Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56 done! *

In the Line of Fire by Andrea Bigi for Special Countries Efile.

Moderator: Parabellum

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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

41 Wacht Am Rhein Part I bv-1

At the beginning it looks like a quick win - the first VHs are overrun and there is little defense. The USAF also remains passive. Then the weather changes and it snows continuously for 10 turns. This means low visibility and no air support. The terrain is difficult and all units must refuel at least once. This all costs a lot of time. Meanwhile, the Americans have gathered in the southwest and northwest corners of the map and are trying with all their might to prevent the capture of the last VHs. The battle is hard and full of losses and only in the last three turns the sun shines and the air force can finally use its strength.

Current scenario: Wacht Am Rhein Part I, VH prestige is 1600 , All map prestige is: 2440
Army cost: 60322 , Current prestige is 11227
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 15
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 123
if BV: +1500, Wacht Am Rhein Part II , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, Wacht Am Rhein Part II , cap disabled, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, Wacht Am Rhein Part II , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Battle For The Ruhr , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 0

* Stosstruppen , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1403 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 0 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2136 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , Devastating Fire , 90 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+43 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1429 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , Bridging , 56 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+108 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1878 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 55 kill , 504 pp - U:023 [+47 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1083 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 35 kill , 348 pp - U:026 [+58 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1031 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 38 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+16 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1180 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+30 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 4 bars , 452 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:078 [+60 exp]

Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1926 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 92 kill , 816 pp - U:002 [+86 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1853 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 97 kill , 816 pp - U:003 [+71 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2022 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 76 kill , 816 pp - U:004 [+83 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1835 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 100 kill , 816 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1700 exp , Russia , 6/10 , 94 kill , 816 pp - U:019 [+68 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2613 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , Influence , 180 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+118 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1755 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 102 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+56 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1417 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 62 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+62 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1574 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 83 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+42 exp]
Panther A , , 5 bars , 1588 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 64 kill , 468 pp - U:059 [+56 exp]
Panther A , , 5 bars , 1023 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 38 kill , 468 pp - U:073 [+60 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 871 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 36 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+42 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 44 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+48 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 562 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 21 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+80 exp]
Hvy Sturmtruppen 43 , , 3 bars , 375 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 17 kill , 792 pp - U:080 [+23 exp]
+ E-100 , , 0 bars , 89 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+89 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1325 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , Resilience , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+49 exp]
SdkFz 251/16 Flamm , , 5 bars , 996 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 18 kill , 192 pp - U:024 [+34 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1501 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 30 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+46 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1504 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 31 kill , 312 pp - U:043 [+64 exp]

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1996 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 40 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+49 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2258 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 25 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+70 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1678 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 26 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+52 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1876 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 33 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+73 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1938 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 32 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+66 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1972 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+52 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 42 , , 5 bars , 940 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+42 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083 [+34 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 108 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084 [+6 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 143 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 3 kill , 408 pp - U:085 [+4 exp]

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1472 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 45 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+65 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1699 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 42 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+57 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1303 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 31 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+28 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1436 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 31 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+31 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1432 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+64 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1367 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 27 kill , 1440 pp - U:020 [+40 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1339 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 35 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+34 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2052 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 60 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+71 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1161 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 24 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+34 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1288 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 25 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+52 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 893 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 23 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+60 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , 13 kill , 1248 pp - U:072 [+38 exp]
Hummel , , 2 bars , 257 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+44 exp]
Hummel , , 2 bars , 258 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+43 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 1 bars , 108 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+4 exp]

Air Defense
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 928 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 20 kill , 528 pp - U:029
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 855 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 14 kill , 528 pp - U:031 [+17 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 651 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 10 kill , 528 pp - U:050 [+10 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 4 kill , 528 pp - U:063 [+18 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 418 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 1 kill , 528 pp - U:070 [+4 exp]
+ 128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 406 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+15 exp]
+ Grille FlaK 41 , , 0 bars , 32 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089

Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2923 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 35 kill , 1224 pp - U:010 [+42 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2730 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , All Weather Combat , 39 kill , 1224 pp - U:012 [+80 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3124 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 38 kill , 1224 pp - U:013 [+38 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2258 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 34 kill , 816 pp - U:028 [+13 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1846 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 47 kill , 816 pp - U:030 [+9 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1940 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 44 kill , 816 pp - U:034 [+17 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1714 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 33 kill , 816 pp - U:037 [+12 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1666 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:044 [+1 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1930 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 42 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+1 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1523 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 44 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+24 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1415 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+47 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1094 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 28 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+20 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1068 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+7 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2377 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Combat Support , 55 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+3 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 2891 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , Determined Defense , 29 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+28 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2714 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , 40 kill , 873 pp - U:036 [+37 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 1789 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , Combat Support , 30 kill , 811 pp - U:038 [+46 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2839 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 52 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+10 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2699 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 52 kill , 936 pp - U:045 [+36 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3756 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , All Weather Combat , 63 kill , 936 pp - U:046 [+210 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2625 exp , Italy , 13/10 , 77 kill , 1014 pp - U:053 [+4 exp]
+ Fw-190G , , 5 bars , 1392 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 19 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+19 exp]
Fw-190G , , 5 bars , 1065 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 10 kill , 600 pp - U:075 [+2 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 2 bars , 278 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 2 kill , 600 pp - U:081
Fw-189 Uhu , , 3 bars , 387 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 7 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+34 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 435 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 438 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 265 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 4 bars , 459 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 2 bars , 288 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1218 TNK:471 RCN:59 AT:195 FORT:515 ATY:497 AD:355 FTR:300 TB:158 LB:14 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 3856
Lost : INF:72 TNK:15 RCN:8 AT:19 FORT:48 ATY:9 AD:14 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 210

BV 41
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10592 exp, 383 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1324 exp, 48 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 16 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 21984 exp, 1110 kill, 6804 pp Average: 1374 exp, 69 kill, 425 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5326 exp, 110 kill, 816 pp Average: 1332 exp, 28 kill, 204 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 12658 exp, 202 kill, 4200 pp Average: 1808 exp, 29 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 405 exp, 6 kill, 1224 pp Average: 135 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 16887 exp, 395 kill, 16140 pp Average: 1126 exp, 26 kill, 1076 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4139 exp, 50 kill, 2640 pp Average: 591 exp, 7 kill, 377 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 25231 exp, 485 kill, 9384 pp Average: 1941 exp, 37 kill, 722 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 24812 exp, 436 kill, 7930 pp Average: 2068 exp, 36 kill, 661 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1138 exp, 42 kill, 5244 pp Average: 379 exp, 14 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 747 exp, 33 kill, 3288 pp Average: 374 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 90 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 123919 exp, 3252 kill, 60322 pp Average: 1377 exp, 36 kill, 670 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 92 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 8
Tank : 16
Recon : 4
Anti-tank : 9
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 15
Air Defense : 7
Fighter : 13
Tactical Bomber : 12
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 USA has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

42 Wacht Am Rhein Part II ltbv (bv-2 was possible)

only limited set-up possible. Because I have fewer units than in my two previous runs, the selection is not sooo difficult.
I make the mistake again and try to get to the opponent aggressively in the first turns. This ends (as always) in losses and I restart.
The scenario is a bit chaotic because you can't see the opponent because of the bad weather. The Americans act like partisans and my patience is challenged.
It is important to examine the VHs carefully and determine which ones the opponent must capture or which ones you absolutely must keep yourself in order not to lose the game prematurely.

Current scenario: Wacht Am Rhein Part II, VH prestige is 920 , All map prestige is: 1800
Army cost: 61005 , Current prestige is 12847
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 187
if BV: +1500, The Vistula Front , cap disabled, 13 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, The Vistula Front , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, The Vistula Front , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Battle For The Ruhr , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 0

* Stosstruppen , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1403 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 0 pp - U:011
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2178 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 94 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+42 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1429 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Bridging , 56 kill , 504 pp - U:015
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1910 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 58 kill , 504 pp - U:023 [+32 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1083 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 35 kill , 348 pp - U:026
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1056 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 39 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+25 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1180 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:041
+ 251 Grenadier , , 4 bars , 452 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:078

Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1985 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 95 kill , 816 pp - U:002 [+59 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1924 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 99 kill , 816 pp - U:003 [+71 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2096 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 78 kill , 816 pp - U:004 [+74 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1867 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 101 kill , 816 pp - U:005 [+32 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1758 exp , Russia , 8/10 , 100 kill , 816 pp - U:019 [+58 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2685 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Influence , 183 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+72 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1797 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 102 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+42 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1477 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 62 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+60 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1619 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 84 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+45 exp]
Panther A , , 5 bars , 1649 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 66 kill , 468 pp - U:059 [+61 exp]
Panther A , , 5 bars , 1077 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 38 kill , 468 pp - U:073 [+54 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 39 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+56 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 829 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 46 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+48 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 22 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+68 exp]
Hvy Sturmtruppen 43 , , 3 bars , 391 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 17 kill , 792 pp - U:080 [+16 exp]
+ E-100 , , 1 bars , 155 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+66 exp]
+ E-100 , , 0 bars , 70 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+70 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1325 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Resilience , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:007
SdkFz 251/16 Flamm , , 5 bars , 996 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 18 kill , 192 pp - U:024
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1501 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 30 kill , 312 pp - U:042
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1504 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 31 kill , 312 pp - U:043

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2059 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 45 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+63 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2279 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 27 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+21 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1728 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 26 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+50 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1931 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 37 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+55 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1989 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 35 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+51 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2029 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 23 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+57 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 42 , , 5 bars , 940 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:069

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 108 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 143 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 408 pp - U:085

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1534 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 46 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+62 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1772 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 44 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+73 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1354 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 32 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+51 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1515 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 31 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+79 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1485 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+53 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1437 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:020 [+70 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1349 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 35 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+10 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2096 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 61 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+44 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1198 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 24 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+37 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1339 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 26 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+51 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 942 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 25 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+49 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 871 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , 13 kill , 1248 pp - U:072 [+49 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 316 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+59 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 372 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 3 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+114 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 1 bars , 138 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+30 exp]

Air Defense
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 935 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 21 kill , 528 pp - U:029 [+7 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 890 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 14 kill , 528 pp - U:031 [+35 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 528 pp - U:050 [+36 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 528 pp - U:063
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 418 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 528 pp - U:070
+ 128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 425 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+19 exp]
+ Grille FlaK 41 , , 0 bars , 32 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089

Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3020 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 35 kill , 1224 pp - U:010 [+97 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2868 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , All Weather Combat , 45 kill , 1060 pp - U:012 [+138 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3159 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 39 kill , 1224 pp - U:013 [+35 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2353 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 35 kill , 816 pp - U:028 [+95 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1929 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 48 kill , 816 pp - U:030 [+83 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1995 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 44 kill , 816 pp - U:034 [+55 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1726 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 34 kill , 816 pp - U:037 [+12 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1684 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:044 [+18 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1964 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 42 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+34 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1594 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 44 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+71 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1467 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+52 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1137 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 28 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+43 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1108 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 26 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+40 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 0 bars , 12 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 0 kill , 816 pp - U:092 [+12 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2391 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Combat Support , 56 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+14 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 2901 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , Determined Defense , 29 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+10 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2749 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , 40 kill , 811 pp - U:036 [+35 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 1840 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , Combat Support , 30 kill , 811 pp - U:038 [+51 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2859 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 53 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+20 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2743 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , 53 kill , 873 pp - U:045 [+44 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 3881 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , All Weather Combat , 67 kill , 1170 pp - U:046 [+125 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2640 exp , Italy , 12/10 , 79 kill , 936 pp - U:053 [+15 exp]
+ Fw-190G , , 5 bars , 1475 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 19 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+83 exp]
Fw-190G , , 5 bars , 1079 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 11 kill , 600 pp - U:075 [+14 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 2 bars , 299 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 2 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+21 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 4 bars , 408 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 7 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+21 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 435 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 438 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 265 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 4 bars , 459 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 2 bars , 288 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1239 TNK:485 RCN:63 AT:206 FORT:520 ATY:513 AD:358 FTR:312 TB:166 LB:15 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 3951
Lost : INF:75 TNK:16 RCN:8 AT:21 FORT:48 ATY:9 AD:14 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 216

BV 42
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10691 exp, 391 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1336 exp, 49 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 22936 exp, 1140 kill, 6804 pp Average: 1349 exp, 67 kill, 400 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5326 exp, 110 kill, 816 pp Average: 1332 exp, 28 kill, 204 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 12955 exp, 217 kill, 4200 pp Average: 1851 exp, 31 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 405 exp, 6 kill, 1224 pp Average: 135 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 17718 exp, 407 kill, 16140 pp Average: 1181 exp, 27 kill, 1076 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4236 exp, 51 kill, 2640 pp Average: 605 exp, 7 kill, 377 pp
Fighter * 14 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 26016 exp, 499 kill, 10036 pp Average: 1858 exp, 36 kill, 717 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 25265 exp, 446 kill, 7961 pp Average: 2105 exp, 37 kill, 663 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1138 exp, 42 kill, 5244 pp Average: 379 exp, 14 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 747 exp, 33 kill, 3288 pp Average: 374 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 92 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 127433 exp, 3342 kill, 61005 pp Average: 1385 exp, 36 kill, 663 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 109 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 17
Tank : 18
Recon : 5
Anti-tank : 7
Fortification : 5
Artillery : 18
Air Defense : 8
Fighter : 14
Tactical Bomber : 12
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 USA has 4 units total (core+aux):
Tank : 1
Anti-tank : 1
Air Defense : 2
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

43 The Vistula Front bv-2

For one battle, we switch from the Western Front to the Eastern Front. Here we are confronted with different challenges. The air battle plays only a minor role, because the Soviets have neither the quantity nor the quality as their western allies. Instead, they are far ahead of them with the number of high-quality tanks, SPAT and SPATY. Fortunately for me, they all have a different range of movement and thus do not hit my defense line at the same time. This gives me time to supply my artillery with ammunition and bring battered units to safety. The climax of the battle is passed after turn 8 or 9. After that, there are only all VHs left to capture, which are mostly defended by a single INF. The exception is the Soviet airfield in the north-east. Here several units are defending. In addition, Soviet reinforcements must be expected, which can be deployed either near the airfield or in Maciejowice. However, the reinforcements are due to the 100% prestige setting for the AI, as I don't recall the enemy receiving any reinforcements in my two previous runs.

Current scenario: The Vistula Front, VH prestige is 680 , All map prestige is: 720
Army cost: 61480 , Current prestige is 10430
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 157
if BV: +1500, Battle For The Ruhr , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, Battle For The Ruhr , cap disabled, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, Battle For The Ruhr , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, The Last Stand , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 0

* Stosstruppen , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1427 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 0 pp - U:011 [+24 exp]
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2220 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 94 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+42 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1519 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , Bridging , 57 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+90 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1976 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:023 [+66 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1135 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:026 [+52 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1075 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 41 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+19 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1246 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+66 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 4 bars , 476 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:078 [+24 exp]

Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2051 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 102 kill , 816 pp - U:002 [+66 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1982 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 101 kill , 816 pp - U:003 [+58 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2107 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 78 kill , 816 pp - U:004 [+11 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1901 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 108 kill , 816 pp - U:005 [+34 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1772 exp , Russia , 9/10 , 100 kill , 816 pp - U:019 [+14 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2688 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , Influence , 185 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+3 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1862 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 106 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+65 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1554 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 66 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+77 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1724 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 85 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+105 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1714 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 68 kill , 996 pp - U:059 [+65 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1133 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 38 kill , 996 pp - U:073 [+56 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 39 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+71 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 871 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 52 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+42 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 699 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+69 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 4 bars , 417 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 18 kill , 996 pp - U:080 [+26 exp]
+ E-100 , , 1 bars , 192 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+37 exp]
+ E-100 , , 1 bars , 176 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+106 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1342 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , Resilience , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+17 exp]
SdkFz 251/16 Flamm , , 5 bars , 1008 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 19 kill , 192 pp - U:024 [+12 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1530 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 32 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+29 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1524 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 33 kill , 312 pp - U:043 [+20 exp]

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2139 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 48 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+80 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2367 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 31 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+88 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1740 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 26 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+12 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1948 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 38 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+17 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2050 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 35 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+61 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2128 exp , Waffen SS , 1/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+99 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 955 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+15 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 108 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 2 bars , 222 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 4 kill , 408 pp - U:085 [+79 exp]

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1606 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 46 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+72 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1791 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 44 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+19 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1386 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 33 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+32 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1572 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 33 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+57 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1537 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 38 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+52 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1493 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 30 kill , 1440 pp - U:020 [+56 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1400 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 35 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+51 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2168 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 61 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+72 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1277 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 24 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+79 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1398 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 26 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+59 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 991 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 27 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+49 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 937 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 13 kill , 1440 pp - U:072 [+66 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 347 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+31 exp]
Hummel , , 4 bars , 400 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 3 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+28 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 1 bars , 152 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+14 exp]

Air Defense
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 950 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 528 pp - U:029 [+15 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 890 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 528 pp - U:031
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 528 pp - U:050
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 849 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 528 pp - U:063
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 432 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 2 kill , 528 pp - U:070 [+14 exp]
+ 128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 453 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+28 exp]
+ Grille FlaK 41 , , 0 bars , 32 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089

Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3098 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , First Strike , 37 kill , 1060 pp - U:010 [+78 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2933 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , All Weather Combat , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:012 [+65 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3209 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 39 kill , 1224 pp - U:013 [+50 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2386 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 35 kill , 816 pp - U:028 [+33 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1967 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 48 kill , 816 pp - U:030 [+38 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2028 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:034 [+33 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1760 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 34 kill , 816 pp - U:037 [+34 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1711 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 47 kill , 816 pp - U:044 [+27 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1988 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 42 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+24 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1632 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+38 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1496 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 35 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+29 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1182 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 30 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+45 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1153 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 28 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+45 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 0 bars , 12 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 0 kill , 816 pp - U:092

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2412 exp , Italy , 9/10 , Combat Support , 57 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+21 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 3001 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , Determined Defense , 30 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+100 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2839 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , 41 kill , 748 pp - U:036 [+90 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 1944 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , Combat Support , 31 kill , 686 pp - U:038 [+104 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2882 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 54 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+23 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2854 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 54 kill , 624 pp - U:045 [+111 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 3951 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , All Weather Combat , 69 kill , 1014 pp - U:046 [+70 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2724 exp , Italy , 7/10 , 79 kill , 780 pp - U:053 [+84 exp]
+ Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1523 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 19 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+48 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1110 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 13 kill , 780 pp - U:075 [+31 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 3 bars , 347 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 3 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+48 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 4 bars , 469 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 7 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+61 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 435 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 438 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 265 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 4 bars , 459 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 2 bars , 288 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1270 TNK:505 RCN:64 AT:218 FORT:523 ATY:521 AD:364 FTR:323 TB:172 LB:16 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 4050
Lost : INF:76 TNK:20 RCN:8 AT:24 FORT:50 ATY:10 AD:17 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 230

BV 43
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11074 exp, 397 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1384 exp, 50 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 23841 exp, 1182 kill, 8064 pp Average: 1402 exp, 70 kill, 474 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5404 exp, 115 kill, 816 pp Average: 1351 exp, 29 kill, 204 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 13327 exp, 226 kill, 4200 pp Average: 1904 exp, 32 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 484 exp, 7 kill, 1224 pp Average: 161 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 18455 exp, 415 kill, 16332 pp Average: 1230 exp, 28 kill, 1089 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4293 exp, 53 kill, 2640 pp Average: 613 exp, 8 kill, 377 pp
Fighter * 14 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 26555 exp, 513 kill, 9628 pp Average: 1897 exp, 37 kill, 688 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 26056 exp, 457 kill, 7392 pp Average: 2171 exp, 38 kill, 616 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1138 exp, 42 kill, 5244 pp Average: 379 exp, 14 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 747 exp, 33 kill, 3288 pp Average: 374 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 92 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 131374 exp, 3440 kill, 61480 pp Average: 1428 exp, 37 kill, 668 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 99 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 10
Tank : 17
Recon : 4
Anti-tank : 7
Fortification : 7
Artillery : 15
Air Defense : 8
Fighter : 14
Tactical Bomber : 12
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 Russia has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

44 Battle For The Ruhr ltbv (bv-5 was possible)

As expected: the first turns were hell, especially the air raids. But also the British (in the north) and American tanks (in the south) came well and fast across the Rhine and overran the few German bunkers.
I placed my units spread over the first three turns on the map, because I wanted to first look and then react, where it burns the most on the front.
Thanks to the excellent work of my first-strike jets, I was able to break the Allied air superiority by turn 6. Because the Allies have very little AD, after that it was relatively easy to weaken the enemy tanks and SPATY with the air force and finally destroy them with my tanks.
I could have finished 5 turns before the BV, but I gave the AI the opportunity to place reinforcements and further improve my kill-loss ratio.
The Kriegsmarine had its last successful mission and was again a great help in fighting the landing units on the Rhine!

Current scenario: Battle For The Ruhr, VH prestige is 1160 , All map prestige is: 1480
Army cost: 61965 , Current prestige is 11967
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 85
if BV: +1500, The Last Stand , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, The Last Stand , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, The Last Stand , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

* Stosstruppen , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1427 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 0 pp - U:011
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2268 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 95 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+48 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1519 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Bridging , 57 kill , 504 pp - U:015
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2038 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:023 [+62 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1135 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:026
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1075 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 41 kill , 348 pp - U:035
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1261 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 36 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+15 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 5 bars , 505 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:078 [+29 exp]
Bruckenpioniere , LWS , , 0 bars , 0 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 0 kill , 372 pp - U:092

Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2089 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 102 kill , 816 pp - U:002 [+38 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2050 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 108 kill , 816 pp - U:003 [+68 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2136 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 81 kill , 816 pp - U:004 [+29 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1921 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 109 kill , 816 pp - U:005 [+20 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1801 exp , Russia , 9/10 , 103 kill , 816 pp - U:019 [+29 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2749 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , Influence , 188 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+61 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1867 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 107 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+5 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1587 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 68 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+33 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1752 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 87 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+28 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1792 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 74 kill , 996 pp - U:059 [+78 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1164 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 39 kill , 996 pp - U:073 [+31 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 999 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 40 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+1 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 915 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 54 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+44 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 26 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+15 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 4 bars , 447 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 20 kill , 996 pp - U:080 [+30 exp]
+ E-100 , , 2 bars , 214 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+22 exp]
+ E-100 , , 2 bars , 230 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+54 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1359 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , Resilience , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+17 exp]
PSW 234/4 , , 5 bars , 1032 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 19 kill , 324 pp - U:024 [+24 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1545 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 32 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+15 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1557 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 34 kill , 312 pp - U:043 [+33 exp]

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2158 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 51 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+19 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2380 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 33 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+13 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1784 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 27 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+44 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2016 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 39 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+68 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2059 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 35 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+9 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2183 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+55 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 975 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+20 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 108 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 2 bars , 222 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 408 pp - U:085

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1621 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 47 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+15 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1847 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 44 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+56 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1406 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 35 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+20 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1579 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 33 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+7 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1567 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 39 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+30 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1504 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 30 kill , 1440 pp - U:020 [+11 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1413 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+13 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2209 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 62 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+41 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1313 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 26 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+36 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1433 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 26 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+35 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1029 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+38 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 990 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , 15 kill , 1248 pp - U:072 [+53 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 347 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086
Hummel , , 4 bars , 438 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+38 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 1 bars , 175 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+23 exp]

Air Defense
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 950 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 528 pp - U:029
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 896 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 528 pp - U:031 [+6 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 528 pp - U:050
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 904 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 5 kill , 528 pp - U:063 [+55 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 464 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 3 kill , 528 pp - U:070 [+32 exp]
+ 128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 456 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+3 exp]
+ Grille FlaK 41 , , 0 bars , 54 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089 [+22 exp]

Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3398 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 39 kill , 1224 pp - U:010 [+300 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3000 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , All Weather Combat , 47 kill , 1142 pp - U:012 [+67 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3453 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 40 kill , 1224 pp - U:013 [+244 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2445 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 36 kill , 816 pp - U:028 [+59 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2038 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 52 kill , 816 pp - U:030 [+71 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2064 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:034 [+36 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1855 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 35 kill , 816 pp - U:037 [+95 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1758 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:044 [+47 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2048 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 43 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+60 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1691 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+59 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1534 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 37 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+38 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1247 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+65 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1220 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 30 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+67 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2445 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Combat Support , 57 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+33 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 3045 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , Determined Defense , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+44 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2910 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , 41 kill , 811 pp - U:036 [+71 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 1960 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , Combat Support , 31 kill , 873 pp - U:038 [+16 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2914 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 56 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+32 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2910 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , 54 kill , 873 pp - U:045 [+56 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 4045 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , All Weather Combat , 73 kill , 1014 pp - U:046 [+94 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2784 exp , Italy , 9/10 , 80 kill , 780 pp - U:053 [+60 exp]
+ Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1562 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 21 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+39 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1164 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 15 kill , 780 pp - U:075 [+54 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 3 bars , 355 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+8 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 8 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+69 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 467 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1692 pp - U:052 [+32 exp]
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 470 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1692 pp - U:054 [+32 exp]
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 297 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1860 pp - U:065 [+32 exp]

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039 [+111 exp]
Scharnhorst Class , , 3 bars , 318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1644 pp - U:057 [+30 exp]

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1307 TNK:523 RCN:66 AT:227 FORT:525 ATY:530 AD:367 FTR:338 TB:182 LB:20 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 4159
Lost : INF:76 TNK:21 RCN:9 AT:24 FORT:61 ATY:10 AD:19 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 245

BV 44
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 9 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11228 exp, 398 kill, 3024 pp Average: 1248 exp, 44 kill, 336 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 24427 exp, 1222 kill, 8064 pp Average: 1437 exp, 72 kill, 474 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5493 exp, 117 kill, 948 pp Average: 1373 exp, 29 kill, 237 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 13555 exp, 235 kill, 4200 pp Average: 1936 exp, 34 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 484 exp, 7 kill, 1224 pp Average: 161 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 18871 exp, 428 kill, 16140 pp Average: 1258 exp, 29 kill, 1076 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4411 exp, 55 kill, 2640 pp Average: 630 exp, 8 kill, 377 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 27751 exp, 532 kill, 9302 pp Average: 2135 exp, 41 kill, 716 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 26632 exp, 471 kill, 7891 pp Average: 2219 exp, 39 kill, 658 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1234 exp, 47 kill, 5244 pp Average: 411 exp, 16 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 888 exp, 34 kill, 3288 pp Average: 444 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 92 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 134974 exp, 3546 kill, 61965 pp Average: 1467 exp, 39 kill, 674 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 108 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 10
Tank : 17
Recon : 4
Anti-tank : 14
Fortification : 8
Artillery : 16
Air Defense : 9
Fighter : 13
Tactical Bomber : 12
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 USA, United Kingdom, USMC, France, ANZAC has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

45 The Last Stand ltbv

The Soviets launch a brilliant attack on Berlin. They start from the north-east (between Straußberg and Wandlitz) and from the south-east (between Zossen and Teupitz). The Red Air Fleet assembles in the east and a second group a little to the south.
The own units start in the west. It is recommended to advance only a few hexes to the east and then build up a strong defense.
I was able to destroy the eastern group of the red air fleet almost completely in the first turn after an Fw-189 UHU found it. After that, my bombers concentrated on the northern ground forces and inflicted significant losses on them. Undeterred, the Soviets captured all of Berlin in three or four turns. The southern group took Potsdam and reached the banks of the Spree. This was the end for them, as my defense was waiting on the other bank. No Soviet unit could break through. They kept trying until the last of my units was destroyed.
Then I launched a quick counter-offensive and liberated Berlin again. The Soviets placed larger groups of reinforcements at a SH several times, but without experience they were hopelessly outmatched.
I think I finished at least two turns before BV, but played to the end to improve my stats.

Current scenario: The Last Stand, VH prestige is 880 , All map prestige is: 1160
Army cost: 61352 , Current prestige is 14423
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 15
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 72
if BV: +1500, The Fuhrer Legacy , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, The Fuhrer Legacy , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, The Fuhrer Legacy , cap disabled, 17 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

* Stosstruppen , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1427 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 63 kill , 0 pp - U:011
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2298 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 98 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+30 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1519 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Bridging , 58 kill , 504 pp - U:015
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2038 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:023
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1213 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 37 kill , 348 pp - U:026 [+78 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1161 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 42 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+86 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1360 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 37 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+99 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 12 kill , 0 pp - U:078 [+55 exp]

Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2112 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 105 kill , 816 pp - U:002 [+23 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2109 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 111 kill , 816 pp - U:003 [+59 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2188 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 82 kill , 816 pp - U:004 [+52 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1960 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 110 kill , 816 pp - U:005 [+39 exp]
Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1847 exp , Russia , 3/10 , 104 kill , 816 pp - U:019 [+46 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2809 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , Influence , 195 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+60 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1935 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 110 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+68 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1632 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 71 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+45 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1817 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 90 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+65 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1845 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 75 kill , 996 pp - U:059 [+53 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1206 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 43 kill , 996 pp - U:073 [+42 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1067 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 42 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+68 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 969 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 55 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+54 exp]
+ Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 773 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+59 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 4 bars , 488 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 23 kill , 996 pp - U:080 [+41 exp]
+ E-100 , , 2 bars , 277 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 12 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+63 exp]
+ E-100 , , 2 bars , 277 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+47 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1414 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , Resilience , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+55 exp]
PSW 234/4 , , 5 bars , 1046 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 20 kill , 324 pp - U:024 [+14 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1596 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 32 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+51 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1587 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 35 kill , 312 pp - U:043 [+30 exp]

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2181 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 54 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+23 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2406 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 35 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+26 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1796 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 27 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+12 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2115 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 42 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+99 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2083 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 37 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+24 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2253 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+70 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+53 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 138 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084 [+30 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 2 bars , 222 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 408 pp - U:085

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1659 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 49 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+38 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1861 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 44 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+14 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1471 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+65 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1613 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 34 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+34 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1613 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 39 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+46 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1565 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 30 kill , 1440 pp - U:020 [+61 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1457 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+44 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2269 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 63 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+60 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1328 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 27 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+15 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1477 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 28 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+44 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1101 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+72 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1041 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 15 kill , 1440 pp - U:072 [+51 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 357 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+10 exp]
Hummel , , 4 bars , 468 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+30 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 1 bars , 191 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+16 exp]

Air Defense
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 22 kill , 528 pp - U:029 [+48 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 896 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 528 pp - U:031
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 528 pp - U:050
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 919 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 6 kill , 528 pp - U:063 [+15 exp]
128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 3 kill , 528 pp - U:070 [+10 exp]
+ 128mm FlaK 41 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 458 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+2 exp]
+ Kugelblitz , , 0 bars , 54 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089

Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3507 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 39 kill , 1224 pp - U:010 [+109 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3102 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , All Weather Combat , 48 kill , 1224 pp - U:012 [+102 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 3600 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , First Strike , 41 kill , 1224 pp - U:013 [+147 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2501 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 36 kill , 816 pp - U:028 [+56 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2062 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 55 kill , 816 pp - U:030 [+24 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2123 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 48 kill , 816 pp - U:034 [+59 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1921 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 38 kill , 816 pp - U:037 [+66 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1827 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 50 kill , 816 pp - U:044 [+69 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2079 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 45 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+31 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1723 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+32 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1628 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 39 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+94 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1308 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 34 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+61 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1287 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 31 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+67 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2531 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Combat Support , 58 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+86 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 3142 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Determined Defense , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+97 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3000 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 42 kill , 624 pp - U:036 [+90 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2000 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , Combat Support , 32 kill , 748 pp - U:038 [+40 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2989 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 57 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+75 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2976 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , 54 kill , 748 pp - U:045 [+66 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 4221 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , All Weather Combat , 76 kill , 936 pp - U:046 [+176 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2869 exp , Italy , 7/10 , 82 kill , 780 pp - U:053 [+85 exp]
+ Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1628 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 22 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+66 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1233 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 16 kill , 780 pp - U:075 [+69 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 4 bars , 409 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 4 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+54 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 5 bars , 575 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 9 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+37 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 467 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 470 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 297 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 3 bars , 318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1338 TNK:547 RCN:68 AT:244 FORT:529 ATY:540 AD:370 FTR:353 TB:188 LB:20 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 4271
Lost : INF:93 TNK:21 RCN:9 AT:27 FORT:73 ATY:12 AD:23 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 283

BV 45
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11576 exp, 406 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1447 exp, 51 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 25311 exp, 1271 kill, 8064 pp Average: 1489 exp, 75 kill, 474 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5643 exp, 119 kill, 948 pp Average: 1411 exp, 30 kill, 237 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 13862 exp, 245 kill, 4200 pp Average: 1980 exp, 35 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 514 exp, 7 kill, 1224 pp Average: 171 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 19471 exp, 437 kill, 16332 pp Average: 1298 exp, 29 kill, 1089 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4486 exp, 56 kill, 2640 pp Average: 641 exp, 8 kill, 377 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 28668 exp, 550 kill, 9384 pp Average: 2205 exp, 42 kill, 722 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 27573 exp, 485 kill, 7376 pp Average: 2298 exp, 40 kill, 615 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1234 exp, 47 kill, 5244 pp Average: 411 exp, 16 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 888 exp, 34 kill, 3288 pp Average: 444 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 91 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 139226 exp, 3657 kill, 61352 pp Average: 1530 exp, 40 kill, 674 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 94 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 9
Tank : 17
Recon : 4
Anti-tank : 8
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 15
Air Defense : 8
Fighter : 13
Tactical Bomber : 12
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 Russia has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

46 The Fuhrer Legacy bv-4

I have made some changes to tanks and fighters at HQ.

The result looks like a quick victory, but the battle was hard and I played it over several days because I kept restarting to get through the first 4 turns without losses.
Of course you can stay behind the river and build a defense, but I formed a bridgehead and defended it tenaciously against a superior force of allied tanks.

Current scenario: The Fuhrer Legacy, VH prestige is 1480 , All map prestige is: 1600
Army cost: 62750 , Current prestige is 9001
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 195
if BV: +1500, The Soviets Strike Back , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 0
if V : +1000, The Soviets Strike Back , cap disabled, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, The Soviets Strike Back , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

* Bruckenpioniere , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1445 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 64 kill , 0 pp - U:011 [+18 exp]
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2320 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , Devastating Fire , 99 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+22 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1519 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Bridging , 58 kill , 504 pp - U:015
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2038 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:023
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1276 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 40 kill , 348 pp - U:026 [+63 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1249 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 42 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+88 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1443 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 38 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+83 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 14 kill , 0 pp - U:078 [+63 exp]

Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2179 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 106 kill , 696 pp - U:002 [+67 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2162 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 114 kill , 696 pp - U:003 [+53 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2238 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 85 kill , 696 pp - U:004 [+50 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1990 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 112 kill , 696 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1898 exp , Russia , 5/10 , 105 kill , 696 pp - U:019 [+51 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2902 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , Influence , 201 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+93 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1973 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 111 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+38 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1680 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 74 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+48 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1899 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 92 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+82 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1928 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 77 kill , 996 pp - U:059 [+83 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1232 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 43 kill , 996 pp - U:073 [+26 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1109 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 48 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+42 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1022 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 58 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+53 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 35 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+55 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 520 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 25 kill , 996 pp - U:080 [+32 exp]
+ E-100 , , 3 bars , 335 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 12 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+58 exp]
+ E-100 , , 4 bars , 406 exp , Waffen SS , 1/10 , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+129 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1436 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , Resilience , 32 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+22 exp]
PSW 234/4 , , 5 bars , 1087 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 324 pp - U:024 [+41 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1620 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 34 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+24 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1587 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 35 kill , 312 pp - U:043

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2202 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 57 kill , 840 pp - U:027 [+21 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2489 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 35 kill , 840 pp - U:033 [+83 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1847 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 28 kill , 840 pp - U:051 [+51 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2144 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 44 kill , 840 pp - U:060 [+29 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2114 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 39 kill , 840 pp - U:061 [+31 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2337 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 27 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+84 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 1073 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 25 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+45 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 154 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 148 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084 [+10 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 2 bars , 222 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 408 pp - U:085

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1682 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 49 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+23 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1970 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 46 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+109 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1493 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+22 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1647 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 34 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+34 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1640 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 39 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+27 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1649 exp , Russia , 9/10 , 30 kill , 960 pp - U:020 [+84 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1469 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 36 kill , 828 pp - U:021 [+12 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2340 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 64 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+71 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1408 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 28 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+80 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1514 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+37 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1101 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:071
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1058 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 15 kill , 1440 pp - U:072 [+17 exp]
Hummel , , 3 bars , 375 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+18 exp]
Hummel , , 4 bars , 468 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:087
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 2 bars , 207 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+16 exp]

Air Defense
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 696 pp - U:029
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 896 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 696 pp - U:031
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 687 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 10 kill , 696 pp - U:050
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 919 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 6 kill , 696 pp - U:063
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 3 kill , 696 pp - U:070
+ Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 458 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:076
+ Kugelblitz , , 0 bars , 54 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:089

Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3640 exp , Waffen SS , 12/10 , First Strike , 41 kill , 1440 pp - U:010 [+133 exp]
Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3189 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , All Weather Combat , 52 kill , 1680 pp - U:012 [+87 exp]
Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3735 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , First Strike , 42 kill , 1320 pp - U:013 [+135 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2529 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 36 kill , 996 pp - U:028 [+28 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2155 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 57 kill , 996 pp - U:030 [+93 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2208 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 49 kill , 996 pp - U:034 [+85 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 1950 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 42 kill , 996 pp - U:037 [+29 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 1894 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 52 kill , 996 pp - U:044 [+67 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 2197 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 46 kill , 816 pp - U:048 [+118 exp]
Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1743 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 49 kill , 816 pp - U:049 [+20 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1652 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 41 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+24 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1318 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 34 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+10 exp]
+ Me-262A-1A , , 5 bars , 1374 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+87 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2573 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Combat Support , 60 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+42 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 3226 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , Determined Defense , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+84 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3069 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 42 kill , 624 pp - U:036 [+69 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2143 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , Combat Support , 33 kill , 686 pp - U:038 [+143 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 3051 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 57 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+62 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3054 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 55 kill , 624 pp - U:045 [+78 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 4320 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , All Weather Combat , 78 kill , 1092 pp - U:046 [+99 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2965 exp , Italy , 6/10 , 85 kill , 780 pp - U:053 [+96 exp]
+ Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1709 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+81 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1345 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 17 kill , 780 pp - U:075 [+112 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 4 bars , 428 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 4 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+19 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 5 bars , 646 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 10 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+71 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 467 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 470 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 297 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 3 bars , 318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany
Killed: INF:1360 TNK:572 RCN:69 AT:253 FORT:536 ATY:555 AD:376 FTR:368 TB:195 LB:24 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 4382
Lost : INF:94 TNK:23 RCN:9 AT:28 FORT:80 ATY:13 AD:26 FTR:5 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 298

BV 46
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11913 exp, 414 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1489 exp, 52 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 26301 exp, 1314 kill, 7464 pp Average: 1547 exp, 77 kill, 439 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5730 exp, 123 kill, 948 pp Average: 1433 exp, 31 kill, 237 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 14206 exp, 255 kill, 4200 pp Average: 2029 exp, 36 kill, 600 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 524 exp, 7 kill, 1224 pp Average: 175 exp, 2 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 20021 exp, 442 kill, 15852 pp Average: 1335 exp, 29 kill, 1057 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4486 exp, 56 kill, 3480 pp Average: 641 exp, 8 kill, 497 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 29584 exp, 574 kill, 11052 pp Average: 2276 exp, 44 kill, 850 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 28529 exp, 498 kill, 7346 pp Average: 2377 exp, 42 kill, 612 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1234 exp, 47 kill, 5244 pp Average: 411 exp, 16 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 888 exp, 34 kill, 3288 pp Average: 444 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 91 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 143416 exp, 3764 kill, 62750 pp Average: 1576 exp, 41 kill, 690 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany has 104 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 10
Tank : 17
Recon : 4
Anti-tank : 7
Fortification : 9
Artillery : 15
Air Defense : 10
Fighter : 14
Tactical Bomber : 12
Submarine : 1
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 USA, Russia, United Kingdom, ANZAC has 1 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2522
Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
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Re: Para leads the Waffen SS in the Line of Fire - Third Run of CC 56

Post by Parabellum »

47 The Soviets Strike Back bv-1

A very fictitious scenario. Previous friends and foes have been well mixed for once and suddenly I'm faced with state-of-the-art German weapons technology - Maus, Tiger III, Jagdtiger, Panther II etc. Plus heavy Soviet technology like the IS-4.
I upgraded the AT to 1945 model and swapped the Me-262a for Heinkel He-280 -> they have more ammunition. Ammunition of the airplanes is important at the beginning of the scenario because the single airfield is far away and it takes several turns until the Soviet airfield close to the front is conquered with the paratroopers.
It is advisable to set up a defense behind the Warta River and wait for the Soviet attack. It takes a few turns until the Soviets are river. Use the turns to decimate the tanks in the center and north with your planes. But watch out for the many SPATs, which pose a real danger to the pilots.
Once the attack has been repelled, the map must then be crossed in the direction of Lodz. Here the last Soviet defense awaits in the person of Range-6 ATY, AD and bunkers.
I was able to finish a few turns before BV, but played on in anticipation of Soviet reinforcements. Only a few INF came.

Overall, the stats look significantly better than in previous runs.
I used fewer units and was able to gain more experience and kills. Compared to the run in 2021, I was able to kill 408 more enemies. This is certainly due to the fact that the AI can provide more reinforcements at 100% than at 25%.
But I also reduced my own losses by 17.

Current scenario: The Soviets Strike Back, VH prestige is 640 , All map prestige is: 1440
Army cost: 63453 , Current prestige is 3989
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive
BV: Win , turn prestige: 0
V : Win , turn prestige: 0
TV: Win , turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

* Bruckenpioniere , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1445 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Combat Support , 64 kill , 0 pp - U:011
Sturmpioniere 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2372 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 100 kill , 600 pp - U:014 [+52 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1534 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Bridging , 59 kill , 504 pp - U:015 [+15 exp]
Grenadier 44 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2054 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , Reconnaissance Movement , 60 kill , 504 pp - U:023 [+16 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1307 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 40 kill , 348 pp - U:026 [+31 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1288 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 44 kill , 348 pp - U:035 [+39 exp]
Jagdkommando , , 5 bars , 1514 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 41 kill , 348 pp - U:041 [+71 exp]
+ 251 Grenadier , , 5 bars , 623 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 0 pp - U:078

Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2210 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 109 kill , 696 pp - U:002 [+31 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2211 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 116 kill , 696 pp - U:003 [+49 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2266 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 85 kill , 696 pp - U:004 [+28 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 2052 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 114 kill , 696 pp - U:005 [+62 exp]
Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1945 exp , Russia , 9/10 , 110 kill , 696 pp - U:019 [+47 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 2953 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , Influence , 205 kill , 0 pp - U:025 [+51 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1999 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 113 kill , 0 pp - U:032 [+26 exp]
+ Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1724 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 78 kill , 0 pp - U:047 [+44 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1933 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 93 kill , 996 pp - U:058 [+34 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1987 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 79 kill , 996 pp - U:059 [+59 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 1300 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 43 kill , 996 pp - U:073 [+68 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1132 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 49 kill , 0 pp - U:074 [+23 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 1075 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 61 kill , 0 pp - U:077 [+53 exp]
+ Tiger III , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 37 kill , 0 pp - U:079 [+56 exp]
Heavy Sturmtruppen 44 , , 5 bars , 604 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 25 kill , 996 pp - U:080 [+84 exp]
+ E-100 , , 3 bars , 389 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:090 [+54 exp]
+ E-100 , , 4 bars , 448 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 17 kill , 0 pp - U:091 [+42 exp]

* PSW 263 , , 5 bars , 1443 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , Resilience , 33 kill , 0 pp - U:007 [+7 exp]
PSW 234/4 , , 5 bars , 1098 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 23 kill , 324 pp - U:024 [+11 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1674 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 34 kill , 312 pp - U:042 [+54 exp]
SdkFz 251/9 7.5cm , , 5 bars , 1627 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 35 kill , 312 pp - U:043 [+40 exp]

AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 2244 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 59 kill , 996 pp - U:027 [+42 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 2547 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 35 kill , 996 pp - U:033 [+58 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 1931 exp , Waffen SS , 2/10 , 29 kill , 996 pp - U:051 [+84 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 2228 exp , Waffen SS , 4/10 , 44 kill , 996 pp - U:060 [+84 exp]
AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 2136 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 39 kill , 996 pp - U:061 [+22 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 2378 exp , Waffen SS , 5/10 , 29 kill , 0 pp - U:066 [+41 exp]
+ AT Hvy Sturmtruppen 45 , , 5 bars , 1119 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 26 kill , 0 pp - U:069 [+46 exp]

Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 181 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 408 pp - U:083 [+27 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 1 bars , 163 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 408 pp - U:084 [+15 exp]
Observation Bunker , SdkFz 251/1 , , 2 bars , 231 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 408 pp - U:085 [+9 exp]

21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1704 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 49 kill , 1440 pp - U:006 [+22 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2015 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 46 kill , 1440 pp - U:008 [+45 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1568 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 37 kill , 828 pp - U:009 [+75 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1682 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 35 kill , 828 pp - U:017 [+35 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1696 exp , Russia , 15/10 , 39 kill , 1440 pp - U:018 [+56 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1688 exp , Russia , 14/10 , 32 kill , 1344 pp - U:020 [+39 exp]
152mm ML-20 , Gruzovik , , 5 bars , 1482 exp , Russia , 11/10 , 37 kill , 607 pp - U:021 [+13 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2368 exp , Russia , 15/10 , Infiltration Tactics , 64 kill , 1440 pp - U:022 [+28 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1437 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 28 kill , 1440 pp - U:055 [+29 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1564 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:062 [+50 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1143 exp , Waffen SS , 15/10 , 29 kill , 1440 pp - U:071 [+42 exp]
21cm K18 , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1152 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , 15 kill , 1344 pp - U:072 [+94 exp]
Hummel , , 4 bars , 414 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 444 pp - U:086 [+39 exp]
Hummel , , 5 bars , 500 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:087 [+32 exp]
+ sIG 38(t)M , , 2 bars , 254 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:088 [+47 exp]

Air Defense
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 22 kill , 696 pp - U:029
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 920 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 14 kill , 696 pp - U:031 [+24 exp]
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 11 kill , 696 pp - U:050 [+60 exp]
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 5 bars , 919 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 6 kill , 696 pp - U:063
Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 474 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 3 kill , 696 pp - U:070
+ Feuerlilie SAM , SdkFz 251/1 , , 4 bars , 463 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:076 [+5 exp]
+ Kugelblitz , , 0 bars , 64 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:089 [+10 exp]

Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3716 exp , Waffen SS , 14/10 , First Strike , 43 kill , 1680 pp - U:010 [+76 exp]
Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3262 exp , Waffen SS , 13/10 , All Weather Combat , 53 kill , 1560 pp - U:012 [+73 exp]
Go-229 , , 5 bars , 3834 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , First Strike , 45 kill , 1200 pp - U:013 [+99 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2558 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 37 kill , 996 pp - U:028 [+29 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2219 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 57 kill , 996 pp - U:030 [+64 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 2225 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 50 kill , 996 pp - U:034 [+17 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 1981 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 42 kill , 996 pp - U:037 [+31 exp]
Me-262X-4 , , 5 bars , 1925 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 54 kill , 996 pp - U:044 [+31 exp]
He-280 , , 5 bars , 2283 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 50 kill , 900 pp - U:048 [+86 exp]
He-280 , , 5 bars , 1778 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 53 kill , 900 pp - U:049 [+35 exp]
+ He-280 , , 5 bars , 1684 exp , Waffen SS , 8/10 , 41 kill , 0 pp - U:056 [+32 exp]
+ He-280 , , 5 bars , 1360 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 36 kill , 0 pp - U:067 [+42 exp]
+ He-280 , , 5 bars , 1450 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 35 kill , 0 pp - U:068 [+76 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 2647 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Combat Support , 61 kill , 780 pp - U:001 [+74 exp]
+ Hs-129B-3 , , 5 bars , 3287 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , Determined Defense , 34 kill , 0 pp - U:016 [+61 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3132 exp , Waffen SS , 7/10 , 43 kill , 624 pp - U:036 [+63 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 2181 exp , Waffen SS , 11/10 , Combat Support , 34 kill , 686 pp - U:038 [+38 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 3149 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 57 kill , 780 pp - U:040 [+98 exp]
Do-217E-2 , , 5 bars , 3137 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 55 kill , 624 pp - U:045 [+83 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 4410 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , All Weather Combat , 81 kill , 780 pp - U:046 [+90 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 3030 exp , Italy , 6/10 , 85 kill , 780 pp - U:053 [+65 exp]
+ Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1782 exp , Waffen SS , 6/10 , 24 kill , 0 pp - U:064 [+73 exp]
Me-262A-2 , , 5 bars , 1408 exp , Waffen SS , 3/10 , 17 kill , 780 pp - U:075 [+63 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 4 bars , 484 exp , Waffen SS , 10/10 , 5 kill , 600 pp - U:081 [+56 exp]
Fw-189 Uhu , , 5 bars , 661 exp , Waffen SS , 9/10 , 10 kill , 600 pp - U:082 [+15 exp]

Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 467 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 19 kill , 1692 pp - U:052
Littorio Class , , 4 bars , 470 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1692 pp - U:054
Bismarck Class , , 2 bars , 297 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 1860 pp - U:065

Battle Cruiser
Scharnhorst Class , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 1644 pp - U:039
Scharnhorst Class , , 3 bars , 318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 18 kill , 1644 pp - U:057

Player 1 : Waffen SS, Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Poland
Killed: INF:1385 TNK:593 RCN:71 AT:263 FORT:542 ATY:565 AD:385 FTR:380 TB:203 LB:24 SUB:2 DD:21 BS:9 CV:4 CRs:38 Total: 4485
Lost : INF:96 TNK:24 RCN:10 AT:28 FORT:82 ATY:13 AD:26 FTR:7 TB:2 LB:1 SUB:3 DD:7 CRs:7 Total: 306

BV 47
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 8 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 12137 exp, 422 kill, 2652 pp Average: 1517 exp, 53 kill, 332 pp
Tank * 17 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 27112 exp, 1349 kill, 7464 pp Average: 1595 exp, 79 kill, 439 pp
Recon * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5842 exp, 125 kill, 948 pp Average: 1461 exp, 31 kill, 237 pp
Anti-tank * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 14583 exp, 261 kill, 4980 pp Average: 2083 exp, 37 kill, 711 pp
Fortification * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 575 exp, 8 kill, 1224 pp Average: 192 exp, 3 kill, 408 pp
Artillery * 15 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 20667 exp, 447 kill, 15919 pp Average: 1378 exp, 30 kill, 1061 pp
Air Defense * 7 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 4585 exp, 59 kill, 3480 pp Average: 655 exp, 8 kill, 497 pp
Fighter * 13 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 30275 exp, 596 kill, 11220 pp Average: 2329 exp, 46 kill, 863 pp
Tactical Bomber * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 29308 exp, 506 kill, 7034 pp Average: 2442 exp, 42 kill, 586 pp
Battleship * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1234 exp, 47 kill, 5244 pp Average: 411 exp, 16 kill, 1748 pp
Battle Cruiser * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 888 exp, 34 kill, 3288 pp Average: 444 exp, 17 kill, 1644 pp
* Summary: * 91 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 147206 exp, 3854 kill, 63453 pp Average: 1618 exp, 42 kill, 697 pp

Player 1 Waffen SS, Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Poland has 111 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 15
Tank : 20
Recon : 5
Anti-tank : 9
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 16
Air Defense : 9
Fighter : 14
Tactical Bomber : 14
Level Bomber : 1
Battleship : 3
Battle Cruiser : 2

Player 2 Russia, Germany has 1 units total (core+aux):
Artillery : 1
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8