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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-09-03 17:38, Thursday

....intimately speaking it was enough of a "casus belli" :) in some past days but we are (quasi) civilised now and it will be solved in such manner as is usual among former neighbors and countries with long diplomatic ties :yes

most seriously and besides I already talked of importance of trade and export partners many posts above, so it's also important to know that Bulgarian-Greek (for example) mutual trade numbers are significantly higher etc. Sometimes it pushes foreign policy - like in our imperial days when trade with Greece was very low, while we were buying and selling a lot to Italian mainland as Dante confirmed buying himself stuff in market with our dinars :) But forget about more savage times, my admiration to imperial figures has nothing to do with modern Greece and Greek people...

Since it's interesting today one map, not the most recent but things are updated every couple of years... but relatively accurate. it shows all our export partners and recent growth in numbers in dark blue, while red states are those with (recent, could be changing as we speak) decline of imports from us - not to be mixed with surplus and deficit I talked before ; blue are stable and dark grey countries are - i suppose - not importing anything from us Cuba, Venezuela, Belgium (?), Greenland, Papua New Guinea among others, so a lot of work for ambasadors in Greenland and elsewhere....

so - if trade is to be all and above all then we are most likely to have next war with one of dark grey nations, so consider :lol ... do say if I missuse this thread - I'm finishing anyway - but to me it's fun, interesting and educative (when bored)


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[OMK] A Vicious Cycle

Post by HexCode » 2020-10-30 09:37, Friday

A vicious cycle (also known as a vicious circle) is when a chain of negative events reinforce themselves. The situation spirals in a downward loop, becoming increasingly worse with time.


Laziness reinforces incompetence.
Incompetence reinforces corruption.
Corruption reinforces laziness.
and so on and so forth...

Short, sweet and to the point ! :ihope :)
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Re: Open Mike

Post by lvjtn » 2020-11-17 14:29, Tuesday

fyi, if you don't understand why vast majority of hungarian people support our government against the viertes reich (formerly known: european union) and its veto for the 7y budget: what we don' want is very simple: the christianfobic, nation-fobic, regional sovereignty-fobic international bolshevism is not welcome here. we don't need regulations forcing us to accept any biological man should be allowed to enter the ladies' room what was once intended to be a safe place for women (with vagina, etc.). we don't want to let the international bolshevism destroying our culture, christian background, history, national heritage and legacy, etc.

i absolutely understand, why the european red, green, pink, etc. parties demand everybody following the nationless, faithless, cultureless internationalism and calling their political agenda the "rule of law", but what happened with the so called conservative parties? the political right is hopelessly defeated west to the elbe? :dunno

fyi2: i'm wondering how succesful the european queer-lobby would be forcing the islamic schools to accept openly lgtbq+ people as students :thud

fyi3: i've read a few related articles in "western" newspapers, and most of them wonder: "but now the poles and hungarians will get less money too". omg, you really don't know the mentality of the former eastern bloc :no people living these barbarian dragons' land don't care about how rich they are, they only care about how wealthy they are compared to other people (sociologically speaking the relative economical status matters). hungarian people won't be upset if they become poorer until the other european nations lose more. there is an exact saying about it: "let the neighbor's cow die!" according to a joke, a peasant answered this to a fairy what his/her wish would be, and it represent the "eastern" mentality 99% correctly

nevermind, i have no hope, hungary will be fucked up and kicked out of the eu, sooner or later, but we are used to the lost revolutions, so our the fifteen minutes matter too :evil
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[OMK] Civilizational Addiction

Post by HexCode » 2020-11-19 23:34, Thursday

@ Csaba
lvjtn wrote:
2020-11-17 14:29, Tuesday
i've read a few related articles in "western" newspapers, and most of them wonder: "but now the Poles and Hungarians will get less money too". omg, you really don't know the mentality of the former eastern bloc people living in these barbarian dragons' land; they don't care about how rich they are, they only care about how wealthy they are compared to other people (sociologically speaking, relative economic status matters). Hungarian people won't be upset if they become poorer as long as the other European nations lose more. There is an exact saying about it: "let the neighbor's cow die!" according to a joke; a peasant answered thus to a fairy asking what his/her wish would be; it represents the "eastern" mentality 99% correctly.
From Father Time's Jurassic archives......
As a Turk / Turkish Cypriot, I could easily (?) be perceived as someone having a... nationalist ax to grind. No, this is not so !

Greece provides me with a splendid example of a widespread, historical phenomenon that I shall refer to as "civilizational addiction". Political ideologues invariably focus on either "pull" or "push" factors underlying such phenomena. In general:

1) Many mainstream right-of-center ideologues claim that populations experiencing "addiction" are not victims; rather, they want to better their lives and, hence, consciously adopt new behaviors that are logically consistent with their own notions of betterment...

2) Many mainstream left-of-center ideologues claim that populations are deliberately subjected to "addiction", being victims of sinister machinations. Invariably, such populations are portrayed as naive, gullible and unsophisticated. Hence, they do not really appreciate what is good for them...

Back in the 1970s, many Greeks felt that US policies were oppressing them. The de facto partition of Cyprus made things worse. Even extreme right-wingers openly expressed anti-US sentiments. At the time, large strata in Greek society exhibited acute... "europhilia", perceived as a polar counterweight to the waning "americanophilia". In other words, many Greeks saw "Europe" as a gentle, civilized... liberator compared to the "rough" and "bossy" Americans.

In my opinion, the Greek tragedy is this. They ascribed civilizational importance to a divide that was anything but civilizational. This caused Greeks to enthusiastically imitate the "Western European" lifestyles (via consumerism) as a political stance... Lots of money fell from the "European"... heaven too. Moreover, it was "good" money since it did not come from the... Americans.

Key Assumption ==>

"Europe" can never run out of money. Therefore, the Greeks (as "Europeans") are always entitled to "Europe's" money, no questions asked, no matter what.

Who or what is at "fault" here? Does it even make sense to ask this question?
By the way, I'm of the opinion that the time-honored "right-left" divide is now bereft of either analytical or practical utility. It's post-modernity...
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Re: Civilizational Addiction...

Post by hoza » 2020-11-20 08:32, Friday

By the way, I'm of the opinion that the time-honored "right-left" divide is now bereft of either analytical or practical utility. It's post-modernity...

The new divide is conservative vs. progressive and astonishingly the conservative want to shape the future of the world by technology and the progressive want to keep the world by preventing technology.


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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-11-20 15:41, Friday

pretty clear map and with as clear title, although for sure a bit dated since i found it with title "2015", and that's why England is there... however i'm putting it here more for my point than anything else, but it's interesting per se - like many statistical data usually

my point is, since i hear that some "green countries" now bypassed some "yellow ones" on BDP per capita lists, one should reconsider fundings there. In short do not keep Italy in minus anymore, if they sink who will make us trade surplus. Also, considering their new found positions countries like Czec Empire should now invest more in some who migrated from there not so long ago not poor old Italy ;) ... at least Orban (king of Hungary) whose country is very green there is great pal of our demonarchy :lol

it is known that everything is funny to me, i just put some serious lines to make own points... too bad "son of Dervan" who took "half of people" somewhere around VI century from somewhere around mentioned areas, "going to civilized world of Romans and Greeks" as he said to them is not around to see where are we on the PP lists :lol .... satirical history aside, we are all for some troubles and reconsiderations ahead, but do not worry it was like that since Roman days..... must say except older history do not have much interest in deeper, detailed look at socio-political issues, so if something is not funny in thread from my side (maybe how Greeks slaped us last summer)) just think that my country is great source of satire and political and historical misfortunes/misconceptions, so nice to put in few humoristic lines.


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Re: Open Mike

Post by lvjtn » 2020-11-20 21:47, Friday

HexCode wrote:
2020-11-19 23:34, Thursday
I'm of the opinion that the time-honored "right-left" divide is now bereft of either analytical or practical utility. It's post-modernity...
a few years ago i would have agreed with you. now what i see is the left / proggressive side is exactly the same old furious jacobin movement believing in the fundamental truth of the permanent revolution, and they are sworn enemies of the traditions

if it weren't tragic, it could be funny: those people speak about 'rule of law' who abandoned the 2500y old roman law an follow the patterns and logic of the revolutionary law (introduced by saint-just and vladimir ulyanov): "everebody who is against us must die, sorry be defunded" (which is the very same thing in a more and more consumerized world.

the other side? it seems to ceased to exist. i would say :rip but a few years, and the jacobins will tear down their statues and bulldoze their graveyards

there is only one good news (for me): jacobins are mostly killed, sorry cancelled by their more progressive comrades. the heores of yesterday will be the traitors of tomorrow, like j.k. rowling, the former feminist icon is now a deplorable, untouchable outlow who dared to question the permanent revolution. maybe the trans people who are now the avat-garde of the revolution seem to be the current heroes, but i'm damn sure they will be cursed sooner or later, maybe because they aren't enough gender-fluid and they don't change their identity every single day back and forth... :evil after all, who remember the times before 2000, where gay marriage wasn't legal in any european country..., of course, nobody, there wasn't iphone at those dark medieval times. people eat each other, etc., etc.
Ale wrote:
2020-11-20 15:41, Friday
my country is great source of satire and political and historical misfortunes/misconceptions, so nice to put in few humoristic lines.
my all time favorite writer, sławomir mrożek couldn't agree with you more :)

so sorry for my sentiments. i was only pissed by the complete ignorance by the "western" media as they absolutely couldn't (can't and won't) understand, why voters support viktor orbán in hungary instead of accepting the revolutionary agenda

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Re: Open Mike

Post by randowe » 2020-11-20 21:59, Friday

lvjtn wrote:
2020-11-20 21:47, Friday
my all time favorite writer, sławomir mrożek couldn't agree with you more :)
Nice you mention Mrożek. I really liked him when i was younger. Now I've forgotten alomst everything and barely remember the books titels :bonk
While i am at my moms house at the weekend i have to see if i can find the books. I remember a good drama "Love in the Crimea".
Once i heared an radio drama about an strange game of chess, which was the first time i heared Mrożek's name and went to buy the books afterwards.
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[OMK] Horrible & Wonderful

Post by HexCode » 2020-11-20 23:20, Friday

Ok, terminology isn't necessarily useless. :)

In my opinion, post-1980, Western Civilization has witnessed a widespread and diffuse struggle between the values and forces of late modernity and post-modernity. Post-modernity's ideology is often being presented as "progressive". On the other hand, late modernity's ways are often judged to be "conservative", even "reactionary".

Whose "progress" and to what purpose ? Well, history's "judgments" are of necessity retrospective and certainly not without explicit / implicit bias. It seems to me that, anthropologically speaking, some humans are prone to wishing and seeking radical departures from the status quo while others are fearful of such intentions, efforts and deeds. End result ? Perennial socioeconomic and sociocultural acrimony and conflict.

Last but not least, today's "winners" are likely to be tomorrow's "losers" and vice versa (e.g., revolution vs. counter-revolution). Otherwise human life wouldn't be so horribly and wonderfully... interesting. :2cents
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Re: Horrible & Wonderful...

Post by hoza » 2020-11-21 07:43, Saturday

HexCode wrote:
2020-11-20 23:20, Friday
It seems to me that, anthropologically speaking, some humans are prone to wishing and seeking radical departures from the status quo while others are fearful of such intentions, efforts and deeds.

The most astonishing is that the division in these two sort of humans seems to be relatively independent of their present personal situation and their expected personal future at least in the developed part of the world. :grumpy

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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-11-21 13:07, Saturday

yes, small correction to my posts - they were so diverse and factful to keep track of all said - from site I used a lot for trade numbers. Updated things but still not freshest and are pre corona ones... So it is about Romania - according to international site update which may or may not be 100% true - it is our 4th biggest importer, not really as I described. Their imports made biggest "boom" year, year and a half ago...

more for domestic public and fellow readers in San Marino, interesting fact... North Macedonia (aka West Bulgaria, aka South Serbia))* beats us in imports to Germany (biggest importer for both) for almost a billion ;) think about it but we import much more generally, being stronk

* more for international public and fellow readers in San Marino, that's how fra Mauro described Macedonia in one of most famous maps of medieval world.... I gave example of Oliver, our imperial noble, whose church is now "Macedonian church" and so - however for us it is finished story, not some significant minority there and we recognize them under any name they chose :)

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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-11-21 23:34, Saturday

look i'm not punching any particular country here, all fact are there to see for all, i'm doing it only for fun and interesting facts for out readers in (very friendly) San Marino - and am finishing now because game of numbers and all sort of data could be presented without stop...

so interesting facts - 1.) Serbia and Croatia only (as they are now) exports together top Greece 2.) Serbia and Slovenia only exports top/equal Romanian etc. etc. etc

generally, looking like that point is that even after all troubles we are not so "bad" industrially or raw materially in greater region. Conclusion, in any combo Serbia strong :) ....not to mention (not included in any of our top 5 export countries) military industry we had... so yes on Balkans from Greece to Hungary i'm not thinking that we are so backwarded in industrial way, more in social :lol With Italian help our empire will rise again :yes

i finished this, but do not exclude chance to jerk around with numbers sometimes, hope it is interesting to foreigners

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[OMK] Evolutionary Totalitarianism

Post by HexCode » 2020-11-22 06:59, Sunday

@ Csaba

You've made many references to the French Revolution. Every revolution is bound to arrogantly overextend itself, if not actually have many of its children for lunch... Moreover, the Counter-Revolution is always in the cards. Yes, the French Revolution did exhibit totalitarian tendencies. Such tendencies inevitably led to the Terror and, ultimately, to Napoleon's Caesarism.

Totalitarianism doesn't necessarily require some revolution to take hold. In fact, most relatively successful totalitarianisms are, well, quite evolutionary. To boot, when sophisticated, they gradually employ diverse, predominantly indirect methods to achieve their goals. The story of the slowly boiling frog is rather well known.

Elites can be bought as well as discarded; ditto for "peoples". In an earlier post of mine I made references to Greece. Other contemporary examples are a dime a dozen. Anthropologically speaking, the biblical story of the Golden Calf shouldn't be surprising. You see, Moses was "away" and the fear of the pursuing Egyptian armies had abated. Hence, the "people" etc...
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Re: Open Mike

Post by lvjtn » 2020-11-22 09:36, Sunday

Ale wrote:
2020-11-21 23:34, Saturday
look i'm not punching any particular country here, all fact are there to see for all, i'm doing it only for fun and interesting facts
don't worry, regular readers of this forum and especially this thread won't be insulted by seeing their own countries have corrupt political elite who tend to spread lies and conflicts based on false facts. e.g. i know my own country and her political elite, i'm dead sure most of them would deserve a few years long trip to the jail... i can tell you stories how eu moneys were stolen in the past years, but of course, storie can be cited from each countries (e.g. look the so financially purist and devoted constitutional germany, promoter of the new order, torch of the revolution for the nationless ganzeuropa: how much money was stalen while building the new berlin airport? how many car companies bribed the eu inspectors?) so for me, stealing money is not important. that's always happened and will happen. the human nature is greedy and corrupt :whatever so don't stop posting mocking data :yes
HexCode wrote:
2020-11-22 06:59, Sunday
Totalitarianism doesn't necessarily require some revolution to take hold.
you are absolutely right. of course :)

first of all, you always can make a few steps back and see the theoretical frameworks, the sociological, political, etc. frameworks of the human conflicts. and it's interesting, as you wrote previously.

for me, these stories are more interesting from a very simple personal aspect: i'm invovled. and when i was young, i thought "okay, we learnt about the french revolition, the bolshevik coup, so we can see the patterns now, and we won't let it happen again". yep, that naive i was :lol

so for me, the jacobin / bolshevik mentality itsels is what is interesting / important. it's very special, because it's not only revolutionary, but the founding stone of their faith is the concept of the permanent revolution. their revolution has not a certain goal what they want to achieve and realize. their goal is the revolution itself. and that's very scary for me: living in an eu, where no cultural habit, political or religional belief, national institution, historically evolved tradition, way of life, etc. is safe: everything can be furiously attacked by the revolution, and basically nobody is aware of the consequences: i'm not worried about totalianiarism, i'm worried about the violence (maybe not physical, this time, hopefully) and intolerance what are collaterals of every revolution :2cents it's impossible to make a deal with a permanent revolution, it's always thirtsy for fresh blood and new enemies. maybe italy, spain, ireland, greece, bulgaria, etc. are happy to see the punishment of the rebel hungary and they don't think about that they may be the next victims of the new financial guillotine* what is introduced now. "yep that was funny to see the beheaded Marie Antoinette, the disliked austrian bench, but who thought we might be the next ones..."

* btw. the slovenian prime minister wrote an excellent article about it:
Those of us who have spent part of our lives under totalitarian regimes know that deviation from reality begins when processes or institutions are given names that mean the exact opposite of their essence.


The ‘rule of law’ means that disputes are decided by an independent court and not by a political majority in any other institution.
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Re: Open Mike

Post by hoza » 2020-11-22 09:45, Sunday

yes George Orwell and the war ministry was name ministry for peace :) :grumpy

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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-11-22 18:53, Sunday

:lol ultimately not so important but now Romania and Ukraine were mixed, i had 10 tabs opened...

so let me change above non crucial for the point statement to "Serbia and Slovenia together exports top Ukraine" :) still "impressive" as we are talking about less than 10 millions versus 40 millions population... but do not think bad about Ukrainians, we know them, we lived there about 2000 years ago... remember them as good kids, usually we were the troublemakers :)

Romanian exports are bigger, hope my post and point even without mistake makes sense and sorry again to one of biggest trade partners Romania, twice :yes .... see all later with some topic.

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[OMK] Hubristic Acceleration

Post by HexCode » 2020-11-22 23:51, Sunday

@ Csaba
lvjtn wrote:
2020-11-22 09:36, Sunday
... the Jacobin / Bolshevik mentality itself is what is interesting / important. It's very special because it's not only revolutionary; the founding stone of their faith is the concept of the permanent revolution. Their revolution has not a certain goal they want to achieve and realize. Their goal is the revolution itself and that's very scary . . . no cultural habit, political or religious belief, national institution, historically evolved tradition, way of life, etc. is safe: everything can be furiously attacked by the revolution and basically nobody is aware of the consequences . . . it's impossible to make a deal with a permanent revolution; it's always thirsty for fresh blood and new enemies ...
Revolutions... worth their salt invariably sport doctrines of universalist appeal; at least, aspirationally. It's this inherent universalism that propels them forward. To this effect, permanent expansion is a sine qua non. If the bicyclist were to ever stop pedaling, well, the glorious ride would be over. Continual successful expansion doesn't sate a universalist revolution's appetite. Quite the contrary; it arrogantly and recklessly ever accelerates it. All "reactionary" obstacles "must" be overcome, come hell or high water. Eventually, the revolution's ideology becomes a sworn enemy of a big chunk of socioeconomic and sociocultural reality. When this happens, the universalist revolution's days are numbered...
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-11-25 13:46, Wednesday

ultimately - while i even dislike world of money and greed (one can say that fact that we are exporting Italian cars to Italians is greedy part, while for us is beneficial until "Ferrari" changes country)) still think that economy and such cooperation is best way of cooperation - philosophy and some "principles" in world of humans are always incomplete, one-sided or let me say, weak in "test of endurance"...

look like this, for example - I am great fan of our "only" medieval emperor on first place for some ideas and early signs of "rule of law" in our biggest medieval law monument and sort of "constitution". There are other reasons as well and vision of strong country with economical backbone in cooperation with "heretic" Venice (for example) is good one.... however in other nations - you can take Albanians as mere example - they do not see it like I do, they see expansion and conquest.... etc. etc Mehmed Turkish sultan? uhmmm...

other example, now one Bosnian Serb and Austrian politician are in polemics - for the 100th time :lol - about "European values" and again i'm not so sure that both are even closely close to who is right in what constitutes genocide and what mass murder or massacre, like Franz Böhme responsible for Kragujevac genocide/massacre lying in Austrian church or many mass killings of Serb civilians, PoWs in Serbia and in Herzegovina in ww1 by AH troops... And how emperor Franz and his successor rate in "chain of command" ;) fruitless and incomplete...

i'm not for any discussion except for good joke or interesting historical fact or finding, i put it merely (like Hex) to show how "philosophical debate" can be endless and i was bored in moment of posting... so did you know - you take all countries from Greece to Hungary (them and Romania) included, you add Turkey and whole sum of their export values is less than Italian one.... and Italy is not even continental idustrial "powerhouse" :lol

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Re: Open Mike

Post by lvjtn » 2020-12-01 20:08, Tuesday

HexCode wrote:
2020-11-22 23:51, Sunday
If the bicyclist were to ever stop pedaling, well, the glorious ride would be over.
well, yes i see your point. so maybe we should call the "simple revolutions" like dethroning an unpopular tyrrant a rebellion/revolt? :dunno


now something different. the formerly known Ellen Page announced to be "he/him" starting by now, so if i'm attracted by his (formerly: her) body, does it make me a gay? :huh :thud :loco
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[OMK] Rebellious... Aesthetics ?

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-04 02:31, Friday

lvjtn wrote:
2020-12-01 20:08, Tuesday
... maybe we should call "simple revolutions" like dethroning an unpopular tyrant rebellions/revolts?
A lot has already been written regarding the differences and similarities re: revolutions, rebellions and revolts. I've found Albert Camus' "L'homme révolté" (The Rebel) particularly enlightening, especially his two chapters on Metaphysical and Historical Rebellions. In my opinion, as one traverses the ground from rebellion to revolt and, ultimately, revolution, one comes across underpinning ideas / dogmas of ever expanding socio-cultural universality.
lvjtn wrote:
2020-12-01 20:08, Tuesday
... the formerly known Ellen Page announced to be "he/him" starting by now; so if i'm attracted to his (formerly: her) body, does it make me gay?
No, absolutely not ! It just says that you somehow manage to aesthetically separate pleasing images from their... underlying :evil "realities"... :) Careful though, Graeco-Roman aesthetics always lay in ambush, waiting for you just around the proverbial corner ! :lol
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[OMK] Whose Rome ?

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-05 00:46, Saturday

Reflections on the very nature of human civilizations...

From "Gladiator" (2000) directed by Ridley Scott ==>

COMMODUS : Rome has changed. It takes an Emperor to rule an empire.
LUCILLA : Of course, but leave the people their....
COMMODUS : Illusions?
LUCILLA : ...traditions.
COMMODUS : My father's war against the barbarians, he said himself, it achieved nothing. But people still loved him.
LUCILLA : People always love victories.
COMMODUS : But why? They don't see the battles. What do they care about Germania?
LUCILLA : They care about the greatness of Rome.
COMMODUS : Greatness of Rome? But what is that?
LUCILLA : It's an idea, greatness. Greatness is a vision.
COMMODUS : Exactly, a vision. I will give the people a vision and they will love me for it. They will soon forget the tedious sermonizing of a few dry old men. I will give them the greatest vision of their lives.

. . .

GAIUS : Games! 150 days of games!
GRACCHUS : He's cleverer than I thought.
GAIUS : Clever. The whole of Rome would be laughing at him if they weren't in fear of his Praetorian.
GRACCHUS : Fear and wonder. A powerful combination.
GAIUS : Will the people really be seduced by that?
GRACCHUS : I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. He will conjure magic for them and they will be distracted. He will take away their freedom, and still they will roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble floor of the Senate, it is the sand of the Colosseum. He will give them death, and they will love him for it.
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[OMK] Political Correctness ?

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-10 04:38, Thursday

From the Internet ==>

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct, commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term primarily used as a pejorative to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society; in pejorative usage, those who use the term are generally implying that these policies are excessive. The term had only scattered usage before the 1990s, usually as an ironic self-description...

a) Is PC part and parcel of "routine political discourse" ?
b) Does PC constitute "angelic rhetoric" ?

A ==>

The statement "the term had only scattered usage before the 1990s" provides "us" with an important clue. Namely, PC went "mainstream" once post-modernity took firm hold in the "developed" slice of Euro-America (especially the populous urban centers).

In my opinion, the traditional political dimension atrophies, even dies, once socio-cultural values take center stage, fortified by postmodernist legislation and bureaucratic enforcement. Therefore, I view the term PC as a veritable, political oxymoron. To this effect, in historical deference to modernity, I would suggest that the term Post-Political Correctness (PPC) may be way more meaningful...

B ==>

Having an anthropological background, I'm always suspicious of "public statements". In my mind, there's no doubt: PC talk is rhetoric ! Given that, under "normal" circumstances, post-modernity engenders and supports societal hypocrisy the level and tenor of which would've made a modernist... Juan Perón blush, one shouldn't be surprised at PC's demonstrable, practical utility...

This leaves "us" with the... "angelic" part, right ?

As is rather well known, Satan and his accomplishes have been reputed to be fallen... angels. Many years ago, I attended an "avant-guarde" theatrical performance during which Satan was sitting on top of a garbage can, obviously bored, even annoyed, chain-smoking... He was surrounded by a coterie of minor demons incessantly chanting things like "oh how great you are"... At some point, Satan grabbed one of the chanting demons by the collar and sat him down on top of the garbage can. He said to him:

Now, you'll find out what publicly acknowledged and celebrated greatness is all about...
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[OMK] Adventurist Tokenism

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-16 05:28, Wednesday

A) Back in 1968, Bulgarian military units entered Czechoslovakia to offer... fraternal assistance to the population over there.

B) Back in the late 1990s, a few Portuguese fighter jets bombed Serbian targets.

C) A few years ago, a couple of Greek airfields were used by a few Belgian fighter jets to bomb Libyan targets.

Ok, what does all this mean ? First, the easy part. Multilateralism practically implies that a minor country's military (or some portion thereof) may be called upon to engage in hostilities outside that country's borders. Whether a minor country can "actually" say "no" is a somewhat... separate matter; ditto for a minor country that "enthusiastically" says "yes" !


Once a minor nation's (?) armed forces (or some of them) are deployed "abroad", these forces cease to belong to a true National Army (NA). They are Security Forces (SFs) in the service of safeguarding / maintaining / enforcing supra-national... security. In fact, even military units that are not deployed "abroad" are "magically" transformed in situ into SFs in... waiting.


Why is it that I haven't mentioned anything about, say, Anglo-Saxon military formations and assets ? Basically, their deployments "abroad" are natural geostrategic phenomena inextricably intertwined with the maintenance of some degree of cohesion among all those countries geographically situated within the Euro-American "Expanse" so as to resolutely face external "challenges" of all sorts...


Irrespective of "practical advantages of the salivating over kind" to be gained, each such minor player gives up their nation's "metaphysical soul" in exchange for this or that basket of goodies or practical advantages. Of course, if the minor country contains no nation to begin with, well, no one's "metaphysical soul" is being imperiled, right ?
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[OMK] Scrooge

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-23 11:22, Wednesday

From the Internet ==>

Charles Dickens’ enduring holiday tale “A Christmas Carol” features three ghosts who visit Ebenezer Scrooge, a crotchety man who detests the yuletide holiday. Each ghost represents a different time of his life, and their appearance further symbolizes their purpose. A “bright clear jet of light” bursts from the head of the Ghost of Christmas Past, symbolizing torturous revelation and self-discovery.

The events of the past “are but shadows,” according to the Ghost of Christmas Past. The ghost illuminates Scrooge’s dark past by taking him back to various scenes in his life where he must witness how his stinginess with money and obsession with profit causes him to “weigh everything by Gain.” One painful vision shows Scrooge parting with a former lover over money.

Confronting the shadows of his past is agonizing for Scrooge. “Show me no more! Why do you delight to torture me?” Scrooge cries at the ghost. The Ghost of Christmas Past holds a cap in its hand, and from the beginning Scrooge desires it to cover the light with its cap. Finally, when he can take no more confrontation with his past, he struggles with the spirit to extinguish its light with the cap.

Self-discovery invariably entails revelation. Most often, revelation is associated with some sort of current surprise that "makes one think". In my opinion, the most earthshaking revelations spring out of personal... revisionism ! Such post mortem musings tend to be tinged with regret. For example, one may retrospectively kick his... younger self for not bedding that attractive girl due to lack of single-minded initiative or practical experience at the time ! :lol

One painful vision shows Scrooge parting with a former lover over money.

An all too common phenomenon, say, in urban Australia; something like 85% of divorces and common law relationship breakups are primarily due to "money problems". Gee, where are the... jilted lovers ? Where are the housewives brandishing... battleaxes and threatening to... decapitate the "other women" ? :lol You see, post-modernity; oh give it a rest, will you :P ?
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[OMK] Merriments

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-24 11:32, Thursday

Married Mary was, well, contrary... Then came young Clint Eastwood into town looking for an unruly... mare to tame. He didn't have to wait for long... XXX ... On his way... out, good ol' Clint wished our Mary... a very Merry Christmas. Then came the next town... What a merry-go-(a)round ! :lol

By the way, what about the... Grinch ? Ok, here it goes:

[OMK] How the Grinch Stole (?) Christmas...
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[OMK] Hey Allies, Grab That SoB

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-25 11:24, Friday

A bit of Australian, urban... humor !

During the 2nd Gulf War, I happened to be in Sydney, Australia, that veritable, Euro-American, postmodernist showcase. Australian TV proudly displayed footage of Iraqi soldiers who had surrendered en masse. A few of them were flashing smiles and waved at the cameras in a friendly manner.

An Australian woman believed that she'd identified her former... boyfriend among the smiling POWs. However, this isn't all. She had already gone to the US consulate and asked that the US military in Iraq arrest her boyfriend and send him packing back to Australia to pay his long overdue... child support. When the reporter (bless his soul) asked her what made her think that the US military would ever do such a thing, she replied that the "Americans are our allies and speak English"... :lol
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[OMK] Feminist International

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-26 15:27, Saturday

A blonde, Anglo-Saxon, Australian woman (with a last name something like Smith or Jones) told a certain "culturally backward" :) Turk the following joke:

Imagine a "Feminist International" of sorts being in session. Various Scandinavian "heavyweight" delegates propose all kinds of hard-nosed resolutions to be put to a vote. The Australian and Canadian delegates vote as follows:

"We wholeheartedly support any and all resolutions proposed by our Scandinavian `sisters`. However, we will insist on appending the following language to each and every one of the proposed resolutions:

a) No man with a gladiatorial physique should ever be bound by the resolution(s).

b) Men should be required to pay for all such `fun` things as dinners, drinks, exotic vacations and so on, all these resolution(s) notwithstanding..."

I'm sure the above strictly pertains to feminism and has absolutely nothing to do with Australian and Canadian, urban societies in general, right ? :dunno :P
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-12-26 17:56, Saturday

A blonde, Anglo-Saxon, Australian woman.....blah, blah............ a certain "culturally backward" :) Turk
got me interested here, but later lost me when i realized it's not a start of erotic novel ...................... :lol

don't mind the joke miladies (and author) if it was a serious post with some point, missed it. Wonder if she was real blonde at all and wonder too would it make any difference if she was dark haired and brown eyed - usual English looking ) - women. :)

generally finished with "mike" (i'm into historical misteries, no interest) but since posted to joke.... today I'm into some looks of interwar period Italy, interesting subject. Already mentioned D'Annunzio and his, i'd say, one of the best foreign poems about history of Serbia, man not fascist but related by some. And now - for a change - this line from (useful but not great) wikipedia:
In the 1920s, Italian fascists targeted.... especially Serbs....etc. etc.... One anti-Semitic claim was that Serbs were part of a "social-democratic, masonic Jewish internationalist plot"
always interesting subject, but somehow have no idea how and there is funny part in that.... Not only that Serb monarchy ruled Yugo kingdom had probably one of the most restrictive (albeit later indeed) "anti-left leaning" laws and practice, gave refuge to many "Russian whites" prior etc. etc. and was future target of revolution, but even more funny because first masonic lodges in Serbia were likely created or introduced by Italians in XIX century :lol

generally economic cooperation was good, and Benito and Galeazzo met our officials many times, so do not believe everything you read :) Nothing for discussion (opinions naturally welcome) just wanted to joke about it ; as further joke, it is interesting for research to be part of a tribe which every empire/ideology/left/right/neighbor slapped occasionally and is part of every plot :) we rule.

happy new year :howdy

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[OMK] Canine Arms Races

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-27 06:11, Sunday

This time around, "we" fly out of Sydney, Australia and into Toronto, Canada. A quite intelligent and outspoken Toronto female was commenting on the popular expression "dog-eat-dog world" at a party. She morphed the phrase into "b*tch-eat-b*tch world". She, then, proceeded to explain that Toronto women engage in an... arms race involving clothes, shoes, jewelry, exotic vacations and so on. As far as the losers of the arms race were concerned, well, she said, "life's a... b*tch" (a popular expression in Anglo-Saxon culture). To top it all off, Toronto's female gift to the world exclaimed that clothes, shoes and so on had absolutely nothing to do with attracting... males; reason being, in her opinion and experience, "men will go to bed (she actually put it crudely) with a... dog". Amazingly enough, she didn't say "b*tch"... :lol
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-12-27 19:28, Sunday

... interesting moment for linguists and culturologists is (related to my latest post) that there is expression in Serbia (at least yes, maybe wider) "live like count Ciano". (good, exotic life) No idea from what time dating exactly (like many expressions) but undobtedly he left some impression as figure and person in part of collective psyche, even positively.... but many Italian expressions, gesticulations and (naturally) figures are accepted or made into icons partly in our tribe - another interesting addition to funny (but maybe true) previous theories :) of similarities of both tribes.... figures include Ciano, Al Capone :lol and many others

to finish this block, with Italian joke - if game was made about Italians in ww2, how would it be called? "Panzerotti General" :lol .... great nation, culture and history and mostly alright to us, btw no offence )

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[OMK] Open Mike Revisited

Post by HexCode » 2020-12-27 22:54, Sunday

Something like a year ago, I wrote:
I sincerely hope that my "approach" to posting ... will drastically reduce the number of "launch - post something - and move on" topics.
Yeah, such posting habits are akin to scratchpad scribblings invariably written out of boredom. In some way, such scribblings are a form of virtual... pollution ! :)

However, the preceding isn't that important. I mean, scratchpad scribblings do no harm. What's way more important to me is the, by now, concrete realization that posters show no interest whatsoever in regularly posting about diverse subjects. Whether this is due to a genuine lack of diverse interests on their part or an a priori assessment of these forums as being highly inappropriate for hosting such postings shall remain a matter of futile speculation. To be fair though when it comes to expectations, these forums are both formally and essentially dedicated to OG, period !

Personally, I'd hoped that some true "newcomer" (i.e., unrelated to that "other" (now defunct) Web venue) would miraculously appear out of the blue and regularly post on diverse subjects. Alas, a full year has gone by but this hasn't happened (yet ?) :( The preceding notwithstanding, "Open Mike" is, well, open, after all ! :yes
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-12-29 15:34, Tuesday

solid post idea to share... as mostly say in humoristic presentaion, but with some serious tone to it as always...

since he mentioned blondes and all, I always think there is something psychological in some (at least partial) pictures (mental or political) created among southern Europeans... examples always better than 1000s of words - so I'm aiming at things like Portugal longing to be associated (in name) with Gauls, Spaniards to Vandals not Carthagians, Italians proud of their Lombardy (Germanic tribe name) not south, Serbs longing to be considered brothers of far Russians & Vikings (no way Sarmatians, not Italians or came from Asia minor)), Greeks longing to be related to Brad Pitt and Butler :lol etc etc...

but yeah, we all suffer scars from "not being considered white" in one period or area or another... do not share insecurity in that sense must say and to me definitive scientific proof (not political) of (example) Scytho-Sarmatian origin would be super :) it's fun subject, but of course part of that is economical, remeber that story of one American traveller in 1920 through Europe liking Budapest, seing Sofia so-so, but considering Belgrade a bit home of "darker" people :lol as city was ruined border town, as Turks called it "fort of battles", and lacked charm and economic stability ;

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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-12-29 21:59, Tuesday

know nobody cares, but i like subject plus most of you will never see it...

related to representations and images on individual/hero level - promise this is last mention of medieval subjects in "mike" and will use Bombast thread if something new - here is one of latest presentation of our, probably greatest hero/figure in history, emperor Dušan, on domestic TV and in documentary, not in movie which will wait to be made, me ; Pretty much satisfied with looks, style and pigmentation (probable) though nobady knows for sure... if you add 2,15 m in height guess that's how "ancient Serb elite" looked, no makeup and fantasy :) ... though, must criticize our TV, his equipment and ornaments are too unhistorical and false, lacking more armor and probably gold/silver ornaments on it.... blah, blah... as always experts and historians are there to disagree about many deatils...


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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2020-12-30 20:32, Wednesday

... just remembered (must be last now) but this is something I "left" on JP forums to put it here and is part of story about him - and connected to previous things. (Hex just gave me "schlagwort", no idea about his points and story)

so, even such extraordinary man, with gold enough to have (allegedly) 1000s of Germans and Catalans :) in legions and all sort of castles and best horses, was rejected (without meeting) and considered "savage and scary" by an Austrian princess who had chosen death rather than marriage to him :lol Pure girl and female rights - not laughing at her fate, died of sorrow allegedly - but impression of Serb king on Austrian princess once upon a time... solid addition to words "beauty and the beast" or "nice girl and culturally backwarded" )

now officially i end this year :howdy (cool pic isn't it, you'd watch a film in similar fashion, right?)

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[OMK] Humor... Injections

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-04 17:25, Monday

Elsewhere in the distant past...
... there's another way to vote with one's feet... a particular technique to achieve effective communication with some politicians; say proactive politics directly impacting certain... jewels
Actually, this sort of thing falls under the umbrella of... Voice (like... ouch ?) :lol Now, if the referenced politicians happen to really like women, well, very unfortunate, lasting damage where it counts can occur, which may not be 100% fixable via some treaty or similar document ! :doh
When a man with a pistol meets a man with a rifle, the man with the pistol is a dead man.
Well said ! :clap Who can forget Sergio Leone's great "spaghetti western" film entitled "Fistful of Dollars" (Per un Pugno di Dollari) (1964) ? The vastly underrated Italian actor Gian Maria Volonté in the role of Ramón Rojo said it first during the course of the movie. Clint Eastwood in the role of Joe (Man with no Name) repeated it much later in the movie under extremely tense circumstances... :laff
When a man with a knife meets a man with a rifle, the man with the knife will, well, ... emigrate.
I'm still waiting for an appropriate movie to come out... :imwaiting :)
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[OMK] Dig Up Those Holes, Will You ?

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-09 06:53, Saturday

Political economy can be quite "inventive". For example, publicly funded projects employing workers who dig up holes in the ground and fill them up again directly contribute to the GDP... :laff On the other hand, a stay-at-home mother who fusses about her kids really becoming proficient in language and arithmetic skills is just ignored... :doh

Some Ancient Greeks believed that "man is the measure of all things". Had they been around today, they would have said, in all probability, that:

Economic statistics are the measure of all humanly worthwhile things.
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2021-01-09 22:28, Saturday

although in huge contrast to rest of the posts here and dealing with some researches, i prefer to add this here as at it makes "logical or thematical" unity with some of my previous posts... (this is mainly Hex thread, mind that not to mix my & his points and themes))

never gave much (while they are relevant) attention to genetical/DNA studies of various populations, because they are tricky and unprecise due to big (or not so big somewhere) mixing and dispersion of old "material" through centuries in DNA. Respect people dealing with such things and consider it scientific, however it can not help in search of answers, like one I talked before...

i can bore with complete and detailed findings about Scythian tribes - already mentioned some parallels of them and medieval Serb state in zenith i.e. gold, "graves of our ancestors" proverb, not interested in navy, cavalry, aggression to and dislike of foreign rulers etc. etc. - but i want to keep it understandable and fun, so while dealing with some Easteuropean genetic study found this line. It relates to my previous presentation of possibility that "Serb" (as tribe member) indeed means "-to protect" or "-watch over" and that we can find tribe in 3 areas geographically but always on some border (Scytho-Sarmatia, Saxony, Byzant) plus:
Most South Slavs are separated from the rest of the Balto-Slavic populations and form a sparse group of populations with internal differentiation into western (Slovenians, Croatians and Bosnians) and eastern (Macedonians and Bulgarians) regions of the Balkan Peninsula with Serbians placed in-between.

by Alena Kushniarevich and team. (it's about genetics findings, again)

:lol I think that case is closed now... another border of type i did not mention previously. As said i want to keep it fun, while possible when you consider things. It is important not to mix works by people dealing with my mentioned things with genetical, "X/Y" studies, as I call them :) most surely my posts about this will be few - it is hobby which require a lot of cultural and historical research and critical thinking often not based on precise science, rather few and old sources and comparison to find that Scytho-Sarmatian tie... Medieval posts you can find in other thread and they are much more precise and interesting and not related to each other :)

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[OMK] Tony, the World Is Yours

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-10 19:05, Sunday

"Scarface" (1983) directed by Brian De Palma:

This isn't your run-of-the-mill gangster movie. In many ways, it's a critique of... post-modernity ! In historical terms, the civilizational hypocrisy... fever temperature must be gradually rising (courtesy of Oswald Spengler :laff ). There's humor as well as tragedy underpinning Tony Montana's storyline. All hopes and dreams of 19th century socialists were not sufficient in ensuring Tony's "happy" adjustment to Cuban realities... On the other hand, American realities were not sufficient in ensuring Tony's transformation into a harmless, working stiff either... Almost like a Shakespearean play. :lol

By the way, I kind of liked Tony's buddy. He really liked (certain) women... :yes
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[OMK] No More Uncles, OK ?

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-11 07:20, Monday

More sociocultural stuff... :)

Let me treat you to a gem of popular wisdom from the "quasi-barbarous" part of the world in which I was born and raised:

If you want to find the truth about a village, just talk to the little children and the village idiot(s)

I've already consumed some virtual... ink on Sydney, Australia and Toronto, Canada. Let's go back to Toronto. Ok, what's one supposed to do since:

1) All idiots (obviously, "village" is a nonstarter here) have been locked up in psychiatric institutions ? :evil

2) One never gets the chance to talk to children ? I mean, grandfathers and uncles are widely viewed as actual / latent... paedophiles. If so, a non-relative doesn't stand a chance... :evil

First, let me suggest what you shouldn't do. Pay absolutely no attention to the "Globe & Mail" (a "showcase" daily newspaper). :nyet Instead, dive into the tabloids ! When tired of reading, just watch the soaps and reality TV shows ! Finally, if you happen to... bed some female Torontonian, pay very close attention to her "pillow talk" :thud ; you may want to take down invaluable, practical notes... :lol
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2021-01-12 16:28, Tuesday

out of boredom...

so to bed some female Tortoise in Ontario... [writing down in notess] :)

guess one of things medieval elites got right is always trying to look for foreign female as companion... I mostly agree about some things. When i was in "Stambol" i treid to bed female "Stambolians" (not foreign ones "doing business") not to talk to kids and idiots... however I was told I am "dirty as pig" :lol guess pillow talk shall wait some better days

generally i'm joking but why not talking openly about every subject outhere and cultural differences :yes

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[OMK] It's All About Weapons

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-12 20:21, Tuesday

Whenever one comes across homo economicus, chances are that homo politicus is hiding in the bushes nearby...

From "Godfather III" (1990) directed by Francis Ford Coppola:

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

Well put Don Licio Lucchesi ! :clap This is a great, down to earth definition of practical political economy... Notice that finance just embodies potentiality. Politics is about forcefully making "things" happen at the right moment.

Consider now the following variant:

Finance is an ICBM. Politics is knowing when to launch it.

It's not entirely inconceivable that practical political economy may, at some point, turn... suicidal. If so, an ICBM analogy would be more appropriate as opposed to visualizing a puny mafioso handgun... :laff
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2021-01-12 21:50, Tuesday

talking about (real) Turkish women, must say personally great "turn on", maturely speaking.... even in some old "traditional" dresses and ornaments. Now - while i guess final word is on Freud :) - question is what causes that, some say it's because of "historical reasons or some satisfaction to think like that" but not sure, maybe that exotic/strange element only without any historical thought... but anyway hope this is nice to say. :yes

i was talking to her, she felt uneasy and told me "my brothers.... they are gray wolves." "Wolves?" - i told - "we like wolves, almost national animal!"... she introduced me to them.... i was back in first plane... in box.


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[OMK] Canines In... Chaos

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-13 18:16, Wednesday

It's rather... well known :) that, prior to their arrival on this earth, "mammal souls" are routinely presented with certain choices, courtesy of the... cosmic forces, of course. ;)

Some time ago, someone speculated about the following dilemma:

Appear as a

1) Human during (from a human's perspective) peaceful times; or

2) Dog during human-made, chaotic times.

At first sight, choice (1) seems to be a hands down winner, right ? However, let's not forget that a "dog-eat-dog" world is the natural habitat of "alpha" characters, especially the ones who've had the fortune :yikes :) of reading... Thomas Hobbes and internalizing his rather dour observations and conclusions ! :lol By the way, it's not the "alphas" who are howling at night full of rage / pain; rather, it's the "betas", the "gammas" and so on... :evil
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2021-01-13 20:48, Wednesday

nonetheless, from cultural habits and personal preferences of women by nationality (ladies are welcome to talk something else, i called them more than few times), who has time and will - there is always something educative or interesting to dig...

so yes i'm the one who had criticized Wikipedia numerous times on historical subjects, but this is something i looked recently... article chooses to put on right hand side pictures which are contradiciting article data and list (they used CIA data as stated). Yes years are different by not so sure that it has changed in that time interval... in short Poland, Finland etc. (example) are by pics countries with more girls below 15 years while CIA list is showing that it is not true and that boy-girl ratio is even on male side. And so... ... _sex_ratio

generally - if we say, but i doubt - that there was shift in past few years, hence difference between pics and list, or CIA is missinforming :) ... this is fun to look at, however any myths of "abundance" of females (or males) in any particular country are just myths and ratios are similar, important to say. It is true that - in Europe, including my fav "lady paradise" Turkey :) - there are only more females over 50-60-70 than males....

btw, I wrote few funny tales about me meeting Turkish girls/women, so again it is not all fruitless and there is something productive and humoristic. In reality it could be something in the future (i.e. lots of Turkish wives here) and would be nice. Thanks for inspiration :yes ... and someone from Turkey eventually, just smile milady.... and send message :lol i end this block, but it was all in the boundaries of good behavior, some of us are just such/easy in comunication ;

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[OMK] Disappointments

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-14 04:48, Thursday

From Father Time's Jurassic archives...
For something like 90 days, every time I'd check the status of this forum, I'd be greeted by


right up there next to the title of the sticky thread dedicated to {Wargame X}. Recent posts have denied me the pleasure of gazing at the preceding, almost... perfect ID handle. :)


could some caring soul help my... mood and sense of informed (?) humor by registering as


an ID handle that's "perfection incarnate" in every respect, right :imwaiting ?

Oh, before I forget, an one-liner alphabet... soup is all that's needed here as far as the envisaged post's content is concerned...
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Re: Open Mike

Post by Ale » 2021-01-14 16:47, Thursday

...even more, because it "struck me" (i am serious btw and have longer sympathy than few days)). Maybe thematically more for "translations" but not really history...

always looked down at Turkish "soap lemonades" and considered them a bit of mockery of history. Thinking about other aspects, it is idea worth exploiting and "copying" but with a twist ; I always say we have "events" we have historical stories (not some grandeur due to country size but stories) and even say others took some our elements from sources, but we lack talent generally... so where is the twist and connection to Turkish "soaps". One can make solid play, or film about unexpected love between some "markant" Serb "black knight" following Turkish caravan/harem in Asia minor and beautiful Turkish harem girl who disliked and mistrusted him at first (as he is in entourage of unwilling vassal lord) but he saves girls from bandits for example and suddenly she is mad about him and fell in "forbidden" love .... and so :) Thousands of possibilities and twists there for something that does looks like like "lemonade" but why not, especially in such relations and inter-ethnic-cultural characterisations... And then sell it in Istanbul and wider :)

Hex is "holy man", or I am :lol anyway one of most refreshing thoughts and ideas and looking at "Turkey" as something feminine (as word is) is liberating. Doubt it is "my genre" (just giving ideas) but someone more delicate could/should exploit "their formula" with a twist, but towards goal of Turkey being sometimes equalised with something gentle, for example ...;

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[OMK] Virtual Twistedness

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-14 19:21, Thursday

Sometimes, analogies and metaphors are best at capturing the... essence of timeless wisdom as revealed by... banal absurdity !

Those of you somewhat technically inclined must have come across the two most frequent responses to computer problems stated by hapless posters, optimistically expecting the... Internet to... "magically save" them. Here they go:

1) "Install [these] anti-virus programs and scan your hard disk(s). Looks like you have a virus"...

2) "Format your hard disk(s) and re-install everything from scratch"...

Very seldom does one come across a... comprehensible answer specifically focusing on the technical problem per se.

NOW, here comes the really interesting part:

A) Posters almost never complain about the fact that the above mentioned drastic suggestions, when actually implemented, invariably prove to be, well, fruitless and off the mark...

B) Quite a few posters resent the fact that some "technical sucker" genuinely attempted to help them by posting specifics !! In fact, whenever such focused assistance bears fruit, most posters don't even bother to say a simple "thank you". In fact, if they bring themselves to post... "post mortem" style, they tend to complain about the... complications they had to endure -- never mind that such "complications" "saved" their... sorry posteriors !

Back in the days, an acquaintance with a Doctorate in Social Psychology put it rather epigrammatically:

Postmodernist virtual space begets God-like expectations and arrogance
Last edited by HexCode on 2021-04-25 21:13, Sunday, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Open Mike

Post by Radoye » 2021-01-14 22:10, Thursday

Not sure you're familiar with this or not, but it's a fun read:

(especially if you tend to be the one always going the extra mile to provide specific instructions only to get crap in return)

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[OMK] @ Radoye

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-14 23:33, Thursday

Radoye wrote:
2021-01-14 22:10, Thursday
Not sure you're familiar with this or not, but it's a fun read:

(especially if you tend to be the one always going the extra mile to provide specific instructions only to get crap in return)
A most enjoyable Web site, indeed. Thanks for the heads up ! :yes


Conscientious technical "suckers" should always be aware of how they are being viewed through the prism of technologically shaped, postmodernist Joe Blow.

Doctorates, anyone ? :lol
Last edited by HexCode on 2021-05-16 01:33, Sunday, edited 2 times in total.

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[OMK] Chess Café

Post by HexCode » 2021-01-15 02:18, Friday

I've always been a great fan of the Theater of the Absurd. There was a particular play that has resonated with me ever since I attended its performance. The plot went something like this:

1) Once upon a time, there was a café frequented by chess players. They were happy playing quick games and shooting the... chessic breeze.

2) Gradually, the café increasingly became less popular.

3) At some point, the café... transformed itself. All the tables and chairs were removed. A single wooden desk (plus chair) appeared out of nowhere, sporting a typewriter and some blank paper sheets on top.

4) Soon after, an... offbeat character entered the stage and sat behind the desk, eventually typing up a storm.

5) Next, the... maniacal typist started plastering the walls with his typed up... masterpieces.

6) Suddenly, a very attractive woman appeared on stage and asked the... maniac what he thought that he was doing...

7) The... maniac responded that he was the curator of a museum dedicated to documenting... chess opening theory.

8) The woman sat down on the desk and crossed her legs while demurely lighting up a cigarette.

9) The... maniac... woke up and called his woman !! She responded that she was definitely in the mood for [e] play [ing] games. :evil
Last edited by HexCode on 2021-04-25 21:14, Sunday, edited 1 time in total.

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