Panzer General Forever unit's changes

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Moderator: Radoye

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Panzer General Forever unit's changes

Post by bartlol97 »

Hey. I have one question abour KuK mode. Hov can I change move points for unit who is named Russian inf? It has 0 move point. I want to increase this stat to 3… Thanks a lot previously
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Royal Navy Battlecruiser Sqn
Royal Navy Battlecruiser Sqn
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Re: Panzer General Forever unit's changes

Post by Radoye »

Locate the file equipment.pgeqp in PGF\kuk\Scenario folder. Open it in a spreadsheet editor like MS Excel or OpenOffice Calc, find the line that depicts the unit you'd like to edit (i assume you're looking for #270, Russian Inf) and edit the value under column P, which holds the movement allotment for the units. Save your changes (you did back up the original file, just in case something gets messed up, right?).

You can do the same using ordinary text editor like Notepad but it's trickier...
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