history & modernity, my historical notes

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la serenissima - kissi, kissimma

Post by Ale » 2023-08-02 21:30, Wednesday

...of course Italian page on Co(n)stanza has small mistake(s) and said that she and (V)Ladislav were involved in founding of Milescieva monastery :) ...small mistake because of mix with Vladislav I, true king of Rascia predating events for some 80 years ; ...but doesn't matter all in good spirit and intent...

checked Italian pages on our figures this and there, although many things that i dislike and are probably not accurate (using our inaccurate sources so not their mistake)) ans similar, i'm satisfied and ther is respect... As said million times Italian sources are very important for us and for true history and events, plus gave "a lot" (sadly not but many intersting facts and similar) of deatils thatare precious... thanks to them we even learnt name of the ship that transported Anna and Stefan, entoutage (and orgy goers)) to Ras from Venice - the "Mocenigo" in Italian pronounce Mochenigo :yes ....why is it important... don't know :lol but lovely details as many from there, including Dante etc... maybe ship name is "important" to show that Mocenigo family was already important in 1217, even though some memebrs "entered" Venetian scene in XV c etc. (btw, on Ana Dandolina "cura fina" and Stefan subject, some say that they married a decade earlier even but doubt asd Anna would be too young for that year) And so on...

those subjects are important not only for world history and Unesco, but also for two of us, lovebirds... Whole my life claim that Serbo-Italian hate is (if existed ever in huge numbers) artificailly created in much sooner times and totally historically false, on the contrary it was alright even with Venice... it is also product of both left and right extremism sometimes repeated by (quasi) "history lovers" till today on internet or so... Venice is interesting subject per se but many are in our relations... It was not Venice that considered Serbs "savages and similar" and even term of (quasi narrative) "slave" in Italian dialects originate from Romean/Byzantine sources with traded more "slaves" then than Italians generally... for fairness said, although don't see how could we (as elite that usually had their viwes)) be touched by such hateful narratives... so i like to insist and gladly dig or go through such subjects. Again, Gabriele's "odda" is much better/more touching than any written by member of another nation to other - and it wasd not just prepared in few days, it shows that he was reading our songs for long, since school :) and knew even names of hills etc... and he was just one example

of course by saying some things and presenting history as it happened and not in hateful narratives, without whitewashing anyone it doesn't mean that I hate Greeks and so :lol they are also sisters, mhmm ;) ...just think anti-Italian hate debunking is more important for every Serb... yes yes, George "golden fork" devaluated dinar (maybe by Venetian influence), yes, yes, he signed the deal that Vencie take care of ex-Rascian land on coast after we are no more etc etc. but there are much more nicer stories... generally Italians very important and had respect, even cultural, for long... think all our readers must understand why it is nice subject and too bad only our forum is small and not in "some symbolism" but stories are great... always join

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-03 19:25, Thursday

in domain of theories - not because it is untrue but again because we don't have papers, documents and something like "clear books" and ruler's "monthlies" - there is story about dinar devaluation i.e. explain... again, we are not so lucky and documented like French i.e. Philip IV in concrete who had document for everything, for example Templar case which says: "Templars are satanists, evil and gay and I, my royal majesty Philip IV, never took any money from them!" ...so those cases are clear and we are not so documented, hahaa...

anyway, seriousness on subject... although it might have been long "wish" (devaluation) of "serenissima" (often meaning sovereign but name is not medieval at all and not used then) and they had fears about might Serb dinar, something else eventually brought George "golden fork" Branković and Venice to agreement... whose citizen he was, as many our rulers before, including Dusciano for whome citizenship wasn't important at all as he wasn't in fear, Venice granted him anyway btw, while he wanted ships :) - although he was not, George talking, related with Nemanide line that had Dandolian blood which automatically made them "Venetian" but was ruler, and related with "cadet branch" of Vukan line, saying for story and interest, via Lazar's daughter that was his mother, George's if facts are straight but no guarantee... BTW, our rulers with "Venetian line, Dandolides" (not praised as royal in Europe, but that's why Anjou-Capetian-Caroling princess was a must almost later and since then SU numeration starts) were Urosio I, Draguten, Miluten, Dechanski, Dušan and Uroš "the weak" or Uroš "the killed" as Gabriele claimed :) ... uh, went long way far from subject but it is nice story for us and Venetians/Veneto region, in cultural, architectural and political way... so back to subject... might be that agreement was reached as by both because (and if not clear for smarter) too many Serb dinars of all sorts have been also in Ottoman posession by then, due to various payments. So Venice and George agreed to do that as a way to "weaken Ottoman-Turk budget" by denying easy turn of Serb dinars into gold, od course gold meant arms, armour, even cannons for enemy etc. So they raised exchange rate, but useless step when it comes to Turkish budget and state... however it did weaken some business and trade in Serbia itself, maybe fastening fall, but was there "every minute".... so that's is explain (possible) of why then and motives...

when it comes to other deals with Venice - Venice granted security to George's family and "selected" if they chose to go to "serenissima" but also obliged to transfer eventual refugees from the Serbia interior to Italy, as it happened, by the end of XV c some Serb speaking communities existed in central Italy and (maybe Veneto).... so that is (quasi everythig is quasi)) story behind some of George's moves... he however died "on front". Why not offering some stories to Veneto, for example... always join, we don't know how long around but generally liking historical subjects and games ; pub for all

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-04 23:15, Friday

I will also add this frontpage of a book which dealt with some subjects of our great mutual love, as last (found it on Italian wiki)... It was published in Rome during "falschism" (meaning wrong in German) in 1933. It doesn't matter when it was published, was published by pros... why i like it is, after name which is "Italian princesses through stories of other countries" as subtitle it names countries from early middle ages in order - German empresses (Italians never recognized "Roman" to them, like Romeans to us for example), empresses of Constantinople and then queens of Serbia ...etc etc the rest. Of course countries sorted by importance, makes you feel important :) Like it... it is also chronological as we "royalized" Italian women among first after fall of Italian half, but it is only logical that we, sons of Servius did that...

seriosuly, interesting and respectful, must say that and i noticed as nice detail in turbulent times... it is also funny as today if some authors are to make such book (or similar subject) they would probably put Serbia somwhere far below, in fusnotes or maybe with tiny letters :) just joking of course they would make it first, today probably in front of those two... nothing specially humoristic in this post just to share this title and likable chronoligical/country importance arrangement

can't believe how big love it was, we must repeat it again soon... most seriously i also noticed (even Gabriele in his notes again) how Italian authors from earlier times often used words like "we or our" when talking about us, seriously... must be some Italian language distinction or some interesting respect, or maybe knew something ; ...this is the end of this block about Italians and us, historically... it is important because we created Europe, nothing else.... we are very modern and flying into space mostly today... i'll repeat as BTW my question here to any evetual Italian (principessa) reader on my fascination about Gabriele and since what year is our epic poetry and our geography kicked from Italian schools? :) It amazes me (if you are art historian or similar) because we had really hundreds of "longish" epic poems from the era and both Gabriele's poem/oda and his notes under the text demosnstrated that he knew really almost every of them and - most fascinating - remembered plot of most songs, characters etc, if you understand... just fascinating, if any explain exists, let it be my unsolved question... i ask on this forum because it is so full of life and activity, historical subjects ) ...had some contacts with Italians in past years, we discussed Romans, Servius, Dandola etc. ) but must admit never asked myself and them about Gabriele question really, so guess it is for art historians... simply text about him does not mention Serb epic poetry as more than obvious influence as it read it all ; If you pass by, my serenissima principessa drop a line... have fun.


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-06 20:01, Sunday

...we - btw, let it be the end - also had as homework or obligation in school to learn some of the poems and then recite them from the head/memory for grade... it was always sort of good laughs among us kids and some longer jokes and we later talked to each other in epic rhymes or strophes ) Nice days... don't know how it was in Italy and when such practice stopped, but guess Gabriele was an "A grader" (or 5 grader as we marked highest school grade) when it comes to Marko's epic songs and whole cicluses (cicles. there were 3 cicles of epics) as we divide our medieval epic songs :) ...even though we had a lot of laughs and troubles with it, when you imagine persons from European cultural and politcal history who learned and read them, it is great - deserves Unesco protection. simply can't imagine Gabriele (for example) just going to local bookshop or library and ordering Serb epic poetry and shopkeeper asks "which cicle?" and he answers "all of them!" ) so i guess translations in many languages circulated Italy as well as other countries for longer period...

personally think both principessa, regina Dandola (our fav) and Gabriele deserve a street in this city - not only for symbolic value but also for real historical things... Ana was something like "queen mother" of most important line and directly influenced events that shaped identity and peak, while Gabriele with his activity saved many lives, indirectly... as Italian ships transported not only our soldiers, but also PoVs in thousands... deserving figures ;

this is my fav paragraph or numerical part XVIII as he put it of the "oda"... doesn't mention anyone else except us and them so it is "PC" today ) but is also very effective and strong part:
Gabriele wrote:O Serbia, che avesti regina
di grazia Anna Dandolo e desti
del ceppo regale di Orosia
a un Buondelmonte la sposa,
odi: la Vittoria è latina,
ed ella è promessa al domani.
è una pura vergine bianca
(non è la tua Vila a lei pari)
più lieve della tua Vila
selvaggia che col piè nudo,
in vista dell'oste schierata,
danzò su le lance dei bani.
Diceano intanto gli araldi
in Prìlipa a Marco: “O signore,
contendono i re, dell'impero.
A chi sia l'impero e' non sanno.
Ti chiaman di Còssovo al piano
che tu dica a chi sia l'impero”.
Un grida: “Al Latino è l'impero.
Per forza a lui viene l'impero.
Roma a lui commise l'impero”.
will not translate whole para, no need but only few part because I have effective joke about it.... for example lines 5 and 6 say (in free translation): "you wait (Serbia) victory is Latin, it is promised tomorrow." ...and last 3 lines say, after Gabriele cite our song i mentioned in which epic hero is asked to whome Serb empire belongs after Dusciano's death, he poethise: "shouts, empire is Latin...naturally...Rome promised empire to them/us" (of course Gabriele is using some strange dialect of Vulgar Latin, so i paraphrase))

joke is: Miluten and Dušan are reading his text and react "WTF? What kind of Latin heresy is this??!!" :lol ....of course it explains even historical parts that "Latin heresy" in our case was some humor or provocation of the times, and not aimed at Italians ; ...Italians knew history well and had respect for our peak figures and it would not be the case if Dusciano "ofended them" ; nonetheless, take it as joke, while i like this paragraph which is strong and almost "sisterly", but good for jokes

also seen that Wiki makes "big mistake" and dating his "oda" to year 1914, while it was written and completed - by text i've seen and his notes in very late 1915 ; ...so, as always, Wiki is prone full of such mistakes, sometimes more important than this.

nice guy Gabriele, nice story, amazing but more reper of Italian respect dating from long, long... about Ana, not to waste words, we still remember her only with superlatives, although personally was teen then :) Very beautiful... hope you all like poetry and always help me with things like was our epics regularly published there and such... as you all seen it is historically interesting subject - btw, Italians made new film about Gabriele i.e. his last years just 2 years ago, it is fresh... if you watched it what are your impressions, my principessa? Or bare footed "selvaggia", either way i like you. Servius forever. Really wanted to make good use of this moment of inspiration and explain some things to readers and also to ask few question of own... but excuse me, i'm finished now and will really change subject next time.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-07 13:01, Monday

let's say this also... as they say now or remain silent forever ) ...you all know film "Gladiator", naturally, regardless if watched or not. Well we have a staute - i think still only statue of a ruler with a horse in Belgrade, but can't confirm as we developed so rapidly :) - and there is story behind, no coincidence... Direct inspiration or intentional copy, let's say, is no less than only statue of a horse with ruler survived from our old Rome, the statue of emperor Marcus Aurelius ; Even made by Italians. Marco is (we can't guarantee as Roman sources are not so perfect as ours as well) maybe a emperor who died in today Serbia and also added "Sarmaticus" to name, just like we - sons of Servious - united Sarmatians, Slavs and us he-he in strong state... but it is not only reason, he as Miluten :) reformed "dinar" of silver, decreasing its silver weight and percentage, last such reform until Miluten :) and so on, now you know the story... he is old emperor from the movie who is killed and to whome Russell Crowe is loyal etc. Scott intentionally made Preatorians "black armored" as it was by sources Serb description ; etc etc.

well, now you know this interesting story as well - statue on Rome platz is a copy - while original statue (with some golden percent) is in museum etc. Of course there are million hidden or forbidden details between Italians and us, historically and intentional enigmas... of course those things are secret and not to be discussed openly and usually when you hear them you stay quiet about it... Servius, "Killuminati", Templars, Alemaniac guard, sapienti sat... you heard it but forget it fast. Nice stories and might be true, in basics Italians have the keys and not giving them to just anybody... there are, without joke, many such details and would be boring to demask them all, but i chose this one statue detail - till today, even though we had many cavalric figures deserving it - remains as only copy of Marcus-Miluten in this city, just like it was the only that survived "barbarians" in Rome ) (Servius is btw, only king of old Rome whose historical truthness is not under doubt...

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only fools and horses

Post by Ale » 2023-08-08 13:30, Tuesday

while subject is changed, we will stay close, explaining people some things...

subjects are great and a lot to learn there, of course it is somehow most natural I to be the one to explain - not only due to Servius - but also our deep involvement in events in many ways... because we sacked Constantinople together and gained Ana as prize, because we reformed dinars, because of Marco (we also use this vulgar term like Italians, while Greeks and others Iberians for example, stayed less Vulgar)) deep tie, Constantine first and last who was half Servian, maybe catched some blood of Nemanide-Dandolide... etc. Our subject in many ways...

one has to have good investigative eye, some knowledge and similar to notice some things... tie of Marco Aurelius' horse and "horses of St Mark" (made in Italy, most famously once in Constantinople, then Ras, Venice, shortly in Paris and in Venice again) is more than obvious and experts (not my field) agree that they might be dated in similar period. Controversie exsist about horse modeling influence i.e. classical Latin, Greek or so called "Rascia school" started by Servius :) ...seriously, what is noticeable is that Marco's horse and those of St Mark (bingo) have same hairstyle, above eyes... As seen on example, picture 1, from the original inside of basilica ; (Aurelius is known)... some say that Marco rode a Sarmatian horse, so it might be that Constantinople/Venice horses are modeled by his horse... such hairstyle survived today most famously in Ukraine, not on horses though :lol (pardon, but funny and alright, we are quasi relatives but us related above all to Italians) So that is true, further all Consta-Venetian horses had raised arm, two left, two right - our statue in Belgrade had chosen the left arm rise for horse but still staying true to originals if we consider possible same/similar time of production.... interesting subject, I btw, give also example, picture 2, of our statue not focusing on horse sadly but ruler just to see how it looks like... Italian maestro - most called and expertised to evaluate that or to model it by original - chosen to extend just "point finger" and to move head position of ruler a bit right, looking, commanding something... but in other ways (minus clothing and big gun our ruler has)) even face is more similar to Marcus, bearded man... however horse is Roman ;

nice subjects... let's say that English Wiki page on Marco's statue as "influence on" put few examples including this modernist work :) in link below not to go far from subjects, while not our Marcus-Miluten, because of left hand of horse and due to it being work of Italian, what do they know about Marcus and us :) seriously, while i accept George's statues being influenced by it (where is the Roman beard?) and Brits being imperialistic i.e. we conquered them and included them (and then we together built a wall to prevent Scottish migrants move)) i think our statue is in "top 5" ;) BUT - as i said - English wiki page authors behaved just as i explained, keeping it secret :yes And thinking about own safety as "killuminati" never sleep... smart.

what to say, just another great subject, hope you like my explain and all... always historically. In short there is some contest, but great respect, between us, Italians and Greeks (and all us Latins) Servius, Dandola and Constantine made us eternally interconnected on such subjects... As said it is just pitty that Dusciano's church did not survive, guess it would give some intersting combos and answers to 3 of us, comparisons and details... but enough is that today he is sometimes called "father of Europe" sometimes "philosopher king/emperor" due to his many philosophical talks he had with figures of the branche from Romeans/Greeks (already talked that), but also Venetian daugthers and of course philosophers of his tije from catholic epicentre like Pierre Thomas etc.... :) best of all, he is called like that not among us 3 only, but in Brisel and Aachen.... have fun and always join

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... 282%29.jpg



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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-10 20:24, Thursday

must say this, although not my field, i'm medievalist above all. find it interesting when it comes to our continent (after checking South Sudan page and Palestine))... of course, always add something about you and what you find hypocritical

what is strange is that how we are so progressive, advanced and modern when there is need to recognize some countries around the world - for example South Sudan, Palestine, Okinawa, Hawaii etc. which we recognized among first (of course i'm talking about first two named for example, others are for joke, but we support) and much faster than any European countries ; ...but in the same time not so fast nor "leading the way" when it comes to some regions of Europe itself needing some "self-determination" help i.e. support... I find that policy a bit hypocritical ; ...of course we cannot recognize countries in Europe before they actually declare independence but, just to prove how we are modern and open minded, we could invite, support, talk to politicians from such regions/nations... or least we can do, to sell them some arms :)

just joking sisters, but it is true and no joke, small hypocrisy from our side as we are usually always in front of you in some cases around the world, and not so in Europe ; ...so wanted to change that myself, by saying that we unlike our politicians, absolutely do not support territorial "holyness" of any country in Europe :) and that we do not, as people, look at who is richer and stronger ) ... as i said let it be another interesting subject i added to our readers, as invite to pub, got idea by reading some pages... I also think your countries are very brave when there is need to support someone else wanting something, but only far away :)

back to own field and something interesting i noticed from another English language page, this one

In many parts of the world, an urban legend states that if the horse is rearing (both front legs in the air), the rider died in battle; one front leg up means the rider was wounded in battle; and if all four hooves are on the ground, the rider died outside battle. A rider depicted as dismounted and standing next to their horse often indicates that both were killed during battle.
Absolutely did not know that, so interesting :yes By "many parts of the world" authors (in further text obvious) meant "Anglo-Saxon" ) but is super detail and something to add to my previous subject... well, our rider and ruler have left horse arm raised (as i said) and of course ruler is mounted as seen - but however same figure i.e. our prince on statue died outside of battle killed in assassination while in park... so definitely we are not that part of the world text mentiones and our Italian maestro wasn't informed ) But again nice "legend" if untrue in many cases :yes Btw, never said - our statue was made in some 70s of XIX, while placed in 1882 as kingdom of heaven was declared, of course important to know...

that's it for now, I have one intersting subject about Dusciano also from Wiki in English, but that tomorrow or some day.... always join and say something

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2023-08-11 00:10, Friday

Ale wrote:
2023-08-10 20:24, Thursday
must say this, although not my field, i'm medievalist above all. find it interesting when it comes to our continent (after checking South Sudan page and Palestine))... of course, always add something about you and what you find hypocritical

what is strange is that how we are so progressive, advanced and modern when there is need to recognize some countries around the world - for example South Sudan, Palestine, Okinawa, Hawaii etc. which we recognized among first (of course i'm talking about first two named for example, others are for joke, but we support) and much faster than any European countries ; ...but in the same time not so fast nor "leading the way" when it comes to some regions of Europe itself needing some "self-determination" help i.e. support... I find that policy a bit hypocritical ; ...of course we cannot recognize countries in Europe before they actually declare independence but, just to prove how we are modern and open minded, we could invite, support, talk to politicians from such regions/nations... or least we can do, to sell them some arms :)

just joking sisters, but it is true and no joke, small hypocrisy from our side as we are usually always in front of you in some cases around the world, and not so in Europe ; ...so wanted to change that myself, by saying that we unlike our politicians, absolutely do not support territorial "holyness" of any country in Europe :) and that we do not, as people, look at who is richer and stronger ) ... as i said let it be another interesting subject i added to our readers, as invite to pub, got idea by reading some pages... I also think your countries are very brave when there is need to support someone else wanting something, but only far away
In great parts of Europe one finds hypocrisy where he / she wants, and it is even accepted that people express their minds about the subject.
Curiously, a vociferous minority of Europeans seems to prefer the other kind of system where there can only be the opinion of the ruler, imposed by force.
To be sure, Europe in this speech means democratic Europe; or saying it in other words, those who understand and accept they live in an imperfect system.
Of course, by "majority of reason" the most perfect political system there is is the one in which the leader says and the people just does.
There are no more contradictions or hypocrisies; the truth is always what the leader says on a given moment.

Personally I have no doubt whatsoever on preferring the imperfect system where people do have to deal with imperfection but they still can think and express themselves.
Because the other system reminds me of "doing things because I've heard a voice" (of the leader), which is a symptom of schizophrenia.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-11 15:19, Friday

appreciated my friend :yes Democracy is system (which by its meaning "rule of people") is not imperfect it is something not existing anywhere and we are all more or less oligarchies... For example, since now is summer - can't see how it is more good for all (and really all) that going to beach should be turned from something like breath of freedom with own thing to lay on, with own sandwitches and delicious donuts sold by locals, not very rich, into increasingly costly and restricitive episodes with almost forcing pople to buy from someone who never owned peace of earth.... and so this is cute example in right time. it is suitable, democracy, mostly for smaller communities where people are constantly asked about almost every decission, the bigger communites the less democratic, symplified said... Similar is travesty with word "republica" which in its base meant officials that are choosen in short, or temporar in any way, terms to do some job "for our cause/thing" and nobody ruled above others as some president etc. Of course that also went in some direction with growth, right after Servius :) Just imagine ex-republics on the east with whole life rulers called "republics" in that sense :) and so on and on, philosophy and words...

In short i like to talk about some direct things, like Palestine, views, should it be recognized instantly and so... but wasn't really important part of my post, just something noticeable. Portugal is great example on our continent... last foreign invader was almost Nabulione :) (and it did take part in ww1 sending forces to Saloniki etc. but useless war) which is of course not their, Portugal's, weaker side it's its stronger side ), just we others have different histories and troubles... I hope Serb patriarch (de jure i.e. in papers equal to Pope in structures) should be also welcome and able to give big speeches and gatherings in Lisabon :lol It is funny and of course Portugal is our pal, one of 2 countries in Ineria that unconditionally support us and not to waste world about Portuguese girls opinion about us.... :yes

Let's finish this subject I intended and i take vaccation... It is from English Wiki page about "Peter Thomas (saint)" and bishop from Avignon time papacy which famously discussed with Dušan:
In 1354 he was made bishop of Patti and Lipari and In 1354-1358, Peter Thomas, promoted bishop of Patti and Lipari7, was sent to Serbia with the main objectives of putting an end to the vexatious measures against the Catholics of Serbia and evaluating the intentions of Stefan Dusan concerning his desire to unify the Orthodox Church of Serbia with the Roman Catholic Church. Dusan's goal was in fact to find political support in order to set out, under the cover of defense of the Catholic faith, to conquer Byzantium and its Empire. In view of the complex geopolitical situation and the lack of honesty of the ruler of Serbia, this mission of Peter Thomas did not succeed, in spite of his efforts.

In the spring of 1356, Thomas, with the Dominican Guglielmo Conti, bishop of Sizebolu, went to Venice and met with Louis I of Hungary to arrange a peace treaty between Venice and Hungary over Dalmatia, but despite his efforts, the negotiations became bogged down and no peace treaty was signed.
:lol ...must say initially wanted to write a bit longer elaborate with some details i find interesting, but changed my opinion and will change and shorten it max... Of course paragraph exclusively from Avignon sources and very funny on situation it described complex :yes There are other sources describing it and Pierre's activity, there is even complementary sources which describe it in story about Palman etc... we don't take any as apriori true but almost every is fun in own way so i started with laugh...

so shortening and change of subject - to really understand HIM Dušan and his "clash" with all 3 major churches for us - catholic, Constantine patriarchate and our own Serb orthodox (enough to say is that he is the only non-saint of all, undeservedly) there is something else in addition or in base... While he gifted and supported many churches - our, Italian, Greek, even mission to Holy Sepulture ; as i talked he was "in small hostility with them all", Avignon as well for reasons.... namely he was our first ruler to explicitely criticize church and figures, even in Code and had some views similar to initial Franciscans. "Worst of all" he explicitely wrote that church figures, including bishops, shoul be imediately "fired" in some cases... that was among his greater "sins" not discussions about (quasi and maybe false) relation with father, Venice, this or that conquest etc. while also important... Additionally, he shocked Eastern churches by allowing woman into Mount Athos etc ; (maybe first to do it) ...so maximally shortened to get some idea, while so many figures, from Pierre and Avignon to Constantinople patriarchate were "iritated" by him :) as said simlified and shortened max, on very interesting and deep subject...

also - why i intentionally included last sentence in quote - Venice after all was "his ally" in days, only country which clashed with Angevines like him - but all with good and friendly intentions for all of us sisters ) ...vaccations, but always expeting youmy principessa (with big castle on Ligurian sea coast, where I move and be Servious)) ...sariously, subjects i like and many themes, always pick yours and let's see if we can help each other or exchange some interesting/fresh details...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-12 18:56, Saturday

let's add also this, totally modern subjects, guess people like it more than subjects i like... sadly for them, but no modern structure is, for example, exciting to me like good medieval attraction a la Carcassonne, no modern battle/war as exciting as black knights in action or Alemaniacs fighting for us :) no modern French president as exciting as Philip IV and so on and on... really like those subjects and expected someone with some knowledge to join ;

anyway, since few weeks back started to look (just like to inform myself on everything) sometyimes at Catalan pro-independists papers (while Scottish i read long ago, sometimes)... today text in Catalan (already elaborated it and gave even opinion of language melodism)

https://www.elnacional.cat/ca/internaci ... 8_102.html

It is basically anti-Borell text not so much anti-Serbia but they falsificated some facts and history, even calling problem with auto plates something like "plates of ex-Serbia, once Yugosarmat state etc" :) And also strictly said that Serbia doesn't recognize Kosovo (not a word about population being Albanian) because it is evil like China and Russia and Spain, axis of evil :) ...laughable but expected and no blame nor hate to sisters...

my point would be and already said that - while conflicts existed around the world always and usually among close ones (North America being only exceptions with two "very good, progressive kids inschool fool of "barabas") worst thing is to take sides and falsificate, when nations are far and unrelated i.e. to create conflict and hate among nations without any touching points and similarities... because it will last longer. In that sense i criticized even any line by our then FM on Catalonia, noted in wiki text etc. But can guarantee that Catalonia is never subject in our press nor we have such strong feelings like them seem to have etc. So very negative grade of the text, but doesn't matter... if you want to attack your own Borell, use domestic issues and not "hate spread" over other nations... imagine, was Franco our man as well... while saying who is authoritarian is OK (but doubtful as well as more criminalised) Catalans should know that we live here at least 1500 (i personally more than 3000) years and not recently moved in by Russia and Spain :) how about writting about being nation paid by Russia to "self-determinate" :) unimportant...

second subject today - maybe equally unimportant but good talking point and was in our news as BTW, 2023 World armies power ranking :)


we are 58. An advance in positions ) lucky us... Arm in arm with Bulgaria - long time no war between us, and we had many, capture of Boris still talked in pubs today :) Stronger than many, but weaker than Ukraine, so i'm in fear... Also first two places by armies who lost to Taleban and other not-so-great recently ;) ...France number 9 always remember that French army was No1 in the world before German attack :) my fav Italy 10th - Italians say that Italy would capitulate fast in case of real war and they don't like wars that much (there was some voting many years, 10+ in which Italians were quasi placed as first among asked nations who "would not fight") But sister and many times in history we fought on same side, Iatlians are knights par excellance... all comment as humor, but list is humoristic as well

few talking points as well, always express your opinion... to me both relatively interesting, think this is also more addition to pal Bombast for example who is very intersted for everything modern - but any opinion/joke welc, not to mention older subjects... as said more so as forum really lacks any action or content, than I expect any exchange of opinion... but of course that subjects are important and determine everyday life, tonnage of cocaine on streets, will kids be trash, trafficked or educated and relatively decent people etc etc despite me liking more humoristic tone ... of course that theme is crucial for us, Kosovo, as more than obvious is what we must do... much stronger and bigger were faced with "ultimatums" through history, worst thing is that it is quasi-presented as problem of Taiwan, Catalonia and bloody i don't know who, so that must stop... about Ukraine - recently in our news - don't lie anyone it will recognize and it was plan for long, but personally doesn't matter a bit to me (never was our ally in any situation and that is fact like Italy was and not matter of love and hate) what really should worry anyone is will Ukraine be country to which kids will run away for "better life" because of better jobs, more jobs or etc.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-13 20:14, Sunday

i hope this is PC, it is very funny, to relax situation a bit.... as i said, people do not be scared by angry dude on top and symbolism - we are funny forum and open to views and opinion exchange ; ...when it comes to joke in concrete in your region (with which we have nothing to do, but i admit we took few wives on route to conquer Rome with Italians, 1500 years ago) as i said i'm most interested in top 3 baby male names from last year for example (but can be girl as well, but less interesting) and similar things, was there some Baldovin as common Scytish name etc. ) and always welcome you here to discuss similar things.... but it is funny

namely from Ukrainian TV we are served here... this evening, no montage no fake, absolute truth.... so it is true :lol just, just they put a wrong name under guy but worst fears are true :) Maybe it is how he is known there ;

(seriously, while funny i don't consider that there is need for any ideology people to dislike each other, admit is funny and it is not fake)) ... to joke a bit with us as well, read some text about something and analyst says like "Italy is ruled by extreme right" while we have good relations with Budapest :) and so on... just don't spread hate about us and remember - all written us of in say year 1600 and never believed that Serbia or Rascia ever existed, but few centuries later we had some powerful pals with us :) do join, like culturo-historical subject but laughing very much on this


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-13 21:03, Sunday

...things to be worse they described "Mihail Tereshchenko" (haha) as "entrepreneur, banker, art collectioner and mecena" :lol ...it is disgusting and now you have translated text adding to laugh and their indoctrination ; ...join always, like this very much

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-14 13:10, Monday

...this all reminds me of one event - i'd like to finish with it - now looks like anecdote but it is true, must say not sure if i ever mentioned it here but like to remember it... IDK, 15 maybe more years ago, was stopped during one murky day, half rainy, by group of younger people on our fortress remains, including medieval segments where it happened... they asked me, and then i realized they are Croats, to translate them table hanging on remains of "Stefan L. tower" on which it was written that it was his tower i.e built in his rule etc. In cyrilic letters with date... Never in my life i felt so superior compared to them :) by being naturally able to do both letter types and our old Latin unlike them :) That's cultural thing, like that and i being there in right time...

it seems that "Tereshchenko" is using gesticulation by our Italian maestro so it proves that Italians and Germans used anything they liked from history in gesticulation way to make them more "stronger in speech"... as said our meastro work dates before "Tereshchenko" (haha) birth and i (unlike kaiser Willy) can confirm that he never visited Belgrade, unlike Ljubljana and Zagreb )) but imitated gesticulations by powerful leaders of the past... so usually "falschists" and unrelated

i'll add this text from Belgrade papers dating from time our Marcus-Miluten lived where he is explicitely called "Mihajlo"... i have even have some papers prints dating to rule of his father Miloš where in papers (i though Serbs were even unable to write then)) young son is called "Mijajlo" and similar variations and lingustical things... saying as it is always written "Mihailo" in wiki to underline his Russian origin and invention :) Not so important, always used word Mihajlo myself and maybe more intersting as historical fact and similar for all readers, always join... don't know was sure people like history here ;) ...nonetheless, while this is also comical, as always cathing some historical fact is only positive, as said history is not to be underestimated never, while of course direction is Uranus today... would like to hear from you my Krajina as well...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-15 19:02, Tuesday

btw, old papers and mainly funny headlines is also one hobby of unfrequent type, had some collection etc as well as rare historical photos, of non-combat type. But won't share that much, tried few times with photos but gave that up, due to lack of interest ; (and will not try with nudes or selfies)...when it comes to articles and headlines maybe sometimes, very funny when you look at them from distance or just funny in any way and always, unhistorically even... I found myself that article about Hawaiian minister i.e. royal envoy to here and Milan (no, not Milan, Belgrade but Milan) saying "to city of palaces and great/important capital of Europe":) in Honolulu press, great find for example... (but we couldn't do more about annex)) just to say like, those two things are some lesser hobby so we can discuss it or laugh it ; ...can't wait.

i'm finished and out - but in that humoristical and satirical sense, not becuase it is important and of historical value - and since English are top in humor like we and French, one headline from our press during the war and occupataion... Nedić, PM during German de facto rule by headline (in small letters) "PM Nedić meets with farmers" and big headline says "English are biggest cheaters and thieves!" :lol Since it is talks with farmers, it is funny, must have been bad seeds or anti-parasite chemicals from London that year :) (but maybe general war situation wasn't favorable for agriculture, of course) .... have fun, with this i finish, until the end of summer only such humor in photos and articles, but consider it hobby again - maybe you have own collection in some language and something i might like.... my principessa, until next time.


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-16 16:18, Wednesday

today, very nice subject but informative and fun, but generally last from me... all nice talking points and welcome to correct me...

must say first, not some fan of tourism myslef nor look at it as very important (but it is despite my looks) and, at the end it has 2 main bad consequences a) leading to voluntary occupation :) i.e. sell or give of native lands to who-knows-whome i.e. foreigners also b) it brings in useless and disrespectful people in scary numbers :) ...so not some "holy book" for me and i gladly give Germany privilege to have 50+ Unesco sites and beauties :) would prefer our number of tourists but we to be productive as we have always been and produce good tanks... no, no tanks... good rockets, rockets for space of course etc. Humoro-satirically but seruiusly said, but that's me...

to subject, nice one and friendly, popularising our principessa of state and great neighbor (in the future))... i don't know, we like them, very close ; So, 10 top Italian visited places in just 4 days if I understood, wow... Source Italian state propagan... state serenissima television ) As said only 4 days and - without calculating just fast look - over 300.000 visitors, would make 3 mils in 40 days then in such tempo etc. Big numbers, despite being summer now, first interesting fact... Second I'll translate list of top 10 visits, even fresh to me and interesting, adding own markers beside:

1. Colosseum (Rome)
2. Pompeii (east of Vesuvio)) (hence Napoli region)
3. Old Rome, forum, Palatine (Rome)
4. Uffizi (Florence, gallery)
5. Pantheon (Rome not Athens)
6. Academic gallery Florence (roughly said)
7. Royal residence, modernistic castle and park in Caserta (near Naples i think, never visited as well)
8. Sant Angelo fort/castle (Rome, related to Hadrianus initially as tomb - so Romans in later stage did have similar practice to our rulers of tombs, btw - but redone many time later)
9. Palace/villa D'este (near Rome again, Tivoli)
10. Pity palace :) (Pitti, again Florenze)

so that's it, interesting as some quasi fact and talking point... nothing from Venice, Rome of course dominates and so... for humor today, also same source and for those who think that we are officially only who did not change to PC name for Neverlands, Italians still officially call it "Olanda" like us, but totally unimportant, people always like to think how we are "non-PC". Subject is - tonnage of cocaine per capita.... :) per year :) (just joking ice-cream but not my point...) ...think again this is great subject and even greater becuse it is about country we consider almost ours... perfect for pub, but generally as you all seen, i dislike talking about others, but few exceptions, interesting and making some subject takes few minutes for me..... interesting socially, psychologically (as what is most visited), historically and as bonus our bestest pal country, sis :)



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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-17 10:57, Thursday

Defeating is fact, sobering, interesting, call it as you wish that we are not among 55 (!) top nations visiting Italy by pre-pandemic data (but doubt it changed, if true inittially, don't see why not)... Seen that also in some data, but not on Italian TV :) interenet. Virtually every European country is on the list of at least first 55 but not we, Ukraine (ce Evropa)) and Albania for example and some micro nations have more yearly arrivals in Italy than us ; ...being smartass as ever and liking to comment I'll say - doubt it is just lack of money (but it is factor in general population), doubt it is this or that, must say openly that it is also lack of interest among our (quasi) "elites" i.e. people with money for kind of tourism Italy has to offer i.e. famous for - cultural and historical one... And in the same time we talk how we are "all about history, traditions, respect for it etc" ;) Let it be one small personal conclusion on that subject and "defeating" fact... in the same time we have more ties with Italy, including historical, than many others...

so for little fun, but truth, I add this map of old Rome for really any international reader maybe from Hawaii or else - not to think "what is he talking about, this is lie" :) or similar... from English encyclopedias, but unimportant it was term used in many languages even up till XX c, even on fra Mauro map... Can open many papers from start of ww1 and you will surely find word "Servians" ; ...so this map of old Rome and famous 7 hills - all protected by Servian wall (Murus Servii as we called it, or Murus Serbii depending of dialect) :) Very nice, out of 200 nations, we... so free to say we were "first defense of Rome" :) (and last when we relocated to Ras but we failed)) What is not to be liked there...

i'd like to finish in other tone, unlike that "defeating fact" from start... Italian diaspora around the world, did not know this but interesting... While we have Italians here for long (even my paternal line town in central Serbia had own "Venetian chapel" many centuria ago etc) did not expect this as initial Italians disappeared... then there was also some XIX imigration, but also not survived, then also some Italians in modern times (one of more famous actresses, recently died, was of Italian origin, Neda) etc. But all that aside, think this is modern phenomeneon more that any of it - a bit surprising as I would say we "don't have Italian immigrants here" but obviously they move, whole families :) The more greener country the more, less greener contain 1000+ "Italians"... surprising i say in a way that we have more than China and similar... would like to finish with it, for example, looked at many details. Goal is popularisation, and some true historical facts... we are like "talking about them is like talking about ourselves" :)



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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-17 17:38, Thursday

pardon, light green is 10000+ (mistyped one zero) or "precisely" anything between 10k and 100k as next shade of green is 100000+ so how much many hard to say, huge variation, can be 99999 but not in our case :) in any way unexpected, it is important to correct my typo, significant number then, enough to constitute "minority" if they would permanent ; "Litlle Sicily" as well :)

or enough to raise 2 decent legions (at minimum maybe many more) for start :) ....but problem is they won't fight :) Just joking, Miluten famously said "give me good horses and 100 Italians, and i reconquer world" :yes When you add it even more strange that we have so few arrivals in Italy with maybe couple of 10k living here... interesting subject, fresh. Of course, i'll not say migrants apriori, maybe really we have some old Italians, possible and historical... of course sisters and kids of wolfs we protect since dawn of time, but as i said "positive globalisation" should reach more people here, which is not the case... btw, my offer to move to Italy is open ;) have few questions as always for you, welc & i like such humor balancing provocation, again Italians are under our protect since 600 BC - don't know about you but i liked this theme very much...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-18 12:04, Friday

generally is interesting subject, like many we had in pub... not to be some pro or anti Italian bias accusation by me (principessa), i will add, really for end, map of German distribution around the world (sadly cut some parts as i focus on us, but of course whole maps are there)... not so interesting as Italian as we, Hungary, Croatia, Romania etc. are part of historical German colonization, plus, similarly, in our case German communities existed during Rascian empire and before, by our decisions ; ...so historical and not interesting for us... It is however intersting that (again it is in range of 10000-100k for us) we have it, many bigger world countries do not and that we have it while some NE countries do not have it in our numbers, or that many of our neighbors do not have it, unlike Italians etc... so in that sense as every, interesting subject historically. German distribution is not so intimate, fun and surprising in us like Italian :) ...i post this map because, with Italians, is only big 5 country of W Europe with significant numbers in us...

there i come to that subject of fun, despite (lack of French, Spanish, British but now French focus) populations that we are (not direct, associate but still rank up from observer) of "Francophonie fun"... nothing too bad there just relatively unhistorical or non-factual, but fun and of course we "parlevu" it like mother tongue :) Not to mention "mamlazels" :) ... i don't see any "logical" explain except that France is historically involved with us, via Miluten and Draguten :) It is a bit (and not secret) historo-political organisation and totally unimportant, not we take/make any decissions of political weight, if you never heard of it.... but it is important as we all share "French lilly" - discutable as for us it might be Fiorentine "three finger salute" liked by Miluten... i btw can teach you to make it very easy... first middle finger is spread... and then... :lol As said million times, like those subjects, while unlike Italians have nothing specific to ask or discuss with Germans or French (sadly my questions regarding middle ages can't be directly answered due to cold winters in Avignon)) but like that all and share with you, do not look around, always join... hope humorous tone is appreciated ;


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-18 21:24, Friday

...but it is interesting, simply i'm kind of person who feels that itch and would like to get some answers he will never get, impossible

to add also becuse it is closely related to subject or subjects better said, was reading some page (English somehow most intersting for me) on that "Francophonie" fun and had great laughs in explains of each member and similar, not to go into details but there are things like 1 % of population knows 3 words :) or was a colony or part of some conquest etc. so very funny material... don't have anything against only country we got undressed for eterity ) and think our place is deserved due to history (medieval) so that is not problem, but really some words are funny... further, following link loked at "France-Serbia relations" page and then i lauged very hard
...Karađorđe Petrović, leader of Serbian Revolution, sent a letter to Napoleon expressing his admiration...
:lol i like article, not lies and similar and like very much that it does mention Elen, maybe more important figure for "boom" than we think and also i like that it says that it is not confirmed who she was, and that it is enigma... but this part about Napoleon and us is funny and romantic... but just because I insist and like those subject and i myself made a lot of fun about it. Simply we will never know what he really (Nabulione) thought about us, did he really have some doubts... Simply it itches me so much, although new history not my field... And i insisted on Genoese roots, Corsican, and maybe tried to explain through that prism... but must admit it really makes me wonder... every reader to understand, no need to explain animosity between Genoese and Venetians (to whom our ruling line belonged) but i will add also one detail that famous Galata tower in "capital" was finished during Dushan's rule and just few years after his proclamation of empire, as well Genoese posessions extra fortified in city :) famously Dushan wrote to Venice that he offers them Genoese part of town and their richies... interesting historical fact, i think first tower was ruined in 1204.... cute story, while not maybe only reason... Napoleon of course was involved in wars with Genoese, actions to call them etc. but this relation is so cute... of course, line in Wiki is to me very funny, but simply there is that "enigmatic" (as many) tone about Napoleon and us...

think it is nice medieval story about tower if you did not know the dates, can't say we are 100% involved in one symbolic structure in today Stambol, but not excluded that Genoese defied or "sent a message" to our emperor and Venice with it... as for other subjects, think i talked enough about Italy and France but will underline again that thanks to them we true history lovers have been able to put some puzzle together... unfortunately only to enigma parts and will remain like that, so i'm not talking about you just for talks, becuse it is related :yes (like Miluten having party in Jerusalem same year Philip decided to go and so...) of course again, like your facts you preserved but this one romantic line about Napoleon and us is funny... hope you like some mine addition to your figures as well

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-08-20 20:22, Sunday

...when it comes to foreigners, people from Rosnaja are really everywhere and not a single day passes me not to hear Russian (often Chinese as well)... i know they are only temporarily here, until their country Russia democraticize (forever then)) but really many... was young in 1919/20 so not remembering much, but this is i would say on much more greater scale. If they decide to stay maybe we get smarter in perspective :) but generally i think it is just like 1919 and they are looking to go more west ultimately... in any way interesting phenomenon, but not so much as Italians.

there we come to interesting personal story... they are subject for longer and i expressed opinion as always, we enjoy great freedoms and talk about everything about our world... even on this forum said few things, about female population voting for us in their ancetas etc. ; ...but this is top - few days ago Russian family moved on my floor in small apartment building with 15-16 flats. Younger than me couple and few younger/teen kids i've seen... yesterday seen them in front of building, think i already impressed the wife, hehe :) Flat was empty for some time, owner (older "guy" i know, over 70-75) doesn't live there and last few months brought some workers for renovation and - tada! - Russian family moved in, it is good way to make profit nowdays, by renting or selling to them

world changes and some talks and narratives are so obsolete i'd say, maybe even borders, traditions, nations, fighting for them etc. Romans (our Servius in precise) were really smart after they made a first census in Rome - richest were to serve the longest in army and expected to fight more for country "as they had more to lose in case of war or fall of country", as Servius formulated... btw, other subject, as teens we liked to talk/joke about which country in Europe is gonna lose old population first, so we talked this or that, but it seems that we will be among first ; ..... :lol when it comes to sisters of Rosnaya, i just hope that 20 years after them some others from there do not come like in 1919 :) and of course welcome as migrants, i fully understand them and they are not guilty a bit for our people and property owners rising prices just to take more money from them etc. ...interesting subject like many we had here, and this one is very noticeable and omnipresent, so phenomenon as i called it of last 2 years

but about Italians what to say - if they need work here, after all we went through and how our GDP rates etc. - Italy is really in chaos :) but we are all sisters and we Serbs are known "as tribe of all" from Sanskrit, in the future can see only empire and space spread, when we get stronger...)

as said, mine main focus is and will be always historical subjects, really expected something from that field on forums like these, but like to say few things that are interesting, mainly for people like Bombast intersted about other regions etc ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-01 18:10, Friday

today - just catched it, well recently until i prepared my subject ;) - my style of historical subject it is for me "like ace on ten" on some card game... rarelly play cards, must say, but did for fun in late 90s and early 2000s, but some other games, not that one :)

changed chanels, not staying anywhere and agin screen from Ukrainian tv, where Tereshchenko was once... did not listen, did not stay on channel and it wasn't about history, again and respect to mister who talked there, just line catched my eye, medievalist eye while not his subject ; to me always nice idea... so it says "Handogiy (guess mister's name): Great Britain and Ukraine are tied by deep historical roots from ties of Vladimir II Monomah" (prince or ruler with other translated title, of Kijev among other things and regions of EE, XII century) ...he aimed at that ruler being married to (maybe) last Anglo-Saxon king of England (not GB)) who died in famous battle of Hastings, against Normans.... that is, similar to origin of our Planatagenet queen, dubious maybe even more and from later sources, so not sure historical fact, plus it left even less traces than French here and was only first wife of V. Monomah ; ...that's one thing, other is interesting philosophically but not my idea for subject, maybe even fun for someone or too unimportant as there was no Ukraine nor Great Britain then etc... again not his subject, but i got another one

....i like this for other reason, that same period is something else for us - Byzantine i.e. Romean sources since that time report and talk about increasing ties of our rulers with Normans, already said that not much later Romeans reported that Roger II of Sicily iniciated first bigger war of Serbs and Byzant... so it is interesting, maybe we supported Normans then in return in conquest of England :) Seriously nice subject and also adds a bit more enigma and spice to whole Miluten and HIM Dushan story again and did we try to keep good relations with France and Normans indirectly and was Miluten really enemy of Philip IV etc etc... fact of interest is that in exact moment Serbs and Normans had some "cooperation" and good relations, for history lovers, while Byzant looked more friendly at East Slavic tribes, we increasingly becoming rival in SE... it is quite possible that Serb rulers had also some Norman wives in X, XI, XII c... but what happened at begining of XIII century, made France really important, close and present for us, so we don't have some Saxon (or similar) princesses and queens, but did have Italian and French, interesting subject and how our history of the time developed.... let it be just another subject from my "kitchen" and talking point, medieval history is hard to get right but fun, even one small sentence creates "subject", always add something, needless to repeat if you can add to our enigmas...


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-25 21:21, Monday

...to add this while "in mood" and posting around, while mostly finished my subjects... for poeple like Bombast and my subjects

during weekend there was one of more serious incidents on Kosovo recently with (didn;t read all detailedly) four dead, some gunfight between Serbs and Albanian police etc. (3 dead are Serbs as i understood)... already takled enough and said that without that "question" even remotely solved "no normal future" for this country etc. what to add and shame that EU can't solve it as great powers could many (for example) wars between Serbs and Turks (and later Greeks) etc. as i sad in manner of XIX diplomacy... about "powers" i don't care, but in whole this is whole country destiny at stake and we are not so big (although mad) to accept such incidents as normal and talk about sport or economy, so solve now or no future...

anyway, center of events was near one monastery called Banjska - it is in a way our story, so my subject with some interesting tone as it is medievalist subject... was founded by many mentioned king Miluten, as his intended "sepultura". But soon after "happenings" (i.e conquest) with Ottoman Turks his remains were moved first to other place and later to Bulgaria, where his remains are still today, Sofia etc. Despite intentions by our side that his remains be returned to Serbia, still there i think. That is one interesting story i should add to Miluten... other that monastery once had (as expected of ruler of Miluten's renome) was very rich and full "of gold and silver elements" but just by chance in 1915 (during ww1) just few gold rings were found unintentionally nearby - presumed that they belonged to Dushan's mother Teodora and so on...

it is interesting (often talking from head but try my stories to be interesting to say with this bad event as "schlagwort") that story and destiny of two monateries and foundations as own sepulturas by our without doubt two most important, strongest and central medieval kings (Miluten and Dushan) had more devastating epilogue than some others - Dushan's was ruined completely his remains found in mud in 1920s and this is short hopefully "fun" story about Miluten from head, he is in Bulgaria - so instead we talk about those things, touristic, cultural, archeological etc - political things not finished even closely... for me sad when you look at some centers and historical complexes related to other's countries important rulers elsewhere in Europe ; ...think Miluten and Dushan deserved better treatment but i often say (as theory) that those two were especially "powerful symbols" in eyes of conquered Serbs so such stories.

who likes dark humor - since Miluten is also related to story i talked about in Jerusalem, hope other similarity will not turn into other "eternal middle east" so

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-26 10:18, Tuesday

also to add - as some sort of "summarums" and conclusions some things as i did in many points :) - those things about Bulgarian and Greek (eventual) readiness to return interesting things to us, like Miluten and maybe even "Archangels" few hundred meters from "Sepultura" in Jerusalem, but stoppage in all that for years and similar... one must wonder why and when will "time come" ;

i don't know why and is there some waiting for us to do things differently or similar or technicalities involved... after many years of some own interest in medieval history (and Rome as i said even wrote about as teen) must say that one of (dispite totally undeserved fame of middle ages as "dark") there are many interesting stories i'd say till today... plus back then various modern powers were unimportant, very few mentions of Russia, America, UK, Germany name it :) only Frnace was relatively powerful country then, even for us so Miluten got its nickname ; - so it is relaxing period... independent investigations and revaluations are highly interesting and refreshing also, without any "ballast" of how one should think and judge famous persons of the time often looked at through lenses of "modern events"... Dušan and Miluten are good examples of it, in time when they made some decisions there was no nationalities in modern sense, borders and (for example) when they decided to found monasteries as sepulturas in some region (even patriarchy which Dušan famously placed in Kosovo) they had no idea about looks and things that regions they controlled would be so different 700 years later... and so on, many almost funny examples

something else is interesting and relatable to today - even so much back then, rulers did care about other powers and did not lead mindless policies diregarding powers and "chances" of their time... so when two mentioned decided about some policy on Romea, expansion or similar, they at least tried to consolide positions with other regional powers or presence then, like Venice etc... they did not say "i don't care about Avignon or Italians" and even powerful Dushan talked to French, presenting himself as potential ally, till his death and similar. So nothing brainless there, not to mention that both men were of exceptional intelligence and even "revolutionary" approach towards church, as i talked (is there any king of Europe who had de facto double anathema by both Constantinople and Avignon?))

anyway, some my own views aside - something to add also', purely for history lovers... Miluten's Codex did not survive but is mentioned by Dušan's one so it existed and was important for others... interesting is detail that Miluten (not only using "French lilly") but also talked about own structures as "imperial", used many Byzantine terms and rised that monastery i mentioned to level of "imperial church"... so maybe is true that he was real and first Serb "imperial king", Dushan only mimicked in a way and upgraded own capabilities to level, plus obvious his phisicalities and incredible height for time and looks, made him someone who invented "imperialism"... as for other things, there is internet, there are photos, look yourself at how their both "imperial complexes" looked like in (say) 1900 and how some in Audtria, Britain, Frnace etc... so totally sad story, regardeless of "whome you like"... so i,m not talking about "glorious past", i'm talking real things and need such places to shine and attrack awe almost as two kings had undobtful reknown aroun continent even and can be compared to those in other countries... but they are not and then goes that "we don't have culture, structures, nothing" because nothing is seen ; ... so, greater good would be such places to be monument and look good rather than places of gunfights and "bunkers" etc. That is far greater "nationalism" than bloodbaths of any kind and true "Serb pride" (regardless if any foreign powers are involved in our "happenings")

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-27 17:10, Wednesday

also and he-he (as i remebered my theme) as last on such subjects...

when I talked about Gabriele (d'Annunzio) - as he was famous for his guerilla like (or commando) actions post war - man i greately respect for something ; well, to be clear his greatness in my eyes is (as i clearly said, but people are dumb often) was that he knew as very young man our complete epic poetry, as he admitted himself, name of the hills in Belgrade like it is Rome or similar etc. And of course (with mistakes) almost complete chronology and most important persons in our medieval history, calling Dusciano "good" etc. And - go figure - he was man who considered himself as Italian nationalist but knew it, respect... as for miltant actions, that's irrelevant for me, but great "flight over Wienna"... although i'd throw few bombs instead of pamphletes :) nothing against Austria today but philisophically it was very important and imperialistic country with many wars and crimes (not to mention Adolf) but went along without much devastation :) ...while this is for humor and philosophy, important part is one about Gabriele and his knowledge of poetry and our characters from meds :yes not militant activity, but there is some romantic tone to it...

other things, that just people not to get wrong ideas what is respect for others.... something else, again touching Miluten in a way. Late doctor of our university Umberto Eco (honorary) told that he knew a lot (as medievalist above all) about our history and that he had no direct inspiration for "rose" in any country of the time - it could have been monastery in Serbia as well and intentionally chosen time of Avignon and all post Philip IV events "as most interesting" (for us it was post Miluten and before Dusciano, he knew that)... why mentioning, as i said million times, we have really cinematic figures and stories arguably much better than Italians of era, even such foreign minds knew. Talking how good medieval dramma maybe can win in Italy if not Hollywood etc and that is also great favor for country and for "glorious past"... Unimportant but saying. of course question is not that, and politicians should find best models for few remaining Serb population in dialogue with all etc not my job ;) I'm talking that people doing other things like historical exchange (talked few times with Italians) could make things closer to realisation of some really interesting things, completely in our interest like monuments again looking awesome and maybe Miluten and Dusciano even there. (but i don't give Dule ever agian he stays at St Mark as true Venetian citizen))

that's the end of this. really Banjska, Miluten and bad event (not my subject primary) gave idea to say what is good and wrong, if you really respect history of the era ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-27 21:55, Wednesday

...and (last in series) i think i said this only on ex-forums so to share, as unimportant idea but great one... generally think our younger (and older) people need some re-education or directions on historical approach and recognizing potentials in some stories. while Kosovo battle (example and just beciause we have one film of to me forgettable quality in any sense except that Vuk had nice armor and showed some historical things like knights constantly rising their visors on helmet before and during battle etc) is, together with Maritsa (if we follow fake Turkish sources) greatest in medieval history on continent ever :lol (million Serbs even with dead knight Templars against half million Otto-Turks)) and similar and only in which sultan got killed, rare for both leaders killed and important for us - to say frankly, it is not so great as subject for film, nothing specific and memorable if you watch it somewhere (in Newcastle idk)

so - talk too much - to mention what i recognized as solid subject for Venice, Rome (and Europe)... told on dead forum, not here maybe (maybe ues sorry) - Plaman the capitain of Imperial guard as medieval drama with good characterizations and atmposphere, actors etc. To copy things from doctor Eco - it can start as his personal story or writting few years after Dusciano death as he survived him although some years older "Nearing the end of my sinners life i decided to tell you one extrordinary story i was part of for 25 years, deciding to sacrifice life in holy land in Christ's name ended up servin son of Christ, man and events i will never forget..." and so

...and then one of opening scenes, after itroduction to ambitious prince etc Palman talks with brother, they summarize impressions... Kirian, brother, asks "amazing man! so how long we are gonna stay here?" Palman answers "maybe few weeks, maybe few months, you know me..." and they stay 25 years ;

Dusciano would be only secondary/supporting character but memorable for any watcher around Europe... without any joke, without any "pathos", religious lenses, pure medieval story in drama way, not so hard to imagine some drama and synopsis etc. Can go to Venice, Berlin, Pula hahaa anywhere in Europe if strong characterization... as i said you tell atmospheric story of unusual characters, that's how i imagine med Rascia of the times... then of course some Italian character, some Baldovin around and so on ; ...you get idea how to make Rascia cool cinematically, with respect to great battles with Turks but that is not even closely all nor most cinematic... again many respect to Eco, our doctor, he had similar ideas about us even some inspiration... there are other stories of worth, who wouldn't like to see true black knights, without fantasy (in sources) from here, but not about battles, strong, memorable characters

have fun, recognize good story in cool history...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-28 14:07, Thursday

...or brother Kieran rather etc. Kirian would be more Greek meaning like "sir, gentleman"... in our souces maybe Kijeran but don't hold me as true and as not miss again ; letter or two differently guess original would be with -us at the end, just not to missintroduce protagonists )

Austria is (today)) rather small country but some investigations are that they might be from area just few kilometers from Arnolds birthplace or origin, "Shtajerska". But he is grandpa now for the role but can give voice for prologue i mentioned :) anyway, nationalities and fact that he was born in then as well Habsburg lands (even part of the story is Habsburg princess) and later events make for good material for some references, one can even play with intrigues if wants... Film could feature ring for example with doubleaheaded eagle Dusciano wears and then some last scene while letters and titles/credits start to go on screen - backround scene (fake but great) it on Franz Joseph hand or in treasury 600 years later :yes

:) really many interesting combos for story i would keep "clean" and without humor, but effectuve intrigue or references OK ; ...and so, just sharing some inspirations and possibilities, more than good and cinematic stories in such (today) small country... as for "sharing" of artefacts, nothing fantastic there as many mediveal Serb artefacts ended in Austria exactly - Branko's belt part in British museum is taken from Austrians etc. (much more unknown, we have de facto nothing left) Nice one, fate wanted it that way, Branko and Palman's "Germans" (many yes, we know only him and his family as from Austria today) knew each other very well ; ...generally useful so i share how can it be done... but finished, always do join with pub ideas

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-29 18:21, Friday

great, great, great... only i care so much i know :p but German language Wikipedia page on Palman - just looked at it today pressuming that it has nothing new after i've "known all" - is together with our, English etc (Bulgar only) every different in some tiny "nuance" and that is great ;

what i liked, excitied me so i'll add it to my story/stories - there is almost explain on "Pierre Thomas incident" and why he and Dusciano really conflicted even though his visit was supposed to be friendly and productive, talk about unions etc. We already knew that it was becuase of "southern Angevins" (including then king of Hungary - not to be mixed with French crown and Avignon directly, maybe everyone led own policy although being "French") having conflict and fear with Dushan (mutual) but it in simple (German page) line explained that Pierre wasn't ready to stop and mediate any conflict directly involving Luis of Hungary etc. nor Dushans taking Angevine possesions in Albania etc. Think that's something like, obviously it is super interesting subject to me, maybe someone else, so you get picture when combine it and why i also laughed at page about Pierre Thomas himslef, with Avignon source. Every is different and blurring story, but every wonderful in own way... it is middle ages, no hard feelings to anyone - so like we and Venice were pals mostly, there was conflict over "dinar" and Venetian fears, we and Hungary were mostly alright but conflict arise as they feared powerful neighbor, we and French alright, had Planta queen, but conflict arise when they figured that we could threaten position in Albania... all understandable, but always wondered about that particular story with cardinal Pierre and how events unfolded. In some combo and on unexpected place puzzle can be remotely solved... so just checked today German language page on Palman, never before per se as i did not expect anything new there... and so on, very much like it and share

also page has story or confirmation that Palman said (citing) "You can controll our bodies and we follow but you can't control our souls" to Dushan among other things which solved very rageous discussion among them, after "300" was present on mass by Pierre. Sadly HIM died same year but Palman (already over 60 probably) proved his honor and inocence in events as he continued to serve his sister and noble in Croatia friendly to Serbian crown etc etc... Also nice to have i.e. what Palman said - he aslo maybe said we can clash with you and die if need be - line although heard it before... for film as many. to me super drama, objectively could pass pan-Europeanly (and for everyone else if into Euro knights and rulers) and only can agree with Eco that it is most interesting era of med history i.e. XIV c first half maybe, hundred years war brewed, post Philip, Avignon, almost privilege in some way that our empire and peak happened just then and not in say XII c... becuase it added very much to every dialogue even... i'm of the impression that every history fan likes all talked, but i really could do multiple books so sorry if repeat sometimes )

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-09-30 20:46, Saturday

...i don't know about you and your places, but we recently decided to go to war, but then after long and wide thinking decided not to go to war as our president said himself... instead we are going in EU as he said :) (sheduled for 2123, just after conquest of Uranus) ...confirmed with Blinken ;

anyway, back to my subjects and to notice and conclude something:

"You can control our bodies but you can't control our souls!"

very strange, whole relation and not just that, all against usual negative bias and notoriety mercs usually had... sound more like vassal or in any way someone forced into some relation and military loyalty (or prostitute, pardon)) than merc hanging around entirely on own will and contract, who could leave and break it freely whenever they wish wouldn't be stopped. So some strange badass was that Palman and his troop, why he was remembered after all... doubt than any payment in advance was part of the deal so his obligation to stand, so strange sentence for merc not vassal - for any medievalist... i'm thinking that during the years maybe unit advanced in status and was incorporated in some "standing army" or similar. and also whole history of unit use by Dusciano shows that it wasn't some pure his "guard" nor on duty of his protection as it often was hundreds of kilometers from him... indicating that maybe as our king stabilized own rule around say 1340s - someone else was part of "imperial guard" and his bodyguards - hence that story of (true or not) 2 meter guardists that maybe replaced Palman and Co. on that duty (Palman qausi said ÿou Imperial army" to him) etc. etc. just thinking aloud for what it matters

two things, for the end, i find interesting about our whole medieval era in high/late middle ages - so many mercs, foreigners and catholics often used probably until 1459 so maybe whole 200 years and not a single recorded clash, uprising or bigger trouble recorded with our rulers and nobles... just remember some episodes in Byzant and elsewhere, Italy... second really none of our rulers in those 200-250 years was "complete maniac" "extra brutal" "dark to extreme" or similar in some private, individual matters if you get my idea, of course forget about some "usual political things" common to all and mistreatment of those ruled... but generally, privately in life none in those whole line did not show some extreme irrationality or brutality, madness for whole era, earned some bad nickname and so... strange but so

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modern theme

Post by Ale » 2023-10-01 19:44, Sunday

last days also (old story i talked it about it few years ago when we also had same place) there was story about (very dubious and without some exact scientific or exact mathematical data to compare or make scores, but interesting nonetheless and maybe close to truth) how we are third in Europe on list of organized crime and 40th in world etc.

as said nothing new, talked long time ago, but it is interesting that i sometimes talk to people who do not look at lists as me etc. and there sometimes fun answers and similar... so who are 3 countires in front of us and similar - actually we are 4th if we accept that part of Turkey is in Europe and Turkey is most crminalised in that list. Other two are Russia (also only part in Europe) and Ukraine, maybe expectable... most fun part is that we and Italy are (like sisters, always believed in similarity and sistership with them, let me hug you principessa)) on same place with same score ;) So that is it, wasn't big theme in Italy (watch their news daily) and so we are same in every 0.01 of score ; Nice one although nothing nice there as subject

there was btw reportage on Italian state TV about migrants today again, and they've reported from Serbia but fairly reporting that problem is not Serbian as Turkey, Bulgaria etc. (probably Greece and Italy) are involved in it, showed that our police is on duty when able etc.... but none-the-less another problem we don't need on top of all and where are we talked daily on foreign TVs (and politicians) as some "center" (not really as true centers of enterance are Greece, Turkey and Italy but we made some business obviously). talked about it and own opinion on migrations, must be also given more attention and care and we to behave like others in that sense presenting that we are doing everything and that problems are others...

below the list and same score as Italy - two European states in war today infront and Turkey... Albania have for 1.05 better score than we and Italy ; ...but unlike our principessa we have other problems over head, some talk about "sanctions" in this way or another and we are not sitting on tables when other countries solve or talk problems... to me it was interesting, but i really like such things and rating so sharing for you in pub


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-08 20:47, Sunday

must say this, pardon... relating to own words as i mentioned few times Israel, Gaza i.e. middle east situation - of course non of situation relating Kosovo is not even close to this, nor will hopefully ever be, clear to all ; ...and recent events show why

so one joke, our club offered Maccabi to play EL (basketball) games in our city etc. And there comes joke, as some TV reporting events in Israel had a line going under how EU "have package of measures" (sanctions?) for Serbia "after terror attack at Banjska" (their words)... i mentioned, event in which one Albanian policeman was killed in some exchange with Serb militants (smugglers) etc. and few Serbs, three or more... and there was all talking about terrorism etc so i ask how can we host Maccabi when we are terrorist state ) ...so yes, must say that nothing is close and really those "shocked" in region as well as those historians who wrote revisionist history (ww1) should chose words carefully, and it rises some eternal philosophical questions about what is terror what militant activity, what resisstance etc. and similar... And so on, i'm for calming of relations and for Albanian girls and all, but a bit funny or over-reaction, by usual "Serb lovers" ; ...also, dark humor, i wonder are we - in some minds of some politicians in region and wider - Palestinians or Israelis, all considered etc ) also funny almost as states denying any crimes of own through history, ready to support films about Serb war crimes etc... while this all i felt obliged to say, and wars aside, must say that our "historical terror" in peace times is joke.

final comment - with respect to events there and eternal war and "hot frosen conflict" some would like to have here instead of solving in some way - joke is (also my older subject) that returning of "Archangles" in Jerusalem to us is not priority now.... ; unimportant that much, but our international status should be ; and used opportunity to make more light minded comment or two... when it comes to politics, we recognized Palestine long time ago (in 80s by Wiki) and are best pals of Israelis and always ready to send our eight fleet in any region where our interest and pals are in trouble - just to clear if you like one side or other. More wanted to add as i mentioned it myself few times and really (and hopefully eternally) neither Kosovo nor similar is middle east problem/situation really and how gunfight with police almost "benign" look when you look at world hotspots... but we must solve it and not create any problems that would go from every generation to other, opinion. you know me, always like to throw some comments, but i finish - always something even comical in bad things, that's how my generation was rised in a way

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-09 13:58, Monday

so for fun, and the end some things and "my wit"... always had - as medievalist - some unusual ideas and solutions often based on med history and solutions... so we had, since century VII, many wars with Bulgars for example, legendary is and still talked about our capture of Boris the great (by Bulgarians) and sons (and release) in IX and similar all until big battle where our future emperor Dusciano had major role (Velbuzhd) and after which he had married Bulgarian princess and we entered era of no war between Serbs and Bulgars all up to 1882 :) Incredible! (it happened in 1331 to five perspective) And so on... so i say maybe our president son should marry Albanian princess and we reach some stability, for example.

second joke, considering that Catalan separatist pushed in their media for "sanctions on Serbia" long before "terror attacks" as i even noted... so here is my answer to Catalans via Wiki page on Almogavers (English of course) and how they were remembered in some states here: ..... :lol

In the Greek regions of Attica and Boeotia, a popular saying included: may the revenge of the Catalans fall on you, while in the region of Parnassus, the following saying was popularized: "I will flee from the Turks to fall into the hands of the Catalans".
In Bulgaria, the expressions "Catalan" or "Aragonese" and "son of Catalan" mean "evil man, soulless, torturer". Ivan M. Vazov in the poem Pirates, first published in 1915, includes the Catalans with the Turks as the greatest oppressors of the Bulgarian nation, while in Albania the word "Catalan" means "ugly and wicked man." Likewise, "Catalan" or "Katallani" is designated in Albanian folklore as a monster with one eye, reminiscent in many ways the Cyclops Polyphemus. This cyclops is represented by a wild blacksmith who feeds on human flesh. He also has no knees, so he can not bend, and long legs like masts of a ship. He faces a young hero named Dedaliya. This tradition, in various versions, is usually called by the title of Daedalus dhe Katallani, Daedalus and Catalan.
further joking and having fun - mentioned page (again English) about "Imperial guards" through history and we are privileged as really one of few nations/tribes that have enterance in that field, again Dusciano's legions... so (without link and for laugh, but you can check it) - there is our, French (Nabulione's times), Byzantine, Roman etc. AND pages say that our imperial guard was formed by highly paid foreigners and under strict discipline while Ottoman was formed by people taken as slaves for service to sultan :) Sapienti sat and we will not lose any more time on subject :) we win...

and for end, not so much humoristic but more as like it and is very nice for any medievalist and curious about era person - detail from Miluten's relics/remains - still laying in Bulgaria as we speak... one scary/badass looking golden glove on him, almost like from Dracula movie or so :) really him and Duscanio were European elite almost and powerful, deserving good movie/story... have fun, hopefully some jokes fun. BTW, had great idea also of "Archangels" back under our flag and, imagine Miluten inthere visited by people all around the world ; ...would be great symbolic win for us and our medieval "might", forget about "Lionhearts" and Baldovins :)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-10 20:55, Tuesday

let's add also this - some would say in appropriate moment as region is "in focus" ; (sadly for them) ...must say not so religious (obviously) myself but like history very much and as we talk medieval, my theme, of course i like some stories and things like Jerusalem are "cool" but in relaxed way... relaxed, but trying to approach historical things and find some answers maximally possible... personally think that fall of Jerusalem kingdom was closely related with our events etc. so we talk history here not religion

so as he will one day lay in Jerusalem and be fun to all :) - i'll ofer some opinion on some subject some have dilemmas about... it is not "expertise" nor there is one on very far events, even among "doctor historians", they often have mosaics or puzzles to solve and are unsure, like me or anyone... but reather opinion based on long, years long interests, knowledge, comparison etc. even some contacts... so just short, generally interesting subject ; Dilemma is why exactly SU II Miluten was considered (or nicked) "holy king" and some think that it is his relation to "orthodox chrisitian world" and why even (traditionally non expactedly) Bulgarians took care etc. I say as theory i.e. agree with others, our or foreign historians, who considered him also balancing delicately, maybe even "flirting" with own French ties and so on... we have no doubts that his and Draguten's mother was French, maybe 100%, maybe even related to Charli but documents :) ....so, as theory or agreement with others of similar opinion i propose that his nick "holy king" was due to reaching of Jerusalem ; also for international readers never hearing story and why i sometimes mentioned him so much. Might be more international figure than we thought before as line from commercials go ; ...what is sure is that he send an army in Asia minor (and maybe further) and there was some battle with Turks (not Ottomans in his time it was still various tribes), possibly bigger in which Serbs (and their knights) won prompting Byzantine emperor to send congratulations and relief... we don't know whole depth and what did not survive in sources so we can't speculate if his army maybe continued all to way to Jeruslem, maybe even without further battles... what we know is that (if not army i.e. small unit) than surely "teological expedition" did reach Jerusalem soon after etc. so once Serb monastery "Archangels" was formed. rest is history as it is said, in any way battle (possibly big) was there somwhere (not only Gallipoli) and forming of monastery next to sepultura is connected... generally interesting story, isn't it. It is interesting as it happened just 20-30 years after fall of Acre and Jerusalem kingdom, making feat even greater for us, isnt it. As theories and chances, not impossible that Miluten even coordinated with French, even dreadful Philip IV :) (imaging if they were distan't relatives) and years are in total alignment with some decisions Philip made (to go there)... in any way, Dusciano rule shows that there was coordination and preparing in way or another... super interesting, esp. Miluten's feat so maybe we say that is base of "holy king" nick. So who was guy if you did not know

was always more fan of his small grandchild :) Miluten have that "dirt spot" about some, maybe not true in details, "pedo-episode" with some (not important much for him as he had few wives and always mature, even requested mature princess from Romeans himself) princess of Byzant... but as i said, interesting is that it was time when "sex-affairs" were often fabricated through Europe and similar... generally Miluten was never my primar interest, but some feats... and - he obviously moved towards imperialsm AND had Code(x) ;

on photo - one of the rares that survived long winters in Avignon & Serbia :) - king Miluten Plantagenet ; ...joking, Richard from Scott (Ridley) film - but guess Miluten looked just like that, confirmed by silver insignia, dinars i showed where he wears exact same royal-helmet, 100% same ; of course for many minor story, for me super interesting and great, but we can't confirm due to lack of documents... in any way left the mark in Jerusalem in very interesting times :yes (and were among crusading states, like it or not))

always join if have something unusual on era, don't shy even if you wasn't so powerful and cool :) - if not, at least you like my stories and refreshing... generally could say we have something to offer to world, historically


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-11 19:32, Wednesday

obviously - rather important to say - i evolved or "retracted" some opinions and statements from before, maybe slightly towards some "pro-French" stance and tie... in that sense always is more important what is said later i.e. nearer the end in thread than before ) ...when it comes to other part, pro-French or not, not that at all but simply things in our case could have turn out to be that way if ever (sadly no) documents could be found ; so i'm just respecting fact than France was important and that (like cartoons or firytales today) people probably talked about some rulers of the past, not probably but really... AND finally, not to repeat, we have that mystery others do not, bad sources, ruining of sources and monuments etc. and "French connection"... it is important to say - to help you locate it in time if you don't really care about Serbia in middle ages ) - that all Baldovins on court (we were rarity for eastern part), Dusciano dreaming of overlordship and Jerusalem, Lazars as name etc. penetrated after the events and Miluten's feat ; ...as icing on cake Italians found their knights and graves in Italy proudly stating that they were knighted by Miluten ("holky king")

so i changed own approach and statements a bit, that is what i wanted to say before touching other subjects :) question is in our case more interesting in sense why? i.e. why often powerful nations (even in modern times) wanted to "ally" with us... don't have answer nor important that much... Mackensen (German ww1 fieldmarshal) said "Serbs are some tribe from fairytales", other read poems and maybe (to go further i.e. back) to middle ages, just maybe some though really that "Servia" and "Servian wall" are same thing or similar :) small enigma but not so important ; ...generally finished until something interesting if anything - point was that indeed i changed own statements, Philip might be enigma for us and what we talked to French or even English etc. ; (Germans maybe)

there is that line BTW or chain of events as said, from Miluten "the holy", Jerusalem, Baldovins in us, Dusciano wanting to be "capitan", Turks, "Serb destruction" (as Turks called one battle) and our "dephasing", we had importance almost... but even if we reached peak to early, was interesting, cool story, think often our people do not know what kings were and often mixed ; the end for now

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-12 16:33, Thursday

must say this as well (the end after)) ...if we accept that it is not interesting to all if i talk only our events i.e. figures, i'll dare to explain or touch just some more international subjects i.e. one figure which is not our, but might be realtive ;) so Philip IV.

there is that great narrative I also accept to extent and joked about above. (good one about Philip explaining Templars, isn't it)) So narrative and joke about purely debt and fabrication which led him to turn on them like "of iron" etc ; ...while it is shocking and surely shocked even people here as Templars had fame, but also beside that very "unpleasant" structure and financial currents, must be said. Of course it is shocking, as well as Jews (many did it) and other groups - imagine poor "leper king" owing to Philip and Philip just decide send him to stake would shock many :) (regarding how Templars were famed) But story far from clear... newer French historians helped me understand that actually Philip motivations were quite similar to our powerful rulers of the time, maybe Miluten (as his words did not survive) and surely Dusciano. So i could compare and understand... In short, daring or simplified - Philip tried to do exactly same as our rulers, almost no condemnation in that sense, but Philippe, why Templars so harsh? :) Namely we did it - moved "own church under own control", Philip basically (sorry if simplified) did same as Dusciano (minus second putting "stakes high") - idea was same. And it is, philosophically understandable, church can't be outside if i'm making strong, centralized state...

hope i explained almost nearly good, sorry if simplified... of course Philip caused some shocks around, maybe our relative in same time, but guess Miluten had few bad words for him as many around continent, but in the same time there is not evidence that both Miluten and Dushan passionatelly said something against French crown (forget about Neapolitalian and Hungarian crowns etc) and maybe communicated with him, as English... basically becuse we, French, English etc. had same idea of own controlled churches and more powerful central authority etc. in simple and short...

often say we and French - again sorry if you know that history but i did not explain well, rarely talk about others but Philippe is must ) - have similarities... i'd say we are more Romans after all, Murus Servii (that is wall in Rome from previous post BTW), dinars and all making us Romans, but not forgetable that country was also center of "Galic state" once, our horny leaders and Ibar etc. Definitely similarities ; not today :) so great one that Miluten and Philip were contemporaries, maybe exchanged nasty words, but maybe also exchanged nice words and when Philip heard how his "dear relative" is fighting and conquering Jerusalem alone he packed bags immediately :) ...but evil advisors prevented him... have fun seriously, we can't say for sure how complex was their eventual touch. Maybe you don't know story - and it is just story as documents are not sure - Miluten quasi just taken one (Angevine) port in today north Albania (Drach named in our) without any intention to stayand fortify it for himself ect. Quasi it was "just to show the French what he can do" but left it back... story that might confirm that they well in "cold-warm" relation and some similar plan later...

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-12 22:42, Thursday

...or to put it this way - for dumber or not knowing/caring medievals simply - unlike (as i mentioned) for example Jews where there is religious motivation, or some "Judas sin" or why Romans disliked them before mediveal age etc etc. or why our rulers disliked "Bogulmiles, Chatarans what was name" etc - well Templars were "armed and dangerous" and responsible to Rome or bishops or their structures so Philip was right to fear ; (like we had foreign mercs, great danger to evryone but inhere never something happened and our kings had them under control)

don't know, always like details, maybe some things are clear to all, but like to "draw" to others, not to misinterpretate my words... that's all before goodnight ) Of course great subject as many, for me...

...also to add this that fascinates me, simply do not understand why, what was "magic ingredient" in Nemanides and else after them (before Turks destructed us)) our rulers... powerful Avignon called some our actions, even taking cities from French and similar :) "provocative actions" and we talked for example... Other states never attacked us, there was no military action ever, western rulers wanted to marry our rulers to their princesses (sometimes principesse like Habsburg one were scared) and many catholics died or fought for our rulers and so on... really don't understand, were our rulers feared, respected, considered as half-catholics or something... in the same time there were gold-silver mines Dante wrote about for example, even favorable strategical position, but never big war against us, even cooperation... for example, Louis of Hungary (Anjou) was maybe "fearful" when Dushan was alive, but never took military action even after his death, while state was in feudal chaos, even looked to tie with some feudal lords in state post disaster of 1370s (for us)... we can only speculate, maybe because medieval armies were really small and we amased some troops, maybe something else - not important but fascinates me as subject, if you can imagine why ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-14 18:13, Saturday

here is one story - very shortened as many and with own word - about military tactics on "Balkans" (it was not know like that in times) from Serbo-Byzantine war of 1330s till 1355... it started, as i noted similarly to "hundred years war" i.e. as sudden change to hostilities and our king Dusciano (while having own plans and previous expansion southwards before him) was mostly dragged in open war and conquest by few Byzantine persons, notably one defecting general in first phase and Joannis Kantakouzenos, powerful Greek magnate and at first rival of emperor and later himself emperor, or emperor usurper... Dusciano himself was in some agreement with both sides as he see it fit initially and subject of diplomatic initiatives by both "Greek" sides, Nicheporas Greghoras was sent to him as diplomat trying to persuade him not to advance further etc. and when Kantakouzenos took Constantinople, Dushan set it as possible goal... war wasn't known for some brutality ; (haha) but there are interesting tactical episodes

Machinery is not explained very well, would like to know but we have some picture about usual of the time for mid XIV c, small fleet and maybe few Venetian galleys as time progressed... sieges were put up and lifted few times, sometimes due to plague. Unlike cities on Albanian coast, where maybe Venetian ships could operate, Dushan wasn't able to approach and put effective siege on Thesaloniky (Salonika) and Constantinople. Albanians were seamingly used in numbers on our side but only in Thesaly, Epirus and similar. But some stories of interest remained from Thrace and generally less Greek "heartlands" then, about use of hostages on both sides... seems like, just stories, both sides used practice of pushing fighters (which were not Greeks i.e. Serbs as some moved or lived back then, depending of side) infront during city fights or sieges, while keeping families back under guard or as hostages ; ...so unlike long rides and plunder characteristic for English warfare in France, some word of how some "tactics" looked like in other side of continent, it is not all just episodes with mutual hostages, there was machinery, all sort of troops and tactics locally... Similar to English though (while some stories how much troops Dushan quasi had are fantastic) it seems that recorded movement of Serb (mercenary + domestic) troops and some minor clashes, patroling, was often in hundreds rather... but we moved heavy cavalry around mostly deep into today Greece, while on the other side French were more known for it, not English

just to give idea, like those stories, interesting to all how warfare looked like in very short and very simplified... And because i always found unrealistic that our king i.e. HIM could gather over 50,000 troops (in some story 80,000) while French crown of same time around 10,000. Beside wars in Byzant story from the time I like the most is how (quasi) Louis entered north while Dushan was in Greece (on vacation) and uppon hearing that, he fastly moved north prompting Louis to immediately retreat across Danube :) Venice was also in war with Angevines, probably adding to interesting events that were rarely explained well, maybe even in some alliance with Dushan giving him greater freedom to think about Consta-Jerusalem line... 20 years later Turks came and destructed us ) and "kingdom of heaven" was created but far from Jerusalem... yeah, wanted to say that earlier both Miluten and Philip had similar story - just few generations after them their royal line finished. Not comparing them in any way, but also interesting similarity. While, unrelated and never talked to each other, Dushan and Philip died of about same age, both under suspicious circumstances, like true Planta-Carolings ; ...if not sure, must underline again that one of most intriguing events is that why would we i.e. Miluten be in Jerusalem, conquering it, in same year Philip decided to go, changed some of my perception about possible relation, but this one was - hopefully appreciated - addition to lovers about tactical and numerical things

when it comes to sources, well for example Philip died in "hunting accident" while Dusciano had too much wine served by "stavilac" (cup bearer on court) Lazar :) So Philip died similarly to Stefan L. "while hunting"... there was "no accident" in his case, by sources and his last words were "Fast get George here!" ("golden fork" Brankovich)... that is source but who says that true history wasn't - Stefan was killed while hunting by George's agents who after said "Fast, get George here!" :lol have fun, always add if something fresh, i'm out

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-15 19:25, Sunday

...let's say something else here. About church or - from history lover prospective - our church as we are "sui iuris" unlike many in the world with own head of church equal to others etc. And we have own gods, Dusciano being supreme one, then Miluten etc :) Seriously, while i being relatively relaxed and non-religious in that sense, my words not to be misinterprated and my disagreement with historical events often wrongly presented by our church figures through history (sometimes not their fault as sources were ruined) and similar - historical events should be relaxed and left to knowledgeable etc... but unlike many others for us - due to lack of civil i.e. laic government for 350 years - it was institution that preserved not only identity but also very valuable things and monuments precious for history lovers... so it is not like in some other states where people often revolutionary ruined own monuments and church papers but nations had institutions of secular value etc. So it had its role and well done on that SPC :yes As institution today i also think some ideas and initiatives of church as institution are better than those of politicians, like idea to retutn Miluten, "Archangels" etc to us, well done for such initiatives as well, very cool and proper.... and also today, unlike secular institutions from state to local or city level which are forcing citizens to pay, pay, pay and obey, obey - church is not forcing anyone to pay or go to services, not forcing anyone to believe or ever enter church if he/she doesn't want. :yes so it is just some historical disagreement about how some events happened and similar, not something else... I also disagree slightly with our church figures attitude towards Popes (quasi) and if i were church figure of voice in SPC (Serb sui iuris church) I'd call any pope any time in visit and let him kiss Serb land, Dushan's sarcophagus and all, Miluten's golden glove when it arrives :) etc. (like pope John Paul 2 the Pole wanted really) I'm relaxed about that and don't think that it would specially mean anything... but we called popes before and there is some administrative things, they figure that we are equal if not more important in the world ;)

that much... in east Europe there is also in last decades that question of newly created churches and similar... don't care, also to be clear, create own churches but it is highly controversial and not supportable to claim other churches as own, happened sometimes and churches that were clearly made by Serbian nobles in some regions (i.e. nobles of Serbian crown/court) finished as some other newly created churches etc. In short, create your own churches but not by taking others :) Liked to add this, as medieval history lover and digger/investigator almost obliged, so was valuable institution and not forcing anyone on services/paying today... that much before touching other subjects, but do not have anything anymore ) Guess even our patriarch is laughing at my remarks about Miluten, Lazar and all... they only do not care about Dusciano - as he is only not saint! :) have fun

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-16 10:14, Monday

btw, for people in region or wider - guess many know - sainthood of all Nemanide (except the god king) kings was during the medieval era and not some modern decission, XIX, XX c. So dating back to then... other thing, however all churches around the world (or lets concentrate on major in Europe we know more about) are still far from Dusciano's proclaimed ideal in his codex "mission of the church is to feed the poor" ; ...we are talking 700 years past. maybe wasn't Dushan's line per se, maybe some clever advisor around him (Baldovin)) but few lines made him king-badass ; ... not to mention his episode on Mt Athos and similar

maybe you did not know, pardon if yes, but if we are to rank eastern orthodox churches of east Europe - of course things like Greek, Armenian (which is not part of that Constantinople pardon Stambol :) hierarchy) etc there are few - ranking of those churches would be Bulgarian and then Serb etc. Unimportant and canonical, more fun fact if you did not know... there is also that thing many forget about - Servian wall protected old Rome and 7 hills but (i posted map above) intentionally left Vatican outside :) so there is some controversy and mutual fear

historically, not religiously, it is also fun that we of all were maybe related with papal family via son of starter of royal line (in Rascia), that we had much more catholic queens and generally figures that made us "famous" than many, that we cooperated so good with Franciscans and Italians and French but today (reason is often modern history if not clear) but today we are behind in a way i.e. when it comes to unimportant visits and similar. If you don't know, while sounds like joke, reasons were really sometimes more of "processionsl nature" and administrative - almost banal as who will sit where - than some purely religious

and we also, again with Franciscans even took part in look out of "Holy sepulture", few kings financed it and took part in first bigger restoration in XVI-XVII c as mentioned... something else, people of the era rarely had censuses and question in them (or even CIA estimates) to which nationality they belong, nor rulers cared much. So apropos some controversies which are really not important and only make us stronger or more connected, like things about Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Boka (in Monteblack) and i often call intentionally some figures "Italians" like Vito from Corleone )... it was loyalty or work for some crown that mattered in those days - so (banaly) mentioned Palman was more "Serbian knight" than "German" for unimprtant example, if he was just "German knight" nobody would ever hear for him, this way it was international fame and so many films that it is becoming boting ; ...seriously Ragusa (pardon)) subject is more good than divisive if you recognize it properly, so some restoration of independence would be great :) ...hahahaaa

for humor, one ex-president (also from nationalist party from 90s, today president belongs to) in funny conversation with pope, which is still, decade+ ago so nothing fearsome there... guess they are talking administrative things and proceedure i.e. are in confusion as who goes down and kiss Dushan's sarcophagus first :lol (pic from Vatican btw as is concludable by female cardinal in the background or maybe captain of Papal guard)) ...always join and say what are we doing wrong - should we put Pope on table as 13th and similar :)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-16 22:59, Monday

...also - super interesting subject i finish with this but is deep and fun - more to add to any reader that our rulers (with full support of state both nobility and church and without mutiny) did possibly take part in some catholic councils, that some rulers were placed very high (almost persons of trust) in some catholic orders (!) and that we took part in some of movements (as anti-Hussite army etc which were catholic "problem"). Huge rarity in East orthodox world (maybe you don't know but in practice including us, word "eastern" doesn't exist and church considers itself "orthodox" & "catholic", fun fact) and true history...

so why saying and adding, as to our special status and (sometimes strange) protectionism we had back than and that we are naturally and historically first to talk to popes "face to face"... not because of fantasy simply historically. I'd say it is natural dialogue, unitarism impossible in any way and we shouldn't mimick anyone as we are different, so our papal ties i.e. with archbishop of Rome more than enyone of orthodox, almost un-humble to say... almost reminds me of falconry or cavalry subject i touched, where some lobbies left us out of things in which we had more historical records than many ;

very is interseting fantastical hypothesis on how would any "ecumenism" or unity of churches look, for people who do not follow or know around the world it is 1000 years since schism and practically very hard to imagine, almost as if someone proves that we made Rome and suddenly we and Italians to create one state :) have fun, but from historical PoV highly interesting and (I think, but might be wrong so then well done to your knowledge) unkonwn - believe me even i wonder why, to this day what made our rulers and Rascia so special ;

with this finish this block of our ties with papas, of course more historical data and who we were, but also one of super ones, deep and (must say again) makes us again "cool" how "badass" kings and 2 "despots" (it is in Romean tradition title equal to king btw, people often forget that when making games or maps of Europe in 1400-1459) were in some contacts... again, small is secret why

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-17 11:48, Tuesday

anyhow, little bit. Was reading some Wiki articles (English) on that i.e. "interplanetary dialogue" or seriously inter-schismatics dialogue ) and just few lines for people really not knowing some practical things... I said it, not my subject but what kind of medievalist would i be if unable to understand some things i.e. explain some things... as said we were never, even during middle ages, epicentre of that divide nor our elite had obviously some extreme views on divide so and as said in one small example one of the few (if not only) which had held royal crowns from both Rome & Romea (Byzant, also exonym from the west like many that simply became usual through pop culture and practice, like "eastern orthodox" for us "catholics" ) like "despot" not king while it was etc. so even those "targeted" by exonym gradually or unably to explain accept it and so on, more philosophical subject now...) again, not religious in that sense but simply some facts as subject is good

there is always that subject of idealism i.e. theory and practice, on many subjects as i've said last evening... Yugosarma is also one subject that was theory vs, practice, "love & peace", "economic equallity in world" also and so many more... so something else from Wiki in article and generally something people who are not part of "schism" do not understand nor ever read... shortly as always. So articles (soemtimes i follow external links from wiki) name it sometimes Rome-Constantinople dialogue, some Greek or East European figure is quoted sometimes as saying "Consta patriarch and pope dialogue or initiatives"... not about that, some views as many, guess if there is council of orthodox and voting maybe could be one voice, rather to explain from historical perspective... already talked. In "East orthodox church" i.e. one following "Byzantine/Romean rite" there is no subordination nor patriarch of Consta is leader in any way. it is "primus inter pares" system and his role more ceremonial as well is "importance of Bulgar and Serb patriarchs" (which should be most important after him) is not due to size of some churches... even more Consta patriarch is "nothing" in reality for Serb, Bulgar or other churches, on paper. "PiP" system is not subordination nor importance, more ceremonial and historical if not good in Latin (we catholics are all about it)) it is "first among equals" i.e. as i said Serb patriarch is seen same as Pope etc... that's just how it works as i said I'm for talks with "heretic outside Murus Servii" and like Italians and French joining our church and state (as Franciscan))

really all kind of people could read this, some maybe even far from Europe so why not explaining in time of mention, although i already talked it, maybe not in understandable detail... for fun, some meme i found - if made by Greeks or Turks (aren't they funny) very humoristic one (was signed by "kebabgang") ...always ask for some detail if i did not say well, this is the end from me


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-20 11:06, Friday

here's something modern again, in mix... some people deal with various subjects and hard subjects as me, some only with light ones and similar... i have "informants" and in today world info travels fast and stay around.

last night there was interview on CNN with some Israel mister which some pointed to me, and i saw it myself via rewind on TV service etc. Nor interview is important nor mister in it - this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadav_Eyal btw - which talking about Hamas attack 2 weeks ago have said "i was international corespondent etc etc this is only comparable to Srebrenica, genocide in Serbia or what Bashar in Syria did to his people etc etc".... further long time ago years ago, Vladimir Putin said "if Ukrainians ever reach east (like Donetsk for example) there will be genocide, Srebrenica" and so many, many time it was mentioned including i guess muslims, maybe Arabs etc and similar... also pointed to Turk media some time ago about saying "women, kids and men were killed in thousands"... and so on, really unimportant even for any of us who how and when mentioned, but is interesting how anyone will use some from someone else, while in own view they are always "angles"... so again, this particular mister is unimportant just gave him as it really happened last night our time, never heard of him nor anyone here

so what was it? Srebrenica was an enclave which Bosnian Serb command ordered to be entered, males were separated and later killed in days and weeks, victims of crime certainly over 5000 to over 8000. It happened not in Serbia, but in Bosnia ; I personally, as somone who was in touch in law, do not care about words and word "genocide" doesn't mean anything, but of course various people are not ready to accept words as it would mean that they were awful towards some other group in history ; Genocide has broader definition and ceartainly things like Nanking do fall into category (aften written as massacre), in some theory it is enough to drastically change living conditions to some group (without killing), it is enough to take children from its parents or enviroment etc etc.

we are only European country in history which arrested and extradited 2 ex-presidents, very many officials, very many generals etc. None before did it alone (under pressure of course), some were defeated and occupied, some never tried worse criminals than ours and they lived comfortably till long age and died in luxury and meeting other officials ; And so on... so not about that lets look at some numbers. It is estimated that in Yugoslav wars death count was around 130000-140000, it was conflinct that lasted as they say if we take something as start and something as end from 1991-1999 so for 8 years, we can say. Most deaths were in Bosnia with around 100k, all estimates. Yugoslavia was country of over 20 millions ; further it is estimated that for every 3 killed Muslim (as then known group, today called Bosniaks) there was one Serb death, in Croatia estimated over 20000 deaths of which "body counts" estimates is 2 killed Croats, one dead Serb... and we also had Kosovo conflict in which some say is also 3 Albanians one Serb etc, while death count was around 13000 etc.

so not about characterizations of war, causes just some estimated numbers of casualties, "body count"... so this is about something else, perception of others about themselves, if we go to other regions... in that sense take this estimates that can be found everywhere that for example Chechen wars by some costed as many lives as collective Yugoslav wars, just in population of Chechenia being much, much smaller than ex-Yugoslavia. Of around 1,5 millions and i said how big was ex-Yugoslavia. Arab-Israeli wars were not so big in casualties through whole span, but interesting is that in this last 2 weeks estimates are of over 5000 deaths (lost life is lost life, ultimately although of course not every death is same but not about philiosophy...) - and with such rate it would reach Yugoslav wars of 8 years in 10 months, again for example ; ...wars in Africa, Asia - but nobody cares about Africa or Asia, there are other examples

have fun as i say, while subject was not fun per se :) just there is always Serbs, there are Germans for others, there is someone else far away, just "we are not doing anything wrong" for many people around the world... so in that sense one Scottish article characterized lord Kitchener as "responsible for genocide, invention of modern concentration camps" many would not agree with that view in Britain and so on ; ...as for us (and this post wasn't about us at all just numerical things) we had difficult history but nobody could say (newer history) that we did not respect international law post wars, that we did not make actions "on criminal demand" and that we were not completely pushed out of some regions or cities where Serbs lived through centuries, even millenia ;

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Bombast the Blue » 2023-10-22 12:01, Sunday

Speaking of themes (seemingly) crossing medieval and present day times... about who conquered and lost what...and maybe other realities like indoctrination by vaginal means...
https://www.reuters.com/article/idINInd ... 7820090217

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-22 19:09, Sunday

really word is full of wierdos, including us so sexy and smart ) some say, don't know nor seen myself, that some page which praised our for now only school mass shooting had few thousands (or was that hundreds, pardon) likes and so on, not to talk about more powerful and 10s millions of strong countries... or, for example, Serb are engaged in some exchange of fire with someone's police and that same nation (only some, there are nice girls there as i said) call it "terror attack" and 20 years ago when their nation shot and killed Serb (or Macedon) police, then it is freedom and legit :) and so on, I blame it all on societies which have few to none clear stands or even notion of some guidances, or of old (Roman, personally think Servius he was smartass) "judge similar cases similarly"...

something for fun now, i often talked about wrong maps in some games when it comes to historical actual and for example mentioned how some game do not have us as playing nation in 1400... so for change one - totally unimportant and minor game i do not have, just looked something about imperialism era on steam - favorable map I like :lol presenting our part of world in game, in year 1880 :yes I like - even though fictional they gave us whole Bulgaria for change - king Milan's, i talked about above, dream :) ...so there are also nicer game designers there ) As said and for fun, found it unimportantly on some minor game "colonial conquest" which is fictional and do not own... until some subject, always join like Bombast with some subject, don't mind if it is in my thread... if you want to know some history of two countries, as i said we had 200 wars with Bulgaria, but never, even during Dusciano controlled Bulgaria like in this fun map... there was one fun story form the 1878 - ther was controversy about to whom will town of Nish (one where Constantine was born) belong after pushing of Turks... so our future king said to Russian and western ambassadors "you see this monument here? (some in which heads of dead Serb fighters from first uprising circa 1809wer put by Turks, known as "skulltower") If you gonna give town to Bulgaria better chop off my head before and put it there - then give it to anyone" :) nice anecdote and piece of diplomacy from our first modern king, like the story although maybe straight worded or blunt ; ...(generally impression is that we all here love history)


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-23 12:01, Monday

article, in French :) about Hussite wars


it doesn't name Stefan Lazarević as "belligerents" (men in war) but most surely by some investigations and knowledge he as well was paert of those wars and maybe even more closer to Sigismund and he had representatives in council of Constance (like maybe Miluten in Vienne, France century earlier etc) and was very trusted but him... generally, like in many examples we don't know why exactly and it is easy to see that Serbia was only "orthodox" country in many events... i already talked - story or anecdote is that personally Stefan (George "golden fork" was also with him) saved Sigismund's life in 1396 and enabled him all post that, But that is story not explaining many events from Miluten and Dushan's rule, our other ties etc. Nonetheless, instead of any military action ever, Sigismund even awarded our "despots" with cities, land and privileges as huge mystery

while for me central figures were past (like Namanides esp 2) as said never forget that "despot" was Romean king, second after "emperor of Romans" (speaking Greek)) and that both Lazar and George "golden fork" were persons unlike anyone other had - first was Byzantine king, Sigismunds trustee and order no 1 person, in the same time someone who left toponym deep in Anatolia ("Serb heroes" near Ankara as discovered by some Turk generals close to "Ataturk" which stood for centuries there) and even "no touch" by Tamerlane, while George was "richest of Europe" which successfully slapped Hussites when could but also Byzantines and Turks, when able... simply, since start of XIV c and Miluten some by clear mind and reason unexplainable events and relations and why our history was do great if not unique... but why?

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-24 13:21, Tuesday

...let's countinue with some med subjects, while we are close... some are about music or something, me just good old slaughter :) ...of course i wrote Lazar but meant Stefan, obvious from words and subject ;

seriously, after decades long interest since we are close to that subject of those 2 (and to leave Miluten and his grandchild alone for short)) things that "impress" me about those few great battles we (i was still young) took part on "Osmanlian side" is description of "Serb force" as some heavy cavalty arriving later "to save someone" almost and is almost "unimpressed" by battle situation or things around, going around battlefield almost with ease and breaking lines several times repeatedly, like Ankara ; ...so lets touch some numbers and tactics - some foreign "analitics" decrease possible numbers of Serb auxiliary forces from some sources of 10000+ (as was in Greeks source) to maybe around 1500 heavy cavalry, sometimes described as "unseen" so i sometimes speculates that we were among first to use complete armor, even horse one but we can't say details as none survived. I also speculated that our armor was maybe from Italian school, maybe modified or we (like architecture) had some own minor school of armor mods ; ...as for numers of 1500 heavy knights I am also more closer to such (if not less) and believe me it is for era "huge number" of heavy knights, confirming wealth of elite and rulers who could have such entourages and vassals... and it came in days when state was almost dead,just "swan song" ; Tactically it was "shock force" seems not only for various Turks or Tamerlane force, but also European armies (as Nicopolis) and interestingly in all those huge battles there was no reports of any big casualties on Serb armored side, why i say descriptions are that our force was "unimpressed or untouched" in events. Mostly was used or initially hiden, or later in battle, chraging for panic etc. That much about tactics of our XV c and end of state, with great descriptions in not-so-great situation so we gained at least something ;

question is often did our elite i.e. Stefan and George "golden fork" ultimately took part in events that strengthened Osmanlistic ) rule, esp. by supporting one side (Anatolian one) during "Otto interregnum" - well sadly yes ; ...but with hope that Turks will somehow never advance into Serbia, naively... as for earlier battles like Nicopolis and Ankara, not something crucial there and would say that our intervention rather saved Sigismund in first case and helped Tamerlane in second - as we left sultan there :) ...greatest mistakes were made later in unability of all to recognize chance during "interregnum".... blame George "golden fork" :) - just joking was great and took part in all battles equally as Stefan, people forget that he also went through Ankara for example, unhurt unlike Stefan ; so surely also "badass" with sword and horseback fight, for what it matters as state collapsed... but those 1500 made legend by some descriptions and effect on battlefield. not sure if i talked this tactics before, but in any case let's have it as subject for lovers, before i finish

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-24 18:37, Tuesday

another story today, for fun and interest... changing TV channels while also looking at computer and stop for short on one local country, neighbor, catholic one like us with similar but more Slavic sounding language :) and they have shows (obviusly licensed) of that English lady talking history with some trance, fervor, a bit romantic etc. One i watched on BBC in original and talked about when she held a stone phalus (related to Roman godess Junona) in Albania etc. But i like her style and subjects as i also like older history... This time she was in northern Greece, old capitol of Macedon and briefly about Philip and Alexandar... old capitol of Macedon btw which Dusciano conquered in no time, then took Olympus and all :) ...really must say again, lady in show mentioned Alex as "among most powerful men" so i always laugh at size of our emperor and how would he rate standing next to Alexandar, Caesar, Napoleon and simlar... )

but jokes aside but staying in light themes opus and i certainly talked about fact that medieval Serbs (and vice versa probably) were not in love with Greeks and Bulgars in a way - unlike other European or western states - there was no widespread, esp. not among nobility, use of name Alexandar, Filip unlike today so it is legacy of some later times... nor Bulgarian Boris or similar ethnic names in Serbs, while we had some discutable like Branus or straight foreign like Baldovin, Lazar etc. etc. (Urosio is variant of Venetian first ruler, all our later kings had it etc.) So fun fact i like and always like to mention how "popular were great Greek and Bulgar rulers among contemporary Serb elite or folk :) Of course we are talking history and how funny it was, we and Greeks (and Bulgars)) are incredible sisters today and a lot of Aleksandars...

still in that fun field, lightly humorous, is story i like about one trully Macedonian, Macedon person Kantakouzenos... after he parted ways with Dushan and they went into war with each other "John" Kanatkouzenos wrote in memoirs how Dushan (paraphrase) "changed his animal skins and is shining in gold now" :) (after Dusciano took whole Macedon for himself) Well, Miluten's remains, he was Dusciano grandad, obvuiously did not wear "animal skins" :) but fun story i like, Romeans of Greek world were so offended by our conquest, obviously... nice story if untrue... on photo Dushan by Kantakouzenos ;) ...as said, hopefully my true stories are liked by readers while Greeks are sistersand we for them, haha. have fun


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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-24 20:36, Tuesday

so yes, in sea of anecdotes and humor (but always historically correct or close) it seems like interesting fact or quiz question rather answer, maybe unknown to wider world and many locally, that most likely all our kings since Draguten and Miluten (known as Stefan Urosh II or Stefano Urosio) in their title name honoured that child of Stefan and A. Dandola and their marriage - so until last Nemanjić known as SU 1-5 (last the weak) in honor of Stefan and name maybe influenced by Ana D. "first, almost legendary ruler of Venice"... it had also political connotation and why Dushan so much cared about Venice alliance etc etc.

nice to know if unknown why and how Stefan Urosh Number & Nickname (true name) in Nemanides ) but we catholics are wierd :)

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-25 18:03, Wednesday

...i don't know about you but to me Ana Dondola or Dandolo irrelevant how written, sounds very "sexy" and powerful in same time... regarding our art, sadly while it is OK for wall painting, none of representations of medival figures is not detailed nor good to really catch how some figure looked like, sometimes more generic figures or religious motives or represaentation of motives from old years of some figure etc. There are few exceptions indeed and for me personally both are from same church as best i.e. one in today North Macedonia, once founded by Jovan Oliver... representation of him and surely Dushan is really good in a way, many noted that esp. our king is captured there as figure of energy and power, arrogance almost, strength etc. But again in generic way, round eyes lovely cheeks and similar :) without giving anything specific... Oliver frescoe is also good from same place, for me above others if we talk about personality traits... so i promissed more about female characters and about Ana but went again to "art", fresco giving hint of some status is one of her death, with all standing around bed. Certainly important figure by that fact alone, although by time of death virtually "nobody" (her king was long dead) except some titular "queen mother"... few kings ruled, older sons of Stefan and her son was almost with slim chances to reach the throne at all, but he did... since intrigues and passions among factions were certainly raging around in Serbia/Rascia of the time and whole her life, think it was honourable gesture or fact that older sons and opposing factions leaders preserved both Ana and her son Urosh or Urso, Urosio or Ursus etc. so he reached throne as already mature, for how young were some kings - even old king and mentioned numeric line started. It was also honorable that after Miluten and his negation of throne to other Venetian woman (Stefan Dechanski was main figure in negation) and her husband, arguably much more glorious line started and honorably they all to last honoured Ana's son etc. through name and numeration... nice story, some insight on Ana and her status long after husbands death... would like to write more and give some really relavant stories about her but sadly we don't have them in some extent - most important is that in any situation some rival prince could have killed her and son (or at least kick them out of realm) but it did not happen and she died few decades after Stefan... but as name says was incredibly sexy as young queen :) monument.

many are misconceptions about Miluten and granschild, so i always insist in touching some themes in that sense, main being that they were not catholics :lol have fun, think last act of our greatness was honorable, offering Venetians half of the world :) ... those are excellent subjects till today and maybe not all will agree but when you build some grater picture and know a lot of small details - i would say that in given situation Miluten above all did proper things, never forget his French mom and strenghtnening of that line was crucial for 100 years of unseen glory ) seriously, you have to know all tiny details of era to understand it complately... there was also some tiny, almost quiet struggle inside Venice itself, they were caught "offguard" like we and many by Avignon transfer, graves of people from Veneto region (maybe wider, Dante seems to knew a lot about that and maybe used some irony again) show that some would like to go into service of "Stefano Urosio II" and it was not about any deep "heresy" things... there was something else. Dante, since mentioned, skillfully put it by not heresy thing, not cities taking, it put it as "something about money" and indicated to us all that Philip maybe owed as a lot :) And Miluten said: "meet me in Jerusalem"... I wonder, can't stop wondering, did Napoleon know, he was so into old history and unconciosly blamed us and Venice... hahaaa

so yes, tried to give few lines on Ana, generally women of importance, but again touched other things... in all that and own personal "retractions" and "levelings" worth of Eco ) i tried to touch some subjects in hopefully interesting way for average reader.

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-26 14:38, Thursday

and also, mentioned it i think but not clear, regarding our middle ages i can't shake off some impression that, maybe i'm totally wrong and our kings were serious and such was impression in them that are strong, so can't shake off impression that some humor was there in many actions i.e. countermeasures. Almost satire aimed at others

for example - Miluten (while story is that "French lily" was used among our nobility before) extensicelly used lilly or "French spear" (by stretched theory) and, to me looks like humor, he maybe had some issues with Philip IV Capetian as talked so much, makes money or insignia copying his pose and all, just puts helmet on... further, Dushan goes into Greece, Kantakouzenos enters Constantinople, other Byzantine factions as well and then Dushan, again looks humoristic considering relations with Greeks, says: "haha, I am the emperor of Rom(e)ans!" (Greeks)... or have issues with Avignon, some tension and then says to French pope "you make me captain of Christianity" :) ...and things like that, sounds like good humor or imitating/satirizing other rulers or figures, often those in conflict...

also good relations with Franciscans (motive Eco used in book as those for laugh) and cooperation makes me think that some details are maybe also humoristic, like lions on Dechani church, maybe imitating Venetian lion but instead of book, human heads are beneath their feet and so on... maybe satire and also some Franciscan "schmeck" encouraged by our kings...

but again that is my impression, maybe all was very serious and we had some true power to oppose powerful or our kings knew in advance that there will be no greater military confrotation, for example if we take that Miluten was indeed Capetian relative ans so on... but to me many things look like our kings "satirizing" or as cardinal Pierre Thomas said "small provocations"... nonetheless to share that theory of humor

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Re: history & modernity, my historical notes

Post by Ale » 2023-10-26 20:54, Thursday

you know what came to my mind... there is old patriotic song from early XX c i think (not exeprt on modern things, disgusting history)) and it had line (about all battles including medieval) and about old heroes and it says "... all were born by Serbian mothers..." in some way probably praising women's stoicism and domestic girls etc. so not about that, but more humoristic to paraphrase it "...all were born by foreign mothers..." :) in some pause or good time for giving such praise to foreign women giving birth and raise to our old kings and heroes :yes known or unknown

so - with a bit of "trance" like that English lady i talked - and a bit a la Gabriele (D'A) style as he mentioned her (me and him like twins) with new respect to Ana Dandolo - of course that is romantic trance but like this... many girls gave birth to important men, stood by them, or were important themselves, but Ana, our heroine, gave birth to a nation :) (alright at least shaped it up but can be said in a way) how about that for "oda Dandolina" )

hope you are proud now when you look at your child Ana :) ...i don't know, surely most "powerful" figure in "short" era 1228-1258... problem is that with history, we can't say for sure about personality, but let's say out of romanticism that she was kind to all and never advised own son to crate army and take the throne, that she was about love and butterflies :) And incredible sexy... then came 'Elen of Plantagenet, also shaped us so gloriously... Greek wives, Bulgarian etc. etc. (don't forget Norman before rise of Rascia, hehe) it is all nice but those two queens shaped us specifically and uniquely, if you get my meaning... sadly when we came to their resting places both were ruins so some renewed interest and fairness is alright. Esp. Ana with such bombastic last name, you have no idea how would i kiss her ) have fun, i never know how long will i pause in posting so just added not to lose idea, to make this subject rounded in nice way when i talked it... great respect to our pricipessas from "Roman lands"... we never got to know something more about one from Conti di Segni, about Elena Gattilusio and many more but this one was bomb in every way... come join.

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