Last edited by Dimitris GR on 2022-12-30 12:31, Friday, edited 1 time in total.
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory

As i can't buy new units, i upgrate my 2 Gebirgsjäger to Küstenjäger (keep the mules). I also sell some att and upgrate my 2 old carrier fighters from T-1 to C-1 and add fast built to my Fallschirmpioniere.
Great job by randowe, i enjoy this more than my scenario. At the end i almost loose 1 VH but my Küstenjäger had no problems.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
Campaign score: 816 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Battle of Rhodes, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 62217 , Current prestige is 239
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 17
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1472
if BV: +200, Battle of El Alamein , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if V : +200, Battle of El Alamein , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
if TV: +200, Battle of El Alamein , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 200
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 200

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 47 kill , 204 pp - U:004 [+3 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1062 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 59 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+20 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 872 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 58 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+6 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 55 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+8 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Fast Builder, 63 kill , 810 pp - U:021 [+9 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 728 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 45 kill , 528 pp - U:024 [+12 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 46 kill , 528 pp - U:025 [+6 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:026
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 893 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 504 pp - U:027
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 776 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+7 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+28 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 360 pp - U:031
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 878 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 84 kill , 588 pp - U:041 [+14 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 871 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 56 kill , 588 pp - U:042 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 968 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 56 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+15 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 29 kill , 444 pp - U:063 [+4 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 648 pp - U:069
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 648 pp - U:072

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 512 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+64 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 235 kill , 1500 pp - U:032
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1456 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 217 kill , 648 pp - U:036
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1151 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 134 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1240 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 169 kill , 792 pp - U:060
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 658 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 60 kill , 648 pp - U:074
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 1500 pp - U:076
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 561 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 3 bars , 392 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+87 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+1 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 959 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 67 kill , 420 pp - U:015 [+44 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 834 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:047
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:082

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 954 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 909 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 676 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 432 pp - U:056 [+4 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 567 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 4 bars , 431 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+46 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 4 bars , 436 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+27 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1119 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+13 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 300 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 677 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 39 kill , 396 pp - U:048
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 596 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1336 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 905 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 988 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 85 kill , 600 pp - U:009
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 967 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+10 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 916 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+5 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 605 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1368 pp - U:054
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+4 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+15 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1308 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 80 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+14 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1349 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 102 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+8 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1083 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 116 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+17 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1023 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 99 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+18 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 838 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 47 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+26 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 766 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 41 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+17 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 36 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+10 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 26 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+15 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+30 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 4 bars , 441 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 0 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+71 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1297 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 37 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1320 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+10 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+17 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 13 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+7 exp]
Ju 87T-2 (CV), , 5 bars , 591 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+20 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 571 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 3 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+13 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+10 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+24 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 35 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+4 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1105 exp , Germany , 7/12 , 54 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+14 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 11/12 , Recon, 56 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+43 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 3 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+15 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 55 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+9 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 32 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+8 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:1/3), , 4 bars , 478 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+9 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 11 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+16 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1592 TNK:328 RCN:262 AT:302 FLAK:207 FORT:495 ATY:503 AD:252 FTR:212 TB:153 LB:2 SUB:56 DD:112 BS:55 CV:2 Total: 4533
Lost : INF:150 TNK:7 RCN:23 AT:16 FLAK:29 FORT:15 ATY:27 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 312

BV 8
V 0
TV 34
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 15579 exp, 973 kill, 9817 pp Average: 820 exp, 51 kill, 517 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 11236 exp, 1445 kill, 7524 pp Average: 1248 exp, 161 kill, 836 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5102 exp, 167 kill, 4860 pp Average: 729 exp, 24 kill, 694 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5392 exp, 193 kill, 5064 pp Average: 674 exp, 24 kill, 633 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3794 exp, 132 kill, 1896 pp Average: 759 exp, 26 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9792 exp, 309 kill, 10656 pp Average: 816 exp, 26 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1066 exp, 35 kill, 1824 pp Average: 533 exp, 18 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8855 exp, 554 kill, 8628 pp Average: 886 exp, 55 kill, 863 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6557 exp, 155 kill, 4950 pp Average: 820 exp, 19 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 797 exp, 35 kill, 555 pp Average: 797 exp, 35 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2708 exp, 113 kill, 803 pp Average: 903 exp, 38 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1397 exp, 87 kill, 2628 pp Average: 699 exp, 44 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 478 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp Average: 478 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 565 exp, 11 kill, 1440 pp Average: 565 exp, 11 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 73523 exp, 4221 kill, 62217 pp Average: 826 exp, 47 kill, 699 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 114 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 22
Tank : 11
Recon : 10
Anti-Tank : 9
Flak : 7
Fortification : 6
Artillery : 15
Air-Defence : 3
Fighter : 11
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 2
Destroyer : 6
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Greece has 1 units total (core+aux):
Submarine : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory

At HQ i just buy some att.
First 1-2 rounds was a massacre for enemy units. Only at south with the Italiens, enemy was not like sheep to the slaughter.
But.....i had to wait more. I thought that enemy had less units. Enemy had great leaders and some units had great support. Only thanks to my airforce i did not loose core units.
I don't know why i do this.... Anyway, it was another epic battle.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 828 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Battle of El Alamein, VH prestige is 280 , All map prestige is: 400
Army cost: 62631 , Current prestige is 985
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1148
if BV: +500, Battle of Siwa Oasis , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Battle of Siwa Oasis , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 480
if TV: +500, Battle of Siwa Oasis , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 560
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 560

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 47 kill , 204 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1079 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , 61 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+17 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 882 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 59 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+10 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 869 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 55 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+3 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 805 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 63 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+2 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 528 pp - U:024 [+8 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 757 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 528 pp - U:025 [+13 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 879 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+6 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 912 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 69 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+19 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 783 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+7 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 845 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+1 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+7 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 847 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 50 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+4 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 887 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Entrench, 84 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+9 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 876 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 58 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+5 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 987 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 57 kill , 547 pp - U:045 [+19 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 444 pp - U:063
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+5 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+9 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3626 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 527 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+73 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 250 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+84 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1519 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 229 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+63 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1151 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 134 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1261 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 171 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+21 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 69 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+51 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 79 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+60 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 45 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+68 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 502 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 31 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+110 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:003
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 970 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 68 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 737 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 511 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 2 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+6 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 963 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 53 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+14 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+18 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 688 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 24 kill , 540 pp - U:056 [+12 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+3 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 578 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+11 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 4 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+74 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 9 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+73 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1123 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 36 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+4 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 829 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 39 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+13 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 591 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+17 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1353 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+17 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 908 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+3 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1002 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 89 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+14 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+9 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1003 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 65 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+12 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+1 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 634 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 611 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+6 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 681 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+8 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+9 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+5 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+9 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 532 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+2 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+2 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1348 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , 80 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+40 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1377 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , 104 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+28 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1106 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 119 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+23 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1040 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 103 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+17 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 862 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+24 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 776 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 46 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+10 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 38 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+28 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 27 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+12 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 9 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+19 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 0 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+60 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1319 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 38 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+22 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 879 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 36 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+31 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 878 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 15 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+26 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 603 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+12 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 587 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+16 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 558 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+13 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 6 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+22 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+6 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1157 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 54 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+52 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1040 exp , Germany , 9/12 , Recon, 57 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+12 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+32 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 58 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+13 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+12 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 10 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+25 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 13 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+27 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1643 TNK:357 RCN:270 AT:313 FLAK:214 FORT:495 ATY:520 AD:266 FTR:221 TB:160 LB:2 SUB:58 DD:117 BS:59 CV:2 Total: 4697
Lost : INF:150 TNK:9 RCN:25 AT:16 FLAK:30 FORT:17 ATY:27 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 319

BV 8
V 0
TV 35
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 15723 exp, 986 kill, 9841 pp Average: 828 exp, 52 kill, 518 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 11766 exp, 1535 kill, 7722 pp Average: 1307 exp, 171 kill, 858 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5159 exp, 168 kill, 4944 pp Average: 737 exp, 24 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5606 exp, 200 kill, 5172 pp Average: 701 exp, 25 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3832 exp, 133 kill, 1896 pp Average: 766 exp, 27 kill, 379 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9888 exp, 316 kill, 10656 pp Average: 824 exp, 26 kill, 888 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1070 exp, 35 kill, 1824 pp Average: 535 exp, 18 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9116 exp, 576 kill, 8628 pp Average: 912 exp, 58 kill, 863 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6721 exp, 161 kill, 4950 pp Average: 840 exp, 20 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp Average: 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2804 exp, 115 kill, 803 pp Average: 935 exp, 38 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1422 exp, 91 kill, 2628 pp Average: 711 exp, 46 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 503 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp Average: 503 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 592 exp, 13 kill, 1440 pp Average: 592 exp, 13 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 75210 exp, 4378 kill, 62631 pp Average: 845 exp, 49 kill, 704 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 114 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 26
Tank : 9
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 9
Flak : 7
Fortification : 14
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 10
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Greece has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:21, Friday I don't know why i do this....
What do you mean?
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory

All my 89 units (except healer) are full exp. I am thinking to add again only att, but i also think i have to buy more units for training.
I add fast built to my panzerpioniere to repair the near airfield (last time i had problems to resuply my aircrafts), and a few more att's.
So nice battle, i enjoy it.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
Campaign score: 837 * Average: 19

Current scenario: Battle of Siwa Oasis, VH prestige is 100 , All map prestige is: 100
Army cost: 64111 , Current prestige is 745
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 22
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1486
if BV: +500, Battle of Alexandria , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Battle of Alexandria , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 520
if TV: +500, Battle of Alexandria , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 640
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 640

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 47 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+10 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1097 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 64 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 886 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Entrench, 59 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 55 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+5 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 810 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 63 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+5 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 46 kill , 660 pp - U:024
Küstenjäger 43 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 757 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 660 pp - U:025
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 888 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 60 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+9 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 70 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+17 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 783 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:028
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 845 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:029
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:030
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 51 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+1 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 897 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 84 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 59 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+9 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1000 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Fast Entrench, 59 kill , 683 pp - U:045 [+13 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 29 kill , 555 pp - U:063
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 32 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+9 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 29 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+27 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 3805 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 556 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+179 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1712 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 265 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+92 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1536 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 232 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+17 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1172 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 136 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+21 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1271 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 172 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+10 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 70 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+12 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 79 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+2 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+6 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+7 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 806 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 980 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 68 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 757 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 639 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+6 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+35 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+19 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 975 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 53 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+6 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 768 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+1 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 688 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 24 kill , 540 pp - U:056
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+7 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+1 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 515 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+10 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 518 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+9 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1132 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 37 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+9 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 829 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 19 kill , 375 pp - U:037
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 692 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 39 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 596 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+5 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1355 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+2 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 910 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+2 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1002 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 89 kill , 600 pp - U:009
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 988 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+12 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1003 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 65 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+7 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 613 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+2 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+9 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+2 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+2 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 550 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 540 pp - U:077

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 532 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 16 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1388 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , 80 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+40 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1393 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , 107 kill , 672 pp - U:020 [+16 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1131 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 121 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+25 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1055 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 106 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+15 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 52 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+19 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 49 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+21 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 788 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 41 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+28 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 28 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+17 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 583 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+23 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 517 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+16 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1342 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+23 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1360 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 39 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+18 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 36 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+16 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 916 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 16 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+38 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+17 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+7 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 575 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+20 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1157 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 54 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1040 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 57 kill , 233 pp - U:002
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 4 kill , 225 pp - U:083

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 58 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 13 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1681 TNK:384 RCN:282 AT:318 FLAK:222 FORT:495 ATY:533 AD:271 FTR:226 TB:164 LB:2 SUB:58 DD:117 BS:59 CV:2 Total: 4814
Lost : INF:158 TNK:10 RCN:26 AT:17 FLAK:32 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 334

BV 8
V 0
TV 36
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 15860 exp, 1003 kill, 11030 pp Average: 835 exp, 53 kill, 581 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 12112 exp, 1589 kill, 7722 pp Average: 1346 exp, 177 kill, 858 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5269 exp, 172 kill, 4944 pp Average: 753 exp, 25 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5652 exp, 202 kill, 5172 pp Average: 707 exp, 25 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3865 exp, 136 kill, 1971 pp Average: 773 exp, 27 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9926 exp, 318 kill, 10872 pp Average: 827 exp, 27 kill, 906 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1070 exp, 35 kill, 1824 pp Average: 535 exp, 18 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9336 exp, 595 kill, 8628 pp Average: 934 exp, 60 kill, 863 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 6882 exp, 170 kill, 4950 pp Average: 860 exp, 21 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp Average: 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2804 exp, 115 kill, 803 pp Average: 935 exp, 38 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1422 exp, 91 kill, 2628 pp Average: 711 exp, 46 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 503 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp Average: 503 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 592 exp, 13 kill, 1440 pp Average: 592 exp, 13 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 76301 exp, 4488 kill, 64111 pp Average: 857 exp, 50 kill, 720 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 98 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 9
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 13
Air-Defence : 3
Fighter : 10
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, South Africa has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

randowe wrote: 2022-12-30 21:23, Friday
Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:21, Friday I don't know why i do this....
What do you mean?
That i don't wait more :lol :lol :lol
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:24, Friday
randowe wrote: 2022-12-30 21:23, Friday
Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:21, Friday I don't know why i do this....
What do you mean?
That i don't wait more :lol :lol :lol
I understand :lol :lol

If you can not decide which unit to buy, i'd suggest a tank :lol You will need tanks later when the enemy also has range-2 tanks.
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory

Just add some att. I had no problems with trafic because i send my Küstenjäger by sea and take action only when enemy ships are killed (the most of them).
So before Alexandria most of my units go to east. What else, 5 star battle again.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OPENGEN\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 849 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of Alexandria, VH prestige is 440 , All map prestige is: 900
Army cost: 64063 , Current prestige is 2623
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1473
if BV: +500, The Suez Canal , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 300
if V : +500, The Suez Canal , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 400
if TV: +500, The Suez Canal , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 500

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 865 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+13 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1110 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 64 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 894 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 63 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+8 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 56 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 65 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+21 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 748 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+12 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+14 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 898 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+10 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 941 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 72 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+12 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 801 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+18 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 856 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+11 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 52 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+24 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 53 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 910 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 85 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+13 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 912 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Entrench, 61 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+27 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1024 exp , Germany , 10/12 , Fast Entrench, 59 kill , 683 pp - U:045 [+24 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 29 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+4 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 675 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 32 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+21 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 651 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 30 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+18 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4046 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 597 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+241 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1797 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 278 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+85 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1576 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 242 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+40 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1172 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 136 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1271 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 172 kill , 990 pp - U:060
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 70 kill , 648 pp - U:074
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 79 kill , 1500 pp - U:076
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:089

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 820 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 999 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 71 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 859 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 28 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 15 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 728 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+23 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 549 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 6 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+19 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 993 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 66 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+18 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 53 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+5 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 25 kill , 540 pp - U:056 [+6 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 520 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 4 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+5 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 12 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+19 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1140 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+8 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 20 kill , 375 pp - U:037 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 695 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 598 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+2 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1364 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+9 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 916 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+6 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1017 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 91 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+15 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1003 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+15 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1017 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 65 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+14 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+10 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 646 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+5 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+6 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+3 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+11 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+9 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 539 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+7 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 17 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+7 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1419 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , 80 kill , 912 pp - U:013 [+31 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1410 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 110 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+17 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1169 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 123 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+38 exp]
Me 155C-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1087 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 109 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+32 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 898 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+17 exp]
Me 155C-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 52 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+26 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 44 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+25 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+33 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+17 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 5 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+23 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1372 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+30 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1398 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 39 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+38 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 920 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+25 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 954 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 19 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+38 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+30 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 642 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 5 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+38 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 580 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+15 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+17 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 803 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1192 exp , Germany , 11/12 , 55 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+35 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1044 exp , Germany , 5/12 , Recon, 57 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+4 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 8 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+30 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+12 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+13 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:2/3), , 5 bars , 506 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+3 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 608 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 16 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+16 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1723 TNK:393 RCN:288 AT:329 FLAK:230 FORT:512 ATY:547 AD:280 FTR:239 TB:170 LB:2 SUB:60 DD:124 BS:63 CV:2 Total: 4962
Lost : INF:158 TNK:10 RCN:26 AT:17 FLAK:32 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 336

BV 8
V 0
TV 37
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 16140 exp, 1024 kill, 10814 pp Average: 849 exp, 54 kill, 569 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 12478 exp, 1653 kill, 7722 pp Average: 1386 exp, 184 kill, 858 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5372 exp, 179 kill, 4944 pp Average: 767 exp, 26 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5705 exp, 207 kill, 5172 pp Average: 713 exp, 26 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3888 exp, 138 kill, 1971 pp Average: 778 exp, 28 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10029 exp, 321 kill, 10872 pp Average: 836 exp, 27 kill, 906 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1084 exp, 37 kill, 1824 pp Average: 542 exp, 19 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9595 exp, 621 kill, 8796 pp Average: 960 exp, 62 kill, 880 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 7113 exp, 177 kill, 4950 pp Average: 889 exp, 22 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp Average: 803 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2873 exp, 120 kill, 803 pp Average: 958 exp, 40 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1447 exp, 94 kill, 2628 pp Average: 724 exp, 47 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 506 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp Average: 506 exp, 10 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 608 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp Average: 608 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 77846 exp, 4636 kill, 64063 pp Average: 875 exp, 52 kill, 720 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 89 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 19
Tank : 9
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 10
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, Australia, British India, Kingdom of Egypt has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Last edited by Dimitris GR on 2022-12-30 23:42, Friday, edited 1 time in total.
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

randowe wrote: 2022-12-30 21:29, Friday
Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:24, Friday
randowe wrote: 2022-12-30 21:23, Friday

What do you mean?
That i don't wait more :lol :lol :lol
I understand :lol :lol

If you can not decide which unit to buy, i'd suggest a tank :lol You will need tanks later when the enemy also has range-2 tanks.
I know that, but as i have Tigers i am not afraid ( i ll buy more, for sure, but only expenscive)
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory

Again add just att (this time to MOAG again fuel).
Great battle, i remember that whell, so most of my units to mainland, some special units to coastline with MOAG, my 4 Küstenjäger by naval tpt and all my airforce.
Really hard, but still some of my units did not fire a shot.
At the end i enjoy that i attack from the east and from the canal.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 861 * Average: 18

Current scenario: The Suez Canal, VH prestige is 340 , All map prestige is: 800
Army cost: 64674 , Current prestige is 3912
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1058
if BV: +500, Steppe Blitz , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Steppe Blitz , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 500
if TV: +500, Steppe Blitz , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 600
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 600

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 865 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 255 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1125 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 65 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 901 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Fast Entrench, 64 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 902 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 57 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+21 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 68 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+17 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 46 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+22 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 799 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 52 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+28 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 912 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+14 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 941 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 72 kill , 504 pp - U:027
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 816 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+15 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 868 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 49 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+12 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 809 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 54 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+11 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 863 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 54 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+5 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Entrench, 88 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+33 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 63 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+20 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1051 exp , Germany , 5/12 , Fast Entrench, 60 kill , 683 pp - U:045 [+27 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+6 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 33 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+19 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 656 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 32 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+5 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4173 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 620 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+127 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1887 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwatch , 296 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+90 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1582 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 244 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+6 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1172 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 136 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1271 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 172 kill , 990 pp - U:060
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 70 kill , 648 pp - U:074
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 81 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+13 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 509 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:089

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 29 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1014 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 73 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 25 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+17 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 869 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+4 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1010 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+17 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 53 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 778 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+5 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 711 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 25 kill , 540 pp - U:056 [+17 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 534 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+14 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 720 pp - U:087

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1172 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 37 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+32 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 853 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 375 pp - U:037 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 718 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+23 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+8 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1379 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+15 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 924 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 20 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+8 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1024 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 93 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+7 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1023 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+20 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1024 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 66 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+7 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 948 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+21 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+11 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+4 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 701 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+8 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+5 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fuel Pods, 16 kill , 2939 pp - U:058 [+11 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+15 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 21 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+1 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 547 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 17 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+2 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1449 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 84 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+30 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1451 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 112 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+41 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1196 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 125 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+27 exp]
Me 155C-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1105 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 114 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+18 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 915 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 57 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+17 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 835 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 56 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+12 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+18 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 869 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 33 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+33 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+29 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 563 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+23 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1401 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+29 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1453 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+55 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 954 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 38 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+34 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+44 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 670 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+15 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+43 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+38 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 615 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+23 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+5 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1255 exp , Germany , 8/12 , 56 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+63 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1068 exp , Germany , 10/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+24 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 10 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+31 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+15 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 687 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+17 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:1/3), , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+16 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 16 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+17 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:1764 TNK:403 RCN:295 AT:341 FLAK:235 FORT:512 ATY:565 AD:291 FTR:248 TB:176 LB:3 SUB:63 DD:131 BS:68 CV:2 Total: 5097
Lost : INF:159 TNK:10 RCN:26 AT:17 FLAK:32 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 337

BV 8
V 0
TV 38
L 0

Infantry * 19 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 16417 exp, 1046 kill, 10814 pp Average: 864 exp, 55 kill, 569 pp
Tank * 9 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 12714 exp, 1698 kill, 7722 pp Average: 1413 exp, 189 kill, 858 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5452 exp, 188 kill, 4944 pp Average: 779 exp, 27 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5758 exp, 209 kill, 5172 pp Average: 720 exp, 26 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3965 exp, 141 kill, 1971 pp Average: 793 exp, 28 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10161 exp, 326 kill, 11255 pp Average: 847 exp, 27 kill, 938 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1087 exp, 38 kill, 1824 pp Average: 544 exp, 19 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9843 exp, 647 kill, 9024 pp Average: 984 exp, 65 kill, 902 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 7394 exp, 189 kill, 4950 pp Average: 924 exp, 24 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 808 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp Average: 808 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2991 exp, 124 kill, 803 pp Average: 997 exp, 41 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1479 exp, 99 kill, 2628 pp Average: 740 exp, 50 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 625 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp Average: 625 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 89 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 79421 exp, 4771 kill, 64674 pp Average: 892 exp, 54 kill, 727 pp

Player 1 Germany, Italy has 90 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 19
Tank : 9
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 12
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 10
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 2
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, South Africa, Kingdom of Egypt, Australia has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

And now the last battle that i played to my second run. (I ll start now but sure i ll finish this next year)
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2022-12-30 21:41, Friday And now the last battle that i played to my second run. (I ll start now but sure i ll finish this next year)
You played Steppe Blitz? I thought Suez was the last battle of your previous playtest. Anyway, good luck! I hope you like the new scenarios :ihope :cool

[EDIT: i just read in the old thread that you played it :yes ]
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory

So many new units!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tigers, Panthers and so good fighters and TB's.
I have 4412 pp and some att that i can sell. That means i ll spend hours and hours to decide.
I buy 1 new Tiger and 1 AW Fighter (both with special munition). Sell some att and upgrade my 12 sp Fjager to Brandeburgs 43 and my old tank IVE to Panther.
When i started playing and recon the area, i remember that enemy has a lot of entr inf. So: Training.
I restarted and buy 1 Tiger, 1 AW Fighter, sell a lot of of att (and max fuel from MOAG) and buy 2 Hummel with special munition. I upgrade also my 12 sp Fjager to Brandeburg 43.
I ll keep my old IVE tank away from tank battles. The Soviet still is good.
I also remember a lot of enemy tanks from north, so my paras have to wait before they try to capture the far airfields.
My new Kozaken at their first shoot, 72 exp!!!! (Then my healer unit go next to them). As usual, i sacrfice a lot of aux.
The training was good (except my fighter), i should add special munition. Anyway, WHAT A BATTLE, could play forever. Only the last turns had time to destroy the entr inf.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
Campaign score: 872 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Steppe Blitz, VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 700
Army cost: 69165 , Current prestige is 1444
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1529
if BV: +500, Battle of the White Sea , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 400
if V : +500, Battle of the White Sea , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 500
if TV: +500, Battle of the White Sea , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 600
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 600

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+10 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1160 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 66 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+35 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 916 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 66 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+15 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 913 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 61 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 857 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+9 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 47 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+3 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 52 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+14 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 61 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+15 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 76 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+35 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 50 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+10 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 883 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+15 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 58 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+17 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 870 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+7 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 953 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 90 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+10 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 956 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Entrench, 63 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+24 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1070 exp , Germany , 9/12 , Fast Entrench, 62 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+19 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 746 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+24 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 38 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+22 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 683 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 32 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+27 exp]
Kosaken 43 , , 3 bars , 398 exp , Axis Russia , 12/12 , Special Munition, Fast Speed, 3 kill , 387 pp - U:091 [+199 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4271 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 638 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+98 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 1973 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 313 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+86 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1628 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 253 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+46 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1174 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 137 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+2 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1302 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Fast Speed, 173 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+31 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 76 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+40 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 96 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+88 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 51 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+34 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+1 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 3 bars , 378 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 1548 pp - U:278 [+233 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 900 pp - U:003
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1029 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 74 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 673 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 763 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 7 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+24 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1045 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 70 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+35 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 952 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 54 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+23 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+11 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 540 pp - U:056 [+27 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+14 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+20 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 557 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+23 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+15 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1204 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+32 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 375 pp - U:037 [+32 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 730 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 624 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+3 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1402 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+23 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 940 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 21 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+16 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1041 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 93 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+17 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1039 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+16 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1047 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 66 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+23 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 962 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+14 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+11 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 632 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+9 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+18 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+7 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 614 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+8 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 588 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+14 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 3 bars , 319 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 1 kill , 1230 pp - U:280 [+174 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 2 kill , 1230 pp - U:281 [+197 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 22 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+3 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 18 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+7 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1469 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 84 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+20 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1478 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 114 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+27 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 127 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+9 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1138 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 117 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+33 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 61 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+14 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 861 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 58 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+26 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 861 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 52 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+30 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 913 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+44 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 12 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+26 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+19 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 2 bars , 283 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 3 kill , 1056 pp - U:279 [+138 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1423 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+22 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1470 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+17 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 971 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+17 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1015 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 21 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+17 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 688 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+18 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 701 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+16 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+26 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 637 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+22 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 37 kill , 444 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1255 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 56 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1068 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 58 kill , 187 pp - U:002
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 180 pp - U:083

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 687 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 16 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Italy, Slovakia, Axis Russia
Killed: INF:1817 TNK:415 RCN:308 AT:364 FLAK:245 FORT:512 ATY:584 AD:309 FTR:256 TB:183 LB:3 SUB:63 DD:131 BS:68 CV:2 Total: 5260
Lost : INF:167 TNK:12 RCN:28 AT:18 FLAK:33 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 351

BV 8
V 0
TV 39
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 17137 exp, 1081 kill, 10826 pp Average: 857 exp, 54 kill, 541 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 13518 exp, 1784 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1352 exp, 178 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5527 exp, 191 kill, 4944 pp Average: 790 exp, 27 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5926 exp, 215 kill, 5172 pp Average: 741 exp, 27 kill, 647 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4052 exp, 143 kill, 1971 pp Average: 810 exp, 29 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10998 exp, 334 kill, 13332 pp Average: 786 exp, 24 kill, 952 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1097 exp, 40 kill, 1824 pp Average: 549 exp, 20 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 11 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10374 exp, 667 kill, 10080 pp Average: 943 exp, 61 kill, 916 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 7549 exp, 190 kill, 4950 pp Average: 944 exp, 24 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 808 exp, 37 kill, 444 pp Average: 808 exp, 37 kill, 444 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2991 exp, 124 kill, 712 pp Average: 997 exp, 41 kill, 237 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1479 exp, 99 kill, 2628 pp Average: 740 exp, 50 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 625 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp Average: 625 exp, 16 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 94 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 82808 exp, 4934 kill, 69165 pp Average: 881 exp, 52 kill, 736 pp

Player 1 Germany, Romania, Italy, Slovakia, Axis Russia has 103 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 23
Tank : 11
Recon : 8
Anti-Tank : 9
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 16
Air-Defence : 3
Fighter : 11
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

48 Battle of the White Sea , #51

As it is tough terren, i don't upgrate my Kozaken.
I restore att to my ships, buy my 5th carrier deploy fighter with special muntion and AD and add special munition to my unexp AW fighter. I also add AntiTank att to my GebrAT
My plan, my 3 Branderburgs with recon FJ capture the Flag at the North east and then fly to support the other paras that travel to south. I ll try to send some units from swamp. My Küstenjäger by naval transport move to south.
Usualy don;t like the batttles with bad terren. Nut that was so good. I tryed to keep the road clear but had no point as the enemy arty bomb it.
So slow i move south with 2 Tigers and a lot of ATY. Thanks again to my radar cruizer i saw too many enemy subs. A the end i attack from south with paras and Küstenjäger, from east with my ships and from north with my ATY.
Units that stay behind killed a lot of enemy cavalry from west. Again great job by randowe.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
48 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 884 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of the White Sea, VH prestige is 320 , All map prestige is: 700
Army cost: 71071 , Current prestige is 1058
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 22
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1064
if BV: +500, Battle of Arkhangelsk , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 200
if V : +500, Battle of Arkhangelsk , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 260
if TV: +500, Battle of Arkhangelsk , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 320
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 320

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 255 pp - U:004
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1160 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 66 kill , 516 pp - U:005
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 945 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 468 pp - U:010 [+29 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 931 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 64 kill , 468 pp - U:011 [+18 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 868 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 71 kill , 540 pp - U:021 [+11 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+8 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 825 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 53 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+12 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 936 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 64 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+9 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 985 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 77 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+9 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 829 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 52 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+3 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 889 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 52 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+6 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 830 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 59 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+4 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 907 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 56 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+37 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 972 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Entrench, 93 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+19 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 979 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Entrench, 63 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+23 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1095 exp , Germany , 6/12 , Fast Entrench, 65 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+25 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 753 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+7 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 727 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 41 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+11 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 699 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 36 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+16 exp]
Kosaken 43 , , 4 bars , 458 exp , Axis Russia , 10/12 , Special Munition, Fast Speed, 4 kill , 387 pp - U:090 [+60 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4316 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 645 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+45 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 2071 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Overwatch , 328 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+98 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1631 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 253 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+3 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1174 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 137 kill , 468 pp - U:051
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1302 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 173 kill , 990 pp - U:060
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 76 kill , 648 pp - U:074
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 852 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 96 kill , 1500 pp - U:076
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 33 kill , 684 pp - U:089
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 4 bars , 471 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 19 kill , 1548 pp - U:091 [+93 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1033 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 76 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+8 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+4 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1058 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 70 kill , 528 pp - U:022 [+13 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 952 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 54 kill , 816 pp - U:038
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 876 pp - U:052
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 26 kill , 648 pp - U:056 [+9 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 557 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 720 pp - U:086
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 720 pp - U:087

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1221 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+17 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 888 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 22 kill , 375 pp - U:037 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 730 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 624 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1416 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 27 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+14 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 948 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 21 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+8 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1046 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 94 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+5 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1054 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 468 pp - U:017 [+15 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1057 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 68 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+10 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+7 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 632 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:050
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 723 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+4 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+5 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+6 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 417 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 2 kill , 1230 pp - U:093 [+98 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 425 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1230 pp - U:094 [+83 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 548 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+5 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 571 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 18 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+17 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1480 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 86 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+11 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1500 exp , Germany , 5/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 115 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+22 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1238 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 130 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+33 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1161 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 117 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+23 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 941 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 61 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+12 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 881 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 60 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+20 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 878 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 57 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+17 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 930 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 34 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+17 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 667 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+12 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+22 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 4 bars , 425 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1320 pp - U:092 [+142 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 3 bars , 392 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 6 kill , 1332 pp - U:217 [+242 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1464 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+41 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1508 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+38 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 994 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 41 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+23 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1050 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 22 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+35 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 711 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+23 exp]
Ar 196A-5 (CV), , 5 bars , 742 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 6 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+41 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 10 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+13 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 657 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+20 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+4 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1267 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 58 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+12 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1077 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+9 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 680 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 10 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+12 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 807 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+15 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 695 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 39 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+8 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:1/1), , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 17 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+15 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Finland
Killed: INF:1856 TNK:422 RCN:315 AT:374 FLAK:252 FORT:521 ATY:595 AD:317 FTR:261 TB:187 LB:3 SUB:67 DD:136 BS:68 CV:2 Total: 5376
Lost : INF:167 TNK:12 RCN:28 AT:18 FLAK:33 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 351

BV 8
V 0
TV 40
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 17444 exp, 1116 kill, 10826 pp Average: 872 exp, 56 kill, 541 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 13757 exp, 1811 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1376 exp, 181 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5553 exp, 195 kill, 4944 pp Average: 793 exp, 28 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5948 exp, 215 kill, 5280 pp Average: 744 exp, 27 kill, 660 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4072 exp, 144 kill, 1971 pp Average: 814 exp, 29 kill, 394 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11261 exp, 344 kill, 13332 pp Average: 804 exp, 25 kill, 952 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1119 exp, 43 kill, 1824 pp Average: 560 exp, 22 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 12 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 11097 exp, 689 kill, 11676 pp Average: 925 exp, 57 kill, 973 pp
Dive Bomber * 8 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 7783 exp, 199 kill, 4950 pp Average: 973 exp, 25 kill, 619 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 812 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp Average: 812 exp, 37 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3024 exp, 126 kill, 803 pp Average: 1008 exp, 42 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1502 exp, 100 kill, 2628 pp Average: 751 exp, 50 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 522 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 640 exp, 17 kill, 1440 pp Average: 640 exp, 17 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 95 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 84739 exp, 5049 kill, 71071 pp Average: 892 exp, 53 kill, 748 pp

Player 1 Germany, Finland has 99 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 24
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 12
Dive Bomber : 8
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

It is so great when you have all these big maps and you think so much before you make your next move. I wish i could describe it better :cool :cool :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

I know what you mean. It's like chess with 100 figures :lol :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

49 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory

As i saw the map, i decide to buy another carrier deploy fighter (with special munition and AD att). Add att to my paras (sell some att from other units)
I ll try to capture an airfield with my airborn army. I believe with 6 fighters i can also protect my TB recons.
The capture of Talagi airport was an easy job, but then my paras could not go anywhere. All the places had tanks and good support so i had to wait my canons.
I scan all the VH's in case to send my paras, but still could not get a risk. Even at Yagodnik airfield could not land my paras.
Slowly i destroy enemy AD and then was easy. At the end, i buy 1 more TB tank killer and had time to train my unexp units. Very nice battle, hard, enemy was eveywhere.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
48 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory , score:12
49 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 896 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of Arkhangelsk, VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 900
Army cost: 73414 , Current prestige is 615
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 28
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1065
if BV: +500, Battle of Novgorod '43 , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 300
if V : +500, Battle of Novgorod '43 , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 400
if TV: +500, Battle of Novgorod '43 , cap disabled, 28 turns prestige: 500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 500

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 894 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 50 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+19 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1180 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Extended Front , 69 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+20 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 958 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Entrench, 69 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 948 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Entrench, 64 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+17 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 872 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 72 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+4 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 809 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 50 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+28 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 59 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+11 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 957 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+21 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 994 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 78 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+9 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 53 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+10 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 899 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 53 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+10 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 59 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+13 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 907 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 360 pp - U:031
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 95 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+19 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1003 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 65 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+24 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1115 exp , Germany , 10/12 , Fast Entrench, 67 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+20 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 35 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+11 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 732 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+5 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 718 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 36 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+19 exp]
Kosaken 43 , , 5 bars , 508 exp , Axis Russia , 2/12 , Special Munition, Fast Speed, 4 kill , 387 pp - U:090 [+50 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4347 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 651 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+31 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 2073 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 328 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+2 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1650 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 258 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+19 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1180 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 138 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+6 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1317 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 175 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+15 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 77 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+9 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 870 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 100 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+18 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 684 pp - U:081
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 552 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 39 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+42 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 24 kill , 1548 pp - U:091 [+51 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1036 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 76 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:044
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 420 pp - U:070
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 586 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+5 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1078 exp , Germany , 6/10 , AntiTank, Special Munition, 74 kill , 792 pp - U:022 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 56 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+17 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 24 kill , 876 pp - U:052
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 759 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 432 pp - U:056 [+12 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 696 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+2 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+8 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 7 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+9 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 13 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+2 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1251 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Special Munition, AntiTank, 42 kill , 612 pp - U:016 [+30 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 300 pp - U:037 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 730 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 631 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1430 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 28 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+14 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 956 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 22 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+8 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1054 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 94 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+8 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1084 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 16 kill , 585 pp - U:017 [+30 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1057 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 68 kill , 600 pp - U:018
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 980 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 432 pp - U:023 [+11 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+3 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 633 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+1 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 729 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+6 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 1368 pp - U:057
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 627 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+7 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 9 kill , 432 pp - U:077 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 417 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 2 kill , 1230 pp - U:093
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 425 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1230 pp - U:094

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 548 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 571 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 18 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1503 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 87 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+23 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1534 exp , Germany , 4/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 116 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+34 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1277 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 134 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+39 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1199 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 120 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+38 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 63 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+32 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 914 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 65 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+33 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 922 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 61 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+44 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+46 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 16 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+22 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 632 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+28 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 500 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 6 kill , 1056 pp - U:092 [+75 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 502 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 9 kill , 1332 pp - U:095 [+110 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 3 bars , 371 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 1 kill , 1332 pp - U:234 [+221 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1509 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+45 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1573 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+65 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 1039 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 46 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+45 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1126 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 22 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+76 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+54 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 814 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Recon, 7 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+72 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 13 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+17 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+15 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 2 bars , 252 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 0 kill , 828 pp - U:098 [+102 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+27 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1320 exp , Germany , 10/12 , 60 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+53 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1114 exp , Germany , 6/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+37 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 11 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+9 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 65 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+21 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+15 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067 [+4 exp]

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 22 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+25 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Finland
Killed: INF:1897 TNK:434 RCN:323 AT:380 FLAK:256 FORT:535 ATY:612 AD:326 FTR:268 TB:191 LB:5 SUB:71 DD:143 BS:70 CV:2 Total: 5513
Lost : INF:167 TNK:12 RCN:28 AT:18 FLAK:33 FORT:17 ATY:29 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 351

BV 8
V 0
TV 41
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 17767 exp, 1141 kill, 11195 pp Average: 888 exp, 57 kill, 560 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 13950 exp, 1841 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1395 exp, 184 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5574 exp, 195 kill, 4944 pp Average: 796 exp, 28 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6018 exp, 223 kill, 5328 pp Average: 752 exp, 28 kill, 666 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4116 exp, 148 kill, 2100 pp Average: 823 exp, 30 kill, 420 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11360 exp, 347 kill, 13233 pp Average: 811 exp, 25 kill, 945 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1119 exp, 43 kill, 1824 pp Average: 560 exp, 22 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 11992 exp, 729 kill, 12744 pp Average: 922 exp, 56 kill, 980 pp
Dive Bomber * 9 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 8424 exp, 211 kill, 5778 pp Average: 936 exp, 23 kill, 642 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 839 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp Average: 839 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3123 exp, 129 kill, 803 pp Average: 1041 exp, 43 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1538 exp, 106 kill, 2628 pp Average: 769 exp, 53 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 665 exp, 22 kill, 1440 pp Average: 665 exp, 22 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 97 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 87216 exp, 5186 kill, 73414 pp Average: 899 exp, 53 kill, 757 pp

Player 1 Germany, Finland has 97 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 20
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 13
Dive Bomber : 9
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR, United Kingdom has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

50 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory

I had a plan to buy another AW fighter, but i finally decide to buy (for maybe first time) 1 AW TB that can air attack (add special muntion) . Has full range attack, support fire and E ability.
Sell some att from paras and from 1 fighter and add fast speed to my mountain units.
This time i wish the bad weather to keep for many turns. Rain and snow the first days, my paras travel easy to southeast. The battle was amazing, my army is too big to had big problems.
As usualy my ATY and my inf did all the job. My Tigers are attacked only by ATY, enemy tanks afraid them :D
Training again units with enemy entr inf. My new TB gain 248 pp. Not bad at all.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
48 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory , score:12
49 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory , score:12
50 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 908 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Battle of Novgorod '43, VH prestige is 320 , All map prestige is: 800
Army cost: 74521 , Current prestige is 1308
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 26
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1548
if BV: +500, Siege of Leningrad , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 300
if V : +500, Siege of Leningrad , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 400
if TV: +500, Siege of Leningrad , cap disabled, 26 turns prestige: 500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 500

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 895 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 51 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+1 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1184 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 70 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+4 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 70 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 964 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 64 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+16 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 878 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 72 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+6 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 51 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+4 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 847 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 59 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+11 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 68 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+16 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 1012 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 80 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+18 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 54 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+7 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 905 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 54 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+6 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+3 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 910 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 57 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+3 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1011 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Entrench, 97 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+20 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1025 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Entrench, 69 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+22 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1131 exp , Germany , 9/12 , Fast Entrench, 70 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+16 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+10 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+15 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 38 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+34 exp]
Kosaken 43 , , 5 bars , 533 exp , Axis Russia , 7/12 , Special Munition, Fast Speed, 7 kill , 387 pp - U:090 [+25 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4409 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 666 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+62 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 2213 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Overwatch , 350 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+140 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1707 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 267 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+57 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1206 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 143 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+26 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1376 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 183 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+59 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 81 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+23 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 902 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 104 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+32 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 56 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+21 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+14 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 1548 pp - U:091 [+31 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 865 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+21 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1055 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 78 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 782 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+7 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1090 exp , Germany , 9/10 , AntiTank, 75 kill , 660 pp - U:022 [+12 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 996 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 58 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+27 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 814 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+25 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 26 kill , 648 pp - U:056 [+14 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+9 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 622 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+15 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 582 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+16 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+14 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1265 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 43 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+14 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 906 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 22 kill , 450 pp - U:037 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 40 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+9 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 650 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+19 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 617 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+8 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1459 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 29 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+29 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+13 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1083 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 97 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+29 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1116 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Special Munition, 18 kill , 585 pp - U:017 [+32 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1071 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 68 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+14 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 1007 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+27 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 679 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+5 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+8 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 744 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+15 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+17 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+14 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 3 kill , 1230 pp - U:093 [+84 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 501 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 6 kill , 1230 pp - U:094 [+76 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+5 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 18 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+6 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1532 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 88 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+29 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1561 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 118 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+27 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1291 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 134 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+14 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1218 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 122 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+19 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 979 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 67 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+6 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 930 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 67 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+16 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 63 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+7 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 997 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 45 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+21 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 704 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+15 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+12 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 518 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1056 pp - U:092 [+18 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 510 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 888 pp - U:095 [+8 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 2 kill , 1332 pp - U:097 [+80 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1514 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+5 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1609 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 40 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+36 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 1050 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 47 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+11 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1146 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 22 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+20 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 777 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+12 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 830 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 7 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+16 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 697 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+23 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 683 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 14 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+11 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 828 pp - U:096 [+78 exp]
Fw 190G-2 , , 4 bars , 403 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1305 pp - U:292 [+248 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 839 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1320 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 60 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1114 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 11 kill , 225 pp - U:083

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 41 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 22 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Division Azul
Killed: INF:1975 TNK:445 RCN:331 AT:396 FLAK:258 FORT:535 ATY:645 AD:346 FTR:276 TB:195 LB:5 SUB:71 DD:143 BS:70 CV:2 Total: 5693
Lost : INF:168 TNK:12 RCN:29 AT:19 FLAK:33 FORT:17 ATY:30 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 355

BV 8
V 0
TV 42
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 18015 exp, 1171 kill, 11195 pp Average: 901 exp, 59 kill, 560 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 14415 exp, 1921 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1442 exp, 192 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5636 exp, 199 kill, 4944 pp Average: 805 exp, 28 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6150 exp, 233 kill, 5412 pp Average: 769 exp, 29 kill, 677 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4177 exp, 151 kill, 2046 pp Average: 835 exp, 30 kill, 409 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11739 exp, 362 kill, 13449 pp Average: 839 exp, 26 kill, 961 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1130 exp, 43 kill, 1824 pp Average: 565 exp, 22 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 12264 exp, 754 kill, 12300 pp Average: 943 exp, 58 kill, 946 pp
Dive Bomber * 10 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 9039 exp, 221 kill, 7083 pp Average: 904 exp, 22 kill, 708 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 839 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp Average: 839 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3123 exp, 129 kill, 803 pp Average: 1041 exp, 43 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1538 exp, 106 kill, 2628 pp Average: 769 exp, 53 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 665 exp, 22 kill, 1440 pp Average: 665 exp, 22 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 98 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 89461 exp, 5363 kill, 74521 pp Average: 913 exp, 55 kill, 760 pp

Player 1 Germany, Division Azul has 108 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 24
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 7
Fortification : 2
Artillery : 16
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 14
Dive Bomber : 10
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

51 Siege of Leningrad , #54 , Tactical Victory

I upgrate 1 Tiger from Ic to Id (free)
I add a lot of att but i restart because all the bridges are damaged and add fast built to my Gebirgspioniere and to my Panzerpioniere. I also add special munition to my unexp TB.
Hard battle at the beginning, but then as randowe sais, could easy and early win. My AW TB is all the money.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
48 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory , score:12
49 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory , score:12
50 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory , score:12
51 Siege of Leningrad , #54 , Tactical Victory , score:12
Campaign score: 920 * Average: 18

Current scenario: Siege of Leningrad, VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 1000
Army cost: 75208 , Current prestige is 2621
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 935
if BV: +500, Siege of Moscow , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 300
if V : +500, Siege of Moscow , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 400
if TV: +500, Siege of Moscow , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 500

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 51 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+28 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1203 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , Fast Builder, 72 kill , 774 pp - U:005 [+19 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 980 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 70 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 65 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+12 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 893 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 72 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+15 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 825 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 51 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+12 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 857 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 61 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+10 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 981 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 69 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+8 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 1021 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 81 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+9 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 870 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 55 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+24 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 56 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+18 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 63 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+5 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 60 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+13 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1016 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 99 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+5 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1029 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Entrench, 71 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+4 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1138 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Fast Entrench, 71 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+7 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 782 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 40 kill , 777 pp - U:063 [+8 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 761 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+14 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 39 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+13 exp]
Kosaken 43 , , 5 bars , 568 exp , Axis Russia , 10/12 , Special Munition, Fast Speed, 8 kill , 387 pp - U:090 [+35 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4525 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 684 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+116 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 2279 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 364 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+66 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1730 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 271 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+23 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1216 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 144 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+10 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1398 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 187 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+22 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 860 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 90 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+67 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 974 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 116 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+72 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 704 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+14 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 601 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+35 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Id , , 5 bars , 598 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 1548 pp - U:091 [+45 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 872 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 31 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+7 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1058 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 79 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+3 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 26 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+4 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+11 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 600 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+7 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1092 exp , Germany , 9/10 , AntiTank, 75 kill , 660 pp - U:022 [+2 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1013 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwatch , 58 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+17 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 836 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 28 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+22 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 28 kill , 648 pp - U:056 [+21 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+2 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+18 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+25 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 15 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+27 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1272 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+7 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 926 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 22 kill , 450 pp - U:037 [+20 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+10 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 650 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:059
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+12 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1484 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 29 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+25 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 984 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+15 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1096 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 98 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+13 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1116 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 18 kill , 585 pp - U:017
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1091 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 70 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+20 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+21 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 684 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+5 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+4 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 754 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+10 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 718 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+11 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 653 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+12 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 636 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 11 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 532 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1230 pp - U:093 [+31 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 6 kill , 1230 pp - U:094 [+29 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 25 kill , 912 pp - U:034
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 18 kill , 912 pp - U:043

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1539 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 89 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+7 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1574 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 121 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+13 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1313 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 135 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+22 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1246 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 124 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+28 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 992 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 69 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+13 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 942 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+12 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 947 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 63 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+18 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 1020 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 47 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+23 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 718 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+14 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 659 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+15 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1056 pp - U:092 [+27 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 888 pp - U:095 [+16 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 513 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 2 kill , 1332 pp - U:097 [+62 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1529 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+15 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1632 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Recon, 41 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+23 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 1054 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 47 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+4 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1167 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Recon, 22 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+21 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 28 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+12 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 837 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 7 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+7 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 731 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+34 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+19 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 4 bars , 441 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Special Munition, 3 kill , 1035 pp - U:096 [+111 exp]
Fw 190G-2 , , 4 bars , 476 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Special Munition, 8 kill , 1305 pp - U:098 [+73 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 555 pp - U:012 [+27 exp]

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1349 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 60 kill , 345 pp - U:001 [+29 exp]
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1147 exp , Germany , 7/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002 [+33 exp]
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 728 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Recon, 12 kill , 225 pp - U:083 [+39 exp]

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 900 pp - U:019 [+23 exp]
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 1728 pp - U:046 [+12 exp]

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 27 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+26 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Finland, Division Azul
Killed: INF:2024 TNK:453 RCN:339 AT:410 FLAK:259 FORT:570 ATY:667 AD:361 FTR:285 TB:201 LB:5 SUB:71 DD:147 BS:71 CV:2 Total: 5865
Lost : INF:173 TNK:12 RCN:29 AT:21 FLAK:34 FORT:17 ATY:30 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 363

BV 8
V 0
TV 43
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 18285 exp, 1196 kill, 11675 pp Average: 914 exp, 60 kill, 584 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 14885 exp, 2001 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1489 exp, 200 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5673 exp, 202 kill, 4944 pp Average: 810 exp, 29 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6284 exp, 240 kill, 5412 pp Average: 786 exp, 30 kill, 677 pp
Flak * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4226 exp, 153 kill, 2046 pp Average: 845 exp, 31 kill, 409 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11951 exp, 372 kill, 13449 pp Average: 854 exp, 27 kill, 961 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1130 exp, 43 kill, 1824 pp Average: 565 exp, 22 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 12534 exp, 772 kill, 12300 pp Average: 964 exp, 59 kill, 946 pp
Dive Bomber * 10 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 9358 exp, 229 kill, 7290 pp Average: 936 exp, 23 kill, 729 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 866 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp Average: 866 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3224 exp, 130 kill, 803 pp Average: 1075 exp, 43 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1573 exp, 110 kill, 2628 pp Average: 787 exp, 55 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 691 exp, 27 kill, 1440 pp Average: 691 exp, 27 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 98 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 91411 exp, 5526 kill, 75208 pp Average: 933 exp, 56 kill, 767 pp

Player 1 Germany, Finland, Division Azul has 140 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 38
Tank : 14
Recon : 10
Anti-Tank : 13
Flak : 7
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 23
Air-Defence : 3
Fighter : 13
Dive Bomber : 10
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Fortification : 1
Dimitris GR
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 814
Joined: 2020-12-11 10:03, Friday
Location: Corinth

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by Dimitris GR »

52 Siege of Moscow , #55 , Tactical Victory

I upgrate my Kosaken to AD inf and buy 1 new Flak with overrun ability. I add some att to some units. Also i buy and 1 more AW fighter.
Not major problems for my huge army. My AT inf is great in citys.
Note: As i wait for TV, i saw that is a hidden airfield hex (13,18) that supply with aircrafts the enemy.
I always leave 1 VH and 1 airfield to the last turn. So i find out where was 20 pp.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\OpenGen\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Battle of Mallorca , #0 , Tactical Victory , score:15
2 Battle of Westerplatte , #1 , Tactical Victory , score:11
3 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Tactical Victory , score:10
4 Operation Weserübung , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:12
5 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory , score:11
6 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:52
7 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory , score:15
8 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory , score:11
9 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory , score:15
10 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory , score:15
11 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:55
12 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:12
13 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory , score:15
14 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory , score:15
15 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory , score:13
16 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory , score:15
17 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory , score:13
18 Operation München , #17 , Tactical Victory , score:10
19 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory , score:13
20 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory , score:8
21 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory , score:8
22 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory , score:13
23 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory , score:13
24 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:13
25 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Tactical Victory , score:13
26 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory , score:13
27 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
28 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
29 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory , score:13
30 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory , score:10
31 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
32 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory , score:10
33 Operation Blücher , #36 , Tactical Victory , score:12
34 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory , score:10
35 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory , score:12
36 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory , score:51
37 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
38 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory , score:8
39 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory , score:12
40 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory , score:12
41 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory , score:12
42 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
43 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory , score:12
44 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory , score:9
45 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory , score:12
46 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory , score:12
47 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory , score:11
48 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory , score:12
49 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory , score:12
50 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory , score:12
51 Siege of Leningrad , #54 , Tactical Victory , score:12
52 Siege of Moscow , #55 , Tactical Victory , score:11
Campaign score: 931 * Average: 17

Current scenario: Siege of Moscow, VH prestige is 540 , All map prestige is: 1200
Army cost: 77190 , Current prestige is 3058
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 67
if BV: +500, Drive to the Sea , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 500
if V : +500, Drive to the Sea , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 650
if TV: +500, Drive to the Sea , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 800
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 800

Kradschützen 38 , , 5 bars , 926 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 51 kill , 255 pp - U:004 [+3 exp]
Panzerpioniere 38 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 1217 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Extended Front , 75 kill , 516 pp - U:005 [+14 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 71 kill , 585 pp - U:010 [+11 exp]
Fallschirmjäger 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 989 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 66 kill , 585 pp - U:011 [+13 exp]
Fallschirmpioniere 42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 909 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 72 kill , 675 pp - U:021 [+16 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 841 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 53 kill , 552 pp - U:024 [+16 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 61 kill , 552 pp - U:025 [+17 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 1000 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 72 kill , 504 pp - U:026 [+19 exp]
PzGren 40 auf Sd.Kfz. 251 , , 5 bars , 1039 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 84 kill , 504 pp - U:027 [+18 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 901 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 57 kill , 552 pp - U:028 [+31 exp]
Küstenjäger 43 , Krupp L2H43 , , 5 bars , 929 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 57 kill , 552 pp - U:029 [+6 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 64 kill , 360 pp - U:030 [+22 exp]
Grenadiere 42 , Mercedes-Benz L3000 A , , 5 bars , 945 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 62 kill , 360 pp - U:031 [+22 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1036 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Entrench, 101 kill , 735 pp - U:041 [+20 exp]
Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1052 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Entrench, 72 kill , 735 pp - U:042 [+23 exp]
Brandenburger 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1154 exp , Germany , 10/12 , Fast Entrench, 71 kill , 935 pp - U:045 [+16 exp]
Gebirgspioniere 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 43 kill , 555 pp - U:063 [+31 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 797 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 42 kill , 648 pp - U:069 [+36 exp]
PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 41 kill , 648 pp - U:072 [+22 exp]
PzGren 44 auf Ostwind , , 5 bars , 603 exp , Axis Russia , 11/12 , Fast Speed, 12 kill , 1043 pp - U:090 [+35 exp]

PzKpfw 747(r) , , 5 bars , 4627 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 697 kill , 600 pp - U:006 [+102 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 2402 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwatch , 381 kill , 1500 pp - U:032 [+123 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1760 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 273 kill , 648 pp - U:036 [+30 exp]
PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1232 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 145 kill , 468 pp - U:051 [+16 exp]
PzKpfw 756(r) , , 5 bars , 1428 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 188 kill , 990 pp - U:060 [+30 exp]
PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 897 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 93 kill , 648 pp - U:074 [+37 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Ib , , 5 bars , 986 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 117 kill , 1500 pp - U:076 [+12 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 711 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 60 kill , 684 pp - U:081 [+7 exp]
PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 780 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 684 pp - U:089 [+179 exp]
PzKpfw VI Tiger Id , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 50 kill , 1548 pp - U:091 [+89 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 31 kill , 900 pp - U:003 [+1 exp]
Fallschirmaufklärer 41 , , 5 bars , 1065 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, Fast Entrench, 80 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+7 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 27 kill , 900 pp - U:044 [+1 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 901 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 30 kill , 900 pp - U:047 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:053 [+15 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 808 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 12 kill , 420 pp - U:070 [+21 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 251/7 , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 420 pp - U:082 [+16 exp]

FJ 105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1108 exp , Germany , 10/10 , AntiTank, 78 kill , 660 pp - U:022 [+16 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1032 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Overwatch , 59 kill , 816 pp - U:038 [+19 exp]
PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 854 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 28 kill , 876 pp - U:052 [+18 exp]
GebJg 105mm LG42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 31 kill , 648 pp - U:056 [+28 exp]
88mm Flak 18 im Erdkampf , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 723 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 492 pp - U:061 [+16 exp]
StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 648 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 480 pp - U:075 [+8 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 625 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 14 kill , 720 pp - U:086 [+18 exp]
StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 616 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 19 kill , 720 pp - U:087 [+21 exp]

FJ MG 43 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1292 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 408 pp - U:016 [+20 exp]
Gebirgsjäger MG 42 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 961 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 22 kill , 450 pp - U:037 [+35 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 754 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 42 kill , 396 pp - U:048 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 24 kill , 396 pp - U:059 [+5 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 23 kill , 396 pp - U:062 [+14 exp]
FlakPz IV Wirbelwind , , 4 bars , 421 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 10 kill , 666 pp - U:263 [+261 exp]

Sd.Kfz. 251/8 KrankenPzWg , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 205 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:014

150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1558 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 29 kill , 912 pp - U:007 [+74 exp]
150mm sFH36 , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1004 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 23 kill , 912 pp - U:008 [+20 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1120 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 102 kill , 600 pp - U:009 [+24 exp]
105mm LG42 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 1135 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 18 kill , 585 pp - U:017 [+19 exp]
88mm AT/ATY , Mercedes-Benz L4500 A , , 5 bars , 1120 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 71 kill , 600 pp - U:018 [+29 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 1054 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 540 pp - U:023 [+26 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 690 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 21 kill , 504 pp - U:049 [+6 exp]
150mm NbWf41 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 504 pp - U:050 [+10 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 774 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1368 pp - U:054 [+20 exp]
150mm K18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 729 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 1368 pp - U:057 [+11 exp]
240mm K3 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 5 bars , 667 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 2556 pp - U:058 [+14 exp]
GebJg 100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Tragtiere , , 5 bars , 679 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 11 kill , 540 pp - U:077 [+43 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1230 pp - U:093 [+27 exp]
Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 8 kill , 1230 pp - U:094 [+29 exp]

105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 26 kill , 912 pp - U:034 [+2 exp]
105mm Flak 38 , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 5 bars , 580 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 19 kill , 912 pp - U:043 [+3 exp]

Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 1580 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Air Defense, 89 kill , 1140 pp - U:013 [+41 exp]
Bf 110C-4 , , 5 bars , 1588 exp , Germany , 6/10 , First Strike , Air Defense, 123 kill , 840 pp - U:020 [+14 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1326 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 136 kill , 888 pp - U:033 [+13 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 1268 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 124 kill , 888 pp - U:040 [+22 exp]
Fw 190A-1 , , 5 bars , 1015 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 71 kill , 816 pp - U:055 [+23 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 946 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 69 kill , 888 pp - U:066 [+4 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 959 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 65 kill , 888 pp - U:068 [+12 exp]
Me 210A-1 , , 5 bars , 1056 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 804 pp - U:073 [+36 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 936 pp - U:084 [+23 exp]
Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 5 bars , 681 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 936 pp - U:088 [+22 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 566 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 1056 pp - U:092 [+21 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 546 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 888 pp - U:095 [+20 exp]
Me 155C-1 , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 4 kill , 888 pp - U:097 [+27 exp]
He 219A-2 , , 3 bars , 396 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Special Munition, Air Defense, 0 kill , 1584 pp - U:264 [+236 exp]

Dive Bomber
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1540 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Recon, 43 kill , 480 pp - U:035 [+11 exp]
Ar 196A-1 , , 5 bars , 1648 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Recon, 41 kill , 480 pp - U:039 [+16 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 1081 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 47 kill , 696 pp - U:064 [+27 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 1175 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Recon, 22 kill , 495 pp - U:065 [+8 exp]
Ju 87T-2 , , 5 bars , 802 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 30 kill , 696 pp - U:078 [+13 exp]
Ar 196A-5 , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 7 kill , 495 pp - U:079 [+9 exp]
Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 780 pp - U:080 [+20 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 726 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 828 pp - U:085 [+24 exp]
Hs 129B-3 , , 5 bars , 504 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Special Munition, 4 kill , 1035 pp - U:096 [+63 exp]
Fw 190G-2 , , 5 bars , 535 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Special Munition, 8 kill , 1305 pp - U:098 [+59 exp]

Typ VIIA , U 47 , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 555 pp - U:012

Zerstörer 1936 , , 5 bars , 1349 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 60 kill , 345 pp - U:001
Schnellboot S 1 , , 5 bars , 1147 exp , Germany , 12/12 , Recon, 58 kill , 233 pp - U:002
Schnellboot S 38 , , 5 bars , 728 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Recon, 12 kill , 225 pp - U:083

Capitol Ship
Admiral Hipper (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 68 kill , 900 pp - U:019
Bismarck (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 42 kill , 1728 pp - U:046

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 5 bars , 526 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 1092 pp - U:067

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 27 kill , 1440 pp - U:071

Player 1 : Germany, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Romania
Killed: INF:2072 TNK:466 RCN:344 AT:420 FLAK:259 FORT:618 ATY:684 AD:374 FTR:293 TB:205 LB:5 SUB:71 DD:147 BS:71 CV:2 Total: 6031
Lost : INF:173 TNK:12 RCN:29 AT:21 FLAK:34 FORT:17 ATY:30 AD:9 FTR:7 TB:6 SUB:2 DD:18 BS:3 CV:2 Total: 363

BV 8
V 0
TV 44
L 0

Infantry * 20 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 18676 exp, 1227 kill, 11851 pp Average: 934 exp, 61 kill, 593 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 15510 exp, 2072 kill, 9270 pp Average: 1551 exp, 207 kill, 927 pp
Recon * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5750 exp, 205 kill, 4944 pp Average: 821 exp, 29 kill, 706 pp
Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6428 exp, 255 kill, 5412 pp Average: 804 exp, 32 kill, 677 pp
Flak * 6 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4726 exp, 164 kill, 2712 pp Average: 788 exp, 27 kill, 452 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp Average: 205 exp, 2 kill, 480 pp
Artillery * 14 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 12303 exp, 380 kill, 13449 pp Average: 879 exp, 27 kill, 961 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1135 exp, 45 kill, 1824 pp Average: 568 exp, 23 kill, 912 pp
Fighter * 14 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 13208 exp, 792 kill, 13440 pp Average: 943 exp, 57 kill, 960 pp
Dive Bomber * 10 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 9608 exp, 234 kill, 7290 pp Average: 961 exp, 23 kill, 729 pp
Submarine * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 866 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp Average: 866 exp, 38 kill, 555 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3224 exp, 130 kill, 803 pp Average: 1075 exp, 43 kill, 268 pp
Capitol Ship * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1573 exp, 110 kill, 2628 pp Average: 787 exp, 55 kill, 1314 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp Average: 526 exp, 11 kill, 1092 pp
Radar Cruiser * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 691 exp, 27 kill, 1440 pp Average: 691 exp, 27 kill, 1440 pp
* Summary: * 100 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 94429 exp, 5692 kill, 77190 pp Average: 944 exp, 57 kill, 772 pp

Player 1 Germany, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Romania has 100 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 20
Tank : 10
Recon : 7
Anti-Tank : 8
Flak : 6
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 14
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 14
Dive Bomber : 10
Submarine : 1
Destroyer : 3
Capitol Ship : 2
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 1

Player 2 USSR has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
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Joined: 2019-09-20 19:02, Friday
Location: Germany

Re: ATOMIC Weltkrieg (Playtest No 3)

Post by randowe »

Your army is so big :lol :cool
Dimitris GR wrote: 2023-01-11 20:22, Wednesday Note: As i wait for TV, i saw that is a hidden airfield hex (13,18) that supply with aircrafts the enemy.
I fixed that! Many thanks :howdy
Post Reply