CC LIX Announcement

Zhukov: Red God of War by George (MG43) for Open Composite Efile.

Moderator: Parabellum

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CC LIX Announcement

Post by CC Team »

CC Team is proud to announce

Campaign Challenge LIX


Zhukov "Red God of War"

(Composite Efile)


"Georgi K. Zhukov's way of fighting a battle, (and it may have been a way dictated as much by necessity as by design), was to let the enemy extend himself; to wait until the last moment of enemy offensive momentum, and then to grind them down in terrible bloody exchanges as they moved in for their objective. Meanwhile, despite fearful Soviet losses and dangerous enemy penetration, Zhukov cautiously, carefully, and painstakingly massed reserve armies which he refused to commit to action, no matter what the peril at the front. Then, at the moment when German strength was spent, he would unleash the counter blow with dramatic rapidity-often within 48 hours of a German pause, and before the Nazis were able to establish a reliable defense."

Harrison E. Salisbury
Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles

A campaign tracing the military career, (1939-45), of arguably one of the most towering military figures to emerge from WW2, and also one of the Soviet Union's greatest generals; Georgi K. Zhukov. 2 paths, longest path is 14 scenarios. Enjoy :)


The playing levels are as follows:

Field Marshal 25%
General 50%
Officer 100%
NCO 150%
Troopie 200% and above

Players playing at the two lowest levels ( Marshal, General ) are as usual asked to refrain from reloading during a scenario, or reloading for prototypes.

OG Installer
Please have the latest version of OG downloaded and installed on your PC. Then download and unzip EFILE_CC59.ZIP into your main OG directory. Then start OG and choose Play New Campaign. Select EFILE_CC59 folder and choose your prestige settings (Leave AI prestige at 100%). Make sure check box is clicked so that OG automatically downloads needed map files.

CC TEAM Note: The prestige cap is very tight for this campaign and playing at levels higher than 100% may not net you much additional prestige unless you do a lot of core upgrading and/or in scenario restrengthening.


Download package for OpenGen:

Original post updated by lvjtn
:monster Image :monster
Parabellum, Urica, Wonderdoctor, lvjtn