New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

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New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by min »

With Micha's encouraging response for my initial Kanev scenario, I decided to expand upon the theme to create a package of scenarios for Ukraine 2022!

I will continuously update the package and will update when I have time. The scenarios can be found at this link.!Ajh_jBshoZo9fcM1DoQ ... k?e=FcJUdV

As of 8/7 8/14, there are two three scenarios in the package:


This scenario is based on the Kanev scenario from Panzer General II. This scenario assumes that the Russians have completed operations in the Donbass, captured Kharkov/Kharkiv and Poltava, and will press for a second attempt on Kiev/Kyiv via Kanev/Kaniv. As in the original scenario, they will try to cross the Dnepr/Dnipro at Kanev/Kaniv. The date of the original scenario, September 23, was not altered. The year was simply changed from 1943 to 2022.


This scenario is based on the Zitadelle scenario from Panzer General II. This scenario indulges in a fantasy where the Ukrainians, after pushing the Russians away from Kharkov/Kharkiv in May of 2022, move on to capture Belgorod during the summer and replay the southern pincer of Operation Zitadelle. The date of the original scenario, July 5, was not altered. The year was simply changed from 1943 to 2022.


This scenario is based on the Suomussalmi scenario from Panzer General II. This scenario assumes that the Russians have completed operations in Ukraine and expanded the "Special Military Operation" to Finland before NATO ratification is completed. The date of the original scenario, December 24, was not altered. The year was simply changed from 1939 to 2022.

There is also a campaign called "Special Military Operation" that combines Kanev and Suomussalmi together.

The file includes necessary an optionalequipment file, an optional MOGDEN file, GUI file, and an optional executable. Detailed installation instructions and notes are provided in the readme file of the package.

The package includes a new country, specifically, Finland. However, all the data is modified in very minor ways from equipment in the stock game. I have taken the view that it is better to use a simpler, more abstract pool of equipment than to deal with the zoo of equipment that is actually used in the war. I also think it is important to keep the balance and flavor of the original game. Because the scenarios are both compatible with the original game, it is still just a scenario package and a true mod. However, as I expand on this package, I may eventually turn it into a mod.

Please feel free to provide comments on any of the scenarios in this thread. If you would like to collaborate as well, please let me know. Hopefully, this effort can give some more life to People's General!
Last edited by min on 2022-08-14 02:29, Sunday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by Micha »

Hello, thank you my friend for your effort. Had a look on the second scenario and it seems to be the same great work.
I will stop playing the ww2 campaign i play at the moment and will playtest your scenarios.
The only thing i would change is bringing obstacls and buildings in your scenario.
This is possible via peg-suite. :howdy
Slava Ukraina !
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by Micha »

Sorry my friend, but you should not hope for manny answers here, there are no more active players here except you and me. The game is verry old,
but i still love it like the first time i have touched it. :)
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by min »

Micha, thank you so much for your reply! I have now added one more scenario to the package and created a campaign! I also added strongpoints and fortifications and added Finland as a country, so I suppose it is turning into a mod.

If you could try it and see if there are issues, I would much appreciate it! This is the first scenario package and campaign I made for the game, so any feedback is welcome. I will keep improving it.

And as you may be able to tell, all the scenarios and introduction text files are adapted from Panzer General II and People's General. It is a lot of fun creating this mod, even though you are probably the only person who will play it.
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by Micha »

Thank you againe for your nice work. playing belgorod at the moment. Is real fun but can do onlx 3 or 4 rounds per day.
This will be a fun mod . :clap :banana
Slava Ukraina !
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by Micha »

Belgorod finished in round 18.
The scenario is well designed, good work. But there is no prestige for the player on start, this should be changed.
A prestige of 500 or 1000 would be good , so the player can purchase some equipment. And ther should be triggerhexes to get more airmissions or such things.
For the moment i have to stop playtesting sorry, maybe i will continue later. :howdy
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by min »

Micha, thank you so much for your comments! I deliberately did not include any prestige because I have not decided how I should limit what the Ukrainians can buy. The Ukrainians are not given Abrams tanks in real-life, for example, so it seems wrong to open up all of the US equipment to the Ukrainians. (Or maybe that is exactly what I should allow Ukraine to do in the scenario?) Let me rethink how to deal with this.

For now, I am tinkering with modifying the .exe file to go further. I would like to have as many notes from Redball and others if possible. In particular, there appears to be a "EXE & RUNTIME HACKING" file that he had. Do you happen to have a copy of it?

Thanks so much!
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Re: New Scenario Package - Ukraine 2022

Post by Micha »

Hello, ok thats the easy way to avoid the purchase of forbidden things for players. The better way is to do it via suite. If i remember rigth so you can set up in suite a unit can be purchased only in suite during the scenariodesign.
Giving no no prestige to the player and ai makes it impossible to make the game harder or easyer for the player.
But you decide.
Modifieing the exe should be possile via suite. I dont know about an hacking tool. :howdy
Slava Ukraina !
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