Fun and technology on maps

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

I did a brief analysis
First, map 92 with cities marked


and then the same cities on the google map


Considering the map - sent by you (italiap3it3.jpg) The northernmost city is Celano, so now I will be matching image 92 ....
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

As i have said, the map is not very accurate, but it is the best Italy map we have :dunno :cool

Please take your time. If the map i finished in 3 months it will be fine. There is no need to rush it.
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

... There is a specific forest here -> you cannot distinguish it from hills .... do something about it?

... I'll try to make a map from scratch
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

You can keep the forest as it is. It originates from the SSI map #5 Salerno. That's why i called it "italian style" :lol
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Please check - if you meant such a map?
Are the rivers and roads proper?
Red marking (to be done) - these are the cities listed on the map 92 -> arranged according to the italiap3it3.jpg map + airports and cities from mapaitaliap3it3.jpg
I need bridges (to be done) ... sp=sharing
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

sympatyk wrote: 2022-08-14 16:38, Sunday Please check - if you meant such a map?
Yes exactly :clap :notworthy :cool

Maybe make the small rivers a little bit wider? What do you think? A river hex is a river hex and it is okay to make the little rivers wider.
I think you will also add more cities like Anzio and Nettuno at the coast south of Rome?
Or San Felice Circeo at the end of the road west of Terracina. But it is your decision :cool
Do you work on the coastline and islands in the south?

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Do you consider this drawing finished?
Your move .... ... sp=sharing
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

sympatyk wrote: 2022-08-15 16:07, Monday Do you consider this drawing finished?
Your move .... ... sp=sharing
The map looks great :clap :clap :banana

Maybe you can add some more cities and ports and an airfield? I marked it on the map. Also maybe make the small villages bigger.
One question. You changed the graphics of the cities. You don't like the cities from map #5 and #92? Should i cut them out and send to you?

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Don't I like the image of the cities in maps 5 and 92? -> I like them, but I don't have them -> I give you what are available ...
You say that cities should occupy 2 or 3 hexes instead of one -> mark these hexes exactly
Added ports (like I have them)
Roads changed
the current drawing ... sp=sharing
Only because you answer immediately, the work is at this stage -> used the evening of Saturday, Sunday and Monday (in Poland free from work) From tomorrow, a new reality ...
Think about it - and apply all the changes you want -> this is the map for you
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

There is no need to rush it. As i have said, it is completely fine when the map is finished in 3 months or something like that.
I can prepare a file with the italian city graphics. No Problemo :cool
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

I forgot to send you a mapx - Of course there are no missing cities .... ... sp=sharing
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

I would like to finish this map
Could you designate hexes for cities - size of cities / hexes?
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

:howdy I am not at home this week and can't help much. Please create the map so you are happy with it. Choose the bigger cities and cities that are historically important like Anzio. Then when there is too much empty space, choose some more villages.

You can cut out "italian" city grafics from map number 5, Salerno. Don't know if you want to do that.
But it is your map, so you can choose what you like the most :cool
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

fantastic! :clap :notworthy :cool
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Dlaczego mapa jest zła?
Why is the map wrong?

Na początek należy przypomieć jak były robione mapy za czasów PG2
Mapa dla gry w PG2 składała się
- z obrazka w formacie *.shp (zapisany obraz - podzielony na kilka części (pliki . shp), w palecie kolorów 8bit – kolory indeksowane)
- z pliku *.map (zapisane informacje o terenie i drogach dla kożdego hex)
- z pliku *.txt (zapisane nazwy wybranych hex – miast, rzek ...)

At the beginning, it should be reminded how the maps were made in the times of PG2
The map for the game in PG2 consisted of
- from an image in *.shp format (saved image - divided into several parts (.shp files), in the 8bit color palette - indexed colors)
- from a *.map file (saved information about terrain and roads for each hex)
- from *.txt file (saved names of selected hex - cities, rivers ...)

Utworzony scenariusz na podstawie takiej mapy - potrzebował do odtwarzania w grze – właściwego pliku *map w katalogu mapfiles oraz właściwych plików *shp

The scenario created on the basis of such a map - needed to play in the game - the correct *map file in the mapfiles directory and the correct *shp files

Obecnie scenariusz utworzony w OG - nie potrzebuje dodatkowych plików
Mapy tworzone dla OG składają się
- z rysunku (format png, jpg – ilość zastosowanych kolorów ogranicza tylko waga pliku w MB)
- z pliku *mapX ( zawiera informacje o terenie, drogach, kolei, nazwy)

Currently a scenario created in OG - no additional files needed
Maps made for OG consist of
- from a drawing (png, jpg format - the number of colors used is limited only by the file weight in MB)
- from the *mapX file (contains information about the terrain, roads, railways, names)

A teraz do sedna problemu
Now to the heart of the problem

Jeden z graczy zgłosił, że mapa do scenariusza Arras jest niepoprawna
Teren oraz nazwy nie są zgodne z rysunkiem
Aby to sprawdzić – otworzyłem scenariusz w suite – okazało się – jest źle
Mapa Arras oraz Arras2 powstała jeszcze za czasów PG2 (na tym samym obrazku)
Pobrałem więc stosowne pliki - i map128.txt (zmieniłem nazwę, by nienadpisać pliku na
One player reported that the map for the Arras scenario is incorrect
The terrain and names are not as shown in the picture
To check it - I opened the scenario in the suite - it turned out - it's wrong
The map of Arras and Arras2 was created in the times of PG2 (same picture)
So I downloaded the appropriate files - and map128.txt (I changed the name to not overwrite the file to

Otworzyłem w suicie
Na pierwszy rzut oka znalazłem wiele nieścisłości między obrazkiem, a plikiem -
I opened in the suite
At first glance I found many inconsistencies between the image and the file -


Plik oparty na tym samym rysunku ma poprawione drogi i poprawiony teren, ale też zawiera błędy – szczególnie w nazwach
The file based on the same drawing has corrected roads and terrain, but also contains errors - especially in names


W późniejszym czasie powstały pliki arras.mapx oraz arras2.mapx – mają już tylko kilka błędów
Later, arras.mapx and arras2.mapx files were created - they only have a few bugs


Mój proponowany plik My proposed file
arras.mapx ... sp=sharing
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Z GIMP do Luisa – różne drogi obrazka
From GIMP to Luis - different ways of the image

Najpierw GIMP
W jakiej przestrzeni kolorów pracujemy?( GIMP 2.10.30)
- 8 bit (256 colorów, kolor indeksowany)
- 8 bit na kanał (RGB)→ 3 x 8 bit color → 24 bit color
- 8 bit na kanał (RGB) + 8 bit przeźroczystość (alfa) → 3 x 8 bit color + 8 bit → 32 bit color
GIMP first
What color space are we working in? (GIMP 2.10.30)
- 8 bit (256 colors, indexed color)
- 8 bit per channel (RGB) → 3 x 8 bit color → 24 bit color
- 8 bit per channel (RGB) + 8 bit transparency (alpha) → 3 x 8 bit color + 8 bit → 32 bit color

Są jeszcze
- 16 bit na kanał (RGB) → 3 x 16 bit color
- 16 bit na kanał (RGB) + 8 bit przeźroczystość (alfa) → 3 x 16 bit color + 8 bit
There are still
- 16 bits per channel (RGB) → 3 x 16 bit color
- 16 bit per channel (RGB) + 8 bit transparency (alpha) → 3 x 16 bit color + 8 bit

Dla naszych potrzeb najważniejszy jest jednak efekt końcowy – zapis do pliku png i jpg
For our needs, however, the final effect is the most important - saving to a png and jpg file

Jak najczęściej jest to zapisywane? - domyślnie automatycznie
Oznacza to, że zapis zostaje przeprowadzony w przestrzeni kolorów – w jakiej pracowałeś
How often is it saved? - automatically by default
This means that the recording is carried out in the color space - in which you worked


Można oczywiście wybrać samemu
You can of course choose yourself


Będą to przestrzenie kolorów powyżej opisane, oraz dodatkowo skala szarości
w przestrzeni
- 8 bit
- 8 bit na kanał
- 8 bit na kanał + 8 bit przeźroczystość (alfa)
- 16 bit na kanał
- 16 bit na kanał + 8 bit przeźroczystość (alfa)
These will be the color spaces described above, plus the gray scale
in space
- 8 bit
- 8 bits per channel
- 8 bits per channel + 8 bit transparency (alpha)
- 16 bits per channel
- 16 bits per channel + 8 bit transparency (alpha)

Jak się przedstawia zapis bezpośrednio do pliku jpg?
How does the recording directly to the jpg file look like?


Przy odpowiednim ustawieniu parametrów zapisu (exportu) jest możliwe osiągnięcie takich samych parametrów jakości i wagi pliku jak przy procesie GIMP → png → jpg
With the appropriate setting of the saving (export) parameters, it is possible to achieve the same parameters of file quality and weight as in the GIMP → png → jpg process

Zrobiłem eksperyment
I did an experiment

Utworzyłem w Gimpie plik o nazwie „Jako” na kilku warstwach z kanałem alfa
Białe tło + 4 kolory pędzla
I created a file in Gimp called "Jako" on several layers with an alpha channel
White background + 4 brush colors

Procedura pomarańczowa
Orange procedure

Wyeksportowałem plik do png bespośrednio z Gimpa (24 bit)
I exported the file to png directly from Gimp (24 bit)


W programie IrfanView otwieram ten plik i zapisuje do formatu jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))
In IrfanView I open this file and save it as jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))


Wyeksportowałem z Gimpa plik bespośrednio do jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))
I exported the file from Gimp directly to jpg (quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))


Procedura zielona – źródło plik png z procedury pomarańczowej
Green procedure - source png file from the orange procedure

Następnie ponownie otwieram plik png w IrfanView i zmiejszam ilość kolorów do 8 bit → zapisuję jako „Jako256.png”
Then I reopen the png file in IrfanView and reduce the number of colors to 8 bits → save as "Jako256.png"


Otwieram zapisany plik (8 bit) „Jako256.png” i zapisuję w formacie jpg jako „Jako256.jpg”
I open the saved file (8 bit) "Jako256.png" and save it in jpg format as "Jako256.jpg"


Procedura czerwona
Red procedure

Wracam do GIMPA do naszego pierwotnego pliku
Ustawiam obraz jako indeksowany ( 256 kolorów) i eksportuję plik do png „JakoInd.png”
I go back to GIMP to our original file
I set the image as indexed (256 colors) and export the file to png "JakoInd.png"


W programie IrfanView otwieram ten plik i zapisuje do formatu jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2)) „JakoInd.jpg”
In IrfanView I open this file and save it as jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2)) "JakoInd.jpg"


Eksportuje z Gimpa (obraz indeksowany) bespośrednio do jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))
Exports from Gimp (indexed image) directly to jpg ( quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2))


Możemy porównać wielkości plików png i jpg dla poszczególnych procedur i wybrać co najlepsze
Ja preferuję proces uzyskania obrazu jpg z pliku png → chociaż wysyłam do Luisa tylko pliki jpg
Randowe ma rację → plik png powinien być zachowany jako wzorzec
We can compare the size of png and jpg files for individual procedures and choose the best
I prefer the process of getting a jpg image from a png file → although I only send jpg files to Luis
Randowe is right → the png file should be kept as a pattern

Jeśli pracujesz przy tworzeniu map klasycznych – z 256 kolorem i w tej przestrzeni wygenerujesz plik png – będzie będzie on mniej ważył, niż plik wygenerowany w przestrzeni 24 bit kolor (RGB)
Pliki jpg uzyskane przez png i bezpośrednio z Gimpa - są identyczne - w pierwszej i trzeciej procedurze
Precyzyjnie, powinno być --> pliki jpg w procedurze pomarańczowej (uzyskane dwiema metodami) są identyczne (waga 36,90 kB) oraz pliki jpg uzyskane w proczedurze czerwonej też są identyczne (waga 29,43 kB)

If you are working on creating classic maps - with 256 color and you generate a png file in this space - it will weigh less than a file generated in 24 bit color space (RGB)
The jpg files obtained by png and directly from Gimp - are identical - in the first and third procedure
Precisely, it should be --> jpg files in the orange procedure (obtained by two methods) are identical (weight 36.90 kB) and jpg files obtained in the red procedure are also identical (weight 29.43 kB)
Last edited by sympatyk on 2023-04-02 09:04, Sunday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by LuisGuzman »

sympatyk wrote: 2023-03-14 16:50, Tuesday We can compare the size of png and jpg files for individual procedures and choose the best
I prefer the process of getting a jpg image from a png file → although I only send jpg files to Luis
Randowe is right → the png file should be kept as a pattern

If you are working on creating classic maps - with 256 color and you generate a png file in this space - it will weigh less than a file generated in 24 bit color space (RGB)
The jpg files obtained by png and directly from Gimp - are identical - in the first and third procedure
Thank you Grzegorz for such extensive and detailed test :yes

So, If I understand it properly, the best solution is the one I used to do:
1. Get the .pgn and convert it to 256 colors if 24 or 32 bpp
2. Run the set of tools to further optimize its size
3. Use my standard script to create JPF images (quality 70): real size and resized to 100, 200 and 500 pixels, required by MapFinder
4. Upload the .png, the .mapx and the set of JPG created.
5. Upload the JPG real size, and the sizeCR.txt file to the OG repor to make available for automatic download

If mapmaker don't send the PNG (only a JPG) then I create from it the resized 100,200 and 500 px files and upload all JGPs

A bit later today I'll copy this to the Designer's map topic.

Thanks again for you colaboration :notworthy :bow :howdy
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

LuisGuzman wrote: 2023-03-16 13:05, Thursday
Thank you Grzegorz for such extensive and detailed test :yes

So, If I understand it properly, the best solution is the one I used to do:
1. Get the .pgn and convert it to 256 colors if 24 or 32 bpp
2. Run the set of tools to further optimize its size
3. Use my standard script to create JPF images (quality 70): real size and resized to 100, 200 and 500 pixels, required by MapFinder
4. Upload the .png, the .mapx and the set of JPG created.
5. Upload the JPG real size, and the sizeCR.txt file to the OG repor to make available for automatic download

If mapmaker don't send the PNG (only a JPG) then I create from it the resized 100,200 and 500 px files and upload all JGPs

A bit later today I'll copy this to the Designer's map topic.

Thanks again for you colaboration :notworthy :bow :howdy
:howdy Sorry, but i am still confused.

So for me as a map maker i send you only one file. Do you want the 256 color png file OR a 24 bit png file with 16 million colors? So you can process it.

For 3K maps only the jpg will be uploaded to mapfinder, right?
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by LuisGuzman »

randowe wrote: 2023-03-16 13:17, Thursday [ :howdy Sorry, but i am still confused.

So for me as a map maker i send you only one file. Do you want the 256 color png file OR a 24 bit png file with 16 million colors? So you can process it.
Yes, the png 256 colors is the best option, then I'll create the JPGs using it.

But, some mapmakers don't bother with details and send the PNG in the resolution he prefers, then I'll convert to 256 and optimize it.
For 3K maps only the jpg will be uploaded to mapfinder, right?
Of course we could adopt that rule, but size of the png file depends not only in map size but in number of different colors, so I'd prefer a rule based on pnag size instead of map size.
Actually some 3k png maps are smaller than some old size maps.

I'll check the size of all png maps in mapfinder and will remove those bigger than a certain threshold, leaving only the JPG.
Also will check all real size JPGs to see in anyone is too big due to quality beyond 70, to check if lowering quality its size can be reduced.
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Hi Luis
I don't know if what I wrote was translated correctly into English...
The smallest jpg file is the orange procedure --> a jpg file created from a png file in 24bit color --> or I get the same jpg file directly from GIMPA --> Klemens uses Photoshop --> has different settings --> if he sends a png file to you 256 color --> may turn out to be smaller than the jpg file made of it

I think the procedure should look like this:
the order of the procedure
1. png file (24bit color) --> generate jpg file (quality 70)
2. png file (24bit color) --> generate png file 256color
1.Png file (8bit color) --> generate jpg (quality 70) --> check if jpg file > from png
If you receive a jpg file from the author --> check if it meets the conditions --> quality: 70, subsampling ON (2x2)
You will get the smallest png file(256 color) if --> it will be in indexed color --> see procedure green (file in color 256) and procedure red (file in index color 256)
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

Is there a consensus on how to proceed?
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Convert psd file to png and jpg
Konwersja pliku psd do png i jpg

The first method - IrfanView
Pierwsza metoda - IrfanView

1 I open file 1398.psd to IrfanView
2 I save the file with "save as .."
3 I give the name "1398_Irfan"
4 Save as 1398_Irfan.png with the settings below
1 Otwieram plik 1398.psd do IrfanView
2 Zapisuję plik poleceniem"zapisz jako .."
3 Nadaję nazwę "1398_Irfan"
4 Zapisuję jako 1398_Irfan.png w/g poniższych ustawień


The created file 1398_Irfan.png has a weight of 7.17 MB (24 bit color)
Utworzony plik 1398_Irfan.png ma wagę 7,17 MB (24 bit kolor)

5 I re-save the file with the "save as .." command to jpg with the settings below
5 Ponownie zapisuję plik poleceniem"zapisz jako .." do jpg w/g poniższych ustawień


The created file 1398_Irfan.jpg has a weight of 765.85 KB
Utworzony plik 1398_Irfan.jpg ma wagę 765.85 KB

6 Open file 1398.psd - change the number of colors (up to 256)
6 Otwatry plik 1398.psd - zmieniam ilość kolorów (do 256)


7 Save as 1398_Irfan256.png (weight 2.22 MB)
7 Zapisuję jako 1398_Irfan256.png (waga 2.22 MB)

8 Open file 1398.psd - change the number of colors (up to 128)
8 Otwatry plik 1398.psd - zmieniam ilość kolorów (do 128)
9 Save as 1398_Irfan_128.png (weight 1.94 MB)
9 Zapisuję jako 1398_Irfan_128.png (waga 1.94 MB)
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Method two - GIMP
Metoda druga - GIMP

1 I open the 1398.psd file into GIMP
1 Otwieram plik 1398.psd do GIMP

2 A window opens - asks you to change the embedded color
I choose not to change
2 Otwiera się okno - pyta o zmianę osadzonego koloru
Wybieram nie zmieniaj


3 I import the image as PNG according to the parameters below
3 Inportuję obraz jako PNG w/g poniższych parametrów


4 I get the file 1398k.png (weight 7.14 MB - space 24 bit color)
4 Otrzymuję plik 1398k.png (waga 7.14 MB - przestrzeń 24 bit kolor)

5 I import the image again - now as 1398k.jpg (weight 760.72 KB) - according to the parameters below
5 Ponownie importuję obraz - teraz jako 1398k.jpg (waga 760.72 KB) - w/g poniższych parametrów


6 I create a new layer with the command "new layer from view"
6 Tworzę nową warstwę poleceniem "nowa warstwa z widoku"
7 copies this layer
7 kopiuje tę warstwę
8 I open a new GIMP window with "from clipboard"
8 Otwieram nowe okno GIMP poleceniem " ze schowka"
9 I choose the "indexed" mode - I set the number of colors to 256
9 Wybieram tryb "indeksowany" - określam ilość kolorów na 256
10 I import the image to png - importantly - I choose "automatic pixel format" this time
10 Importuję obraz do png - co istotne - wybieram tym razem " automatyczny format pikseli"
11 I get the file 1398_ind.png (weight 2.58 MB - space 256 color)
11 Otrzymuję plik 1398_ind.png (waga 2.58 MB - przestrzeń 256 kolor)

All generated files are downloadable - you can evaluate their quality and importance
In addition, I attach two files - generated in IrfanView - from the file 1398k.png --> 1398k256.png and 1398k128.png, and two jpg files generated from 1398k.png and 1398k256.png --> 1398k_do_jpg.jpg, 1398k256_do_jpg.jpg
Wszystkie wygenerowane pliki są do pobrania - można ocenić ich jakość i wagę
Ponadto dołączam dwa pliki - wygenerowane w IrfanView - z pliku 1398k.png --> 1398k256.png i 1398k128.png, oraz dwa pliki jpg wygenerowane z pliku 1398k.png i pliku 1398k256.png --> 1398k_do_jpg.jpg, 1398k256_do_jpg.jpg
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

Hello :howdy

Do you have a map showing the locations of all PG2/OG maps of Poland?
I remember seeing such a informative map, but maybe that was back at JP's. Or maybe i remember wrong :huh
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

Yes, it was a long time ago I presented the project on the JPs forum
I liked it, but an opinion was expressed - that I should do it for all countries --> I did not have the necessary knowledge - (many maps are small towns - which I do not know) - it is difficult to show on a composite map in a small scale (load each map into Suite - specify in the space of her horns)
I finished this job in 2016 - I haven't updated since then
The last map (it seems) is number 1306
Information for you
Maps with frames - classic
Maps without frames - different colors (mine)
Missing maps 195, 225, 240, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1321, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1440, 1454, and maybe more ... iWnfNTxWig
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

Great! Many thanks :howdy
I found what i was looking for. I'll enlarge map 357 to the west and south.
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

randowe wrote: 2023-04-30 11:22, Sunday Great! Many thanks :howdy
I found what i was looking for. I'll enlarge map 357 to the west and south.
I have to correct myself. After further investigation i decided to create a new map from scratch :yes
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

What happened that made you change your mind?
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

There are too many hex that i would like to repair if i'd took that map as a base. That takes a lot of time and in the same time i can start a new map.
On the new map i already finished the Wisla river and the land east of it.
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »


The file presents graphically - available maps in Poland (according to Map Finder)
The location and area covered by each map is shown Status as of 15.06.2023

Plik przedstawia graficznie - dostępne mapy na obszarze Polski (wg Map Finder)
Pokazana jest lokalizacja i obszar jaki obejmuje każda mapa Stan na 15.06.2023r

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

I had to build some Lego for a contest lately and paused the map, but this is how it looks like at the moment:

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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by sympatyk »

I see you'll be finishing your job soon :cool
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Re: Fun and technology on maps

Post by randowe »

Not too soon i guess :lol
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