To Duke Falcon

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To Duke Falcon

Post by homosovietus »

Dear Duke,

I'm writing this message in forum because I'm unable to send PM. I know that you are an author of infantry icons for PeG modern warfare mod. I have to say that they look brillant. Since I'm planning to work with this mod seriously (with own scenarios and EQ) I would like to ask you is there a possibility that you will make some additional INF icons for this mod. I let myself to make a short list of icons that would be very useful. Here is the list:

1) Russian inf icons as they are now, but with fully black rifles
2) Russian airborne troops - with parashoots with two verions with blue berets ans with helmets - russian airborn troops are business card o russian army
3) Russian naval infantry/ marines - any ideas?
4) Polish inf with modern rifles (Grot rifles)
5) Polish special forces (GROM unit they are like us navy seals)
6) AT infantry for Polish army
7) Polish airborne - red berets
8) AT Infantry for ukraine
9) Special forces for Ukraine
10) Some inf icons with irregular uniforms (like pro russian partisans or ukrainian conscripts)

Taking into consideration current situation such units would be VERY useful to make a lot of scenarios....

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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Duke Falcon
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Re: To Duke Falcon

Post by Duke Falcon »


Sorry for the late reply but lately I am a rare bird on these forums!

As for the icons, I not promise anything. Things are a bit silly now again but I would try at least some of the ideas you listed to make.
However I am not sure how you want to use the new icons. The current Modern Warfare equipment(s) are splitted because the original one could not handle all the icons\units it were included. So consider perhaps a new equipment file on your own or move things to OG as a project may be a good thing to consider.

+ As things are now I can only provide raw BMP files because the PeG DATtool not work for me on Win7 64. Constantly crash if I try to open\convert something.
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Re: To Duke Falcon

Post by Micha »

Hello Duke,
glad to see you. At the moment i dont have any new plans for Peg.
But i"m playing a lot older campaigns and also your mods. Thank you for all you did for Peg. I hope the old designing fever will come back one day.
But for the moment i"m happy with the existing mods.
Your idea to move the ukraine plans to og is maybe the best idea.

See you
Slava Ukraina !
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Duke Falcon
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Re: To Duke Falcon

Post by Duke Falcon »


Here are the raw BMP files of the units you requested: ...
A few notes however:
- Not (yet) made any russian marine unit
- Russian paratroops only have blue berret version (also not added paraschutes as it looked horrible silly)

Since my PeG stuffs not work anymore (yet) I could not convert these to s16 or add to the dat\eqp (which is also contains more icons that PeG let's to have). Currently try to convert Modern Warfare to Open General so any future campaigns\scenarios (if any) would be made for that (or one code some solution to my GPU-caused troubles).

Anyway, hope you would like the new icons!
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