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New OLGCW E-File: Moder War Version

Posted: 2023-11-16 02:17, Thursday
by sad_dzen
I really like the OLCW E-File, but it has some serious balance issues. First of all, because of the over-power modern units. The reason is clear: on the one hand, the author consistently improved the units of the countries, and, say, the plane of 2000th could not be weaker than the plane of 1960th. On the other hand, he brought the indicators of weapons up to modern ones - this is especially evident in the example of artillery, whose range of 7, 13, and so on, hexes was common.

I decided to radically change OLGCW in terms of balance. First of all, for home games.

To begin with, I only give countries those troops that, plus or minus, are relevant today (2020+). Since all the units ended up on the same timeline, I started playing around with the stats. So that the game balance does not break too much, I brought the plus and minus characteristics to the indicators of the original OpenGeneral. Well, in terms of unit strength, firing range, visibility, and so on. Yes, it may not be very realistic - but shooting across a billion hexes breaks game mechanics. OP2 is not designed for this. It became more interesting to play)

And, of course, I added a lot of new units, changed some countries (no Warsaw Pact, etc. - but there is, say, Ukraine, Belarus and Venezuela).
In general, what I want to know is: should I post my work on the forum?

PS. I apologize for the quality of English, if anything :)

Re: New OLGCW E-File: Moder War Version

Posted: 2023-11-19 19:36, Sunday
by randowe
Welcome to the forum :howdy

Sorry, i can not say anything about the OLG efiles, just wanted to give you a welcome!