CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Dutch Campaign by Dennis Felling for Leon Efile.

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CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

This will be the last input from my old PG2 archives. Now all 27 old AARs (with exception of missing CC#6) were published. For more I must start playing new challenges with OG. CC#71 was the first, but if I will keep the pace shown there, then I will be able to add one new AAR per year :lol

Darek’s CC#21 at 100%
Dutch Camp v.2.0 (by Dennis Felling), with Leon’s 2000 efile v.6.1b, PG2 1.02G exe, completed in October'2004

1. Fortress Holland

I got loss in my first and second attempt to this battle, but didn’t resign and went through in third.
Before the battle I spend all given prestige on purchasing three units: 2x Grenadiers and 75mm M34 mountain gun – without transport. A little modified plan of battle worked well and I missed BV by single turn (but who cares, if protos are prohibited).

Result: V

2. Zeeland

Before the battle I purchased a horse cart for my gun. In addition I bought two AD guns and one Mariniers (all with horse transport) to my army.
The battle was intense as I expected. Unfortunately I lost one of Grenadiers, but the other one got CS leader in compensation for that loss. Surprisingly “Fort Felling” was successfully held to the end. I think I should allow Germans to destroy it – you know why.

Result: L

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Tarakan 1; VH prestige is 80; All hex prestige is 240
Total army value 936 Current prestige is 214
BV: 200; Balikpapan; cap 1450; turn prestige: 0
V: 300; Balikpapan; cap 1450; turn prestige: 0
TV: 400; Balikpapan; cap 1450; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 225 exp. ; ; 2 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 77 exp. ; ; ; ; 192 pp
2AD ; 2ld 20mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 16 exp. ; ; 1 killed ; ; 132 pp

3IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 250 exp. ; ; 4 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] ; 2 bars ; 230 exp. ; Combat Support ; 3 killed ; ; 108 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 1 ; ATY 0 ; INF 18 ; REC 2 ; TK 1 ; FTR 6 ; TB 8
Total: 37
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 1 ; ATY 3 ; INF 9 ; REC 0 ; TK 0 ; FTR 5 ; TB 1
Total: 20

3. Tarakan 1

Sold: 2ld 20mm (Paard en Wagen).
Purchased: Mortier van 8 81mm & Mariniers.

Nice small battle went smoothly, excepting that I allowed Japanese tank to drive into my unguarded Tarakan VH. I spent additional turn to recapture it – just on time for BV.

Result: BV (last turn)

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Balikpapan; VH prestige is 240; All hex prestige is 240
Total army value 1128 Current prestige is 222
BV: 60; Battle of Leuwiliang; cap 1500; turn prestige: 150
V: 100; Battle of Leuwiliang; cap 1500; turn prestige: 250
TV: 150; Battle of Leuwiliang; cap 1500; turn prestige: 250
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 250

2AR ; Mortier van 8 81mm [A] ; 0 bars ; 0 exp. ; ; ; ; 156 pp
1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 269 exp. ; ; 2 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 77 exp. ; ; ; ; 192 pp

1IN ; Mariniers [A] ; 0 bars ; 72 exp. ; ; 2 killed ; ; 168 pp
3IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 341 exp. ; ; 7 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] ; 2 bars ; 275 exp. ; Combat Support ; 4 killed ; ; 108 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 1 ; ATY 1 ; INF 22 ; REC 2 ; TK 2 ; FTR 6 ; TB 8
Total: 43
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 1 ; ATY 3 ; INF 9 ; REC 0 ; TK 0 ; FTR 5 ; TB 1
Total: 20

4. Balikpapan

Sold: Mortier van 8 81mm.
Purchased: 7 Veld 75mm (Paard en Wagen), Grenadiers & 2 horse transports.

I added some new units to my army (following DF’s suggestion) and it was god idea. All of them were rather busy here. The war with Japan looks like holidays so far. This battle went almost as easy as previous one. Next unit got the leader, not very impressive one, but may be useful for defensive activities.

Result: BV (-1 turn)

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Battle of Leuwiliang; VH prestige is 80; All hex prestige is 160
Total army value 1332 Current prestige is 80
BV: 50; Battle of Buitenzorg; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
V: 100; Battle of Buitenzorg; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
TV: 150; Battle of Buitenzorg; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 6 exp. ; ; ; ; 204 pp
1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 316 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 77 exp. ; ; ; ; 192 pp

1IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 135 exp. ; ; 4 killed ; ; 192 pp
3IN (FD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 408 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 9 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 320 exp. ; Combat Support ; 5 killed ; ; 132 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] ; 0 bars ; 95 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 108 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 2 ; ATY 1 ; INF 37 ; REC 4 ; TK 2 ; FTR 6 ; TB 10
Total: 63
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 1 ; ATY 3 ; INF 9 ; REC 0 ; TK 0 ; FTR 6 ; TB 2
Total: 22

BV 2
V 1
TV 0
L 1
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

5. Battle of Leuwiliang

Purchased: horse transport for Grenadiers.

This battle was much harder than both of previously played. I surrounded Japanese VH with my forces, but couldn’t take it on time. Japanese long-range gun got a leader and supported all enemy units around. Infantry unit (with leader too) kept its VH long – just enough for spoiling my day. In addition – when I was focused on Japanese VH – my green Grenadiers unit that defended Leuwiliang VH was KIA during enemy counterattack. After that my VH was empty and I should loss the battle, but AI stupidly attacked my AD gun instead take the objective – missing its chance.

Result: V

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Battle of Buitenzorg; VH prestige is 240; All hex prestige is 440
Total army value 1224 Current prestige is 145
BV: 50; Merauke; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
V: 100; Merauke; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
TV: 150; Merauke; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0
Ls: 150; Merauke; cap 1500; turn prestige: 0

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 51 exp. ; ; ; ; 204 pp
1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 384 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 169 exp. ; ; 2 killed ; ; 192 pp

3IN (FD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 437 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 9 killed ; ; 192 pp
1IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 191 exp. ; ; 5 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 383 exp. ; Combat Support ; 6 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 2 ; ATY 2 ; INF 41 ; REC 4 ; TK 2 ; FTR 7 ; TB 11
Total: 70
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 2 ; ATY 3 ; INF 12 ; REC 0 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 2
Total: 29

6. Battle of Buitenzorg

Purchased: Grenadiers (Paard en Wagen).

Interesting battle, especially around northernmost VH. That was most difficult to take and stuck there I missed BV by one turn.

Result: V

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Merauke; VH prestige is 0; All hex prestige is 40
Total army value 1356 Current prestige is 144
BV: 350; Grave; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
V: 400; Grave; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
TV: 450; Grave; cap 1850; turn prestige: 200
Ls: 400; Merauke; cap 1500; turn prestige: 200

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 112 exp. ; ; ; ; 204 pp
1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 452 exp. ; ; 4 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 221 exp. ; ; 2 killed ; ; 192 pp

1IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 246 exp. ; ; 6 killed ; ; 192 pp
3IN (FD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 496 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 11 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 91 exp. ; ; 1 killed ; ; 132 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 435 exp. ; Combat Support ; 9 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 4 ; ATY 2 ; INF 50 ; REC 5 ; TK 3 ; FTR 8 ; TB 12
Total: 85
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 16 ; REC 0 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 2
Total: 34

7. Merauke

Purchased: PAG 47mm Bohler (Paard en Wagen).

I made too many mistakes during this battle and scored only TV. Australian Commando didn’t see plenty of action – was KIA defending northernmost VH. At least Japanese paratroopers were killed too and didn’t capture that VH under fire of my walking arty.
One SE and both NW VHs were taken later after long lasting naval operation. I stupidly sent my small arty by the ocean too but at the destination point it was useless – I couldn’t disembark it at swampy ground. I should leave it for Merauke defense instead.
Both of my base VHs (Merauke and airfield) were guarded only by AD and AT guns. Anyway, small AT proved its worth and successfully withstood attack of three enemy units.
The biggest problem occurred with the closest VH on the shore – SE of Merauke. I sent there two Grenadiers but green unit was killed and experienced CS unit reduced to 1 point of strength. I couldn’t remove the Japanese defender not having that B-25. Combined B-25 and fighter attacks lasted couple of turns but finally the VH was cleared and captured after that by my weakened Grenadiers.

Result: TV

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Grave; VH prestige is 240; All hex prestige is 240
Total army value 1368 Current prestige is 482
BV: 50; Liberation of Brabant; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
V: 80; Liberation of Brabant; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
TV: 110; Liberation of Brabant; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 97 exp. ; ; ; ; 144 pp

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 112 exp. ; ; ; ; 204 pp
1AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 487 exp. ; ; 4 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 249 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 340 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; 8 killed ; ; 192 pp
3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 512 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 12 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 481 exp. ; Combat Support ; 10 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 1 ; AT 4 ; ATY 2 ; INF 60 ; REC 6 ; TK 3 ; FTR 11 ; TB 15
Total: 102
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 18 ; REC 0 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 37

8. Grave

Purchased: 2x Grenadiers (Vrachtwagen) – during scenario.

The battle wasn’t so hard as I expected. I took safe V without troubles. Action on the field proved once again that buying a green unit is very doubtful now. I bought two Grenadiers this time but one of them was easily eliminated and the second badly damaged – not doing enemies any harm. I should spend prestige on upgrading and OSing my experienced units instead. Anyway, the most important thing has been new DF leader for my best arty.

Result: V

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Liberation of Brabant; VH prestige is 480; All hex prestige is 720
Total army value 1548 Current prestige is 175
BV: 20; Walcheren; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
V: 100; Walcheren; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
TV: 150; Walcheren; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 244 exp. ; ; 1 killed ; ; 144 pp

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 179 exp. ; ; ; ; 204 pp
1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 606 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 5 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 249 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 4 bars ; 468 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; 9 killed ; ; 192 pp
3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 609 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 14 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 520 exp. ; Combat Support ; 11 killed ; ; 132 pp
Grenadiers [A] ; Grenadiers [A] (Vrachtwagen) ; 0 bars ; 14 exp. ; ; ; ; 180 pp

Killed: AD 2 ; AT 5 ; ATY 3 ; INF 67 ; REC 8 ; TK 6 ; FTR 11 ; TB 16
Total: 118
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 20 ; REC 0 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 39

BV 2
V 4
TV 1
L 1
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

9. Liberation of Brabant

Sold: Grenadiers (Vrachtwagen).
Upgraded: 7 Veld 75mm to 7 Veld 75mm M34.
Purchased: Grenadiers (Paard en Wagen).

I tried to keep newest unit next to my CS Grenadiers all the way and that tactic wasn’t bad – at least rookies survived. This scenario isn’t hard but needs patience. After clearing the way through bunch of German AT guns I missed BV by one turn.

Result: V

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Walcheren; VH prestige is 560; All hex prestige is 680
Total army value 1608 Current prestige is 195
BV: 20; Bommelerwaard; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
V: 90; Bommelerwaard; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
TV: 130; Bommelerwaard; cap 1850; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 283 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 144 pp

1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 702 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 7 killed ; ; 312 pp
2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 282 exp. ; ; ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 249 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 559 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; 10 killed ; ; 192 pp
3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 671 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 18 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 0 bars ; 72 exp. ; ; 1 killed ; ; 132 pp
2IN (CS) ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 579 exp. ; Combat Support ; 14 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 3 ; AT 10 ; ATY 7 ; INF 77 ; REC 10 ; TK 6 ; FTR 11 ; TB 16
Total: 140
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 22 ; REC 1 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 42

10. Walcheren

Upgraded: Grenadiers to Mariniers.

I stupidly lost Westkapelle VH just before the end (as I supposed) and that cost me perhaps five turns extra for recapturing it. Westkapelle was left empty but situation looked safely. Suddenly one German unit that defended Veere VH just left it unguarded and started to capture all flags along the northern shore – reaching my empty VH during three turns. I could only watch at that (cut off by water).

Result: TV

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Bommelerwaard; VH prestige is 320; All hex prestige is 680
Total army value 1668 Current prestige is 182
BV: 80; Tarakan 2; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
V: 100; Tarakan 2; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
TV: 80; Tarakan 2; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
Ls: 80; Tarakan 2; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 293 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 144 pp

2AR ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 392 exp. ; ; 1 killed ; ; 312 pp
1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 753 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 8 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 249 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 714 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 18 killed ; ; 192 pp
1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 595 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; 11 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 630 exp. ; Combat Support ; 14 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 138 exp. ; ; 3 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 5 ; AT 12 ; ATY 10 ; INF 83 ; REC 10 ; TK 6 ; FTR 11 ; TB 16
Total: 153
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 26 ; REC 1 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 46

11. Bommelerwaard

I spent all available prestige on OS. Battle went slowly and I took TV just before limit. Most important thing here was the second leader for my arty – quite nice I think.

Result: TV

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Tarakan 2; VH prestige is 320; All hex prestige is 320
Total army value 1668 Current prestige is 239
BV: 40; Tarakan 3; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
V: 75; Tarakan 3; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
TV: 125; Tarakan 3; cap 2000; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 335 exp. ; ; ; 4 killed ; ; 144 pp

2AR (AA) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 510 exp. ; Aggressive Attack ; 11 str. ; 4 killed ; ; 312 pp
1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 972 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 12 str. ; 17 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 279 exp. ; ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 785 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; ; 19 killed ; ; 192 pp
1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 609 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; ; 12 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 699 exp. ; Combat Support ; ; 18 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 1 bars ; 165 exp. ; ; ; 3 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 6 ; AT 17 ; ATY 14 ; INF 91 ; REC 11 ; TK 6 ; FTR 11 ; TB 16
Total: 172
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 26 ; REC 2 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 47

12. Tarakan 2

I spent all prestige the same way – maximally OSing both arties. Rather easy round – excepting two deeply entrenched pillboxes. Infantry had hard time with them, but good arties helped a lot and I took last turn BV.

Result: BV (last turn)

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core before the next battle: :sherman
Current scenario: Tarakan 3; VH prestige is 400; All hex prestige is 400
Total army value 1668 Current prestige is 98
BV: Win; turn prestige: 0
V: Win; turn prestige: 0
TV: Win; turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss; turn prestige: 0

1AT ; PAG 47mm Bohler [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 357 exp. ; ; ; 5 killed ; ; 144 pp

2AR (AA) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 613 exp. ; Aggressive Attack ; 15 str. ; 6 killed ; ; 312 pp
1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 1102 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 15 str. ; 20 killed ; ; 312 pp

Air Defense
1AD ; 4ld 40mm (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 283 exp. ; ; ; 3 killed ; ; 192 pp

3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 834 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; ; 20 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 756 exp. ; Combat Support ; ; 21 killed ; ; 192 pp
1IN (FiD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 653 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; ; 12 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Grenadiers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 2 bars ; 201 exp. ; ; ; 3 killed ; ; 132 pp

Killed: AD 7 ; AT 19 ; ATY 16 ; INF 101 ; REC 11 ; TK 7 ; FTR 12 ; TB 18
Total: 191
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 3 ; ATY 3 ; INF 28 ; REC 2 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 49

13. Tarakan 3

Before the last battle I sold my AT and AD guns and upgraded two infantries (to Genie and Mariniers). This scenario was probably most annoying in whole campaign – I’ve never seen so many stacked bunkers. Luckily I got at the end last turn TV.

Result: TV

My core units killed in action: :rip
1. Grenadiers – Zeeland
2. Grenadiers – Leuwiliang
3. Grenadiers – Merauke
4. Grenadiers – Grave
My core at the end of campaign: :sherman

1AR (DF) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 1490 exp. ; Devastating Fire ; 26 killed ; ; 312 pp
2AR (AA) ; 7 Veld 75mm M34 [AM] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 821 exp. ; Aggressive Attack ; 9 killed ; ; 312 pp

1IN (FiD) ; Genie [AE] (Vrachtwagen) ; 5 bars ; 800 exp. ; Fire Discipline ; 13 killed ; ; 408 pp
3IN (FeD) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 898 exp. ; Ferocious Defender ; 22 killed ; ; 192 pp
4IN ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 3 bars ; 348 exp. ; ; 6 killed ; ; 192 pp
2IN (CS) ; Mariniers [A] (Paard en Wagen) ; 5 bars ; 834 exp. ; Combat Support ; 23 killed ; ; 192 pp

Killed: AD 10 ; AT 22 ; ATY 18 ; INF 122 ; REC 13 ; TK 7 ; FTR 12 ; TB 18
Total: 222
Lost: AD 1 ; AT 4 ; ATY 5 ; INF 34 ; REC 2 ; TK 1 ; FTR 8 ; TB 3
Total: 58

BV 3
V 5
TV 4
L 1
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by randowe »

Great you keep all the reports. It's been almost 18 and a half years! Btw was there no list of played scenarios in the PG2 AAR?
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by Major Heinz »

As far as I can remember there was a list, but probably you have to check it in the settings.
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

randowe wrote: 2023-03-09 20:43, Thursday Btw was there no list of played scenarios in the PG2 AAR?
Hi Randowe.
When CCs were played 'on time' when were originally issued, with participation of many JP Panzers community members, then on CC Forum was usually created one separate thread to report players' progress status for running CC. All participants answered to that thread starting CC, and then edited their answers to present current status - adding played scenarios with results gradually to the list.
Obviously, for CCs played by some people with delay, long after initial issue, that wasn't possible. In such case usually the first post in particular CC thread was used as status report. I have it in many of my AARs as well, when played some past CCs (like CC#3 for example).
randowe wrote: 2023-03-09 20:43, Thursday Great you keep all the reports. It's been almost 18 and a half years!
Oldest one is from 2002. :) Luckily I used text editor to write my reports, so I have them still on my disc (in cloud). :yes Only one (CC#6) is missing, but maybe it still exists on one of my old computers from '98 or '06. I still keep them in storage place, but not sure if they can be run again after so long.

BTW, I regret that we have no CC played with your Atomic, it was born probably to late. :| I like it very much, but there are mainly very long campaigns with monster core army available (I already finished smaller ones - FC and LDCN).
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by randowe »

panzerdarek wrote: 2023-03-10 19:47, Friday When CCs were played 'on time' when were originally issued, with participation of many JP Panzers community members, then on CC Forum was usually created one separate thread to report players' progress status for running CC. All participants answered to that thread starting CC, and then edited their answers to present current status - adding played scenarios with results gradually to the list.
All players posted their reports in the same thread? That must have been quite a mess, no?
panzerdarek wrote: 2023-03-10 19:47, Friday BTW, I regret that we have no CC played with your Atomic, it was born probably to late. :| I like it very much, but there are mainly very long campaigns with monster core army available (I already finished smaller ones - FC and LDCN).
There are also the short allied campaigns in Italy and the western front with 15 and 18 scenarios.
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

randowe wrote: 2023-03-10 20:37, Friday All players posted their reports in the same thread? That must have been quite a mess, no?
:doh No AARs, just single post with list of played scenarios and achieved results, updated regularly with progress in CC. The purpose of CC STATUS thread was possibility to compare results of all participants in one place. :lol
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by randowe »

I understand, thanks :howdy
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by panzerdarek »

randowe wrote: 2023-03-10 20:37, FridayThere are also the short allied campaigns in Italy and the western front with 15 and 18 scenarios.
:huh Perhaps instead of starting new campaign I will just try to continue Atomic Blitz, where I'm still in Leningrad after completion of 25 battles. I have arrived there 28.12.2021 and stopped for a while. :) You scared me calling my giant (in my opinion ;) ) core too small for purpose. :thud

BTW, I have checked my saved file and was unpleasantly surprised seeing that nice additions of extra Supply for my V1 launchers disappeared. :no Looks like I made a real mistake praising the usefulness of this Wunderwaffe in my input from Dec'21. :lol
Image Darek22 / panzerdarek
since Jan'2002 with JP's
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Re: CC#21 - Dutch Campaign (from Darek's PG2 archives)

Post by randowe »

panzerdarek wrote: 2023-03-11 14:09, SaturdayLooks like I made a real mistake praising the usefulness of this Wunderwaffe in my input from Dec'21. :lol
Probably so :lol

I am sorry that i have scared you ;) I always think that it is too hard, playing with a small core. But it just a different playing style :cool
(Btw, i have not played Atomic Blitzkrieg for quite some time now, i hope i made no mistakes when working on the efile the whole time :lol I have to play it again after Weltkrieg is finished).