User content on the server

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User content on the server

Post by kowdar »

Since we have no problem with space on our server, that is why we decided to allow you to upload images (and not only images) and share them on the forum, to solve the problem of losing user content linked from free services that close down after some time.

So as long as there is no abuse, use it at your leisure.
Please only post content related to the forum topic.
(files not related to the forum topic will be deleted without warning)

Page, link to upload file:

On the upload page, there is a link to display the full path to the file,
which can be copied and inserted on the forum.
There is also a link to display the content or download the file if necessary.
If there are many files in the future, you can search for them in the browser (ctrl-f) or use reverse sorting by date, then the last upload will be at the beginning.

Sharing an image on the forum, enter in your post:

Code: Select all

Sharing another (not an image) file on the forum: enter in your post:

Code: Select all
Files must have a unique name, so I suggest starting the names of your own files for upload with the initials of your first and last name.

If you need to delete any files, you can write me a PM and I will delete the file/files.
If the file name repeats, the upload will fail.
Do not use spaces or strange characters in file names - the code is not written to take into account various types of cases.

I have set the size limit for a single file to 10MB.
If you need the files to be larger than 10MB (exactly 10,000,000 bytes)
please let me know, I can enlarge them without any problem.

Placing images on the server will have the advantage that they will never disappear and the forum posts will have the full content ...
You can try, if there are any problems, please let me know.

My initials are DK, so I upload a file with a name starting with dk_ with the full name dk_banner_strony.png
After uploading the file, I make a link in the forum post so that the image is displayed:


Enjoy ...
Last edited by kowdar on 2024-08-11 22:26, Sunday, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: User content on the server

Post by sympatyk »

Darek - this link doesn't work...
Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.
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Re: User content on the server

Post by kowdar »

corrected ...
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Re: User content on the server

Post by sympatyk »

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Re: User content on the server

Post by none »

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