CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100% done *

Hot and Spicy Curry Combo. Ball of Fire – Indian Campaign and Thai Campaign by Steve Brown for Pacific Theater Efile.

Moderator: Parabellum

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CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100% done *

Post by Parabellum »

OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: Default (0.91)
Efile folder: C:\Open General\efile_cc49\ * Efile version: CC49-Indian/Thai Hot and Spicy Curry Combo Campaign with Pacific 4.2
Campaign: BALL OF FIRE - INDIAN CAMPAIGN 1940-46, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Gallabat 1 , #0 , Loss , score:-10 (mandatory)
2 Gallabat 2 , #1 , Victory , score:35
3 Gallabat 3 , #2 , Loss , score:-5
4 Barentu , #3 , Victory , score:35
5 Keren 1 , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:55 +++ Proto: 2 Pdr Portee
6 Keren 2 , #5 , Tactical Victory , score:12 (mandatory)
7 Keren 3 , #6 , Victory , score:31
8 Massawa , #7 , Victory , score:30
9 Amba Alagi , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
10 Jalo , #9 , Victory , score:33
11 The Cauldron , #10 , Tactical Victory , score:10 (mandatory)
12 Gazala Line loss , #14 , Victory , score:28 (mandatory)
13 Ruweisat Ridge 1 , #11 , Tactical Victory , score:10
14 Ruweisat Ridge 2 , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:50 +++ Proto: 6 Pdr
15 Ruweisat Ridge 3 , #13 , Loss , score:-6
Campaign score: 361 * Average: 24

Second Part

OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: Default (0.91)
Efile folder: C:\Open General\efile_cc49\ * Efile version: CC49-Indian/Thai Hot and Spicy Curry Combo Campaign with Pacific 4.2
Campaign: THAI CAMPAIGN, * Player prestige modifier 100% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Played Scenarios:
1 Poipet , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:53
2 Sisophon , #1 , Victory , score:31
3 Chumphon , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:52 +++ Proto: Ki 27 Nate
4 Betong , #3 , Tactical Victory , score:10
5 Mae Sot , #4 , Loss , score:8
6 Kengtung , #5 , Tactical Victory , score:9 :rip Ki 27 Nate
Campaign score: 163 * Average: 27
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

1 Gallabat 1 loss (mandatory)
00. GALLABAT 1, JULY 4, 1940

In June, 1940 Italy declares war on Britain and in early July Italian forces in East Africa cross the Abyssinian and Eritrean borders into Sudan and capture a number of border posts. One of these is Gallabat, on the Abyssinian/Sudanese border about 250 miles southeast of Khartoum.

Only a loss is possible in this scenario and there are no core units. A loss is no shame, but you should defend the border as long as you can.
Such scenarios leave in me only great ? and I do not know what the designer has for intentions. But I already suspect here, in which direction the whole campaign will go and that I will not enjoy it. For me, such scenarios are superfluous.

Current scenario: Gallabat 1, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 80
Army cost: 0 , Current prestige is 0
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 7
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 365
BV: Loss , turn prestige: 0
V : Loss , turn prestige: 0
TV: Loss , turn prestige: 0
if Ls: +580, Gallabat 2 , cap 580, 12 turns prestige: 0

Player 1 : India
Killed: Total: 0
Lost : INF:1 Total: 1

BV 0
V 0
TV 0
L 1

* Summary: * 0 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 0 exp, 0 kill, 0 pp

Player 1 India has 2 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Fortification : 1

Player 2 Italy has 8 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
Recon : 1
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 2
Tactical Bomber : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1940-7) ..  #2 Gallabat 3  1940-11
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 25 Pdr (ATY):   6, 12,  0,  2,     2,  6,   4,   1,   240pp,  Avail:1940-9
	 25 Pdr AT ( AT):   6,  6,  0,  1,     8,  8,   0,   7,    72pp,  Avail:1940-9
     Victory ..  also #2
     Tactical Victory ..  also #2
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

2 Gallabat 2 v
01. GALLABAT 2, NOVEMBER 6, 1940

In August, 1940 the Italian Army invaded British Somaliland and their offensive was a stunning success, however in Sudan they have not exploited their early victories (despite the lack of British forces) and have contented themselves to dig in and prepare defenses around the border posts they captured in July. Units of the Indian 5th Division, newly arrived from India, are to advance on the border fort at Gallabat and hold it.

The main worry is the Italian air force. Currently you cannot be provided much in the way of air support but the Italians have a much stronger air force at their disposal - the hope is the Italian commander at Gallabat cannot quickly call in air support. In any case, the attack will proceed.

This offensive, as small as it is, is the first British offensive of the war and the eyes of the Empire are on you.

Your airforce will be very vulnerable to the Italians, so use your aircraft wisely.

You receive some prestige to buy units at the start of the scenario and more on Turn 8. At this stage in the campaign you do not necessarily need truck transport (or even any transport) for your infantry, but at some point you will. It is important that once you are sent to Egypt you have truck transport.
I don't know what to buy. The selection of combat-strong units is very small. I decide to buy the Gurkhas and ATY with a lot of ammunition. Because of the Italian Air Force, I buy a small AD that can also do HA and SA.

Current scenario: Gallabat 2, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 40
Army cost: 910 , Current prestige is 130
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 365
if BV: +1000, Gallabat 3 , cap 1040, 10 turns prestige: 460
if V : +1000, Gallabat 3 , cap 1040, 15 turns prestige: 460
if TV: +1000, Gallabat 3 , cap 1040, 19 turns prestige: 460
if Ls: +1000, Gallabat 3 , cap 1040, 19 turns prestige: 460

Regular , Ford F30 , , 0 bars , 24 exp , India , 7/8 , 2 kill , 163 pp - U:003 [+24 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 0 bars , 89 exp , India , 2/8 , 4 kill , 192 pp - U:042 [+89 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 0 bars , 42 exp , India , 3/8 , 2 kill , 192 pp - U:044 [+42 exp]

18 Pdr , Ford F30 , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 182 pp - U:008
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 24 exp , India , 3/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:043 [+24 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , , 0 bars , 33 exp , India , 6/8 , 0 kill , 57 pp - U:041 [+33 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:2 RCN:1 AT:1 FORT:6 ATY:1 FTR:4 TB:1 Total: 16
Lost : INF:1 FTR:1 Total: 2

BV 0
V 1
TV 0
L 1

Infantry * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 155 exp, 8 kill, 547 pp Average: 52 exp, 3 kill, 182 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 24 exp, 0 kill, 306 pp Average: 12 exp, 0 kill, 153 pp
Air Defense * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 33 exp, 0 kill, 57 pp Average: 33 exp, 0 kill, 57 pp
* Summary: * 6 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 212 exp, 8 kill, 910 pp Average: 35 exp, 1 kill, 152 pp

Player 1 India has 10 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
Tank : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 2

Player 2 Italy has 19 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 4
Fortification : 12
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1940-11) ..  #3 Barentu  1941-1
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 Bren Carrier (GTP):   1,  4,  0,  0,     7,  0,   0,   0,   300pp,  Avail:1941-1
	 Bedford 5-ton (GTP):   0,  0,  0,  0,     1,  0,   0,   1,   108pp,  Avail:1941-1
	 Morris Quad (GTP):   0,  0,  0,  0,     2,  0,   0,   1,   216pp,  Avail:1940-12
     Victory ..  also #3
     Tactical Victory ..  also #3
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

3 Gallabat 3 loss
02. GALLABAT 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1940

Your orders are to set up a base at Otrub, patrol the border area around Gallabat and make sure the Gallabat and Metemma area cannot be reoccupied by the Italians. Reinforcements in appreciable quantity, particularly aircraft, cannot be guaranteed at this time.

Your orders allow you to advance across the border into Abyssinia if necessary.
HQ: I sold the regular INF and acquired the third Gurkhas. They have the better stats than any other units available.

But what the hell is this? On the road between Otrub and Gallabat, 9 VH's appear during the scenario, activated or recaptured by Italian reinforcements. I have too few units for such nonsense. In the end, my units are too decimated for the conquest of the last VH in the east.

Current scenario: Gallabat 3, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 920 , Current prestige is 280
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 17
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 365
if BV: +400, Barentu , cap 1400, 10 turns prestige: 0
if V : +400, Barentu , cap 1400, 14 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +400, Barentu , cap 1400, 16 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +400, Barentu , cap 1400, 16 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 0 bars , 53 exp , India , 7/8 , 5 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+53 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 2 bars , 232 exp , India , 4/8 , Superior Maneuver , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+143 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 149 exp , India , 3/8 , 5 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+107 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 43 exp , India , 4/8 , 2 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+43 exp]
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 72 exp , India , 2/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:005 [+48 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , , 1 bars , 113 exp , India , 7/8 , 1 kill , 57 pp - U:003 [+80 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:10 TNK:2 RCN:7 AT:1 FORT:8 ATY:2 FTR:5 TB:1 Total: 36
Lost : INF:1 RCN:1 FTR:1 Total: 3

BV 0
V 1
TV 0
L 2

Infantry * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 434 exp, 18 kill, 576 pp Average: 145 exp, 6 kill, 192 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 115 exp, 2 kill, 287 pp Average: 58 exp, 1 kill, 144 pp
Air Defense * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 113 exp, 1 kill, 57 pp Average: 113 exp, 1 kill, 57 pp
* Summary: * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 662 exp, 21 kill, 920 pp Average: 110 exp, 4 kill, 153 pp

Player 1 India has 12 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
Recon : 1
Fortification : 2
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 1

Player 2 Italy has 7 units total (core+aux):
Anti-tank : 1
Fortification : 3
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1940-12) ..  #4 Keren 1  1941-3
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 Bren Carrier (GTP):   1,  4,  0,  0,     7,  0,   0,   0,   300pp,  Avail:1941-1
	 Bedford 5-ton (GTP):   0,  0,  0,  0,     1,  0,   0,   1,   108pp,  Avail:1941-1
	 ACV-IP (RCN):   1,  5,  1,  0,     6,  6,   0,   9,   216pp,  Avail:1941-3
	 ACV-IP (GTP):   1,  5,  1,  0,     6,  6,   0,   9,   360pp,  Avail:1941-3
     Victory ..  also #4
     Tactical Victory ..  also #4
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

4 Barentu ltv
03. BARENTU. JANUARY 23, 1941

After the success of the British Army in Egypt and Libya there is need to make the Suez Canal safe for shipping so, even as preparations are made to capture Tobruk, three offensives are begun in East Africa with the objective of protecting the Red Sea approaches to the Canal. These offensives will attack Abyssinia and Eritrea from Kenya and Sudan plus a smaller one attacking from Sudan down the Red Sea coast.

You are to take part in the attack on Eritrea.

The initial attack was intended to be on the border post at Kassala, however the Italians withdrew from the town at the last minute and now the Indian 4th and 5th Divisions are moving rapidly in pursuit, with the ultimate objective being the Red Sea port of Massawa. The initial objectives of this offensive are the Eritrean towns of Agordat and Barentu where the Italians are expected to make a stand - your objective is Barentu, which must be taken for the offensive to continue.

So far the first 100 miles have been easy, since the Italians are withdrawing rapidly over good roads, however they are expected to put up a defense at Barentu; we know that the Italians have plenty of artillery, tanks and armoured cars, not to mention some elite troops. The good news is our air force now has a measure of superiority and you will be provided with whatever aircraft that can be spared.

Capture Barentu and the surrounding heights and cut the Barentu-Agordat road.
HQ: I bought two INF + one ATY.

I don't remember which of the two VH's persistently denied me access. In any case, the way to them was again full of obstacles ... and actually I have little desire to write about it further and just want to get the campaign over with as quickly as possible.

Current scenario: Barentu, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 160
Army cost: 1399 , Current prestige is 241
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 364
if BV: +200, Keren 1 , cap 1700, 12 turns prestige: 0
if V : +200, Keren 1 , cap 1700, 14 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +200, Keren 1 , cap 1700, 19 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +300, Barentu , cap 1400, 19 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 154 exp , India , 6/8 , 7 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+101 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 305 exp , India , 8/8 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+73 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 189 exp , India , 5/8 , 7 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+40 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 0 bars , 30 exp , India , 4/8 , 2 kill , 192 pp - U:075 [+30 exp]
Cavalry , , 1 bars , 116 exp , India , 3/8 , 2 kill , 124 pp - U:076 [+116 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 108 exp , India , 3/8 , 3 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+65 exp]
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 119 exp , India , 6/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 1 kill , 124 pp - U:005 [+47 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 25 exp , India , 5/8 , 3 kill , 163 pp - U:074 [+25 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , , 1 bars , 119 exp , India , 5/8 , 2 kill , 57 pp - U:003 [+6 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:19 TNK:5 RCN:8 AT:2 FORT:16 ATY:4 AD:1 FTR:7 TB:3 Total: 65
Lost : INF:2 RCN:1 FTR:1 Total: 4

BV 0
V 2
TV 0
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 794 exp, 27 kill, 892 pp Average: 159 exp, 5 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 252 exp, 7 kill, 450 pp Average: 84 exp, 2 kill, 150 pp
Air Defense * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 119 exp, 2 kill, 57 pp Average: 119 exp, 2 kill, 57 pp
* Summary: * 9 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1165 exp, 36 kill, 1399 pp Average: 129 exp, 4 kill, 155 pp

Player 1 India has 20 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 7
Recon : 2
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 2
Tactical Bomber : 3

Player 2 Italy has 20 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
Anti-tank : 1
Fortification : 14
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-2) ..  #5 Keren 2  1941-3
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 ACV-IP (RCN):   1,  5,  1,  0,     6,  6,   0,   9,   216pp,  Avail:1941-3
	 ACV-IP (GTP):   1,  5,  1,  0,     6,  6,   0,   9,   360pp,  Avail:1941-3
     Victory ..  also #5
     Tactical Victory ..  also #5
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

5 Keren 1 ltbv
04. KEREN 1. MARCH 15, 1941

The advance to the Red Sea continues.

Approximately 60 miles east of Agordat and Barentu is the Keren escarpment, a line of almost impassable mountains blocking all advance. There are a few roads through the escarpment, but the only one suitable for heavy equipment is through the town of Keren where there is a gorge between the mountains (the Dongolaas Gorge). The Dongolaas Gorge is overlooked by Fort Dologorodoc on the right, some fortified mountain positions on the left and the approaches to the gorge are under observation by the Italians who seem to have prepared good defenses.

In February an attempt was made by elements of the 4th Indian Division to take Fort Dologorodoc and the gorge, but the attempt failed - although some positions have been taken and held. A new plan has been devised; the 5th Indian Division will assault the fort, while the 4th will assault positions on the other side of the gorge. You will have plenty of air support, but armoured reinforcements have yet to arrive from Egypt.

In order to continue the advance to Asmara and Massawa the road through Keren must be taken.
HQ: I bought an ATY.

A miracle happened - a BV. The road to the VH's is short and mountainous. Unfortunately, most of the units have to be placed at a distant SH and so the whole scenario drags on again.
As a reward I got an AD proto - completely useless for me in the next scenarios, because he could not fire a shot until the 10th scenario.

Current scenario: Keren 1, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 1533 , Current prestige is 328
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 9
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 363
if BV: +100, Keren 2 , cap 1700, 9 turns prestige: 0
if V : +100, Keren 2 , cap 1700, 15 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +100, Keren 2 , cap 1700, 20 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +150, Keren 1 , cap 1700, 20 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 193 exp , India , 2/8 , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+39 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 341 exp , India , 6/8 , Superior Maneuver , 14 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+36 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 2 bars , 234 exp , India , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+45 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 0 bars , 85 exp , India , 4/8 , 4 kill , 192 pp - U:008 [+55 exp]
Cavalry , , 1 bars , 178 exp , India , 3/8 , 6 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+62 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 117 exp , India , 8/8 , 4 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+9 exp]
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 185 exp , India , 3/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 1 kill , 124 pp - U:005 [+66 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 50 exp , India , 5/8 , 3 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+25 exp]
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 8 exp , India , 4/8 , 0 kill , 124 pp - U:071 [+8 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 142 exp , India , 8/8 , 2 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+23 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:28 TNK:5 RCN:8 AT:3 FORT:24 ATY:7 AD:1 FTR:7 TB:3 Total: 86
Lost : INF:2 RCN:2 FTR:1 Total: 5

BV 1
V 2
TV 0
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1031 exp, 40 kill, 892 pp Average: 206 exp, 8 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 360 exp, 8 kill, 574 pp Average: 90 exp, 2 kill, 144 pp
Air Defense * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 142 exp, 2 kill, 67 pp Average: 142 exp, 2 kill, 67 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1533 exp, 50 kill, 1533 pp Average: 153 exp, 5 kill, 153 pp

Player 1 India has 28 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 12
Recon : 2
Anti-tank : 3
Artillery : 6
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 2
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 Italy has 21 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 7
Anti-tank : 5
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 4
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Victory ..  also #255
     Tactical Victory (1941-3) ..  #6 Keren 3  1941-3
	 No new units!
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

6 Keren 2 lttv (mandatory)
05. KEREN 2. MARCH 17, 1941

Some objectives have been taken, including the Fort, however your position is precarious; you are ordered to hold these positions until reinforcements and supplies can be brought forward. The Italians are expected to counterattack with the same vigour as their defense.


The only way to win is to take a Tactical Victory. You should capture the hex at 25,16 only after turn 15 (and hold your original hexes).
HQ: I sold an ATY ... because I wanted to upgrade or buy something else and needed Prestige. But the upgrade / buy I somehow forgot after I canceled the first attempt.

I hate playing again the same maps all the time and dissecting a (to me) trivial battle in multiple phases.
Only eight units were deployable, but at least the battle was challenging - strong defense was required.

Current scenario: Keren 2, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 1409 , Current prestige is 452
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 18
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 363
BV: Loss , turn prestige: 0
V : Loss , turn prestige: 0
if TV: +200, Keren 3 , cap 1700, 18 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 2 bars , 245 exp , India , 4/8 , 13 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+52 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 395 exp , India , 3/8 , Superior Maneuver , 23 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+54 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 304 exp , India , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 12 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+70 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 127 exp , India , 5/8 , 6 kill , 192 pp - U:008 [+42 exp]
Cavalry , , 1 bars , 178 exp , India , 8/8 , 6 kill , 124 pp - U:009

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 157 exp , India , 8/8 , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+40 exp]
18 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 271 exp , India , 6/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 3 kill , 124 pp - U:005 [+86 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 138 exp , India , 4/8 , 3 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+88 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 225 exp , India , 8/8 , 3 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+83 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:011

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:42 TNK:7 RCN:9 AT:6 FORT:25 ATY:10 AD:1 FTR:7 TB:5 Total: 112
Lost : INF:2 RCN:2 FTR:1 Total: 5

BV 1
V 2
TV 1
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1249 exp, 60 kill, 892 pp Average: 250 exp, 12 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 566 exp, 11 kill, 450 pp Average: 189 exp, 4 kill, 150 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 225 exp, 3 kill, 67 pp Average: 113 exp, 2 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2040 exp, 74 kill, 1409 pp Average: 204 exp, 7 kill, 141 pp

Player 1 India has 14 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 3
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 Italy has 3 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 3

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-4) ..  #7 Massawa  1941-4
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #7
     Tactical Victory ..  also #7
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

7 Keren 3 v (bv+4)
06. KEREN 3. MARCH 25, 1941

The battle for Keren now concentrates on clearing the road block in the gorge, while advancing on the east and west side of the gorge with the Indian 4th and 5th Divisions. Once Keren is captured, and the Dongolaas Gorge cleared for traffic you will be able to continue the advance towards the Red Sea.

The Italian troops, who have defended well up to now, seem about to collapse; so advance boldly. Promised tank reinforcements have arrived and you should expect some help from our troops advancing down the coast from the north.
HQ: one ATY improved.

Again three times the same map. I refrain from further comments.
Tough fight. I think I had to repair units several times.

Current scenario: Keren 3, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 160
Army cost: 1448 , Current prestige is 300
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 363
if BV: +500, Massawa , cap 1800, 9 turns prestige: 0
if V : +500, Massawa , cap 1800, 16 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, Massawa , cap 1800, 21 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 310 exp , India , 3/8 , 17 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+65 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 4 bars , 447 exp , India , 6/8 , Superior Maneuver , 25 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+52 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 4 bars , 464 exp , India , 7/8 , Devastating Fire , 19 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+160 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 1 bars , 182 exp , India , 4/8 , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:008 [+55 exp]
Cavalry , , 2 bars , 245 exp , India , 3/8 , 9 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+67 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 209 exp , India , 2/8 , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+52 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 336 exp , India , 4/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 3 kill , 163 pp - U:005 [+65 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 207 exp , India , 7/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 4 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+69 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 333 exp , India , 7/8 , 4 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+108 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:54 TNK:8 RCN:9 AT:8 FORT:30 ATY:13 AD:3 FTR:7 TB:7 Total: 139
Lost : INF:4 RCN:2 FTR:2 Total: 8

BV 1
V 3
TV 1
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1648 exp, 78 kill, 892 pp Average: 330 exp, 16 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 752 exp, 12 kill, 489 pp Average: 251 exp, 4 kill, 163 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 333 exp, 4 kill, 67 pp Average: 167 exp, 2 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 2733 exp, 94 kill, 1448 pp Average: 273 exp, 9 kill, 145 pp

Player 1 India has 19 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 8
Tank : 2
Recon : 1
Artillery : 5
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 1

Player 2 Italy has 7 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 5
Artillery : 2

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-4) ..  #8 Amba Alagi  1941-5
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #8
     Tactical Victory ..  also #8
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

8 Massawa ltv
07. MASSAWA. APRIL 6, 1941

After the capture of Keren, a large amount of prisoners and equipment are taken as your forces capture the remaining mountain objectives with little fighting - the most important of which is the Eritrean capital, Asmara. However, the main objective of the Eritrean campaign is still the port of Massawa.

Your orders are to capture the port as intact as possible and to neutralise the Italian fleet, which currently consists of some destroyers and torpedo boats. You should expect a couple of Swordfish squadrons, that have been detached from the HMS Eagle and are now based on at Port Sudan, to help you with this task.

There is a special unit at 10,1 which is the only unit that can capture the hex at 39,7 - if this unit is sunk you will lose the scenario! On turn 4 and later you will receive some bombers to help deal with the Italian fleet. It is very risky to attempt to move this unit before help arrives, so take care.
The important note has unsettled me, because this special unit has only 2 strength. The relevant VH on 39.7 is guarded by more than half a dozen Italian destroyers and the promised air units are limited to four aircraft. These can hardly threaten the Italian fleet, because the destroyers give each other anti-aircraft protection. But as if by the hand of a magician, the destroyers later move away from the VH and clear the target. Unfortunately, not within the BV limit.

Current scenario: Massawa, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 80
Army cost: 1448 , Current prestige is 432
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 362
if BV: +200, Amba Alagi , cap 1800, 10 turns prestige: 0
if V : +200, Amba Alagi , cap 1800, 13 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +200, Amba Alagi , cap 1800, 17 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +250, Massawa , cap 1800, 17 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 4 bars , 403 exp , India , 7/8 , Superior Maneuver , 20 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+93 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 512 exp , India , 6/8 , Superior Maneuver , 26 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+65 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 525 exp , India , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 25 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+61 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 2 bars , 260 exp , India , 3/8 , 9 kill , 192 pp - U:008 [+78 exp]
Cavalry , , 2 bars , 279 exp , India , 1/8 , 10 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+34 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 292 exp , India , 8/8 , 6 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+83 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 368 exp , India , 8/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 4 kill , 163 pp - U:005 [+32 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 278 exp , India , 8/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+71 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 333 exp , India , 8/8 , 4 kill , 67 pp - U:003
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:62 TNK:8 RCN:9 AT:8 FORT:38 ATY:14 AD:3 FTR:7 TB:7 DD:2 Total: 158
Lost : INF:4 RCN:2 FTR:2 TB:2 Total: 10

BV 1
V 4
TV 1
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1979 exp, 90 kill, 892 pp Average: 396 exp, 18 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 938 exp, 15 kill, 489 pp Average: 313 exp, 5 kill, 163 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 333 exp, 4 kill, 67 pp Average: 167 exp, 2 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 5 Leaders Total : 3250 exp, 109 kill, 1448 pp Average: 325 exp, 11 kill, 145 pp

Player 1 India has 15 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 7
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 Italy has 8 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 2
Destroyer : 6

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Avoid paratroop deployment on ocean hexes using air transport
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-4) ..  #9 Jalo  1941-11
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 5.5 inch (ATY):  10, 18,  0,  2,     2,  6,   4,   1,   432pp,  Avail:1941-9
	 Lysander (R) ( TB):   0,  0,  3,  0,     5,  4,   0,   2,   360pp,  Avail:1941-9
	 2 Pdr Portee ( AT):   7,  1,  0,  2,     2,  6,   0,   3,   252pp,  Avail:1941-8
     Victory ..  also #9
     Tactical Victory ..  also #9
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

9 Amba Alagi bv-1
08. AMBA ALAGI. MAY 1, 1941

After the capture of Massawa President Roosevelt declared the Red Sea safe for US shipping, so Lend Lease equipment can now be sent direct to Suez. Meanwhile, German forces under Rommel are now pressing on Egypt and have Tobruk under siege; your men are needed on that front, but the Italians must still be dealt with.

Despite defeat on all fronts in East Africa, the Italian Army has not surrendered and there are a number of strongholds still resisting. The most important of these are the mountain fortifications around the mountain of Amba Alagi - particularly Fort Toselli on Amba Alagi itself. Not only are the Italian Viceroy (the Duke of Aosta) and a number of other Generals present, the 11,000 foot stronghold overlooks the Toselli Pass and bars the road between Addis Ababa and the coast.

In addition the Italians have blocked another important road that runs through the nearby Falaga Pass.

Your troops are to attack Amba Alagi from the north, at the same time attacking the Falaga Pass; elements of the 1st South African Brigade and Abyssinian "Patriots" will assault Italian positions from the south.
With the help of the aux units a solvable task. My recommendation: An additional core unit (INF) should march across the river to the north-east and support the units there - otherwise the conquest of the two VH's will be difficult.

Current scenario: Amba Alagi, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 1448 , Current prestige is 384
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 358
if BV: +500, Jalo , cap 1800, 13 turns prestige: 0
if V : +500, Jalo , cap 1800, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +500, Jalo , cap 1800, 22 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +500, Jalo , cap 1800, 22 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 4 bars , 497 exp , India , 7/8 , Superior Maneuver , 24 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+94 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 555 exp , India , 8/8 , Superior Maneuver , 28 kill , 192 pp - U:004 [+43 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 636 exp , India , 3/8 , Devastating Fire , 30 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+111 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 318 exp , India , 3/8 , 12 kill , 192 pp - U:008 [+58 exp]
Cavalry , , 3 bars , 319 exp , India , 3/8 , 11 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+40 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 321 exp , India , 5/8 , Street Fighter , 7 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+29 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 407 exp , India , 8/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:005 [+39 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 314 exp , India , 6/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 6 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+36 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 358 exp , India , 3/8 , 5 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+25 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:67 TNK:8 RCN:13 AT:11 FORT:49 ATY:18 AD:3 FTR:7 TB:7 DD:2 Total: 185
Lost : INF:5 RCN:3 FTR:2 TB:4 Total: 14

BV 2
V 4
TV 1
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2325 exp, 105 kill, 892 pp Average: 465 exp, 21 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1042 exp, 18 kill, 489 pp Average: 347 exp, 6 kill, 163 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 358 exp, 5 kill, 67 pp Average: 179 exp, 3 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 6 Leaders Total : 3725 exp, 128 kill, 1448 pp Average: 373 exp, 13 kill, 145 pp

Player 1 India has 19 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 12
Artillery : 5
Air Defense : 2

Player 2 Italy has 22 units total (core+aux):
Anti-tank : 3
Fortification : 18
Air Defense : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-5) ..  #10 The Cauldron  1942-6
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 MH III (RCN):   2,  5,  1,  0,     8,  7,   0,   9,   288pp,  Avail:1942-2
	 5.5 inch (ATY):  10, 18,  0,  2,     2,  6,   4,   1,   432pp,  Avail:1941-9
	 Lysander (R) ( TB):   0,  0,  3,  0,     5,  4,   0,   2,   360pp,  Avail:1941-9
	 2 Pdr Portee ( AT):   7,  1,  0,  2,     2,  6,   0,   3,   252pp,  Avail:1941-8
     Victory ..  also #10
     Tactical Victory ..  also #10
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

10 Jalo v (bv+3)
09. JALO. NOVEMBER 17, 1941

After the victory in East Africa, for the rest of 1941 and the ealry part of 1942 most of the Division is order to perform desert training in Egypt, then garrison duties near Kirkuk (in Iraq) and later Cyprus.

However a detachment is ordered to stay in Egypt to garrison the oasis of Jarabub (in the desert, 130 miles south of Sollum, at the southern end of the British lines). At the time of Operation Crusader your men are detailed to join "E Force", which has orders to move westwards in an attempt to deceive and harass the enemy. Specifically, your orders are to capture the oases of Aujila and Jalo (which are approximately 200 miles west of your positions) and try to cut the coast road near Agedabia. Only minimal resources can be allocated to this operation, but enemy strength in this area should not be high.
At the very beginning of the campaign there was a hint that from Africa transport is needed for units. I overlooked that. That's why I'm much too slow in this scenario and torture myself many turns through the sand until I finally get contact with the enemy. With this, the BV is gambled away. By the way, only six units are deployable, the rest have to watch.

Current scenario: Jalo, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 1448 , Current prestige is 584
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 361
if BV: +700, The Cauldron , cap 2400, 13 turns prestige: 0
if V : +700, The Cauldron , cap 2400, 20 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +700, The Cauldron , cap 2400, 27 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +400, Jalo , cap 1800, 27 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 526 exp , India , 3/8 , Superior Maneuver , 24 kill , 192 pp - U:002 [+29 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 555 exp , India , 8/8 , Superior Maneuver , 28 kill , 192 pp - U:004
Gurkhas (M) , , 5 bars , 696 exp , India , 6/8 , Devastating Fire , 34 kill , 192 pp - U:006 [+60 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , , 3 bars , 318 exp , India , 8/8 , 12 kill , 192 pp - U:008
Cavalry , , 3 bars , 353 exp , India , 5/8 , 12 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+34 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 351 exp , India , 6/8 , Street Fighter , 8 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+30 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 407 exp , India , 8/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 5 kill , 163 pp - U:005
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 327 exp , India , 8/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 6 kill , 163 pp - U:007 [+13 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 379 exp , India , 5/8 , 5 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+21 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 0 bars , 0 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:69 TNK:8 RCN:13 AT:12 FORT:51 ATY:19 AD:5 FTR:8 TB:7 DD:2 Total: 194
Lost : INF:5 RCN:4 FTR:2 TB:4 Total: 15

BV 2
V 5
TV 1
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2448 exp, 110 kill, 892 pp Average: 490 exp, 22 kill, 178 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1085 exp, 19 kill, 489 pp Average: 362 exp, 6 kill, 163 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 379 exp, 5 kill, 67 pp Average: 190 exp, 3 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 6 Leaders Total : 3912 exp, 134 kill, 1448 pp Average: 391 exp, 13 kill, 145 pp

Player 1 India has 16 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 3
Anti-tank : 1
Ground Transport : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 3

Player 2 Italy, Germany has 10 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 1
Anti-tank : 2
Fortification : 5
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Victory ..  also #255
     Tactical Victory (1941-12) ..  #14 Gazala Line loss  1942-6
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 MH III (RCN):   2,  5,  1,  0,     8,  7,   0,   9,   288pp,  Avail:1942-2
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

11 The Cauldron tv (mandatory)
10. THE CAULDRON. JUNE 5, 1942

In January, 1942, Rommel re-opened the offensive and pushed Allied forces back to Benghazi then Gazala, where a defensive line is prepared stretching from Gazala to Bir Hakeim.

In April, the Indian Fifth Division's units are reunited in Egypt.

In late May, Rommel attacked by wheeling around the Gazala Line from the south. But as British tanks gained the upper hand the Afrika Korps and other units withdrew into an area backing onto the Gazala line, west of Aslagh Ridge and south of Sidra Ridge, later known as the "Cauldron". Over the next few days, after much fighting and the destruction of three British battalions, the enemy is now in a much better position to renew the offensive. A plan, codenamed Operation Aberdeen, has been developed; your Division's orders are to attack in two phases, with the objective of first controlling Aslagh Ridge and then establishing a line to hold the German and Italians back. This is a large Operation and you will have plenty of armoured and air units at your disposal.


*** You MUST take a Tactical Victory in this scenario otherwise you will lose. Even if you can take a Brilliant Victory or normal Victory you must fight on until it is time for a Tactical Victory. This is to reflect the poor planning for this battle. ***


This map is actually a small section of the standard "Tobruk" map.
In the first attempt, I made several serious mistakes.
1) Did not buy a transport for the INF. This meant that I was too slow in all respects.
2) Attack across the entire width of the front. I wasted time and strength destroying various minefields and AT positions.
3) I underestimated the power of the counterattacks and had defended the VH in the south (Bir El Harmat) too weakly. The loss was irreparable.

Most annoying was that my small AD had received a CS leader. This was also lost, due to restart for the second attempt.

Current scenario: The Cauldron, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 160
Army cost: 2087 , Current prestige is 301
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 19
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 359
BV: Loss , turn prestige: 0
V : Loss , turn prestige: 0
if TV: +0, Gazala Line loss , cap 2400, 23 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 583 exp , India , 7/8 , Superior Maneuver , 26 kill , 278 pp - U:002 [+57 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 625 exp , India , 4/8 , Superior Maneuver , 31 kill , 278 pp - U:004 [+70 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 775 exp , India , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 35 kill , 278 pp - U:006 [+79 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 3 bars , 373 exp , India , 4/8 , 15 kill , 278 pp - U:008 [+55 exp]
Cavalry , , 3 bars , 399 exp , India , 8/8 , 15 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+46 exp]

2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:012 :grim
2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:014 :grim
2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:018 :grim
2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:021 :grim

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 407 exp , India , 10/8 , Street Fighter , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:001 [+56 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 454 exp , India , 11/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 6 kill , 224 pp - U:005 [+47 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 375 exp , India , 10/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:007 [+48 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 406 exp , India , 8/8 , 5 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+27 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 1 bars , 124 exp , India , 4/8 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+124 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:78 TNK:18 RCN:18 AT:21 FORT:58 ATY:23 AD:9 FTR:13 TB:9 DD:2 Total: 249
Lost : INF:5 TNK:6 RCN:5 AT:1 FTR:4 TB:5 Total: 26

BV 2
V 5
TV 2
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2755 exp, 122 kill, 1236 pp Average: 551 exp, 24 kill, 247 pp
Anti-tank * 4 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 400 exp, 0 kill, 152 pp Average: 100 exp, 0 kill, 38 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1236 exp, 23 kill, 632 pp Average: 412 exp, 8 kill, 211 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 530 exp, 6 kill, 67 pp Average: 265 exp, 3 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 14 Units * 6 Leaders Total : 4921 exp, 151 kill, 2087 pp Average: 352 exp, 11 kill, 149 pp

Player 1 India has 39 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Tank : 12
Anti-tank : 9
Fortification : 3
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 4
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 2

Player 2 Afrika Korps, Italy, Germany has 13 units total (core+aux):
Anti-tank : 5
Fortification : 5
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 2

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1942-6) ..  #11 Ruweisat Ridge 1  1942-7
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #11
     Tactical Victory ..  also #11
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

12 Gazala Line loss v (mandatory)




Place 4 units on the map in the deployment hexes in the south and capture the northern Victory Hex as soon as possible. You must protect the southern hex with the lives of your core units to continue the scenario; you WILL lose between 2 and 4 of these units. After the scenario you will get prestige to replace some of these units with fresh (but experienced) units...

The King and the people of the British Empire console you for your loss.

First attempt to survive this scenario:

Four units need to be deployed. I wanted to buy cheap fortifications. They don't exist. So other new units. However, to prevent this trick, the designer built in a malus - each new unit costs more than 1000 pp. This is way too expensive, I don't have that much prestige. So I selected all my Gurkhas and had good hope, because of their good defensive stats - but all were destroyed in the first turn, after heavy ATY, Bomber and StuG attacked once each.

Second try: back to the last turn of the previous scenario and bought four small AT. I don't think at all about following the designer's instruction and don't sacrifice any of my laboriously developed core units.
The designer's promise of enough prestige to buy new units after the scenario is a lie. With 300 pp, I can buy only one Gurkha with transport, but have lost four. Insanity.

Somehow the second attempt worked. All 4 AT were destroyed immediately, but no enemy unit could enter the VH.

:rip 2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:012 :rip
:rip 2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:014 :rip
:rip 2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:018 :rip
:rip 2 Pdr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 38 pp - U:021 :rip

Current scenario: Gazala Line loss, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 1935 , Current prestige is 301
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 2
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 359
if BV: +0, Ruweisat Ridge 1 , cap 2550, 1 turns prestige: 0
if V : +300, Ruweisat Ridge 1 , cap 2550, 2 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +300, Ruweisat Ridge 1 , cap 2550, 3 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 583 exp , India , 8/8 , Superior Maneuver , 26 kill , 278 pp - U:002
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 625 exp , India , 8/8 , Superior Maneuver , 31 kill , 278 pp - U:004
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 775 exp , India , 8/8 , Devastating Fire , 35 kill , 278 pp - U:006
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 3 bars , 373 exp , India , 8/8 , 15 kill , 278 pp - U:008
Cavalry , , 3 bars , 399 exp , India , 8/8 , 15 kill , 124 pp - U:009

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 407 exp , India , 10/8 , Street Fighter , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:001
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 454 exp , India , 11/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 6 kill , 224 pp - U:005
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 3 bars , 375 exp , India , 10/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:007

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 406 exp , India , 8/8 , 5 kill , 67 pp - U:003
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 1 bars , 124 exp , India , 8/8 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:78 TNK:18 RCN:18 AT:21 FORT:58 ATY:23 AD:9 FTR:13 TB:9 DD:2 Total: 249
Lost : INF:5 TNK:6 RCN:5 AT:5 FTR:4 TB:5 Total: 30

BV 2
V 6
TV 2
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2755 exp, 122 kill, 1236 pp Average: 551 exp, 24 kill, 247 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1236 exp, 23 kill, 632 pp Average: 412 exp, 8 kill, 211 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 530 exp, 6 kill, 67 pp Average: 265 exp, 3 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 10 Units * 6 Leaders Total : 4521 exp, 151 kill, 1935 pp Average: 452 exp, 15 kill, 194 pp

Player 1 India has 11 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 1
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 2

Player 2 Italy, Germany has 24 units total (core+aux):
Tank : 1
Anti-tank : 3
Fortification : 13
Artillery : 4
Tactical Bomber : 3

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1942-6) ..  #12 Ruweisat Ridge 2  1942-7
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #12
     Tactical Victory ..  also #12
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
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Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

13 Ruweisat Ridge 1 lttv
11. RUWEISAT RIDGE 1. JULY 14, 1942

After the loss on the Gazala Line, Tobruk is soon lost and the Army withdraws; eventually setting up a defensive line at El Alamein. Your men are involved in some small delaying actions south of Tobruk and near Mersa Matruh and finally occupy the most southern positions of the El Alamein line.

By the middle of July the El Alamein line is under attack and a counterattack is planned for July 13 in the center of the Axis lines. Two New Zealand brigades, supported by your Division on the right flank, will attack Italian positions on the west end of Ruweisat Ridge; if the attack is successful it will be exploited to the north west. Ruweisat Ridge is considered to be an important position and must be held.


This map is actually a small section of the El Alamein map.
This campaign is starting to piss me off :yuck . I'm on the verge of BV, German and Italian reinforcements are opening new VH's again. Numerous German tanks intervene in the fight, cause significant losses and in the end I am happy about the lttv.

Current scenario: Ruweisat Ridge 1, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 2346 , Current prestige is 295
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 20
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 360
if BV: +50, Ruweisat Ridge 2 , cap 2600, 10 turns prestige: 0
if V : +50, Ruweisat Ridge 2 , cap 2600, 15 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +50, Ruweisat Ridge 2 , cap 2600, 20 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Ruweisat Ridge 1 , cap 2550, 20 turns prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 653 exp , India , 2/8 , Superior Maneuver , 30 kill , 278 pp - U:002 [+70 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 705 exp , India , 1/8 , Superior Maneuver , 32 kill , 278 pp - U:004 [+80 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 866 exp , India , 5/8 , Devastating Fire , 43 kill , 278 pp - U:006 [+91 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 4 bars , 467 exp , India , 5/8 , 21 kill , 278 pp - U:008 [+94 exp]
Cavalry , , 4 bars , 451 exp , India , 7/8 , 17 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+52 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 488 exp , India , 9/8 , Street Fighter , 10 kill , 183 pp - U:001 [+81 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 540 exp , India , 11/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 7 kill , 224 pp - U:005 [+86 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 483 exp , India , 10/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:007 [+108 exp]
5.5 inch , Bedford 5-ton , , 2 bars , 201 exp , India , 8/8 , 2 kill , 432 pp - U:125 [+51 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 460 exp , India , 4/8 , 8 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+54 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 1 bars , 179 exp , India , 8/8 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+55 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:94 TNK:23 RCN:23 AT:27 FORT:79 ATY:30 AD:9 FTR:16 TB:10 DD:2 Total: 313
Lost : INF:8 TNK:6 RCN:7 AT:8 ATY:3 AD:1 FTR:6 TB:5 Total: 44

BV 2
V 6
TV 3
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3142 exp, 143 kill, 1236 pp Average: 628 exp, 29 kill, 247 pp
Artillery * 4 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1712 exp, 27 kill, 1043 pp Average: 428 exp, 7 kill, 261 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 639 exp, 9 kill, 67 pp Average: 320 exp, 5 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 11 Units * 6 Leaders Total : 5493 exp, 179 kill, 2346 pp Average: 499 exp, 16 kill, 213 pp

Player 1 India has 28 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 9
Tank : 5
Recon : 1
Anti-tank : 3
Artillery : 5
Air Defense : 3
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 Italy, Germany has 19 units total (core+aux):
Tank : 1
Anti-tank : 3
Fortification : 12
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1942-8) ..  #13 Ruweisat Ridge 3  1942-8
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #13
     Tactical Victory ..  also #13
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

14 Ruweisat Ridge 2 ltbv
12. RUWEISAT RIDGE 2. JULY 21, 1942

The so-called First Battle of El Alamein continues...

Despite losses (particularly to the New Zealanders) in the last week on Ruweisat Ridge another attack is planned to be spearheaded by the 6th New Zealand Brigade (and some elements of the decimated 4th and 5th Brigades) who will attack from Stuka Wadi towards Deir El Mreir, while your men will attack west along Ruweisat Ridge with Deir El Shein as your objective. Your orders are to clear a path through the mines so that the newly-arrived (and inexperienced) 23rd Armoured Brigade can pass through and attack north west towards the coast.

The combined attack by you and the New Zealanders will be given tank and air support.


This map is actually a small section of the El Alamein map.
The Empire has reached the financial bottom and cannot pay its loyal soldiers any victory bonus or tunrprestige. The soldiers have to pay for repairs out of their own pockets. Thanks to a reload, I receive an AT proto. Hopefully it helps against the many German tanks that constantly make my life difficult.

Current scenario: Ruweisat Ridge 2, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 40
Army cost: 2326 , Current prestige is 287
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 360
if BV: +0, Ruweisat Ridge 3 , cap 2600, 13 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, Ruweisat Ridge 3 , cap 2600, 16 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, Ruweisat Ridge 3 , cap 2600, 21 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 753 exp , India , 4/8 , Superior Maneuver , 35 kill , 278 pp - U:002 [+100 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 751 exp , India , 4/8 , Superior Maneuver , 34 kill , 278 pp - U:004 [+46 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 948 exp , India , 1/8 , Devastating Fire , 46 kill , 278 pp - U:006 [+82 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 528 exp , India , 6/8 , Determined Defense , 28 kill , 278 pp - U:008 [+61 exp]
Cavalry , , 5 bars , 538 exp , India , 2/8 , 20 kill , 124 pp - U:009 [+87 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 589 exp , India , 4/8 , Street Fighter , 13 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+101 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 572 exp , India , 11/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 8 kill , 224 pp - U:005 [+32 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 552 exp , India , 10/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:007 [+69 exp]
5.5 inch , Bedford 5-ton , , 2 bars , 249 exp , India , 2/8 , 3 kill , 432 pp - U:011 [+48 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 4 bars , 472 exp , India , 8/8 , 8 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+12 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 1 bars , 185 exp , India , 8/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+6 exp]

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:104 TNK:30 RCN:27 AT:35 FORT:92 ATY:34 AD:10 FTR:18 TB:10 DD:2 Total: 362
Lost : INF:13 TNK:6 RCN:8 AT:8 ATY:3 AD:1 FTR:6 TB:7 Total: 52

BV 3
V 6
TV 3
L 2

Infantry * 5 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 3518 exp, 163 kill, 1236 pp Average: 704 exp, 33 kill, 247 pp
Artillery * 4 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 1962 exp, 33 kill, 1023 pp Average: 491 exp, 8 kill, 256 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 657 exp, 10 kill, 67 pp Average: 329 exp, 5 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 11 Units * 7 Leaders Total : 6137 exp, 206 kill, 2326 pp Average: 558 exp, 19 kill, 211 pp

Player 1 India has 38 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 7
Tank : 7
Recon : 2
Anti-tank : 7
Fortification : 1
Ground Transport : 1
Artillery : 8
Air Defense : 2
Tactical Bomber : 3

Player 2 Italy, Germany has 14 units total (core+aux):
Anti-tank : 2
Fortification : 8
Air Defense : 4

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Victory ..  also #254
     Tactical Victory ..  also #254
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
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Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

15 Ruweisat Ridge 3 loss

A lull follows the July battles. General Montgomery takes command of the Eighth Army.

On the night of August 30th Rommel launches an offensive in the south of the El Alamein line that is later known as the Battle of Alam Halfa. At this time your Division is still in the north, either in reserve or on Ruweisat Ridge. Your positions are north of the main battle, however all is not quiet.

Just before the main German offensive starts the Ramcke Parachute Brigade (who are newly-arrived in the theatre) and some Italians attempt to create a diversion by attacking your positions.


This map is actually a small section of the El Alamein map.
I will no longer understand the design of this campaign. Theoretically, BV, V and TV are announced, but practically, obviously only a LOSS is possible. Initially there are no VH's to conquer, only one VH to defend - that's no problem. Then the German paratroopers land and open two new VH's - I conquer both in the Victory limit. Then nothing more happens. I try the TV by killing all opponents, but I don't manage that anymore ... why are there no useful hints for the player in the briefing?

Your time in Africa is over. After Alam Halfa your Division is withdrawn first to Iraq and then to India - where you will be reequipped to fight in Burma.

The campaign will continue...
Current scenario: Ruweisat Ridge 3, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 200
Army cost: 2285 , Current prestige is 287
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 21
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 360
BV: Win , turn prestige: 0
V : Win , turn prestige: 0
TV: Win , turn prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 842 exp , India , 3/8 , Superior Maneuver , 37 kill , 278 pp - U:002 [+89 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 768 exp , India , 2/8 , Superior Maneuver , 36 kill , 278 pp - U:004 [+17 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , India , 4/8 , Devastating Fire , 49 kill , 278 pp - U:006 [+61 exp]
Gurkhas (M) , Bedford 5-ton , , 5 bars , 592 exp , India , 2/8 , Determined Defense , 31 kill , 278 pp - U:008 [+64 exp]
Cavalry , , 5 bars , 538 exp , India , 8/8 , 20 kill , 124 pp - U:009

+ 6 Pdr , Bedford 5-ton , , 1 bars , 160 exp , India , 8/8 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:012 [+10 exp]

18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 609 exp , India , 8/8 , Street Fighter , 15 kill , 163 pp - U:001 [+20 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 625 exp , India , 9/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 12 kill , 183 pp - U:005 [+53 exp]
18/25 Pdr , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 639 exp , India , 10/8 , Skilled Reconnaissance , 11 kill , 204 pp - U:007 [+87 exp]
5.5 inch , Bedford 5-ton , , 2 bars , 293 exp , India , 6/8 , 4 kill , 432 pp - U:011 [+44 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Pack Mule , , 5 bars , 503 exp , India , 6/8 , 9 kill , 67 pp - U:003 [+31 exp]
+ Morris C9/B 40mm , , 1 bars , 185 exp , India , 8/8 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:010

Player 1 : India
Killed: INF:109 TNK:30 RCN:32 AT:42 FORT:96 ATY:36 AD:10 FTR:18 TB:10 DD:2 Total: 385
Lost : INF:13 TNK:6 RCN:8 AT:8 ATY:3 AD:1 FTR:6 TB:7 Total: 52

BV 3
V 6
TV 3
L 3

Infantry * 5 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 3749 exp, 173 kill, 1236 pp Average: 750 exp, 35 kill, 247 pp
Anti-tank * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 160 exp, 0 kill, 0 pp Average: 160 exp, 0 kill, 0 pp
Artillery * 4 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2166 exp, 42 kill, 982 pp Average: 542 exp, 11 kill, 246 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 688 exp, 11 kill, 67 pp Average: 344 exp, 6 kill, 34 pp
* Summary: * 12 Units * 7 Leaders Total : 6763 exp, 226 kill, 2285 pp Average: 564 exp, 19 kill, 190 pp

Player 1 India has 18 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Anti-tank : 1
Fortification : 4
Artillery : 4
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 2

Player 2 Germany, Italy has 11 units total (core+aux):
Fortification : 11

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1942-9) ..  #0 Gallabat 1  1940-7
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #0
End of the first part
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

Start second Part

1 Poipet bv-1
Scenario: Poipet
Date: 1941/01/10

In 1907 France forced Thailand, then known as Siam, to cede three provinces to Cambodia. However, after the fall of France in May 1940, the Vichy regime in Indochina is weak and isolated, so the pro-Japanese Thai government has begun a campaign to recover the lost provinces.

In October the French government refused Thai demands for the return of the provinces, after which there were number of border clashes and finally, in January 1941, the Thai army attacked at four places along the Cambodian and Laotian borders to recover its lost territory. The biggest attack is across the border at Poipet with the objective of advancing down Colonial Route 1 to Battambang.

As a loyal supporter of the current military government you will command the main assault. Your orders are to cross the border at Poipet, with your main objectives being Sisophon and Battambang.


If you purchase an aircraft in this scenario you will not be able to deploy it until turn 7.


You do not need transport for infantry for the first few scenarios but tanks and an AD gun of some kind may prove useful. Also purchase a good selection of other units. You will need to upgrade your infantry transport later in the campaign.

If a "Supplies" unit appears during a scenario then you have received some prestige.
I started three times until I found a suitable composition of my army, which also acts successfully.
I definitely did not understand that my initially purchased "Royal Guards" with good combat values fought much worse than the normal INF with its worse combat values.
The French have a good bomber - buying an AD is therefore recommended.

Current scenario: Poipet, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 888 , Current prestige is 107
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 9
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 341
if BV: +900, Sisophon , cap 2000, 10 turns prestige: 0
if V : +900, Sisophon , cap 2000, 15 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +900, Sisophon , cap 2000, 19 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +300, Poipet , cap 0, 19 turns prestige: 0

Infantry , , 0 bars , 56 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 1 kill , 156 pp - U:026 [+56 exp]
Infantry , , 0 bars , 43 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 0 kill , 156 pp - U:027 [+43 exp]
Infantry , , 0 bars , 17 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 2 kill , 156 pp - U:028 [+17 exp]

Vickers AC , , 0 bars , 82 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , 0 kill , 180 pp - U:023 [+82 exp]

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 23 exp , Thailand , 9/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:024 [+23 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 9 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:025 [+9 exp]

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:3 Total: 3
Lost : Total: 0

BV 1
V 0
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 116 exp, 3 kill, 468 pp Average: 39 exp, 1 kill, 156 pp
Recon * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 82 exp, 0 kill, 180 pp Average: 82 exp, 0 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 23 exp, 0 kill, 168 pp Average: 23 exp, 0 kill, 168 pp
Air Defense * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 9 exp, 0 kill, 72 pp Average: 9 exp, 0 kill, 72 pp
* Summary: * 6 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 230 exp, 3 kill, 888 pp Average: 38 exp, 1 kill, 148 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 8 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 3
Recon : 2
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 France has 17 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 4
Recon : 1
Anti-tank : 1
Fortification : 8
Artillery : 1
Air Defense : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-1) ..  #2 Chumphon  1941-12
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #2
     Tactical Victory ..  also #2
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8
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Posts: 2703
Joined: 2019-09-23 11:10, Monday
Location: Chemnitz, Free State of Saxony

Re: CC 49 - Parabellum @ 100%

Post by Parabellum »

2 Sisophon ltv
Scenario: Sisophon
Date: 1941/01/16

So far the Vichy defenders have proved incapable of halting your advance. But, by the time you capture Sisophon, you receive reports of French military activity. You will receive reinforcements.
Current scenario: Sisophon, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 1788 , Current prestige is 127
Prestige available on map yet is 40 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 11
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 341
if BV: +450, Chumphon , cap 2500, 7 turns prestige: 0
if V : +450, Chumphon , cap 2500, 11 turns prestige: 90
if TV: +450, Chumphon , cap 2500, 13 turns prestige: 90
if Ls: +300, Chumphon , cap 2500, 13 turns prestige: 90

Infantry , , 1 bars , 163 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:004 [+107 exp]
Infantry , , 1 bars , 117 exp , Thailand , 3/10 , 1 kill , 156 pp - U:005 [+74 exp]
Infantry , , 0 bars , 43 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:006 [+26 exp]
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 59 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 4 kill , 216 pp - U:032 [+59 exp]
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 25 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 3 kill , 216 pp - U:033 [+25 exp]

Vickers AC , , 1 bars , 147 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , 1 kill , 180 pp - U:001 [+65 exp]
Vickers AC , , 0 bars , 65 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 0 kill , 180 pp - U:035 [+65 exp]

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 0 bars , 77 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:002 [+54 exp]
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:031 [+30 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 75 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:003 [+66 exp]
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 81 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 1 kill , 72 pp - U:034 [+81 exp]

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:9 RCN:5 AT:2 ATY:1 FTR:1 Total: 18
Lost : Total: 0

BV 1
V 1
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 407 exp, 16 kill, 900 pp Average: 81 exp, 3 kill, 180 pp
Recon * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 212 exp, 1 kill, 360 pp Average: 106 exp, 1 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 107 exp, 0 kill, 384 pp Average: 54 exp, 0 kill, 192 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 156 exp, 1 kill, 144 pp Average: 78 exp, 1 kill, 72 pp
* Summary: * 11 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 882 exp, 18 kill, 1788 pp Average: 80 exp, 2 kill, 163 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 14 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 2
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 2
Air Defense : 3
Fighter : 1

Player 2 France has 6 units total (core+aux):
Tank : 2
Recon : 1
Air Defense : 1
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
allow settting a time frame in range between 1 and 12 months for valid prototypes
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-1) ..  #3 Betong  1941-12
	 No new units!
     Victory ..  also #3
     Tactical Victory ..  also #3
3 Chumphon ltbv
Scenario: Chumphon
Date: 1941/12/08

A few hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor Japan demands the right to move troops through Thailand (from Cambodia) to Burma in the west and south to the Malayan border. While the decision is being made by the (pro-Japanese) government whether to allow passage of Japanese troops, you have to deal with the immediate situation.

Your men are stationed in and around Chumphon (on the Gulf of Thailand at about the thinnest point of the Kra Isthmus) which is exactly where the Japanese mount one of their amphibious attacks on December 8, 1941.

Until you receive further orders you should defend the town.

NOTE: You can only delpoy part of your core in this and the next scenario. You should try as much as possible to deploy different units in each scenario.
A bit tricky. The NT should definitely be used. Best with the Recon. :clap

Current scenario: Chumphon, VH prestige is 120 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 1788 , Current prestige is 697
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 8
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 204
if BV: +0, Betong , cap 2500, 8 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, Betong , cap 2500, 12 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, Betong , cap 2500, 14 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Betong , cap 2500, 14 turns prestige: 0

Infantry , , 2 bars , 233 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , 5 kill , 156 pp - U:004 [+70 exp]
Infantry , , 1 bars , 143 exp , Thailand , 3/10 , 3 kill , 156 pp - U:005 [+26 exp]
Infantry , , 0 bars , 43 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:006
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 59 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 4 kill , 216 pp - U:008
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 25 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 3 kill , 216 pp - U:009

Vickers AC , , 2 bars , 210 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , Fire Discipline , 2 kill , 180 pp - U:001 [+63 exp]
Vickers AC , , 1 bars , 104 exp , Thailand , 5/10 , 1 kill , 180 pp - U:011 [+39 exp]

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 1 bars , 129 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , Street Fighter , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:002 [+52 exp]
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:007

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 75 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:003
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 85 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 2 kill , 72 pp - U:010 [+4 exp]

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:11 RCN:5 AT:3 FORT:2 ATY:1 FTR:1 TB:1 Total: 24
Lost : Total: 0

BV 2
V 1
TV 0
L 0

Infantry * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 503 exp, 19 kill, 900 pp Average: 101 exp, 4 kill, 180 pp
Recon * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 314 exp, 3 kill, 360 pp Average: 157 exp, 2 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 159 exp, 0 kill, 384 pp Average: 80 exp, 0 kill, 192 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 160 exp, 2 kill, 144 pp Average: 80 exp, 1 kill, 72 pp
* Summary: * 11 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1136 exp, 24 kill, 1788 pp Average: 103 exp, 2 kill, 163 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 12 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 2
Artillery : 2
Air Defense : 3

Player 2 Japan has 11 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Recon : 1
Anti-tank : 1
Artillery : 1
Fighter : 1
Tactical Bomber : 3
Destroyer : 1
Cruiser : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
No prototypes 
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-12) ..  #4 Mae Sot  1942-1
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 Ki 27 Nate (FTR):   1,  1,  8,  1,     6,  5,   0,   3,   576pp,  Avail:1942-1
	 Ki30 Ann ( TB):   4,  6,  4,  4,     6,  4,   0,   3,   516pp,  Avail:1942-1
	 Ki 21 Sally ( TB):   4, 10,  5,  5,     8,  6,   0,   2,   696pp,  Avail:1942-1
     Victory ..  also #4
     Tactical Victory ..  also #4
4 Betong tv
Scenario: Betong
Date: 1941/12/09

At the time of the Japanese invasion part of your force is guarding the Malayan border. Unknown to you the British have a plan (named Operation Matador) to preemept Japanese landings in Thailand by moving north into Thailand and blocking the beaches they anticipate the Japanese will use. The British will use the area as a buffer zone and try to enlist Thailand's help in resisting Japan.

Unfortunately for the British they have left the attack too late to stop the Japanese landings, but they launch the attack anyway with a force known as "Krohcol" from near the Malayan town of Kroh, with the aim (in part) of advancing through the mountains and capturing the Thai coastal town of Patani. You should meet the attack along a stretch of road known as "the Ledge" near the village of Betong and do not allow the British to cross too far into Thailand. It is your duty to protect the border from whatever enemy crosses it.

NOTE: This scenario takes place almost at the same time as the previous one, you should try to use units you did not deploy at Chumphon - although it is not absolutely necessary that you do so.
Again such a scenario, where only after some turns all VH's are made visible by the opponent. Difficult defense. Repairs are necessary.

Current scenario: Betong, VH prestige is 160 , All map prestige is: 160
Army cost: 1788 , Current prestige is 685
Prestige available on map yet is 80 pp ( 80 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 24
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 230
if BV: +275, Mae Sot , cap 3100, 16 turns prestige: 160
if V : +275, Mae Sot , cap 3100, 23 turns prestige: 160
if TV: +275, Mae Sot , cap 3100, 26 turns prestige: 160
if Ls: +225, Mae Sot , cap 3100, 26 turns prestige: 160

Infantry , , 3 bars , 348 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:004 [+115 exp]
Infantry , , 1 bars , 143 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 3 kill , 156 pp - U:005
Infantry , , 0 bars , 43 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:006
Royal Guards , , 1 bars , 155 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 7 kill , 216 pp - U:008 [+96 exp]
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 25 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 3 kill , 216 pp - U:009

Vickers AC , , 3 bars , 357 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , Fire Discipline , 8 kill , 180 pp - U:001 [+147 exp]
Vickers AC , , 2 bars , 251 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 6 kill , 180 pp - U:011 [+147 exp]

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 210 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , Street Fighter , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:002 [+81 exp]
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:007

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 75 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:003
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 2 bars , 204 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , 4 kill , 72 pp - U:010 [+119 exp]

+ Ki 27 Nate , , 0 bars , 82 exp , Thailand , 1/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:012 [+82 exp]

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:14 TNK:1 RCN:14 AT:7 FORT:2 ATY:3 FTR:4 TB:2 Total: 47
Lost : INF:1 AT:1 FORT:2 Total: 4

BV 2
V 1
TV 1
L 0

Infantry * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 714 exp, 25 kill, 900 pp Average: 143 exp, 5 kill, 180 pp
Recon * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 608 exp, 14 kill, 360 pp Average: 304 exp, 7 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 240 exp, 0 kill, 384 pp Average: 120 exp, 0 kill, 192 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 279 exp, 4 kill, 144 pp Average: 140 exp, 2 kill, 72 pp
Fighter * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 82 exp, 2 kill, 0 pp Average: 82 exp, 2 kill, 0 pp
* Summary: * 12 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 1923 exp, 45 kill, 1788 pp Average: 160 exp, 4 kill, 149 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 15 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 2
Fortification : 2
Artillery : 2
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 2

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1941-12) ..  #5 Kengtung  1942-5
	 Unit, (Class):  HA, SA, AA, NA,   GD, AD, Rng, Ini
	 Ki 27 Nate (FTR):   1,  1,  8,  1,     6,  5,   0,   3,   576pp,  Avail:1942-1
	 Ki30 Ann ( TB):   4,  6,  4,  4,     6,  4,   0,   3,   516pp,  Avail:1942-1
	 Ki 21 Sally ( TB):   4, 10,  5,  5,     8,  6,   0,   2,   696pp,  Avail:1942-1
     Victory ..  also #5
     Tactical Victory ..  also #5
5 Mae Sot loss
Scenario: Mae Sot
Date: 1942/01/21

After many deaths the Goverment orders cessation of all fighting against Japan and grants the Japanese Army free passage through Thailand. On January 21, Thailand signs an "assistance treaty" whereby Japan agrees to get back territories (in Burma and Malaya), that were ceded to Britain in 1909, in return for Thai military and other assistance. On the same day Japan mounts its main invasion of Burma. Also, on January 25, Thailand will declare war on Britain and the USA.

The main Japanese assault is intially from around the area of the town of Rahaeng, through the border town of Mae Sot (after improving the road), then through the Kawkareik Pass in the Dawna Hills, with the objective being the Burmese coastal town of Moulmein. At this time the Japanese do not permit you to invade Burma itself, however you are ordered to provide support for the operation which may involve some fighting with local Burmese "Karen" tribesmen and British defenders around the Kawkareik Pass.

Your specific orders are to protect the border north of the initial Japanese advance to Kawkareik.

NOTE: While many Japanese troops are present on the battlefield, you do not command them so you cannot see them.
Very unbalanced - in the south a VH for both sides that can only be defended with two units that are completely inferior to the attacker. Enemy VH's are unreachable in the mountains - but mountain fighters are not available. Conclusion: bring the two units in the south to safety and plan for the LOSS.

Current scenario: Mae Sot, VH prestige is 400 , All map prestige is: 400
Army cost: 1788 , Current prestige is 960
Prestige available on map yet is 400 pp ( 400 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 6
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 433
if BV: +300, Kengtung , cap 3400, 14 turns prestige: 0
if V : +300, Kengtung , cap 3400, 19 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +300, Kengtung , cap 3400, 22 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +150, Kengtung , cap 3400, 22 turns prestige: 0

Infantry , , 3 bars , 348 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:004
Infantry , , 1 bars , 163 exp , Thailand , 9/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:005 [+20 exp]
Infantry , , 0 bars , 43 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 4 kill , 156 pp - U:006
Royal Guards , , 2 bars , 206 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , 7 kill , 216 pp - U:008 [+51 exp]
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 48 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 3 kill , 216 pp - U:009 [+23 exp]

Vickers AC , , 4 bars , 432 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 8 kill , 180 pp - U:001 [+75 exp]
Vickers AC , , 2 bars , 251 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 6 kill , 180 pp - U:011

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 210 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , Street Fighter , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:002
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:007

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 0 bars , 85 exp , Thailand , 5/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:003 [+10 exp]
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 2 bars , 204 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 4 kill , 72 pp - U:010

+ Ki 27 Nate , , 0 bars , 82 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:012

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:15 TNK:1 RCN:14 AT:7 FORT:2 ATY:3 FTR:4 TB:2 Total: 48
Lost : INF:1 AT:1 FORT:2 Total: 4

BV 2
V 1
TV 1
L 1

Infantry * 5 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 808 exp, 26 kill, 900 pp Average: 162 exp, 5 kill, 180 pp
Recon * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 683 exp, 14 kill, 360 pp Average: 342 exp, 7 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 240 exp, 0 kill, 384 pp Average: 120 exp, 0 kill, 192 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 289 exp, 4 kill, 144 pp Average: 145 exp, 2 kill, 72 pp
Fighter * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 82 exp, 2 kill, 0 pp Average: 82 exp, 2 kill, 0 pp
* Summary: * 12 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 2102 exp, 46 kill, 1788 pp Average: 175 exp, 4 kill, 149 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 12 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 5
Recon : 2
Artillery : 2
Air Defense : 2
Fighter : 1

Player 2 United Kingdom, India, Nationalist Chinese has 20 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 15
Anti-tank : 2
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 1
Fighter : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Victory ..  also #254
     Tactical Victory ..  also #254
6 Kengtung lttv
Scenario: Kengtung
Date: 1942/05/09

The Japanese invasion of Burma continues. In late April the 56th Division move into the north eastern states of Kengtung and Mongpan, the so-called Shan tribal States, from the west. These two states were ceded to British Burma in the past and Japan has promised to help return them to Thailand in return for its co-operation.

The 56th Division defeats the Chinese 6th Army, which soon is in retreat. Part of the army, the 93rd Division, retreats to the area around the Burmese town of Kengtung, which is an important mountain town close to the borders of China, Thailand and French Indochina (Laos).

The Japanese now permit you to cross the Burmese border. After you cross the border there are few roads, and your men struggle through the harsh terrain until you approach Kengtung. Your orders are to occupy Kengtung, defeat local Chinese forces and control the local opium lords.

NOTE: You will receive some extra prestige when the "Supplies" arrive.
Fortunately, the second part of the campaign ends here. I have no ambition to win here. The VH's are a long way away and my units take forever to get there through forests and mountains. Meanwhile, new VH's are being opened again and the enemy is stabbing me in the back. I hoped for a quick LOSS, but the AI delayed very long.

Current scenario: Kengtung, VH prestige is 80 , All map prestige is: 80
Army cost: 2916 , Current prestige is 84
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 23
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 434
BV: Win , turn prestige: 200
V : Win , turn prestige: 200
TV: Win , turn prestige: 200
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 200

Infantry , , 3 bars , 377 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:004 [+29 exp]
Infantry , , 2 bars , 233 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , Influence , 5 kill , 156 pp - U:005 [+70 exp]
Infantry , , 1 bars , 113 exp , Thailand , 4/10 , 6 kill , 156 pp - U:006 [+70 exp]
Royal Guards , , 3 bars , 327 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , 10 kill , 216 pp - U:008 [+121 exp]
Royal Guards , , 1 bars , 122 exp , Thailand , 7/10 , 4 kill , 216 pp - U:009 [+74 exp]
Royal Guards , , 0 bars , 26 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 2 kill , 216 pp - U:013 [+26 exp]

Vickers AC , , 5 bars , 544 exp , Thailand , 6/10 , Fire Discipline , 12 kill , 180 pp - U:001 [+112 exp]
Vickers AC , , 3 bars , 304 exp , Thailand , 8/10 , 9 kill , 180 pp - U:011 [+53 exp]

75mm Mtn. Gun , Pack Mule , , 2 bars , 285 exp , Thailand , 5/10 , Street Fighter , 1 kill , 168 pp - U:002 [+75 exp]
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 78 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:007 [+48 exp]
81mm Mortar , , 0 bars , 16 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 216 pp - U:014 [+16 exp]

Air Defense
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 1 bars , 174 exp , Thailand , 9/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:003 [+89 exp]
20mm Oerlikon , Wagon , , 3 bars , 307 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 7 kill , 72 pp - U:010 [+103 exp]

Tactical Bomber
Ki 21 Sally , , 0 bars , 14 exp , Thailand , 10/10 , 0 kill , 696 pp - U:012 [+14 exp]

Player 1 : Thailand
Killed: INF:23 TNK:1 RCN:17 AT:10 FORT:4 ATY:5 AD:1 FTR:5 TB:3 Total: 69
Lost : INF:1 AT:1 FORT:2 FTR:1 Total: 5

BV 2
V 1
TV 2
L 1

Infantry * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 1198 exp, 35 kill, 1116 pp Average: 200 exp, 6 kill, 186 pp
Recon * 2 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 848 exp, 21 kill, 360 pp Average: 424 exp, 11 kill, 180 pp
Artillery * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 379 exp, 1 kill, 600 pp Average: 126 exp, 0 kill, 200 pp
Air Defense * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 481 exp, 7 kill, 144 pp Average: 241 exp, 4 kill, 72 pp
Tactical Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 14 exp, 0 kill, 696 pp Average: 14 exp, 0 kill, 696 pp
* Summary: * 14 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 2920 exp, 64 kill, 2916 pp Average: 209 exp, 5 kill, 208 pp

Player 1 Thailand has 14 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 6
Recon : 2
Artillery : 3
Air Defense : 2
Tactical Bomber : 1

Player 2 Nationalist Chinese, India has 5 units total (core+aux):
Infantry : 2
Fortification : 1
Artillery : 1
Fighter : 1

Code: Select all

*   <- original core (don't count against cap)
+   <- BV prototype
pp  <- prestige points

Can set default experience for new units
Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
Use Fuel as defined (so no reset when load)
Use Ammo as defined (so no reset when load)
Allow setting default unit's strength for each player (also when getting prototypes)
***  PG2 Mode  ***

*** New units available in next scenario:
     Brilliant Victory (1942-5) ..  #0 Poipet  1941-1
	 No new units!
     Tactical Victory (1942-5) ..  #0 Poipet  1941-1
	 No new units!
Short summary: For me, this campaign is one of the top five worst CC's. Two unbalanced, incomplete sub-campaigns - there must have been a lot of publishing pressure in the past to offer such junk.
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
Completed CCCs: #8