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Trouble getting Redball's Express to run

Posted: 2020-01-19 22:03, Sunday
by illumined
I played People's General some years ago and recently decided to get back into it. I located an ISO and successfully installed it. I started it up and it loaded just fine. I found Redball's Express mod remembering how great it was, and that's when the problems started. First i unzipped it to the installed directory, then when I hit the exe but instead of loading the screen went black for a couple of seconds before returning to the Windows Explorer. I tried the alternative method which is to install it to it's own folder, then copy CINE and all those other folders from the game directory.

Then I got a mss32.dill missing error. Looking up what that was I tried downloading it from the dll library website and then got this error:

"PeG030f0xp.exe Entry Point Not Found"
"The procesure entry point_AIL_init_sample@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library mss32.dll"

Then it occured to me to try and find it from the original game installation's mss32.dll file, which i dropped into the Redball Express folder. Now when I try double clicking the Redball exe it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Any tips on how to get the mod to work?

By the way I noticed the old Redball Express forum was deleted, what happened?

Re: Trouble getting Redball's Express to run

Posted: 2020-01-20 22:23, Monday
by Micha
Hello and wellcome !
As my knowledge Redballs Express was removed.

To your Pegproblems.
Please go to my website . Here you can find a new version of the original Peg and many mods for free download.
Please read the tips on the website, many things has changed.

If you have more questions i"m always willing to help.

Micha :)

Re: Trouble getting Redball's Express to run

Posted: 2020-01-25 04:42, Saturday
by illumined
Thank you, I will try it out. Too bad Redball disappeared from the internet, it used to be a great mod.