history & modernity, my historical notes

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history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-02 14:17, Friday

another try to do some own historical thread and to finally separate :) from places not of such purposes... still hope place could grow and that many people here are actually interested in history. Everyone can add or take on subject I mentioned or even place own subject of interested, but I'm not expecting anything as is so far ;) Would like people from other parts of the world (living there) to help me etc.... i also like combining modernity and actual issues sometimes and things like that and doing some "detective" ) and humor...

lately i engaged a lot with region of E & SE Asia (my cuties)) and mentioned many countries and old and modern relations with us... So, as first phase and start to say that everyone who thinks that history doesn't matter in modern relations, quality of living even and things like that is wrong, while not crucial. Good examples I mentioned is we and Japan, this year we "celebrated" 140 years of (quasi, without diplomatic houses initially) relations. In today world it is reflected in Japan's decision to fastly award as "visa-free" decade+ ago for example etc. etc. But not just in our case, my sources say that one of the reasons countries like Russia and Ukraine has more favorable travel status to country of Thailand, unlike us and even some better of countries, is actually also historical... One Russian/Ukrainian woman was married into Thai royal family - quite big with 10s of children ;) - in early 20th century, and other historical things, but not my expertise just source... there are numerous such cases worldwide, so history does matter in that sense, if not crucial as said.

anyway, here we come to main subject of first post - our relation with Thailand aka Siam historically. Very curious case, interesting per se. Did a lot of "investigation" with some conclusions... Case is not interesting only historically, but also today with some ups & downs, with "crescendo" being most recent event of our capture of our Yingluck :) not so important. More interesting is why our kingdom - which "bravely and daringly" involved itself in some colonial or great power policies from XIX c even though lacking port & coast :) - did not make diplomatic approaches to Thailand/Siam, contrary to many other sovereign or quasi-sovereign states of the times. Yes, sometimes we followed others sometimes there was try to approach someone independently... But approach to Thailand wasn't present, or documents are maybe ruined ;) (but we can't say that without proof) ...so to give some conclusion after investigation - I'd say that Thailand/Siam, though independent, was "no go" for us due to our strong connection with France at times "strong player" in what was called "Indochina" i.e. SEA. King Petar himself was ex-French soldier and pupil, and our kingdom with strong "French-connection" to say so simplified... May be one of the explanations of our pose and relations with Thai kingdoms, interesting I say because we already approached many non-European countries for few decades before king Peter etc. So I offer it as explanation and first small story ; ...regarding today, realtions are still strange, even small I'd say "comical war" between us, but not so important as our people is in well-known mutual love only to be visible in future ;) ...as i said would like people or historians from there as well and other places and some help, not so much on this subject i'd like story of their own, but hardly expected

postcard from 1908 - monarchist world of the time (not sure if it is complete, so don't blame me if someone is missing). Was a small world indeed :) Thai king as first, our as third - ranked and arranged by importance :) Yet, we lacked relations exactly with them and China (in last row) outside Europe. Again if some documents/letters and ties were not ruined through history ; ...se you on next subject, if any next will be ; just my passion, invite always. Everyone knows what I think about Thailand ; but was interesting subject while it is fresh...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-03 13:26, Saturday

on positive side - among many other positives of course - story I forgot until today, is that our legend holds a record as first coach to win Thai football league without a loss whole season 12/13. When I say "our" I really mean also our, from local club I support and one of the probably top 10 players in our club in last 30-40 years, he also led club as coach to a "double crown" before job in Thailand :yes Lack of marketing, lack of initiative, mental idleness or what - that Thai club looked for some international friendships on supporter/club level in recent years, could have been used to make some connection... then maybe some small tours of Thai girls/boys, students generally with giving them free access, tickets to some our matches against bigger clubs in Europe or locally and similar... that could rise international interest and fame of our club, create even small fan base in Thailand and generally do a club and country a favor etc. Where are our brains for positive marketing, it is irrelevant if that would truly change much but would be salf-satisfactionary and good ; Nice sport story anyway.

back to history, while no new subject... to add that same reasons maybe prevented or limited our ties with imperial China as well, very possible. But it was Qing China, unpopular among C nationalist and people, generally - though French do looked a bit more positively on it, so there is small doubt that French tie indeed prevented our contact with Qing empire... not important today we have trully good (i hope) relations with China... btw, "many" SEAsians (including possibly some we would call Thais today) fought together with our soldiers during ww1 and possibly taken part in operations in Serbian cities as well, must be said ;

from Asian view perspective, while I doubt it was really known to them and important then, one can't disregard our so many times mentioned tie with Japan as also possible reason of preventing cooperation with some others in earlier history... All those societies had parts among elites and population which were anti-J (as well as pro-J) even in times of Milan, Petar etc. Can't really say that was some obstacle nor something noticeable, but maybe as we already positioned Japan then as "our ally" so maybe some elites did notice and Japanese themselves also gave us "no go" signal... while on subject one "crown" that is missing from postcard is Korea ; ...no older ties, also relative late tie in modern time, only in 1980s but surprisingly some friendly acts at the start of XXI c and openess when it comes to travel now... historically don't have much to say about our ties - yeah, we decorated "many Japanese" :) - but potential is there and in recent years we redirected some trade even... hopefully some investment is possible. Country, btw, was "empire" in times of postcard...

pic totally unrelated with the text, but just one I find very cute (from normal person perspective of course)) while reading about our ties with Japan, like some toys... daughters of prince K. Kuni and tallest is future wife of Hirohito. Prince Kuni was in visits to our garrisons and is holder of our highest then state decoration ; ...as always Asians welcome, tell me what you think about my "diagnosis" on those things, or something else.


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-04 19:38, Sunday

cute data, in just a year (20/21 season) our imports to S Korea have risen almost 20x (making it around 1000% in such metrics) while their imports to Serbia risen just 1.3x (or much less than 50%)... obviously - if that trend and small record i think - is maintainable and keepable that country is our future and partner for eternity :lol cutie country, lovely data but hardly doable forever ; However we are still in deficit due to Korean super-production and numbers are laughable for some global players but super to mention and dear to us, just keep up that way :) ... already see with whome we are making spaceship for mission Uranus ; ...another funny and rare thing, novelty in our diplomatic practice, is that our embassy in Seoul (in our language Selo)) is located on 22nd floor of some tall building, showing how high they think about us :)

sorry for some humor while data is true, no special history today... still think idea about positive impressions and tours for youngsters from SEAsia here is good, if you get some positive impression while relatively young, esp. about some foreign country relatively far, you might remember it whole life. In that sense maybe inviting SEA kids on our (Parti) football games is not so good idea :lol ...just joking, old father went with 12 year old this wednesday on "derby" and stood with him on southern "curva" and there was no problems not anything violent, except over-used pyros.... sorry for a bit of humor (liked idea to share Korea facts and records) but in the future only if I have to say something substantial and historical... one correction from my earlier posts, Korea after all did a visa-free to us later that old pal Japan, but was first with the idea already in 2005, it took few years for bilateral agreements and things and Japan to do it first ; not important but correction. Korea our love... see you in some serious theme, always welcome Asians, goes without saying.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-05 11:16, Monday

when it comes to travel and "national security" related to it - tehre is one trick in Europe i.e. with us in modern era and presence of "scheveningen visa" (always welcome for us)) and EU visas... trick is sadly not good for us and showes how dumb and irrational our politics can be, hurting only interest of our citizens... Namely, you take Thailand for example, or Taiwan. Due to our shitty policies in some fiction and scenario from the film - let's say Taiwanese terrorist or criminal can enter and hurt us easily as we have policy to let in country everyone having EU (and even US)) visa in papers. So there is not need for some (fictional) wrongdoer to abtain Serbian entry at all as he can enter freely with other entity visa easily and plot bomb in our parliament for example :) ...Of course it is fictional, but real and also against "economic interest" as we earn no money on eventual visa... Taiwan just cute example (what is the matter with you cuties, is it because of French)) and I doubt anyone there want to really hurt us, while Thailand mentioned without any reason, same goes for any country we don't have "visa-free" in the world... So - summa summarum - some quasi-principle policies and stubborness in reality (as explained) hurts more/only our citizens and if we and Taiwan (example) really want to play "no entry" game it hurts and is punitive only to us, as they enter here with EU/US papers freely (though some additional documents are maybe needed in case of cute Taiwan for us)... bit of dumbery. Such policies can be positive for us only in cases where we give visa free to some country while EU/US does not, like Indonesia and makes us "knights"... BUT generally I find "visa-policy" quite absurd and more punitive for poorer population anywhere as real wrongdoers and high-profile criminals travel with false/pirate/diplomatic passports... we are good (where is my brain to mention this)) example as even during total sanctions in early 90s our criminals and "business" people traveled and met figures as Escobar etc... ;

Indonesia - since mentioned :) - is pretty newer case and not related to Serb kingdom and policies at all, yet we made some stable relations... it was from Titoist i.e. commie times and hardly something that was purely "Serb or our success". Since it is country in region I like to talk about - result is positive and must give thumbs up to some contacts I had with that country, they don't know much about us but consider us attractive (even sexually and there is some liberal element)) while still pretty "dangerous" country (not much considering numbers)... maybe king Milan did send some letter and "special forces" after Krakatau eruption and tsunami after all :)

one further turn on trade for you to get some perspective - while sources vary and not all are official like I found when it comes to S Korea, it is important to note that even Japan which is maybe (just maybe) our smallest trading partner of the China-Japan-Korea trio is our bigger trading partner than some whole continents take together :) not to mention volume of Korea and China trade... so quite self-explanatory. We are trading more even with Japan than maybe some whole continent if I didn't say clearly... welcome cuties, love.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-06 12:28, Tuesday

this will probably be my last post for some time in the block... not because there is not much to talk, that region and we (even without us)) is great subject and lots of interesting things to dig and put through historical prism. Milan the visionary in that sense, with such a simple letter, but i'll mention it once more later... as said truly many interesting subjects and when you figure that some Vietnamese or Thai (even Chinese) possibly fell dead ( in some Serbian village in 1918, it makes even more nice subject. Yet, it is heartbreaking that we are not in complete "visa-free" with Vietnam unlike their former oppressors and must apply like Americans :) ... Vietnam is, btw, our 4th trading partner in whole E & SE Asia as is now, since mentioned :) ... or interesting detail that "Pol Pot" (Sar last name) worked and later camped in holidays in Yugosarmatia ;) etc (later our communist govt did not support him, btw) ...definitely many details and things but end for now...

I wanted to turn one more time to Indonesia to show how politics is strange... First to mention that thing i wanted to relate to from first paragraph ; Maybe that Milan's letter to Meiji had much more deeper consequences than believed, not only in relations with Japan, but Indonesia as well, country where Japanese encouraged nationalism ; ...later Sukarno "paled" with Tito but was toppled by righ-wing Suharto - leading to ...how to call it on G ;) many thousands deaths of lefties and communists - and that is where interesting detail is from our perspective, not that per se but we and them onwards... Indonesia maintained (just like Japan, I said many times that they something similar)) friendly relations with our (then comm) country regardless and embassy of that country here was and is, maybe, among more complex and biggest - expanded quite visible in Suharto times. I know it very well becuse it is close to Fc partizan (club) stadium and passed it many times ; Interesting story and why considering form of govt and deaths... Japanese tie started by Milan :) With slight humor and that story, i'd finish for now - of course Indonesia my cutie, it is all for historical reasons and because stories interesting. Always liked komodo dragons, Krakatau and in last 10-15 years people and their compliments to me :) ....want to pause now, maybe even finish about Asia, but to say again that I would like some help from regional eventual history lovers and people of our interests, while not expecting ;) for obvious reasons (linguistical) can't really join much places with their presence, so welcome and feel free to share something else... I shared (maybe more later) as lover, as it was fresh and liked to put some perspective, and as interesting.... too bad we are not like 30x times bigger to annex you all, as sisters with all rights in my empire of course... :) again do join in serious way if you wish and to look at some events together...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-08 14:50, Thursday

yea, if you are willing to help, it is not just for the historical purposes nor "academic" - I'm very interested in today relations and views from people from the region...

why I say is because China - strongest your regional country - recently figure dominantely in our political everyday, not so much in social yet but are also present as "minority" here of recent (I hope more of cuties and other EAsians as well) etc. In that sense I'll also relocate this work https://www.china-cee-investment.org/_f ... c49c44.pdf here, not so important but one of the views in world which is often "semi-secretive" etc. Some other analysts (and even "wikipedia") also mention China as becoming player of signifcance in my country etc. So I'm dying to hear some views from your region above all, fears, thoughts, expectations etc.

But not just China as "important" I'd also like to hear about other countries, often seen as "unimportant" ; So hey, since quite recently Yingluck S. became our and is at least "iconic figure" in your country if not important much, I'm very interested to hear what's is people opinion and why we "of some 50 countries" in Europe had to give her citizenship, how she was and what is eventual benefit for us in the future for that act alone, and some opinion from Thailand or region... as is that act alone produced just more like "punitive measures" for our citizens, maybe even put them in political danger if travel to Thailand ; while others collect prizes and similar etc. Welcome, also interested in cultural and social things (love Thailand)) and all other countries there - if you can help and give me some perspective, is she pro-China, pro-Japan, how is she and family viewed regionally, things like that... Hardly expected in this place, but despite lack of activity and what looks like "game only" forum, must try and invite, all tolerant here... any country (in that sense CJK), some translation eventualy, view, trends. I'm just one of the "curious" about all aspects. help me ; ...thought to explain why I so interested lately, wanna know, beside being lover and like history, when will visas fall etc. hope you like my explanation now ;

here is a photo of our citizen (and defender of our people interests I guess, no need to join the army now)), lovely one and with our natural beauty there on pic, and holder (now dead sadly) of our highest state decoration - so you figure it is very important for us and we are not just some distant country :)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-09 17:34, Friday

generally - and i'd round it with this maybe while it is far from rounded - the story is super interesting and deep... sadly some intersting details had happened in almost total date concurrence/match with the events in Ukraine (winter 13/14 which is not so winter in Thailand) and many eyes, including ours were turned to there and similar. Which is loss considering that our girl was in action there ;) Some elements are almost indentical - while background maybe not plus not comparing, it is just datal coincidence - and events in our Thailand also had some even i'd say "territorial characteristics", violence and "enigmas" till this day like Ukraine etc.... far from finishing own interests and looks and almost "apologize" to Thais that only Abe's death turned retroactively my attention to those events and country which is dif story, also not comparing with Japan as well ) ... but starting to believe that future of the world will be decided in Serbia-Japan-Thailand triangle :) I see no other way out of it now other than big embassies and spectacular relations in the future, lots of travel but social indicators are not good on our side for optimism... I'm personally in love and now eternal interest, will do much i can to make some contacts later - ironically I had contacts there some years ago but broken them, unintentionally... In that sense my call here too was again true, serious and open as I truly need help about it.

people like love stories - like my and Thai - so bit of lighter subject now... some couple from history, far, far from "pioneering" in that sense as we probably had such stories during middle ages (not to mention unprovable ancient history when we lived there) maybe even in case of prince Dečanski as young man having some "asiatic/asian" affairs on Nogai court and arrival of Asians here before him, after Polo work, Branko's belt and all known :) ...on photo is man, Serb but not born in today Serbia (nor then) who worked in Tokyo as quasi-journalist of our biggest paper while being communist spy in fact. Not related to our govt was part of Sorge's spy ring and fell with him ; Sorge told him and warned "do not marry her" before... although man died in Japanese prison in 1944 (maybe under torture, don't know, yet his life was initially spared by Js) I think he was happy man :) Having love with this wife - Veryoko Beautifulishi ) (don't know name now just have this photo some time) was worth it :) Cutie reminds a bit of Yingluck, but again with distinctive Japanese beauty as well, very lovely.... so, summa summarum, if any communist read this I am willing and able to do same job in Japan :lol

on serious side - hope you like my notes - help always welcome for any subject, without any caricature. Even in a sense of what internet place I should join regarding region/specific country etc (love all countries & take serious subjects with intention, but must dig Thailand now)... see you on next subject, hope you like those TBS, this forum thing ;


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-10 11:05, Saturday

girl's name was Yoshiko Yamasaki :yes our gold, our beauty, princess... Chinese saying is, paraphrased and talking from memory like "beautiful women will ruin your enemy" :)

however, dispite tone of my previous post - think it is funny - she is ours, sister and mama, and I do not indicate anything about her involvement in fall of the ring, while it is possible knowing us ; Even if so, I don't blame her (our govt was still pro-western i.e. not in love with communist ideas then, mind that) and even think she did it in our both perceived interest, or Japanese intelligence services used her wisely, without maybe knowing that she talks to them ; ...But that is theories, reality is that she's our cutie and that it is not true at all.... Japanese girls/women are (without generalization) quiet, culturally and verbally non-aggressive seeming to many as "not-free" or traditional or to some, in other point of view, desirable old fashioned ladies - but very independent, smart, able and quietly stoic :yes did I say lovely, angels... men are also nice, with some hair styles :lol As said, thought to put is effective joke about their relation, not fact. love you all there

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-13 23:00, Tuesday

no need to delete anything - if it was deleted IDK, maybe i posted it else subjects are alright and free in a free world... it is article, like wikipedia. but generally I don't care - part of my post someone deleted was that Asians are not sexually nor "macho" inferior and my jokes in other thread were all in friendly manner, not to be missunderstood... post was even philosophical and open... alas, already forgotten :yes

still "breaking head" - more as hobby now - about Thaksin's tentacles :) (because of our Yingluck, not him we have nothing to do with him) trying to find true "geoplolitical stand" there, but I can't really or I can, but is not so clear nor one-sided... there are personal details and even some small inter-royal story in there, with older sister of Thai king supporting Thaksin & Yingluck, i guess, while king is undecided at best ; ... interesting. Royalty, Shinawatras and our girl caught in the middle of it, strongly squeezing the passport with Serbian eagle, like most precious thing in this insecure world... Thaksin btw married both (or just this one) daughters in Honk Kong, strangelly not on our Danube riviera. :)

all i know is that if this girl, Thaksin's older daughter (younger is even cuter but also taken) named Paethongtarn, currently leading "our party" wins some elections - embassies and visa-free at instant :) (maybe even Thai factory for spaceship parts we make with China, Japan in Korea) Remember the face, our player there as much as Nagano in Japan :) ...will follow story, but since our govt did not warn, I will here as I touched story - it is wise to be careful if you travel there and not so humoristic in political sense or not talkative ; ... while country is I guess not dangerous for us it has some harsh royal laws sometimes etc.... maybe i'll contact mi Thai later, but doubt they are willing to talk in detail about all political aspects and give me prognosis or evaluations ; goodnight :) ...so sad that out of so many members we have non is from the region nor Asian ;


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-14 11:31, Wednesday

one more turn to posts deleting, while as said subject is finished and for me unimportant AND as i said don't really know if there is some automatic censorship and such things related (there was of course nothing explicit nor offensive there)... censorship and deleting is totalitarian method and practice, while maybe something "hurt some rules" by I strongly doubt that... myself am someone with experience in "high pedigree" (Serbian one and that's why) law schools and read much material about law and history (history is often subject related to law and researched a lot) and other (quasi) social sciences, so people good at "technical" should hardly know more about social science... it is finished - but will double under-line that in deleted post nothing anti-Asian :) ...one more thing for cuties to understand - I'm from country which had much better (E ans SE) Asian relations than many others... btw, post had also part which dealt with sexual crimes of French as colonial power in Indochina wars and rebellions - in that sense against Vietnamese males as well and I wanted to point in post that my earlier posts were not in aggressive way, just friendly towards Asians... but they know ; ...Again, when it comes to forum per se - you close the pub (it is decision of owners) and I surely do not post in other parts...

As i said, recommended it as interesting read and i guess better informed already know how to find material, but for those more lazy this, work of our "killuminnati" :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013%E2%8 ... cal_crisis seriously, when you use "wiki" often try to follow some external links as well, could be informative... sadly many in this particular case are in Thai. Is it Sanskrit cutie? :) because our tribe name is from Sanskrit.... now and forever we are bond with them and country, so it does interest us, not only cuties ; ...some of the anecdote is that for longer time Thais were "angry at us" and "offended" that we did not open an embassy in first independent country there (i.e. Thailand/Siam) and are running ties from other place etc. (could explain some of measures they made regarding us as small "revenge")... But just anecdote in political sense, as people they are mad about us... i wonder how much "Jokan's" early exit from Thai FC after superb title influenced some "negative things" :lol he won it during our citizen rule, btw - do not look at Thaksin... :) Thaksin is - old origin considered - semi Chinese (maybe not very Han) and family changed name during "anti-Chinese" sentiments there around ww2, but it doesn't matter now just to add... as I said we are concerned only about out Yingluck and their safety - though we have nothing against Thaksin's daugters grabbing our docs as well and we ofer them different marria... life opportunities :) As said care more about our relations with Thais than some names, seriously... (i found funny, alleged opium plantations - who know some about our recent history will find some link)) Respect and friendship between our people.

that's just for our readers, while "wiki" is of course not some supreme authority and if you are Thai you can always join me and say where facts are not presented well or wrong or make own addition :yes if we do not close pub or place, hope you join again - very "hot" about all Asian subjects... as for forum again - you must decide what you want, if you want closed society (like illegal things) you make it, if you want open forum it is not my decision. I know very well what i post... I have nothing with line that "discuss i.e. put any subject" about sport, entertaiment, politics and your life in pub... but it is over as subject (missiong posts) my only hope is for good interaction - in this concrete theme with Thais or experts on subjects for merely I need help as well and am not some "smartass" on other countries. Even if they do not join I'm glad i posted few jokes and old ties with the region...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-15 14:03, Thursday

other subject i touched in other place - so also "relocation" here in a way for - touched before with humor and which is not very known here and internationally is "factor America". More hidden than obvious in our history, unlike France or Russia for example but it was real and "important"... my focus is currently on far Asia, US is hardly cute subject :) and not so friendly as CJK which we enter freely, but is, for our small amounts of it, trading partner now (quasi officially) almost 4x bigger than Japan, but Japan for example will always be cuter and dearer to the heart... and that is reflected in case of tsunami (never, but our ally is in very dangerous geological-tectonic region) we usually being first to react and even hold phone donations for Japan but never for America :) ....seriously, much more complex subject, less FDI, non free travel, we had to beat them in war etc. putting shadow on it, but to put some light historically... to be fair historically, not as lover, nor as anny alliance supporter, like i'm in CJK (and SEA) case (where i even secretly am pro mutual annexation even))

so most seriously and just briefly and only because i talked it in other place... "factor America" is that, firstly, while it was officially great European powers decision - one should mind that we were given independence only after US finished own civil war and entered global politics as industrial power, as coincidence. (despite our long struggle) Second, our first diplomatic relations outside of continent were US, Japan, Hawaii (defunct but our medals and letters i think exist in their museum, never visited but is nice thing to boast about if you ever visit) Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras... and that is where interesting part is - why would our even land-locked country make such contacts if not for "entering so called US sphere of influence with green light" and as I said following some "banana diplomacy" as some US historians called it... As said, just short as such things are known globally but maybe not so here. It is interesting to note that our "meddling" into that sphere continued during 3 kings from mutually rival dynasties - Milan, his son Aleksandar and Petar, so it was continuity even after dynastic changes... only exception for us was Philippines, maybe because we were too busy with own things and events on continent, to make contact there... till today not so good relations, nor free travel - but as i said before, coincidence is that MacArthur was holder of our highest decoration, for totally different reason but... :) (really unimportant what i think about him, Phillies, America or all, just given as historical curiosities and facts)

again, far Asia my interest and lovely subject (I even unaware quoted emperor Meiji from his letter to our king, in my sentence directed to Thailand)) and would like to know from you always - this mentioned as info worth knowing as it evolved historically, if not importnat it is interesting, where we were looking/going, why, when and how - people to have that info as well.... one small problem with the "official diplomatic relations" list is that puts countries in strange order and considers only still existing countries so old empires do not count etc etc. except Asian talk for me, it is interesting to show some continuity in contacts, like Milan securing "visa-free" already in 1882 with Meiji :) (and very lovely acts by Japan and S Korea and now China already in start of XXI c) and how - small as we were - there was some global involvement, even after 3-4 govt type changes in some 100 years in our case, while Japan is still empire like it was :) ...now, no idea where Thaksin fits exactly, but maybe you can explain me if you join. But, at least i'm glad he is Thai (great friendship soon) and also semi Chinese, semi Montenegro by origin, while Yingluck only ours... so dear Thai people, dear army and dear king - do not mix those things, we have nothing to do with Montenegro for start... Yingluck expressed strong desire to be Serb only and totally apolitically ; and hopefuly our citizens are safe for travel. Join as always.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-16 16:29, Friday

...today more about that. On the turn of the last century there was political saying around the world "where America goes, Serbia follows" :lol while joke, it looks like that - btw, subject of "masonic lodges, iluminati, rotarians etc etc" is more "public secret" than some theory or fantasy in our case, many symbols were around and most known is "thomb of unknown hero" copying Cyrus the Persian tomb etc. But it is a) old story dating much back i.e. orders and lodges b) not so crucial in history as two (say) war ministers from two countries could both have been masons ans still proposing war against each other and similar... so idea about some exclusive "pulling of strings" is a bit of fantasy... Much more is interesting subject of our "banana-men" eventually and Serb plantations in central America then ;) Or mercs etc. Just because there is no documents, doesn't mean there was no, nor it means there was... People usually get known only if they climb ranks and get famous, so ordinary officers or some mercs go unnoticed if they didn't do something unusual or taken some rank... in that sense as I said for example, movie about Serb officer on e. Meiji court - could have happened or maybe did but nothing spectacular in story and he spent few years there, or some Japanese here later working on our guns in Kragujevac etc etc... when it comes to known part about central America - it is known that some Serbs were involved in Mexican things, Texian republics and events there in XIX c etc.

today we are among "priviledged" with Cuba when it comes to travel and long stays, but much "worse" relations with (since i mentioned them as trio) Nicaragua and Honduras and mutually "no-pasaran" without visa, while "on arival" for Nicaragua for us is available... Interesting is that we are only with such policy for those two in whole Europe, being more similar to American policy to them, but do not look for links :) (but as i said they can enter with EU/US pass here, sadly for us - not because for Nic. & Hond. cuties, but generally bad policy as i talked before) with Cuba is reciprocity... from our small kingdom, was interesting story and how Americans got us intersested in "banana-wars" :) to use their terminology, so i mentioned story. I personally don't have much interesting historical stories, but you are also welcome to share some. Next time about Asia... (demand for help is eternal and won't repeat it in posts anymore)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-17 18:00, Saturday

... since there, i have 2 nice personal stories regarding Cuba, not related to travel per se, but are more unique and fun...

first, my "baba" after moving here post ww2 from areas close to borders with Italy - as illiterate peasant later worked at some (communist) govt office (there were many) intended to recieve foreign delegations as simple "caretaker", "servant" how to call it, but you get it... during one of Fidel's visit he personally insisted to shake hands and to give present to all workesrs in institution. So "baba" recieved box of cigars and handshake from him (there is also black-white photo of two with mother i think) and kept it closed for decades... Some 30-40 years later me & brother decided (by asking her) to open it and divide cigars by half. I smoked them "feeling like Che" and not sure if it is because of inappropriate care, long standing or they are like that usually it was very, very strong stuff :) ...very nice story historically - smoked cigars gifted and from hands of Fidel personally. Can die now happy...

second story I gladly remember is from elementary school yet... we had as homework (geography or history) to make full notebook of collages and texts about any world country you chose, like that had to be "serious" work. So 3-4 of us friends (one was esp. non shy and that) decided to go around foreign embassies in center and ask on doors to give us material about their countries, brochures, procpects etc. We visited few tens of them (it became adventure later) and had many interesting encounters, including unfriendly by diplomatic staff (there was rare police guard then, or they didn't react...). But out of some 20 maybe more (there was much more in city so it is not general statement) we visited and explained what we want via interphone, many gave us procpects and books on the doors or gates, some not, but only 2 let us in in some nice halls - Canada and Cuba. Cuba is esp. nice story and memorable (it was once in center but i think relocated) and after explain over intercom - very nice middleaged lady opened the door, full of smiles (remember the glasses as well). Cuban lady but she talked some "our" obviously not so good and did not understand our intention. (we were some say 14 y/o boys) She let us in in nice hall, very kindly, sat us on big old-fashioned couch in the hall, her desk was on other side of room and told us to wait... we were very confused at treatment but loved it every moment. There were cameras on the walls, we commented. She took the phone after maybe 5-10 minutes of our laugh and enjoyment - Spanish talk over phone followed and he, with total change of attitude but not angry, just fastly - told us to go out, kicked us out almost :) We didn't even get brochures - but nonetheless memorable moment, unusual hospitality and nice lady we have nothing against :yes When you grow up, you understand what happened and what "telephone demanded", not her fault... so yes, could be said I entered Cuban territory as 14 old boy and really was lovely moment of kindness generally taken...

politics aside, GDP as well, makes you proud to have unconditional "green light" in such far and exotic country, unlike many... hope it satys forever. May experiences is that people like us apolitically and recommend for travel if you can. Old diplomatic relations by landlocked kingdom once, give it also special flavour :yes

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-21 16:05, Wednesday

let's stay on this very interesting historical subject for a post more, it is so fresh and also nice one, just historically. Today we are more "banana" (just without bananas as product) ourselves than "banana-men" and interventionist, to put it figuratively and some eventual readers from that region not to understand my interest as some political thing ; Historical subject and interesting as how pro-American we were so long ago in times predating ww1...

list of official diplomatic relations is completed with Dominican republic in first quarter of 1912, during Eladio Victoria (unimportant name, but since i digged it...) and something like civil wars in that state. (and predating direct US intervention, and our)) Nice 4 countries, all 4 seen US actions and intervetionism and our possible presence ; No info on Haiti, maybe because of French "no go" signal, but maybe for other reasons like US intervening there after ww1 already started, unlike those 4 wich seen US army and mercs (and our relations) before the start of big European war... dig a lot trying to find some info of recorded presence, as said for historical interest, but though i found some intersting details and total matching of some dates and our diplomatic approaches - nothing much interesting nor direct... small fun moment is that we (by that official stats which are maybe incomplete and if we maybe disregard eventual lack of documents or ruined for other states, eventually) made diplomatic relations with Spain much later (it says 1916) in modern times than those 4 central American and Caribbean states, esp. interesting considering that relations with Portugal for example started in 1882 (same year as Japan) - but what to say we were too US-influenced in times pre-ww1 :) ...our country is hardly important but subject is and very fresh, so it is interesting to look how and where as one of (then sovereign) few European countries engaged and approached back then... Considering that 5 (including US) out of some 8 (including Hawaii, Japan and Egypt) non-European countries in pre war diplomatic realtions list are from central American reagion, could be said strong focus from kingdom of Serbia was there :) Also could be said as one conclusion that USA gave us much less "no go" signals than European powers (like France i theorize) to enter their "sphere" back then :)

summa summarum, satirically no good news - if we consider historical prism - for mi dear Thailand :lol wherever we made some "action" country is still either in trouble (except Japan or US, just maybe and except being old and uncertain) or non-existing at the moment (like Hawaii) ; ...just joking, Yingluck story is for making spectacular relations and embassies and will be exception. Having embassy is most safe way of safety, but not possible in our and Thai case due to financial problems - plus a bit outdated in modern world also like TV stations when info travels faster than ambassador or TV news - but safest for travelers from both countries... must say I stayed so much on Shinawatras as subject because it is also unusual in our practice to give fugitive politicians passport... as said it was apolitical, because of her strong desire, beacuse of our country prestige :) ...alas, this thread so far for eventual interesting historical details - like our kingdom CA & Caribb. diplomacy was - and to share my interest for EAsia, wanting to hear from you, but genarally my activity is done or very reduced, as touched most interesting details... hear Thaksin is on some "social media", think about re-activating later (it took me so much time to follow some interests) would like to hear from him and what are chances for that spaceship factory... ; (half here, half in Bangkok, of course) welcome don't take small activity as big minus here, hope my posts had both fun and popularising effect on our societies :yes funny/interesting part of history aside, always nice to catch for me...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-22 18:46, Thursday

before the end, let's relocate this site from other thread to this more serious and compiling thread... idk, a bit of "yellow pages" and summ of articles, Chinese, related to Hong Kong etc. younger generation, huge part with daily texts in "military section" related to today subjects and sometimes history... English use is often very amusing - while not being some puritan nor perfectionist myself :) - often creating feeling of "google translator" and not so understandable sentences :yes Hong Kong is China, maybe not very Han, but they use same language, history and tradition, while it was long narco-trafficing center of British empire, taken after Opiat wars, if you don't know place & history to shorten it :lol Most seriously it is nice place where our Yingluck received our citizenship, and is nice site, albeit "yellow" and not serious, but worth to take some look through Chinese eyes sometimes...

https://min.news/en/military/9652f9b52c ... bc47a.html

https://min.news/en/military/d8e359d587 ... 118bb.html

regarding second text, while respect to Ukrainian will to fight, arm deliveries and economical support is also important, plus Ukraine is not so small country compared to Russia by population... in that sense our 3 times repulsion of Austro-Hungarian offensive in one year was still greater success considering circumstances, size differences and economy differences, plus we did not receive so much arm support back in 1914-15 ;) (but Habsburgs also did not concentrate all troops here, fair to say)...or being able to after 3-4 wars beat NATO alone almost 25 years ago and force them never to advance past 15-20% of then territory ;)

regarding first text, full of interesting lines and with somhow "cluncky English" worth some smiles even though dealing with serious topics... like this part by quote: "...Russia's development of UAV technology in the past 30 years is “obvious” to the world, but Russia still doesn't care when the U.S. “predators” have killed the Quartet for more than 20 years, even until Armenia was defeated by Turkey in the Naka War. After the technical attack drone was killed, it still did not make great efforts to make up for the shortcomings, and then the Russian Aerospace Force had to send high-value tactical aircraft such as the Su-34 to drop iron bombs in Ukraine at the beginning of the war, and finally got sick for more than 200 days. He went to Iran to buy a suicide drone in a hurry, and lost all his face..." :)

nonetheless i finish with this site addition, for now or ever... compiled some personal interests and interesting details. Love whole EAsia from Japan far north to Indonesia and we have many annex partners there ; again if you can help me with any of subjects, make it clearer to me or make recommendation of best place to land on Uranus (which China promised to us) feel free to contact me ever or add to some of my words here :yes (esp. on our Shinawatras and chance to visit Thai jail for people like me) respect, join and maybe over humor sometimes but some subjects are serious if you can help... whole 3 years not a single text in Thai consulate/house here, enough sign of colder relations we don't need... also maybe you can help with explaining Chinese investments, some E-SE Asian historical details i liked, Japanese future etc etc etc I posted most as friend (if you are knowing some details about CAmerican things i mentioned or detailed US actions and our possible involvement, you can post as well of course...but not my central interest as we are doing spaceships with EAsia)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-24 12:00, Saturday

Chinese friend wrote:Now that it is no longer during World War II, any country that dares to use nuclear weapons will definitely become the target of public criticism, fall into isolation, become an island in the international community, and will also become the object of prevention, targeting and resistance by all countries, and nuclear warheads from all countries in the world will definitely Who can bear this country?
well, just theoretically and on paper.... if you are into black humor - then I could very easily imagine situation that in some fantasy US could have used nuke (even tactical) but let's say strategic on - not Belgrade, because little Tokyo, not Smederevo because little Kyoto - but let's say Novi Sad as second city or Niš due to strategic importance - if US strategic planners decided for some reson and some prolonged war was on sight... and that world would continue as usual - except maybe shock and condemnation by some 10-15 countries (including Japan and China) - and nobody would notice nor isolate US :) ... same today and without need to mention us at all, can't really see way to "isolate US and turn it into isle" even if it would use nuke on some less important country... but let's say it is hypothetical, fantasy or with strong black humor in our case, but also philosophically questionable... when it comes to our situation, wasn't even close to that and we were able to beat them comventionally :) today we are trading partners and - not joke at all even though it may seem so - we are exporting arms to America ;) and they are fully aware of our deals with China, Japan (and Thailand) and approve as long as it is aimed against extraterrestrials... ; (basically they are afraid of us, as we originate from Sanskrit legends...)

also wanted to make joke about previous Chinese text in which authors recommend ways to deal with weaker country, by targeting infrastructure, airfields, plants etc etc - but author forgot to mention that one of neccessary targets should also be Chinese embassy in opposing country :) .... as i said black humor again - i feel sorry for Chinese who died - and is based on "targeting error" in official version - let's accept it as building was big and also one can't see any realistic gain for US to intentionally target Chinese territory, so error and black humor officially...

talking about embassies and humor aside - wanted to share this photo as well long time ago when I talked about Sukarno, Suharto, our ties and "impressiveness" of Indonesian embassy here. (one can easily find photo online) It also follows all "standards" of security with gates, cameras, space from the gate to the buildings itself etc etc... well - on the contrast - this is, from official FM site our alleged embassy in Indonesia :) while some buildings right of it may be belonging to complex ; Village house :) Must be said that we went through process of dividing and losing some diplomatic objects in various countries, don't know if that was case in some country, but unimportant ; ....wanted to comment that, considering look of some embassies including office in Seoul etc, we showed great respect and belief in host nations :) ...but when it comes to security, it is not only host nation and its nationals in question - embassies are protected from anyone with bad intention, including third country citizens and even own citizens ;) so it is not only about host nation and low risk globally, but also must be understood that if say China, Japan, US, even "unimportant" Indonesia looks more safer or protected it is not because they don't trust local population, but also as way of defense from third parties and nationals... lighter subject and not so important, but really some fun in looks and positions and this contrast (with note that it may be just one of buildings) between this and Indonesian here... in Bangkok it is gonna be huge :yes Join me, let's make pub funnier and more Asian (there a lot of games like "people general" which are also preserved here and are covering Asian themes) and of course maybe you can help... of course EAsia is my love and I could talk eternally and i think you have solid sense of humor, but i'll not insist without you, wanted to share this pic as fun...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-25 20:08, Sunday

however, this is so deep and great subject, maybe one of my life, or at least one of best of mine in this weak forum here and I had many subjects here, realistically... love EAsia so much that my heart bleeds at all those arguments and potential crisis there. For you to understand hardship of our position is (for example) how to be neutral and silent when our oldest ally and country we have diplmacy for 140 years, never had war and is first country in whole that huge region to give us visa-free almost in same time as EU, Japan is some argument with biggest friend and investor China.... and so on and on, Thailand not wanting to talk to us etc. ...btw, second and only country after Indonesia we have embassy at SEA is Myanmar, since long but not dealing and communicating much lately.

but not to bleed and be negative lets add this as it made me laugh very much and is Asian subject after all... from this article in Taiwan (and Chinese) press https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/ ... 2003785884 and i made screenshot with markings... not related to me, never comment on foreign press (I'd like to try on Japanese but am very shy) but I laughed very much... first admins stated that comments will be moderated and than both commentators broke the rules, by mentioning US which has nothing to do with article, but even more funnier is that second comment was full of personal attacks and even country attacks despite moderating warning :lol ........ :lol while not important to us but as superpower must say that people are obsessed with USA, we have plan to annex you all, give you to Japan and then we join EU... objectively everyone will agree, was a fun moment, warning and then offenses :) but i'm generally for freedoms of speech, but i am from very democratic background and country...

seriously, feel sorry we had to be in center of some "struggle" and even unfriendly acts by so far countries and regions where we never engaged nor created borders... but that is new age, globalisation, making "your masters" (on any side) happy etc. At least I'm open about it and can openly talk with my oldest partners there, the Japanese, look them in the eyes and say - Okinawa will be 100% soveriegn & and we will support it and they do not mind :yes ...yet it leaves bad taste when you think about it and other countries there, when will Thai embassy open, what about Vietnam, Phillies and us and so many questions there... and then comes Yingluck, like thunder from clear skies as we say - and though i like her as sister - one doesn't know what to think... or Myanmar, for decades they looked at us as almost "Sanskrit tribe" and now cold... or Thaiwan, we need them for spaceships but we love China very much.... maybe consider my plan. Many, many unwanted subjects and worst of all, you are also involved in all that, some are even thinking that you country is maybe "communist" while your president was part of "Chetnik movement" as very young man :) and so on...

most seriously, join & help... we have lots to talk about. it is gonna be alright and our big embassies everywhere :yes even if you do not join, hope you liked it all, but generally i'd like you to join... it is strange, Japanese started whole "PG like" idea themselves and now are nowhere to be found and exchange some line about game, history nor present :) but i want any of you, esp. Thais here...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-26 11:16, Monday

https://min.news/en/military/2907b3ef1d ... 7f57c.html

yeah, people must talk and react and only way not to slip into dark ages (middle ages are peom compared to it) is to react and talk, create true people diplomacy, not some cliques rule... many people, even in the "holy west" totally lost sense and idea what "democracy" really is while have "full mouth of it"...

while cooperation with China - the most populous and potentionally once the main country on this "sheetty planet" - is great and makes one proud, i'm likening visa-free, cuties around (in hopelessly desparate lack of population here), inter Sino-Serb marriages and economy over some military figures and arms. However, having some really useful Chinese arms would be great and am satisfied with some "dragons" - even symbolically if "dragon" is to replace traditional "eagle" and some Romean "C-C-C-Cs" it would not be hard at all for us, as dragon symbolism and historical figures with nicknames were realtively present and even "numerous" :) So yeah - enter the dragon for safety, not confrontation... however, China must know that we lost any war i.e. confrontation in which we were attacked from all sides (Bulgaria, Hunagry, Croatia today) so our situation is "undefendable" even with many dragons and best of Japan ;)

thanks for your care, thanks for interest and thanks for sending cuties - but hardly if you know the trends, country as old as Japan and exodus to "where money is greater"... if however you can help with cuties, scientists and honest people, it becomes more brighter :) ... however small critique - our official GDP (by IMF and other sources) for this year is over 9,500 dolla-euros and with PPP added even greater making it somehow like over 23,000 dolls, quasi. It is not holy book, not something absolute and we are ceratainly not "tax haven" nor place "where illegal things like prostitution, drugs and gamble" makes it higher, so maybe it is realistic figure by IMF, don't know :yes but maybe small a bit :) ...so for numbers quasi straight, and is by quasi-numbers higher than China, dear Thailand and Pakistan... so it is not about not being able to invest in "dragons" (for example), arming friend Japan etc. it is more like we are not investing much in army, being quasi-civilized and civilian society with aims to conquer space (not to mention particular planets)) ... we love you and will cooperate greately in the future (there was one quasi-soothsayer family in XIX c Serbia which predicted "We see Asian people living on Morava - our quasi-central river here - to simplify it) but we also have plans with Thailand, Japan, Indonesia. China is power and we like your care, but social things very bleak and most likely we must join UN after "they" recognize us :) Have fun & love, but priority is sorting our Thai relations, "dragons" later... hope you be happy country and some annex is possible.... ultimately my goal is for you to join here above all and make more fun forum, but also as very influential we can deliver invitations for the EU as well - definitely you, Japan, Korea and whole SEA qualify and are in our plans as priority to join :yes

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-28 14:31, Wednesday

of course China and us is not only "dragons" - on pic is Chinese J-20 "mighty dragon" stealth "fighter" which, no secret, we helped them develop ;) and something we might drive :) since this is (quasi) military subjects forum including modern warfare, can be interesting subject per se and would be great to add if you know something about it and capabilites, could help e-file designers for stats ; - but also economy and many other things... I'm not some China apologetic, nor any country in this hm-hm planet, but not hiding my "open all" for China cuties :)

in that sense Chinese (quasi) mines are a lot in some media as well, so small link to one "lovely" mine in Papua, Indonesia. Luckily we haven't reached such level to "controversies" to escalate into shootings, killings and armed things like there, allegedly :) Yet some quasi informed about some "kung fu" clashes including Chinese here, around mines etc. :) But worth knowing and comparing... if you care about own country, kids, future, worst would be to turn ourself into total "bananisation", becoming nation of "pimps" and waste etc, on every level and be sure that nobody east or west care about it - since we are already turned into one on many levels, including territorial disputes which are not present in "developed countries" (except potentially few like Japan, UK etc). So to compare, where ops are run by comps including western ones ;


difference is that at least i could see some poor Chinese girl around and offer marriage, hardly you will find American girl selling you batteries, pencils or "hot dog" (it is lie about Chinese))... for example. My "luck" is that i worked in some private (domestic or maybe mixed) companies and seen workers being exploited, unprotected, without any intention to marry, lack of decent girls etc etc so i can understand... Media is world for itself, with solid economical status today, some ever rich comparatevly etc.

Europe itself is great subject, philosophical as well as for identity you must have at least some common elements... just imagine future situation in which you are in some far away country, you are in trouble and there is only one embassy - of EU... would you trust your interest and safety being defended by some official from big EU nation :lol Philosophical on many levels, but question remains as well would you trust own official :lol ...and then Yingluck, my thunderstruck, very good symbol.

internet is great power, if able use it well and enlarge own knowledge. Compare things, find connections etc. ...in that sense, since we are on it - would be great to hear from those billions there, even here, esp. from my dear "third world" ; ...there is saying that Japanese, Americans (and maybe Koreans) do not use/like old things. But there are billions of others, what you think :) will you allow me to mention your countries without putting a line nor helping me? What you think about our "mighty dragon" above your skies, our Yingie, sexual developments, economy and did we play constructive, destructive or else role once? where did i get it all wrong mentioning your place, and when we annes? etc etc welcome. of course i will post forever, but since it is fresh, friendly and present around as subject... be sure nobody can separate us from Japan, oldest ally - e. Meiji rarely wrote letters, mind that, but we hear calls from Okinawa ;) welc again, simply let's share and hear what you think and make this world more nicer place...

J 20 "mighty dragon" - we need about 1000 for safety :lol but also wanna hear thoughts and China role... it is rarely said that China is country with the most beautiful women on planet ;


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-09-30 12:45, Friday

https://min.news/en/military/0bed7d6a91 ... f2d98.html

while text is serious, not "yellow" at all and respect to mister Fan, very helpful also and helped me explain some geopolitical things, US strategies from Clinton to Biden (they were pals once) via Bushes and Obama etc but also that interesting "terminology issue" and its implications in your region, always wondered where exact "trick" is with Asia-Pacific (where China is pivotal for example) to Indo-Pacific (where other big country but less developed, is in tht "mix") how i understood previously etc :yes but there is much more, because if you consider theories that Japanese are distantly related to Indonesians and many SEA populations as well, terminology makes sense :) Most seriously, serious text and I read it carefully, combining US papers and China view. I'm also from the region (very small but crucial) where terminilogy and exonims varied through time - for small unimportant example "Balkan" (aka "the Baklavas")) was used (as it should and is based on exonym for mountain in Bulgaria) for whole SE Europe (hence Balkan wars 110 years ago) and later it even (totally wrong) transformed into name for ex-Yugosarmatia space or even space outside EU today (so plus Albania) etc. etc. etc. Even Yugosarmatia i.e. - Slavia is ineteresting in terms of terminology and endo-, exonym evaluations... but most importnat considering exonyms is that our tribe name (and one way to pronounce it) probably originiate from Sanskrit - making us eternally related (and very popular) in "your region" be it "Asia-Pac" or "Indo-Pac" ... again, serious text and worth for me, without any sarcasms, dealing with serious subjects of US approaches to the very big, important and cute region and China position(s).

however, for lighter subject, must turn attention to this part of text, found by the end of article by exact quotation:
...Republican forces represented by Trump will still influence and even influence the US political situation and domestic and foreign policies for a long time. Allies have reason to doubt the continuation of US policies after Biden. sex.
:lol what "sex" got to do with it, besides it is a bit inappropriate considering Joe's age :) (...nonetheless, small mistake by Chinese friends in translation worth some smiles, but unimportant while respect for text)

since one part of report/text includes lines like "US and current administration would like greater involvement of European countries in Asia-Pac" we are involved for long time (since Meiji and Milan)) very influential and that is completely in line with all :) We are also only country in Europe (or few) where Chinese, Indians, Indonesians (soon Thais) can enter visa-free, but unimportant ; and working on "dragons" (ups!) one of the pan-E/SE Asian symbols since Branko, Dečanski and empire :) ...even Yingluck is sign of our involvement and active role and is sign that we did not forget region ) ...since on Yingie and passports subject, read Thai press articles about some Myanmar beauty queen having to relocate due to political reasons to Thailand but was recently denied entry so (allegedly) she went to Canada etc. Wonder where is our state and offices to react in such situations and give papers and call to SEA beauties as well, sending message and hint to SEA beauties about Serbia being place of welcome :) anyway...

however seriously again, nobody can't deny (and criticize) us for not being engaged in region and not caring... but we also must think about own citizens and their safety. In that sense I already talked about old ties (and spectacularity)) relations with Japan, incredible relations with China, Indonesia, Thailand etc. so i'll add some Wiki lines about Myanmar and us as well for the end:
relations between Burma and Yugoslavia...fall into special category of relations...while the political cooperation between these two countries cannot be ignored
by Chinese long time ago. or:
...desires to transform Burma into the "Yugoslavia of Asia."
hopefully not :) maybe exchange name with "Serbia" and then it is OK :) or:
...the 18th ambassador of Myanmar to Serbia, donated a bronze statue of Buddha to the Middle Way Therawada Buddhist Association in Belgrade
first Buddha arrived in Serbia from Japan, 100 years ago as well... but we like also things like shintoism, verious native naturalistic religions as well... so we are active there, not only due to our "Sanskrital" nature, but today and in the future as well, like Thailand ; ...however, beauty queen affair was oversight, would be nice "point of prestige" with all girls there.....

have a nice weekend and join, lots to talk about and deepen ties :yes

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-01 18:11, Saturday

Thailand is, my sister countries, such an enigma that I'm breaking head for few months... very important thing to understand is that decisions are not on people but on "circles i.e. political/army/royal" on both sides... Because it is fun, i'll share here, where a lot is already said about Asia and us. while i gave some acceptable explanations historically - like French influence, like they being "offended" later for we not opening embassy there etc - it is after all history and many decades passed, more than century... Esp. since, if we are gonna look only at travel freedoms, most "privileged" countries by Thai travel map (if true) are some south American, S. Korea and then Russia, Mongolia and as I said even Ukraine have same status as European travelers etc etc. Simply doesn't fit any mantra or matrix rather, and is enigmatic regarding "tourist nature"... which is after all much less important and productive economy than manufacturing or else, economy we and Japan for example are good at :) As I said nothing with people and I as also said, maybe it is simple luck of our activity or approach, not Thai side at all, but still enigma...

would like to solve it by I can't and they - on political sites - have rules against royals mention and similar, so i'll not insist... that's first. Second, why i say there is not matrix - if it is some anti-communist stand it deosn't match (as ex-Soviets are privileged as said), if it is some pro-American doesn't fix as we have freedoms from "totally pro-US" (quasi) Japan and SKorea (and even pact of friendship if still active)... if it is based on GDP still doesn't fit as those with lower have more travel freedoms there, if it is due to traditional (obsolete) pro-Japan stance it doesn't fit as well, because we have good relations and freedoms with Japan :) if it is crime doesn't fit again as we are far less deadly or gang country than others (pardon). If it is history doesn't fit again as there is no sign of Serb mercenaries (unlike central America where we are popular btw)) etc etc etc True enigma, only country (besides Filippines) where we didn't made any progress, even Brunei is (quasi) on "road map" for travel freedoms etc. Whatever I try to connect, doesn't fit easily or at all, when it comes to dear Thailand so don't know generally.... in any way next subject more deeper or historical, these are just some mine thinkings - if you can help welcome. Not to sound like soothsayers from Morava :) but I see only good relations in future and big twist ; not so much about Yingie (which is also enigma of own kind, but sister) but generally when you compare all it is strange... road to spectacularity... again as i said, not people related (we even have good-old traditional buddhist relations adding to enigma) just political one, which will solve for the best soon and spaceships co-op included... love Thailand as i said maybe you see something i do not, so help ...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-02 20:27, Sunday

travel is, btw, and there was interesting philosophical exchange I had with miss Estonian PM :) just without her participating :) maybe not in corps of "basic human rights" most surely not most important need as well - but my stand is as person who was in touch with laws, but also philosophically speaking - surely one of freedoms and dignity issue... to picture it stylistically, figuratively it is like medieval situation in which kinght/feudal sits on his best horse and goes (with entourage even) everywhere while peasant/dependant/serf when decides to goes he says to him: "where do you think you are going, it is not your right nor freedom, you are tied for my land and can't travel even for bloody 15 days!" ; ....funny figures aside, today I like diplomatic reciprocity the most and will always insist on its fairness - but "realpolitiks" will always say it is not possible due to strength, economic power of one side etc. In that sense, like some of our policies and - although totally irrational and much more dangerous for us, maybe even against interests, think they are fair as we are country which gave travel freedoms to billions... if nothing else, sign of friendship (just imagine India, China, Indonesia, Cuba etc. and numbers compared to us) To bad all countries, most notably so called Anglo-Saxon block and for example Mexico (as notably big country which ignored us so far, politcally, people are mad about us, esp. in Sinaloa)) did not follow that till today most seriously, but hey, not gonna kill ourselves ; ...of course that is their form of pressure for us to "break"... but we are not breakable, just destroyable - when country depopulates by migration of lack of youngsters :) most serious thoughts, but added a bit of humor at the end... All said from surely non-globetrotter as myself but even if i do not do it, having freedoms even without using them is nice and good for dignity... also to add for laics - visa-free travel is not only mutual good will, papers i.e. docs must but signed on both sides etc. for example with US we have problem because they do not recognize international courts and institutions so they can't give us access ;) of course, it is political tool as well and of course we are not economic nor (I honestly believe) security threat to any big country... but don't find that countries crucial, thing is that my "pride" or "feeling nice" is equally good if you have privilege with Cuba, China, Japan etc etc. :yes

thought alot about Yingluck, Shinawatras and Thailand... IDK, case if still far from solved and my interest, but look somehow think we were on (quasi) "right side of history" in her case, although first impression is "why would you involve in other country's internal issues at all" or "it is not our diplomatic practice" etc. etc. Think it was nice gesture and if it gonna (by "killuminati" decision)) make us closer with Thailand, even positively involved there, and rise even small prestige, fasten diplomatic talks or even fasten fall of visas for example, not bad decision at all... if it is, on the other side, just something about cash, political circles or similar, it is bad decision... in any way total diplomatic novelty in our practice, dear Thai readers to know, be it for good or bad ;

you know where is also "double trouble" with Thailand and us - first, no visa-free. Second, no proper diplomatic office in our country, nor e-visa option. Don't know personally anyone who traveled there (in last few years) but I guess that procedure is than to go to foreign country to apply for visa, so i call it double trouble... we have some Thai house here, but not working lately due to :) and when working not in rank and with authority to accept visa-aplications... so I guess must be solved urgently - either by opening big embassies or by mutual (that's the way we the S'rbas do it fairly) abolition of visas ;) ...but that is not only thing, also we have country in our plans and want better relations. why they didn't follow other countries, don't know myself and investigating still - to theories one could also add our Burma/Myanmar old ties and Thai's again "offended" why not there :) I dislike to speculate too much, but as i said, surely not purely US influence and that is why I stressed out that even countries with US bases and army gave us visa-free ;) ...there is something else but when it falls as obstacle - hope Thais are ready for launching them to space :) ....have fun, do join and help with this important and interesting questions, need you, very welcome - even Thais abroad could help me, welcome as said 100 times.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-03 13:04, Monday

...just imagine - Brunei (with all due respect and I heard many positive things about your sultanate and democracy) above Thailand & Philippines on "road map" :) ... yes, i want Brunei as well, but healthy brain says mi Thai above all as well as many bigger countries... talking about such things, i know many anecdotes from "diplomatic couloirs" and one of them is that Canada (very small, but they are taking our Myanmar beauties "in front of our nose") was ready to abolish visas to us some 10 years ago, but someone stopped it. "sapienti sat" but not crucial... as I said few times, we are small country - with tendencies to get smaller :) - but with long, long diplomatic traditions and "tentacles" across the globe. Given the old traditions and spread we were as well many times in very unenviable positions that could bring a lot of difficulties and tough choices between two (quasi) friends - like one i remember when our oldest tie, Japan, almost married (even recipient of our highest class order) Yorihito Higashifushimi princess from Hawaii - also one of our oldest ties and allies - but it did not realize before it could get them both in trouble with our first (outside Europe) tie and ally - the US :) troubles, troubles in our history for already 150 years, but we managed and mainatined strong presence and influence in the Pacific ;

also would like to add that - since i already talked about our, as i called it, sometimes dumb policies, sometimes not very "citizen interests first" etc. - (in that sense our policy to grant enter to even holders of US visa which doesn't give you one etc) also to add that if you have goal to talk someone into giving you "visa-free" giving them freedom of movement before they give it to you is also, pardon, dumb. Because I don't see any realistic reason for them to give it to your citizens after you gave them already :) It is like trade in which you participate and you say "OK take my goods, but do not pay, not now, not in the year - and also you take our goods without paying next time. Nice having business with you :yes " ... in that respect, great honour to Japan (most obvious example) again as they could enter us even without giving it to us, but they gave anyway (also Skorea in lesser extent, but also China though one could argue their per capita GDP, but nonetheless being among just some 10 is great respect - yeah, they want to annex us)... simply Asians have some respect and are our natural "sex-annex-respect" partners ;) ...i'd like to marry Thai :)

anyway, if you like me like and are interested in EAsian subjects of all kinds, history as well - here's one map I liked relating to situation and events some 100 years after Alexander (not the one of Yugosarmatia))... Interesting is that how old region around today Hong Kong was also exo- or endonymed as "Nam Viet" - sounds familiar. But also of ancient migrations and relocations of Thai, Khmer (for example) tribes south. Yeah, including Shinawatras :) ...map is also interesting, because if you - most likely - really want to find us, do not look at Baltic region at all, but probably (since we are tribe of many question marks) something like "sakae" or "massagetae??" and closer to where Plinius' located us some 250 years later ; ...like all E-SE Asian subject, including history, like you and if you want to add, always welcome, we certainly need membership and activity, i'm an expert for region, but you can correct me freely :)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-04 12:28, Tuesday

today, Japan:

https://min.news/en/military/3e427cd17c ... bf448.html

another look at events i mentioned and Sorge's life... Agent Branko - not the one who worked for HIM (his imperial majesty) Du-san in XIV c and sported Asian dragon on his belt :) - is not mentioned by Chinese, they are nice not to blow our cover :) Seriously, not certain about Branko's role, even claim that he believed that Sorge did not work for Soviets but international communist IS dubious as Sorge contacted and talked to him personally many times and was surely "in iner circle" and found even his marriage to cutie Yoshiko as important event to contact Moscow without Branko knowing etc etc ; ...however not tied (Branko) to anything in Yugoslavia except that his side job was also for Belgrade biggest dialy paper... i would not exclude even some "watch or monitoring" by our secret service which was anti-communist in those days, but there is nothing to indicate it, historically. However all those countries Germany, China, Yugoslavia, Japan, Britain all in Europe run they own counter-agents successfully around, so not impossible that some of our state agents monitored his activity or pro-communist stances....

anyway, interesting details are that (most likely) first radio transmiter with which arguably 3rd most important man in Sorge's ring - Max Klausen or Clausen, German as well - contacted Shaghai and Vladivostok - operated from Branko's apartment. If it was there later, question is did our cutie Yoshiko knew or seen it ;) ...but not relevant and is small joke about Japanese wives, unbased but also Japanese knew very well that all Japanese girls were "involved" in spy's activities, more or less... other interesting detail is that Klausen survived the war, Branko did not and they both recieved life sentence initially ; Question is also - considering Klausen alleged greater importnace - he was transfered to the jail (due to constant bombings of Tokyo by Americans) not so far from Tokyo, while Branko was transfered to the most northern prison in Japan on Hakkaido where he allegedly died "due to harsh winter" and did his birth nationality make him more interesting for the Japanese for eventual further interogations ; ...but not to speculate, just interesting details to the story as well as Yoshiko, sister :)

of course if you are Japanese, even cute translator, very welcome and you can add to story if you know some released J documents etc. also you can add are all J girls so cute or what are my chances for similar ring in Bangkok :) just joking - nice story, historically. do join me for anything mentioned, not to be all in vain here, but in any way hope you liked all my Asian themes - this one as at least in proper place... we need fresh blood from Asia :)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-04 14:38, Tuesday

...since subject is "fresh" to add, my Asian readers above all to understand, guess others know anyway.... why i don't exclude anything and why many historians missed it in regard to Sorge's ring.... Yugoslavia was, like the rest of Europe, under "high alert" due to communist threat in those decades, Serb circles, agentures and police especially (which ruled Yugoslavia)... not crucial for the story but it was also place of many Russian "white" emigrees - most notably Wrangel previously etc. but Serbs would be on alert even without them as well, esp. after creation of S-H-S (later Yugo) and why I have ground to claim that our agents "had him on radar"... so our agencies not only knew very well in general, but also in concrete Branko's case as he left forming kingdom as known communist sympathizer, so "on our watch" so to say... And that is where story is strange - why would Soviets even recruit such man - known to authorites of one country - for such important mission at all, it was their oversight or wrong move by some symple logic.... maybe calculation was that Yugoslav (Serb) authorities and Japanese do not exchange data nor cooperate, maybe they did not though royal Y and J had friendly relations before Japanese imperialism in China, but nonetheless risky move by Soviets to include man known to one country in operation... and then comes Yoshiko of course :) old chetnik-lady :) ...except dear Yoshiko - simply like to tease her, our mama - serious explanation or addition, above all to Asians why i find it strange ;

also as fan, lover and expert :) and relating to my joke (as i said) about Thailand and Bangkok, various shirts and politics... while Thailand is not the place it was during Vietnam war and later decades and we cooperate for the better to be, seriously it is not place for political jokes, communist jokes, shirts and similar :) so not recommended if you there, even if no danger maybe... Serbia is in that regard "freedom land" ; (as well as Tokyo) and you can wear Stalin, US flag or Che on shirt and joke openly about being communist or US lover (what ever that is honestly)... so just some friendly warning some idiot not to think i put him into danger with advices :) ...however nothing with people, we gonna marry a lot and are cooperating on some ideas even politically, but do not be too humoristic there. love Thailand, but admit this is honest and well warning.... do join.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-05 11:21, Wednesday

btw, transfer of Branko to north of Hokkaido had not only political/security/military connotations but also practical as Yoshiko would be unable to visit him... but he didn't live much anyway. At least his death shows that he was "true player" and not some double agent as Japanese ususaly treated bad (or killed) those they disliked or found guilty for their hard war situation ; ... to give epilogue to the story (while it is also nice subject for the film/drama to enter Tokyo festival, we have so many great subjects but no good film-comps nor artists/directors anymore, but we are dying nation anyway) - their son (old man) also received some medal/order this year (along Depp, but unrelated)) for being prorotype of future Serb :) Genrally we wanted to mark this year as year of "Japo-Serb" friendship, even Abe's order was in that sense, even some post stamps were released, fireworks in Tokyo were planned as well - but N Koreans said they will give fireworks to Tokyo instead ... :lol I always say to Chinese, Koreans etc. etc. - yeah we understand the troubles you had with Japanese and we do not aprove their acts, but they are cute and we must move on... we have plans with them, we always had and just imagine Meiji (who disliked letters) writting it to us, heartbreaking :) ... i think Chinese (and others) understand that and they forgive us ) - it is true that we rarely/never collect money via phone but do it for Japan ; ...so, repeat, but you to understand. It is not about their rulers, not about any foreign masters - it is about Japanese we love.

...because you gotta be realistic sometimes. Critique is often more sign of a friendship than non-one and those who always praise you often quasi-friends ; ...Thais know it very well and that is why we (with all ups and downs in relations) are going to make them space-able nation and work on dividing Uranus together... and why i talked about them, beside my true need to understand some things and catch them anywhere ;

since this is thread for lighter subjects as well - Thais know and follow us closely... they knew very well that greates football club in Europe catched "double-double" in a row and they were first to ofer job, just had to have that man in their league :) And he (Jokan) did not disappoint - making record there without league loss... in that time Yingluck was on the rule and watched it closely with excitement, thinking and promising to herself "I must be a Serb once!"... and like in fairy tale her dream come true :)

also btw - as i talked about "dynamics and sounding" of Indonesian and what i find as similarity to Japanese, Thai indeed in that sense (non gramatical and vocabulary) sounds more similar to Chinese... do join and help, I'm running out of subjects so bit of humor, but is all great subjects and proud to be involved there since Milan, in great region... most seriously would like to hear much from people of the region, even their historical interests so this place is good... while Pub is a bit like post-apocalyptic :)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-06 11:46, Thursday

ah, very bad and sad news from Thailand today ( some troubled ex-cop killed 10s of children in care center northeast of country, including own and wife. My condolences to Thais. Never understood aggression, killing desire towards kids (maybe on the rise globally) as kids/children are always best part, hope and "ornament of planet" as our old song says. I'm esp. "weak" (but not to separate) to Asian kids, like them like own so it hurts. My condols again, dislike to comment on daily news esp. like this - but it came in time of my mention and "people diplomacy"

before wanted to propose to lovers to watch women volleyball WC match tomorrow between Serbia-Thailand and enjoy. Also wanted to propose to our team to let them win as we secured quarters after all wins, Thai press reported about their team in last days with some enthusiasm and hope after some previous wins. But of course that is illegal and match-fixing ) ...rarely watch fem sports, but wanted to look at this one as lover ) hoped we meet in the finals ; ...good luck to all Asian female teams generally :yes

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-07 18:30, Friday

watched it, very beautiful match :yes and final before finals... also noticed dominant Thai crowd in Poland versus just 5-6 our fans :) But it made great and cute atmosphere on stands and it is as should be because we are 10x smaller... but in sport, unlike wars and similar - size doesn't matter hence results but best wishes to Thai super team, their papers made me think this could be the medal year :) wonder whome Yingluck supported, tough choice :) (of course Thais) talking about crowds always wondered why girls/women do not watch fem sports more, unlike males, it should be their thing... talking about women, definitely our most tropheous sports as country in XXI c are female (with few gold exceptions like men waterpolo and also volley) but that is true... with this i'd finish sport block, with addition that sport is definitely another thing we could co-op successfully with SEA, for start attracting their kids to our super-rich clubs, female ones :) ...my club is also characteristic in sense that (first and so far only) Japanese football player scored the most goals in his career, we are full of records )

while thread stays as my open invitation and active diplomacy directed towards Asia-Pacific, maybe nears the end, maybe not, but generally touched most important details while i might keep coming to it as region and hoping to attract some Asian crowd ; ... however, for change - back to "old world" there was some party recently here. All (quasi) leaders of (quasi)Europe on one place and it is not NATO summit ) ...few things catched my attention... first eternal unability of European leaders to arrange. That is something you learn in elementary school picture events... So tallest, like our president or Milo the mighty (of Montenegro) standing in first row, sometimes covering other leaders behind, including ladies ; most drastic is example of Erdogan covering lady, or Edi (of Albania) as well... talking about ladies, second thing is that their ratio is small, so it looks like Japanese govt picture :) Third noticable thing is happiness factor. And sadly our president (third from the left in first row) looks as least happy person on the photo. Hopefully it is not about something he ate, as he is holding his stomach :) other faces vary, but it could be said that mister Azeri leader, mister Edi (with most colorful tie/kravata), Milo of Forever, Liz and even Erdogan are most happy in the crowd ; ...all 3 important European problems sympthomised in one place :) and hopefully there is something positive in gatherings like these... of course we are very old, almost 200 years of (quasi) diplomacy with some countries soon, so soemtimes we have some ideas, views and proposals (like fast candidacy for SEA and EAsian countries) that stand out of the crowd, but do not mind our oldness and strength and do not take it as lack of ability for "being part of the crowd"... simply we have obligations and promises to Japan for example since Meiji, space program with Thailand and share "dragon like" temper with China, secretly in love with Korea etc etc ) ...hope for the best for the populastions, when it comes to gatherings and parties, seriously

generally there is a lot of space for Asian leaders here as well, at least Thai for start :yes we generally share even same colors, our first "flag" dating to XIII c was red-blue, so there is common identity :) generally i'll keep it about Asia, if i havent finished with the thread, would like you here, proposed some subjects as well, showed love and "integrational-globalistic" tendencies we the S'rbas have there etc etc if i said something stupid to Asian reader, sorry as well, but with good intention and humor, i like satire... see you later, do join absolutely yes... still haven't tried Thai camp for example myself, it is even CC, but you can find it here... was a fine thread anyway, like it and tried my best to present some details, so as always even learning material... later.


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-08 20:42, Saturday

yeah, I'll relocate this story I worked on hard :) some time ago and touched in this forum as well, but to relocate it as trully Pacific story... it has longer part, but to main details )

Our ties with kingdom of Hawaii is a bit of "mystery" as to did we play some "Japanese, US or European power" game there or just our own, independent or mixed, a part of all... could be said that we were "too pro-US" back in the days to protest annexation and take more active role in events :) but on the other hand it could be said that we had some deeper diplomacy with Kalakaua, also as Japan but in much less extent. Not only because our king (Milan again) was awarded rare orders and medals by Kalakaua (rarely given to other monarchs, that's it) but also our kingdom reciprocited with maybe 3-4 high orders to Hawaii officials, their king, something like foreign minister John (or "John") Kapena and high diplomat and officer Curtis Iakuea. First two known as recipients of "order of Takovo", Kalakaua also other order - so could be said Serbia decorated him plenty :) "Takovo order" is maybe of lesser "boom" than "White eagle" also in use then but not less significant for Milan era, defunct post 1903 and new dinasty. For example our king had both orders, while Japanese royals recieved exclusively "white eagle", Hawaiian exclusively "Takovo order"... so i say, we were noticed there and probably few "state visits" took part prior to 1898 (our officers there not excluded). why I say that we played some "own role" there (although in touch with US) is not only unusual diplomatic activity, many decorations and letters, but also (most likely) our diplomats received so called "Hawaiian protests" due to events on Pacific and relating other islands there, when Hawaii tried to play some role with other islanders there... however, unlike Japan we did not plan any royal weddings there, partly because king Milan had only son with other plans, one which didn't finish very well :) ...so yes, generally interesting story, some (quasi) closeness and activity, so we really did spread "tentacles" much wider than size and importance (not to mention land locked nature) maybe allowed, or they liked us - in any way relations were spectacular as with Japan ;) ...Japan, Hawaii, Cuba, Panama - diplomatic vertigo - we were everywhere so long ago...

why i said I "worked hard" on story, because some time ago I went through (ex) Hawaii press of the time, Honolulu dailies and similar looking for any mention of our country and stories of visitis... so i found this cute article I'll relocate here - dealing with few day visit of Curtis Iaukea in 1883. There is longer story and man (maybe decorated in some lesser order, unknown unlike "FM" Kapena and king Kalakua as said) was full of praise, liked his stay, considered queen Natalija esp. impressive etc etc. But liked this part from Honolulu daily where (historically) ruined Belgrade was characterized as "city of palaces" (even average town in SEA has more palaces as our were mostly ruined, but they probably noticed some works on "new palaces" during Milan etc) and "great states" part :) Cute mention, glad i found it - also authors did not find needed to mention where Belgrade really is - probably indicating that everyone on Hawaii knew in which country city is :) Liked it, worth find and proper dislocation here...

generally nice tie, old "exotic" diplomacy, nice story and so many medals... however lack of contemporary Thai story is big minus, unforgivable for our skilled diplomats 150 years ago :) ... as said our letters, medals and orders are in "state museum" in Honolulu, so certainly if you ever get there be proud of it, ask to see if possible - king Kalakaua had just 7-8 European medals, including ours ; Especially mention it if museum employee is nice girl (even toples)) and if not on display ask to open archives :) ....nice story again, we in the heart of Pacific (film goes without saying) plus must add, like in case of Okinawa, we protest now :) ...join me from SEA, EA, A-Pa, even if not, like some lil book... touching even "historical tourism" recommends... but generally my point is some help, view on global events, and you to join hopefully don't be shy ) ... simply i like all this anyway and region because we find it important to make first contacts there 150 years ago....


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-09 18:55, Sunday

Myself wrote:...because king Milan had only son with other plans, one which didn't finish very well...
if we don't forget Winston Churchill, of course :lol ...btw, that is my dear Thais, Asians and all other readers cute anecedote, dating back to maybe 100+ years ago as first mention, strengthened after ww2 and British "support" (not really support but they didn't and couldn't do much) of end of Serbian rival dynasty of "Karageorgevic" (Karađorđević in our)... based is on Milan having affair with his mother, her sister etc. and sometimes sending toys, like toy soldiers to young Winston. But generally just cute story based on his moms many affairs and could be said, even without DNA expertise that Winston looks more like his true father ;) ...funny story nonetheless... king Milan is often evaluated here since 1990s maybe, some films were made etc. and if I'm to give some "judgement" - yes I dislike him being corrupt, autocratic sometimes, needless war with Bulgaria, bad treatment of queen Natalija and dislike him being womenizer unlike me etc. - but he was able to break under will of the parliament, good in army organisation, sometimes Natalija put him "in corner" AND very important was very skilled in global diplomacy, with "good nose" - able to tie us to future powers like US, Japan, masons etc (beside Russia and traditional "our powers" of France and Britain, even good relations with Germany partly during his rule) even Hawaii story and how "big and important" we were in their eyes is plus and skilled game - something even king Peter followed lately i.e. ties with US, Japan and others and we enetring "exotic" corners of the world... lack of Thai good ties by both, minus of course ;

of course i forgot that queen of Hawaii, Kapiolani, also received our medal and order (st. Sava) so i made mistake, in that it is 4-5 orders we given to them, pardon ;) think we tried to make base for our navy there ) ...also, minister Kapena was rather finance minister not foreign one, though he was in that role previously and by previous king - making it even more interesting why we decorated him highly ; foreign minister was Gibson, an American but he claimed he was English born ; few corrections to interesting story we were deeply involved in :yes even line "place where his instruction necessitated his visits" in Hawaii press, shows exactly that he was in mission in Belgrade, not btw visit, and most likely presented "Hawaiian protests" to our king and demanded support etc. Clear and nice story, making us "proud and important" again.

also one addition - while our ties with Siam i.e. Thailand were weak and not developed or underestimated - also those who say that they officially started in 1950-60s are wrong as king Aleksandar of Yugoslavia (Peter son, country aka Yugosarmatia or most properly historically Yugo-Scythia as Serbs dominated)) was decorated by Thai (is Siamese correct for time) royals in "Order of white elephant" :yes rare diplomatic tie, but worth. Thais rarely given such medals to foreigners then as well... but generally not superb relations for long. like it "white elephant", nice to have it here

and finally one modern correction - after consulting Thai press - Thaksin youngest daughter is after all Paethongtarn, one whose picture I satirically posted before :) was under wrong lead by some Taiwan or Hong Kong press article which claimed that other sister was youngest, pardon as well... in any way all Thaksin daughters are cute :) ...politically i'm not involved nor I know much (just speculations) so i joked about "our party"... nonetheless, circumstances are made us close and citizenship relations with family and would have nothing against Yingie, or Thaksin daughters being on our side. still reading about it as hobby now and then... our only intention was to make two nations closer and we dislike rich and elites :) wish you best there in Thailand, hope you do as well... do join and help.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-10 18:29, Monday

...even more - if my multiple data are correct - Aleksandar might be only European (and of the few foreigners generally) king since its introduction in 1909 as highest and special rank/class of the "white elephant" with it - knight grand cordon at least in older history before wars in SEA... Nice, but question is why :) as well as why Hawaiian multiple ranks here but unrelated etc....nonetheless, could be said then that we were Thai best friends in Europe once ; ...few to none high officials from Europe ever received it, not in a rank as well, one of the foreign recipients was Hideki Tojo but doesn't really count as was during wartime, paranoia and pressures, but why our king before war... except maybe Thai fighters on our front during ww1 as tie, not enough...

IDK, I said few times that those nations maybe know something about us we do not and even pointed to Sanskrit name we have... but couldn't be all. they are our pals. Can't get completely into it, really...

Yingluck also has the "white elephant" (not sure abour rank, maybe not special one) making it two Serbs with the order :yes ... :) ...always mind, my Thai friends and if you can't/doesn't want to help me I will nelp you with some clearance again - that Thaksin is from Montenegro, country we are very different from and do not equate it, some would even say there is some rivalry between us and - as photo few post above shows - very separate cases as our presidents stand far away from each other ;) so do not fall into impression that it is same thing and Thaksin being "our" :) ...all summed up, enigmatic thing even if it is Yingluck only again i double underline it... but in light of this grand cordon nice award (almost always given for some "service" to Thailand) could be said that we have some short history of spectacular friendship and very rare order :yes like it, looking forward to future between us... simply lovely stories historically, everyone would admit and our "deep trace" there, proud

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-10-11 11:00, Tuesday

if my data is again correct it is queen Victoria, Belgian king and our king as only European owners of the order, we in most senior rank, introduced later. Huge honor, while still not sure why, maybe you know if expert on Thai history or royals... Yingluck has it also in grand cordon, to conclude

anyway, want to share this as well while on subjects and in region, maybe as last... it is not anything historical, more in the area of interesting stories and superstitions, naturalism or something... not serious as well, but combine my other long ago interests and knowledge of vulcanic activity, large eruptions etc plus it is nice story because region and many of our friends in Asia-Pac are a) in so called "ring of fire" b) there is lot of that naturalistic, shamanistic, animism influences in beliefs among our friends and partners there like shintoism, most famous, and similar... of course i don't believe it, not giving any importance nor anything real, just like it as story and even posted before, 6-7 years ago, something like fun in internet place with many Indonesians, as i repeat as fun, concentraring on one event there but now I will expand it a bit... as i said fun, "boogey-man" story for Asians i like... in sense like i jokes that our order given to foreigner on 28. june is "bad omen" as Hawaii fate and, most recent, given to Shinzo Abe on same date ; ...nothing serious, more fun again

i said before as fun that Plinius was maybe first western man that located us (not he really but he first mentioned map on which tribe with precise name was found) while Plinius the younger gave more data... The elder Plinius died during famous Vesuvius eruption... further and (quasi) related to us is that maybe huge eruption took place somewhere in Pacific (it is unknown, just in geological traces) during the fall of Constantinople, maybe even in 1453 etc. and some signs Byzantines saw on sky were related to eruption... last emperor of Byzant was son of Serb woman and soon after our medieval state fall as well in annex ) ... other huge eruption happened in the same month in 1815 as month of Second Serb uprising (Takovo) on Tambora vulcano, later Indonesia. It brought de facto independence... Krakatau, although large eruption, wasn't so realatable to our events as it missed proclamation of kingdom by year :) but it happened few months after Hawaiian visits, nothing special for our history ) ... other large eruption happened in 1912 - on Alaska - before Balkan wars in which we enlarged significantly and was prelude to other wars, because some hated our enlargement :) ... and finally last large eruption of biggest VEI happened on dear Phillies (Pinatubo) in 1991 which was year larger wars strarted for us ;

all were of large VEI (vulc. explosivity index) so just some... as said fun story with some fun with Asians and similar... like you, far Asians, if you can help about my doubts, explain more of Thai situation most seriously (important for us, due to love)) or share something, always welcome... see spectacular friendships. like region very much, tried to make it fun as well, serious topics - which this last wasn't so much - as well... always place for some medal on my chest for you :)

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like some conclusion

Post by Ale » 2022-11-01 21:21, Tuesday

...so yes, wanted to put this some time before but forgot, now some rounding why it interested me or as i said conclusion (except cultural interaction and to show how i like Asians)... While subject itself is very good, fresh or even unknown and shows some long forgotten ties or better said unusual diplomatic activity we had - i finish it due to lack of members from there... generally it is unimportant how big, "important" or "economically muscular" you are (yeah of course it is important but not for subject)) some things remain and makes your old country "richer" or better said history of it - like that decision from (could you imagine still) of Hawaiian king to delegate envoy with instructions to visit your capital, or like USA, then rising power, inviting you in "their sphere of influence" 150 years ago (while Russia was important, in fact all our diplomatic activity then was more product of ties with USA, so our "Caribbean adventures" in that sense, it probably started with king Milans adventures with American lovers and also American mercs in our wars 1876/78, little known subject...) or like emp. Meiji directly replying to your fresh king letter, or for example that Thai high decoration given rarely to any foreign king etc etc... so yes, though i'm more "expert" on older history, some investigations and independent look at events shows that even our modern history is much more interesting and with some mysterious tone, not only (globally known glorious)) medieval...

but there we come to the subject... while i'm not historian, historians are not some mages and lots can be doubted, just like laws, economy or any "social sceince" for sure... I put it some time ago in phrase - like there is pop-culture and culture, there is also pop-history and history, separate things and uncomparable, one being lighter and more famous version of it. It is not about us, it is global and for true lovers lots to be investigated still, even by non-pros knowing some things, dating back to "300 Spartans" while some serious historians put number of Spartan forces at as much as 5000-7000, not only elite hoplites, in tight gorge :) Not saying it as proud Scyth but what is too low is too low ; etc etc so it is not about us, but I like to look at some our things as some fun/hobby and give alternatives... good example is that "find in co-op" with Turkish profesor who posted it that actual village "S'rpsindigi" related to Maritsa battle was actually and probably 10-15 kms northeast from Adrianople/Edirne and much far from river, so whole story of known battle maybe in doubt. Not to mention numbers that are unrealistic for our side, sometimes as 70000 plus have in mind that Vukashin was in Hum (Hercegovina) then so he marched 100s of kms with and needed some spactacular supply train ; yet all and similar things repeat almost like historical facts globally.... yeah i like this example one of my fav fairy-tales - who knows what happened really and how emperor Urosh died same year, not to mention that some Greeks claim that even date of fall of Adrianople is doubtful, not to mention that some Turks say that Vukashin was actaully killed in Bulgaria after battle :lol etc etc

but that is all older history - even Dušan's codex is still interesting subject btw, but most important sentence is maybe by American historian who wrote "that Serb empire in a way degraded own law by accepting some Romean/Byzantine norms as physical punishment was rare in Serb medieval law, where fines i.e. monetary punishments dominated before" (giving impresion that Serb traditions were more "advanced" but less before copying more famous empire and legal system etc)... wanted to mention this from as fun moment in newer history:

While totally unimportant and more as interesting "historian deduction" but did not fail to notice how and why you put in some work that (for example) our diploamtic relations with Japan started in 1882 after two rulers exchanged letters and in same work you consider that diplomatic relations with Thailand started in 1956 (or 52) while our king was decorated by highest Thai order in late 1920s :) ...while example is not important it just shows that for historians and fans there is still a lot of work and please do not put president at unease to have to repeat mere unconfirmed rumors than facts during speeches on 28. of june :lol
Asia, E & SE one was great subject, Pacific is (historically proven) our old "backyard" and "White elephant" something you can't find in your average palace but we own it... liked every moment looking at some events and peronalities there from China to Hawaii - if you can help, you can always find me here... history is not crucial, but always interesting subject and if you know some details, why would our king be honoured with Thai highest degree (I can always tell even closely why our royals made some moves even 700 years ago) what king Kalakaua had in mind exactly or similar, nice to hear... looked at his personal wiki page and it is recently upgraded with sentence that he started official diplomatic relations with Serbia in 1882/3 :yes great story, but Meiji is top ) ... many people never knew that, talked with some in fun way and all were surprised by fact that Japanese (for example) visited our regiments and our decorations, many believed that Japan and Serbia never heard of each other until, IDK some 60 years ago ; ...relevance or significance is low, but interesting level high ; ...hope you liked it - as well as my older medieval posts - how i put it, while English use not so perfect sometimes, plus you've catched something fresh here

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one more on Hawaii and else

Post by Ale » 2022-11-02 22:36, Wednesday

...actually - perfect end probably but i did not say i'll finish about all subject maybe just about S'rbo-Pacific region :) - after some thinking I'll stay few more lines on that subject and add...

Hawaii, on second, third, fourth etc thought, actually maybe one of the most beautiful stories in our modern history, actually better than e. Meiji or Japan... why? not only because that Wiki line touched me - it was put into "king Kalakaua legacy" partition between his love for poetry and his love for hula (traditional dance, including that "sexy one" by girls) and - bap! - someone put Serbia tie and medal separating those two paragraphs... but not only that, story is lovely because in most cases talking about our ties with many countries we were usually equal to smaller side - but in case of Hawaii tie, we were stronger, bigger, more influential side and good king hoped something from us, for example :yes so yes it is one of beutiful stories and very knightly from our side i.e. Milan's great game - and as a result not only anyone can see our medals in their museum as rare thing, but also he gained now eternal place in wikipedia with that gesture :) Really like it, beside "white elephant" maybe best part of all my stories here and most seriously very interested in reasons for both (because, as said, he initiated relations with Serbia specifically). Any info always welc, and no sarcasm like it much... Hawaii is life, hula is life, not some dirty wicked mega-cities full of greed like cutie Tokyo or stinky Belgrade :)

in that sense, as I gave - on totally wrong forum but doesn't matter, maybe someone passes by and joins ; - many ideas and some cultural actions, film ideas or presented our historical events very cool and how you can enter Tokyo festival and leave films with Tom Cruise behind in dust :) if you can think properly and have talent ; ...so in that sense, there is much room for improvement of relations and ties with Hawaii as well - not only that movie is possible and there is enough real history between us - but also found lines how Japan smartly cherish ties with Hawaii till today, we have every right to do so as our diplomatic tie is among oldest in the world ;) For example from Japan again, they every year call hula dancers - there is anual competition exactly in honor of Kalakaua on Hawaii, to participate in events in Japan and there is line that Japan is world's biggest supporter of Hawaiian culture abroad... so yes and to cut it short I don't see any hurdle why we would not do the same and become "second biggest supporter" following Japanese example

absolutely serious about that. while it is hard to expect "boom" in Serbian tourists to Hawaii, this is doable and great thing for our country, or great thing as "schmeck move". World is not so big and in this case we got an absolute gift from the past and somethijg that is true and can position us even unprofitably, though Hawaiians might come in return ;) So yes, since we already called "Shaolin monks" and many others, boosting ties with Hawaii even in that "hula diplomacy", even sometimes as we are small is nice.... love the story, potential and absolute blast when you think about it :yes Turn in your grave captain Cook :) ...no sarcasm, love it and "white elephant", makes you great even if small ; (thanks again who ever put that line in wiki, certainly not our people on English article) lovely. Indie or not, Hawaii is our top 5 oldest ties, since the death of Nemanjićs i.e. in quasi-modern times, think about possible and do it...

(gave so many ideas on this forum from powerful action dramas about spectacular black knights, certainly one of biggest emperors ever, to powerful lord with Asian dragon on belt, to officer our in Meiji guard etc. and now to this - would be shame none of them not to turn into reality and not make some gains on them... most seriously, too shame we do not have studios and state support like 50 years ago and shame we don't have that American/Hollywood minds, potential is there)

welcome if you read it and know deeper story on something i mentioned (Hawaii and Thai priorities personally)...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-03 20:27, Thursday

...huge is contrast, however in many aspects of XIX c and later years of Serbian society due to "unitfication plans" compared to Hawaiian "plans" and that is why sentence is esp. appreciated and refreshing, likable... of course without generalisations on both sides, neither H was "song and dance" nor S "war preparations" and there were people of all professions as elsewhere... even one theory is that our first modern king Milan died (relatively young but dethroned for long by then, really surprising for us - dethroned by parliament and political parties) of some STD :) but maybe mere joke... so there was love and death as elsewhere... But if we consider Hawaii story of Kalakaua and our known "deadman heads" (skeleton) as one of the symbols - totally unrelated to anything about ww2 or nation or from other nations, mere closer to "gusar" symbol, which is also our word for pirate and directly translated to existing word corsair probably - and that one of the "warrior" sayings was "death is watching Serb and he laughs at it" maybe since middle ages - well then you understand the contrast and why is that likable, and Hawaii tie special :) ...but nonetheless sentence is totally in right place on David's page and something to make you feel good, absolutely - hopefully will be used in future relations and ties, again repeat :yes

anyway, wanted to add as well - after so many talks about Asians, Asia and all - that I haven't mentioned here not for once one Asian tribe, and the one with which we maybe has some ancient tie i.e. connection. However I did mention it in other thread so to relocate that as well in this (very short) "book" or "magazine articles", because it is interesting.... that tribe is Mongols - we had few clashes with them historically, but generally not some super-negative experiences and even there is one-two similarity with them. That is, as I talked before, mutual ancient respect for wolves (or as they called them "steppe dogs") which we shared - in our case not unique, but unlike many Celtic/Germanic/Slavic (safe to say, rare as first name or tribe symbol generally among all "Balto-Slavs" or safer even, not as widespread as with Serbs in concrete) or other tribes we kept them as name for long in last and first names in huge extent, similar to Mongols - so maybe ancient Serbs were also some "tribe of wolf-sons"... it stayed till today, even current president last name is "little wolf" and present generally. Nogai - very known to us - was descendant of Genghis and translated maybe as "dog" or "sort of wolf" etc etc ...other interesting moment is that Serbs (not all and not in every geography as they spread) wore queued/cue hairstail (but not like in Ukraine and never shaving parts) for long, until XIX c, and it even led to conflicts with first army of Karageorge, "father of nation" during first uprising... as said not all Serbs and not always, during middle ages our nobility did not wear it generally, maybe sometimes and long or semi-long "free" hair dominated without any cues/brides etc. But yet another similarity with Mongols and Qing China "symbolism" intentionally (though many other tribes maybe wore them as well, in that sense Greeks in middle ages as well)

so with this I trully rounded Asia, then sometimes now and us, hopefully in interesting way... of course it is not all, there are more our ties in SEA, plus who knows what we really knew about old China, Japan and Korea as Venetians and Serbs were "in contact", many of our rulers were Venetian citizens... also nice theme for film, book or similar - with little imagination of course. since there, I'd add to list of (maybe) internatinally interesting themes (at least as tries) some film about our relation with Timur aka Tamerlane, from purely Serb PoV through Ankara battle, impression and later negotiations our lords had with him (he gained respect and liberated our prisoners later). And second, of course, could be good try with (also historical) life of our "young king" (prince) Stefan Dečanski on Nogai(y) court for years, since we lack sources steal something from Polo for effect... when you try, make good film and nobody gets interested, then you are free to say - nobody cares and you can't make any film aiming at international public ;) but really have to copy some (maybe banal for many others, "action", "heroism") things from Americans, create "powerful" (in some way) characters, though i like "dark tone" and avoid any "Serb humor", try to be serious... I think it is doable we have solid action subjects... simply do not see (for example) any obstacle to make good film and try to impress Hawaii, aiming directly film to be loved there and here using history, adding story and fantasy...

anyway again, had to round this great continent (our old home) with this Mongol story, many people probably don't know we had some interesting touching points... yet we don't use our old origins as political tool nor anything, just like to entertain our Asian pals with it... Mongols-wise, wouldn't say we are related, but maybe in old touch and similar spread once upon a time. Liked to share it, to excercise a bit with language or "story-telling" skills and as said far from everything about us and Asia and Pac... point was to maybe exchange, it isn ot fantasy that some Asian members showed before, but even without it, nice articles or potential or simply tie and loved it. Always welcome dear reader and interaction from any region i touched, but nothing else I'll add and help is really needed... but not end of interest - simply in my case it is always "since you already start some story, say all you find interesting or like" so one post was insuficient.... btw, one last addition to "white elephant", just like Burmese, Thai probably heard and liked fact that first buddhist temple was opened in our capital in about time of their high decoration, but probably not all so always stays as call for help or addition - we had hundreds of foreign recipients but almost everyone was in a way I could explain and also to add - Hawaiians (with double decorations) lead after Russians, Germans & Brits :) ... love old friends, EAsians and Hawaiians :yes (certified Asian-Pac lover) last one for sure, interest always even here in this forum for history i mentioned, expectations I think no - now after few years, but loved it...

we are tribe that likes to use old stories in new times and since i mentioned our post stamps this year about two rulers and Japan (in totally wrong time maybe, not to mention Abe's - our recipient - fate)) - btw, not laughing at it but at us, though with all honesty rarely cry at politicians fate as ordinary people are killed daily - BUT it is kinda forgotten that same year marks 140 of ties with Hawaii as well, it is state and many people there are very interested and proud, so i properly corrected it, since already started subject. Will be great and personally expect we to really "profit" (not money wise) on that unexpected friendship 150 years old and we both to feel nice when visit :yes (who can of course in bad situation) simply our politicans did not see it as indie state but it was mentioned many times and even true "booklets" were written about Hawaii and us in recent years, if you read it from that region.

considering - conclusion ; - geographical distance, circumstances, culture and all that divides, who would say that we managed to construct some friendship with Indonesia and Hawaii, where Japanese supported some "nationalism" or culture, that is also unusual tie or coincidence. But there is beauty in it just because of distance and Meiji letter not in vain at all... with eternal friendship with China, Thai, Korea, whole SEA and Pacific beside those mentioned (see you all on Uranus) The end.(general point is to join, you again, even for forum fun not anything else)) have fun I had my own with story-telling

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-05 19:43, Saturday

...subjects never enough however and i like to use my internet time positively or educative, at least i believe so... of course i use it for all sort of things (don't even guess)) but mostly constructive, to correct some things, think it is great tool for that...

remembered how i was reading some "anti-Chinese/Japanese/Korean" wiki articles (no need to link to them, but they are there) and on "anti-C" rememebered that we were mentioned 3 (!) times, it is sort of honor considering that we are talking biggest country on this sheetei planet... but not only big, it is important and increasingly "talked about", so it is definitely "honor"... first of all no idea how you can be "extremely" "anti-C/J/K" in any place on planet as we are talking maybe cutest beings of humanity :) (withour generalizations)) second, all 3 articles were full of disgusting things and not some pleasure to read, but wanted to inform myself. And, third in that mentioned article where we are mentioned 3 times - luckily non of the mentions is really important nor really substantial for that subject ; ...that's, btw, why I also learnt about "how offensive" term "Jap" really is without knowing it as I used it here, unconcious :) when I read it my brain was like - didn't know that, mamma mia, who knows if I used it few times before in some conversation with foreigners or maybe even in presence of Asian person, maybe J :) ...always considered it like "Serb", short term though i know that it was used much during ww2 by Anglo-Sexons ;) anyway, just btw story...

back to anti-C article and us... first mention was most important I'll come back to it after other two. Second was that Chinese/Mandari(na) :) had problems to be recognized as official second language in South Africa, optional. Serbian is official (optional again) in SA schools for long (it became recognized before German and many bigger and with bigger minorities) another our "success"... not really success, more example that sadly many Serbs had to emigrate there since XVIII c and left some mark, from Serbia (later) and Austro-Hungary. Of course nice subject for films, action ones with some our heroes in "Zulu-wars"... today, they say, number is not so big, around 20,000 maybe less and many assimilated through centuries (in black community he-he) or died in adventures... Third mention - back to theme - is that Chinese (quasi) became more "nationalistic" after famous bombing of their embassy here... don't know, but my advice to Chinese is that they bombed much more than one building of our, but we generally get past it and not special reason for anti-US sentiment here ;

first mention is worth comment in really helpful way for understanding... using data from 2020, Serbia is prologue mentioned as country with very positive Chinese sentiment. That is not trouble per se, but article writers mentioned "economy" as main reason.... well in a sense whole this nice thread of mine was in a way other people to understand that countries have ties outside of economy, in that sense even we and USA historically dating 150 years ago (if we don't consider maybe some of our settlers in Brit colonies...). With China maybe not so long diplomatic but will correct article that we Serbs - everyone to own opinion and world view - also appreciate very rare "visa-free" regime with China, i explained that as well... my sister travelled, for example, with husband few years ago as totally unemployed to China and it makes a lot of difference nobody to look at it and enjoyed China and came back ; banal example. with many "English speaking" countries we don't have that privilege ; ...second, Chinese are almost minority here for almost 30 years (if we forget maybe some old individual settlers...) and third, speaking for myself, we like them Asians, have impression, maybe even physically... but it is not to forget huge human potential it presents, even if we are to talk about partnership, sexual for ordinary to poorer man. Plus, plus, never problems nor war, nor crisis in history with those countries... so yes, to round it, not only economy i think (in that way this thread was good as well) except US - other countries have their reasoning and longer ties as well ;) Indonesia is good example, almost long friendship and (i hope) positve relations, but no special economy between us... Japan bit more, but we like them and react even it phone actions to collect money, Korea also bit more, but we like some respect they have and so on....

unimportant generally, but nice and worth adding... talking about potential and films - SA is now added to the list, could be great action films ;) ...beside Cuban, Mexican, Central American and Asian, Hawaiian... most seriously, no idea why we didn't insist never on such subjects and some good film about Serbs in early XX century on (say) Cuba and mercing and loving around... obviously was the case, personally it is almost unknown. have fun & do join to make it better place, the end i think, but as i said really plenty of good subjects even from small country like mine... don't be shy.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-08 11:52, Tuesday

another great subject, via some "TV show" on our TV - increasingly fewer and almost never in long periods watch TV, consoder it obsolete btw, but seen short clip from it...

it was, in joking matter about some Russian (older lady) scientist talking to Putin and she said, among things how she visited Serbia and how "Serbs support for traditional values, often christian values etc."... well I also talked it few times recently, it is interesting but also small "conclusion like" comment... for historical truth... not only that our (quasi-Serb, trully taken from Greeks, Turks and wider) is openly vulgar and not really traditional, not only (sorry to mention but it is fact) our PM is LGBT and "bi-polar", not to mention how widespread is some decadence and "drug abuse" among Serbs, how decadent and untrue our elites really are, etc etc etc ; but small historical cut as well from me, like the subject. Well I said that even in middle ages, impression is that Serbs were more "relaxed" and some "feminist" things present before the empire fall - in that sense Serb emperor ("the mighty") enabled first (allegedly, but some western historians agree) woman to enter "holy site" of orthodoxy, mount Athos - probably shocking many then. We had very unusual kings and queens who opposed (foreign albiet) churches as well... further down the road, as also known we were if not first - among first - countries to allow women to serve in our army, including foreign i.e. Brit ones - double shock for traditions :) ...and also - not proud of it as i'm often against and do not accept idea that selling yourself like piece of meat is positive and civ advance ;) but don't care in time where everything changes - not expert, but it seems by other historians that start of XX c Belgrade (in concrete) was small but place of present prostitution, even bordellos and homosexual relations as well, even in ruling circles ;) ...so, conclusion is really how "traditional" society we were ever in history, but lets say interesting as history. always look for true history... Russians should also judge themselves and there was even that joke about Putin after divorce - but our president and many politicians also changed wives ;)

but western world, white people not really my subject :lol but do not have impression that i like other types of people any more :) (only Asians)...seriously that's for historical consideration and not so important maybe... other interesting part of show part I looked it - was concept of "friendship" among nations, and what really nations know of each other... As i mentioned it myself - well of course "freindship" among nations doesn't exist in general, it is always politicans who made few moves... so yeah, Indonesia is good example :) my personal experiance is that people generally do not know much and those who know, don't know any substance. Hardly friendship but i'll explain that in last sentence... Japan is better example, people (my experience) do know more and heard more about country, but that's probably because of Meiji's letter :)

and here the point - by "friendship" I also understand that, political decision of "elites" sometimes... Japan (yeah, like to mention it) showed it, considering its restrictive policies :yes (and not only to us, also to much worse places - pardon - like Mexico due to older "friendships") ... so yes, it is not important what Tokyo citzs or Japanese in general think (i like that band with two nice girls singing our songs)) and what they know about us - i consider initial act, by their politicians but i think majority of Js think it is alright - that on their border I'm equal to American when we enter for start :) consider it friendship in some philosophical way.... so in other ways as well - personally consider UK now more "friendly" to (say) NIcaragua or Mexico than us, due to same reasons... do join, think it is great time - with "greatest crisis since ww2" - to exchange some things and give true historicl knowledge, having "green" (coronavirus times excluded) on 4 biggest East Asian countries now, definitely "success" and "friendship" with this whole region... do join unconditionally and say what you think about any region openly (Taiwan as well) and does others have same rights as well, example... as said place good as any... Asia is my interest because, as said, considering it "success" and we "left in dust" even some other countries, which is nice by our friends... again (like the subject) Japanese and S Korean move was "schmeck" one because if they didn't give us, veryone would say "only Indonesia and China, bah..." ;) if you really want the truth - it is Milan's letter, special forces we sent to each and fact that we called their emperor to visit post ww2, even though communists did continue many of Serb kingdom old policies so also "spread" into "third world" and other "races"..... do join with any story from any region, really like the alternatives and why not. also correct me freely

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-09 10:44, Wednesday

at this moment I'll tell my first experience with bordello, don't use such places... back in 199x, don't really know the year, but was practically kid... went with few friends, by car of one, 4-5 of us. One knew location so it was ride somwhere in far suburb of Belgrade or better said maybe some village... behind corns and fileds there was house, tall gates and guarded enterance... few "tough guys" inside as well and parking. Newer house and we are in... bar, some room for "reception", again discrete guards and of course girls... Rooms behind or upstairs. And then we realized all (or huge majority) of girls were from (true, while we also partly belong to it) East Europe - Ukrainian mostly and after talk so not guessing... personally suddenly all that atmosphere, foreign girls, guards and all seemed so unnatural and unpleasant, totally counter to "quasi-pleasure nature" to me and I took drink and went out to cars, without "business" personally...

I don't know and can't say (maybe politician owned it) but it was illegal and, they say, mostly "mafia" operated back then, like in "great" America or maybe elsewhere. While we will not generalize, safe to say that average "professor" will hardly operate such places, esp. if we are talking "international business" ;) but who knows... it is not only reason for my dislike then, but also those quasi-happy girls from who knows where and similar.... just imagine if it was legal and still run on same way (like it would be surely) - so great expression of freedoms and advanced society :) ... modern women/girls (not all of course and men as well in "business") are in great "male trap" today and some thing presented as "freedom" which is only degradation of it and nice source of income or "work" even and quasi-sayings of oldest female profession ; personally think dispite particularities and various places on planet... but that's when you make societies as symbiosis of crime-politics-business all in aim of (quasi) happines and reaching Uranus :) ...and opinions like mine surely will not change it, present through centuries ;) but why not to tell the story of "great freedom thing", nor i'll go out to protest and told it without any passions...


this is btw that Japanese band I mentioned, not to confuse some eventual reader from region :) hardly global fame :lol but as i said they are/were cute :yes ...do join on something more important (and don't mind small digression if you are worker in sector)) like you.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-10 14:02, Thursday

...and i don't want this subjects, nor crisis to be eventually last post in here, since i already made few conclusions :) ...somehow it would be "falling under media pressure" to talk Russia and Ukraine when in reality I wanted to "widen horizons" and look further and generally "renew ties" even on people level... Thailand indeed, Yingie why not. But since mentioned few lines - Ukraine? We, since their indie, called every their president here, including Porošenko, "post-putch or post-revolution" one and was here... did some things on revival of cultural ties, economical, visa free etc. (this summer even their operated military plane crashed in Greece killing their crew, after loading on our airfield, example) ...sanctions? if absolutely needed due to obligations in some pact we signed with EU, guess it will be done if it goes for long as "crisis"... but even Russians knew it, talk constantly about "pressures" on us, and are not really scared nor "impressed" nor it will change much if Serbia do some "quasi-sanctions". But every realistic, with working head on shoulders, EU or US politician know very well that that unlike average Estonia or someone we went through own war (or few wars in segments) with huge material and human loss (not only death which wasn't as in other wars, but emigration), and also know that we were under one of worst sanctions, no-gas, no-nothing etc, true ones, once and that same every politician know that even part of state was taken... enough about us, inflation already high and for "values" i recommend rich (3% of planet pop, huge majority then) to pay the price once. summarized it fastly, but generally don't see why would it be "our subject" more than Thailand is. we supported "territorial integrity" but why would we support "integrity" of anyone when it is not "holy book" and i was born in state that changed borders severely many times, philosophically speaking. Values? give me a break, we involved ourselves in greatest war till then because of "values" and our principal opposition to annexations by greater powers and nobody declared war because of us... so surely we even historically are against any country taking other and were annexed before that even :) . even like (heresy) current Croatian president famous for "nervous reactions and answers" on some topics and really think that some things are supper funny - like Germany (in some fantasy) cut support for migrants in Serbia "in case of..." :lol while all migrants in Serbia are from EU territory or surged after wars with which have nothing to do etc etc.... as said just few fast thoughts and semi-true semi-satirical thing, underlining that we did our "historical part" for Ukraine as well, but also everyone to knows that we are after 11 years of last population census for "half-million to million smaller country" and among 15 poorest in Europe etc etc

really want to relax myself and look at other parts of the world as well... in that sense, even "great slaughters" in Asia (luckily historical) were relevation, what Chinese went through historically as well (before Japanese started wars with them) and that "the Baklavas/Balkans" historically was almost "cute baby" compared to extent of crimes there (also by Europeans)... if Wiki is to be trusted.... but, but another one subject as conclusion. Had some conversation about Japan, our old friend and future one, best after China and Hawaii - and in some (really unimportant) exchange there was joke about "we collecting money for Japan" as diplomatic counter for their "visa-free" decision... well, since mentioned few times - for datial and historical correctness, disasters and shake & tsunami in Japan (and our reaction and help offer) happened before their formal decission ;) their govt (first in EA, due to Milan's letter) made formal act and put it "on circulum" in May of 2011, few months after tsunami etc. Formality sake, and don't break your heads already - it was due to Milan's letter, the end (just look at Mexico-Japan relations page)...

other parts of world, wider horizons... think now this is good "conclusion" as well, if something I like do not come across... but generally finished all subjects. Do join, Thai, Hawaii let's feel nice and friendly like old pals... ; like history and similar unusal things... think it is the end (don't trust me) and with open invite to clear me some things (Yingluck just figure but why not as subject among us....) ...sorry to others if you absolutely hate Serbia, Hawaii, Japan and Thailand :) but honestly "pub" is empty ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-11 22:51, Friday

interesting is moment, my J readers, or detail that i never mentioned - considering all, whole story, and his quite many decorations and ties - that Milan was not known, confirmed nor probably wasn't then masonic lodge member nor follower in any way... from nation that had quite "many" known (for size) and already since early, XVII c. we had at least 2 known rulers who were, quite many ministers and various public figures among... but not Milan, that's interesting part considering his ties. Probably around him, plus he "paled" Americans.... but stayed away personally it seems. truly knew some Japanese interested in details about historical things, lodges and maybe this one looked as "suspect" but he wasn't, btw so was logical thing to add. there are lists online... we had really many but it did not make us something special nor smarter, better or worse (literarly since first ministers in "Kara" George govt - he wasn't one as well....)

have no idea why posting this pics, but seems like good one for the end :) and people like posts with pics :) guess who did not wave like all kids ; ...but there is Yingie - in a way, even retroactively we are specific also in a way as only European country having own girl and citizen on such APEC parties, much more lively than those i posted before... also quite few persons there with our highest decorations (Abe, Xi, Putin, Yingie and more...) also specific thing for us, we are unique by that number of all absent. maybe we should apply as well ; ...anyway, no idea why picture (probably explained + citizen there) but also don't be pesimistic about my truth about shrinking - China is annexing us and we biggest ; ... see you when you join :yes


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China, intimately

Post by Ale » 2022-11-12 21:58, Saturday

https://min.news/en/military/3dfdecebe9 ... 9ef6c.html

as said sensationalistic, "unserious" site with all sort of things, but like to read it for fun in bored moments...

text per se again aimed at Japan mostly :) but like this part "...And will the United States use this channel to send some weapons into Kosovo to spark civil conflict in Kosovo, thus igniting war in the Balkans again? It seems very likely to me. Today's Russia itself is caught in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the situation in Kosovo is complex and cannot be solved by goodwill coordination. Therefore, if Russia cannot constitute sufficient deterrence, whether war will break out in Kosovo or civil strife in Europe depends on Europe's own choice...."

And what is this supposed to mean China, our baby? What about you? :) Aren't you biggest "deterrence" with most of your money put - by Hungarian work i posted in thread - in (Hungary, btw) and Serbia in whole EE? Aren't you there than do defend your own interest and not Europe or Russia... we have high hopes in you to prevent any "American plans" :lol and to deter and to protect us from evils of war... ;) ...don't say it is in vain that 80+ percent of us held a favorable view of China (second most percent after China itself allegedly) in vain...
He said, "I hope that our aviation industry will not become a national football team, but a national table tennis team."
:) yes i feel for you, probably in situation to lose even to Kosovo in some game of football... even in that field we tried to help you with our coach who led you to greatest success on WC. good luck in future, there is definitely human potential there :yes

doesn't matter even when you write some stupids :) we love you and have great plans with you, hopeful very much for peace and prosperity on Uranus even :yes ...so unimportant text, unless your are Japanese maybe. (Japan is our oldest friend so maybe China a bit reacted, without bad intention) But in most serious way, for us only sign - even if China mentions it fantastically to scare Europe - that it must be solved as "crisis" forever (for sake of our children we will have with Chinese as well) before Uranus plans...

visited Chinese center of "trade" few days ago, just for my fix of Asian beauty and prosperity... not some China-town like in various places, more small "shop-center" they have few across the city... liked every moment there with cuties around and their nice accent and way of speak... was looking and bought some plastic things for toilet. That brings me to this map, old already and not true maybe (Wiki itself claims that there is maybe 15,000 Chinese in here while map is not sure and put smaller number...) but "map of relevance". Because - no offense to anyone - if in year of 2023 (almost) you don't have at least pink shade, you are not really relevant country :) And we are, maybe even red if some estimates are true... it is about Chinese communities abroad, not all have them and we are (by maybe untrue data) only country of ex-country which has Chinese community and cutie, learn to appreciate that as well...

maybe I did not talk enough about China in my thread and mentioned Japan too much ; so it offended and gave us some dark visions :) ...but I also tried to correct this with this post and stress that out, how we like China, we don't see any wars there, just prosperity and ultimately place on Uranus (like this joke, even if overused, cudos to Americans for inventing it))... so yes you are not only our friend, population source and future "mama" but you understand our feelings and old ties with Japan, just imagine visa-free in 2011! :) ...of course in case of tsunami we collect help for you as well, baby :lol (never) ...do join from HK/China/Thaiwan or elsewhere, even emigration (or from the "block" in New Bgd)) ...btw, we are among first to give "visa-free" to you in XXI c, so even poor and unemployed Cs cuties can spend a month on our Danube riviera :yes ...do not fear so much about us ; like you, no offense if my feelings of Japan are "provocative" but old pal is old pal if it does something good to you, you'll understand...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-13 22:50, Sunday

yes there are problems, and there is no brain, govts are sheety as is planet, but for the end something else... to me, personally, that subject of travel and visa-policy super interesting and investigated it for some time as hobby on almost evryone (not really)... no, I'll not start about UK and "Anglo-Saexon world" :) (made my point and it is accepted, hate them)) but really some interesting policies there on various countries around the world...

in that sense we are currently also unique i.e. only country in Europe that gives "visa-free" to 2 biggest countries in the world, China & India, plus biggest country in SEA and in same time "biggest islam country in the world", Indonesia... while some might give to some of them, we are only for all 3, for month before deportation ;) Guess if you are to ask American which is only country that does that in quiz they would never guess or maybe they would using some logic or knowledge, but doubt that 1 in 1000 would get it right, but yes, those country are we, doesn't matter... really interesting as current fact and only one we have no reciprocity with is India, maybe poorest (by GDP pp) becuase India is simply country that doesn't give it to anybody, but we are "privileged" with e-visa unlike some :) (but still far from free travel, but again India doesn't give to anyone...)...and so on and on, hundreds of interesting combos there globally, like the subject and some really funny policies and practices ; ...like our "knightliness" but also like that there are actually dozen - unlike always crying about bad things to us - countries where we are actually privileged compared to many, even under the "your nose", but also places like China... and when you realize that such freedom is not present even among nations that lived side by side (shared good and bad times)), share even same culture and history etc. and you have it, understand the beauty...

so far after some 5 years with those 3 I mentioned we did not have some huge problems, at least not known to me, but we are not really interesting nor rich, only fair that's what we are in short as tribal character ; ... only alleged problem was with Iran and we had to change policy.... but generally open for Iranian girls... ; Around the world in practices there is sometimes history behind, sometimes politics, sometimes lack of brain :) and sometimes carelessness for own citizens :) sometimes economy etc etc behind decisions including ours, but it is interesting how there is no global formula i.e. "richest or more better governed" always infront - some even try to attract poorer to come giving them priority... i forgot all i talked in thread, but if did not mention this, also was interesting subject to look who gives to whome...

actually as some conclusion (not some traveler anyway) i'd say that our priority should be SEA, esp. my Thailand, Filippines but all there generally to be "greened"...regarding region would be nice for rounding, but 4 biggest/most important success itself and great reputation/renown we have among that people :yes ..... :) ...if you, btw, want to talk about any particular country or region through that prism i investigated i'd like to hear that as well, nice subject... but doesn't have to be about us as well, tell me what you consider as good diplomacy from your place and what not.... personally, also "interesting detail" (did i mention it?) considering region is that we are - together with "future superpowers" China and India among least privileged in Malaysia, actually only without visa-free access without any special reason? maybe because we are targeted as future power :) But we don't give them as well and don't mention Kosano (Serb word so we can have fun with it) as some reason - if Brits can enter us, Malays should as well ;) ...but Malaysia is anyway almost privileged around world - I'd like we to be first in Europe to give to Thais :yes that feels good... simply like the subject and you can't get those answers without knowing some diplomatic "couloirs" and background... i, btw, support only legal travel :) so don't mix it with illegal border crossings... ; do join me on any of these subjects from that part of the world, very interested about it and it is nice pub theme...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-16 19:51, Wednesday

...i have good joke about why Asians give us primate regarding some planets... after high Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. delegations and scientists visiting taverns in Serbia (but also Greece and Turkey) they were amazed and concluded: "wow, if they can survive in such atmosphere they are perfect humans to land on some outer Solar system planet" :) ...of course, before smoking was restricted, but we like unfavorable conditions, so joke is solid ;

something else, my Thai friends... don't know how it is precisely with you, considering title of my thread "history & modernity", but it really is curious and interesting in our case... how we ended where we are and are "running in circles". You know what is funny - we had one brilliant satire-writer, translated to many languages (maybe even east Asian?) who wrote best parts 130 and 120 years ago, and his themes from short (or semi-long) satirical stories are almost same like today... he wrote about "leader figure", about people standing in line to get stamp on forehead, about quasi-nationalism and quasi-values of elite but also naive masses, even about Kosovo being outside and so on in very funny way in various works, short stories.... (generally some things can be pan-European of the time, so it is why he was translated wider) ...would like to hear about Thailand (country with such long independent traditions) or Japan - China was de facto under foreign rule then so relatively new as "modern state" but old civ :) - and how many of satirical topics still do exist there 130 years later, for example

in our case it is esp. interesting considering such long "traditions" i.e. feminist ideas for long, since middle ages :) or as Wiki and some scholars claim how our first uprising was "first national-burgeoisie revolution in whole East of West" (and not so long after American & French revolutions), so many advanced parties and many of them, so many (quasi-free)-masons in govt since early and even - imagine - first modern king abdicating by parliament pressure, democratically, such rare thing globally but we did it etc etc etc... and here we are, after all :) and even our size was with good governance our advantage, considering all those "historical successes" and we could have been among more successful... don't know about you, old friend but we are still somewhere around Mi-Mi & Meiji restoration :) hope is that China will turn us into wise Chinese, Japan will turn us into Japane... well, into robots :) (just because our both pops are declining, not anything else - actually we are similar mentality and both fun loving), Korea will turn us into beautiful people, Thailand will turn us into Shinawatras and so on and on (Myanmar will for change turn itself into "Yugoslavia of Asia")) but best hopes to them as well, our old friend....

interesting is also - "liked" that detail since we are among first to "open to China", our visa policy by regions - Macau for 90 days, whole China 30 days, Hong Kong 14 days and Taiwan (China or not, we support China and dialogue)) no "visa-free" (reciprocity)... of course not as tourist-info nor destination (tourists, what's good and eternal about them anyway, plus they eat food other people can't, are noisy and don't work)) - but generally interesting how HK got only 14 days, without some reason in that regionalization ; ...but we like all Chinese, B. Lee was very popular in my childhood, we had all his tapes on VHS in family many years ago, not to mention girls (no C girls in family but will be in future ones).... of course we can't put us "on par" with China, i repeat our friend, open to us, investor and minority (as good as Japan & Hawaii) - so I'm proponent, as serious part of the post - of not forgeting nor ignoring "smaller countries" (except Brunei & Hawaii, all other actaully big for us) so I like, for example, idea of recognizing "our origin" of Shinawatra family, giving them citizenship if that was in some interest - but also not about families and persons who were lucky enough to work in the police :) and become PM, we must strengthen our ties with 70 mils of Thais above all, and all things we can trade with them... do you like apples, cuties? :) (we don't produce tanks anymore or just few yearly) students activity etc. spaceship industry coop, and when we become very rich (our GDP per capita is constantly rising on fearsome level, NO - not because we are smaller in pop annually) we all to have Thailand as prime sea destination :yes not Japan, so far north in cold seas ;) nor other powers....as conclusion, history teaches us that when "big and powerful" got themsleves in the "clinch" we suffer, so planning mission Uranus with them can be risky, but never turns out bad when we keep friendship with smaller and it stays. Like Hawaii.

maybe I'll come back if there is some nice line about Asia to add, something historical as well, but generally forcing subjects now but as long as there is something "interesting" to add i'll do it, already have one post in mind but maybe tomorrow when i add pic p... don't have any hopes for pub-life :) but take it as some interest, Asia, like talking about you and like you... do join however, we have a lot to discuss. even if it is just some help about historical details. Writing book and doctorate about all Serbs with "White elephant" if you know details :) ...since I mentioned our need for Philippines ties, did our "stamp-makers" and diplomats use our "pocket ace" that D. MacArthur was wearer of our "white eagle" ;) visa-free! ...yes, he was but for battles in ww1 where he was noticed by our officers, after 1941 "white eagle" wasn't awarded anymore...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-17 16:09, Thursday

...nothing spectacular, just small "demonstration" to Asian readers on topic i talked... so how that "Serb queue" looked like, luckily there are survived photos ; As said even westerners wore cues, Brits/US etc, many others, but our was specifically long and braided, plus hair on top untouched as said. Braid detail is (although maybe not unique, Greek noble in our service did have it on medieval photo, plus probably others in northern Greece etc) similar to Manchu-Chinese style and very "Qingy". Do not hate us for that, China :) ... two pics although only second good one as demonstration, but first shows how it was formed. Interesting is - while many wore it - that Serb (or Serbo-Croat) language preserved name for it "perčin" which is also one of Persian origin in old language... while many blindly believe that all "eastern words" in that sense Persian, are from Ottoman-Turk times (after penetration) but more accurate history is that Serbian did have many "Persianisms" before arival of Turks, like word "kazna" etc... could be speculated about our migration, not to mention tribe name from Sanskrit :) and Yeti-origin ;

like it, like the detail, makes us so ancient and also eastern... contrary to some hypocrisy and jokes toward Chinese, our brothers&sisters, as mentioned many on the west wore various hairstyles (not to mention European wigs from before we never wore) such hairstyles were very "masculine globally", even braided, and widespread among us - as said before "Kara" George outlawed them... not sure, not expert on others, when they disappeared in Russian lands, if ever widespread there etc etc. On photo two "dukes/lords" from first uprising against Japan :) - interestingly, since I mentioned Japan and their "interest" - both were (free) masons indeed - without insignia on pics, wonder which lodge then since we are talking circa 1804... very strange tribe we are maybe Sanskrit best described it as "tribe of everything" ;) ....other tie with Japan, brothers-sisters, is (marked with arrow) how first lord is doing ritual "harakiri" on photo :) ...of course joking, he is touching his gun, knife rather... but could be said, shogun lookalikes ; ...that's all, the end and join.


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travel, seriously

Post by Ale » 2022-11-18 14:26, Friday

...seriously - really want some of my posts to be serious as much i can, but there is a lot of humor - few more things about travel

I doubt we have members from EU countries :) but some might come and read, maybe even some clerk from some EU institution or commissar, so don't want to be wrongly understood or get some stick :) ...when it comes to world globally we all have our views, personally i describe it with "sh-" word ; and see a lot of smaller/bigger problems in the future, social etc etc. but not the subject...

so a bit of serious clearing of some ideas to eventual EU readers... there was recent summit of Serb, Hungar and Austro "chiefs" because those 3 countries are traditional "protectors of Europe" and together fought against Turks, Russians, Serbs, Hungarians etc etc really many :) I don't need reports from commissars, offices and media to understand problems of illegal movements and huge pressures I have own eyes as well - suddenly since some 8-9 years ago, we are also part of that and had problems, so i take it seriously... but part of my satire is that Austrian leader in concrete talked about "rising number of migrants from India and Tunis" our president said we experience "rise this year (again) in people from Afganistan, Pakistan, Syria but also Russia and Ukraine" and while Austrian also blamed it to Serbia visa-policy, on whome we to blame as those 3 countries are not the ones we have visa-free at all etc etc. So you understand satire and problems and hardly is migration from one route nor stoppable easily, nor hardly are all those people wandering around from "Belgrade airport" globally :) ...so yes, in a part wanted to make fun of it and also make fun of EU ("scheveningen area") visa policy as it gives visa free to also very dubious, criminalised and socially troublesome countries etc etc. some even we do not give to... so i think Serbia pledge to "equalise visa policy with EU" is more political thing which will not (instantly) be good for us as we are by that giving to some that are not giving to us etc. so i think "synchronization" is philosophically problematic from our side as we gain no new "open land" but might lose some... ;) for example we "sync" it with Cuba (old friend) and we lose it as privilege ;) Ideally would be if EU and Austria for example to help us we to gain it in some places we don't have now etc. (but instantly not in 100 years, when we become EU)

or, for example, US could also demand from (their pawns)) S Korea & Japan to "sync" it with them and take "visa-free" back from Serbia ;) and so on... hope now you understand my posts and comical parts of it, problems in the world and every integration... of course i'd never say something against our traditional friend and always ally Austria :lol but there are problems for us and really not so liberal travel picture like Austrian citzs etc... regarding Japan and Korea, i mentioned them with humor but could be said it is true, of course they are nobody's pawns and we are old friends able to joke each other, even in a sort of "love triangle". Japan's decision - for respect and so old - was of course autonomous :yes (and because of letter) hope it stays forever, but as citizen I'd also one with China to stay and circle to spread not contracts, get smaller ;) really wanted to explain this as some might not understand humor... nonetheless Thailand should be priority ;)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-28 23:11, Monday

this Japanese (quasi it is English and written by non-Js)) press article gave me good "schlagwort"...

https://japantoday.com/category/fifa-wo ... 'brothers'

...why? because is subject I talked in my period of interest back in "open mike" before i lost interest, will come back to point.... first, must be said (if true) that pure fact that there is one of bigger countries where younger people cheer your team is great be it Japan, Russia, China, USA or whatever big. Tha's positive side :) But article is a bit "political" and full of usual "dogmatic lines" like "ally" - lets say historically that last time Russia and Serbia were in true alliance was year 1914 and since then many wars on both sides and never de facto not de jure "alliance" between Moscow and Belgrade, not even during communist times when both capitals "clashed", and Belgrade was ruled by often non-Serbs, just for correctness said, so word "ally" is totally untrue... but yep, no sanctions from our govt that's true (i also talked it here) but many countries did not implement them. so much about usually used word "ally"... second "dogma" or usual repetition or BS is colors and faith :) what about Slovenia, Slovakia colors etc etc etc related and faith same thing, esp. since we are less "faithful" than many, global research... they share faith with many even those who battle eachother so no argument... about colors, usual thing to repeat, our is more than 800 years old, proven.... but generally all not so important, but small minus for Japanese press to repeat usual things, but really side story...

the point is and why they gave me "schlagwort" is actually that data i followed by Russian sociologists on public research of public there... post 2000 Serbia was never ranked high, and even minimally compared to countries like Germany which had much more positive i.e. friendly answer from people they asked... further, last year when i posted in "mike" Serbia had just 6-8% of "most friendly" by Russian voters... further - the point :) - since J allies (true ones since Milan) coloured article that way and I actually know most recent yearly reasult by Russian public taa-daa! Serbia gained some few percents and is now at 12% of Russian responders put Serbia as "main friend" let alone brother (but we have some Scythian ties indeed))... here is pictured how it look like by 2022 public research, but sorry for low resolution - you can find it online etc. If you however can't cope with cyrillic (Greek made) letters of course I'll translate results on "best friends" category (first table): Belarus 72%, China 50%, Kazakhstan 34%, India 21%, Armenia 20%, Serbia (only) 12% then Azeri 11, Cuba 9, Venezuela and Syria 9 as well, od Russian pops consider as "best friend" ; ...very informative and nice though unimportant for us...

however, small minus for J article, but plus if true for youngsters and hope they keep "open all" for us so small and decreasing in pops ; nice also in sport way, not so true in political... except our president, govt, with strange PM and Red star indeed :lol (but they also arm and support Ukraine)) so nor true alliance (we had our wars in which nobody took part, they their etc) nor "brothers and best pals" nor something special... kiss you, nice article to remind me to this graph and reasearch ;

point is for you to join, make site bigger, exchange something particularly from Japan & Thailand... east Europe far from my focus now... though appreciated youngster, progressive sport support if true :yes so join and lets exchange something, think world is becoming too passive and "media lines" dependent... we have deal with Russians for them to repopulate us gradually :) do join from any part, Asia, and lets look at some events or things as they were or are, since we have pub already... i try to be inovative, interesting and attract YOU ;) (why this article now when they are in war, my sis Japan is visa-not-free nearing for us))


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2022-11-29 13:03, Tuesday

"Yay! Brazil beat Serbia, nice etc" ...so - even without any objective nor subjective nor rational reason to comment nor care about that, yet his brain worked in this line, after reading: Russia enemy, Russians watch Serbian game, then Serbia also enemy, so i must be happy when Serbia lose :) (even without any reason) ....or was it humoristic comment, but generally then he gave good example of how many humans "get opinion", even if totally unimportant for them... total is contrast my comment in sport section where I praised our ex-player and once top scorer Asano, so have subjective reason to comment, nice example of positive "marketing" not something based on negativism ; (as i said unimportant example, maybe joke and even i prefer some countries in football over others, but mind that Brazil is also our "ally" and "huge friend")

politically or better said socially, i always recommend people to look at own interests first... and to ask themselves for example is there need our female pop to lead Europe by number of cancer deaths (when captain Picard showed and landed on that theme)), do we have good med care and staff, what about pop trends, what about corruption levels, what about number of offices and ministries, what about prices:wages ratio and ultimately yes, something i talked about, how worth is your passport and how many countries for free travel outhere or are you treated like criminal on borders while true foreign criminals pass with smile etc etc (hehe, like this one such example of global "all are NOT born equal")).... i personally contacted "many" people from Ukraine and Russia since 2014 (now i lost interest as i said) exchanged some views etc. We had also quite few good laughs about historical subjects like "New Serbia", short lived administration in today Ukraine, granted by Russian empresess (it is like today, those 12% of Russians are exclusively female in our case), known story... so i asked Ukrainian "was it colonization?" ..."yes, maybe probably" the answer. so yes, there was few hundred Serbs in total, even bigger number of some others... then I ask "what was then tens of thousands of Germans that Habsburgs settled in today Serbia?" and we all laugh :) and so on... or I talk to Thais and say: it is so nice to be "land of smiles", so many tourists, cash, attractive location etc. but wonder when will day come for Thais themselves to be "backpackers" globally, go around freely with respected passport or lots of cash... still far. and so on, answers are in your society......

even historically can talk with examples - we had experiences unlike many countires - i can talk about moment when "we were in focus", helped and visited by many around the world, when US presidents praised us and western countires supported us, even military, 110 years ago, was young then but remember. even freaky "tea king" and all kind of celebrities visited us in 1914... and what, any good, any benefit, any importance? .... I can even talk about sanctions, imagine... it was done via UN like it should to be legit, but even babies (smarter than adults) know that UN is dead, by the will of big countries which disrespect its norms and institutions or block it.... change of borders? also via UN or via big international conference (as we gained our in 1878)... so we have all sort of personal experiences in rich history :)

do join -really last call - forum and game is "open", subjects are not exclusive at all, and it offers a lot of historical possibilites for campaigns not even about ww1 nor 2, hopefully other parts of the world... as many forums, it is created to make people friendly and globally interact :) ... generally I wanted this one to be about Asia and it was, but simply J article was usual "about others" instead of using chance to write good article about our coach being once known player and coach in Japan, or their "hero" (in vain) reaching stellar career peaks in our club and similar, something connecting our countires and teams ; but nonetheless, like J news, often very critical about govt, often talking about problems in J society and trends, even about spirituality of ministers :) and how many girls are in govt etc etc :yes must say do not read much now, was interested in subjects around Abe...join, simply it is about entertainment and fun forum, made to connect people (and bring us to Uranus).... maybe you even watch WC, maybe you even support Serbia :) (because we share same colors, seen S Korean fans with painted red-blue line on faces, exactly same colors of our king in XIII c, world is small!) ...have fun, but come around, that's ultimate point, i finished... could be said enough for Thai ties, interest in your political situation and connection from me and generally enough Pub content. trully try this to be the end, with some open subjects, interests and invite here

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-01-22 22:50, Sunday

...just for some action, humor & interesting details some subject i found funny/interesting... series of posts are over, maybe just sometimes something i like...

so, changing foreign TV channels in short to catch some news (rarely watch TV and it is often just few tens of minuts periodically to see what's talked about) I first catch some show on BBC i stayed at longer than planned, short show about Albania, guess in historical & touristic sense etc. Nothing spectacular and very short but got some humoristic ideas and catched things unknown... English lady who traveled it visited remote mountains and isolated tribe, visited some ex-Roman archeo site in digging and few words about medieval history - and she (obviously she wanted to make joke about it so I will as well) held a phalus in her hands, made of stone :) alright. Paradox is that it was devoted to/symbol of godess Junona etc. not male... anyway, interesting detail i catched is that Roman town in "excavacation" is (she said) officially first Albanian UNESCO world heritage site ever. Congratulate, nice detail if true - even though it is from civilization and people of foreign origin... so it makes me wonder how privileged we were through history since our UNESCO sites are for "long ago" and made by our medieval rulers, so yes in a way it was nice from UNESCO to recognize our churches as protected sites :yes And there is joke of course - since some of them are now part of "greater Albania" you got our civilizational sites for free so Albania will have more :) ...luckuly places like Studenica (i think) were also protected so something will stay... no sarcasm and congratulate to first place, but true joke in other part and really is privilege when you count number of structures that were recognized and protected from our medieval state, it is recognition.... when it comes to Albania - do join me and say what is actual and what is new archeologically - English lady said that some "medieval liking" is on the rise in Albania - i gave a lot of subjects in this and other threads so say what you think and what is new. Of course it is country of "importance" as was once - in short but glorious period during tallest emperor ever - whole part of our empire etc. Do say really and how you rate our medieval grow, elevation to empire and what you know/think about our short battles with Angevins in Albania, if something new is known or any other subject :yes hope you like my joke

second, totally unrelated but in my "thread for all" - this screen from place... why? well not only that foreign TVs and other sources are stubborn not to include our specific letters to their use, but they also changed our (version of name that was not popular in the middle ages, i repeat)) name -ar to -er so it is getting worse :lol ...really is it so hard to include ć, č, đ as they increase use of other special "non-English" characters from other languages... so do it, though I don't care but this is serious problem and subject ; ....have fun, this second is for fun and we always notice that in English texts and has to change but "Aleksander" is too much :) But first subject was relevation - again it is like we really had some "great civ" with so many very own churches/castles protected :) while one country recently got its first, of foreign civilization as well... invitation for new findings in Albania, i'm interested btw but will not make any more posts (do read some of my evaluations and thoughts in "translations" if you like medieval history)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-01-23 13:14, Monday

...to add in short - really short as subjects deserve book or two of own - while in the mood, personally think that whole "Angevin duel" was arguably greatest/most glorious page in whole medieval history of ours... some/many would say those pages were "glorious battles" with Turks (not without right) but to provoke and even openly attack house of Anjou, Avignon etc. was maybe that one. While struggle with Turks was inevitable and "coming to us", being surrounded by Angevine or pro-Angevine rulers in time of greatest peak and still able to expand was great story, as i said before... many "evil voices" or "Serb bashers" are ready to say that Dušan was "using Byzant weakness" to expand (but he and father also beat Bulgaria previously) but true history is that he was incredibly "brave" ruler that not only expanded in Byzant but provoked and clashed with powrful Avignon - and (for Albanian readers) died most likely while planning "fatal blow" to Anjou posessions in Albania (and maybe Constantinople as well)... one stroy is that he died in Albania, other in today N Macedon etc.

so in that sense - to say something positive for mediveal lovers - Albania itself is interesting, important episode and our tries to consolidate there. Even some small sign of respect from Serb elites as early Serb states formed near to Albania (Doclea or Zeta and glorious Ras, later even synonim for Serbia) etc. etc. AND - important - our most powerful rulers had many choices in time of expansion - but they chose not lands near Hunagry, not near Dalmatia, not near Bulgaria but close to Albania for their "resting places". Small respect maybe... must say something positive :) ...i have theory that Preljub was maybe half-Albanian (illegal maybe) and all know glorious episode of Novo Brdo resisting the Ottoman siege for two years, under probable command of half-Albanian... really if you know something new or have some "key of events" from Albania, say freely, but nice rounding I'd say ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-01-24 11:03, Tuesday

...another thing - now nothing to do with Albania, but as i said if you know something of my interest welcome - i just recently "remembered" or better said connected in head, while on subject of so called legacies or to call them tombs our elite and rulers made in medieval period... so yes, could be said that they were almost obliged to make tombs and as some foreign historians noticed it even "impressed" or influenced even "old cultural people" in Serb service like Greeks, Italics, old Romanics etc. that (as one author said) they "copied or imitated Serb elite" in idea to make "tomb" (monastery church for that purpose, so some combine of christianity and old traditions) for themselves... where is interesting part - well, for evaluations of eastern, Iranic or Persian origins... could be said that such tradition was (maybe not unique) but strong among our medieval elite and not Greek, Italian nor purely christian thradition, so idea is not wrong. Anyway, those are all interesting subjects and worth thinking about and i invested a lot of words to touch it - even making some connection to Austonesian/Indonesian language or "spectacular" finding by university of Jena (in Germland)) that old Persian had "deviation" or distortion from "sr-" (bia) to "hr-"(bati, or vatia) and other things - BUT of course we all know that Serbs, Croats and Bulgarians are classified as Slavic tribes due to today prevailing language, even though origin may not be Slavic, so I'm not "declasifiying" Serbs, just those are interesting subjects scientist in London noticed already in XVIII c and Byzantine scholars maybe knew when talked about early migrations of Serbs and Croats, not knowing exactly who they are, but did not talk much about it... some later Byzantines even (wrongly) equalized Serbs with Thracians (Spartacus tribe) etc etc. Like historical enigmas while we are Slavs par excellence, no dilemma :lol

thought to add this as "tomb" making was indeed our "speciality" and have some connection with (quasi) Persian east... nice historical enigma, we have privilege of it unlike Bulgarians for example who have more sources about origin, while we are "enigmatic"... now, who wasn't reaffirmed when i mentioned old Scythian king letter to Darius who said "...graves of our fathers..." and that it looks like us, is blind :lol Again, this is interesting if not crucial while interest for Albanian findings more important and open

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