Finding bugs such as the 100 mm Canet having the same range as the 100 mm wz 14/19, even though it had 4 km more range in reality...
Then the Ur had an HA of 7, while the PIAT had 6, even though the PIAT can drill through much thicker armor.
These are important, because Poland got PIATs delivered even to the partisans in the real timeline, so I'll have the PIAT as an AT infantry later in the war, but the newer unit should be better too, right?
In the end, the Ur gets the nerf treatment. It's down from 7 to 4. This will make it about as good as 20 mm autocannons, so don't despair.
The PIAT is about where it should be, a bit less effective than the panzerfaust, which is correct (more below).
Then I need to go over all other similar units, which is probably a couple dozen tweaks in total.
Also, the little tractor that could (pull with a force almost equal to its weight):
And finally, a unit that uses an existing icon.
This icon is not used at all in the efile, and it shows doods with a small rocket launcher.

Meet the Skowronek.
The only info I can ever find is that the above engineer was working on it. The book that the wiki page references does not have further info.
Poland had a rocket launcher in development, so this will replace the Ur in 1940 or 1941, and then it will be replaced by the PIAT later in the war (I'll have some weapon systems including tanks and airplanes and even cruisers in the Polish roster, but only those that Polish soldiers in exile, or the underground really used).
I'll do some speculation here, but it is what it is. Might not be real, but it will be realistic.
Skrzypiński worked on light weapons - pistols, sub machine guns (in fact he letter "S" in the VIS pistol is after his last name).
Poland had a 46 mm grenade launcher in service, the Granatnik wz. 1936
I'll assume the rocket launcher would use the same caliber as the grenade launcher. This was a common theme in Poland.
The 120 mm mortar wz. 40 ST was designed to use the same ammo as the 120 mm howitzer wz. 1878/09/31 for instance (I can find more if I dig deeper, this is one I can name without any research).
Regarding where to put the HA rating, HEAT rounds penetrate proportionately to their caliber, and more modern ones get better for a given caliber.
The PIAT had and 86 mm caliber and penetrated 100 mm of armor. HA of 8.
The bazooka had a 60 mm caliber and 75 mm penetration. HA of 8.
The panzerfaust klein had a caliber of 100 mm and 140 mm of penetration and the groß had 150 mm and 200-220 mm respectively. HA of 8 to 10 in the efile.
So a 46 mm HEAT round of similar tech level would drill through some 60 mm.
To keep it in line, it'll get an HA rating of 6.
That's all for now, time to grind some more.