ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

The efile has been updated with many new units and a handful of icons. Most notably the Weltkrieg campaign has been updated and you can play more scenarios. Efile version: 04 February 2023.

You'll find the link to the dropbox download in the first post. Have fun :howdy
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Alberich »

I started creating the initial 4 scenarios for OPERATION SUVOROV. On Gustlik's efil. Such an introduction to the conflict. I am using maps: 1398, 1065, 1416 and 1064. Although the action takes place in late December/early January, you have to settle for a summer landscape (by the way, these maps taking into account a few more of those Arctic environs from the set of maps you created appeal to me the most - because of the color scheme). It looks a little strange against the winter colors of the units.
What surprised me both maps of Arkhangelsk have differences between them, the location of forests or additional villages. Why such a difference?

PS. on map 1065 I found an error - field 21,38 is clear instead of town.

What else I miss - as there are blown-up fields in the game, or rather graphics, I miss a separate graphic for the blown-up field in the case of a city. For example, in the form of some ruins.

In general, I will agree with what you wrote in the post. Yes, OG is a very big simplification, but I believe that some objective comparable values can be found.
When i started with the efile i was dreaming of an efile that goes from WW1 until late Cold War. But that is not possible. PG2/OG was never made for something like this.
I keep dreaming of such an eiflu or OG-style game where this will be possible.
When there are no new German units in the 50s, the player can never upgrade the core units because everything is there already? Even in 1948 or 1949 the German would have all these powerful prototypes.
The campaign takes place in 1955 and only in that year so too much choice for upgrading will not be great. In Gustlik's efil, the Soviets get only a few new units during this period. And they don't have any amphibious transport (like the ZiS-485).... The German side, on the other hand, will get Marders and Leopards, FH70, LARS-1 and a few other Cold War units later in the campaign. But a big choice is not available.

As for yet differences between the efifls, in the case of Efile Gustlik the selection of equipment and units for the Spanish sides 1936-1939 is very small - practically overlapping 1 to 1 with what was in the original PG2. In the case of Efile Atomic is much more attractive so such a Condor Legion campaign would be more interesting in this respect. And let's not forget the Italians, they have more too.

You also have very strong attach:

Special Munition -> +3 dice to hit
Fast Entrench -> +3 terrain base trench
Forward Observer -> +4 attak to guns firing
Air Defense -> +3 AA/AD
Anti Tank -> +3 HA

Especially FE (he seems to give plus 7 ent for infantry in the city after the first turn) and FO. SM also rather quite strong. AD and AT moderately strong.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Alberich wrote: 2023-02-07 09:51, Tuesday I started creating the initial 4 scenarios for OPERATION SUVOROV. On Gustlik's efil. Such an introduction to the conflict. I am using maps: 1398, 1065, 1416 and 1064. Although the action takes place in late December/early January, you have to settle for a summer landscape (by the way, these maps taking into account a few more of those Arctic environs from the set of maps you created appeal to me the most - because of the color scheme). It looks a little strange against the winter colors of the units.
What surprised me both maps of Arkhangelsk have differences between them, the location of forests or additional villages. Why such a difference?
It is your choice. If you want the campaign to take place in the winter months, using winter icons, but no winter maps, it will look strange. We will hardly get any new maps nowadays, so we have to make the best out of the maps we have. Personally i'd use default icons under these conditions (and do so in the winter one scenario that uses a summer map).

The difference is, because one map was made years after the other and got some updates. Like the airfield on Yagodnik island. The trees are just artistic impressions anyway :lol
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-07 09:51, Tuesday on map 1065 I found an error - field 21,38 is clear instead of town.
That is not a big problem. Many maps have small errors in the mapx files, but everything can be reparied in the scenario file :yes
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-07 09:51, TuesdayWhat else I miss - as there are blown-up fields in the game, or rather graphics, I miss a separate graphic for the blown-up field in the case of a city. For example, in the form of some ruins.
But that is on game level an not efile level? The craters simply show a blown hex, no matter the terrain. I guess it is much to late to change anything here. Maybe at the start of OG development it would have been possible to add more variety to the blown hex. But there are also many different city grafics and the various maps, so it would not look good an all i guess.
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-07 09:51, Tuesdayattach
If i set the values to 2, the effect would be barely noticable in the game. Csaba also said that these attachments should start with 3 or 4 because otherwise the effect would be too small.
Forward Observer got 4 because nobody ever uses it and so it must be more attractive for the same price as the others.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by hoza »

randowe wrote: 2023-02-07 13:00, Tuesday

If i set the values to 2, the effect would be barely noticable in the game. Csaba also said that these attachments should start with 3 or 4 because otherwise the effect would be too small.
Forward Observer got 4 because nobody ever uses it and so it must be more attractive for the same price as the others.

I use it for one of my Brandenburger but the effect still seems to be small. :grumpy
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

hoza wrote: 2023-02-07 13:57, Tuesday I use it for one of my Brandenburger but the effect still seems to be small. :grumpy
Keep in mind that not the unit with the Forward observer attachment gets the bonus, but your indirect fire units (such as artillery) that shoot on the enemy that is adjecent to your unit with the attachment.

So it is not easy to bring the attachment into battle. And since a player often wants to take out enemy AD and artillery with own artillery, you have to get next to these enemy units first. But of course enemy AD and artillery is often positioned behind other enemy units.
A recon with a lot of movement and superior movement leader is helpful, but otherwise it is hard to make good use of the FO attachment in my opinion.
But yeah, for a small airborne team with a airborne mortar is can be also helpful i guess (Even if the overall effect is not the biggest).
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by hoza »

randowe wrote: 2023-02-07 14:27, Tuesday
hoza wrote: 2023-02-07 13:57, Tuesday I use it for one of my Brandenburger but the effect still seems to be small. :grumpy
Keep in mind that not the unit with the Forward observer attachment gets the bonus, but your indirect fire units (such as artillery) that shoot on the enemy that is adjecent to your unit with the attachment.

So it is not easy to bring the attachment into battle. And since a player often wants to take out enemy AD and artillery with own artillery, you have to get next to these enemy units first. But of course enemy AD and artillery is often positioned behind other enemy units.
A recon with a lot of movement and superior movement leader is helpful, but otherwise it is hard to make good use of the FO attachment in my opinion.
But yeah, for a small airborne team with a airborne mortar is can be also helpful i guess (Even if the overall effect is not the biggest).
Aha, now I understand, up to now I tried to use the forward observer like a [C] unit. But this is great news for me because my normal attack procedure is nearing AD and artillery defended e.g. :grumpy airfields by bringing one of my far reaching guns into position to attack the AD then attacking it and bringing in the airforce and the Brandenburger. Done this in appropriate order will be very helpful for me.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Alberich »

I worked on graphics for the campaign. Since I do poorly with Gimp I work in Power Point, where the advantage is that the program always shows me picture location and such. And the fact that I can have a graphic in one slide, and a description of the introduction to the mission in another, and descriptions for the victory in a third.
On the right the intro to the last mission in the Legion Condor campaign - here the work on all intros is practically finished. I have added the status of the Franco's Force. You can also see the entire campaign trail. On the bottom right is also the commander's current military rank.
And on the left is the first draft for Operation Suvorov.

randowe wrote:It is your choice. If you want the campaign to take place in the winter months, using winter icons, but no winter maps, it will look strange. We will hardly get any new maps nowadays, so we have to make the best out of the maps we have. Personally i'd use default icons under these conditions (and do so in the winter one scenario that uses a summer map).
That's what I'll do, it's a better solution.
randowe wrote:The difference is, because one map was made years after the other and got some updates. Like the airfield on Yagodnik island. The trees are just artistic impressions anyway :lol
And suddenly it turns out that in the place where I placed a field airfield in the first mission in the next mission (on a newer map) grows a forest.
randowe wrote:But that is on game level an not efile level? The craters simply show a blown hex, no matter the terrain. I guess it is much to late to change anything here. Maybe at the start of OG development it would have been possible to add more variety to the blown hex. But there are also many different city grafics and the various maps, so it would not look good an all i guess.
Probably at the game level and at the file level. The graphics are in hex_marks, but you would probably have to implement at the game level an exception handling the CITY area. Since other exceptions can be made it is still possible to implement this one as well.
randowe wrote:If i set the values to 2, the effect would be barely noticable in the game. Csaba also said that these attachments should start with 3 or 4 because otherwise the effect would be too small.
Forward Observer got 4 because nobody ever uses it and so it must be more attractive for the same price as the others.
Is the reason for not using FO is that a large portion of players don't know exactly how it works? Besides, with more units with FA next to the target this bonus scales up as far as I know.
Last edited by Alberich on 2023-02-09 18:14, Thursday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 12:46, Thursday I worked on graphics for the campaign.
Your scenario intro grafics look exceptional :cool :cool
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 12:46, Thursday Is the reason for not using FA is that a large portion of players don't know exactly how it works?
Probably so. But also because it is not so easy to bring the attachment into battle on a tactical level. I guess the player often wants to engage enemy artillery and AD with own artillery. But most likely the enemy artillery and AD units are defended by other enemy units and you have to get past them with the forward observer :dunno
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Alberich »

randowe wrote:Your scenario intro grafics look exceptional
randowe wrote: Probably so. But also because it is not so easy to bring the attachment into battle on a tactical level. I guess the player often wants to engage enemy artillery and AD with own artillery. But most likely the enemy artillery and AD units are defended by other enemy units and you have to get past them with the forward observer :dunno
I disagree that it is so hard to use this addition during a battle. FO work on all enemy land units.

Have you perhaps reviewed this topic on the behavior of different versions of AI? - ... je/3335/0/
And my later comments and conclusions after a short testing of AI version 3.0?

As I will soon have 1000 posts on the Polish OG forum I would like to celebrate this by playing with short descriptions of either of your campaigns: ATOMIC BLITZKRIEG or ATOMIC WELTKRIEG. Which one do you recommend?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 18:22, Thursday FO work on all enemy land units.
Sure :yes But the number of indirect fire units (artillery) is limited and i prefer to use my artillery on the most valuable soft targets like artillery and AD. But maybe that is just part of my playing style.
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 18:22, ThursdayHave you perhaps reviewed this topic on the behavior of different versions of AI? - ... je/3335/0/
And my later comments and conclusions after a short testing of AI version 3.0?
Since there was never a official post about the features of AI 3.0 i will stick to 2.0. Personally i don't think it matters much anyway. Maybe there are some changes, but i doubt it will add to the fun :dunno I never had more fun playing OG than these days!
Generally i read every post in the polish forum. It is the most active forum :cool
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 18:22, ThursdayAs I will soon have 1000 posts on the Polish OG forum I would like to celebrate this by playing with short descriptions of either of your campaigns: ATOMIC BLITZKRIEG or ATOMIC WELTKRIEG. Which one do you recommend?
I would always recommend the WELTKRIEG campaign. It's my best campaign by far and makes best use of the efile. But of course it is very long and big.

(I have to play Blitzkrieg myself on day again when i have the time. I have to check if everything is ok after so many changes to the units in the efile. I swapped around many units, i hope without mistakes :lol )

EDIT: One question, why do you wanto to use two Arkhangelsk maps instead of one?
Last edited by randowe on 2023-02-09 20:45, Thursday, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Dimitris GR »

Sorry for off topic. How you read Polish forum? Google translate is ok?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2023-02-09 19:33, Thursday Sorry for off topic. How you read Polish forum? Google translate is ok?
Yes, with google translator. It's good enough to understand the topics.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Just for fun :lol For those who are at Discord. You can use the Midjourney AI to create pictures. Just google it and join the channel. In few years an AI can create all missing icons :lol
The AI is pretty good, but most pictures look like videogame artwork. I gave some prompts for pixel tanks and as comparison i'll add "cuban colonial style warehouses".



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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Dimitris GR »

Lego tanks? :)
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by hoza »

randowe wrote: 2023-02-09 18:58, Thursday
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-09 18:22, Thursday FO work on all enemy land units.
Sure :yes But the number of indirect fire units (artillery) is limited and i prefer to use my artillery on the most valuable soft targets like artillery and AD. But maybe that is just part of my playing style.

Indeed a question of personal tactics style. What works for me is having 1 better 2 far reaching guns in reach of the target, find an appropriate place to land the Brandenburger FO near AD and/or another valuable target, then eliminate the AD and let the airforce do the rest on now uncovered units. Normally the FO will survive especially when they get assistance from other Brandenburgers. :grumpy
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

hoza wrote: 2023-02-10 07:15, Friday Indeed a question of personal tactics style. What works for me is having 1 better 2 far reaching guns in reach of the target, find an appropriate place to land the Brandenburger FO near AD and/or another valuable target, then eliminate the AD and let the airforce do the rest on now uncovered units. Normally the FO will survive especially when they get assistance from other Brandenburgers. :grumpy
It's nice to see that you found a way to make good use of the FO attachment :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Alberich »

randowe wrote:I would always recommend the WELTKRIEG campaign. It's my best campaign by far and makes best use of the efile. But of course it is very long and big.
So today or tomorrow it will be, I invite you. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last campaign description for a very, very long time.

PS. Truppenluftschutzkraftwagen - a rather long name :D
randowe wrote:EDIT: One question, why do you wanto to use two Arkhangelsk maps instead of one?
Do you know the Command & Conquer series of games? It was there that such a solution was introduced in several missions: at the beginning only a small part of the map was available, and in order to unlock access to the rest of the map (it expanded) then you had to complete certain objectives and tasks. I refer to this. In the first mission, during a snowstorm, the player infiltrates and destroys the German fortification line, and then in the next mission carries out a general attack.
randowe wrote:Since there was never a official post about the features of AI 3.0 i will stick to 2.0. Personally i don't think it matters much anyway. Maybe there are some changes, but i doubt it will add to the fun :dunno I never had more fun playing OG than these days!
Generally i read every post in the polish forum. It is the most active forum :cool
It used to be more active than it is now, but now only a few dozen people remain. But at least something is happening.
In general, sometimes I feel that the AI on version 3.0, that it plays generally better than earlier versions. But it also has a downside, the computer does not always want to attack. Still, it would be useful to improve the intelligence of the computer in the game. I heard that through computer teaching, the AI was taught to play Sstarcraft 2 in such a way that it always beat the best players and used previously unknown unit combinations. I wonder if this could be tried with Open General. For it to play better, not necessarily to be unbeatable.
randowe wrote:Just for fun :lol For those who are at Discord. You can use the Midjourney AI to create pictures. Just google it and join the channel. In few years an AI can create all missing icons :lol
The AI is pretty good, but most pictures look like videogame artwork. I gave some prompts for pixel tanks and as comparison i'll add "cuban colonial style warehouses".
I know and know about Midjourney AI. Very interesting things can be created. Only Midjourney requires you to have an account on Discord, right? How does it work in practice?
Maybe you've also heard of NVIDIA Canvas -

I think that such AI solutions can be primarily used for the generation of new maps. Maybe more options appear with it: one map but in several versions: winter, summer or spring/autumn. All you need is hex information and a set of graphical elements like houses or trees.

These tank graphics are very reminiscent of the pixel-art graphics
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Alberich wrote: 2023-02-10 14:20, FridaySo today or tomorrow it will be, I invite you. Unfortunately, this will probably be my last campaign description for a very, very long time.
Why will this be your last report in a long time?
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-10 14:20, FridayPS. Truppenluftschutzkraftwagen - a rather long name :D
Hehe yes, we can have very long words in german. I could change the name to Kfz. 4 :huh
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-10 14:20, FridayDo you know the Command & Conquer series of games? It was there that such a solution was introduced in several missions: at the beginning only a small part of the map was available, and in order to unlock access to the rest of the map (it expanded) then you had to complete certain objectives and tasks. I refer to this. In the first mission, during a snowstorm, the player infiltrates and destroys the German fortification line, and then in the next mission carries out a general attack.
I played C&C as a kid, but that was 25 years ago or something like that. I don't remember anything :lol
But i understand what you are doing. The grand scheme of things is revealed to the player after the first mission.
Personally i would always use the same map though.
Alberich wrote: 2023-02-10 14:20, FridayI know and know about Midjourney AI. Very interesting things can be created. Only Midjourney requires you to have an account on Discord, right? How does it work in practice?
Maybe you've also heard of NVIDIA Canvas -
Yes, Midjourney requires a Discord account. It works like any other channel you can join, like the OG / ATOMIC channel (link in first post). There are some sub-channels where the AI is present as a bot. Then you can give prompts and the AI creates the picture. It is also possible to feed the AI with a picture, so maybe i will try to feed a map and then see what happens. But i don't think the results will be useful. The AI don't know what a video game map is, it just sees the picture. Guess i have to try feeding the AI with a map and it should create versions for winter and autumn.

Results with human faces are much better because there must have been a lot of training data.
I don't know the NVIDIA AI. The only other one i tried was Stable Diffusion.
But generally i was only looking for some input for the two LEGO role playing games i play, Star Wars and Pirates :lol :lol
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

Okay, so i decided to create 6 new 3K maps for the grand allied campaign. Three maps will be entirely new and 3 will be bigger versions of existing maps. Hope to finish these maps by the end of the year :ihope

- Ruhrgebiet, Germany
- Mareth, Tunisia
- Nordwind/Strasbourg, France
- Arnhem, Netherlands
- Emilia-Romagna, Italy
- Liepaja. Latvia

If new 3K maps from other map makers :howdy emerge miraculously, i will be happy to use them as well :cool
Okay - if I were to help you make these maps --> what would you expect?
I wrote "help" because I see that some of these maps have already been made/improved in the 2K version
That's why I see it this way --> You prepare the basics --> you define the area, drawing/map which will be the source/basis for further work (e.g. original map from World War II, etc.)

I also stipulate that I can withdraw (not finish the work) - I will try, but you can't count on me to do all the work for sure
Will you take the risk and accept these conditions?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

sympatyk wrote: 2023-02-15 12:29, Wednesday Okay - if I were to help you make these maps --> what would you expect?
I wrote "help" because I see that some of these maps have already been made/improved in the 2K version
That's why I see it this way --> You prepare the basics --> you define the area, drawing/map which will be the source/basis for further work (e.g. original map from World War II, etc.)

I also stipulate that I can withdraw (not finish the work) - I will try, but you can't count on me to do all the work for sure
Will you take the risk and accept these conditions?
Thanks for your post :howdy

The maps i mentioned i'll make myself. The Ruhrgebiet map i already started long ago a the map is like 40% finished. I just have to take it up again. For 3 maps i can use other maps as a base and i just have to enlarge it. Only Mareth and the Northern Italy map will be all new, but i have them planned already and studied the map resources and created the initial files.

My question would be: Is there a map that you think is missing from the game and you would like to play as a player? Or is there a map that you always wanted to create as a map maker? A 3150x3000 pixel map that you will have fun creating in classic style?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »


It's nice that you will make these maps yourself --> I thought you wanted help ...
I don't know if there's a map missing in your campaign - I can't judge that
Would I like to make a map?
On reflection - it seems that Alberich wrote about the winter maps of Arkhangelsk
If you have layers (cities, rivers, forest and others) for maps 1398 and 1065 - I'd love to use them --> creating from scratch - classic style - probably not an option
I had developed a procedure for switching from summer to winter map - however, the new version of Gimp has changed the menu area (there are different filters, there are new ones, some are removed) --> I will have to work out the procedure from the beginning ...
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

I meant, if in the time i work on the campaigns new (3K) maps by other map makers are released, i am happy to use them and integrate into the campaigns.
Maybe it was just a bad joke because i know nobody is working on 3K maps :lol

For example i made many maps of areas that i finde interesting, that have a interesting coast line for example.
So, for example, if you say "I want to create a new map of Casablanca" just for fun, i will see if i can use it in my campaigns. Like with the other 3K maps in my list. I think there are 4 by you and 2 by Spasteur if i remember correctly.

The 3K map of Arkhangelsk is a enlarged version of my small Arkhangelsk map. So there are two photoshop files with layers. I have to look into it when i am at home again tomorrow.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

If you decide to share these layers with me as separate png or jpg files - I will be grateful - it will show your maps in winter version --> if you would like to see your other maps as winter - you can do that too --> I just need to develop a new one procedure for Gimp
Of course, as you wish
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

sympatyk wrote: 2023-02-15 19:12, Wednesday If you decide to share these layers with me as separate png or jpg files - I will be grateful - it will show your maps in winter version --> if you would like to see your other maps as winter - you can do that too --> I just need to develop a new one procedure for Gimp
Of course, as you wish
I just uploaded the file of the smaller map to Dropbox and sent you a pm with the link. Gimp should be able to open the Photoshop files. Please try it. The file is almost 50mb. The bigger map has almost 100mb.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

Thank you very much
I'll start work

Of course 100MB is a lot --> you can upload only the layers you need --> forest, cities, roads, railway (map 1065)

For me, the Internet was a big obstacle (I had a portable LTE) - now I signed a contract from March for 400/40Mb fiber
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

sympatyk wrote: 2023-02-16 17:19, Thursday :howdy
Thank you very much
I'll start work

Of course 100MB is a lot --> you can upload only the layers you need --> forest, cities, roads, railway (map 1065)

For me, the Internet was a big obstacle (I had a portable LTE) - now I signed a contract from March for 400/40Mb fiber
Ok great!
Maybe you ask Alberich what he needs, but he uses both maps in his campaign. You will also notice some small differences between the maps.
I guess it is easier to start with the smaller map and see how it goes. Of course i can upload the other one later.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

This is what the end result would look like. Do you have any comments? ... sp=sharing
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

It looks good for a conversion. Did you try grey roads like in the other winter maps?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

As you wish - it can be grey. Bridges have to be done separately (road) ..
Something else? ... sp=sharing
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

It is not my wish. It was just a question if you tried it. If not, it is also ok.
Maybe Alberich can tell you what he needs for his campaign. And maybe this talk can be relocated into the maps thread :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by sympatyk »

If everything is layered --> the work itself needs more time to decide - what setting to choose (several settings seem good) --> then decide whether a little more contrast, color, etc.
Since there are no exactly the same maps --> converting each one, it's decisions again (despite using the same procedures - different color saturation will result - different distribution of white saturation after conversion)
I sent Alberisch a message - when he answers, not necessarily soon
Yes, if you can, we move this conversation to the topic of maps
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Hello everyone :howdy
Just want to let you know that i will have only little time in the next one to two months.
I'll try to read everything and answer asap :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by ward70 »

Hello! There was a problem at the end of the "New York, New York" scenario. The game does not find the next scenario and crashes. I don't know how to attach a screenshot here. Sorry for the text I write through google translate
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

ward70 wrote: 2023-03-30 17:43, Thursday Hello! There was a problem at the end of the "New York, New York" scenario. The game does not find the next scenario and crashes. I don't know how to attach a screenshot here. Sorry for the text I write through google translate
Welcome to the forum ward70 :howdy

Which campaign are you playing? Do you use the newest versions of both, Open General and the ATOMIC efile?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by ward70 »

Weltkrieg Company. Of course, I downloaded the latest e-file from dropbox.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

ward70 wrote: 2023-03-30 18:21, Thursday Weltkrieg Company. Of course, I downloaded the latest e-file from dropbox.
Wow nice! I am happy to see that you made it all the way to New York :cool

The next scenario after New York is still missing as well as the following scenarios. The campaign is still under construction and New York is the last scenario that is finished. It will take me some time to create the needed maps and scenarios.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by ward70 »

Great, I'll be waiting. Thank you for your work))
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Dimitris GR »

ward70 wrote: 2023-03-30 18:21, Thursday Weltkrieg Company. Of course, I downloaded the latest e-file from dropbox.
It would be great if you post your AAR's :clap :clap
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by ward70 »

I play for fun, so the settings are as simple as possible. First I got to 59 campaign scenarios with the old e-file. After the update, I started over with a new e-file, but the history was not updated and it turned out to be the 60th campaign scenario.

OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
Efile folder: C:\games\OG\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 4th February 2023
Campaign: 1938-48 ATOMIC WELTKRIEG, * Player prestige modifier 500% * AI prestige modifier 0%

Played Scenarios:
1 - , #0 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Ju 88A-1
2 K , #1 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Bf 109E-4/B
3 Operation Weserьbung , #3 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Graf Zeppelin
4 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Bf 109F-2
5 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
6 Fortress Holland , #6 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Karl 540mm
7 Battle of France , #7 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Karl 540mm
8 Race to the Sea , #8 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Karl 540mm
9 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Ju 87T-1
10 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Do 217K-1
11 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Fw 190A-1
12 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: 170mm K18
13 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: He 111Z-2
14 Battle of Greece , #14 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Fw 190A-1
15 Operation Merkur , #15 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Do 217M-1
16 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Brilliant Victory
17 Operation Mьnchen , #17 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: He 111Z-2
18 Battle of Narva , #18 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Bf 109G-4/Trop
19 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Bf 110G-2
20 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: 210mm K38
21 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil
22 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: Ju 87D-3
23 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Brilliant Victory +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
24 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Brilliant Victory
25 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Brilliant Victory
26 Battle of Stalingrad I , #30 , Brilliant Victory
27 Operation Blьcher , #31 , Brilliant Victory
28 Operation Edelweiss , #32 , Brilliant Victory
29 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Brilliant Victory
30 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory
31 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Brilliant Victory
32 Operation Blьcher , #36 , Brilliant Victory
33 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Brilliant Victory
34 Battle of Baku , #38 , Brilliant Victory
35 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory
36 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory
37 Operation Herkules , #41 , Brilliant Victory
38 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Brilliant Victory
39 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Brilliant Victory
40 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Brilliant Victory
41 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory
42 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Brilliant Victory
43 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Brilliant Victory
44 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Brilliant Victory
45 The Suez Canal , #49 , Brilliant Victory
46 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory
47 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory
48 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory
49 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory
50 Siege of Leningrad , #54 , Brilliant Victory
51 Siege of Moscow , #55 , Brilliant Victory
52 Drive to the Sea , #56 , Tactical Victory
53 St. Lo Counterattack , #57 , Tactical Victory
54 Battle of Cherbourg , #58 , Tactical Victory
55 Operation Konrad , #62 , Tactical Victory
56 Battle of London , #65 , Tactical Victory
57 Scapa Flow '45 , #66 , Tactical Victory
58 Operation Green , #67 , Brilliant Victory
59 Operation Sealion , #68 , Tactical Victory
60 - , #0 , Victory
61 K , #1 , Tactical Victory
62 Scapa Flow '39 , #2 , Brilliant Victory
63 Operation Weserьbung , #3 , Tactical Victory
64 Battle of Narvik I , #4 , Tactical Victory
65 Battle of Narvik II , #5 , Brilliant Victory
66 Fortress Holland , #6 , Tactical Victory
67 Battle of France , #7 , Tactical Victory
68 Race to the Sea , #8 , Tactical Victory
69 Race to Dunkirk , #9 , Tactical Victory
70 Operation Adlerangriff , #10 , Brilliant Victory
71 Operation Sonnenblume , #11 , Tactical Victory
72 Siege of Tobruk '41 , #12 , Tactical Victory
73 Battle of Thermopylae , #13 , Tactical Victory
74 Battle of Greece , #14 , Tactical Victory
75 Operation Merkur , #15 , Tactical Victory
76 Dardanelles Breakthrough , #16 , Tactical Victory
77 Operation Mьnchen , #17 , Tactical Victory
78 Battle of Narva , #18 , Tactical Victory
79 Siege of Odessa , #19 , Tactical Victory
80 Nikolaev Pocket , #20 , Tactical Victory
81 Battle of Novgorod '41 , #21 , Tactical Victory
82 Invasion of Karelia , #22 , Tactical Victory
83 Dniepr Bridgehead , #23 , Tactical Victory
84 Battle of the Sea of Azov , #24 , Brilliant Victory
85 Battle of Taganrog , #25 , Tactical Victory
86 Battle of Rostov , #26 , Brilliant Victory
87 Operation Isabella , #27 , Brilliant Victory
88 Operation Trappenjagd , #28 , Tactical Victory
89 Siege of Sevastopol , #33 , Tactical Victory
90 Battle of Stalingrad I , #34 , Brilliant Victory
91 Battle of Stalingrad II , #35 , Tactical Victory
92 Operation Blьcher , #36 , Tactical Victory
93 Operation Edelweiss , #37 , Tactical Victory
94 Battle of Baku , #38 , Tactical Victory
95 Operation Uranus , #39 , Brilliant Victory
96 Battle of Stalingrad III , #40 , Brilliant Victory
97 Operation Herkules , #41 , Tactical Victory
98 Tunisia Counterattack , #42 , Tactical Victory
99 Siege of Tobruk '43 , #43 , Tactical Victory
100 Race to Sidi Barrani , #44 , Tactical Victory
101 Battle of Rhodes , #45 , Brilliant Victory
102 Battle of El Alamein , #46 , Tactical Victory
103 Battle of Siwa Oasis , #47 , Tactical Victory
104 Battle of Alexandria , #48 , Tactical Victory
105 The Suez Canal , #49 , Tactical Victory
106 Steppe Blitz , #50 , Tactical Victory
107 Battle of the White Sea , #51 , Tactical Victory
108 Battle of Arkhangelsk , #52 , Tactical Victory
109 Battle of Novgorod '43 , #53 , Tactical Victory
110 Siege of Leningrad , #54 , Tactical Victory
111 Siege of Moscow , #55 , Tactical Victory
112 Drive to the Sea , #56 , Tactical Victory
113 St. Lo Counterattack , #57 , Tactical Victory
114 Battle of Cherbourg , #58 , Tactical Victory
115 Battle of Berlin , #59 , Brilliant Victory
116 The Harz Pocket , #60 , Brilliant Victory
117 Battle of Viipuri '44 , #61 , Tactical Victory
118 Operation Konrad , #62 , Tactical Victory
119 Jassy-Kishinev Operation , #63 , Tactical Victory
120 Anglo-Soviet Invasion , #64 , Tactical Victory
121 Operation Sealion , #68 , Tactical Victory
122 Battle of London , #71 , Tactical Victory
123 Scapa Flow '45 , #72 , Tactical Victory
124 Operation Green , #73 , Victory
125 Invasion of Sweden , #74 , Tactical Victory
126 Battle of the Atlantic , #75 , Tactical Victory
127 Long Island Landing , #76 , Brilliant Victory

Current scenario: New York, New York!, VH prestige is 2700 , All map prestige is: 8000
Army cost: 240229 , Current prestige is 15
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 732
if BV: +500, ??? , cap 0, 20 turns prestige: 3500
if V : +500, ??? , cap 0, 24 turns prestige: 4500
if TV: +500, ??? , cap 0, 28 turns prestige: 5500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 5500

Marinestosstrupp 46 , MTW Kдtzchen , , 5 bars , 869 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 72 kill , 1197 pp - U:009
Brandenburger 46 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 970 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 99 kill , 972 pp - U:010
Brandenburger 46 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 818 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 86 kill , 972 pp - U:011
Marinestosstrupp 46 , MTW Kдtzchen , , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 64 kill , 1197 pp - U:012
PzGren 45 auf Pz V Panther D , , 5 bars , 655 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 49 kill , 1638 pp - U:013
Brandenburger 46 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 882 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 103 kill , 972 pp - U:025
Fallschirmpioniere 44 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 872 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 69 kill , 1158 pp - U:058
Fallschirmpioniere 44 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 23 kill , 966 pp - U:075
Brandenburger 46 , Sd.Kfz. 2 , , 5 bars , 597 exp , Axis Russia , 12/12 , 41 kill , 1165 pp - U:083

PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1422 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 178 kill , 3150 pp - U:019
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 2095 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwatch , 328 kill , 3150 pp - U:020
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1155 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 157 kill , 3150 pp - U:023
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 2024 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 310 kill , 3150 pp - U:032
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1330 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 197 kill , 3150 pp - U:033
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1189 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 156 kill , 3150 pp - U:037
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1212 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 172 kill , 3150 pp - U:042
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 1187 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 167 kill , 3150 pp - U:043
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 108 kill , 3150 pp - U:069
PzKpfw E-50 , , 5 bars , 989 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 119 kill , 3150 pp - U:073

Sd.Kfz. 234/4 , , 5 bars , 882 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 67 kill , 1050 pp - U:003
Sd.Kfz. 234/4 , , 5 bars , 833 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 58 kill , 1050 pp - U:004
Sd.Kfz. 234/4 , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 47 kill , 1050 pp - U:034
Sd.Kfz. 234/4 , , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 52 kill , 1050 pp - U:048
PzSpWg M3A1(a) , , 0 bars , 99 exp , Germany , 12/12 , 0 kill , 387 pp - U:268

Jagdpanther , , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Attack , 39 kill , 1800 pp - U:027
Jagdpanther , , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 37 kill , 1800 pp - U:028
Jagdpanther , , 5 bars , 782 exp , Germany , 12/10 , First Strike , 43 kill , 2040 pp - U:049
Jagdpanther , , 5 bars , 762 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 35 kill , 1800 pp - U:050
Panzerjдger Lцwe , , 3 bars , 327 exp , Germany , 15/12 , 7 kill , 2948 pp - U:090

Ambulance , Feldlazarett (mot) , 2 bars , 219 exp , Germany , 12/10 , 0 kill , 348 pp - U:017

Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 44 kill , 3288 pp - U:005
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 40 kill , 3288 pp - U:008
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , 29 kill , 3288 pp - U:029
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 29 kill , 3288 pp - U:038
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 31 kill , 3288 pp - U:039
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 669 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 29 kill , 3288 pp - U:040
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 11 kill , 3288 pp - U:057
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 14 kill , 3288 pp - U:059
Geschьtzwagen Panther , , 5 bars , 580 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 19 kill , 3288 pp - U:071
Geschьtzwagen Tiger , , 5 bars , 518 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 17 kill , 4320 pp - U:076

C2 Wasserfall , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 492 exp , Germany , 14/10 , 10 kill , 4309 pp - U:044
C2 Wasserfall , Sd.Kfz. 8 , , 4 bars , 491 exp , Germany , 14/10 , 6 kill , 4309 pp - U:045

Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1460 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 113 kill , 2784 pp - U:016
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1539 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 107 kill , 2784 pp - U:018
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1271 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 129 kill , 2784 pp - U:030
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1416 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 107 kill , 2366 pp - U:046
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1314 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 73 kill , 2784 pp - U:051
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1344 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 85 kill , 2784 pp - U:053
Me 262A-1a , , 5 bars , 1185 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 97 kill , 2784 pp - U:054
Me 262A-1a/U3 , , 5 bars , 1116 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 105 kill , 2227 pp - U:061
Me 262A-1a/U3 , , 5 bars , 1040 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 101 kill , 2784 pp - U:062
Me 262A-1a/U3 , , 5 bars , 1036 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 89 kill , 2784 pp - U:064
Me 262A-1a/U3 , , 5 bars , 995 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 88 kill , 2227 pp - U:072
Me 262T-1 , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 14/10 , 37 kill , 2850 pp - U:079
Me 262T-1 , , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 43 kill , 3000 pp - U:080
Me 262T-1 , , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 14/10 , 44 kill , 2850 pp - U:081
Me 262A-1a SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 540 exp , Germany , 14/10 , 31 kill , 5130 pp - U:089
Me 262A-1a/U4 , , 4 bars , 405 exp , Germany , 13/10 , 15 kill , 2700 pp - U:091

Dive Bomber
Ar 555 , , 5 bars , 1858 exp , Italy , 15/10 , 115 kill , 4560 pp - U:006
Ar 555 , , 5 bars , 1774 exp , Italy , 13/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 153 kill , 4104 pp - U:007
Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1813 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 119 kill , 1800 pp - U:021
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1558 exp , Germany , 13/10 , 100 kill , 1620 pp - U:026
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1799 exp , Germany , 13/10 , 140 kill , 1620 pp - U:031
Ar 555 , , 5 bars , 2102 exp , Germany , 14/10 , All Weather Combat , 130 kill , 4332 pp - U:035
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1709 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 113 kill , 1800 pp - U:036
Ar 555 , , 5 bars , 1960 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 72 kill , 4560 pp - U:041
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1684 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 118 kill , 1800 pp - U:047
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1711 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 117 kill , 1800 pp - U:052
Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 1562 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 124 kill , 1800 pp - U:056
Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1623 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 116 kill , 1800 pp - U:065
Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1477 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 87 kill , 1800 pp - U:070
Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1342 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 84 kill , 1800 pp - U:074
Aichi M6A1 Seiran , , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 12/10 , 15 kill , 816 pp - U:078
Do 217E-5 mit Hs 293 , , 5 bars , 671 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 50 kill , 3600 pp - U:084
Do 217E-5 mit Hs 293 , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 42 kill , 3600 pp - U:085
Do 217E-5 mit Hs 293 , , 5 bars , 622 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 46 kill , 3600 pp - U:086
Do 217E-5 mit Hs 293 , , 5 bars , 599 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 37 kill , 3600 pp - U:087
Me 262A-2 , , 5 bars , 749 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 58 kill , 3000 pp - U:088

Level Bomber
He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 1303 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 67 kill , 2592 pp - U:055

I-400 , U 47 , 5 bars , 632 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 14 kill , 1080 pp - U:015
I-400 , , 5 bars , 627 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 15 kill , 1080 pp - U:066

Zerstцrer 1944 , , 5 bars , 1080 exp , Germany , 17/12 , 69 kill , 828 pp - U:001
Zerstцrer 1944 , , 5 bars , 1039 exp , Germany , 17/12 , 60 kill , 828 pp - U:002
Zerstцrer 1944 , , 5 bars , 674 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 12 kill , 720 pp - U:063

Capitol Ship
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 847 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 96 kill , 4536 pp - U:014
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 863 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 95 kill , 4536 pp - U:022
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 821 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 102 kill , 4536 pp - U:024
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 762 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 85 kill , 4536 pp - U:060
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 73 kill , 4536 pp - U:067
Yamato (Planes:0/2), , 5 bars , 699 exp , Germany , 15/10 , 84 kill , 4536 pp - U:068

Graf Zeppelin (Planes:0/3), , 1 bars , 138 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 1 kill , 1201 pp - U:082

Radar Cruiser
Radar Cruiser Medium (Planes:0/1), , 5 bars , 653 exp , Germany , 17/12 , 57 kill , 2760 pp - U:077
Radar Cruiser Heavy (Planes:0/1), , 4 bars , 404 exp , Germany , 16/12 , 8 kill , 3300 pp - U:092

Player 1 : Germany, Japan, Italy
Killed: INF:4975 TNK:1325 RCN:879 AT:1158 FLAK:654 FORT:982 ATY:1771 AD:1023 FTR:686 TB:507 LB:19 SUB:188 DD:376 BS:216 CV:9 Total: 14768
Lost : INF:212 TNK:9 RCN:39 AT:23 FLAK:38 FORT:63 ATY:24 AD:10 FTR:3 TB:4 LB:1 SUB:6 DD:21 BS:1 Total: 454

BV 61
V 2
TV 64
L 0

Infantry * 9 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 7046 exp, 606 kill, 10237 pp Average: 783 exp, 67 kill, 1137 pp
Tank * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 13572 exp, 1892 kill, 31500 pp Average: 1357 exp, 189 kill, 3150 pp
Recon * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 3329 exp, 224 kill, 4587 pp Average: 666 exp, 45 kill, 917 pp
Anti-Tank * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3483 exp, 161 kill, 10388 pp Average: 697 exp, 32 kill, 2078 pp
Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 219 exp, 0 kill, 348 pp Average: 219 exp, 0 kill, 348 pp
Artillery * 10 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 7010 exp, 263 kill, 33912 pp Average: 701 exp, 26 kill, 3391 pp
Air-Defence * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 983 exp, 16 kill, 8618 pp Average: 492 exp, 8 kill, 4309 pp
Fighter * 16 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 16685 exp, 1264 kill, 45622 pp Average: 1043 exp, 79 kill, 2851 pp
Dive Bomber * 20 Units * 5 Leaders Total : 28149 exp, 1836 kill, 53412 pp Average: 1407 exp, 92 kill, 2671 pp
Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1303 exp, 67 kill, 2592 pp Average: 1303 exp, 67 kill, 2592 pp
Submarine * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1259 exp, 29 kill, 2160 pp Average: 630 exp, 15 kill, 1080 pp
Destroyer * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2793 exp, 141 kill, 2376 pp Average: 931 exp, 47 kill, 792 pp
Capitol Ship * 6 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4681 exp, 535 kill, 27216 pp Average: 780 exp, 89 kill, 4536 pp
Carrier * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 138 exp, 1 kill, 1201 pp Average: 138 exp, 1 kill, 1201 pp
Radar Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1057 exp, 65 kill, 6060 pp Average: 529 exp, 33 kill, 3030 pp
* Summary: * 93 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 91707 exp, 7100 kill, 240229 pp Average: 986 exp, 76 kill, 2583 pp

Player 1 Germany, Japan, Italy has 106 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 13
Tank : 10
Recon : 6
Anti-Tank : 5
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 11
Air-Defence : 2
Fighter : 18
Dive Bomber : 22
Level Bomber : 1
Submarine : 3
Destroyer : 4
Capitol Ship : 7
Carrier : 1
Radar Cruiser : 2

Player 2 USA - estimated force: 185 units
Infantry / Anti-Tank : 36%
Recon / Tank : 11%
Air-Defence / Flak : 15%
Air target : 2%
Naval target : 5%
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

ward70 wrote: 2023-03-31 11:11, Friday I play for fun, so the settings are as simple as possible. First I got to 59 campaign scenarios with the old e-file. After the update, I started over with a new e-file, but the history was not updated and it turned out to be the 60th campaign scenario.
It happens when the campaign is under construction and the path is altered. Then some connections between scenarios get screwed up and it even can happen that the campaign starts again. For example, i will add a new Scotland scenario between London and Scapa Flow and that will change the scenario number of the following scenarios.
Since the campaign is so big and long construction takes 2 years or so. Once the campaign is finished, everything will be fine :cool

Which are your favorite scenarios/maps?
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by ward70 »

I like scenes where both land and sea units are at the same time. For example Sevastopol, Africa, New York. And I'll tell you honestly, I liked the old e-file with prototypes more. There was a point to fight for a diamond victory, now it doesn’t. But nothing needs to be changed, I want to finish the campaign)))
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

The availability of prototypes is decided on scenario level. So it can be decided for every single scenario if there will be protos or not. For the Weltkrieg campaign i decided against protos because it is such a long campaign and with protos it becomes harder to balance.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

A new version of the efile has been uploaded to dropbox. You'll find the link in the first post of this thread.

As always there are some new units and icons, some efile tweaks and most notably there is the finished Weltkrieg campaign with 74 sceanrios (for now), the biggest Open General campaign ever :deal :yes
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Dimitris GR »

A big THANK YOU!!!!!
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Thanks again @Dimitris for his playtest of the Weltkrieg campaign :bow

So what are the planes for the future? The Weltkrieg campaign will be enlarged and gets 3 more scenarios. Bydgoszcz 1939, Perekop Isthmus 1941 and Pantelleria before Malta/Africa. I resumed work on the Bydgoszcz map and will start playing/updating the campaign once the map is finished.
I might add more scenarios in the future. Maybe one new map and scenario every year. We'll see.

Dimitris resumed workin on his campaign as well :cool
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by Dimitris GR »

When a user like randowe sais good words for me i am so happy and a shy the same time. I hope that he continues to make things fpr the game and i hope also to finish my campaign. The scenarios that i already make, will be used later.

P.S. Off course a great thanks to Luis.
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by stanton »

great fun to play the 1938-46 ATOMIC BLITZKRIEG

big and fine maps and difficult szenarios

many thanks to randowe for his great work

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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

stanton wrote: 2023-09-20 12:50, Wednesday great fun to play the 1938-46 ATOMIC BLITZKRIEG

big and fine maps and difficult szenarios

many thanks to randowe for his great work

Thank you very much :howdy I am happy that you like the campaign and maps!
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Re: ATOMIC Efile [see 1st post]

Post by randowe »

Ok, change of plan (for the 100th time :lol ). Bydgoszcz is out and Hel Peninsula in. While i made a lot of progress on the map in the last days, i came to the conclusion that Bydgoszcz is just too big of a map for such an early stage in the campaign and the core army will be too small for such a big land mass.
Hel will wil perfect with half the map ocean and the player can also use the core ships :cool
I think i can finish Bydgoszcz this month and then start with the Hel map.
(Of course talking about the Weltkrieg campaign.)
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