CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE *

Guderian’s Gambit by Doug Hone for Adlerkorps Efile.

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CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE *

Post by reloadmaster » 2021-10-04 18:42, Monday

OpenGen * 14 Oct 2019
AI version: Default (0.91)
Efile version: CC45-Guderian's Gambit with Adlerkorps 4K 0.63
Player prestige modifier 50%

Played Scenarios
Gambit - Glorreicher Sieg
Battle of Wizna - Glorreicher Sieg
Bialystok - Sieg
Brest - Sieg
Chelm - Sieg
Break to Sedan - Glorreicher Sieg
Sedan Bridgehead - Glorreicher Sieg
De Gaulle's Counter-Attack - Sieg
Amiens - Glorreicher Sieg
The Channel Ports - Glorreicher Sieg
Advance to Dunkirk - Glorreicher Sieg
Gambit Barbarossa - Glorreicher Sieg
2 Army Encirclement - Glorreicher Sieg
Race to Smolensk - Glorreicher Sieg
Smolensk-Drive to Yelnya - Glorreicher Sieg
Yeremenko's Stab - Glorreicher Sieg
Collision at Konotop - Glorreicher Sieg
The Ring of Steel - Glorreicher Sieg
Operation Typhoon-Breakthrough at Bryansk - Glorreicher Sieg
Operation Typhoon-Battle of Mtsensk - Glorreicher Sieg
Operation Typhoon-Tula and Beyond - Sieg
Operation Typhoon-Attack of the Siberians - Taktischer Sieg
Operation Typhoon-Called Off - Taktischer Sieg

Gambit - Sturmpioniere in SPW
Sedan Bridgehead - Pz IIIG Tauchfahig
Amiens - Ju 87D-1
Gambit Barbarossa - Fw 190A-3
Smolensk-Drive to Yelnya - 28/32 NbWf41
The Ring of Steel - Ju 87G-1

Bialystok - Skilled Reconaissance on TB
Brest - Shock Tactics on Aty
Chelm - Determined Defense on Inf
De Gaulle's Counter-Attack - Bridging on Aty
Amiens - Battlefield Intelligence on Inf
Advance to Dunkirk - Liberator on tk
Race to Smolensk - Combat Support on Inf
Yeremenko's Stab - Devastating Fire on tk
Operation Typhoon-Breakthrough at Bryansk - Mountain Training on Inf
Operation Typhoon-Breakthrough at Bryansk - Battlefield Intelligence on tk

BV 16
V 5
TV 2
L 0

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Re: CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE

Post by reloadmaster » 2021-10-04 18:48, Monday


Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t
Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t
Ju 86K-1

Core moved east, only one inf was dispatched to the northwest. With help from auxes and Luftwaffe it easily cleared all VH in that area. The main thrust east met very few resistance, except for the last VH behind a river. In the end this wasn't a problem, as my units were still in good shape.

BV -1 und Sturmpioniere in SPW as proto.

Battle of Wizna

Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t

sPzSpWg (8rad)

Taking the V/SH with auxes wasn't too hard, maybe my Ju-86 with its Diesel-engine polluts the air too badly. Taking the other VHs was totally different, as the way to them is narrow, covered by roadblocks, and in the end you have to cope with stacked units. Recon and Sturmpioniere were the decisive units. LTBV, no proto.


10,5 leFH18 in Blitz 3t

Going east to Bialystok wasn't easy, as my units got crippled by a long-range Flak-unit while they crossed a river. Arriving reinforcements and the TB finally took this darned thing out, and after costly refitting I progressed here also and could take the town in BV-time. Detached the fitter units southwards, as there is another VH in the middle of nowhere.

The southgoing part of my core faced no problems until they reached Ciechanowiec. There they got halted by a small stack and an aty behind it. Needed around 10 GT to get through, with help from my TB and a number of auxes. Getting to the more or less undefended southern VH was hard, due to the bad road conditions. With a bit of luck I could do a LTBV.


Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t

Pz IID -> Pz 38(t)A

Went straight east and splitted the core at Zabinka. The few armoured units I encountered were no match. While Kobryn in the east became an easy task, the VH in Brest was again stacked. It took some time to blow all the defenders, and BV-time ticked out. Regular vic.


Easy start, hard ending. Taking the airport was a little sidekick, which took too much of my ressources. Unneeded, as the auxes together with Luftwaffe should have been enough. This way, my punch south was neither hard nor fast enough. Again stacked units on a VH. Yet another vic (BV + 2).

Break to Sedan

Bf 109E-3

Ran west and left only rubble behind me. BV without any problems (and with hardly any fighting).

Sedan Bridgehead

10,5 leFH18 in Blitz 3t

10,5 leFH18 in Blitz 3t -> 15 sFH37(t) in SdKfz 8

As in the intro suggested, I sent a small fast group to the northwest, and the larger group should take Sedan. As I saw the defenses at Sedan, I decided to play it not in the historical way. Instead I sent the rest of my core also to the northwest, then raced south without any resistance and turned east again.

The initial small fast group took all VH in the west (from north to south), and the larger group had no problems to reach Sedan from the wrong side. An aux appeared as a surprise to everyone, and the AI ran behind it, leaving Sedan almost undefended. LTBV and a tk as proto.

De Gaulle's Counter-Attack

4,7 Pak36(t) in Protze

Ju 86K-1 -> Fw 200C-1

Ran west as fast as I could. Secured an airport in the south and held it against the first part of de Gaulles counter. Auxes arrived in the area and turned the french armour into rubbish, while the core conquered Laon and headed further west. Left my AT in the town, and it had a nice time killing some more armour that somehow had escaped the initial onslaught.

Taking Laon needed one GT, and this costed me the BV, as the way further west has countless roadblocks, some stacked units behind a river and another stack on one of the last VH. Vic, or BV + 1.



Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t -> Grossdeutschland in Blitz 1t

Small recon, the Grossdeutschland-inf and the big gun were placed far in the north (among some auxes) with the single task to capture Abbeville on the western side of the map. As there was ample time, they went through the hills instead of taking the presumably blocked roads. This way they arrived unharmed and started to attack. Besides some french reinfs, which popped up among them, they faced no probs while solving the task.

Everything else went via Peronne to Amiens, and after a short break for refit further on to Picquigny. The bridging-leader on my aty was a big helper here. Most trouble I faced was caused by allied airforce, the units on ground are no match for my core. BV and a TB as proto. According to the rules I'm gonna sell it.

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Re: CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE

Post by reloadmaster » 2021-10-04 18:56, Monday

The Channel Ports

Ju 87D

Infanterie (mot) in Blitz 1t -> SS Infanterie in Blitz 3t
MGKw -> sPzSpWg (8rad)
10,5 leFH18 in Blitz 3t -> 15 sFH37(t) in SdKfz 8

Moved to the western VH and saw, that tanks are the very wrong units here. So I used only one aty, both recons and two inf. The other units (tank, aty, Sturmpioniere) were redirected to the northern VHs. The auxes arrived there way sooner than the core, but lacked aty-support. Still they used a little gap in the also heavily fortified area at the coast. The aux-tk squeezed through, while other units concentrated on deleting the stacked units from the edge of the defences, in order to widen the gap. When aux-aty and the small core-group arrived, I relieved the exhausted auxes and more or less walked through the shattered defenders into the VH.

In the west my pixel-soldiers had also deleted one edge of the defence. Killing the 'real' VH-defenders afterwards was easy. LTBV.

Advance to Dunkirk

Did nothing at HQ.

The hint said: hurry towards the final VH. So I did with most of my core (an inf and a recon helped the auxes climbing up the hills). The start from far away and in a swamp is somewhat irritating. The Condor had major impact, as it killed the defenders of the last VH. This way the exhausted Sturmpioniere could take that hex easily for a LTBV.

Gambit Barbarossa

5 Flak41 in Blitz 3t

Pz 38(t)A -> Pz IIIH
Pz IVD -> Pz IVF
4,7 Pak36(t) in Protze -> 5 Pak38 in Protze

Marched up to Brest, saw the defences - and decided to bypass the town instead of attack head-on. It's good to have a Bridging-leader when an army has to cross rivers! Left all inf (except Sturmpioniere) and the Bridging-Aty back with the task to take Brest from the back. The rest went further east.

In the east I met bad terrain and some armour, including a KV-beast, while the sky filled with (pretty weak) Russian airforce. I struggled a lot while gaining hex on hex towards the final VH and took it on the last GT for a BV. To my great relief the last VH in Brest fell at the same time, after a heavy hit from the railgun and two succesfull air-raids. BV and a Fw 190A-3 as proto. Now I have to decide which one I will sell - the old and experienced Bf or the shiny new and superior FW.

SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 1/Inf/B01 (BI) , 5 bars , 770 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 18 kill , 336 pp
+ Sturmpioniere , SPW , 2/Inf/P01 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 651 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Determined Defense , 48 kill , 0 pp
Grossdeutschland , Blitz 1t , 3/Inf/B04 , 3 bars , 367 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 13 kill , 288 pp

Pz IIIH , 1/Tk/B01 , 4 bars , 442 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 22 kill , 384 pp
+ Pz IIIG Tauchfahig , 2/Tk/P07 , 5 bars , 526 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 16 kill , 0 pp
Pz IVF , 3/Tk/B09 (Lib) , 4 bars , 435 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Liberator , 6 kill , 432 pp

sPzSpWg (8rad) , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 690 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 16 kill , 372 pp
sPzSpWg (8rad) , 2/Rec/B06 , 3 bars , 311 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 7 kill , 372 pp

5 Pak38 , Protze , 1/AT/B08 , 3 bars , 340 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp

15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 1/Aty/B03 (OverAtt) , 5 bars , 615 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 12 kill , 624 pp
15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 2/Aty/B07 (Bb) , 3 bars , 357 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Bridging , 2 kill , 624 pp

5 Flak41 , Blitz 3t , 1/AD/B12 , 2 bars , 204 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 324 pp

Bf 109E-3 , 1/Ftr/B06 , 5 bars , 581 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 14 kill , 780 pp
+ Fw 190A-3 , , 2 bars , 200 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

Taktischer Bomber
Fw 200C-1 , 1/TB/B01 (SR) , 5 bars , 1331 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 30 kill , 1032 pp

Killed: INF:124 TNK:45 RCN:5 AT:14 FLAK:2 FORT:57 ATY:22 AD:8 FTR:19 TB:5 DD:2 Total: 303
Lost : INF:1 FORT:1 Total: 2

2 Army Encirclement

Bf 109E-3 (sigh)

SS Infanterie in Blitz 3t

Auxes and reinforces in the more northern area were more than enough to do the job. When the northernmost VH was taken, a large aux-group could do a long march towards the central VH. So my core could speed east. Some roadblockers were run over, some backstabbing units were detected and eliminated.

The core left the central VH to the auxes, concentrated on securing the conquered area against some counters, while the fastest units headed further southeast. The VH there was taken on BV-1. The auxes had quite some problems taking the central VH due to bad terrain and - of course - stacked defenders. Still they made it in BV-time.

Race to Smolensk

Bruckenpioniere in Blitz 3t

Pz IIIG Tauchfahig -> Pz 739(f)
Grossdeutschland in Blitz 1t -> SS Infanterie in Blitz 3t

Split my core roughly half, with both bridging-units in the south. Both groups could not take up full speed, as quite some Russians are splattered all over the place. Some mobile, some entrenched, some in towns, some in the woods, some somewhere. One of my inf was soon down in strength and had to be refitted, just to lose all re-added sp in the next fight. Then I sent them back home. Northern group reached the river, and found themselves useless as a vast number of strong auxes appeared among them. The auxes coud have done the job in that area on their own.

The southern group rather soon reached the (first) river. They crossed it without problems. 1 GT later they were encircled by Russian cavalry and under fire from aty and another of those "Range AAD". Luftwaffe lend a helping hand, so I could escape in southern direction. There I refitted a bit and crossed the second river. This way I came out of the frying pan. And ran into the fire of an armoured attack. Four of my eight core-units had to be withdrawn at two or three sp. As the core-Luftwaffe had suffered a lot from the ominous AAD and was taken out of the fight, I called the aux-TB in. They paved the way, and the VHs in the area fell one by one.

The northern group also faced a counter-attack, but this one was way weaker and couldn't stop my advance. A BV-1 was possible, but I played on and earned the huge amount of 10pp in that turn. BV, no proto.

Smolensk-Drive to Yelnya

Did nothing at HQ

Was a bit too cautious in the beginning with the auxes in the south, was a bit surprised by the Russian attack, and was a bit lucky while taking my home-VH back. Else it was not that difficult. LTBV.

SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 1/Inf/B01 (BI) , 5 bars , 877 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 24 kill , 336 pp
+ Sturmpioniere , SPW , 2/Inf/P01 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 799 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Determined Defense , 54 kill , 0 pp
SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 3/Inf/B04 , 4 bars , 411 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Combat Support , 14 kill , 336 pp
SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 4/Inf/B13 , 3 bars , 336 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 1 kill , 336 pp
Bruckenpioniere , Blitz 3t , 5/Inf/B14 , 2 bars , 246 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 312 pp

Pz IIIH , 1/Tk/B01 , 4 bars , 486 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 29 kill , 384 pp
+ Pz 739(f) , 2/Tk/P07 , 5 bars , 671 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 22 kill , 0 pp
Pz IVF , 3/Tk/B09 (Lib) , 5 bars , 635 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Liberator , 33 kill , 432 pp

sPzSpWg (8rad) , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 837 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 21 kill , 372 pp
sPzSpWg (8rad) , 2/Rec/B06 , 4 bars , 490 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 10 kill , 372 pp

5 Pak38 , Protze , 1/AT/B08 , 3 bars , 377 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 1 kill , 168 pp

15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 1/Aty/B03 (OverAtt) , 5 bars , 736 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 15 kill , 624 pp
15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 2/Aty/B07 (Bb) , 4 bars , 448 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Bridging , 2 kill , 624 pp
+ 28/32 NbWf41 , SdKfz 10 , Aty not to use , 2 bars , 200 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

5 Flak41 , Blitz 3t , 1/AD/B12 , 2 bars , 220 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 324 pp

+ Fw 190A-3 , 1/Ftr/P12 , 3 bars , 356 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 8 kill , 0 pp

Taktischer Bomber
Fw 200C-1 , 1/TB/B01 (SR) , 5 bars , 1604 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 37 kill , 1032 pp

Player 1 : Deutschland
Killed: INF:212 TNK:56 RCN:13 AT:23 FLAK:6 FORT:57 ATY:40 AD:9 FTR:25 TB:9 DD:2 Total: 452
Lost : INF:4 FORT:1 Total: 5

These scens were played during January and February 2021. I made a short break here.

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Re: CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE

Post by reloadmaster » 2021-10-04 18:58, Monday

Now in October I felt it was time to finish the camp. I realized that I had played three more scens in March, without jotting down a note or - beware! - making a proper AAR. And I don't remember a thing! Thus you'll find more interesting readings from Typhoon on.

Yeremenko's Stab

SS Infanterie in Blitz 3t -> SS Infanterie in SPW

Collision at Konotop

BV-2 without problems.

The Ring of Steel

Became a BV-6(!), and I won a TB-proto - which I shall not use.

Core after The Ring of Steel

SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 1/Inf/B01 (BI) , 5 bars , 1025 exp , Deutschland , 7/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 29 kill , 336 pp
+ Sturmpioniere , SPW , 2/Inf/P01 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 909 exp , Deutschland , 8/10 , Determined Defense , 59 kill , 0 pp
SS Infanterie , SPW , 3/Inf/B04 (KU) , 4 bars , 473 exp , Deutschland , 6/10 , Combat Support , 17 kill , 468 pp
SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 4/Inf/B13 , 4 bars , 473 exp , Deutschland , 7/10 , 1 kill , 336 pp
Bruckenpioniere , Blitz 3t , 5/Inf/B14 , 2 bars , 293 exp , Deutschland , 6/10 , 0 kill , 312 pp

Pz IIIH , 1/Tk/B01 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1019 exp , Deutschland , 14/10 , Devastating Fire , 64 kill , 537 pp
+ Pz 739(f) , 2/Tk/P07 , 5 bars , 859 exp , Deutschland , 9/10 , 38 kill , 0 pp
Pz IVF , 3/Tk/B09 (Lib) , 5 bars , 1267 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Liberator , 87 kill , 648 pp
Pz IIIH , 4/Tk/B17 , 4 bars , 411 exp , Deutschland , 2/10 , 4 kill , 384 pp

sPzSpWg (8rad) , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 973 exp , Deutschland , 6/10 , 23 kill , 372 pp
sPzSpWg (8rad) , 2/Rec/B06 , 5 bars , 696 exp , Deutschland , 7/10 , 14 kill , 372 pp

5 Pak38 , Protze , 1/AT/B08 , 4 bars , 496 exp , Deutschland , 9/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp

15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 1/Aty/B03 (OverAtt) , 5 bars , 866 exp , Deutschland , 12/10 , Shock Tactics , 16 kill , 748 pp
15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 2/Aty/B07 (Bb) , 5 bars , 609 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Bridging , 4 kill , 624 pp
+ 28/32 NbWf41 , SdKfz 10 , Aty not to use , 2 bars , 200 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

5 Flak41 , Blitz 3t , 1/AD/B12 , 2 bars , 265 exp , Deutschland , 7/10 , 1 kill , 324 pp

+ Fw 190A-3 , 1/Ftr/P12 , 5 bars , 675 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 23 kill , 0 pp

Taktischer Bomber
Fw 200C-1 , 1/TB/B01 (SR) , 5 bars , 1910 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 39 kill , 1032 pp
Ju 87G-1 , TB not to use , 1 bars , 199 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp

Player 1 : Deutschland
Killed: INF:372 TNK:93 RCN:21 AT:32 FLAK:6 FORT:60 ATY:67 AD:15 FTR:34 TB:16 LB:3 DD:2 Total: 721
Lost : INF:9 RCN:1 FORT:1 Total: 11

Operation Typhoon-Breakthrough at Bryansk

28/32 NbWf41 in SdKfz 10 -> 17 K18 in SdKfz 7

Re-OSed my tanks, the new gun and the OverAtt-15cm come at 12str now.

From the first GT on my advance was hampered by bad road-conditions and deep entrenched enemies. The auxes did not attack head-on over the river, as this was senseless. Instead I concentrated everything at two places and tried to cut holes into the defences. In fact, this showed not too much effect.

Core and later arriving auxes made steady (yet too slow) progress towards the northwest. At some point I could break the line of defenders. And was given a warm welcome by numerous T-34, which came in waves all over the place. Aux-Luftwaffe had to rescue me time after time. As one of the Bf-109 had won a Combat-Support-leader in their second engagement, the Russian armour stood no chance.

But all the engagementes I had to fight slowed my advance further down. Suddenly the way to the VHs was free. BV-time was near, and I had few still battleworthy units. So I sent small pincers towards all VH, the ones with the best transports. Luckily most VH were undefended. Still I met a stack on one VH, but this was the one were I could attack at full strength and with all Luftwaffe-units. LTBV, no proto.

Operation Typhoon-Battle of Mtsensk

Only re-OS at HQ.

Rather slow beginning, as I tried to find a place to cross the river - a frontal assault with only tanks was an illusion. Found a suitable place far in the north and wore some auxes down for the breakthrough. When inf and aty arrived on the frontline, I concentrated on killing the VH-defenders. When this VH is free, I suggested, none of the other units would capture it as they are all deep entrenched.

I was wrong in several cases. My northeastern tk-pincer was hampered by a strong Russian airforce, mines, and supply-problems. I was happy when some of my best inf arrived. They could blow the VH-defenders, but took heavy losses to TB, LB, aty and tanks. About a half of my units up there was unable to move on the last GT due to LB-attacks and problems to refuel on sand.

The first VH was emptied pretty soon, but numerous counterstriking T-34 filled the gap and threatened my aty. I killed two, another four appeared. I killed another two, the sky filled with Il-2 und Pe-8. On the last turn for a BV my mountain-movers could force the defending tk out of the VH and re-retake it - at one sp. No proto.

Typhoon-Tula and Beyond



5 Pak 38 in Protze -> 7,5 Pak40 in SdKfz 11
15 sFH37(t) in SdKfz 8 -> 15 sFH37(t) in SdKfz 7

re-OSed both tk, another point of OS to my big gun.

The southern auxes got help from my bridging-inf, the new PzIIIH and the AT. This was enough to conquer and hold Kozuvka in the southeast. The aux-recon and the single inf with good transports raced northeast from there and took Novomoskovsk, with a little help from the Luftwaffe and against only minor opposition. Both VH were held against some armoured attacks.

The auxes in the northwest retreated out of sight of the numerous defenders around Ketri and Luvovitsy. They made a hegdehog around the aty and the SPAD there. Small Russian attacks could be weathered.

The core raced northeast from the far southwest and crossed the river Upa southeast of Tula. Most auxes southwest of Tula only held their ground, as the big guns defending the town rendered all attacks useless. The ones with good TP joined my moving core. East of Tula the group split into a western and an eastern detachement. While the western group wrecked havoc among the defenders north of Tula and a SuperMan-inf (aux!) even sneaked into the town-VH, the eastern group first took Gomovo in the woods and afterwards came close to Luznka, the VH in the northeast.

Then vast masses of Russian inf and tk appeared there, and the red airforce got busy. I lost and retook the VH in Gomovo three (or four?) times. An aux-Sturmpioniere had a DetDef-leader and could move into the VH in Luznka. They held it for two GT, in the end without ammo - it was a miracle against four tanks and about ten inf, several with leaders.

The firmly hidden northwestern auxes finally went into the battle. They draw the attention of most Russian armour and some aty in the west away from my core. So I could take the last VH on the airport at V-1.

SS Infanterie , SPW , 1/Inf/B01 (BI) , 5 bars , 1066 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 30 kill , 468 pp
+ Sturmpioniere , SPW , 2/Inf/P01 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 968 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Determined Defense , 60 kill , 0 pp
SS Infanterie , SPW , 3/Inf/B04 (KU) , 5 bars , 539 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Combat Support , 19 kill , 468 pp
SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 4/Inf/B13 (MT) , 5 bars , 567 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 5 kill , 336 pp
Bruckenpioniere , Blitz 3t , 5/Inf/B14 , 3 bars , 336 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 312 pp

Pz IIIH , 1/Tk/B01 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1321 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , 81 kill , 576 pp
+ Pz 739(f) , 2/Tk/P07 , 5 bars , 956 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 47 kill , 0 pp
Pz IVF , 3/Tk/B09 (Lib) , 5 bars , 1575 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Liberator , 100 kill , 648 pp
Pz IIIH , 4/Tk/B17 (BI) , 5 bars , 553 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 8 kill , 384 pp
Pz IIIH , 5/Tk/B21 , 2 bars , 200 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 384 pp

sPzSpWg (8rad) , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 1040 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 25 kill , 372 pp
sPzSpWg (8rad) , 2/Rec/B06 , 5 bars , 784 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 15 kill , 372 pp

7,5 Pak40 , SdKfz 11 , 1/AT/B08 , 5 bars , 504 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 3 kill , 300 pp

15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 1/Aty/B03 (OverAtt) , 5 bars , 968 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Shock Tactics , 20 kill , 936 pp
15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 7 , 2/Aty/B07 (Bb) , 5 bars , 680 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Bridging , 6 kill , 648 pp
+ 17 K18 , SdKfz 7 , 4/Aty/P15 , 3 bars , 322 exp , Deutschland , 13/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp

5 Flak41 , Blitz 3t , 1/AD/B12 , 2 bars , 290 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp

+ Fw 190A-3 , 1/Ftr/P12 , 5 bars , 760 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp

Taktischer Bomber
Fw 200C-1 , 1/TB/B01 (SR) , 5 bars , 2065 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 39 kill , 1032 pp

Player 1 : Deutschland
Killed: INF:437 TNK:112 RCN:21 AT:32 FLAK:6 FORT:60 ATY:82 AD:18 FTR:38 TB:17 LB:3 DD:2 Total: 828
Lost : INF:14 RCN:3 AT:2 FORT:1 Total: 20

Operation Typhoon-Attack of the Siberians

OS'ed my aty.

Didn'd use the far away DHs. After the first GT, where I fought 'aggressive defence' east of Tula to give the auxes a slight chance to escace, I ran away most of the time. Except for a few counterattacks, where I could delete a couple of enemies, but brought some of my cores close to extinction. Lost all OS on my tk and even some from my aty. Also had to refit some units.

What was still alive of the northwestern auxes on GT 2 only moved to the edge of the map and survived. Auxes from the east (hardened by my french tk) retreated to the southeastern VH, which I could hold until TV+3. Then some T-34 arrived and blew my defences (but not the tank, as I pulled it out of the battle as soon as the T-34 appeared).

Everything else headed southwest to the VH where my core started from in the last scen. Defended it until the last GT and took the TV.

Operation Typhoon-Called Off

OS on tk, aty, AD and AT.

Placed the AT on the VH, the CS-inf on the left and the shocking aty on the right. Behind the AT I placed the AD, adjacent to AD and the CS-inf the bridging-aty. Big gun behind the AD, and everything else but four units around them. Both recon were left at HQ, and the other two units were a tk and an inf, both with BattInt-leaders. They had to race southwest to the VHs there.

The Russians stood no chance. Every attack was repelled, with heavy losses to the attackers (killed 40 units within 6 GT). The two units I sent southwest did their job easily.

Core @ end:

Current scenario: Operation Typhoon-Called Off, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 20
Army cost: 8412 , Current prestige is 357
Prestige available on map yet is 20 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 9
AI stance is Aggressive
BV: Win , turn prestige: 40
V : Win , turn prestige: 50
TV: Win , turn prestige: 100
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 100

SS Infanterie , SPW , 1/Inf/B01 (BI) , 5 bars , 1090 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 34 kill , 468 pp
+ Sturmpioniere , SPW , 2/Inf/P01 (DetDef) , 5 bars , 1143 exp , Deutschland , 6/10 , Determined Defense , 65 kill , 0 pp
SS Infanterie , SPW , 3/Inf/B04 (KU) , 5 bars , 776 exp , Deutschland , 9/10 , Combat Support , 21 kill , 421 pp
SS Infanterie , Blitz 3t , 4/Inf/B13 (MT) , 5 bars , 695 exp , Deutschland , 8/10 , Mountain Training , 6 kill , 268 pp
Bruckenpioniere , Blitz 3t , 5/Inf/B14 , 3 bars , 340 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 0 kill , 312 pp

Pz IIIH , 1/Tk/B01 (DevFire) , 5 bars , 1548 exp , Deutschland , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 94 kill , 499 pp
+ Pz 739(f) , 2/Tk/P07 , 5 bars , 1130 exp , Deutschland , 8/10 , 54 kill , 0 pp
Pz IVF , 3/Tk/B09 (Lib) , 5 bars , 1875 exp , Deutschland , 14/10 , Liberator , 116 kill , 604 pp
Pz IIIH , 4/Tk/B17 (BI) , 5 bars , 663 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Battlefield Intelligence , 14 kill , 576 pp
Pz IIIH , 5/Tk/B21 , 3 bars , 331 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 4 kill , 384 pp

sPzSpWg (8rad) , 1/Rec/B02 , 5 bars , 1073 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 26 kill , 372 pp
sPzSpWg (8rad) , 2/Rec/B06 , 5 bars , 826 exp , Deutschland , 10/10 , 18 kill , 372 pp

7,5 Pak40 , SdKfz 11 , 1/AT/B08 , 5 bars , 667 exp , Deutschland , 12/10 , 12 kill , 360 pp

15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 8 , 1/Aty/B03 (OverAtt) , 5 bars , 1157 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Shock Tactics , 24 kill , 936 pp
15 sFH37(t) , SdKfz 7 , 2/Aty/B07 (Bb) , 5 bars , 796 exp , Deutschland , 6/10 , Bridging , 8 kill , 388 pp
+ 17 K18 , SdKfz 7 , 4/Aty/P15 , 4 bars , 487 exp , Deutschland , 11/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp

5 Flak41 , Blitz 3t , 1/AD/B12 , 3 bars , 301 exp , Deutschland , 12/10 , 2 kill , 388 pp

+ Fw 190A-3 , 1/Ftr/P12 , 5 bars , 915 exp , Deutschland , 8/10 , 30 kill , 0 pp

Taktischer Bomber
Fw 200C-1 , 1/TB/B01 (SR) , 5 bars , 2368 exp , Deutschland , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 42 kill , 2064 pp

Player 1 : Deutschland
Killed: INF:505 TNK:132 RCN:23 AT:41 FLAK:6 FORT:60 ATY:92 AD:21 FTR:44 TB:21 LB:3 DD:2 Total: 950
Lost : INF:22 RCN:3 AT:4 FORT:1 ATY:2 Total: 32

BV 16
V 5
TV 2
L 0

Infanterie * 5 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 4044 exp, 126 kill, 1469 pp Average: 809 exp, 25 kill, 294 pp
Panzer * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5547 exp, 282 kill, 2063 pp Average: 1109 exp, 56 kill, 413 pp
Aufklärer * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1899 exp, 44 kill, 744 pp Average: 950 exp, 22 kill, 372 pp
Panzerabwehr * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 667 exp, 12 kill, 360 pp Average: 667 exp, 12 kill, 360 pp
Artillerie * 3 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 2440 exp, 43 kill, 1324 pp Average: 813 exp, 14 kill, 441 pp
Luftabwehr * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 301 exp, 2 kill, 388 pp Average: 301 exp, 2 kill, 388 pp
Jagdflugzeug * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 915 exp, 30 kill, 0 pp Average: 915 exp, 30 kill, 0 pp
Taktischer Bomber * 1 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2368 exp, 42 kill, 2064 pp Average: 2368 exp, 42 kill, 2064 pp
* Summary: * 19 Units * 10 Leaders Total : 18181 exp, 581 kill, 8412 pp Average: 957 exp, 31 kill, 443 pp

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Re: CC45 - Guderians Gambit by RM at 50% - DONE

Post by Parabellum » 2021-10-10 12:56, Sunday

:hello RM, it's nice to welcome you back to the forum. Congratulations on the successful completion of this CC.
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
