Fix for the Ukrainian Flag

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Moderator: Micha

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Fix for the Ukrainian Flag

Post by min »

The Ukrainian flag is turned upside down in the original game. This problem is propagated to many of the subsequent mods. Given the non-existent role of Ukraine in the game, there was no real need to fix the flag. But now, if ever, it seems that the flag ought to be corrected.

To deal with this issue, I fixed MOGDEN.dat and CWGEN.dat. The following .zip file contains both files.!Ajh_jBshoZo9fBHp6Bh ... 8?e=A5FYgT

MOGDEN.dat is for the original, stock game.
CWGEN.dat is for the game as made available for download from

The .zip file also contains the original MOGDEN.dat for the purists.

I cannot determine how many times the Ukrainian flag is incorrect within both files and cannot be bothered to clobber every wrong instance. However, I amended the Ukrainian flag icon in FLAGS1.s16, FLAGS8.s16, FLA31A.s16, and FLA31B.s16. (Importantly, nothing else is touched.) Putting the two .dat folders in your game folder will ensure the fix for:

(1) the original PEOPLES.exe
(2) PeG010.exe
(3) PeG020.exe
(4) PeG020SA.exe
(5) PeG030.exe
(6) PeG030Asia.exe
(7) PeG030India.exe

(PeG020SP.exe is included from the download on It does not use the Ukrainian flag and therefore does not have to be fixed.)

The two .dat files can just be dropped into the game.

(Micha, please feel free to directly replace CWGEN.dat bundled with the game on with this revised CWGEN.dat!)

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Re: Fix for the Ukrainian Flag

Post by Micha »

Hello my friend, thanks for your efforts.
Sorry but for the moment i dont have time to work on the installers.
Best way is to create a new folder for your scenarios with only 1 exe file, maybe peg 3.0 asia or another.
If you can create an installer would be good but i can also do it from the game folder if you host it for me for download. ;)
Slava Ukraina !
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Joined: 2022-08-04 20:15, Thursday

Re: Fix for the Ukrainian Flag

Post by min »

Micha, thank you very much for your advice! I can see how it is beneficial to create separate files and executables to deal with all these issues. See my upcoming post on Belgorod!
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