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[OPN] Forum Scope - Opinions

Posted: 2019-10-02 15:33, Wednesday
by HexCode

My Take

Some Further Thoughts

New Topics: Key Considerations

Interactive Technical Postings

Custom Content Design Novelties

Streamlined Searches

Four Evolutionary Steps

Theory & Practice

Collaboration ?


This is a brand new forum. Since I'm the first poster to take advantage of it, I would like to state my own views and intentions.

1) I very much like the sharp focus of the forum. PGF comes in only one flavor, Version 1.02 for "MS Windows". This avoids the inevitable confusion and absence of focus arising out of accommodating a bunch of "similar" titles, some being native to diverse operating systems and having been released in diverse media.

2) It's not my intent to engage in any pointless critique, let alone criticism, of the software's Developer / Programmer or any custom content designer; this includes the actual (custom) content itself. In a nutshell, I'm completely agnostic regarding such matters.


Posted: 2019-10-09 16:41, Wednesday
by HexCode

A) I view PGF V. 1.02 as de facto "abandonware & betaware", the source code of which hasn't been "publicly" released. As such, all of my posts will be based on the key assumption that the title's current engine and external support file formats will remain virtually unchanged, save for some potential hex-editing of PGF's main and only executable.

B) From my perspective, PGF is it. Comparisons with other "similar" titles are essentially pointless, even confusing. PGF is freeware and is "publicly" available in "as is" condition. It's up to players and modders to enjoy it for what it is and can do without being shackled by... historical memories (e.g., SSI's Panzer / Allied General).

C) I make a workable distinction between PGF's engine and external support file formats on one hand and everything else on the other. The latter is custom content.

D) I consider SSI's Panzer / Allied General content which PGF's Developer / Programmer rendered playable under PGF to be custom content as well. Nevertheless, such time-honored (i.e., "classic") content is very useful in allowing a poster such as myself to use natural language to refer to and explain "things" as opposed to just resorting to rather opaque... hexadecimal / binary code.


Posted: 2019-11-21 17:11, Thursday
by HexCode

THIS forum broadly addresses the following perceived PGF hobbyist needs:

1) Ad hoc Questions, Answers & Commentary
2) Working Links
3) Custom Content Development

Quite a few of us have been exposed to the ways of that "other" Web venue and, consequently, may have reached definitive conclusions... However, the past is, well, the past. It's the future that really matters.

Elsewhere in THESE Open General forums:
... I sincerely hope that my "approach" to posting ... will drastically reduce the number of "launch - post something - and move on" topics.
I respectfully urge prospective posters to think a bit before launching brand new topics. Not every question or comment need trigger a new topic. Perhaps the post can be "shoehorned" into an already existing topic. To this effect,

PGF: "Ephemeral" Posts - Questions & Commentary

PG1: Omnibus Posting - Questions & Commentary

are well suited to hosting diverse "shoehorned" posts. :ihope

Finally, hobbyist camaraderie implies expecting a certain quid pro quo. Namely, if at all possible, kindly post your questions or comments in a way that helps increase our collective knowledge re: "things" PGF. Don't be... unconsciously / uncaringly selfish !


Posted: 2019-11-29 19:11, Friday
by HexCode

Asking technical questions or, more generally, participating in interactive discussions regarding technical matters, is considerably more demanding than posting in non-technical areas. Language precision and poster patience are sine qua non if anything constructive is to be achieved as a result of such forum interactions.

That "other" Web venue has provided us with plenty of empirical evidence as to why technically knowledgeable posters may grow progressively reluctant in providing technical assistance to "others". Here are the ingredients which, over time, combine to render technically knowledgeable posters jaded and unresponsive:

1) Posters expecting instantaneous, "magical" explanations and solutions.

2) Posters not particularly caring to write clearly and stay "on topic".

3) Posters unable or unwilling to responsibly interact with posters who, seriously and unselfishly, are trying to help them.

4) Posters who capriciously abandon discussions in progress thereby leaving such interactions... dangling.

I strongly suggest that technical discussions take place here:

[ADV] Advanced Play System - Questions & Commentary


Posted: 2019-12-26 00:19, Thursday
by HexCode

PGF is 10 years old, give or take a year or two. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that a number of custom content designers have been experimenting and significantly deviating from PGF's "classic content orthodoxy".

Custom content design deviations / tricks are, well, ... novelties. In this regard, the forum could be helpful in a couple of ways.

Firstly, PGF aficionados who come across novelties during play or their private design activities may wish to tell "us" about them here:

PGF: "Ephemeral" Posts - Questions & Commentary


[ADV] Advanced Play System - Questions & Commentary

Secondly, those "pinned" topics whose titles start with "[DEV]" are ideal for hosting ongoing discussions of novelties deemed relevant to and supportive of the designers' specific development aims.


Posted: 2020-03-24 17:18, Tuesday
by HexCode

"Ephemeral" posts aren't necessarily irrelevant or useless over the long haul. Forum "lurkers" come and go. It's quite conceivable that a "lurker" may develop a particular interest or come up with a question long after some pertinent post appears in THIS forum. If and when so, I suggest that such "lurkers" take advantage of the forum's "search" functionality strictly limited to the confines of the relevant (i.e. PGF or PG1) single topic dedicated to hosting "ephemeral" posts. The foregoing, suggested, streamlined searches tend to be significantly more efficient as well as effective when compared to forum-wide searches.


Posted: 2020-04-26 21:23, Sunday
by HexCode

Step 1

PGF's Developer / Programmer "publicly" released his wargame package, including a subsequently released, final engine update, Version 1.02. The software is presumed to be de facto "abandonware & betaware".

Step 2

FPGE's last Developer / Programmer of record "publicly" released his final editor package Version The software is presumed to be de facto "abandonware & betaware" as well. One of the editor's main purposes was to facilitate certain types of modding undertaken within the context of PGF.

Step 3

Understanding and "discoveries" over and above the two Developers' / Programmers' "publicly" available documentation have been (are being) pursued privately. On occasion, such "advances" were (are) made "public" via Web pages and forums such as THIS one.

Step 4

Modders privately design(ed) custom content, playable under PGF. On occasion, Web pages and forums such as THIS one render(ed) certain aspects of the modding experience, "public".


Posted: 2021-01-12 19:49, Tuesday
by HexCode

In a perfect modding world, [DEV] designated topics are "supposed" to contain posts just specific to the mods under development. Most importantly, all relevant, applicable "theory" is "supposed" to be perfectly understood and easily accessible, top-down, a priori.

Clearly, PGF mod development projects evolve in the real world. The practice of "publicly" communicating re: these mods can be anarchic. But, I submit to "you" that it's precisely this "free-for-all" which may prove to be quite fecund. Basically, bottom-up discussions often illuminate existing "theory"; they can also generate brand new knowledge.


Posted: 2021-01-13 18:54, Wednesday
by HexCode

Ok, THIS is a forum; not a wargame development site. Why am I drawing such a distinction ?

1) When it comes to "lurkers", well, one can't say anything ! We're talking black holes here...

2) When it comes to posters, most of them engage in "fly-by-night-short-burst" posting. Irrespective of the "intrinsic value" of such posts, one can safely assume that the aforesaid posters have no desire to "publicly" and frequently engage others over the long haul.

3) This leaves "us" with a few posters who stick around for awhile. Mercifully, such posters "publicly" interact among themselves. Such frequent interactions often prove to be beneficial across the board.


such interactions shouldn't be confused with collaboration. You see, effective collaboration presupposes the acceptance and internalization of a spirit of organization and invariably requires a single individual to firmly take the lead.


THIS forum can certainly assist collaborative efforts; nevertheless, that's not enough. :nyet

Key sine qua nons underpinning collaborative projects will always remain external to THIS forum.