CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Deutsches Afrikakorps by Santiago Fuertes and Pablo Schlegel for Latin Generals Efile.

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CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Two reasons why I rerun it:
1.) I want to really go in detail what to look for and how to approach each and every sceanrio of this campaign.
Especially for players who haven't played this campaign or experience trouble completing it around or below 100% prestige settings.
Should also help fine tune my own DAK campaign in some areas in terms of what I want to accomplish and what flaws and mistakes I want to avoid.
So I will break down every scenario and the core building process with 75% prestige.
2.) I will go the other part at the choice scenario because the scenarios on the oil path I just played are really bad.
And I mean REALLY BAD. :|
Let's see what the other scenarios might have to offer.
Once I'm done I might not ever play this again. :huh

I had trouble sporting a competitive starting lineup the last time around.
That was with 2000 PP's to spend.
Now I have 1500 and this is nowhere close where to it needs to be. :whine

Army setup after HQ:

2 x Infanterie w/o transports
2 x Feldpolizei w/o transports

1 x Pz IB

1 x PSW 221

1 x 3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel
2 x 3.7 PaK36 w/o transport

1 x 7.5 leFK18 , Maulesel
2 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport

Air Defense:
3 x 6.5mm , Carro Leggero

Fighter & Bomber:

Played Scenarios:
1 Beda Fomm - Benghazi , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:61 +++ Proto: Wurfgeraet 41 (Sold)
2 Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:63 +++ Proto: 12.8 PzSelb. L/61 (Sold)
3 Operation Crusader , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:60
4 Mersa el Brega 1942 , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:61
5 Pursuit to Mechilli , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:61 +++ Proto: Pz VI Tiger (Sold)
6 Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus] , #5 , Victory , score:39
7 Mersa Matruh , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:57
8 Unternehmen Herkules , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:56
9 Alam Halfa Battle , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:56 +++ Proto: 21 NbWf42 (Sold)
10 Alexandria , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:55 +++ Proto: He-219 (Sold)
11 Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam'' , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:61
12 El Cairo , #11 , Brilliant Victory , score:59
13 Suez Kanal , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:58 +++ Proto: Ferdinand (Sold)
14 Battle of Kasserine Pass , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:57
15 Bone , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:61
16 Choice , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:56 +++ Proto: Me-410A-3 (Sold)
17 Keren , #22 , Brilliant Victory , score:61
18 Massawa , #23 , Tactical Victory , score:17
19 Mogadishu , #24 , Brilliant Victory , score:60 +++ Proto: SdKfz 165 Hummel (Sold)
20 Mombasa , #25 , Brilliant Victory , score:60
Campaign score: 1119 * Average: 55

BV 18
V 1
TV 1
L 0
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-30 13:52, Saturday, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Beda Fomm - Benghazi

The main objectives of this scenario are split.
See overview map
One push goes straight north to Benghazi, the other VH is far in the NE, Mechilli.
There have to be units sent there from the start or Mechilli can't be taken on time.
Suggestion is to use 2 - 3 Italian Auxes (Arty & Inf with motorization) for the job.
Once Air superiority is achieved (which is vital to success) the Aux Tac Bomber can also get devoted there
helping to soften the entrenched Infantry guarding the VH.
Key to success is to set up an AT trap right away and let the British tanks (2 Mathilda II and 1 Cruiser III) crash into it.
Use the Aux planes to hold down the two 25 pdr arties behind Beda Fomm or you will suffer losses right away.
Like this:
Outflank Beda Fomm on both sides with tracked vehicles like tanks and recons and kill off the already damaged arties.
Finish off tanks & Infantry and hurry.
Destroy RAF after the fighter ran into AD trap with your own fighter then every other plane and then move quickly.

Race upwards towards Msus and take it fast but leave one unit there because a free roaming recon might later try to recapture it.
Use villages to refuel petrol and ammo as you only get a little parts of it if you do it in open desert terrain/sand.
Use the Aux Stuka and Fighter to soften Hex targets or moving enemies in open terrain.
See here:
Try to bring as many units to Benghazi and corral and defeat all units there including the Airfield for faster resupply of your Aux planes.
Use the same tactic as earlier, hit arties with Aux planes, and drive in behind with recon/tanks to eliminate any support fire.


I did exactly that and had no problem scoring a BV.
Plenty of XP but no leader.
With the last turn I had 240 PP's to spend and invested it into an Italian Tank as well as a german AT.
This is vital especially for newer players
Before you march in for the BV invest all PP's you have to further bolster your core army with 10-strength units.
You can only buy 5-strength units for the most part of this campaign so just try to pick up as many cheap units here as you can.
While they don't have much fighting value right away, you can upgrade them later to more potent parts of your army.
I suggest tanks, recons, arty for 100% or lower prestige settings and AD, AT or airforce units when you play with a higher prestige setting of 150% or more.
Buy now or be sorry later!

1 x L3/35
1 x 3.7 PaK36 w/o transport.
A nice Proto as well but given the state of this core I simply cannot afford to keep it. :nyet

Current scenario: Beda Fomm - Benghazi, VH prestige is 180 , All map prestige is: 300
Army cost: 1740 , Current prestige is 0
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 17
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 116
if BV: +100, Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle , cap 1150, 17 turns prestige: 1500
if V : +90, Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle , cap 1150, 20 turns prestige: 1500
if TV: +70, Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle , cap 1150, 24 turns prestige: 1500
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 1500

Infanterie , , 0 bars , 85 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 96 pp - U:044 [+55 exp]
Infanterie , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 96 pp - U:045
Feldpolizei , , 0 bars , 54 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 2 kill , 48 pp - U:046 [+24 exp]
Feldpolizei , , 0 bars , 36 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 48 pp - U:047 [+6 exp]

L3/35 , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:012
Pz IB , , 1 bars , 121 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 192 pp - U:052 [+91 exp]

* GS SdKfz 250/3 , HQ/[DAK] , 4 bars , 462 exp , Germany , 3/5 , Devastating Fire , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:011 [+72 exp]
Psw 221 , , 1 bars , 166 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 1 kill , 204 pp - U:051 [+136 exp]

3.7 PaK36 , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 72 pp - U:013
3.7 PaK36 , , 0 bars , 90 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 1 kill , 72 pp - U:041 [+60 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , , 0 bars , 63 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 1 kill , 72 pp - U:042 [+33 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel , , 1 bars , 144 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 1 kill , 132 pp - U:043 [+114 exp]

7.5 leFK18 , Maulesel , , 1 bars , 182 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:048 [+152 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , , 0 bars , 30 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 84 pp - U:049
7.5 leIG18 , , 0 bars , 75 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 0 kill , 84 pp - U:050 [+45 exp]

Air Defense
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , , 0 bars , 42 exp , Italy , 4/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:038 [+12 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , , 0 bars , 45 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:039 [+15 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , , 0 bars , 40 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:040 [+10 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-13 12:59, Wednesday, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle

With this dire band of underperformers I have to liquidate the Wurfgeraet which I normally would have kept since I am 1 Arty short already.
But going on with these units and no transports wont work in any way.
So I have to band-aid and patch together what's possible.

HQ action:
Wurfgeraet 41 sold

630 PP's are ridicolous but will have to do. :dunno

Air Defense:
1 x 6.5mm , Carro Leggero --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen

2 x Feldpolizei w/o transports --> 2 x Infanterie w/o transports

1 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport --> 7.5 leIG18 , Maulesel

1 x 3.7 PaK36 w/o transport --> 5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen

1 x L3/35 --> Pz IIF

1 x GS SdKfz 250/3 --> Psw 231(8) (no cost)

This sceanrio is easy, if you stick to the only viable plan which is to outflank the Halfaya pass or you will get scorched
by tons of British arties.
I'll break it down with screenshots again.
Here's the overview:

At the start there's a lone Italian Anti-Tank gun at Halfaya pass, an area that - you guessed it - has very limited access due to being a pass.
This AT is buying you time.
Sometimes it survives two turns sometimes three.
In any case you gotta use this delay to quickly form a reliable defensive perimeter at Fort Capuzzo.
1 entrenched German aux infantry at 5 strength is guarding this hex.
Help it survive.
If you don't set up your position around this unit in time, you are screwed.
It starts with good deployment.
See here:

After the inevitable death of the Italian AT gun (R.I.P.)
the Brits are going full steam ahead with everything they have to smother Fort Capuzzo.
If you have set up your defense perimeter the right way and in time they will be getting a nice surprise. ;)
I recommend setting the trap up with a "stair" meaning the first AT gun will be positioned one hex below the line of the Aux Infantry.
Therefore the support fire and crossfire options from the rear support units increases plus the attacking tanks have to adjust
and simply cannot crash the line evenly and next to each other.
In the first pic the advancing British AT gun is already killed as it ran without any scouting right into the fire line.
So did the Cruiser tank.
Once the British brought up all of their attack force you have to fight it out just around Fort Capuzzo.
While all that is happening, you gather your moible units (I had 2 tanks and 2 recons) and hook em around the main pursuit line of the British
to get behind the supporting enemy Artillery around Halfaya pass.
Don't forget to race your slow units down to the defense positions AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
You are gonna need every last one of them.
See here:


and here:


Once I stopped their initial tank assault, they bring up lots of arties to turn the tide into their favor.
You have to prevent that from happening by moving up yourself and spotting and attacking them head on through the depleted British
tank, recons or infantry units.
Remenber both of my recons are in the rear capturing the British airfield so I am relatively blind at Fort Capuzzo.
If you don't counter and move on up as well, their arty will shoot you to pieces as they outnumber you and
have the far better equipment (at least when you play @100 or below).
Everybody has to get involed: AT, INF and even the crappy Italian AD guns which can actually attack ground units as well.
The lone British bomber ran into my AD fire and headed back to their airfield
while I used the Italian aux planes (fighter & bomber - they finally arrived around turn 10) to let the British Arty units have it.
Look here:

If your setup was right and your timing precise, everything will have turned out miserably for the British attackers
and you should have this battle under firm control around Turn 13 to 14.
With the airfield secured and the melee around Halfaya pass decisively turned in my favor,
all there is left is to clean up the remaining enemy troops as well as turning the attention to Sidi Omar, the VH in the SW.
It is weakly guarded though and should be no problem even for understrength units.
and here:

One thing that might not matter for people who play this @ 150 Prestige setting or above, but for sure DOES matter
for anyone playing this around 100% or below and that PP's at the end.
See the difference?


With proper setup and discipline this sceanrio is fun and should be a BV even when played below 100%.
The good news is I got another Proto which means I might not get one for quite some time but at least it helps now.
I got tons of XP points even on the crappy units (205 on an arty and 114 on one AT as well as 99 twice) but just one leader but therefore
a rather solid one (Overwh. Attack on Arty).
Move on to Operation Crusader :)

Current scenario: Halfaya Pass & Sollum Battle, VH prestige is 120 , All map prestige is: 120
Army cost: 2184 , Current prestige is 244
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 19
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 214
if BV: +100, Operation Crusader , cap 1300, 20 turns prestige: 187
if V : +90, Operation Crusader , cap 1300, 19 turns prestige: 187
if TV: +70, Operation Crusader , cap 1300, 21 turns prestige: 187
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 187

Infanterie , I./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 103 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 1 kill , 96 pp - U:010 [+18 exp]
Infanterie , II./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 40 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 0 kill , 96 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Infanterie , III./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 72 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 2 kill , 96 pp - U:012 [+18 exp]
Infanterie , IV./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 90 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 96 pp - U:013 [+54 exp]

Pz IIF , I./PzReg.5 , 1 bars , 129 exp , Italy , 8/10 , 1 kill , 264 pp - U:002 [+99 exp]
Pz IB , II./PzReg.5 , 1 bars , 185 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 192 pp - U:018 [+64 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 4 bars , 483 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+21 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 2 bars , 203 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+37 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 131 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+101 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 130 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 2 kill , 72 pp - U:007 [+40 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 162 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 2 kill , 72 pp - U:008 [+99 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 258 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 132 pp - U:009 [+114 exp]

7.5 leFK18 , Maulesel , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 387 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 192 pp - U:014 [+205 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Maulesel , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 198 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 0 kill , 144 pp - U:015 [+168 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 134 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 0 kill , 84 pp - U:016 [+59 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 82 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+40 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , II./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 57 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:005 [+12 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , III./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 65 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:006 [+25 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-13 23:43, Wednesday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Operation Crusader

At HQ:
Equipped with outdated and inferior stuff all across the board I have to part ways with the newly received
"Sturer Emil" or 12.8 PzSelb. L/61 as it's called in the e-file.
Especially at this battle this thing would be of great use even at 5-strength
but given my dire need of transports and the fact that it's a slow moving piece of machinery
at 4 hexes movement only I simply need the PP's to somehow
beef up my core group in certain parts.

1 x 3.7 PaK36 w/o transport --> 5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen

1 x 7.5 leFK18 , Maulesel --> 7.5 leFK18 , Opel Blitz
1 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport --> 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz

2 x Infanterie w/o transports --> 2 x Infanterie , Opel Blitz

1 x Pz IB --> Pz IIF

This battle resembles a little bit the last one - just on a larger scale.
You are outnumbered big time and the only way to win this is to severely blunt their hasty assault with several blows to their
spearhead units and later targeting their vast numbers of artilllery equipment.
Achieving Air Superiority during the fighting by laying AD traps is absolutely mandatory or else this is going to be a long day
since the Allies are up in numbers in the skies as well.


As shown on the overview image the British main thrust is coming from the south targeting the Sollum region.
There are tons of arties and lots of tanks and infantry pushing you from the start.
There are also some Allied small ships shelling your units in and around the Sollum hex.

After deployment you quickly have to gather 2 groups of Aux units being in danger of getting whipped by the attacking forces
so you have to retreat them to safer positions immediately to form 2 defense perimeters.

One group is at Bir el Gubi and consists of mixed mobile units.
You should reatreat them towards Sidi Rezegh where some of your (weaker/immobile) core units should be deployed and try to delay
attacking forces approaching from the Tobruk region pushing towards Sidi Rezegh.
When your small core force there and the retreating "Group A" have finally merged you can slowly fall back to Gambut, build a defensive position there and weaken the attackers until you can counterattack and defeat them.
Depending on the status of your forces and the losses you have suffered during those scrimmages
you could advance all the way to Tobruk.

The other sprinkled aux units are in and around Bir Sheferzen and Sidi Omar - the first town south of the Axis airfield the latter north of it -
and both locations are directly in the main advance path of the British offensive and getting overrun in the process.
If you don't move them ASAP they are toast.
You can certainly win the scenario without them but it is highly recommended to move them out to better positions namely
the region from the previous battle, Sollum, Halfaya pass and Fort Capuzzo to form a defense perimeter there in order to prevent the
offensive from advancing any further.
This "Group B" consists of mixed Italian units like tanks, AT and Arty.
If you set them up right away on the road to Fort Capuzzo which is passing by Sidi Omar to the west you should be good.
Now, it is highly unlikely they will reach Fort Capuzzo without suffering losses in SP's, maybe even some total losses depending on the attackers movements and of course battle results but if you leave em there they will simply be overrun.
Having this Group B as additional defenders not only helps straighten out the resistence of your stand but when the tide is turning later on, you have more firepower to make the defeat more resounding.

1.) Fall back Auxes (Group A & Group B) to better positions.
2.) Form and establish defensive perimeters - one in and around Gambut to the NW, one along Sollum and Halfaya pass/Fort Capuzzo.
3.) Use the Aux planes to score some early hits on enemy arties (maybe even in moving position) and set up AD traps for their
superior RAF fighters and Bombers.
Target the Fighters first until they are downed then you can attack the unprotected bombers without much of a backlash.
The British tanks should be encountered with AT positioned around Halfaya and Fort Capuzzo.
Stack and bundle your own artillery right behind them so every attack will be costly.
4.) Play the war of attrition card and stubbornly wear em down on a broader scale because they simply have more soldiers,
tanks, guns and equipment.
5.) Once the steady flow of enemy assaults trickles down, lessens and most of the enemy units are below 5 SP's
then the time has come to counter attack and throw em back recapturing all the lost ground.
But do yourself a favor and thoroughly scout the area before you advance unprotected units too fast and loose right into their
still existing bundles of arty and infantry located down there.
They don't advance anymore but they are there.
Just use recons to properly locate them before you lose a low life core unit.
Use the Aux Luftwaffe to damage and kill the artillery before you encounter the remaining infantry with your ground forces.

Early British advance looks like this in the Northwest:

And in the East:

The battles progresses...
AT and AD traps setup and working as shown and explained here:


Finishing touches on air superiority - and it's only turn 7!!!


Meanwhile in the northwest:

Turning tides - by Turn 9 this battle has found an early winner.
Mop up duty to come... :)


Final destinations.
Marching on to victory!


Heavy lifting by a lot of core units, gaining massive boatloads of XP and bars! :cool
Very well done guys.
6 units with over 100 XP in this scenario alone. :)
Also 3(!!!) leaders gained:
Superior Maneuver goes to II./PzReg.5
Resilience awarded to IV./PzJgAbt.39
Influence handed to 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33

Current scenario: Operation Crusader, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 90
Army cost: 2712 , Current prestige is 112
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 19
AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 45
if BV: +100, Mersa el Brega 1942 , cap 1500, 20 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, Mersa el Brega 1942 , cap 1500, 25 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, Mersa el Brega 1942 , cap 1500, 26 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 113 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 1 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+10 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 147 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 1 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+107 exp]
Infanterie , III./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 87 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 3 kill , 96 pp - U:012 [+15 exp]
Infanterie , IV./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 159 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 4 kill , 96 pp - U:013 [+69 exp]

Pz IIF , I./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 215 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 2 kill , 264 pp - U:002 [+86 exp]
Pz IIF , II./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 289 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Superior Maneuver , 18 kill , 264 pp - U:018 [+104 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 4 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+50 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 2 bars , 222 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+19 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 231 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+100 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 232 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 6 kill , 156 pp - U:007 [+102 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 184 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 72 pp - U:008 [+22 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 300 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 3 kill , 132 pp - U:009 [+42 exp]

7.5 leFK18 , Opel Blitz , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 4 bars , 445 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Influence , 1 kill , 240 pp - U:014 [+58 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Maulesel , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 317 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 1 kill , 144 pp - U:015 [+119 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 173 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:016 [+39 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 193 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+111 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , II./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 78 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 1 kill , 60 pp - U:005 [+21 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , III./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 65 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:006
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-14 02:50, Thursday, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Mersa el Brega 1942

HQ is a more like a mourning event. :whine
What a pity.
Luckily I just received an Influence leader.
So at least one upgrade with this tiny amount of PP's is possible. :|

1 x 7.5 leFK18 , Opel Blitz , --> 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz

This is a classic rat race scenario.
I am not sure I have the quality of equipment to have it my way beating this rather strict turn limit. :huh


This image shows a very simple sceanrio.
And it is exactly that.
All you have to do is punch through Mersa Brega and head north,
splitting your forces and sending a smaller Kampfgruppe towards Bir es Suera and capture that as well.
You finally reach Agedabia and there goes the BV.
Problem is: you have ony 12 GT's to do it and you face heavy resistence in every settlement you try to clear in time.
The bad news start with the two crappy Aux planes who are NO match versus what the RAF is fielding.
And it ends with lots of inferior units with slow transportation and minor firepower going against way better enemy forces.
And on top of that there is limited deployment. :irate
No that it would matter much since the units I will keep at bay don't have any transport at all, so they would never even reach the first waypoint before times up! :no

Anyway, since I simply don't have the mobility nor the firepower to blast right through the middle I will move my mobile forces towards Bir es Suera, take out the entrechned Infantry and try to lure the tanks away from the center.
The Infantry and support guns will move slowly towards Mersa Brega hoping for the RAF to crash into our AD trap.
Here's the setup:

Intensive fighting in the center and in and around Bir es Suera.
Hope the fast units make it to Agedabia in time. :phew


Almost there but not yet ready:


Things just continue to NEVER go easy in this scenario! :irate


No margin for error at all!!!
Barely sneaked in in time.


Glad this is over.

Next one!

Current scenario: Mersa el Brega 1942, VH prestige is 120 , All map prestige is: 150
Army cost: 2808 , Current prestige is 118
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 48
if BV: +100, Pursuit to Mechilli , cap 1700, 12 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, Pursuit to Mechilli , cap 1700, 13 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, Pursuit to Mechilli , cap 1700, 15 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 129 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 1 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+16 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 193 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 3 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+46 exp]
Infanterie , III./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 87 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 96 pp - U:012
Infanterie , IV./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 159 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 96 pp - U:013

Pz IIF , I./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 276 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 264 pp - U:002 [+61 exp]
Pz IIF , II./PzReg.5 , 3 bars , 372 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Superior Maneuver , 21 kill , 264 pp - U:018 [+83 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 563 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 7 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+30 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 2 bars , 283 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+61 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 286 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+55 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 271 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 156 pp - U:007 [+39 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 184 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 72 pp - U:008
3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 300 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 3 kill , 132 pp - U:009

10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Influence , 1 kill , 336 pp - U:014 [+93 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Maulesel , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 4 bars , 486 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 1 kill , 144 pp - U:015 [+169 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 2 bars , 254 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:016 [+81 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 242 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 3 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+49 exp]
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , II./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 78 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 1 kill , 60 pp - U:005
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , III./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 65 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:006
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Pursuit to Mechilli

178 PP's in the bank!
We are into 1942 and my equipment is from 1938. :|
I have no idea how this can continue. :huh
If this goes on, I don't think I am able to keep ANY of the remaining Protos I might receive later on
- no matter how badly I could use them.

HQ transaction went fast:

1 x 7.5 leIG18 , Maulesel -- > 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz

Air Defense:
1 x 6.5mm , Carro Leggero --> 2 FlaKv38 , Pferdewagen

The scenario:

This is very similar to the opening sceanrio of this campaign only with different units.
The British are in full retreat so they don't present a very impressive force this time around as well.
The key objectives remain the same but you can devote less firepower to Mechilli as there is only 1 entrenched sub-strength infantry unit
defending the VH. Concentrate your strongest AT units towards Msus because two decent British tanks try to block your advance on Mechilli.
Benghazi has the usual arty-stacked defense mode. Nothing special, but setting up an AD trap to get rid of the superior RAF Spitfire
quick is imperative. Then you can roam free with your Aux bomber to soften the Arties while you crawl closer with your ground forces.
Make sure to pick up some flags for prestige all over the map.
Taking the airfield in time secures fully loaded planes for some late round air support.
Easy BV . No matter what prestige setting you play.





AD trap setup late but effective, setting tone for easy BV:

Finishing touches.
Easy BV which was never in any doubt at any point in time.


Aggressive Maneuver leader awarded on Artillery.

Current scenario: Pursuit to Mechilli, VH prestige is 60 , All map prestige is: 360
Army cost: 2928 , Current prestige is 340
Prestige available on map yet is 30 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 116
if BV: +100, Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus] , cap 1900, 10 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus] , cap 1900, 11 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus] , cap 1900, 12 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 180 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 1 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+51 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 220 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+27 exp]
Infanterie , III./SchützReg.104 , 0 bars , 87 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 96 pp - U:012
Infanterie , IV./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 159 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 96 pp - U:013

Pz IIF , I./PzReg.5 , 3 bars , 315 exp , Italy , 7/10 , 4 kill , 264 pp - U:002 [+39 exp]
Pz IIF , II./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Superior Maneuver , 26 kill , 264 pp - U:018 [+62 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 578 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 7 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+15 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 2 bars , 298 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+15 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 332 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+46 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 288 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 156 pp - U:007 [+17 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 1 bars , 184 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 72 pp - U:008
3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 328 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 3 kill , 132 pp - U:009 [+28 exp]

10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 578 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:014 [+40 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 528 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 1 kill , 192 pp - U:015 [+42 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 313 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:016 [+59 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 272 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 3 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+30 exp]
2 FlaKv38 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 78 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 1 kill , 132 pp - U:005
6.5mm , Carro Leggero , III./FlakBat.606 , 0 bars , 83 exp , Italy , 1/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:006 [+18 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-16 01:18, Saturday, edited 1 time in total.
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus]
The good news first: I received a Tiger Proto! :banana
The bad news: I can't keep it and not for the reason it has only 4 hex movement but because if I don't sell it I have some 340 PP to invest.
I am already at Gazala and have Pz II's, 7.5 leIG's and a crappy Italian AD as well as half of my AT units are equipped with 3,7cm Pak's.
In 1942 that is... :thud


2 x Infanterie w/o transports --> Infanterie , Opel Blitz
Air Defense:
1 x 6.5mm , Carro Leggero --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen
1 x 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz --> 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz
1 x Pz IIF --> Pz IIIF
Anti Tank:
1 x 3.7 PaK36 , Maulesel --> 7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen

The scenario:
Historically one of the most intriguing, most successful battles Rommel has ever dialed up in the desert.
Allthough flawed in detail his improvisational skills and arranging things "off-script",
paired with some bonehead decisions by the British made the difference in this one.
I don't particularly like the version of this battle in this campaign, but that's another topic. :no
The plan is (another) risky flanking manoeuver to avoid crashing directly into prepared defensive lines as well as impressive minefields.
The problem in reality was that this required to travel vast distances over sand and desert terrain.
In the game the difficulty lies elsewhere.
In the numbers game and the time(turn) limit.
For me specifically also in my relatively small core army with mostly outdated equipment.
Let's get right into things.

In order to have a chance for a BV you have to be precise and on time.
Coordinate and concentrate your efforts and achieve one goal at a time or you won't make it.
This map is large, distances are vast, supply is sparse in between and some enemy concentrations really pose a serious threat
to not only the success of the outcome but also for your core units to survive this battle to fight another day.
Try to attack the given objectives one after another - not all at once and try to do it with a sense of urgency.



1. Objective A - Bir Hachim
2. Objective B - Knightsbridge region (with Rigel Ridge north of Knightsbridge & Trigh Abd south of it)
3. Objectives C - Bir el Gubi + Airfield and el Adem + Airfield at the same time (split forces)
4. Objective D - Gazala
5. Objective E - Acroma
6. Objective F1 - Tobruk + Airfield & F2 Point or Hill 209 at the same time (split forces again)

Battle summary:

Objective A
Make sure you deploy your best units (slowest up front, fastest in the back) in the southern spawns.
Deploy 2 or 3 weak/slow/crappy units in the norther spawn.
Your first move is to rush Bir Hachim in the south with your elite forces.
Move most forces above the village as the minefields might slow you down if you place too many units below the village.
Make quick work of the arty and infantry and watch how the British tanks move when attacked.
Your AT's have to be protecting the leading advance forces.
Use the german Aux bomber/fighter to cut into arties.
You have several turns where you can air attack free before the RAF shows up.


In the northern region just regroup your units but DO NOT ATTACK.
Wait for your main forces to reach and clear the Knightsbridge area.
Until they do just relax but stay out of enemy arty range.
Use the Italian aux bombers to decimate enemy artillery.
You have several turns to do this before the RAF is appearing on the scene.
Damage and destroy as many arties as you possibly can, this will be helpful later on.


As soon as Bir Hachim is in German hands send a small detachment of mobile units (tank, recon, motorized infantry) hard east towards Bir el Gubi.
The distance is steep and going across open desert terrain is challenging in terms of resupplying.
The village is only guarded by 1 infantry and the airfield is free for the taking.
Your main force should be geared up north.
But watch out.
You will run straight into a bunch of armoured vehicles so prepare yourself accordingly.
AT ready to go.
Also don't forget to cover your army with AD as the RAF is also bound to show up.
Bundle up, don't send isolated units without armour or view range into uncharted territory.
Recon plane or recon verhicle are valuable here.


Meanwhile in the north:

With the first part of Objective B (Trigh Abd) in the sights this battle now reaches the most important stretch.
How you fare here will decide if a BV is within reach or not.
Enemy tanks incoming! :eek


Going in on Knightsbridge.
Bir el Gubi & airfield secured.
Lots of heavy fighting going on.
RAF joins the battle.


By now it became obvious that a BV in this scenario wasn't a realistic goal any longer.
It took me seemingly forever to clear out all 3 parts of objective B Trigh Abd, Knightsbridge and Rigel Ridge.
Therefore the units from the south had to wait until they could finally help taking el Adem because attacking alone
would have doomed them for sure.
I also required 2 to 3 more turns to finally gain air superiority which is notably tougher without possessing any core air units.
My dire lack of well equipped units just made it's presence felt.
The lack of numbers as well.
In order to punch through this middle section you have to have mobile units who can bring the boom.
Instead I had to bring my horse-towed AT's and AD's in position which took way more turns than anticipated.
3 to 4 decent Pz III's. 1 to 2 solid SPAT's and 2 to 3 good arty pieces would have made all the difference.
But you can't count on having that @ a paltry 75% prestige setting within a badly managed campaign in terms o cap management. :no

See here:

Around GT 13 the northern group went full assault as well, joining the party late.
While they advanced fast with help by the Italian aux bombers they just had one tiny 3,7cm AT gun without transport
to deal with several British tanks moving over from Point(Hill) 209 trying to recapture freshly occupied objective D, Gazala.
Since I needed tons of turns to bring my horse drawn AT guns within reach to dip into the fighting,
this was also tougher than it first appeared. :phew


The main forces finally cleared out Acroma, formed two columns and started the last encounter at Tobruk.
Lots of pillboxes and bunkers can only delay the inevitable - the fall of Tobruk.


Victory accomplished.
A BV was never really in play.
Not with this immobile core army who lacks mobility and competitive equipment.
Therefore the V is an achievement - at least in my point of view. :cool


Again I scored experience and bars a plenty. :cool

Shock tactics on Tank.
Aggressive Manoeuver on AT.

Army report:
OpenGen 0.93.5.RC1.c * 1 Jan 2024 * AI version: Default (0.91)
Efile folder: C:\Games\OG\efile_olgww2\ * Efile version: Open LGWW2 v2.26 Apr.2013
Campaign: Deutsches Afrika-Korps, * Player prestige modifier 75% * AI prestige modifier 100%

Current scenario: Gazala Line [Unternehmen Theseus], VH prestige is 600 , All map prestige is: 630
Army cost: 3516 , Current prestige is 801
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 23
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 141
if BV: +100, Mersa Matruh , cap 2100, 16 turns prestige: 120
if V : +90, Mersa Matruh , cap 2100, 23 turns prestige: 172
if TV: +70, Mersa Matruh , cap 2100, 28 turns prestige: 210
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 210

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 215 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+29 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 260 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+40 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 117 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+30 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 179 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:013 [+20 exp]

Pz IIIF , I./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 425 exp , Italy , 5/10 , Shock Tactics , 6 kill , 288 pp - U:002 [+110 exp]
Pz IIF , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Superior Maneuver , 30 kill , 264 pp - U:018 [+109 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+15 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 3 bars , 308 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+10 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 334 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+2 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 2 bars , 294 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 156 pp - U:007 [+6 exp]
3.7 PaK36 , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 383 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 6 kill , 72 pp - U:008 [+199 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 389 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 228 pp - U:009 [+61 exp]

10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Influence , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:014 [+62 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 708 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 4 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+180 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 4 bars , 402 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:016 [+89 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 347 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+75 exp]
2 FlaKv38 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 120 exp , Italy , 4/10 , 1 kill , 132 pp - U:005 [+42 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 124 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006 [+41 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:64 TNK:28 RCN:13 AT:9 FORT:17 ATY:43 AD:4 FTR:8 TB:10 Total: 196
Lost : INF:8 TNK:1 AT:1 FORT:1 AD:2 FTR:1 TB:1 Total: 15

* <- original core (don't count against cap)
+ <- BV prototype
pp <- prestige points
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Mersa Matruh

With some 800 PP's to invest I will be trying to improve mobility and firepower!


Air Defense:
1x 2 FlaKv38 , Pferdewagen --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen
1 x 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz --> 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz
1 x 1 x 3.7 PaK36 w/o transport --> 7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen
1 x Pz IIF --> Pz IIIJ
The scenario:


With a better equipped core army this is easier.
With my limited core it presents a challenge.

Battle summary:

Objective A - Bir Kamayla & Bir el Hukuma
Both these hexes are uncovered at the start so just go there and take them.
But the enemy will want them back, so be prepared for it.
Once you did capture them, form a front line at the sand ridge in front of these locations but don't push any further.

In the north you stay put at first:

Objective B - Bir Khalada

Deploy your less mobile forces at the northern spawn and assign your best and most mobile units to the middle spawn
with tanks/recons far west the rest more indside.
Hold your arty, AD, AT and Infantry units along with most auxes back and position them to launch an assalut towards objective C
but don't engage yet or enemy arty will just blunt you.
Send the mobile force south towards objective B (Bir Khalda) and kill a mixed British group mostly consisting of tanks
on your way. Bring Italian tanks/SP Arty and some infantry units to help your core mobile Kampfgrupppe should do the trick.
Once this group is gone take Bir Khalada which is defended only by 1 AT, 1 infantry and 1 Arty but do it quick.
The quicker you are the quicker your attacks in the middle section aiming at objective C can finally begin.


Main force in the middle looks like this while the southern group collects objective B way down south:


Objective C - Bir Qaim, Bir Ali el Qadi & Bir Abu Shayit

Now it's time to shift your attention towards objective C.
Here this scenario is won or lost as well as ultimately decided whether a BV is realistic or not.


AD trap working very well:

With Air superiority secured Luftwaffe can join in on the blunting of the numerous enemy artillery pieces
who made an advance so dangerous.
Attacking with the main thrust in the center of objective C and the mobile forces coming from the south,
this battle is turning in my favor soon.



Objective D - Mersa Matruh & Garawla

Once the center of the map is taken and all the units rolling north,
the northern Kampfgruppe waiting for their turn almost the
entire battle can finally join this operation.
With Luftwaffe and own artillery support the main goal is to silence their enormous artillery firepower around the VH
before they can inflict serious damage or even kill a core unit.
Garawla is defended by a Mathilda tank, so scouting the area before you attack there is greatly recommended. :huh


Influence on Infantry :)

Army report:

Current scenario: Mersa Matruh, VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 510
Army cost: 3936 , Current prestige is 597
Prestige available on map yet is 30 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 17
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 515
if BV: +100, Unternehmen Herkules , cap 2600, 17 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, Unternehmen Herkules , cap 2600, 19 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, Unternehmen Herkules , cap 2600, 22 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +90, Sidi Bou Zid , cap 3000, 22 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 240 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+25 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 278 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+18 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 117 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:012
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 208 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 204 pp - U:013 [+29 exp]

Pz IIIF , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 569 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 12 kill , 288 pp - U:002 [+144 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 38 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+63 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 604 exp , Germany , 2/5 , Devastating Fire , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+11 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 3 bars , 320 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+12 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003 [+8 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007 [+22 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 399 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 8 kill , 228 pp - U:008 [+16 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 389 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 228 pp - U:009

10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 689 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 336 pp - U:014 [+49 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 796 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 8 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+88 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 4 bars , 478 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 1 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+76 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 351 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+4 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 189 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:005 [+69 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 124 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006

* <- original core (don't count against cap)
+ <- BV prototype
pp <- prestige points
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Unternehmen Herkules

597 PP's!
Not a whole lot but at least something.

1 x Infanterie , Opel Blitz --> SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz
1 x 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz --> 15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T
1 x Pz IIIF ---> Pz IIIJ

The scenario:
This scenario is - of course - fictional.
In reality Germany saw the urgent neccssity to shut down Malta to take away naval repair docks and
airfields from the British in order to secure German supply routes via italy but they only used the Luftwaffe
to achieve this goal when in reality an invasion with paratroopers/glider landers would have been the better choice.
Therefore Malta remained the pivotal Allied base in the Mediterranean making supply for DAK operations even that much harder.
As player you can do something about it - but you will have to be very meticulous and precise or you won't be able to even win this,
let alone score a BV here.

You start with a small aux force (Paratroopers, Italian airforce and later naval landing craft) and you have to make your way inland
after getting ashore. If you don't have the right setup and at least some decent battles results - especially early on - you are in trouble.
Push your way towards Malta harbour and capture the VH there.
After accomplishing that, you can finally land your own core units around the port hex and
make quick work with the mostly understrength British defenders all over the island.
Lots of AD and a very annoying leadered artillery unit as well as some navy vessels make your life miserable though.
Getting the best of this arty and weakening/destroying at least some of the AD's is mandatory if you want to have any chance of success. :huh

Battle summary:


As can be seen in the overview map, the player starts with a mixed paratrooper aux force only.
Use the 2 aux fighters to spot the port hex and its surrounding forces.
Then move the paratrooper planes and crowd the Port hex as well as the lone artillery unit and 1 AD unit next to the port hex.


Target the AD north of the port hex and take it out fast so you have one more hex to attack the port from.
Soften the enemy arty just enough to make it a little less dangerous when you attack.
Best chance to clean the port hex provides the Sturmpioniere aux unit.

At GT3 you receive additional aux landing forces.
But don't make the mistake to wait until you have brought them ashore before you continue fighting because if you do,
the attack on the port hex will have failed by then and you won't make it in time.


Dont forget: the PORT HEX is the grand price here.
You can deal with all the other hexes/enemy units later.
Make sure you can DEPLOY your core army by taking the VH with the port.
Enemy navy vessels can be annoying. :|


Capture the port hex and land your forces.
Next in line are coastal batteries and AD.
Take flags and the VH with the airfield in the soutern part as well.

A little fighting later, this is over.
BV incoming...



no leaders awarded.... :whine

Army report:

Current scenario: Unternehmen Herkules, VH prestige is 90 , All map prestige is: 300
Army cost: 4500 , Current prestige is 397
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 2
if BV: +1200, Alam Halfa Battle , cap 2600, 10 turns prestige: 75
if V : +900, Alam Halfa Battle , cap 2600, 12 turns prestige: 90
if TV: +600, Alam Halfa Battle , cap 2600, 14 turns prestige: 105
if Ls: +0, Alam Halfa Battle , cap 2600, 14 turns prestige: 105

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 293 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+53 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 308 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+30 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 1 bars , 182 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 7 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+65 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 270 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Influence , 8 kill , 348 pp - U:013 [+62 exp]

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 605 exp , Italy , 8/10 , Shock Tactics , 16 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+36 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 647 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Superior Maneuver , 42 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+41 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 608 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+4 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 3 bars , 337 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+17 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 403 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 228 pp - U:008 [+4 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 417 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 228 pp - U:009 [+28 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 721 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 4 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+32 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 856 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 9 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+60 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 1 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+52 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 379 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+28 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 1/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:005 [+25 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 1 bars , 156 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006 [+32 exp]
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Alam Halfa Battle

The most important information right away:
This is the final opportunity to buy 10-strength units.
Either you do it now, over never. ;)
When playing over 100% prestige this is a now brainer.
When playing around or below 100% normally it would be wise to stack up your PP's and buy in scenario with all the additionaly collected PP's from the hexes/flags during the battle.
But since I lack decent units I have to buy one unit right away because I badly need another tank to deal with the improved British armour I am about to encounter in this scenario.
I will look how many PP'S I will have collected before the final turn and then probably buy another very cheap unit or two if possible
just to have them in stock. They can be upgraded later on.

1 x Pz IIIN

The scenario:

This is about bonus objectives.
The battle itself is pretty vanilla - nothing out of the ordinary. :huh
The historic engament was the final nail in the coffin of the DAK.
Rommel tried his usual flanking manoeuver again, being outnumbered altghough stronger on paper only.
Montgomery knew the plan because Ultra intercepted German battle orderand objectives.
After substantial losses Rommel withdrew and finally lost the initiative in this campaign because the British
received major supplies in men, tanks and material after Alam Halfa while the DAK did not which led to the 1st Battle of El Alamein -
the rest is history.
You have to be precise again in terms of movement and attacks, timing is of essence once again here.
When playing @150 % and above you should have enough tanks/mobile units (especially AT and Arty) to easily cover this.
At 75% it's a very different animal because bringing the neccessary weapons to the required areas of the map in time
to deal with what's being thrown at you is quite a task.

But let's go step by step and start wit the


Battle summary:

1. - Objective A: Qaret el Himeisnat
2. - Objective B: the entire center of the map with Raweisat Ridge, Alam el Onsol and Alam Nayil all providing different obstacles.
3. - Objective C: Alam Halfa Ridge + Airfield
4. - Objective D: Alexandria Supply Line/Railroad
5. - Bonus objectives around el Alamein

First this is limited deployment again so I had to leave 2 of my AT units at home.
Since they are horse towed, they wouldn't have been much of a help anyway, but as I repeatedly stated before:
limited deployment is never a good thing except in certain very special scenarios. :nyet
The key to success is to win the center of the map with precision and determination and move to the other required places from there.
Hustle but don't run blindly into certain areas or you will lose core units for sure. :notsure

Obective A - Qaret el Himeisnat
Bring your mobile forces up front and take a quick push south to quickly take Objective A which is not much of a mission anyway.
Like this:

As executed in battles before you have to be holding your fire up north and center.
Move your units up and gather them to be ready to launch an assault but don't push yet
or the British arty once again will feast on your troops early. :no
Like this:
After Objective A in the south is German, you bring your main thrust up northwards.
Make sure you thoroughly scout the terrain in front of you and get Artillery and AT - covered by AD - ready.
Obective B
The southernmost part ob objective B Alam Nayil is your next target.
Stay alert for tank crashing into your push from the right flank.
Eliminate all enemy troops at Alam Nayil, link up with the center aux front,
then push the pocket with all of your forces in the center and attack Raweisat Ridge.

If you continued to drop bombs on their arty the ridge should be ready to get smashed by your center force.
Stay a little to your left and ignore the third part of objective B, Alam el Onsol for now.
If you get to close to it or even further to the east, you will get pounced on by British tanks, including M3 Lees.
You might want to deal with them prepared so avoid contact for now and clean out Raweisat Ridge first.
See here:

After Raweisat Ridge is in German hands you have to split your forces in 3 columns.
The stronger one is pushing northeast towards Alam Halfa Ridge - some serious fighting going on there.
The rest goes northeast to support the imminent attack on the bonus objectives far northeast.
A smaller force can take Alam en Onsol which is guided by a bunker and a tank!


Bonus Objectives

Now it's time to unleash your northeast forces once the merged with the split group coming from Raweisat Ridge.
Do yourself a favor and attack and capture the airfield first then the bonus flags at Tell el Eisa and Tell el Makh Khad
before moving on to El Alamein, because this place is stacked with enemy artillery and you
want to have an entire front of your troops to push them with total determination
Like this:

Every bonus flag is an add on, the cherry on top. They are not required for any sort of victory but provide you with much needed in game PP's so you can buy some cheap 10-strength units before you cruise to the BV and stack them for later.
Upgrading them is the least of your problems but you have to get them first! :)

Objectives C and D
The final battle is upon us.
When advancing towards Alam Halfa Ridge some British tanks try to attack your right flank.
While they might slow you down a bit you can't let them bring your pursuit to a standstill.
My AT units dealt with them accordingly and onyl scrap metal remains.
Hammer the massive arty concentration with the aux Luftwaffe and chime in some shells of your own arties too.
The sooner their guns are being taken care of, the better you can push to the remaining VH's.


I sneaked my recons (2 core, 1 aux) just behind them and so they could reach
Objective D - the furthermost VH in the northeast corner of the map - without any resistance whatsoever.
The bunker there was no problem, not even for low SP's recons.

Meanwhile the West is under control as well.
Only El Alamein left to capture.

Victory parade is next!
I have 337 PP's available.
So before grabbing the last turn BV I quickly grabbed some 10-strength units for the future as well... :)


Mountain Training on Infantry :|
Superior Maneuver on Recon
HQ Part II:

1 x Landwehr w/o transport
1 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport
1 x Pz IB

Army report:
Current scenario: Alam Halfa Battle, VH prestige is 90 , All map prestige is: 300
Army cost: 5196 , Current prestige is 1
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 20
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 46
if BV: +100, Alexandria , cap 2700, 20 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 22 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 26 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +90, El Alamein, Montgomery Attack , cap 2600, 26 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 321 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 11 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+28 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 345 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+37 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 213 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+31 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 330 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Influence , 9 kill , 348 pp - U:013 [+60 exp]
Landwehr , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:027

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 686 exp , Italy , 6/10 , Shock Tactics , 22 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+81 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 784 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 51 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+137 exp]
Pz IB , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:025
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 244 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 360 pp - U:127 [+144 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 644 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+36 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 4 bars , 422 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 6 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+85 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 228 pp - U:008 [+120 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 228 pp - U:009 [+57 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 799 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+78 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 10 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+172 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 652 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+122 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 84 pp - U:026

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 379 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 206 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006 [+50 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-19 17:10, Tuesday, edited 34 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by REDrake »

I remember back when Badpanzer attempted to play this campaign at 0%...

That was a funny, albeit insane attempt. He barely passed the 1st scenario. He restarted the 2nd 4-5 times before quitting.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

:howdy REDrake
REDrake wrote: 2024-11-19 13:22, Tuesday I remember back when Badpanzer attempted to play this campaign at 0%...

That was a funny, albeit insane attempt. He barely passed the 1st scenario. He restarted the 2nd 4-5 times before quitting.
I don't think it can be done. :no
Even @50% is highly unlikely.
You may make it through but BV's - especially in the larger battles like Theseus - are almost impossible to achieve.
Lack of reliable transports in combination with desert supply issues will doom you anytime.
You just don't have enough mobility to reach certain hexes or lack the punch to fight them free in time.
That's why I thought to make tutorial-kind of battles reports to depict the challenges of the different sceanrios for players who aren't familiar with this campaign.
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-19 17:12, Tuesday, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by REDrake »

Of course it is impossible. One cannot even buy units unless you accumulate prestige from captured hexes. And you get 0 for playing at 0%.

That was his whole point. To take pride in the fact that he was the only one to try to to play that CC at 0%. He finished it at %100 I think after that...
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

REDrake wrote: 2024-11-19 15:02, Tuesday To take pride in the fact that he was the only one to try to to play that CC at 0%. He finished it at %100 I think after that...
:) Quite a jump from ZERO (impossible) to 100%!
Why not attempting 25 or 50% then?
In my book 75% is really the last setting where you still can somehow manange to have fun,
especially with some decent leaders or big time protos. Below that setting it's really a pain in the rear end - at least for me.
The desert terrain supply limitations are the deciding factor here...
Is Badpanzer in this forum as well?
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


Another decent Prototype unit.
But at this setting and with 3 newly acquired crap units in dire need of improvement, I have no other choice!
Bye Bye :howdy 21 NbWf42 , SdKfz 251/1

1 x 7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen --> 7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier

1 x 7.5 leIG18 w/o transport --> 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz

1 x Pz IB --> Pz IIIL

The scenario:
Purely fictional.
The DAK merely sniffed at the opportunity to attack the British HQ at Alexandria.
Never materialized.
While this scenario has it's moments I still think it's one of the weaker ones of this campaign. :notsure
There's a chance you get bored midway through it.
The terrain is awful so you have to really run a tight ship to not fall behind in your GT management time schedule.
Speaking of ships, they are annoying.
Your own navy arrives late to the party so you have to endure a seemingly endless stream of naval shelling until you are finally
able to not only return fire but to dominate the battle at sea.
The aux "Andrea Doria" has a weapons range of 8 hex while the best British ships have only 6 hex but they are up in numbers.
You have to sacrifice some auxes but make sure you have enough units left to start that final push toward the city center itself.
Battle results are a factor here because if yours are bad throughout longer streches you might restart this one or you might not make it.

Battle summary:

I break down objectives again but these are clearly not that strict or depending on taking target after target
with important timing issues like in the bigger battles before.
So there is no Kampfgruppe waiting til the other has finished it's objective.
You attack on all fronts at the same time but you have to be careful nonetheless. ;)


Deploy your tanks and mobile forces to the right side and your slower ones to the left side where the port is.
But don't commit your forces on the left side right away our you will get shelled by the Royal Navy.
Let the Italian auxes start off by attacking and taking Objective A (El Delr and it's neighboring airfield)
Capturing it without being damaged/broken would be huge so you can resupply your own air uints later on.
At the very same time send your mobile/armoured forces towards Objective B (Nag'el Hizaiyir).
The question is NOT whether you conquer them or not it's when you do it and with how many losses you do it.
Aux losses on the port side are inevitable, on the inland push you should avoid them.
Softening the targets inland with aux planes might help, but be informed that the RAF is playing very aggressively once your own planes are spotted.
I lost the Italian fighter right away but managed to made the Spitfires pay for it which eventually led to their destruction later on. :cool

Looks like this:




With Nag'el Hizaiyir secured march on to Objective C1 (Al Kawm al Asmar).
This takes a moment as it is guared by arty, AT and a bunker.

Around GT 7 your ships arrive!
Get right into action and decimate the Royal Navy.
Setting up AD traps to punish over commting RAF planes is also highly recommended.
They are all over the map.


Push on inlands.


Very slow advance towards the harbour.


When you did everything the right way you should be able to send a small detachement towards Objective D (Al Muaddiyah) in the far upper area.
The rest of your two pincers should be ready to surround and crush what's left of the defending forces around the Alexandria harbour area.


The final push secure a last turn BV.
Had to leave a lot of meat on the bone again :|
Several of my units didn't even make it in time to joing the fighting.
I have to get my guys more transports besides horses and mules! :irate



Aggressive Maneuver for I./FlakBat.606

Army report:
Current scenario: Alexandria, VH prestige is 480 , All map prestige is: 570
Army cost: 5580 , Current prestige is 451
Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 120 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 47
if BV: +100, Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam'' , cap 2800, 16 turns prestige: 0
if V : +90, Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam'' , cap 2800, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +70, Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam'' , cap 2800, 21 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +90, Sidi Bou Zid , cap 3000, 21 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 350 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Mountain Training , 12 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+29 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 388 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+43 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 269 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+56 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , IV./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 355 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Influence , 9 kill , 348 pp - U:013 [+25 exp]
Landwehr , I./SchützReg.115 , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 60 pp - U:021

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 839 exp , Italy , 5/10 , Shock Tactics , 25 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+153 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Superior Maneuver , 55 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+74 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 1 bars , 172 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 1 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+72 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 3 bars , 345 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 5 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+101 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+24 exp]
Psw 221 , I./AufklAbt.3 , 4 bars , 463 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 6 kill , 204 pp - U:017 [+41 exp]

5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:003
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 12 kill , 348 pp - U:008 [+115 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 228 pp - U:009

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 5 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+29 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1159 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 11 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+131 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+53 exp]
7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 130 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 192 pp - U:020 [+30 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 4 bars , 485 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004 [+106 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 168 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 206 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam''

With a shitty scenario next, I got another Proto! :banana
Back to back - twice on this run.
But then ususally follow longer stretches without one.
But I take it since I have some very inadequate units that need some serious pimping! :bullhorn

571 PP's plus the Proto enable me to do at least something. :cool

1 x Psw 221 --> Psw 231(8)
1 x SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz --> Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T
1 x Landwehr w/o transport --> Landwehr , Opel Blitz
1 x 7.5 leIG18 , Opel Blitz --> 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz
1 x 5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen --> JgdPz II PzSelb
Air Defense:
1 x 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T

The scenario:

This one is as simple as it is short.
Bad scenario, because I don't like stuff like this at all.
You have only 5 turns for a BV which is doable but everthing has to be bouncing your way.
From decision making to battle results.
2 VH's can be reached with your (limited) deployed core group!
1 can be reached with the deployed aux group.
But the two in the deep southeast can only be taken with the help of aux paratroopers.
That's why your assignment which units are responsible for what VH is the deciding factor here.
You have 6 spawn slot.
Choose wisely which core units you want to play and which are the ones to stay at home.


Battle summary:

My selected deployment units:

Italian auxes go for the bunker, core goes for the crowded hex with lost of artillery support!

Meanwhile up north:

This setup did it for me:
One paratrooper gun for support/softening, strongest paras attack!
Two attacking units attacking one enemy per turn.
Even 0-0 results lead to an ammo advantage after 2 turns of fighting.

North also progresses well:

This is the final turn for a BV!
Only terrible battle results could spoil this party.
But a V is safe, a BV in play.


Army report:
Current scenario: Port Said: ,,Unternehmen Rotterdam'', VH prestige is 360 , All map prestige is: 600
Army cost: 6420 , Current prestige is 391
Prestige available on map yet is 210 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 5
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 38
if BV: +0, El Cairo , cap 2900, 5 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, El Cairo , cap 2900, 6 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, El Cairo , cap 2900, 8 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Sidi Bou Zid , cap 3000, 8 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 381 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Mountain Training , 13 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+31 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 388 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 204 pp - U:011
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 269 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:012
Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 385 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Influence , 10 kill , 516 pp - U:013 [+30 exp]
Landwehr , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 1 bars , 100 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:021

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 839 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 25 kill , 348 pp - U:002
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 858 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 55 kill , 348 pp - U:018
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 1 bars , 172 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 348 pp - U:019
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 3 bars , 369 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+24 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 515 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Superior Maneuver , 7 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+52 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 360 pp - U:003
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 12 kill , 348 pp - U:008
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 228 pp - U:009

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 850 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 7 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+22 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1232 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 12 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+73 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:016
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 130 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 336 pp - U:020

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 4 bars , 485 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 206 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 168 pp - U:006
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-21 00:37, Thursday, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Dimitris GR »

One question, why you make upgrades so often? Maybe is the only way, i never played this. :yes :yes
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by sympatyk »


If you want the drawings for this campaign (that you publish here) to never be deleted/lost --> place them on the server --> according to the instructions

This place is for forum users and creators who want to share/enrich the forum with drawings or other files
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

El Cairo

Limited deployment scenario! :whine

With 391 in the bank the playbook is rather small. :dunno
Decided to upgrade transports and infantry.

1 x Landwehr , Opel Blitz --> Grenadiere , Opel Blitz

Air Defense:
1 x 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T

The scenario:
Another fiction scenario.
My only knock is the VERY limited deployment here( only 9 core units allowed) .
The map and the city fighting with the bridges as main bottlenecks and various bunkers and entrenched enemy units
as major obstacles is actually fun.
It poses a tight turn regimen though.
You have to be on time, can't afford to lose too many aux units (they are your main forces,
your core units are only there to overload and support certain areas) and have to have a plan before you start moving.
Just somehow beginning somewhere and see where it's gonna bring you will make a BV almost impossible.
Starts with the deployment or moving to certain areas in time as well as adjusting to jammed advance paths i.e.
a broken bridge or a broken hex on the other side of a bridge.
If you experience that, make your troops use the next bridge because a serious traffic jam at one crossing point
is something you cannot afford to have in this one.



My chosen units:


Battle summary:
You start with four columns of aux units opposite four bridges with all required VH's/important flags on the other side of these bridges but one.
You have to deploy all your forces in the northwest but that doesn't mean they should stay up there.
The smartest approach is to help out 1 GT to take that bridge and then move the fast parts of your forces south immidiately.
Help with your arty out on the second bridge and then bring your forces down to the final bridge in the souteast with some units crossing the second bridge so you can meet them in the area of the biggest fight around the airfields/VH combo.

Objectives A1 and A2 are the ones who should be taken quick.
Also use the aux special forces and land them and go into the rear of some enemy units.
Take care of the gun boats patroling in the Nile river branches with aux planes but alyway cover the bomber with the fighter.
Her you can see progress on the upper bridge in the northe and the one below in the center (in front of Objective B2)


and in the south:

Load up on the defenders and prepare to take B1 and B2.
Then you can merge your split Kampfgruppen and mount em up to make the final push towards D2
See here:

Completely different picture in the south.
If you made it across the bridge you will be held up by a mixed group of infantry, artillery and AD.
but that's only the first and weakest wave.
The closer you get to both airfields the bigger enemy restiance will get.


If you are on schedule in the north and center objectives you should be able to form a push towards the final obectives around the enemy airfields.
Once you are in position to attack the then surrounded enemy troops from at least two different sides your path to winning this one
is right in front of you.
But keep on moving and don't get caught up with single units holding you up.
Leave one or two units behind to kill that enemy and move on with the rest of your force.

This one is in the books.
Right on time for a last turn BV.


Nada, niente :|

Army report:
Current scenario: El Cairo, VH prestige is 180 , All map prestige is: 330
Army cost: 6720 , Current prestige is 301
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 109
if BV: +0, Suez Kanal , cap 3000, 14 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, Suez Kanal , cap 3000, 17 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, Suez Kanal , cap 3000, 22 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Sidi Bou Zid , cap 3000, 22 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 381 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 13 kill , 204 pp - U:010
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 388 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 204 pp - U:011
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 269 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 204 pp - U:012
Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 410 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 15 kill , 516 pp - U:013 [+25 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 1 bars , 193 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 1 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+93 exp]

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 839 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 25 kill , 348 pp - U:002
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Superior Maneuver , 60 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+85 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 1 bars , 172 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 348 pp - U:019
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 421 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+52 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 592 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 7 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+77 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 388 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+46 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 638 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 12 kill , 348 pp - U:008
7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 474 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 228 pp - U:009

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 921 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 9 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+71 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1363 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 14 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+131 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 705 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:016
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 1 bars , 130 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 336 pp - U:020

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen , I./FlakBat.606 , 4 bars , 485 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 5 kill , 168 pp - U:004
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 214 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 209 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+3 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-22 22:30, Friday, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

sympatyk wrote: 2024-11-20 23:10, Wednesday :howdy

If you want the drawings for this campaign (that you publish here) to never be deleted/lost --> place them on the server --> according to the instructions

This place is for forum users and creators who want to share/enrich the forum with drawings or other files
:howdy sympatyk

Thanx for this information.
I did not know that!
Will take a look at it tomorrow.

Greetings from Panzerjaeger/Lovemate
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2024-11-20 20:44, Wednesday One question, why you make upgrades so often? Maybe is the only way, i never played this. :yes :yes
:howdy Καλησπέρα Dimitris GR

Well, I play this @75 % prestige settings.
But even @100 (see my last run) you have to upgrade your core units fast.
Major problem here is transportation in combination with the desert supply limitations.
Transports - especially the better ones - are expensive.
Good tanks or even air units are almost impossible to buy with the bad prestige management of this campaign. :(
As you can see I already am in the later stages of this campaign, yet I still have some awful equipment with my army.
- 5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen
- Landwehr , Opel Blitz
- 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen or 7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen.
Even the 10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz is no longer decent to good.
It's hard to survive and still make it against way better equipped enemy units. :phew
So I try to get better any way I can but without some Protos to sell (which I normaly don't do if they are useful)
my units would be even worse equipped than they are.
Another thing is that you can only buy 10 strength units (you only get 5-strength ones any other time) twice in this campaign.
First at the start of it and later during the Alam Halfa Battle.
That means one has to buy the cheapest units possible (which I did) to get more of them in numbers,
and therefore you have to upgarde them as frequently and as efficiently as possible. :dunno

So yes, you have to upgarde a lot because you can do it only in small steps due the lack of the prestige to buy very expensive material right away.

Greetings form Panzerjaeger/Lovemate
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

sympatyk wrote: 2024-11-20 23:10, Wednesday :howdy

If you want the drawings for this campaign (that you publish here) to never be deleted/lost --> place them on the server --> according to the instructions

This place is for forum users and creators who want to share/enrich the forum with drawings or other files
Easy way to to it. :cool
I will from now on use the forums uploader to save the graphics. ;)
With the Image tags you can even have an image preview,
so there really is no need to post it on a freebie image dumb where it gets deleted after two years.
Redoing, renaming and reuploading all the images of this campaign so far might be a job for later though... :|

Greetings from Panzerjaeger
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by sympatyk »

Good luck in battles :tiger
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Suez Kanal

361 PP's allow two mobility hacks, not much more.
I'll take it though! :dunno
Air Defense:
1 x 3.7 FlaK36 , Pferdewagen --> 3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T
1 x 7.5 PaK40 , SPferdewagen --> 7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T

The scenario:
Another fictional scenario (most are from here on) but fun.
This is one of the better scenarios of the later stages of this campaign for sure along with Bone and Kasserine Pass. :yes
14 GT for a BV should be properly managed though because lots of distractions and holdups might cause delay in your advance.


As you can see on the overview, all objectives are pretty much laid out and there are no big secrets or smoke and mirror targets.
Time is your only real enemy

Battle summary:

After deployment you should organise your units.
Form two major push corridors right from the get go and follow them until you reach and capture the first two objectives.
These are Farhan Eid (Objective A) and Kafr Mas'ud (Objective B).
Bring AD cover early because enemy warplanes will jump on your right from the opening move.
Use their aggressive approach to your advantage and lure them into AD traps early.
You will get aux planes later.
Make sure there is no competitive enemy air force left when you get your own planes to join the party.


There are tons of minefields, roadblocks, barbed wire and other obstacles all along the best pursuit line following the railroad tracks towards Suez.
Make sure to clear them out before you engage tanks, infantry and several arty units down there.
You need free space to manoeuver and concentrate your forces. The same is true for the push on the other side.
The quicker you are in clearing out these nagging little obstacles, the more effective your push south is going to be.
But hurry and don't get slowed doen too much, because time is not on your side. :)


While this is developing and progressing you have to send your lone infantry unit - deployed as sea transport at the start of this scenario -
down on the other side in a hurry.
You have to reach the only VH on the other side (Objective D Ras Sudr Port) in time.
This hex is defended by a single costal battery without any support units.
But you might encounter enemy units on your way down.
Don't bother to fight them, just ignore them and race by them to reach that all important VH.


If you have set up your forces well then it should look like this in the middle of this battle around GT 5 to 6.
With Farhan Eid and Kafr Mas'ud taken or close to being taken you should focus your attention to send the right units to the right spots.
Tanks and mobile units race towards Hafair port (VH holds a costal battery) and the rest moving along the railroad tracks towrds Suez.
Not rocket science but very simple tactics.


Finally your own aux planes arrive around GT 8 or so.
Use them to hit support fire units and bring AT units to deal with tanks.
Keep the pedal to the metal and leave some enemy units who stand in your advance path to infantry
while your tanks and recons push on.


Everything just turns out right.
I even had time to bring some units to the other side of the canal and take the airfield for some well appreciated PP's.
Easy BV here of one of the better sceanrios of this campaign.
I also like the map! :clap


Resilience awarded to I./SchützReg.115 as well as Fire Discipline went to IV./PzReg.5

Army report:

Current scenario: Suez Kanal, VH prestige is 180 , All map prestige is: 330
Army cost: 7020 , Current prestige is 223
Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 63
if BV: +0, Battle of Kasserine Pass , cap 3300, 12 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, Battle of Kasserine Pass , cap 3300, 14 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, Battle of Kasserine Pass , cap 3300, 19 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Sidi Bou Zid , cap 3000, 19 turns prestige: 0

Infanterie , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 16 kill , 204 pp - U:010 [+53 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 412 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 18 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+24 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 2 bars , 293 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 9 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+24 exp]
Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 433 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 16 kill , 516 pp - U:013 [+23 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 2 bars , 264 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Resilience , 3 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+71 exp]

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1033 exp , Italy , 8/10 , Shock Tactics , 31 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+194 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 60 kill , 348 pp - U:018
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 227 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fire Discipline , 3 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+55 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 505 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+84 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 712 exp , Germany , 3/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+44 exp]
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Superior Maneuver , 8 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+76 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 435 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+47 exp]
5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 156 pp - U:007
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 731 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 13 kill , 348 pp - U:008 [+93 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 489 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 5 kill , 372 pp - U:009 [+15 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 949 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 9 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+28 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1549 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 16 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+186 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+33 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 2 bars , 231 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 1 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+101 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 552 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 7 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+67 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 244 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 230 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 1 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+21 exp]
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Battle of Kasserine Pass

The Ferdinand sale provided some options to get those towed AT's on tracks.

1 x 5 PaK38 , Pferdewagen --> JgdPz II PzSelb
1 x 7.5 PaK40 , Opel Maultier --> JgdPz II PzSelb
1 x Infanterie , Opel Blitz --> Grenadiere , Opel Blitz

The scenario:
This is a historic battle.
Some say the last victory by Rommel on African soil.
Well, on a tactical level this was true but it only delayed the inevitable.
You can find elements of the real engagement in this scenario - most of all the sloppy terrain.
This is your biggest obstacle to make it within the 15 game turns required for a BV.

You have two deployment areas and should concentrate your forces on both sides because you can't afford to fall on either side behind schedule.
The awful terrain around the Kasserine pass and the bottleneck towards the final VH in Tebessa are your worst enemy outside of some powerful - though inexperienced - American tanks and other units.


Battle summary:

First things first!
Deploy tanks and fast units to the left column and slower units to the right.
It will take time on both sides to break through but the distance from spawn to fighting area is greater on the left push than on the right.
Use everything you have to push and take Objective B (Sbiba) with your slower group on the right.
Taking Objective A is not much of a thing because there's only one sub-strength unit defending the area.


The demanding terrain is forcing you to be precise.
Adding to it is a bunch of dangerous USAAF planes jumping at you once you are inside the Kasserine Pass.
AD traps are really vital here or they will severely eating into your SP's - especially of the weaker aux units.



Send only a special group to the mountain VH.
Don't attach too many fast and valuable units there, because they all have to come back down and pivot around.
Use your aux bombers to support, once the mountain hex is about to fall, quicklc go reload the aux planes at the airfield and bring them upon
to fully support the final push towards the bottleneck/Thebessa area.


The fighting around that bottleneck is a pain in the rear end.
Especially when decent battle results are sparse or stretches of rugged defenses decimate some auxes. :|
As soon as you cracked that door open, resupply and bring everyone on board to push to the final VH.
But beware of some very fine pieces of war machinery already awaiting you there.
Proper scouting is mandatory or you will lose units for sure.


Once you fought yourself through all enemy forces you can finally corall them und ket em have it from all angles.
Superior Manoeuver and a solid arty barrage should do the trick.I snuck in with a last turn BV without much room for error.


Extended Front for III./SchützReg.104

Army report:

Current scenario: Battle of Kasserine Pass, VH prestige is 120 , All map prestige is: 180
Army cost: 7344 , Current prestige is 190
Prestige available on map yet is 180 pp ( 120 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 15
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 62
if BV: +300, Bone , cap 3500, 15 turns prestige: 168
if V : +200, Bone , cap 3500, 17 turns prestige: 191
if TV: +150, Bone , cap 3500, 20 turns prestige: 225
if Ls: +0, Mareth Line , cap 500, 20 turns prestige: 225

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 471 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Mountain Training , 18 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+37 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 422 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 19 kill , 204 pp - U:011 [+10 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 352 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Extended Front , 11 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+59 exp]
Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 447 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Influence , 18 kill , 516 pp - U:013 [+14 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 3 bars , 365 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+101 exp]

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1102 exp , Italy , 8/10 , Shock Tactics , 32 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+69 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 985 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 61 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+42 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 2 bars , 278 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fire Discipline , 6 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+51 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 525 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+20 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 1/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+27 exp]
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 681 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+13 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 468 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+33 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 3 bars , 336 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:007 [+20 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 773 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 14 kill , 360 pp - U:008 [+42 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 519 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Resilience , 6 kill , 372 pp - U:009 [+30 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 997 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 10 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+48 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1674 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 19 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+125 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 818 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+80 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 305 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+74 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 598 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+46 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 258 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 3 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+14 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 248 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 1 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+18 exp]
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


I like this one.
Off we go.

HQ: [/b]
Two improvements on Infantry is all there is with only 310 in the bank. :|

1 x Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T --> SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T
1 x Infanterie , Opel Blitz --> SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz

The scenario:
13 turns for a BV can be tight - considering that the most distant VH in Chetaibi can only be reached
via a heavily guarded bad terrain mountain pathway. :phew
So better buckle up, but this is a fun scenario nonetheless.


Battle summary:
The trick to always be a step ahead is timing.
Knowing when movement and when grinding a stationary fight is the proper thing to do.
Be cautious with your far eastern Kampfgruppe.
Don't run into uncharted territory right away.
Be quick but also careful with your troops in the southwestern area.

Same here: Scout into what kind of circumstances you are pushing. :notsure

You first target is no hex or flag at all.
It's an area.
Loaded with all kinds of enemy units.
Try to hit them fast and furious and relentlessly pursue them when they retreat or fall back.
Prevent them from creating a formidable obstacle further back.
Every single unit you can destroy here in the very early going, won't bug you later.


Taking away the most western (unnamed) VH allows you to bundle up your forces and get the ready to make a final push north.

You can help the final drive towards by using the obvious path along the mountain pass with it's awful terrain features.
And you can also use the units who captured Bona to go northwest and attack the VH defenders there from the flank.


Once every other VH is taken and it's defenders neutralized all eyes are on Chetaibi.
Attack from two sides with the Bona Kampfgruppe attacking from the right flank.
This should help resolve the logjam caused by entrenched enemy infantry units along the mountain path leading up to Chetaibi.


Army report:

Current scenario: Bone, VH prestige is 300 , All map prestige is: 330
Army cost: 7548 , Current prestige is 417
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 60 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 111
if BV: +300, Choice , cap 3500, 13 turns prestige: 146
if V : +250, Choice , cap 3500, 15 turns prestige: 168
if TV: +200, Choice , cap 3500, 18 turns prestige: 202
if Ls: +0, Mareth Line , cap 500, 18 turns prestige: 202

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 488 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 18 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+17 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+21 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 393 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Extended Front , 12 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+41 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 460 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 20 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+13 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 3 bars , 365 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 312 pp - U:021

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1156 exp , Italy , 6/10 , Shock Tactics , 37 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+54 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1020 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 61 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+35 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+156 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 20 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+20 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+38 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+65 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:007 [+82 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 17 kill , 360 pp - U:008 [+50 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 8 kill , 372 pp - U:009 [+24 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1021 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+24 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1739 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 21 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+65 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 4 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+57 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 355 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+50 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 685 exp , Italy , 9/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 10 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+87 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 288 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 320 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+72 exp]
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-24 14:59, Sunday, edited 11 times in total.
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Choice Scenario

I don't think one should receive a prototype unit out of a choice scenario... :2cents

Current scenario: Choice, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 60
Army cost: 7548 , Current prestige is 477
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 346
if BV: +0, Keren , cap 3600, 1 turns prestige: 0
if V : +0, El Arish , cap 3600, 2 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +0, El Arish , cap 3600, 2 turns prestige: 0
if Ls: +0, Choice , cap 3500, 2 turns prestige: 0

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 488 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Mountain Training , 18 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+17 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 443 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+21 exp]
Infanterie , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 3 bars , 393 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Extended Front , 12 kill , 204 pp - U:012 [+41 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 460 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 20 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+13 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 3 bars , 365 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 4 kill , 312 pp - U:021

Pz IIIJ , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1156 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Shock Tactics , 37 kill , 348 pp - U:002 [+54 exp]
Pz IIIJ , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1020 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 61 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+35 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 434 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 16 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+156 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 545 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 20 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+20 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+38 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+65 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:007 [+82 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 17 kill , 360 pp - U:008 [+50 exp]
7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 543 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 8 kill , 372 pp - U:009 [+24 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1021 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+24 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1739 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 21 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+65 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 4 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+57 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 3 bars , 355 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+50 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 685 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 10 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+87 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 2 bars , 288 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+30 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 320 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+72 exp]
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


Now I do remember why I always prefered to go the other direction at the choice scenario.
This is one of the worst scenarios.
Lazy and very awful.
Awful terrain combined with tons or arty, airforce and minefields.

After selling off my latest Proto :whine I have some solid amount of PP's (915) to spend.
My choices are easy:
1 x Infanterie , Opel Blitz --> Grenadiere , Opel Blitz
1 x Pz IIIJ --> Pz IVG
1 x Pz IIIJ --> Pz IIIL
1 x 7.5 PaK40 , Opel Blitz 3T --> JgdPz II PzSelb
The scenario:

For somebody who is playing this above 100% maybe even above 200% this might be easier.
Recon planes - air units at all - and long range arty should do the trick.
I possess neither so expectedly this was a major drag.
Add insult to injury by declaring this a limited deployment scenario and off we go in a terrible one. :yuck


If you want to have a decent chance for a BV you have to attack this in 3 different "push lanes".
Stay the course and go step by step.
Watch out for tons of enemy artillery as well as dangerous aircraft.
Consider this when selcting your LIMITED units. :|


Battle summary:

You first objective is to take Keren.
I decided to bring 2 AD's to counter the heavy air activity of the RAF.
If you have planes you might want to consider bringing a fighter to the battle.
Be quick on your attempt to secure keren and then immediately create 3 push lanes.
One towards the mountain fort, on through the middle(gorge) and on on the other side (west).
You will encounter boatloads of arty fire which you have to quickly identify and counter or you might be toast.


With Keren secured redirect the tanks and artillery.
Make sure your AD is in place otherwise you might suffer notable losses of SP's
Try to clear the western ridge off any enemy units ASAP.


The units in the middle can stay behind a bit.
They won't make it out there in time anayway.
Same goes for the push that captures the mountain fort.
The units who push the western terrace are the only ones with a realistic chance to capture the airfield VH.
So plan your detachments accordingly or you might have not enough or the wrong units to concentrate on that final push!



Glad that this is over before I lost core units.
Close but survived this crappy scenario with a BV.


Army report:

Current scenario: Keren, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 60
Army cost: 7932 , Current prestige is 15
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 12
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 363
if BV: +250, Massawa , cap 3700, 12 turns prestige: 0
if V : +200, Massawa , cap 3700, 16 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +150, Massawa , cap 3700, 19 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Mountain Training , 20 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+66 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 524 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 24 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+81 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 4 bars , 457 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Extended Front , 13 kill , 312 pp - U:012 [+64 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 579 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Influence , 23 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+119 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Resilience , 6 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+53 exp]

Pz IVG , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1218 exp , Italy , 3/10 , Shock Tactics , 39 kill , 636 pp - U:002 [+62 exp]
Pz IIIL , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1096 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Superior Maneuver , 64 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+76 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 489 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 21 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+55 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+28 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 767 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Superior Maneuver , 9 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+48 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:003
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:007
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 17 kill , 360 pp - U:008
JgdPz II PzSelb , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 647 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Resilience , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:009 [+104 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1097 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+76 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1942 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 21 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+203 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 947 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 6 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+72 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 4 bars , 446 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+91 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 776 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 10 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+91 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 326 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+38 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 320 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:006
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
- Albert Einstein -
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


No PP's - no improvements! :irate

The scenario:
To be honest: this is worse than bad.
I was really thinking hard about taking the loss and endig this one right here right now. :no
This scenario almost can't be done in time if you don't have massive units of the latest state of the art and airforce. :irate
Terribly lazy design.
Bunching naval and arty units as well as air force on a tiny area and you have no chance taking out either enemy group.
If you have bad battle results from the start you can scrap this one early.
Stupid limited deployment is the other major issue with this scenario-


Battle summary:

Take this campaign path ONLY when you are playing @150% or higher.
Otherwise you won't have any fun at all! :nyet




Army report:
Current scenario: Massawa, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 90
Army cost: 7932 , Current prestige is 75
Prestige available on map yet is 30 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 11
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 362
if BV: +250, Mogadishu , cap 3800, 7 turns prestige: 0
if V : +200, Mogadishu , cap 3800, 9 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +150, Mogadishu , cap 3800, 12 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 698 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Mountain Training , 24 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+144 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 26 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+82 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 554 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Extended Front , 14 kill , 312 pp - U:012 [+97 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 626 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Influence , 25 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+47 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Resilience , 6 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+105 exp]

Pz IVG , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1355 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Shock Tactics , 43 kill , 636 pp - U:002 [+137 exp]
Pz IIIL , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1221 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 70 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+125 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 4 bars , 489 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fire Discipline , 21 kill , 348 pp - U:019
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 573 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 360 pp - U:022

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 5/5 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 0 pp - U:001
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 844 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Superior Maneuver , 11 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+77 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 533 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:003
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:007
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 17 kill , 360 pp - U:008
JgdPz II PzSelb , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 647 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 9 kill , 360 pp - U:009

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1194 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+97 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 2243 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 21 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+301 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1045 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 7 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+98 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 643 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+197 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 783 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 11 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+7 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 326 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 324 pp - U:005
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 320 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 324 pp - U:006
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
- Albert Einstein -
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


Since there is no more prestige, no HQ acitivies are the reult. :|
The scenario:

Certainly not as bad as the last one bad bad nonetheless.
The constant naval shelling without being able to do anything about it is really annoying. :no


Battle summary:


Gathering up mobile units to form a push towards the northern town of Wanlaweyn is imperative.
The goal is to take the town as quickly as possible.
All the participating units then have to come from the north and help attack Mogadishu and Mogadishu port.


Once this is done, deploy your remaining troops around Mogadishu port and move on towards Golweyn while the northern push helps as well.


The Royal Navy as well as the RAF keeps attacking around the clock.
While there nothing you can do about the ships, you certainly should use your AD units to counter air attacks.
But watch out: soft targets like Arty or AD are the main goals by the enemy naval units.
Withdraw badly beaten units ASAP or you will eventually lose them for good. :eek


While I was back in BV territory I still despise this scenario as well.
Anyway, on the next.

Army report:

Current scenario: Mogadishu, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
Army cost: 7932 , Current prestige is 75
Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 14
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 420
if BV: +300, Mombasa , cap 3900, 14 turns prestige: 0
if V : +200, Mombasa , cap 3900, 16 turns prestige: 0
if TV: +100, Mombasa , cap 3900, 18 turns prestige: 0
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 0

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 742 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Mountain Training , 26 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+44 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 31 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+103 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 664 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Extended Front , 14 kill , 312 pp - U:012 [+110 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 716 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Influence , 28 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+90 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 5 bars , 593 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Resilience , 7 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+70 exp]

Pz IVG , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1415 exp , Italy , 2/10 , Shock Tactics , 47 kill , 636 pp - U:002 [+60 exp]
Pz IIIL , II./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1402 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Superior Maneuver , 74 kill , 348 pp - U:018 [+181 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 530 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fire Discipline , 25 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+41 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 704 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+131 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 786 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 14 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+47 exp]
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 976 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Superior Maneuver , 11 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+132 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 640 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 12 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+107 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:007 [+104 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 880 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 18 kill , 360 pp - U:008 [+57 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 847 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 11 kill , 360 pp - U:009 [+200 exp]

15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1262 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 696 pp - U:014 [+68 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 2323 exp , Germany , 1/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 21 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+80 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1085 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 7 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+40 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 4./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 698 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 4 kill , 336 pp - U:020 [+55 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 888 exp , Italy , 6/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 13 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+105 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , II./FlakBat.606 , 4 bars , 440 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 4 kill , 324 pp - U:005 [+114 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 3 bars , 354 exp , Italy , 2/10 , 3 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+34 exp]

Player 1 : Germany, Italy
Killed: INF:240 TNK:62 RCN:31 AT:44 FORT:119 ATY:127 AD:36 FTR:23 TB:29 SUB:7 DD:11 CRs:4 Total: 733
Lost : INF:56 TNK:7 RCN:4 AT:5 FORT:1 ATY:15 AD:2 FTR:6 TB:2 DD:4 CRs:3 Total: 105
Last edited by Panzerjaeger on 2024-11-30 00:38, Saturday, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Dimitris GR »

I am sorry that I interrupt the best campaign presentation ever. :clap :clap :clap
The work you do is incredible, why don't you try some of the new campaigns with the new options of the game, new maps,new features, like Atomic efile?
Billions for Ukraine, who cares about Palestine? Israeli historian and author Ilan Pappe about genocide.....
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2024-11-29 18:04, Friday I am sorry that I interrupt the best campaign presentation ever. :clap :clap :clap
The work you do is incredible, why don't you try some of the new campaigns with the new options of the game, new maps,new features, like Atomic efile?
:howdy Dimitris GR

The answer my friend is the the first post of this CC file.
I am working on my own DAK campaign. :)
And therefore I want to detect and observe as many flaws, mistakes and follies as possible to eventually make it better, and avoid all these flaws which really set this campaign back.
After this one I will play Steve Browns British Western Desert Campaign for another input, playing the opposite side.
I always wanted to have one very good, playable DAK campaign for PG2/OG.
And since there is actually none present, I guess I'll have to create one on my own. :phew
After that anything is possible... ;)

Greetings from Panzerjaeger
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75%

Post by Panzerjaeger »


Nice Hummel Proto is the only source of PP's! :banana
So, for the final one I now have ONE decent piece of equipment!
Just ONE!!! :notsure

1 x 15 sFH18 , Opel Blitz 3T --> 17 K18 , Opel Blitz 3T

The scenario:

While this is in no way as bad as Massawa or Keren it still lacks finesse and overall playability.
I like the map and the concept of outflanking defensive positions but the bulking of units with the obvious approaching paths
littered with swamps, awful terrain and minefields just doesn't do the trick the 167th time you have encountered this. :huh


Two paths - to main goals.
Pretty simple approach but the ususal details spoil the tactical fun.

Battle summary:





Army report:

Lost three core units in the last scenario.
But I was so egaer to finish this terrible campaign path, I guess I got a little reckless. :doh
It's in the books.
Lots of room for improvements!

Current scenario: Mombasa, VH prestige is 120 , All map prestige is: 300
Army cost: 7572 , Current prestige is 109
Prestige available on map yet is 60 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 16
AI stance is Defensive Using map: 419
BV: Win , turn prestige: 135
V : Win , turn prestige: 150
TV: Win , turn prestige: 165
Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 165

Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Mountain Training , 28 kill , 312 pp - U:010 [+45 exp]
SS Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , II./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 32 kill , 348 pp - U:011 [+117 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , III./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 676 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Extended Front , 14 kill , 312 pp - U:012 [+12 exp]
SS Sturmpioniere , Opel Blitz 3T , IV./SchützReg.104 , 5 bars , 789 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Influence , 32 kill , 576 pp - U:013 [+73 exp]
Grenadiere , Opel Blitz , I./SchützReg.115 , 5 bars , 622 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Resilience , 7 kill , 312 pp - U:021 [+29 exp]

Pz IVG , I./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 1602 exp , Italy , 6/10 , Shock Tactics , 53 kill , 636 pp - U:002 [+187 exp]
Pz IIIL , IV./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 724 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fire Discipline , 34 kill , 348 pp - U:019 [+194 exp]
Pz IIIN , III./PzReg.5 , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 28 kill , 360 pp - U:022 [+47 exp]

* Psw 231(8) , HQ/[DAK] , 5 bars , 800 exp , Germany , 4/5 , Devastating Fire , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:001 [+14 exp]
Psw 231(8) , I./AufklAbt.3 , 5 bars , 1081 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Superior Maneuver , 14 kill , 264 pp - U:017 [+105 exp]

JgdPz II PzSelb , I./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 843 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 13 kill , 360 pp - U:003 [+203 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , II./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 360 pp - U:007 [+108 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , III./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 1068 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 19 kill , 360 pp - U:008 [+188 exp]
JgdPz II PzSelb , IV./PzJgAbt.39 , 5 bars , 978 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Resilience , 16 kill , 360 pp - U:009 [+131 exp]

17 K18 , Opel Blitz 3T , 1./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1372 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Influence , 12 kill , 1344 pp - U:014 [+110 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 2./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 2416 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 22 kill , 336 pp - U:015 [+93 exp]
10.5 leFH18 , Opel Blitz , 3./ArtReg.(mot.)33 , 5 bars , 1293 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 7 kill , 336 pp - U:016 [+208 exp]

Air Defense
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , I./FlakBat.606 , 5 bars , 1010 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 17 kill , 324 pp - U:004 [+122 exp]
3.7 FlaK36 , Opel Blitz 3T , III./FlakBat.606 , 4 bars , 451 exp , Italy , 9/10 , 3 kill , 324 pp - U:006 [+97 exp]
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Parabellum »

Congratulations! :clap
I never liked this campaign and from your descriptions I have no interest in playing it a second time.
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Parabellum wrote: 2024-11-30 22:40, Saturday Congratulations! :clap
I never liked this campaign and from your descriptions I have no interest in playing it a second time.

And you are right. :lol
That's why I so eagerly intend to create a better one.
To be honest: the measuring stick is not very high.
So creating a better DAK campaign than this really is no rocket science.
But I intend to create one, thats WAY better.... :yes
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Parabellum »

Panzerjaeger wrote: 2024-11-30 22:44, Saturday ...
That's why I so eagerly intend to create a better one.
To be honest: the measuring stick is not very high.
So creating a better DAK campaign than this really is no rocket science.
But I intend to create one, thats WAY better.... :yes
I hope you enjoy this work and that you can integrate all the ideas and desired changes well into a new DAK campaign. Which e-file will you use?
Completed CCs: 1x4, 2x5, 3x3, 4, 5x3, 6, 7x2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17x2, 18x3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56x3, 57, 58, 59, 60x3, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67x2, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72x2, 73, 74x2, 75x2, 76x5, MTC I
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Parabellum wrote: 2024-12-01 10:55, Sunday Which e-file will you use?
Well, there still are many questions about a lot of things - including efiles. :notsure
I might create one especially for this campaign - but certainly not from scratch because this would take too long.
There are a lot of vehicles in the desert campaign which were improvisations (i.e. "Diana").
Also "Beutepanzer" were a far bigger issue then on other battlegrounds.
In Panzer Corps 2 you can encircle enemy units and force them to surrender so you can use the captured equipment for
yourself at the next scenario HQ.
I don't know if that's possible with OG but things like that would be a welcome addition
as well as scenario goals other than simply taking victory hexes...
Also the icons of the units should mostly feature sand camoflage, which they often don't in regular efiles. :huh
SS units were never part of the DAK also some prototypes have to be restricted, because they never fought in the desert theater
but did in Russia etc.
Same goes for the maps.
There certainly are a lot of maps for historical places like Agedabia, Benghazi etc. but most of them are not very suitable.
I think some elements and basic structures of the existing campaign are good (like 5 strength units and 10 strength units only at the timeline when the DAK received some reinforcements) but the cap management, the Auxes and especially the overall scenario design are in part awful to terrible.
Also handling the Italian allies better is a must in my opinion.

I furthermore think it is fun to play with the fact what could have happenend if the DAK would have been successful at El Alamein. :)
But even if they were, creating scenarios where they conquer the entire middle east only to link up with the struggeling german troops in the Caucasus region after the Stalingrad debacle and securing large portions of oil producing regions in the process is just plain unrealistic.
Some 200.000 to 300.000 men (if the DAK would have been considerably reinforced) with completely overstretched supply lines could not have done this.
So creating a possible choice/option for a different campaign path is neccessary to garner fun and not just simply play along historical events only but in my book, reaching the Suez canal and taking Alexandria and the British HQ there (Malta as well should be a factor)
is really the utmost the DAK could have had accomplished.

If you - or anybody else - has suggestions which e-file would be best suited to be used as a cornerstone for a possible campagin specific efile and has the best potential for alterations and modifications, I'm all ears.... :lol
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Dimitris GR »

I think the most complete efile is Atomic. New, with attachments and some special desert units (Italy, UK).
Billions for Ukraine, who cares about Palestine? Israeli historian and author Ilan Pappe about genocide.....
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Re: CC 30 DAK @ 75% - FINISHED...again

Post by Panzerjaeger »

Dimitris GR wrote: 2024-12-01 16:22, Sunday I think the most complete efile is Atomic. New, with attachments and some special desert units (Italy, UK).
Well, Dimitris GR, then this is gonna be the first one I will look into - when the new game version from the installer works that is.
Since my only running version has a Suite which is not compatible to my game engine I won't do anything as of now. :huh
When this is all fixed and running I will take your suggestion into evaluation.
Thanks! :cool
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable
- Albert Einstein -