It's possible that I've overreacted while working on the scenario!HexCode wrote: ↑2024-03-06 22:45, WednesdayAs far as I know, this unfortunate behavior has been observed in instances where the unit's Movement Allowance (MA) is ZERO (0). Why resort to such specification? Just give adequate NEGATIVE SFPs to the unit which will definitely last until the very end of the scenario.

Checking in tests now and I see no difference in the behavior of a unit with Negative Listed Fuel Capacity depending on whether it has transport or not. But it's the tiniest little thing. Getting that Zero MVT transport out of the scenario is a few clicks.
I've already written about SFC - it slows down the work in the scenario creation process, when you have to change the position of units on the map very often.
It's easier to make a clone of the unit in the eqp file. When the scenario is complete, you can replace the clone with a normal unit with negative SFP. But why do this if the clone has already been created, and the eqp file size looks unlimited at this point?
Also, scenarios will never be completely finished. There will constantly be some sort of tweaking going on. And then we'll have to use the clone again at the design stage, and then replace it with a normal unit again... a lot of unnecessary mechanical work, which will only make sense if it suddenly turns out that the behavior of clone units with negative LFC and normal units with negative SFP differs in some way. So far they look the same in behavior.
That's why I use SFC only for slow start of individual units, but not for mass stationarity of garrisons and batteries.