Panzer General X news flash

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Bombast the Blue
Posts: 380
Joined: 2019-12-08 11:56, Sunday
Location: Setúbal, Portugal, Europe

Re: Panzer General X news flash

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2024-03-31 20:48, Sunday

PGX 807 available for download

Updated the AI quite a bit. Added a couple new tweaks, and wrinkles.
The AI will try to move Engineers to river crossings, and build strongpoints, etc.
The AI will probably not move it's artillery around as much.(They seemed to be getting into trouble.)
Now I am going back to work on Grenadier. Plus the WWII tactical game.
Name ? I was thinking about Crumpf and Rattle ? (Crumpf of Mortars, and rattle of machine guns.)

Bombast the Blue
Posts: 380
Joined: 2019-12-08 11:56, Sunday
Location: Setúbal, Portugal, Europe

Re: Panzer General X news flash

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2024-05-13 16:26, Monday

Nothing definitive today.

But Jeff posted at the Grenadier board about his ongoing work on the WWII tactical version:

Finally got the unit data entered. New equipment files are up to 75 fields of data. (PGX, and Grenadier used 45.
I decided to include space for Main Armament, Secondary Armament, and the various machine gun positions on the Tanks.
99% of the Tanks in the game have Main Armament, Bow MG, Co-Axial MG, and AA Machine gun.
Then there are the crazy USSR T-35's with 5 turrets !

Tactical required a LOT more data fields. I am planning on keeping track of AP, HE, HEAT, APCR, APDS, Cannister, Smoke, White Phosphorous, and Illuminating rounds
for each vehicle, piece of ordnance.
I think I finally got enough data in there to start the Combat system.

Edit 16/05/24:
While the WWII Platoon version of PGX is under way the Concert Hall reached two round figures today:
The Rock board reached post 500 and the Classical genre board reached post 1500. Concert Hall total is at 2592.
Only a baby...

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