Alam Halfa Battle
The most important information right away:
This is the
final opportunity to buy 10-strength units.
Either you do it now, over never.
When playing over 100% prestige this is a now brainer.
When playing around or below 100% normally it would be wise to stack up your PP's and buy in scenario with all the additionaly collected PP's from the hexes/flags during the battle.
But since I lack decent units I have to buy one unit right away because I badly need another tank to deal with the improved British armour I am about to encounter in this scenario.
I will look how many PP'S I will have collected before the final turn and then probably buy another very cheap unit or two if possible
just to have them in stock. They can be upgraded later on.
1 x Pz IIIN
The scenario:
This is about bonus objectives.
The battle itself is pretty vanilla - nothing out of the ordinary.
The historic engament was the final nail in the coffin of the DAK.
Rommel tried his usual flanking manoeuver again, being outnumbered altghough stronger on paper only.
Montgomery knew the plan because Ultra intercepted German battle orderand objectives.
After substantial losses Rommel withdrew and finally lost the initiative in this campaign because the British
received major supplies in men, tanks and material after Alam Halfa while the DAK did not which led to the 1st Battle of El Alamein -
the rest is history.
You have to be precise again in terms of movement and attacks, timing is of essence once again here.
When playing @150 % and above you should have enough tanks/mobile units (especially AT and Arty) to easily cover this.
At 75% it's a very different animal because bringing the neccessary weapons to the required areas of the map in time
to deal with what's being thrown at you is quite a task.
But let's go step by step and start wit the
Battle summary:
1. - Objective A: Qaret el Himeisnat
2. - Objective B: the entire center of the map with Raweisat Ridge, Alam el Onsol and Alam Nayil all providing different obstacles.
3. - Objective C: Alam Halfa Ridge + Airfield
4. - Objective D: Alexandria Supply Line/Railroad
5. - Bonus objectives around el Alamein
First this is limited deployment again so I had to leave 2 of my AT units at home.
Since they are horse towed, they wouldn't have been much of a help anyway, but as I repeatedly stated before:
limited deployment is never a good thing except in certain very special scenarios.
The key to success is to win the center of the map with precision and determination and move to the other required places from there.
Hustle but don't run blindly into certain areas or you will lose core units for sure.
Obective A - Qaret el Himeisnat
Bring your mobile forces up front and take a quick push south to quickly take Objective A which is not much of a mission anyway.
Like this:
As executed in battles before you have to be holding your fire up north and center.
Move your units up and gather them to be ready to launch an assault but don't push yet
or the British arty once again will feast on your troops early.
Like this:

After Objective A in the south is German, you bring your main thrust up northwards.
Make sure you thoroughly scout the terrain in front of you and get Artillery and AT - covered by AD - ready.
Obective B
The southernmost part ob objective B Alam Nayil is your next target.
Stay alert for tank crashing into your push from the right flank.
Eliminate all enemy troops at Alam Nayil, link up with the center aux front,
then push the pocket with all of your forces in the center and attack Raweisat Ridge.
If you continued to drop bombs on their arty the ridge should be ready to get smashed by your center force.
Stay a little to your left and ignore the third part of objective B, Alam el Onsol for now.
If you get to close to it or even further to the east, you will get pounced on by British tanks, including M3 Lees.
You might want to deal with them prepared so avoid contact for now and clean out Raweisat Ridge first.
See here:
After Raweisat Ridge is in German hands you have to split your forces in 3 columns.
The stronger one is pushing northeast towards Alam Halfa Ridge - some serious fighting going on there.
The rest goes northeast to support the imminent attack on the bonus objectives far northeast.
A smaller force can take Alam en Onsol which is guided by a bunker and a tank!
Bonus Objectives
Now it's time to unleash your northeast forces once the merged with the split group coming from Raweisat Ridge.
Do yourself a favor and attack and capture the airfield first then the bonus flags at Tell el Eisa and Tell el Makh Khad
before moving on to El Alamein, because this place is stacked with enemy artillery and you
want to have an entire front of your troops to push them with total determination
Like this:
Every bonus flag is an add on, the cherry on top. They are not required for any sort of victory but provide you with much needed in game PP's so you can buy some cheap 10-strength units before you cruise to the BV and stack them for later.
Upgrading them is the least of your problems but you have to get them first!
Objectives C and D
The final battle is upon us.
When advancing towards Alam Halfa Ridge some British tanks try to attack your right flank.
While they might slow you down a bit you can't let them bring your pursuit to a standstill.
My AT units dealt with them accordingly and onyl scrap metal remains.
Hammer the massive arty concentration with the aux Luftwaffe and chime in some shells of your own arties too.
The sooner their guns are being taken care of, the better you can push to the remaining VH's.
I sneaked my recons (2 core, 1 aux) just behind them and so they could reach
Objective D - the furthermost VH in the northeast corner of the map - without any resistance whatsoever.
The bunker there was no problem, not even for low SP's recons.
Meanwhile the West is under control as well.
Only El Alamein left to capture.
Victory parade is next!
I have 337 PP's available.
So before grabbing the last turn BV I quickly grabbed some 10-strength units for the future as well...
Mountain Training on Infantry
Superior Maneuver on Recon
HQ Part II:
1 x Landwehr w/o transport
1 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport
1 x Pz IB
Army report:
Current scenario: Alam Halfa Battle, VH prestige is 90 , All map prestige is: 300
Army cost: 5196 , Current prestige is 1
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 20
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 46
if BV: +100, Alexandria , cap 2700, 20 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 22 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 26 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +90, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 26 turns prestige: 0
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 321 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 11 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+28 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 345 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+37 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 213 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+31 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Influence , 9 kill , 348 pp - U:013 [+60 exp]
Landwehr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:027
Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 686 exp , Italy , 6/10 , Shock Tactics , 22 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+81 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 784 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 51 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+137 exp]
Pz IB , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:025
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 244 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 360 pp - U:127 [+144 exp]
* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+36 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 4 bars , 422 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 6 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+85 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 228 pp - U:008 [+120 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 228 pp - U:009 [+57 exp]
15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 799 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+78 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 10 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+172 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+122 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 84 pp - U:026
Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 379 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 206 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006 [+50 exp]